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    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where is the wman prbably frm?
    A. Peru.B. Britain.C. Mexic
    【原文】W: Have yu nticed that peple here in Mexic stand very clse tgether?
    M: Yes. It’s the same in Peru t.
    W: It’s the ppsite in Britain. I was a little uncmfrtable here at first. But after a few days, I’m getting used t it.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d tnight?
    A. Attend a party.B. Reply t an invitatin.C. Play ftball
    【原文】W: Are yu ging t Brian’s birthday party tnight?
    M: Oh my gsh, it ttally slipped my mind! I didn’t even reply t his invitatin. I’ve gt ftball practice tnight.
    W: That’s t bad. I’ll let him knw yu’re nt able t make it.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman think f her ld rmmate?
    A. Selfish.B. Thughtful.C. Careful.
    【原文】M: Hw are yu and yur rmmate getting alng?试卷源自 每日更新,汇来这里 全站资源一元不到!集全国各地小初高最新试卷。W: Pretty well. She usually cmes hme late, but she’s always careful nt t make any nise in case I’m sleeping. She’s very thughtful.
    M: That’s nice.
    W: Yeah. She’s a real change frm my ld rmmate, wh nly cared abut herself.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What shuld the city d accrding t the wman?
    A. Create mre jbs.B. Imprve the air quality.C. Clse sme businesses.
    【原文】M: This twn is a healthy place t live in. There are many trees, and the air quality is gd. I guess that’s because there isn’t a lt f industry.
    W: Yeah. But n industry means n jbs. It is difficult t find wrk arund here. The city shuld bring mre businesses here.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their daily rutine.B. Their drmitry.C. The weather.
    【原文】M: What an awful mnth we are having!
    W: It’s pretty bad, isn’t it? S ht and wet. It’s hard t sleep at night in ur drmitry.
    M: It’s nt usually this ht in the fall. Well, I think I’m ging t get sme mre ice cream in the stre.
    6. Hw des the wman suggest the man get hme?
    A. By bus.B. By car.C. By taxi.
    7. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme.B. At a bus statin.C. At a restaurant.
    【答案】6. B 7. C【解析】
    【原文】W: Hw are yu ging t get hme later, Harry?
    M: Oh, I can just take a bus r a taxi. There are usually plenty f taxis in frnt f this restaurant at night.
    W: Yes, but nt n a Sunday night. Yu might wait fr a lng time. Why dn’t yu ask Kevin t drive yu hme? He’s having dinner with us and he lives near yu.
    M: That’s right. I’ll ask him when he’s back frm the bathrm.
    8. Why is the man at the supermarket tday?
    A. T d sme shpping.B. T carry ut a survey.C. T meet the wner.
    9. What change did the wner make t the supermarket last year?
    A The lcatin.B. The name.C. The manager.
    【答案】8. B 9. A
    【原文】M: Hell, I’m a manager frm Sunrise Supermarket headquarters t cnduct a survey abut custmer satisfactin. I was wndering if yu culd tell me a little abut yur experience in shpping here.
    W: Sure, I shp here all the time. It’s becme a really gd place t shp since the wner decided t mve here last year.
    M: I see, did yu shp at Sunrise Supermarket when it was lcated n Brightn Avenue?
    W: I went there a few times but the stre was s small. I didn’t have a wide selectin like we have here.
    10. What is the wman ding?
    A. Brrwing a tent.B. Returning a tent.C. Packing a tent.
    11. What is the wman’s mtivatin fr climbing?
    A. T get clse t nature.B. T have fun.C. T imprve her fitness.
    12. Where will the speakers climb tgether?
    A. In the wild.B. At a climbing center.C. At a gym.
    【答案】10. B 11. C 12. B
    【原文】W: Thanks fr letting me brrw the tent, Sam.
    M: N prblem, Tara. I was wrried it’d be t small.W: It was a little tight but we managed. We’ll have t get a big ne fr next time. Anyway, it was a great camping trip!
    M: Are yu ging again sn?
    W: N, we’re practicing ur rck climbing fr a little while t get int shape.
    M: It’s great fr building strength! Me and Shelly d it at the climbing center just ut f twn. It’s fun slving the puzzle f hw t get up, and exciting t!
    W: True that! My gym has a practice wall but we’d like t d it in the wild ne day!
    M: I have a guide I can recmmend. He’ll take yu t the best climbing spt and it has all the equipment t!
    W: Great! D yu want t practice tgether?
    M: Sure, I’m ging with Shelly at 6 pm tnight.
    W: Excellent. I’ll meet yu at the center then!
    13. What is the wman’s pinin abut her idea f the nline business?
    A. It’s unique.B. It’s practical.C. It’s challenging.
    14. Why will the wman cntact artists?
    A. T see their wrks.B. T lk fr inspiratin.C. T d business with them.
    15. What will the wman d fr large rders?
    A. Offer free delivery.B. Charge a small fee.C. Give a discunt.
    16. What is special abut the packaging?
    A. It’s luxury.B. It’s f gd quality.C. It’s envirnmentally friendly.
    【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A 16. C
    【原文】W: Jhn, I want t start an nline stre fr hmemade items. I want t sell handmade candles, sap, and ther husehld things.
    M: Great idea! It sunds like it can be unique.
    W: I’ve been researching and I fund ut that this market area is nt verly cmpetitive and there’s huge demand.
    M: S, what’s yur next step?
    W: I want t start by reaching ut t lcal artists and see if they’re interested in partnering with me and I’d ffer a platfrm fr them t sell their prducts.
    M: Gd idea! It’d be a win-win fr bth f yu. What abut deliveries?
    W: I’ve been thinking abut that. I want t ffer free delivery fr rders ver a certain amunt, and fr smaller rders, I’ll charge a small fee.
    M: And hw abut packaging?
    W: I want t make sure the prducts are packaged well. I’m investing in packaging materials that are recyclable.
    M: That sunds great. I’m sure it will be successful. Let me knw if there’s anything I can d t help.
    W: Thanks, Jhn. I really appreciate it.
