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    这是一份2024届肇庆市龙涛外国语学校高三下学期三模冲刺英语试卷(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024届肇庆市龙涛外国语学校高三下学期三模冲刺英语试卷教师版docx、2024届肇庆市龙涛外国语学校高三下学期三模冲刺英语试卷学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Upcming Events in Essex Cunty Envirnmental Center
    LITTLE EXPLORERS Mndays -May 6, 20, June 3, 17
    Fr ages 2 and 3; 10am t 1lam; Fr ages 2 and 5; 3pm t 4pm
    Jin us fr explratins f nature as we study plants and animals and bserve the clrs, shapes, and sunds in the Center’s frest habitat. Please cme dressed and prepared fr all weather cnditins; all classes include an utdr adventure. All children must be walking and accmpanied by an adult. Maximum f tw children per adult. All sessins are limited t 10 children. Fee: $15 per child per sessin.
    Thursdays -May 9, June 6, 4pm t 5pm
    Fr children ages 5 thrugh 10
    We’ll explre the frest t investigate nature in ur wded wetland habitat. Tgether we hpe t raise ur children’s nature respnsibilities and ffer an pprtunity t take part in hands-n cnservatin prjects. Fee: $12 per child per sessin.
    Friday, May 10, 6pm t 7:30pm
    Fr families
    Take a walk in the frest t identify and discuss the variety f frest grceries available fr harvest. Yu’ll meet Spice Bush, Muntain Mint and thers. Learn sme flklre (FIA) behind the plants and we’ll discuss prper identificatin, grwing envirnment and methds f preparatin while walking. Fee: $40 per family (up t tw adults and tw children) r $12 per child, $15 per adult.
    Saturdays -May 4, 18, 25, 10am t 11 am
    Fr children in grades K-12
    Have yu ever wndered hw vegetables and flwers grw? Hw t find a rainbw in a garden? The 4-H Yung Gardener’s Club can guide yu t find the answers t these questins and mre. Learning and fun happen all the time here. Meet in Garibaldi Hall. Advanced registratin required; please call 973 3531337.
    1. When can children jin in hands-n prjects?
    A. On May 6.B. On May 9.C. On May 10.D. On May 18.
    2. Hw much shuld a cuple with three kids pay at least fr the Spring Wild Edible Walk?
    A. $40.B. $52.C. $55.D. $67.
    3. What d the fur events have in cmmn?
    A. They are targeted at families.B. They fcus n theretical curses.
    C. They ffer experiences in nature.D. They present lcal flk cultures.
    Yu are what yu think. Whatever yu are ding right nw is determined by yur thinking. All yur emtins and desires are influenced by yur thinking. The prblem is that when yu are nt aware f yur thinking, yu have n chance f crrecting it if it is pr. When thinking is subcnscius, yu are in n psitin t see any prblems in it. And, if yu dn’t see any prblems in it, yu wn’t be mtivated t change it. What’s wrse, few peple realize the pwerful rle that thinking plays in their lives, s they dn’t gain significant cmmand f it. As a result, mst peple are in many ways victims f their thinking.
    Cnsider yur success as a student. The single mst significant variable in determining yur success as a student is the quality f yur thinking. Yur instructrs will play a rle in yur learning but even the best teachers cannt get int yur head and learn fr yu. If yu lack the intellectual skills necessary fr thinking well thrugh curse cntent, yu will nt be successful in schl.
    Here is the key questin we are putting t yu in this bk. If the quality f a persn’s thinking is the single mst significant determinant f bth happiness and success, why nt take the time t learn frm the best thinkers?
    This bk will infrm yu f the tls that the best thinkers use and will illustrate the activities and practice yu can use t begin t emulate them, and take cntrl f yur destiny as a thinker. Each chapter fcuses n a different aspect f these thinking aids, helping yu discver the pwer f yur wn mind and f yur ptential t think systematically abut yur thinking.
    This bk, as a whle, intrduces yu t the tls f mind that will help yu reasn well thrugh varius challenges yu face. If yu take these ideas seriusly and practice using them, yu can imprve the quality f yur thinking and ultimately, the quality f yur life.
    4. Why d many peple lack mtivatin t change their pr thinking?
    A. They are victims f emtins.B. They are unaware f the need.
    C. They think highly f themselves.D. They lack the academic guidance.
    5. What plays the mst crucial rle in schl success?
    A. The curse cntent.B. The schl envirnment.
    C. The cmmitment f teachers.D. The quality f an individual’s thinking.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “emulate” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Make friends with.B. Win ver.C. Fllw the example f.D. Lk up t.
