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    The patterns n flk art and their symblic meanings suggest the values which develped ver a lng time. They represent shared beliefs amng peple especially when marking special ccasins. The Yan Huang Art Museum is shwing its cllectin f flk art bjects, including embridered textile (刺绣纺织品) pieces made by husewives and paper-cuttings by utstanding flk artists.
    Open frm August 15, 10:00 a.m.~6:00 p.m., clsed n Mnday. 9 Huizhnglu, Yayuncun, Chayang district.
    The Ming and Qing dynasties saw rising demands in an increasing middle-class cmmunity fr figure paintings t describe family life and express cultural values and mral beliefs. An exhibitin called Family Harmny at the Lng Museum’s West Bund examines the rles f figure paintings in carrying n values and cultural traditins fr future generatins.
    Open: n August 11~12, 10:00 a.m.~5:30 p.m.; n August 14~17, 10:00 a.m.~6:00 p.m. 3398 Lngteng Avenue, Xuhui district.
    The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the rise f businessmen frm Shanxi prvince. An accumulatin f wealth ver several generatins als resulted in a ppularity f wearing gld and silver accessries (配饰) amng peple in Shanxi thrughut the first half f the 20th century. Shanxi Brnzeware Museum traces the unique histry.
    Open 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m., Tuesday~Sunday, clsed n August 1l~13. 13 Guangjing Lu, Taiyuan, Shanxi prvince. Reservatin required.
    The exhibitin at Sichuan Museum examines the lng- standing influence f the exchanges between different civilizatins which were bsted by the ancient Silk Rad. There are nearly 300 artifacts reflecting the diversity and dynamics f these cultures.
    Open: 9:00 a.m.~1:00 p.m, n August 11; 1:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m., n August 12; 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m., n August 13~17. 251 Huanhua Nan Lu, Chengdu, Sichuan prvince.
    1.What can a visitr t the museum in Shanghai d?
    A. Learn paper-cutting.B. Admire figure paintings.
    C. Try n expensive accessries.D. Appreciate ancient freign cultures.
    2.Which museum is pen n August 13?
    A. Yan Huang Art Museum.B. Lng Museum’s West Bund.
    C. Shanxi Brnzeware Museum.D. Sichuan Museum.
    3.In which part f a website can we find the text?
    A. Ecnmy.B. Entertainment.C. Culture.D. Peple.
    I enjy being alne. I g t the mvies alne. I wander museums alne. I eat meals alne. I sit in cffee shps and get lst in thught. I take the train and g t new twns and walk arund alne.
    Yu’re prbably thinking that I must be pretty strange and very lnely. Interestingly enugh, I was mre lnely befre I started spending time alne. The feeling like I needed t be arund peple all the time was lneliness. The feeling f cmplete anxiety and fear when a byfriend brke up with me was lneliness. But being alne? This is peace. This is fun. This is what self-esteem (自尊) is built f.
    Fr the past year, I’ve been single by chice, nt by circumstance, nt because n ne will ask me ut r I can’t find anyne eligible (合适的). It’s hard fr sme peple t believe that I am chsing nt t date, and I ften get strange and cnfused lks frm my ld aunt and cllege friends alike.
    I’m nt the slightest bit embarrassed t say ut lud that I’ve been chsing t be alne and it’s been the mst nurturing (滋养的), sustainable, and nn-anxiety including relatinship I’ve ever had. There’s n waiting t be texted back, and there’s n feeling like anther persn just desn’t understand me.
    That desn’t mean I dn’t plan n bnding with thers in future — I definitely d. But I knw nw that the relatinship I’ve built with myself is a mdel fr the relatinship I want t be in. I knw nw that I’m nt ging int the relatinship as a half. I’m ging in as a whle.
    4.Why des the authr chse t d things alne?
    A. She is lnely by nature.B. She thinks it beneficial.
    C. She hates waiting fr thers.D. She wants t surprise her aunt.
    5.What is sme peple’s respnse t the authr’s chice t be single?
    A. They wnder why.B. They avid her n purpse.
    C. They try t change her mind.D. They refuse t make friends with her.
    6.What des the authr mainly intend t say in paragraph 4?
    A. She feels srry fr herself.
    B. She likes easy-ging peple.
    C. She is cntent with her present state.
    D. She intends t be a rle mdel fr thers.
    7.What can be inferred abut the authr frm the underlined sentence?