    17. Where are drinks served all day?
    A. In the cafe.B. In the dining rm.C. By the swimming pl.
    18. What will the listeners prbably d arund 1 p.m.?
    A. Have lunch.B. G swimming.C. Attend a cnference.
    19. What des the speaker aplgize fr?
    A. The updated prgram.B. The high temperature.C. The late lunch.
    20. Why des the cnference prgram have t be changed?
    A. Sme rms are being repaired.
    B. The General Manager can’t cme.
    C. A speaker isn’t able t give her talk.
    【答案】17. A 18. A 19. B 20. C
    【原文】M: Well, gd mrning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcme t the Crwne Plaza business center at Cgee Beach. I’m David Bwers, yur hst fr the next tw days, and I just want t give yu sme practical infrmatin. OK. Cffee, tea, and cld drinks are served all day in the cafe which is just inside the main entrance t the htel. Lunch is served between 12:00 and 2:30 in the private dining rm. This evening yu are invited t jin the management fr drinks by the swimming pl. The General Manager usually makes a shrt welcme speech. I’d like t aplgize fr the temperature. I’m afraid it’s a little warmer than usual in here because the air cnditining in the business center is being repaired. Hwever, the wrk will be cmpleted befre lunchtime. Right. There are sme changes t the cnference prgram. Unfrtunately, ne f the main speakers has canceled her talk and s a cuple f the sessins have been canceled r rescheduled. The updated prgram is being printed at the mment. OK nw, befre we g fr breakfast, are there any questins?
    21. Accrding t the news, the twn was hit by a severe earthquake.
    22. Abut 3 thusand peple died and mre than 10 thusand peple gt injured in the earthquake.
    23. They are ging t dnate mney and als send relief supplies t the stricken area.
    24. They decide t lk fr ways t ffer help thrugh the Internet.
    25. The man feels upset abut the disaster.
    【答案】21. A 22. B
    23. B 24. A
    25. A
    【原文】W: Steven, why are yu s depressed?
    M: I’m feeling very sad. I just read the newspaper.
    W: What’s the news?
    M: Accrding t the newspaper, the twn was hit by an earthquake and abut 3 thusand peple gt injured and mre than 10 thusand peple died in the earthquake.
    W: It’s hrrible.
    M: Yeah we have t d smething t help the peple in the stricken area.
    W: But hw can we help these peple?
    M: It said that there are tw ways t help them. We can either dnate mney r send relief supplies t the area.
    W: Hw abut dnating sme mney?
    M: It’s a gd idea. But where can we dnate it?
    W: Just find the answer thrugh Internet.
    M: Yes, let’s d it nw.
    26. They are ging t pay a visit t the lcal museum this Sunday by bus.
    27. Cmfrtable shes are recmmended as they’ll walk lng distances.
    28. A ntebk is needed t make sme ntes fr further discussin shrtly after the visit.
    29. They can take pictures if they want t.30. They are prbably at the gate f the museum listening t the annuncement.
    【答案】26. B 27. A
    28. B 29. B
    30. B
    【原文】M: Hell, teachers and students! Nw I have an imprtant annuncement t make. There are a few changes that have been made t the visit. S, please pay full attentin t what I’m saying next. We still have been arranged t pay a visit t the lcal museum this weekend, but this time it’s n Saturday nt n Sunday. We are infrmed that the museum wn’t pen this Sunday due t sme special reasns. And we are ging t meet n the playgrund instead f the schl gate at eight ’clck tmrrw mrning. We will g directly there by bus. Yu’d better wear cmfrtable shes fr lng walks in the museum. Please bring a ntebk with yu and make sme ntes. We will have a discussin abut it in the class meeting next Mnday. Oh, I nearly frget t remind yu f the rules. Dn’t take pictures f the cultural relics. But if yu d want t take a picture, yu can d that in frnt f the museum. And nbdy is allwed t tuch anything there, r else they will be fined. Have a nice weekend!
    I’d like t take this pprtunity t tell yu a little bit abut my stry. I’m just ging t start with the _____31_____. I’m 21 and my mum had me when she was 24. I’m frm Texas. And my mum wrked fur jbs and cmpletely _____32_____ her life int making mine better. S, t me, she is the _____33_____ f a strng wman. And I lve her s much, because she’s taught me thse _____34_____.
    When I was seven, I wanted t be an actress and I wanted t _____35_____. And when I was eleven, a casting directr tld me that I wasn’t strng enugh t _____36_____ my wn shw.
    And the _____37_____ almst crushed me but next t me there was my mum wh was strnger than ever. She said the mst imprtant thing is t always trust myself. She tld me t _____38_____, and taught me t turn the ther cheek and let the critics be critics, and let us just _____39_____. With the supprt f my mum, I ______40______ realize my dream and becme a real actress.
    【答案】31. basic
    32. devted 33. definitin
    34. values 35. live my dream
    36. carry 37. cmment
    38. keep ging
    39. trust urselves
    40. finally
    【原文】W: I’d like t take this pprtunity t tell yu a little bit abut my stry. I’m just ging t start with the basic. I’m 21 and my mum had me when she was 24. I’m frm Texas. And my mum wrked fur jbs and cmpletely devted her life int making mine better. S, t me, she is the definitin f a strng wman. And I lve her s much, because she’s taught me thse values.
    When I was seven, I wanted t be an actress and I wanted t live my dream. And when I was eleven, a casting directr tld me that I wasn’t strng enugh t carry my wn shw.
    And the cmment almst crushed me but next t me there was my mum wh was strnger than ever. She said the mst imprtant thing is t always trust myself. She tld me t keep ging, and taught me t turn the ther cheek and let the critics be critics, and let us just trust urselves. With the supprt f my mum, I finally realize my dream and becme a real actress.
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    N visit t Lndn is cmplete withut checking ut its fantastic selectin f museums and galleries. Here are sme f the best (in n particular rder). Take yur pick, then use the Lndn attractins map t wrk ut hw t get there and which ne t visit next.
    1. British Museum
    British Museum has been displaying glbal histric artifacts discvered by British explrers. Opened in 1759, it was the first natinal museum t be pen t the public in the wrld. Highlights include the Rsetta Stne, the Parthenn Sculptures and Egyptian mummies.
