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    这是一份2024届山东省泰安市新泰第一中学老校区(新泰中学)高三下学期第一次模拟英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届山东省泰安市新泰第一中学老校区新泰中学高三下学期第一次模拟英语试题原卷版docx、2024届山东省泰安市新泰第一中学老校区新泰中学高三下学期第一次模拟英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Mnet: The Immersive (沉浸式) Experience
    Mnet: The Immersive Experience in Liège invites yu t step int the wrld f the French painter Claude Mnet, ne f the greatest artistic geniuses f the nineteenth century!
    Explre sme f the mst breathtaking paintings by Claude Mnet with the help f a digital 360-degree presentatin. The unique exhibitin cncept is staged with state-f-the-art multimedia technlgy, which shws very large images f Mnet’s paintings n the walls and flrs f the building. It has music, the smell f flwers, and vice-ver in several languages t make the paintings cme alive in a way never seen befre.
    T fully get int the wrld f the French painter, visitrs are guided thrugh three experience rms. Each rm is a highlight n its wn and prvides visitrs nt nly with an insight, but als with new experiences and new viewpints n Mnet’s life, his wrk and his masterpieces.
    Practical inf
    ·Date: frm March 2024
    ·Opening hurs:
    Wednesday, Thursday: 10: 00 am-7: 00 pm
    Friday: 10: 00 am-8: 00 pm
    Saturday: 9: 00 am-8: 00 pm
    Sunday: 9: 00 am-7: 00 pm
    Mnday and Tuesday: Clsed
    ·Duratin: the visit will take arund 60 t 75 minutes
    ·Lcatin: Eglise Saint-Phlien Rue Saint-Phlien, 4020 Liège
    ·Please cnsult the FAQs f this experience here
    1. Hw des the exhibitin help visitrs explre Mnet’s paintings?
    A. It uses digital technlgy.B. It gives lectures n art.
    C. It ffers stages t visitrs.D. It prvides language services.
    2 What will visitrs experience in the three rms?
    A. An explratin n French art.B. An intrductry tur f painters.
    C. A unique jurney t Mnet’s wrld.D. An encunter with Mnet-inspired artwrks.
    3. Which f the fllwing is a recmmended visiting time?
    A. 11: 30 am (Wed, Feb 21).B. 10: 00 am (Tue, Mar 19).
    C. 6: 30 pm (Thur, Mar 28).D. 4: 00 pm (Sun, Apr 7).
    Like many f the Indigenus (土著的) cmmunities acrss the Australian cntinent, the remte cmmunities in nrth-west New Suth Wales are struggling. Many f the 300 r s residents rely n welfare. Higher electricity bills—up t $3,000 a quarter fr sme husehlds—further wrsen the pverty. They’re always at the end f the pwer line, s the service that is there is quite extrardinary in terms f cst. It’s a real prblem that needs t be fixed.
    T that end, Andersn and ther Indigenus leaders have frmed the First Natins Renewable Energy Alliance (FREA) t push fr renewable energy in Indigenus cmmunities. They partner with private enterprise t supprt Indigenus cmmunities lking t switch t renewable energy.
    “We can build a pwer statin where the cmmunity exists,” Andersn says, “s peple are able t successfully live in the envirnment the way they want t live and have access t pwer which enables them t better determine their ecnmic future.”
    Only a handful f Indigenus cmmunities have set up renewable energy prjects in Australia. The Indigenus-wned and -perated cmpany AllGrid Energy, fr instance, has installed slar panels and battery strage systems t replace diesel (柴油) generatrs in the cmmunities f Ngurrara and Kurnturlpara in the Nrthern Territry’s Barkly Tableland. Within tw mnths f the system being installed in May 2016, peple were mving back t their hmelands, the cmmunities grwing frm just tw permanent residents t abut 40.
    But FREA will g ne step further, wrking with cmmunity leaders and acting as a cnduit (纽带) between the cmmunities and the businesses they are dealing with. This is essential, says Andersn, t avid predatry (吞并) practices they have seen in the past, with cmpanies “playing n the psychlgy f pverty” t gain advantage. The FREA has drafted terms f agreements that will guide hw cmpanies engage with Indigenus cmmunities fr renewable energy prjects.
    One f the next steps fr FREA will be t identify a cmmunity that can act as a test case fr a renewables prject. “Our experience is that if we can make it wrk fr ne cmmunity, it will wrk in every ther cmmunity,” Andersn says.