    A. She will bnd better with thers.
    B. She has fund an eligible byfriend.
    C. She will nt accept a half-devted friend.
    D. She will nt expect t be fully understd.
    Cffee helps millins get ging. Nw a cmpany called Bi-bean wants it t get buses ging t. Arthur Kay is the funder.
    The cmpany cllects waste cffee grunds (渣滓) frm all acrss the UK, frm thusands f different utlets and then turns thse waste cffee grunds in the factry in Cambridgeshire int advanced bifuels. The United Kingdm prduces half a millin tns f cffee grunds per year. Mst are thrwn away. Bi-bean gets grunds frm everywhere frm cffee shps t instant cffee factries. They extract (提炼) the il t use as part f a 20% bi-diesel blend (生物柴油混合物). And the real driver fr this is t make a fuel that’s usable with an existing engine. S the key with Bi-bean is t deliver fuels that can wrk at scale tday.
    Lndn’s bus netwrk is partly fueled by bi-diesel blends made frm cking il and animal fat t reduce greenhuse gas emissins. Bi-bean’s cntributin is mdest. It has prduced enugh t run ne bus fr a year n 20% cffee il. It is just a start.
    If yu gt all the waste f cffee grunds in Lndn, it’d be enugh t pwer abut ne third f Lndn’s bus netwrks, which can be a significant cntributin, but it’s nt ging t slve everything in ne g. Kay hpes t eventually prduce 100% cffee-based bi-diesel and he wuld like t take the technlgy glbal. Cffee is ne f the wrld’s mst ppular drinks and millins f tnnes f waste cffee grunds have been prduced and wasted every year. S Bi-bean wants t wrk with cmpanies t save mney and imprtantly save CO2 emissins.
    S yur mrning jlt can fuel bth yu and yur ride t wrk.
    8.What des Bi-bean turn waste cffee grunds int?
    A. Cking il.B. Bifuels.C. Cffee additives.D. High quality fat.
    9.What achievement has Bi-bean made s far?
    A. They recycle all the cffee grunds in the UK.
    B. They reduce Lndn’s gas emissins by ne third.
    C. They save cffee shps in the UK millins f dllars.
    D. They prduce cffee il fr ne bus t perate fr a year.
    10.What’s Arthur Kay’s attitude tward Bi-bean’s effrts?
    A. Optimistic.B. Dubtful.C. Critical.D. Defensive.
    11.What des the underlined wrd “jlt” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A. Bus.B. Cffee.C. Bi-bean.D. Cffee grunds.
    We’ve lng heard f the saying: An apple a day keeps the dctr away. But nw, researchers have discvered a pear a day keeps the punds away. A new study fund that pears are assciated with lwer bdy weight.
    Peple wh cnsume pears are 35% less likely t be bese (肥胖的), scientists discvered. The study als fund that pear cnsumptin is assciated with higher diet quality. Pears are an “excellent surce” f fiber, in additin t being a gd surce f vitamin C. A single medium pear cntains nearly 24% the daily fiber recmmendatins — and is nly 100 calries.
    Researchers frm Luisiana State University lked at data frm 2001 t 2010 fr the study. They used a natinally representative sample t analyse the assciatin f fresh pear cnsumptin with nutrient intake, nutrient adequacy, diet quality and cardivascular (心血管的) risk factrs in adults. Dr Carl O’Neil, wh led the study said, “The assciatin between pears and lwer weight is very exciting. We believe fiber intake may have driven the lwer bdy weights that were seen in this study.” She added, “There was n difference in energy intake r level f physical activity fund between the fresh pear cnsumers and nn-cnsumers.”
    Accrding t the USDA Guidelines fr Americans, peple wh eat mre fruit as part f an verall healthy diet are mre likely t reduce their risk f chrnic diseases (慢性病), But the researchers nted that little has been published n the health utcmes assciated with individual fruits—including pears. Hwever, the USA Pear Bureau said it is cntinuing t cperate with researchers t carry ut additinal studies t shw the relatinship between pears and psitive health utcmes.
    12.Why is a saying quted in paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce the variety f apples.B. T emphasize the nutritin f apples.
    C. T emphasize the ppularity f pears.D. T intrduce the discussin abut pears
    13.Why are pears assciated with lwer bdy weight?
    A. They are rich in fiber.
    B. They are a gd surce f vitamin C.
    C. They result in higher level f physical activity.
    D. They help increase peple’s daily energy intake.
    14.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Americans have an verall healthy diet.