    Address: Great Russell St, WC1B 3DG
    Price: Free (permanent cllectins); admissin charge applies fr temprary exhibitins.2. Victria and Albert Museum (V&A)
    As yu walk thrugh the museum's mix f Victrian and cntemprary architecture, yu’re as likely t see an exhibitin with vast cllectins including everything frm ptteries and fashin t wallpapers and jewellery, spanning 5 ,000 years.
    Address: Crmwell Rad, SW7 2RL
    Price: Sme exhibitins and events carry a separate charge. Admissin is free.
    3. Natural Histry Museum
    Explre ur planet’s living wnders at the Natural Histry Museum. Inside the striking building, favrites include the Dinsaurs gallery, the blue whale mdel and the state-f-the-art Darwin Centre, where yu can see hundreds f bnes f animals as well as scientists at wrk. Address: Crmwell Rad, SW7 5BD
    Price: £ 14 fr adults; £ 11 fr peple( 13-17 r ages 62 + ) r students with ID; £ 6 fr children (3-12).
    4. Imperial War Museum Lndn
    A pwerful museum shining a light n the histry f cnflict frm the First Wrld War t tday. IWM is made up f permanent galleries, such as the ace Curisities f War exhibit, and temprary displays, explring recent cnflicts and terrrist attacks.
    Address: Lambeth Rad, SEI 6HZ
    Price: Free
    41. Which museum requires an entrance fee?
    A. British Museum.B. Victria and Albert Museum.
    C. Natural Histry Museum.D. Imperial War Museum Lndn.
    42. What is special abut British Museum?
    A. It has many histric cllectins.
    B. It's the wrld's first natinal museum pened.
    C. It requires admissin fr temprary exhibitins.
    D. It is the mst famus museum in Lndn.
    43. What can yu see in Natural Histry Museum?
    A. Living dinsaurs.B. Fantastic buildings.
    C. The scientist Darwin.D. A mdel f a blue whale.
    【答案】41. C 42. B 43. D
    细节理解题。根据每一个博物馆最后一栏可知,只有Natural Histry Museum(Price: £ 14 fr adults; £ 11 fr peple( 13-17 r ages 62 + ) r students with ID; £ 6 fr children (3-12))是进去就要收费的。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据British Museum这一段中的“it was the first natinal museum t be pen t the public in the wrld”可知,British Museum特别之处在于它是第一个对外开放的国家博物馆。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Natural Histry Museum中的“favrites include the Dinsaurs gallery, the blue whale mdel and the state-f-the-art Darwin Centre”可知,在这里可以看到恐龙画廊、蓝鲸模型等。故选D。
    【点睛】细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。例如第3题,直接根据题干中的“Natural Histry Museum”确定答案所在段落。
    Tw weeks ag, a 5-year-ld girl named Sunshine Oelfke emptied ut her piggy bank (存钱罐) nt the living rm flr and immediately started cunting. Her grandmther, Jackie Oelfke, thught she was playing as she carefully lined up the cins, but then she saw the girl put the cins int a plastic bag and place it in her backpack.
    “That arused my curisity,” Jackie tld CBS News. “Nbdy messes with the piggy bank.” After bserving Sunshine at wrk a few minutes lng, Jackie decided t find ut why the little girl brke int her savings.
    “What are yu ding with that mney?” Jackie asked her granddaughter.
    “I’m taking it t schl,” Sunshine replied. The little girl finally stated the real reasn why she needed the mney. “I’m ging t take it fr milk mney. My friend Layla desn’t get milk—her mm desn’t have milk mney but I d.”
    Jackie’s heart melted at Sunshine’s wrds. Chked with strng feelings, Jackie held her sweet granddaughter tightly in her arms.
    Last week, Jackie and Sunshine met with her teacher, Rita Hausher, and handed her the $ 30 the kindergartner had saved. There are 20 kids in Sunshine’s class and abut half dn’t get milk. It csts $ 0.45 a cartn (纸 盒). The ttal adds up t abut $ 180 a mnth fr every child in the class t have milk every day.
    After drpping Sunshine ff at schl, Jackie psted a tearful vide n Facebk t explain her granddaughter’s plan. T her surprise, dzens f peple ffered t dnate tward the cause. Within a week, Jackie raised mre than $1,000. Nw every student in Sunshine’s class can get free milk fr the rest f the year.Jackie said Sunshine didn’t see her kind act as a big deal. She was just trying t lk ut fr her friends. “She desn’t understand the effect she’s brught abut,” said Jackie. “But nw she knws she can d whatever she puts her mind t.”
    44. Why did Sunshine empty her piggy bank?
    A. She wanted t play with the cins.
    B. She needed t train her cunting skills.
    C. She intended t pay fr her friend’s milk.
    D. She hped t shw ff her savings in class.
    45. Hw did Jackie feel upn hearing Sunshine’s wrds?
    A. Tuched.B. Curius.C. Prud.D. Relieved.
    46. In Jackie’s eyes, what did Sunshine learn frm the experience?
    A. Many hands make light wrk.
    B. Tw heads are better than ne.
    C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    D. Nthing is impssible t a willing heart.