    7. The bk is rganized accrding t ________.
    A. types f life challengesB. varieties f thinking tls
    C. determinants f life valueD. ideas f different thinkers
    “Anxiety.” The very wrd invites discmfrt. Its effects—shrtness f breath, punding heart, muscle tensin—are utright upsetting. But, as a clinician, I find that we tend t miss ut n many valuable pprtunities presented by this human emtin. In and f itself, anxiety is nt deadly, nr is it a disease. Quite the cntrary: it is an indicatr f brain and sensry health. Once we accept that it is a nrmal, thugh uncmfrtable, part f life, we can use it t help us.
    We all knw wrking ut at the gym is hard. By nature, a “gd wrkut” is uncmfrtable, since it invlves pushing ur physical strength past what we can easily d. The sweet spt f exercise is always a smewhat challenging experience. Similarly, if yu want t be emtinally strnger, yu need t face sme tensin. Fr example, ne effective treatment fr fear is expsure therapy (疗法), which invlves gradually encuntering things that make ne anxius, reducing fear ver time.
    Humans are scial creatures. When my patients learn t pen up t their partners abut their anxieties, they almst always reprt a greater sense f emtinal clseness. Als, as internatinal relatinship expert Sue Jhnsn teaches, when we express ur need fr cnnectin during challenging mments (e.g., “I’m having a hard time right nw and culd really use yur supprt”), it creates greater cnnectin and turns ur anxiety int lve.
    Frm time t time, we find urselves at the end f ur rpe. Our respnsibilities pile up, ur resurces break dwn, and we feel uncmfrtably anxius—what we’re experiencing is called stress. Simply put, the demands placed upn us utweigh ur available resurces, just like a set f scales (天平) ging ut f balance. Fcusing n wrk and pretending everything is OK nly leads t disastrus results. Medical treatment fr stress may functin fr a while, but it tends t make things wrse in the lng run. The nly slutin t deal with stress is t d the mathematics t balance the scales.
    8. What des the authr say abut anxiety?
    A. It is an invitatin t diseases.
    B. It indicates stable mental health.
    C. It csts us many valuable chances.
    D. It is a natural emtinal expressin.
    9. Why des the authr mentin “gd wrkut” in paragraph 2?
    A. T prve hw exercise influences emtins.
    B. T suggest an effective way t challenge limits.
    C. T explain hw anxiety builds emtinal strength.
    D. T shw a psitive cnnectin between mind and bdy.
    10. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The key t clseness is partners’ supprt.
    B. Sharing anxieties imprves relatinships.
    C Humans are defined by their scial nature.
    D. Expressing feelings keeps us ff anxieties.
    11. Accrding t the last paragraph, hw can we deal with stress?
    A. Devte mre energy t ur wrk.
    B. Increase resurces available t us.
    C. Seek prfessinal medical treatment.
    D. Master advanced mathematical skills.
    When clds and flu hit, many peple autmatically turn t ver-the-cunter (OTC) medicines t push thrugh and treat their symptms (症状). Althugh these medicines are easily accessible and widely used, it might cme as a surprise t many peple t learn that they are nt risk-free. A study estimated that every year, ver 26,000 peple went t the emergency rm fr adverse (有害的) events related t OTC cld and cugh medicines.
    When tw r mre drugs are used tgether, their interactin can smetimes prduce unexpected harmful effects. Physicians are typically knwledgeable abut ptential drug interactins, s it is very imprtant fr patients t ask their healthcare prviders which OTC medicines are safe fr them t use.
    It is imprtant t read the package ingredients f OTC medicines clsely t avid duplicatin f dses (剂量重复). Cld medicines are typically made up f multiple ingredients, including pain relievers, nasal decngestants and cugh suppressants r expectrants. A persn wh takes a single-ingredient medicine paired with ne f these multi-ingredient medicines can receive an unsafe dse f that ingredient.
    While everyne culd ptentially experience adverse effects frm cld and flu medicines, sme grups-including lder adults, children and pregnant wmen-may be at greater risk.
    Older peple wh are using prescribed (处方的) drugs t treat multiple health cnditins may have a higher risk f drug interactins because f the higher number f medicines being used at the same time t treat different cnditins. The aging bdy is nt expert at absrbing, distributing and clearing medicines as yunger bdies are. This can put lder adults at higher risk fr an verdse and drug-t-drug interactins with sme medicines.
    The Fd and Drug Administratin and the Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin d nt recmmend giving cld medicine t children under age 4. Because f a variety f factrs, yung children have a higher risk f an accidental verdse and adverse events that culd lead t death.