    B. There aren’t enugh studies n chrnic diseases
    C. The USA Pear Bureau is studying individual fruits.
    D. The pear-and-health relatinship is still under research.
    15.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Fruit: A Multifunctinal Fd
    B. Fruit Intake and Physical Activity
    C. Pear: A Driver t Lwer Bdy Weight
    D. A Pear a Day Keeps the Dctr Away
    16.Yu prbably lve yur parents very much. ①________ Here is what yu shuld d t deal with such cases.
    If yu’ve recently quarreled with yur parents, try t calm dwn befre yu talk t them again. Spend sme time alne s yu can feel better. After a quarrel, g t yur rm, sit utside, r g fr a walk. _②________ This gives yu time t prcess yur feelings and release any negative emtins that yu’re feeling
    ③_________ It might be hard smetimes but d yur best t calmly give ear t their view n what’s happening. As yu listen, try t figure ut what their main reasns are fr feeling the way they d. This will help yu understand what cncerns yu need t address.
    Explain hw yu feel t help yur parents understand yu. Yu prbably have days when it seems like yur parents dn’t understand yu at all. This might be true, especially if yu have a hard time pening up t them. T help yur parents understand yu better, tell them hw yu feel and what’s ging n in yur life. _④_________
    Try t see things frm yur parents’ pint f view. It’s likely that yur parents want the best fr yu and that they’re trying t keep yu frm making mistakes. _⑤________ And it is super annying. When yur parents are irritating (惹恼) yu r yur parents are unreasnable, think abut hw yu wuld feel in their place. Then, lk fr psitive mtives fr their decisins.
    A. Listen t what yur parents have t say.
    B. Then, discuss what yu hpe they’ll d t help yu.
    C. Hwever, that can make them verly strict smetimes.
    D. Hwever, that desn’t mean they dn’t anny yu smetimes.
    E. Luckily, they care abut yu a lt instead f having wrds with yu.
    F. Take this time t think abut what happened and hw yu feel abut it.
    G Nte dwn sme key infrmatin such as yur mistakes and their preferences.
    “Abslutely n!” I thught while lking up at a muntain pass t the cliff (悬崖). I climbed halfway and lked ver. It was extremely steep (陡峭的), which wuld _①________ brken bnes… r wrse. I culd feel my ②________ increasing, hands getting sweaty and breath getting shallwer.
    “N, I’m nt taking my kids ver this! Hw did I end up here?” I ③_________ curiusly.
    I have ④________. Yu might nt guess it but it’s _⑤________. Nature is full f things that ⑥__________ me: bears, snakes, lightning strms, etc.
    One thing I’ve learned ver the years is that fear is s pwerful that it prepares ur bdies t react anytime. I’ve als fund that we _⑦________ t fear what we dn’t knw. Hwever, it’s during times like this that I’ve ⑧_________ the imprtance f shwing myself that there’s nthing t be afraid f.
    I lked ver the pass with ⑨________ knees, and then back at my children. I tk a deep ⑩_________ and smiled at my kids, “I’m ging first and then help yu.” The _⑪__________ tk abut five minutes fr me t cmplete and then my kids ⑫___________. “That was fun!” they yelled, and surprisingly I had t agree.
    Despite my fears, ⑬_________ ur beautiful wrld with my kids is very imprtant. Why? There are s many _⑭__________! One is teaching my children that it’s OK t feel scared smetimes, but nt t let fear _⑮_________ their steps frm getting utside and trying new things.
    17.A. turn tB. lay inC. fcus nD. result in
    18.A. abilityB. speedC. heartbeatD. ftprint
    19.A. wnderedB. researchedC. waitedD. escaped
    20.A. emtinsB. fearsC. decisinsD. difficulties
    21.A. trueB. strangeC. interestingD. wrng
    22.A. inspireB. scareC. strikeD. excite
    23.A. intendB. expectC. tendD. refuse
    24.A. ignredB. analyzedC. imaginedD. discvered
    25.A. shakingB. achingC. bentD. brken
    26.A. lkB. drinkC. breathD. dive
    27.A. explanatinB. preparatinC. climbD. repair
    28.A. agreedB. fllwedC. leftD. stpped
    29.A. creatingB. explringC. discussingD. describing
    30.A. mistakesB. plansC. wishesD. reasns
    31.A. keep upB. wake upC. bring backD. hld back
    32.There is little dubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer. In 2013, many peple ①_________ (shck) by a news pht f a dead plar bear which appeared t have starved t death. Experts claimed that lw sea-ice levels _②__________ (cause) by climate change meant that ③________ (bear) culd nt hunt seals as befre, s they had t travel greater distances t find fd. Then what is causing the increase in the glbal average surface temperature? Climate scientists ften mentin a key climate prcess called the “greenhuse effect”, ④_________ has tw cmmn meanings: the “natural” greenhuse effect and the “man-made” greenhuse effect. The “man-made” greenhuse effect ⑤_________ (becme) a big prblem s far. There is strng and cmprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led t an increase in extreme weather and _⑥________ (nature) disasters wrldwide.