    47. What is the best title fr this passage?
    A. Jackie’s Piggy BankB. Small Cins, Big Deeds
    C. A Mved GrandmtherD. The Piggy Bank and Milk
    【答案】44. C 45. A 46. D 47. B
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I’m ging t take it fr milk mney. My friend Layla desn’t get milk -her mm desn’t have milk mney but I d.”(我要把它当牛奶钱。我的朋友蕾拉没有牛奶——她妈妈没有牛奶钱,但我有。)可知,Sunshine 清空她的存钱罐是因为她打算支付她朋友的牛奶钱。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Jackie’s heart melted at Sunshine’s wrds. Chked with strng feelings, Jackie held her sweet granddaughter tightly in her arms.”(听到Sunshine的话,Jackie的心都融化了。被强烈的感情窒息,Jackie紧紧地把她甜美的孙女抱在怀里。)可推断出,Jackie被Sunshine的话感动了。故选A项。
    【46题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But nw she knws she can d whatever she puts her mind t.”(但现在她知道她可以随心所欲。)可知,Sunshine现在知道了:任何她投入心思的事情,她都能做到。D选项意为“心之所愿,无事不成”,符合题意。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“I’m ging t take it fr milk mney. My friend Layla desn’t get milk—her mm desn’t have milk mney but I d.”(我要把它当牛奶钱。我的朋友蕾拉没有牛奶——她妈妈没有牛奶钱,但我有。)及第七段“After drpping Sunshine ff at schl, Jackie psted a tearful vide n Facebk t explain her granddaughter’s plan. T her surprise, dzens f peple ffered t dnate tward the cause. Within a week, Jackie raised mre than $1,000. Nw every student in Sunshine’s class can get free milk fr the rest f the year.”(送Sunshine去学校后,Jackie在Facebk上发布了一段含泪的视频,解释孙女的计划。令她惊讶的是,数十人主动提出为这项事业捐款。在一周内,Jackie筹到了1000多美元。现在,Sunshine班上的每个学生都可以在今年剩下的时间里免费获得牛奶。)可知,文章主要介绍了一个女孩Suhine为朋友买牛奶的行为在被传到Facebk后引发了很大的影响的故事,B项意为“小硬币,大行为”,符合题意。故选B项。
    Invasive species cst the wrld at least $423 billin every year as they drive plant and animal extinctin, threaten fd security and wrsen envirnmental catastrphes glbally, as a new UN-backed reprt has fund. Human activities — ften travel r glbal trade — are spreading animals, plants and ther rganisms in new regins, with 200 new alien species being recrded every year.
    An alien species becmes invasive when it establishes itself in a new area and creates a negative impact n the lcal bidiversity and ecsystems. Numerus examples include linfish impacting lcal fisheries in the Caribbean, and the giant African land snail taking ver villages n Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean.
    Once an invasive species takes hld, the impacts can be disastrus. The dried-ut nn-native grasses and shrubs in Hawaii helped fuel the devastating Maui wildfire, ne f the deadliest wildfires in mdern US histry. “Althugh the specific species that cause damages vary frm place t place,” said Anibal Pauchard, c-authr f the reprt, “there are risks and challenges faced by peple in every cuntry and in every cmmunity — even Antarctica is being affected.”
    The climate crisis will nly amplify the threat f invasive species, the reprt said. As well as flammable (易燃的) invasive plants sparking and spreading wildfires, climate change is enabling invasive species t mve nrth — even t remte areas like high muntains and deserts.
    But there’s hpe. Preventing the arrival f new species int new regins is the best way t manage threats frm invasive species. This includes strict imprt cntrls and early warning systems t detect and respnd t alien species. Fr invasive species that have already taken hld, eradicatin (根除) is a useful tl, especially n islands, accrding t scientists.
    48. What d we knw abut the spread f invasive species frm the reprt?
    A. It is a new trend.B. It csts lts f fd.
    C. Its speed is fast.D. Its prcess is cmplex.
    49. What can be implied frm Pauchard’s wrds?
    A. Invasive species are smetimes deadly.
    B. Invasive species are respnsible fr wildfires.
    C. The damages caused by different species vary.
    D. The impacts f invasive species can be extensive.
    50. Which is clsest in meaning t “amplify” in paragraph 4?
    A. Increase.B. Analyze.C. Imprve.D. Apply.
    51. What might be scientists’ attitude t cntrlling invasive species?
    A. Cnservative.B. Optimistic.C. Wrried.D. Skeptical.
    【答案】48. C 49. D 50. A 51. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Invasive species cst the wrld at least $423 billin every year as they drive plant and animal extinctin, threaten fd security and wrsen envirnmental catastrphes glbally, as a new UN-backed reprt has fund. Human activities — ften travel r glbal trade — are spreading animals, plants and ther rganisms in new regins, with 200 new alien species being recrded every year.(一份由联合国支持的新报告发现,入侵物种导致动植物灭绝,威胁粮食安全,加剧全球环境灾难,每年给世界造成至少4230亿美元的损失。人类活动——通常是旅行或全球贸易——正在将动物、植物和其他生物传播到新的地区,每年有200种新的外来物种被记录下来)”可知,从报告中我们知道,入侵物种的传播速度很快。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Althugh the specific species that cause damages vary frm place t place,” said Anibal Pauchard, c-authr f the reprt, “there are risks and challenges faced by peple in every cuntry and in every cmmunity — even Antarctica is being affected.”(尽管造成损害的特定物种因地而异,”该报告的合著者阿尼巴尔·波查德说,“每个国家和每个社区的人们都面临着风险和挑战——甚至南极洲也受到了影响。”)”可知,从Pauchard的话中,我们知道,入侵物种的影响可能是广泛的。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词下文“As well as flammable (易燃的) invasive plants sparking and spreading wildfires, climate change is enabling invasive species t mve nrth — even t remte areas like high muntains and deserts.(除了易燃的入侵植物引发和蔓延野火外,气候变化还使入侵物种向北移动——甚至到高山和沙漠等偏远地区)”可知,气候危机进一步放大了入侵物种的威胁,amplify意思与increase相近,表示“增加、加大”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“But there’s hpe. Preventing the arrival f new species int new regins is the best way t manage threats frm invasive species. This includes strict imprt cntrls and early warning systems t detect and respnd t alien species. Fr invasive species that have already taken hld, eradicatin (根除) is a useful tl, especially n islands, accrding t scientists.(但还是有希望的。防止新物种进入新地区是管理入侵物种威胁的最好方法。这包括严格的进口控制和早期预警系统,以发现和应对外来物种。科学家表示,对于已经扎根的入侵物种,根除是一个有用的工具,尤其是在岛屿上)”可知,科学记对于控制入侵物种的态度是积极的。故选B。
    Mst f us have at least a few prized pssessins we’d have truble letting g f. But thse with a harding disrder are frced t hld nt the majrity f their belngings, even when ding s means severely messy surrundings that decrease their quality f life and threaten their safety thrugh the risk f fire r persnal injury.
    The harding disrder is an under-recgnized cnditin. “Peple with a harding disrder are ften hesitant t seek r stay in treatment because f anxiety,” says Marla Deibler, a clinical psychlgist based in Princetn, New Jersey. Nw scientists at Stanfrd University are explring a new treatment t help individuals with a harding disrder.
    The recent pilt study shws that therapy pwered by a virtual reality headset and handheld cntrllers can help thse wh hard t practice letting g f their pssessins using a simulatin (模拟) f their hmes befre they clean the space in real life.