    4. What is FREA expected t d fr the remte Indigenus cmmunities?
    A. Increase pwer supply t them.B. Help them return t their hmelands.
    C. Shake them ff pverty.D. Reduce their higher pwer csts.
    5. What des the authr indicate by mentining AllGrid Energy?
    A. Renewables prjects are inaccessible.
    B. Renewables prjects are quite wrkable.
    C. Renewables prjects can increase lcals’ incme.
    D. Renewables prjects can cexist with diesel pwer plants.
    6. What’s paragraph 5 mainly abut cncerning FREA?
    A. Its strategies t win ver the businesses.B. Its cperatin with cmmunity leaders.
    C. Its ptential cnflict with energy cmpanies.D. Its innvatin in directing renewables prjects.
    7. What’s FREA ging t d next?
    A. Cnsult the experts.B. Select a pilting cmmunity.
    C. Cllect sufficient cnstructin fund.D. Make renewables prjects available t all.
    If yu live in a regin where winter weather is a regular risk, yu are likely used t puring salt n yur sidewalks. But hw des it wrk? And hw much salt d humans pur nt ur planet’s surface? The secnd questin is easier t answer: a lt.
    Salt desn’t directly melt ice, nr des it make snw simply disappear. Instead it makes water less likely t freeze in a phenmenn called freezing pint depressin. In the case f simple rck salt, which is a rawer, less pure versin f table salt, each mlecule (分子) splits int smaller elements. Nrmally, when water freezes int ice, its mlecules line up t frm a stable, rderly structure. Salt interrupts the prcess, hwever, and temperatures must drp lwer t vercme that interruptin and fr freezing t ccur.
    But if salt needs t interact with liquid water, hw des it d anything when temperatures are stubbrnly belw freezing, and water shuld already be in the frm f ice? That’s where cars help clear their wn way by creating frictin and, in turn, heat. The frictin allws fr the ice that has already frzen t melt a little bit, making it unlikely t freeze.
    Beynd rck salt’s ability t clear icy streets, it can als be destructive. Chlride ins (氯离子) can cause wear and tear n vehicles and facilities. Increasing chlride densities in Nrth American lakes culd begin t upset lcal eclgy and degrade surces f drinking water.
    Many lcal gvernments are lking fr alternatives t rck salt. Other salts such as magnesium chlride and calcium chlride wrk in the same way as rck salt, and they’re perhaps even mre efficient. Sme experiments are testing ther ice-preventing slutins, including thse that cntain sugars instead f r in additin t salts. Anther apprach relies mre heavily n sand, which can mechanically make rads safer. All f this experimentatin is aimed at ensuring peple can travel in any weather cnditin — a Herculean task when winter brings its wrst.
    8. What’s the purpse f the first sentence in Paragraph 2?
    A. T intrduce the tpic.B. T give sme evidence.
    C. T define the phenmenn.D. T reveal the miscnceptin.
    9. Hw des salt wrk t disturb the prcess f freezing?
    A. By lwering the temperature.B. By melting and splitting itself.
    C. By lining up t frm a slid structure.D. By stpping the frmatin f the structure.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “densities” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Cncentratins.B. Weights.C. Qualities.D. Salts.
    11. What’s the last paragraph mainly talking abut?
    A. Other salts wn’t disturb lcal eclgy.
    B. Effrts are being made t guarantee safe travels.
    C. Many alternatives are available t slve the prblem.
    D. Bitter winter make it impssible t secure rad safety.
    Abut ten years ag, lgging int Facebk, Twitter, r Instagram wuld mstly shw psts frm friends and family in the rder they were psted. Tday, these platfrms present a mix f cntent, tailred by algrithms (算法) t match users’ interests, whether it’s plants, sprts, cats, r plitics.
    Kyle Chayka, a writer fr The New Yrker, discusses this tpic in his bk, Filterwrld. He explains that algrithms analyze user data t predict and influence what they will likely engage with. This means that instead f a simple, chrnlgical feed, users encunter a dynamic stream, cnstantly adapting t their preferences. Chayka examines hw these algrithmic recmmendatins cntrl what we cnsume, frm music and mvies t fd and travel destinatins. He argues that this machine-driven selectin prcess has turned us int passive cnsumers, making ur preferences and tastes mre similar.
    Chayka pints ut that algrithms make us passive by always shwing us cntent that we’re unlikely t click away frm but wn’t find t unexpected r challenging. This cnstant stream f recmmendatins reduces ur expsure t diverse r challenging cntent, subtly shaping ur preferences and behavirs.
    Mrever, Chayka pints ut that algrithms als pressure cntent creatrs, like musicians and artists, t tailr their wrk t fit these digital platfrms. Fr instance, musicians n Sptify r TikTk might fcus n creating catchy hks at the beginning f their sngs t grab the listener’s attentin.
    Despite the strng presence f these algrithms, Chayka believes that regulatin culd reduce their influence. He suggests that if Meta, the parent cmpany f Facebk, were required t separate its varius services, like Instagram r WhatsApp, and make them cmpete with each ther, it culd give users mre cntrl and chice ver their digital cnsumptin.