    12. Why did the authr mentin the study in paragraph 1?
    A. T stress the easy access t OTC medicines.
    B. T explain the dangers f using OTC medicines.
    C. T emphasize the imprtance f OTC medicines.
    D. T prve the ptential risks f using OTC medicines.
    13. What advice des the authr give t thse wh take different drugs at the same time?
    A. Turn t dctrs fr advice.B. Buy medicines frm physicians.
    C. Take nly ne drug instead.D. Change the ingredients f drugs.
    14. What can we infer frm the text?
    A. Wmen cannt face aging psitively.
    B. Children are mre easily affected by diseases.
    C. Older peple’s bdy cannt deal with medicines easily.
    D. Peple’s desire fr health makes them take mre medicine.
    15. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. OTC medicines may nt be safe.
    B. Tips fr taking ver-the-cunter drugs.
    C. Hw t deal with an OTC drug verdse?
    D. Shuld medicines be available “ver the cunter”?
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Tips fr yu t vercme cmparisn
    Identify yur triggers (诱因) and avid them. T stp cmparing yurself t thers, pay attentin t the peple r events that cause yur behavir. D yu feel discntent with yur life after lking at luxury gds? ____16____ Write dwn yur cmparative thughts as sn as they happen s yu can limit yur expsure t these situatins r avid them altgether.
    ____17____ When yu minimize yur abilities, it becmes easier t cmpare yurself t thers. T avid this negative behavir, make a list f yur strengths and talents. By acknwledging yur best qualities, yu can learn t lve yurself.
    Keep a gratitude jurnal. T start jurnaling, reflect n the little things that bring yu jy and write dwn why yu’re grateful fr them. Keeping a gratitude jurnal can increase yur chances f vercming cmparisn, but yu may frget abut it if yu have a busy schedule. ____18____
    Wrk n imprving yur abilities. Instead f fcusing n yur “weaknesses”, reflect n the areas yu can imprve. ____19____ Besides, dn’t be afraid t ask ther peple fr help alng the way. By priritizing yurself, yu can bst yur self-cnfidence and find yur place and value.
    Appreciate thers instead f envying them. ____20____ If yu have friends wh are highly achieving peple, yu might cnsider that their netwrks are full f peple wh might be able t help yu becme mre successful in yur life. Instead f envying their success, be supprtive and use their success t yur advantage.
    A. Write dwn yur psitive qualities.
    B. D yu set gals t achieve yur dream?
    C. Cnsider the advantage that thers can bring yu.
    D. Recgnize everyne’s circumstances are entirely unique.
    E. Take classes r wrkshps t develp yur skills and techniques.
    F. Is there smene wh cnstantly makes yu feel bad abut yurself?
    G. Set a reminder t write at least nce a week s yu can actively express appreciatin.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My life is full and active taking care f my grandsn. But weeks ag he headed fr an verseas hliday, I was left feeling ___21___ and lst. I needed smething extrardinary t lift my ___22___.
    Then ne day I entered the Cffee Club near my hme and ___23___ a cup f cffee. I settled int a cmfrtable sfa, ___24___ tasting the delicius drink. After a while, I apprached the waitress and handed her my ___25___. She smiled and said, “That’s already been paid fr.”
    I lked at her in ___26___. “Really?” Then she said the wrds I’ll never frget. “It was a ___27___ f kindness, and it happens a lt.”
    I was shcked. I never really ___28___ these things thugh I had heard abut them. Tday, I ___29___ it firsthand. Gd, kind peple are ut there in the wrld. And they ____30____ when yu need them mst. I left hme this mrning feeling, smewhat lst. I returned with a ____31____ in my step, excited abut sharing my stry and ____32____ the kindness.
    Tw weeks later, I paid fr a girl in the Cffee Club. The nly thing is, this time, the Cffee Club did it ____33____. The waiter pinted me ut. She culdn’t believe it and ____34____ me. I simply smiled, explaining that I was passing n the ____35____ I’d received nt lng ag.
    21. A. embarrassedB. flatC. patientD. cntent
    22 A. sightsB. frtunesC. spiritsD. vices
    23. A. mixedB. rderedC. preparedD. served
    24. A. awkwardlyB. cnfidentlyC. restlesslyD. leisurely
    25. A. billB. receiptC. drinkD. license
    26. A. desperatinB. reliefC. surpriseD. shame
    27. A. testB. gestureC. feelingD. pwer
    28. A. believedB. enjyedC. refusedD. inquired
    29. A. pursuedB. avidedC. cnfirmedD. experienced
    30. A. hang arundB. break inC. shw upD. mve n
    31. A. painB. ladC. dragD. spring
    32. A. repayingB. evaluatingC. shapingD. delaying
    33. A. secretlyB. regularlyC. differentlyD. casually
    34. A. puzzledB. rejectedC. cmfrtedD. thanked
    35. A. curageB. kindnessC. respectD. hnr
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Paper-cutting artist Rich McCr creates small silhuetted (显出轮廓的) _____36_____ (shape) and brings them t life by hlding them against Eurpean mnuments. He psitins simply cut-uts at the perfect angle, _____37_____ (make) it appear as thugh buildings, statues, and funtains are _____38_____ (direct) interacting with his wrk. McCr then takes a pht _____39_____ (dcument) the unusual scene.