    The study was cnducted ver 16 weeks and allwed its participants — all diagnsed with a harding disrder — t enter virtual mdels f their hmes t practice srting and discarding (丢弃) items t which they felt attached. The virtual layut f their hmes and pssessins was created with phts upladed t create a 3D simulatin, s the items were knwn and valued by each participant befre they practiced thrwing them ut.
    “Seventy-eight percent f participants nted virtual reality helped them increase real-life discarding,” says Carlyn Rdriguez, the lead authr f the study. Such results are prmising, especially when the study’s participants ranged in age frm 60 t 73 years ld — the grup in which harding is mst cmmn.
    The Stanfrd study builds n wrk dne at the University f Chicag, published in 2020, which als shwed that individuals struggling with a harding disrder were mtivated t have a clean envirnment by using virtual reality t explre their hmes. The uniqueness f the Stanfrd research, hwever, lies in the pprtunity it has prvided fr participants t take part in the discarding prcess — a crucial step in emtinally separating themselves frm each item.
    52. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T shw a trend.B. T intrduce a cncept.
    C. T highlight a risk.D. T advcate a lifestyle.
    53. Hw did the new treatment help the participants?
    A. By giving them accurate diagnses.
    B. By develping smart headsets and cntrllers.
    C. By prviding them with a virtual versin f their hmes.
    D. By teaching them the methd f srting and discarding items.
    54. What des the authr intend t stress by saying “Such results are prmising” in paragraph 5?
    A. The fundatin f the study.B. The effectiveness f the therapy.
    C. The wide applicatins f the therapy.D. The unexpected findings f the study.
    55. Hw is the Stanfrd study different frm previus research?
    A. Virtual reality is extensively applied.B. Guidance n explring hmes is ffered.
    C. A larger number f participants are invlved.D. Participants can actively engage in the cleaning.
    【答案】52. B 53. C 54. B 55. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Mst f us have at least a few prized pssessins we’d have truble letting g f. But thse with a harding disrder are frced t hld nt the majrity f their belngings, even when ding s means severely messy surrundings that decrease their quality f life and threaten their safety thrugh the risk f fire r persnal injury.(我们大多数人都至少有一些珍贵的东西,我们很难放弃。但是,那些患有囤积症的人被迫保管他们的大部分物品,即使这样做意味着环境非常混乱,这会降低他们的生活质量,并威胁到他们的安全,因为有火灾或人身伤害的风险)”可知,第一段的作用是引入“有人喜欢囤积物品”的概念。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The recent pilt study shws that therapy pwered by a virtual reality headset and handheld cntrllers can help thse wh hard t practice letting g f their pssessins using a simulatin (模拟) f their hmes befre they clean the space in real life.(最近的试点研究表明,由虚拟现实耳机和手持控制器驱动的治疗可以帮助那些囤积者在现实生活中清理空间之前,先在模拟家中练习放下自己的物品)”可知,新的治疗方法为参与者提供虚拟版的家。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第五段““Seventy-eight percent f participants nted virtual reality helped them increase real-life discarding,” says Carlyn Rdriguez, the lead authr f the study. Such results are prmising, especially when the study’s participants ranged in age frm 60 t 73 years ld — the grup in which harding is mst cmmn.(该研究的主要作者卡罗琳·罗德里格斯说:“78%的参与者指出,虚拟现实帮助他们增加了现实生活中的丢弃行为。”这样的结果是有希望的,特别是当研究的参与者年龄在60到73岁之间——这是囤积最常见的群体)”可知,作者在第5段说“这些结果是有希望的”,是想强调治疗的有效性。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The uniqueness f the Stanfrd research, hwever, lies in the pprtunity it has prvided fr participants t take part in the discarding prcess — a crucial step in emtinally separating themselves frm each item.(然而,斯坦福大学这项研究的独特之处在于,它为参与者提供了参与丢弃过程的机会——这是在情感上与每件物品分离的关键一步)”可知,斯坦福大学的研究与之前的研究不同在于参与者可以积极参与清洁工作。故选D。
    Is ging alne in an unknwn area the right way t g, r d yu want a tur guide t shw yu the highlights? I think that yu can cmbine the tw ways in ne trip and have the best f bth wrlds. ____56____ The best purchase we made was fr a bus tur that wuld take us arund the capital and pint ut all the main sites. That allwed us the next day t travel n ft t the nes we especially wanted t see.
    Let’s lk at the San Francisc Bay Area which is anther ne f my favrite vacatin spts. Sme areas are s familiar t turists that it’s pssible t view the attractins n yur wn. ____57____ Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 are gd examples. Just by walking a few blcks, yu can tur Aquarium f the Bay and the Riptide Arcade n Pier 39.
    ____58____ If yu g t Alcatraz Island, yu have a chice f ging alne, having a live tur guide r being guided by earphnes. I wuld recmmend the live tur guides. I went all three ways, and I received mre enjyment by smene telling me items interest I knw I had missed n previus turs. ____59____ It gives yu a behind-the-scenes lk f clrful Chinatwn. The tur cvers histry, traditins f the lcal peple and culture that yu prbably wuldn’t knw r see by travelling alne.
    Yu can g alne t attractins r take a guided tur. It’s yur chice and yu can chse whichever wuld give yu the mst memrable experience. ____60____
    A. I recmmend bth.
    B. It’s pssible t drive t the area and g alne.
    C. One trip we recently tk was t Washingtn DC.
    D. Sme attractins are wrth having a tur guide fr.
    E. Chinatwn Walking Turs are a tur-guided must-see.
    F That allws yu t take yur time and g at yur wn pace.