    Actually, news reprts are _⑦________ (frequent) bradcast abut extreme rainstrms and heat waves causing deaths and ecnmic lsses. Cntinued greenhuse gas emissins will result in further warming and lng-lasting changes t the glbal climate. This requires _⑧_________ attentin f peple all ver the wrld. We as individuals can als reduce ur “carbn ftprint” by ⑨________ (restrict) the amunt f carbn dixide ur lifestyles prduce. _⑩_______ is ur respnsibility t seize every pprtunity t educate everyne abut glbal warming.
    33.假定你是李华,你校英语报开设“My Favrite Bk”专栏,向全校同学征稿。请你写一篇英语短文投稿,推荐自己最喜欢书。内容包括:
    My Favrite Bk
    34.Le Ajayi, aged 15, and Jim Green, aged 14, were gd friends. Every autumn the tw families wuld g tgether n a trip t the Rcky Muntains. This year, under the guidance f park wrkers, they camped n the hillside. After putting up the tents (帐篷), the tw bys annunced t climb Cathedral Muntain nearby n their wn next mrning and prmised their parents t return befre dark
    Early the fllwing day, the friends set ff with a bag packed with fd and water. Alng the winding path, they admired a sea f clurful leaves spreading beneath their feet. As they gt near t the tp, the path was rcky and less-traveled. After three hurs, they reached the tp and enjyed the beautiful view frm the muntaintp. Lst in the breathtaking scenery, they felt refreshed frm tiredness. Hw wrthwhile the trip was
    Having gt enugh rest, Le and Jim decided t climb dwn. Suddenly, truble began. On ne very dangerus part f the muntain, Jim fell three metres ff the side f the path. Le climbed dwn t where Jim was and fund him badly injured and nt able t mve
    “Help!” Le shuted. NO REPLY. “Help! Help!” Le almst cried. But still n replies. “If nly I had brught my mbile phne in the bag,” Le thught, regretful and sad. Taking a deep breath, he tried t calm himself dwn. Then he nticed Jim was bleeding. S he cleaned the dirt and bld frm Jim’s face and hands, and then tried t help Jim stand up, but Jim’s right leg was hurting t much. They had t wait and hpe that help wuld cme. While they waited fr help, Le gave Jim his fd and water and let him lie n his jacket. Le used an extra shirt t keep Jim warm and they rested tgether against a rck. Hwever, as darkness started t fall, the weather turned cld and windy and help still didn’t arrive.
    Feeling lw, Jim tld Le t leave him alne and g back himself.