    The playful prject started when McCr decided t be _____40_____ turist in his wn city — Lndn. He wanted t explre the landmarks and histry he had previusly ignred, s he began researching fr interesting facts and brainstrming _____41_____ t phtgraph the place in an _____42_____ (rigin) way. McCr’s first pht transfrmed the Big Ben Twer int a wrist watch. While he was there, his wrk was appreciated by thers nearby, _____43_____ encuraged him t build n the idea.
    Since he tk his first phtgraph, McCr _____44_____ (apply) the same playful treatment t many sites in Lndn. And thanks ______45______ a cmmissin (委托) frm Lnely Planet, he’s created similar cut-uts fr mnuments in Stckhlm. Amsterdam, Cpenhagen, and Paris, intrducing each image with randm facts abut the respective landmark.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是学生会主席李华,英国某中学的部分师生即将访问你校,并体验校园传统文化节活动。请你用英语写一篇欢迎辞,主要内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎; 2. 活动介绍; 3. 表达祝愿。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear visiting guests,
    Thank yu!
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Jean’s dream was t be a great chef, s when she was 20, she travelled t France, which has the mst famus cuisine in the wrld, t learn t ck. After twelve years, she was amng the best.
    Her father, Bb, was getting ld, and she wanted t be near him. Jean accepted an ffer frm ne f Washingtn’s tp restaurants. The manager ffered her a handsme salary, and 30% wnership f the restaurant. The next day, Jean went t sign the cntract. As she gt ut f the car, she caught sight f a green sunshade. Instead f ging t meet the manager, she crssed the street twards the ld restaurant, Fargnetti’s. She pushed pen the dr and the memries came flding back.
    Jean’s mum died when she was just 11, and her father lst his jb and was frced t freelance (从事自由职业). Mney was very shrt. When Jean turned thirteen, Bb had made a reservatin at Fargnetti’s, the capital’s best restaurant.
    “I’m nt hungry, baby girl. I had a huge breakfast,” Bb said. “This is all fr yu!” “Oh,” Jean cried. “Daddy was s silly! He’s been saving t cme here fr lunch fr MONTHS and nw he ruined his appetite with breakfast!” The waiter, Carl Bader, immediately realised what was ging n and went t Mr Fargnetti, the restaurant wner, and tld him abut Jean and Bb.
    An hur later, surprisingly, the waiter brught wnderful dishes and set them befre the father and daughter. “Lunch is n the huse with Mr Fargneti’s cmpliments (致意),” Carl said. Fr Bb and Jean, it was a free but magical meal. They were n clud nine when they walked ut. “Jean,“ said Bb happily. “I feel ur luck has changed!” And it did! The next day, ne f Bb’s ld friends called and ffered him a jb at a new magazine, and Jean believed Fargnetti’s had made it all happen. That was when she decided t becme a chef!
    Twenty years later, the ld restaurant lked run-dwn and sad, but Jean recgnised the waiter immediately. “Carl?” she asked delightedly.
    The man lked surprised.
    Jean was staring at Carl and a brilliant idea was taking shape in her mind.

    2024届江苏省宿迁市高三下学期三模英语试题(学生版+教师版): 这是一份2024届江苏省宿迁市高三下学期三模英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024届江苏省宿迁市高三下学期三模英语试题教师版docx、2024届江苏省宿迁市高三下学期三模英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届肇庆市龙涛外国语学校高三下学期三模冲刺英语试卷: 这是一份2024届肇庆市龙涛外国语学校高三下学期三模冲刺英语试卷,文件包含英语校三模试卷docx、英语校三模试卷pdf、英语校三模解析docx、英语校三模答案docx、英语校三模答题卡pdf、英语校三模答案pdf等6份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届山东省潍坊市高三下学期三模英语试题(学生版+教师版): 这是一份2024届山东省潍坊市高三下学期三模英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024届山东省潍坊市高三下学期三模英语试题教师版docx、2024届山东省潍坊市高三下学期三模英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。






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