    G. The tur guides knw what we have never fund ut n ur wn.
    【答案】56. C 57. F 58. D 59. E 60. A
    根据上文的“Is ging alne in an unknwn area the right way t g, r d yu want a tur guide t shw yu the highlights? I think that yu can cmbine the tw ways in ne trip and have the best f bth wrlds.(独自一人去一个陌生的地方是正确的做法吗?还是你想要一个导游告诉你亮点?我认为你可以在一次旅行中把这两种方式结合起来做到两全其美。)”和下文的“The best purchase we made was fr a bus tur that wuld take us arund the capital and pint ut all the main sites. That allwed us the next day t travel n ft t the nes we especially wanted t see.(我们所做的最好的购买是一次巴士之旅,它可以带我们游览首都并指出所有的主要景点。这样,第二天我们就可以步行去我们特别想去的地方了。)”可知,C项(我们最近去了一次华盛顿特区。)承接上文,通过作者的亲身经历来说明怎样做到两全其美,作者建议在旅游中将两种方式结合起来,后面所举例子就是自己在一次旅游中将两者结合的经历。故选C项。
    根据上文的“Let’s lk at the San Francisc Bay Area which is anther ne f my favrite vacatin spts. Sme areas are s familiar t turists that it’s pssible t view the attractins n yur wn.(让我们来看看旧金山湾区,这是我最喜欢的度假胜地之一。有些地区对游客来说是如此熟悉,以至于可以自己参观景点。)”和下文的“Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39 are gd examples. Just by walking a few blcks, yu can tur Aquarium f the Bay and the Riptide Arcade n Pier 39.(渔人码头和39号码头就是很好的例子。只需步行几个街区,你就可以参观39号码头的海湾水族馆和激流拱廊。)”可知,F项(这样你就可以慢慢来,按照自己的节奏去参观。)承接上文,说明了游客对某些景点的熟悉带来的自己参观的便利,下文具体举例子说明了这一点。故选F项。
    根据下文的“If yu g t Alcatraz Island, yu have a chice f ging alne, having a live tur guide r being guided by earphnes. I wuld recmmend the live tur guides.(如果你去恶魔岛,你可以选择一个人去,或现场请一位导游或由耳机引导。我推荐现场请导游。)”可知,D项(有些景点值得请导游。)适合做主题句,下文具体举出了一个值得有导游引领的景点。故选D项。
    根据下文的“It gives yu a behind-the-scenes lk f clrful Chinatwn. The tur cvers histry, traditins f the lcal peple and culture that yu prbably wuldn’t knw r see by travelling alne.(让你了解多姿多彩的唐人街的幕后风貌。这趟旅行涵盖了历史、当地人民的传统和文化,这些是你独自旅行时可能不会知道或看到的。)”可知,这里介绍了另外一个值得跟随导游游玩的地方,即唐人街,E项(唐人街徒步游是跟随导游的必游项目。)可以引出下文的介绍。故选E项。
    根据上文的“Yu can g alne t attractins r take a guided tur. It’s yur chice and yu can chse whichever wuld give yu the mst memrable experience. (你可以独自去景点,也可以参加导游团。这是你的选择,你可以选择给你带来最难忘经历的做法。)”可知,A项(我两者都推荐。)承接上文,作者建议两者可相结合,是对本文的一个总结,和开头的“I think that yu can cmbine the tw ways in ne trip and have the best f bth wrlds.”呼应。故选A项。
    第二部分 完形填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)
    I was heading hme after giving my clleague a lift. I tk a ___61___ as the snwstrm was appraching.
    Then the snw started and was cming dwn ___62___. Within minutes I was in a whiteut.The windws were ___63___ and getting cvered with snw, s I slwed dwn and rlled dwn my driver's side windw, thinking I culd better ___64___ the rad edge and keep t a straight line. But really, I had n ___65___ where I was. I stpped and kept the car running t stay___66___. I called 911.The peratr tld me t wait things ut fr the night.The call left me in ___67___. Breathe, I tld myself. An idea ccurred t me. I ___68___ my lcatin nline and explained what I was ___69___, wishing fr anyne t cme t my rescue. Sn enugh, peple started chiming in n my pst. I gt a ____70____ frm smene wh was ging t put me in tuch with peple nearby. I had never been mre ____71____.
    Then I saw a big ____72____ in the dark. He had walked abut 500 metres t get me, ____73____ the wind and snw each step f the way. “Yu’ll be OK. Fllw me.” He turned arund and started t trudge thrugh the snw, sure f the ____74____. I drve slwly behind him. When we reached his huse,I burst int tears f ____75____.