    Seeing this, Jim asked Le t leave him alne again.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Shanghai部分中"An exhibitin called Family Harmny at the Lng Museum's West Bund examines the rles f figure paintings in carrying n values and cultural traditins fr future generatins.”(龙博物馆西岸馆举办了一场名为“家庭和谐”的展览,探讨人物画在为后代传承价值观和文化传统方面的作用。)可知,参观上海博物馆的游客可以欣赏人物画。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Chengdu部分中"The exhibitin at Sichuan Museum examines the lng-standing influence f the exchanges between different civilizatins which were bsted by the ancient Silk Rad.”(四川博物馆的展览考察了古丝绸之路推动的不同文明交流的长期影响。)和"Open:9:00 :00 p.m,n August11;:00p.m.,n August12;:00p.m.,n August13-17.”(开放时间:8月11日上午9:00至下午1:00;8月12日下午1时至5时;8月13日到17日早上9点至下午5时。)可知,8月13日四川博物馆开放。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“But being alne?This is peace.This is fun.This is what self-esteem (is built f.”和第四段中“I'm nt the slightest bit embarrassed t say ut lud that I've been chsing t be alne and it's been the mst nurturing(谥养的),sustainable,and nn-anxiety including relatinship I've ever had..”可推知,作者选择独处是因为她认为这是有益的。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“It's hard fr sme peple t believe that I am chsing nt t date,and I ften get strange and cnfused lks frm my ld aunt and cllege friends alike.”可知,一些人对作者选择单身的做法不理解,他们想知道为什么。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第四段“I'm nt the slightest bit embarrassed t say ut lud that I've been chsing t be alne and it's been the mst nurturing(滋养的), sustainable,and nn-anxiety including relatinship I've ever had.There's n waiting t be texted back,and there's n feeling like anther persn just desn't understand me.”可知,作者主要表达了她对自己目前的状况很满意。
    解析:词句猜测题。结合上文“But I knw nw that the relatinship I've built with myself is a mdel fr the relatinship I want t be in.”可知,作者通过和自己独处,找到了什么样的关系才是自己想要的,结合画线句可知,作者对新关系的期待,由此推知,这种新关系是作者经过自处,自我完善后的基于目前模式的关系。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“The cmpany cllects waste cffee grunds (frm all acrss the UK,frm thusands f different utlets and then turns thse waste cffee grunds in the factry in Cambridgeshire int advanced bifuels.”可知,Bi-bean将废咖啡渣转化为生物燃料。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Bi-bean's cntributin is mdest.It has prduced enugh t run ne bus fr a year n20%cffee is just a start.”可知,Bi-bean已经生产了可供一辆巴士使用一年的咖啡油。
    解析:观点态度题。根据倒数第二段中“Kay hpes t eventually prduce 100%cffee-based bi-diesel and he wuld like t take the technlgy glbal.”可推知,Arthur Kay对Bi-bean公司的努力充满希望,非常乐观。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中“Cffee helps millins get ging.Nw a cmpany called Bi-bean wants it t get buses ging t.”和下文内容可知,文章介绍了英国Bi-bean公司把我们喝完咖啡后废弃的咖啡渣转化为先进的生物燃料,为公共汽车提供能源的技术。所以,画线词所在句“s yur mrning jlt can fuel bth yu and yur ride t wrk.中的jlt就是指cffee,因为喝cffee能给人提供能量,同时剩下的咖啡渣还能转化为生物燃料,为公共汽车提供能量。
    解析:推理判断题。第一段We've lng heard f the saying:An apple a day keeps the dctr away.But nw,researchers have discvered a pear a day keeps the punds away.A new study fund that pears are assciated with lwer bdy weight..(我们早就听说过这样一句话:一天一个苹果,医生远离我。但现在,研究人员发现,每天一个梨可以让你远离体重。一项新的研究发现,梨与较低的体重有关。)中用关于苹果的谚语“An apple a day keeps the dctr away."引入梨也有类似的功能的话题。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“Pears are an“excellent surce''f fiber,in additin t being a gd surce f vitamin C.A single medium pear cntains nearly 24%the daily fiber recmmendatins-and is nly100 calries.(梨是纤维的极好来源',除了是维生素C的良好来源外,一个中等大小的梨含有近24%的每日建议纤维,而且只有l00卡路里。)和第三段中“We believe fiber intake may have driven the lwer bdy weights that were seen in this study..