    In summary, the change frm simple, time-rdered scial. media psts t algrithm-driven cntent has a big impact n bth the viewers and the creatrs, influencing what we see, hear, and even think. Chayka’s insights highlight the need fr greater awareness and ptentially mre regulatin in ur increasingly digital wrld.
    12. Accrding t the text, hw have scial media platfrms changed in the past ten years?
    A. They shw psts in a time-based rder.
    B. They priritize psts frm friends and family.
    C. They make adjustments t satisfy users’ needs.
    D. They prvide mre cntent t meet different needs.
    13. What des Kyle Chayka think f algrithmic recmmendatins?
    A. They make users mre active cnsumers.
    B. They shape users’ preferences and behavirs.
    C. They reduce the influence f cntent creatrs.
    D. They expse users t diverse and challenging cntent.
    14. Hw d algrithms influence musicians’ wrk n digital platfrms?
    A. By encuraging musicians t create lnger sngs.
    B. By discuraging musicians frm using catchy hks.
    C. By giving musicians mre cntrl and chice ver their music.
    D. By requiring musicians t create their wrk t fit the platfrms.
    15. What can be cncluded frm the text?
    A. Tech cmpanies shuld have mre departments.
    B. Scial media algrithms give cntent creatrs less pprtunities.
    C. Scial media algrithms flatten ur culture by making decisins fr us.
    D. Netwrk platfrms have increased the cmmn recmmendatins fr 10 years.
    Hw t Prtect Against Undue Influence Online
    The ptential fr undue influence has becme increasingly significant in this era f digital intercnnectivity. Undue influence can affect ur perceptins and influence ur decisins. It may even end anger ur autnmy (自主) and mental health. ____16____
    Understand what undue influence is
    The first step t prtecting yurself is understanding what undue influence is. Undue influence refers t a situatin in which an individual r grup emplys unreasnable cntrl ver anther persn’s behavir infrmatin, thughts, and emtins. ____17____ Disinfrmatin campaigns, persuasive advertising, and even cntent designed t cause fear, uncertainty, r dependency may ften appear nline.
    Develp media literacy skills
    In an age f fake news, it is crucial t develp media literacy skills. ____18____ Becme a cnsumer wh can tell the quality f infrmatin, identify the surce, check fr credibility, and lk fr yur uncnscius assumptins and preferences.
    Delete as much data as yu can abut yurself. Be mindful f what infrmatin yu share nline, and always ensure that yur nline activities are secured thrugh reliable surces. Review all plicies n platfrms, especially “free” nes. If yu aren’t paying, then yu are the prduct, as in many cases, they are selling yur data.
    By including these steps int yur digital life, yu can prtect yurself frm undue influence in the nline wrld, ensuring that yu can think and act independently, free frm ill cntrl.
    ____20____ It is yur mind. Only yu shuld cntrl it!
    A. Priritize privacy
    B. Be mindful f free nes
    C. It’s vital t have a health y Internet and real-life balance.
    D. In the digital wrld, undue influence can take many frms.
    E. Everyne deserves the right t live free frm undue influence.
    F. They invlve analyzing, evaluating, and creating media in varius frms.
    G. Here are sme essential strategies fr yu t prtect yurself nline frm undue influence.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Smith brught his three-mnth-ld sn ut fr breakfast ne day. He was playing with his sn and tending t him while eating, and just ding his ____21____ thing.
    But then he nticed a ____22____ staring at him. He was ____23____. “What is ging n?” “They kept ____24____ at me,” he wrte in a pst.
    As it ____25____, the strangers were just happy t see a dad spending time with his sn, and they felt inspired while watching the ____26____. Smith had n way f knwing that until he paid fr his meal. He was given by the waiter a ____27____ frm the cuple, saying what a great father he was and that they wuld like t leave sme ____28____ fr his meal.
    “Tday yur meal is n my wife and me,” it read. “____29____ that baby as lng as pssible. The Masns.”
    Fr Smith, it was a happy mment f reassurance (认可) and feeling _____30_____. He was tuched by the genersity and nted that he didn’t have a father figure grwing up, s spending this time with his sn is super _____31_____ t him.
    He wrte that he’ll share this _____32_____ with his sn when he’s lder and that he wants t teach him kindness and abut the _____33_____ f giving back.
    “I make sure I’m _____34_____,” Smith wrapped. “I get blessed — I want t _____35_____ smene else.”