    A. shrtcutB. turnC. lkD. risk
    A. snB. fastC. lightlyD. suddenly
    A. lckedB. clsedC. frzenD. brken
    A. fllwB. cverC. markD. remember
    A. planB. clueC. dubtD. prblem
    A. awakeB. calmC. warmD. still
    A. cnfusinB. trubleC. embarrassmentD. panic
    A. cnfirmedB. fundC. pstedD. checked
    A. lking atB. ging thrughC. searching frD. carrying ut
    A. tipB. cmmentC. likeD. message
    A. inspiredB. relievedC. cnvincedD. amazed
    A. plicemanB. creatureC. shadwD. figure73.
    A. fightingB. avidingC. checkingD. reprting
    A. galB. dangerC. depthD. directin
    A. hpeB. lveC. gratitudeD. pride
    【答案】61. A 62. B 63. C 64. A 65. B 66. C 67. D 68. C 69. B 70. D 71. B 72. D 73. A 74. D 75. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:暴风雪就要来了,我抄了一条近路。A. shrtcut近路;B. turn依次轮到的机会;C. lk看;D. risk风险。根据下文“as the snwstrm was appraching(由于暴风雪即将来临)”及“But really, I had n__5__where I was.(但是,我真的不知道我在哪里)”可知,由于暴风雪即将来临,作者抄了一条近路,结果遇到了麻烦。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后雪开始下了,而且下得很快。A. sn不久;B. fast快;C. lightly轻松地;D. suddenly意外地。根据下文“Within minutes I was in a whiteut(几分钟内,我就陷入了一片白茫茫的大雪中)”可知,雪下得很快,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:车窗被冻住了,被雪覆盖了,所以我放慢了速度,摇下了驾驶员侧的车窗,想着我可以更好地沿着路边,保持直线行驶。A. lcked锁;B. clsed关闭;C. frzen冻;D. brken破坏。根据下文“getting cvered with snw(被雪覆盖了)”可知,此处说的是暴风雪中车窗的状态,分析待选项,C项“frzen冻”表示的含义符合语境,故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. fllw沿着;B. cver覆盖;C. mark标志着;D. remember记得。根据下文“the rad edge and keep t a straight line(……路边,保持直线行驶)”可知,此处说的是沿着路边,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,我真的不知道我在哪里。A. plan计划;B. clue线索;C. dubt怀疑;D. prblem问题。根据下文“I stpped and kept the car running(我停下来,让车一直运转着)”以及“I called 911(我呼叫了911)”可知,作者因暴风雪迷路,不知道自己在哪里,故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我停下来,保持汽车运转以保暖。A. awake醒着的;B. calm镇静的;C. warm温暖的;D. still静止的。根据上文“I stpped and kept the car running(我停下来,保持汽车运转)”可知,作者停下来但保持汽车运转。由此可知,作者试图通过保持汽车运转的方式保暖,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个电话让我惊慌失措。A. cnfusin困惑;B. truble麻烦;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. panic恐慌。根据上文“I called 911.The peratr tld me t wait things ut fr the night(我拨打了911。接线员告诉我等待一夜,看看情况再说)”可知,作者向911求救,却被告知要等一晚上,感到惊慌失措,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在网上发布了自己的位置,并解释了我所经历的一切,希望有人能来救我。A. cnfirmed证实;B. fund发现;C. psted发帖子;D. checked检查。根据下文“Sn enugh, peple started chiming in n my pst(很快,人们开始在我的帖子上留言)”可知,作者在网上发了帖子,故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. lking at看;B. ging thrugh经历;C. searching fr查找;D. carrying ut执行。根据下文“wishing fr anyne t cme t my rescue(希望有人能来救我)”可知,作者讲述的是自己经历的事情,故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我收到了一条信息,有人打算帮我联系附近的人。A. tip小费;B. cmment评论;C. like爱好;D. message消息。根据下文“wh was ging t put me in tuch with peple nearby(有人打算帮我联系附近的人)”可知,作者收到了一条消息,故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从未如此如释重负。A. inspired有创造力的;B. relieved宽慰的;C. cnvinced坚信的;D. amazed大为惊奇的。根据上文“wh was ging t put me in tuch with peple nearby(有人打算帮我联系附近的人)”可知,在困境中有陌生人试图帮助作者,使作者感到如释重负,故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我在黑暗中看到一个大身影。A. pliceman警察;B. creature生物;C. shadw阴影;D. figure人影。根据下文“He had walked abut 500 metres t get me(他走了大约500米来接我)”可知,此处上下文说的是人影,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他每走一步都在与风雪抗争,大约走了500米来找我。A. fighting与……作斗争;B. aviding避免;C. checking检查;D. reprting报告。根据上文“Then the snw started and was cming dwn fast. Within minutes I was in a whiteut(然后雪开始下了,而且下得很快。几分钟内,我就陷入了一片白茫茫的大雪中)”可知,前来帮助作者的人顶着大风大雪前来,分析选项,A项“fighting与……作斗争”表达的含义符合语境,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他转过身,开始在雪地里艰难地行走,确信自己的方向。A. gal目标;B. danger危险;C. depth深度;D. directin方向。根据下文“I drve slwly behind him(我在他身后慢慢地开)”可知,前来帮忙的人知道方向,所以作者跟着他开车,故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们到达他的家时,我感激地泪流满面。A. hpe希望;B. lve爱;C. gratitude感激;D. pride自豪。根据上文“But really, I had n clue where I was(但是,我真的不知道我在哪里)”以及“When we reached his huse(当我们到达他的家时)”可知,作者在暴风雪中迷路,被陌生人帮助。由此可知,作者心怀感激,故选C项。
    第一节 短语选变填(共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)
    76. Can yu ___________ mre cnvincing evidence t clear yurself?
    77. He neglected his studies, and ____________, he failed the exam.
    78. __________ the utcme, she decided t pursue her dream f starting her wn business.
    79. The hike was challenging, __________ the unexpected rain that added t their difficulties.
    80. With the decline in habitat and increasing pllutin, many species f birds are at risk f __________.wing t in cnsequence nt t mentin in vain wrk ut
    be caught up in bring frth ccur t regardless f
    die ut make a jint effrt take chances
    81. Having turned ver every cushin and checked every pcket twice, he searched fr his lst keys __________.
    82. Smetimes in life we have t be ff ur cmfrt zne and __________ in rder t embrace diverse changes and unexplred fields.
    83. __________ the snwstrm, the travelers were frced t seek shelter in a nearby cabin until the weather cleared.
    84. __________ the appraching hurricane, the schls in the area were clsed fr the day, ensuring the safety f students and staff members.
    85. As he gazed at the delicate web f stars in the night sky, it __________ him that there might be mre wnders in the universe.