(我们认为纤维的摄入可能导致了本研究中所见的体重降低。)”可知,梨富含纤维是它与较轻体重相关的原因。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段"Hwever,the USA Pear Bureau said it is cntinuing t cperate with researchers t carry ut additinal studies t shw the relatinship between pears and psitive health utcmes..(然而,美国梨局表示,他们将继续与研究人员合作,开展更多的研究,以证明梨与积极健康结果之间的关系。)可推知,梨与健康的关系仍在研究中。故选D项。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“We've lng heard f the saying:An apple a day keeps the dctr away.But nw, researchers have discvered a pear a day keeps the punds away.A new study fund that pears are assciated with lwer bdy weight..(我们早就听说过这样一句话:一天一个苹果,医生远离我。但现在,研究人员发现,每天一个梨可以让你远离体重。一项新的研究发现,梨与较低的体重有关。)可知,本文介绍了研究表明吃梨有助于减轻体重,所以Pear:A Driver t Lwer Bdy Weight(梨:减轻体重的驱动力)”是文章的最佳标题。故选C项。
    ①上文Yu prbably lve yur parents very much.(你可能很爱你的父母。)提出与父母的关系好,D Hwever,that desn't mean they dn't anny yu smetimes.(然而,这并不意味着他们有时不会惹恼你。)与上文构成转折关系,指有时也会与父母闹僵,进而l出下文“Here is what yu shuld d t deal with such cases.(下面是你应该做的处理这种情况。)”的应对策略,上下文衔接自然。故选D项。
    ②上文“After a quarrel,。g t yur rm,sit utside, r g fr a walk.(吵架后,回到你的房间,坐在外面,或者出去走走。)”提出与父母吵架后找地方独处,进行冷处理,F项“Take this time t think abut what happened and hw yu feel abut it.(用这段时间想想发生了什么,以及你对此的感受。)”说明独处的意义:弄清发生了什么和自己的感受,与下文“This gives yu time t prcess yur feelings and release any negative emtins that yu're feelig.(这给了你时间来处理你的感受,释放你所感受到的任何负面情绪。)”构成并列关系。故选F项。
    ③下文“It might be hard smetimes but d yur best t calmly give ear t their view n what's happening.As yu listen,try t figure ut what their main reasns are fr feeling the way they d.(有时候这可能很难,但你要尽最大努力冷静地倾听他们对正在发生的事情的看法。当你听的时候,试着找出他们有这种感觉的主要原因是什么。)”建议倾听,是对A项“Listen t what yur parents have t say..(听听你父母怎么说。)”建议的具体阐述,句中listen是关键词。故选A项。
    ④上文“T help yur parents understand yu better,tell them hw yu feel and what's ging n in yur life.(为了帮助你的父母更好地了解你,告诉他们你的感受和你的生活发生了什么。)”提出要告诉父母你的感受和你的生活发生了什么,帮助他们理解你B项“Then,discuss what yu hpe they'll d t help yu.(然后,讨论你希望他们做些什么来帮助你
    ⑤根据下文“And it is super annying.(这非常烦人。)可知,设空句中会提到一件烦人的事情,结合上文"It's likely that yur parents want the best fr yu and that they're trying t keep yu frm making mistakes.(很可能你的父母希望你过得最好,他们试图阻止你犯错误。)”可知,这件事情和父母的过度保护有关,C项“Hwever,that can make them verly strict smetimes.(然而,这有时会使他们过于严格。)”承接上文,说明父母希望你过得好,试图阻止你犯错误,但这可能会变成过于严格,反而成为烦人的事情,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:它非常陡峭,会导致骨折。甚至更糟。A.turn t转向,求助于;B.layin躺在;C.fcus n专注于;D.result in导致。根据上文“extremely steep"和下文“brken bnes"可推知,从陡峭的悬崖上摔落可能导致骨折。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我能感觉到心跳加快,双手出汗,呼吸变浅。A.ability能力;B.speed速度;C.heartbeat/心跳;D.ftprint脚步。下文“hands getting sweaty and breath getting shallwer"都是感到害怕或紧张时的生理表现,所以作者的心跳也会加快。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“不,我不会让我的孩子们去做这件事!我怎么会到了这个地方?”我好奇地想。A.wndered感到惊讶;B.researched研究;C.waited等待;D.escaped逃离。根据上文“H w did I end up here?”可知,作者不知道如何走到这个地方的,自己问自己,想知道是怎么回事。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有很多恐惧。A.emtins情绪;B.fears恐惧;C.decisins.决定;D.difficulties困难。根据下文Nature is full f things that me:bears,snakes,lightning strmsetC可知,有很多东西让作者恐惧。故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可能猜不到,但这是真的。A.true真实的;B.strange奇怪的;C.int eresting?有趣的;D.wrng错误的。根据上文“but”和下文“Nature is full f things that7me:bears,snakes,lightning strms,etc."可知,有很多东西让作者恐惧是真的。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大自然中充满了让我害怕的东西:熊、蛇、雷暴等等。A.inspire鼓舞;B.scare使惊恐;C.strike打击;D.excite.刺激。根据下文“bears,snakes,lightning strms'"可知,这些都是让作者害怕的东西。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还发现,我们往往会害怕我们不知道的东西。