    A. unusualB. rareC. bigD. regular
    A. strangerB. wmanC. cupleD. waiter
    A. embarrassedB. cnfusedC. wrriedD. scared
    A. shutingB. aimingC. smilingD. getting
    A. turns utB. turns nC. strikes utD. ges n
    A. relatinshipB. appreciatinC. friendshipD. instructin
    A. billB. nteC. excuseD. ntice
    A creditB. cashC. changeD. frtune
    A. EnjyB. ShareC. PrtectD. Cheer
    A. lstB. expsedC. wrngedD. seen
    A. significantB. ccasinalC. gratefulD. influential
    A. ideaB. breakfastC. jyD. stry
    A. feelingB. cmfrtC. pwerD. cnsequence
    A. carrying it thrughB. paying it frwardC. making it upD. putting it dwn
    A. apprachB. addressC. blessD. watch
    The Chinese zdiac, als knwn as Sheng Xia r Shu Xiang, is a ____36____ (repeat) circle f 12 years. Each year ____37____ (represent) by an animal. Chinese New Year 2024 is a year f the Lng.
    Chinese Zdiac Lng is the ____38____ (five) f the 12 zdiac animals, fllwing the Rt, Ox, Tiger and Rabbit. Peple brn in the year f the Lng — an animal n ne knws if it existed in real wrld—are envelped in mystery, and very charming.
    Back in the pre-Qin perid ver 2,200 years ag, there was already the Chinese zdiac signs thery. S it is ____39____ (reasn) that Chinese Zdiac years are in agreement with the beginning f Chinese Lunar New Year. If yu have an idea f Lunar Calendar, yu will knw ____40____ Chinese zdiac year ften starts frm late January and ends in middle February f the next year.
    Therefre t see what yur Chinese zdiac animal is, ____41____ t cnfirm whether yu are a Lng, yu need t change yur Gregrian calendar birthday t Lunar Calendar f the year yu were brn. Fr example, if yu were brn ____42____ February 16, 1988 (a year f the Lng), the Lunar New Year’s Eve, which was very clse t Lng year, but yu are a Rabbit.
    ____43____ is als wrth mentining is that if tw peple were brn in the different Lng years, they may have very different ____44____ (persnality), and hrscpe, due t the Five Elements, which are Gld, Wd, Water, Fire, and Earth. Each element _____45_____ (cme) in a 60-year cycle.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,毕业在即,你校英文报举办了以“An Unfrgettable Activity in High Schl”为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇英文短文投稿,分享一次你参加过的校园活动。内容包括:1. 活动内容;2. 活动感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    An Unfrgettable Activity in High Schl
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When we were finally dismissed frm the last class f the day, the students streamed ut f the classrms. It was anther bring day after schl. I dragged my feet hme as I sighed. Yet anther uneventful day, I thught. Little did I knw that the day wuld take a turn fr the wrse.
    The lift lbby (电梯间) f my flat was ld and dirty. The walls, which were painted white, had been dirtied ver many years. I reached my flat’s lbby, and pressed the lift buttn and went in. Just then, Mrs Lim, my elderly neighbur, hbbled (蹒跚) in. She lked ancient with tissue paper white hair, wearing a faded ld-fashined dress. I held the lift dr pen, flashing a friendly smile, and plitely greeted her. I asked her hw she felt that day and pressed the buttns. She thanked me fr being s plite, then we were silent fr the rest f the ride.
    The lift fell dwn increasingly fast. There were lud clanking sunds here and there while the lift grew slwer and slwer. My heart beat hard and fast as my hands turned cld and wet with sweat. Unfrtunately, the lift came t an abrupt stp at the fifth flr. I pressed the buttns hard several times, but it was f n help. The lights n the buttns had gne ut. It sn dawned n me that we were trapped. An icy fear crept up my spine. Mrs Lim was hysterical (歇斯底里).
    “We will never get ut!” she cried with her face pale. It had becme a clurless mask. I had n time t lse. I pressed the bell in the lift immediately. The sund was surely deafening, but what ther chice did I have? Mrs Lim burst int tears. I tried my very best t cmfrt her, telling her that everything wuld be all right and that we needed t find ut hw t get ut safely. Mrs Lim began having truble breathing, and I immediately helped her sit dwn and lsened her cllar.
    Paragraph 1: Several minutes passed, but n help came.
    Paragraph 2: Bang! My hpes were lifted when I heard the firefighters n the ther side f the lift dr.

    2024泰安新泰一中老校区(新泰中学)高二下学期第一次月考试题英语含解析: 这是一份2024泰安新泰一中老校区(新泰中学)高二下学期第一次月考试题英语含解析,共18页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山东省泰安市新泰第一中学老校区(新泰中学)2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份山东省泰安市新泰第一中学老校区(新泰中学)2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    山东省泰安市泰安一中老校区(新泰中学)2023届高三数学上学期第一次月考试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份山东省泰安市泰安一中老校区(新泰中学)2023届高三数学上学期第一次月考试题(Word版附答案),共10页。






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