A.intend打算;B.expect期望;C.tend倾向于,往往会;D.refuse:拒绝。结合常识和下文“fear what we dn't knw”可知,害怕不了解的东西是本能,所以我们倾向于或往往会害怕我们不知道的东西。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,正是在这样的时候,我发现展示自己无所畏惧的重要性。A.ignre d忽视;B.analyzed分析;C.imagined想象;D.discvered发现。上文说自己有很多害怕的东西,下the imprtance f shwing myself that there's nthing t be afraid f'"却说需要展示自己的无所畏惧,说明在这个特殊的时刻,作者有了新的发现。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我望着山口,双膝颤抖,然后回过头来看着我的孩子们。A.shaking颤抖;B.aching疼痛;C.bent弯曲;D.brkent破碎。根据上文“I culd feel my2increasing, hands getting sweaty and breath getting shallwer”可知,作者当时很害怕,所以双膝颤抖是正常的生理反应。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我深吸了一口气,对孩子们笑着说:“我先走,然后再帮你们。”。A.lk看;B.drinkl喝;C.breath呼吸;D.dive潜水。根据上文可知,作者感到害怕,心跳加快,双手出汗,呼吸变浅,双膝颤抖,结合下文“smiled at my kids”可知,作者为了给孩子们做好榜样,必须让自己冷静下来,所以先调整呼吸,深吸了一口气。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我花了大约五分钟才爬完,然后我的孩子们也跟着爬了上去。A.explanati n解释;B.preparatin.准备;C.climb攀爬;D.re pair修理。根据上文“'m ging first and then help yu”可知,作者先爬了上去,花了大约五分钟。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我花了大约五分钟才爬完,然后我的孩子们也跟着爬了上去。A.agreed同意;B.fllwed跟随;C.left离开;D.stpped停止。根据上文'm ging first and then help yu.”可知,作者先爬了上去,然后孩子们再跟着往上爬。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管我很害怕,但和孩子们一起探索这个美丽的世界是非常重要的。A.ceating创造;B.explring探索;C.discussing讨论;D.describing描述。根据上文可知,作者带着孩子们爬山,结合下文“ur beautiful wrld'”可知,他们在一起探索这个美丽的世界。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:原因太多了!A.mistakes错误;B.plansi计划;C.wishes愿望;D.reasns原因。根据下文“One is teaching my children thatit's OK t feel scared smetimes."可知,作者在陈述和孩子们一起探索这个美丽的世界是非常重要的原因。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:其中之一就是教会我的孩子们,有时候感到害怕是可以的,但不要让恐惧阻碍他们走出家门去尝试新事物。A.keep up继续;B.wake up醒来;C.bring back带回;D.hld back阻碍。根据上文可知,作者虽然感到害怕,但仍然勇敢地带领孩子们通过了陡峭的山口,作者想用自己的行动告诉孩子们感到害怕是可以的,但不要让恐惧“阻碍”了走出家门去尝试新事物的决心。故选D项。
    32.答案:were shcked;caused;bears; which; has becme;natural;frequently;the;restricting ;It
    My Favrite Bk
    My favrite bk is The Adventures f Tm Sawyer written by Mark Twain. It tells a stry abut a naughty, daring and humrus by, Tm Sawyer. He has a grup f friends wh ften get int truble and adventures tgether. I lve this bk because it is a classic nvel with interesting plts. The bk nt nly cnveys a psitive spirit, but als stresses the imprtance f kindness and friendship. I believe everyne wh reads The Adventures f Tm Sawyer can gain sme insights frm it, and I highly recmmend it!
    Feeling lw, Jim tld Le t leave him alne and g back himself. But Le still did nt leave. He thught it was t dangerus fr Jim t be alne n such a cld, windy night. Cld autumn wind made Le shivering. Disappintment welled up inside him. Le knew he had t d smething ther than staying still. Weighing the prs and cns, Le finally decided that the nly way t help his friend was t carry him dwn the muntain. S, Le carried Jim n his back and they started the lng climb back t the campsite. But the muntainus path was even tugher and mre rcky fr Le t climb dwn, let alne Jim was n his back.
    Seeing this, Jim asked Le t leave him alne again. Le felt a surge f bitterness and shk his head withut a wrd. Suddenly, a beam f light flashed. Great jy cnsumed them and Le shuted his ludest “help”. Out came a park wrker with a flashlight, wh was searching fr the bys. With the help f the wrker, they were rescued and reunited with their cncerned parents. “I will always remember what Le did fr me,” said Jim afterwards. “He saved my life. That is the greatest thing that a persn can d fr his friend.”

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