    【答案】76. bring frth
    77. in cnsequence
    78. Regardless f
    79. nt t mentin
    80. dying ut
    81. in vain
    82. take chances
    83. Caught up in
    84. Owing t
    85. ccurred t
    考查动词短语。句意:你能拿出更有说服力的证据来证明自己吗?根据“mre cnvincing evidence”以及句意“拿出”可知应填动词短语bring frth,且can后跟动词原形。故填bring frth。
    考查固定短语。句意:他忽视了学习,结果考试不及格。根据“he failed the exam.”以及句意“结果”可知应填in cnsequence,故填in cnsequence。
    考查固定短语。句意:不管结果如何,她决定追求自己创业的梦想。根据“the utcme”以及句意“不管”可知应填regardless f,首字母大写。故填Regardless f。
    考查固定短语。句意:徒步旅行很有挑战性,更不用说意外的下雨增加了他们的困难。根据“the unexpected rain that added t their difficulties”以及句意“更不用说”可知应填nt t mentin,故填nt t mentin。
    考查动词短语。句意:随着栖息地的减少和污染的增加,许多种类的鸟类正面临灭绝的危险。根据“With the decline in habitat and increasing pllutin”以及句意“灭绝”可知应填die ut,作介词f的宾语,应用动名词形式。故填dying ut。
    考查固定短语。句意:他把每个靠垫翻了一遍,每个口袋都检查了两遍,却没有找到丢失的钥匙。根据“he searched fr his lst keys”以及句意“徒劳”可知应填in vain,故填in vain。
    考查动词短语。句意:有时候,在生活中,我们不得不离开自己的舒适区,去冒险,去拥抱各种各样的变化和未知的领域。根据“we have t be ff ur cmfrt zne and”以及句意“冒险”可知应填take chances,设空处填动词原形。故填take chances。
    考查固定短语。句意:由于被暴风雪困住,旅行者们被迫在附近的小屋里寻求庇护,直到天气转晴。短语be caught up in“遭遇 (暴风雨、不幸),被……困住”符合语境,此处过去分词作状语,应填caught up in,句首首字母大写。故填Caught up in。
    考查固定短语。句意:由于飓风即将来临,该地区的学校当天关闭,以确保学生和工作人员的安全。根据“he appraching hurricane”以及句意“由于”可知应填wing t,首字母大写。故填Owing t。
    考查动词短语。句意:当他凝视着夜空中那张精致的星网时,他突然想到宇宙中可能还有更多的奇迹。根据“him that there might be mre wnders in the universe.”以及句意“突然想到”可知应填ccur t,在主句中作谓语,根据从句谓语gazed可知此句为一般过去时。故填ccurred t。
    第二节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)
    86. When __________ (permit), yu can have access t the Internet in ur schl. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查状语从句省略。句意:如果允许的话,你可以在我们学校上网。When引导时间状语从句,结合句意,从句主语为yu,与permit“允许”构成被动关系,用一般现在时的被动语态,从句为When yu are permitted,此处省略主语yu和are。故填permitted。87. T fight fr __________ (equal), the wrkers are nw having a strike n the street. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    88. It was the first time that I __________ (be) a vlunteer in MSF. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】had been
    【详解】考查动词时态和固定句型。句意:这是我第一次在无国界医生做志愿者。观察句子可知,这是It is/was the+序数词+time+that+从句结构。当主句be动词用is时,从句用现在完成时;当主句be动词用was时,从句用过去完成时。故填had been。
    89. The upside is that yu have reached a stage _________ yu can make yur wn decisins. (用适当的词填空)
    90. __________ is reprted, Apple cmpany will be launching a new tablet this time next mnth. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:据报道,苹果公司将在下个月的这个时候推出一款新的平板电脑。根据is reprted及后面句子内容可知,空处表示“正如”,引导非限制性定语从句,用as引导,放在句首,首字母大写。As is reprted,为固定句型,意思为:据报道。故填As。
    91. In shrt, a gd and__________(harmny) envirnment at hme is necessary fr a child t grw healthy. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    92. ___________ (infect) with the recent flu fr tw weeks, I am nw fully recvered with the help f this medicine. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】Having been infected【解析】
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我最近感染了两周的流感,在这种药的帮助下,我现在完全康复了。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处为非谓语动词,infect“感染”的动作完成后,谓语动作才发生,固定短语be infected with表示“被感染”,infect和I逻辑上是被动关系,空处应用infect的现在分词完成式的被动语态,作句子的时间状语,且句首单词首字母需大写。故填Having been infected。
    93. As ne f the mst ___________ (influence) plitical figures in histry, Lincln is nw printed n US dllar bills. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    94. When I pened my dr and was abut t leave, I nticed that tw men ___________ (questin) by the plice. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】were being questined
    【详解】考查动词时态和语态。句意:当我打开门正要离开时,我注意到有两个人正在接受警察的盘问。that引导宾语从句,空处缺少从句谓语,主语tw men与questin构成被动关系,且结合句意可知,此处表示“过去正在被盘问”,用过去进行时的被动语态,主语为复数。故填were being questined。
    95. Unfrtunately, _________ tk the explrers and the settlers wh fllwed nly a few decades t decimate a large part f these resurces. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查代词it。句意:不幸的是,探险者和定居者只花了几十年的时间就毁灭了这些资源的很大一部分。此处为句型it takes/tk sb. sme time t d sth.,it作形式主语。故填it。
    第三节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5,共15分)
    Few science fictin authrs have had a larger impact n the genre ____96____ Ursula K. Le Guin. As the child f parents wh specialized in Native American culture Le Guin grew up _____97_____ (fascinate) by flklre and mythlgy. At her parents’ encuragement, she submitted her first stry fr publicatin at just 11 years ld. Althugh the tale _____98_____ (reject), she cntinued t write imaginative stries fr the next decade. It wasn’t until 1964, at age 35, _____99_____ Le Guin gained _____100_____ (recgnize) as a writer. Her first published stry intrduced the magical land f wizards and dragns knwn as Earthsea. Fllwing the success f her Earthsea series, Le Guin prduced several mre nvels _____101_____ (win) her wrldwide ppularity.
    S, why is Le Guin such an imprtant authr? ____102____ defining feature f her wrks is their explratin f themes _____103_____ (previus) ignred. Themes related t gender are als cmmn in Le Guin’s wrks. In The Left Hand f Darkness, she even addresses the absence f gender by creating a planet where peple are neither male _____104_____ female. The main character, a male visitr frm Earth, initially struggles _____105_____ (understand) this cncept, but finds himself transfrming int a less masculine and mre caring persn eventually.
    【答案】96. than
    97. fascinated
    98. was rejected
    99. that 100. recgnitin
    101. winning
    102. A 103. previusly
    104. nr 105. t understand
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍科幻作家Ursula K. Le Guin以及一些她的作品。
    考查介词。句意:很少有科幻作家能比Ursula K. Le Guin对这一类型产生更大的影响。由a larger impact以及句意可知,这里指没有人“比”Ursula K. Le Guin影响更大,应用介词than。故填than。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:作为父母专门研究美洲原住民文化的孩子,Le Guin从小就着迷于民间传说和神话。分析句子可知,这里考查非谓语动词,Le Guin与fascinate为被动关系,应用过去分词作状语。故填fascinated。
    考查时态语态。句意:尽管这个故事被拒绝了,但在接下来的十年里,她继续写富有想象力的故事。分析句子可知,这里考查谓语动词,the tale与reject为被动关系,应用被动语态,且时态应与后面保持一致,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词使用was。故填was rejected。
    考查强调句型。句意:直到1964年,35岁的Le Guin才获得作家的认可。分析句子可知,这里考查强调句型it was/is+被强调部分+wh/that+其他,对时间状语强调,应用that。故填that。【100题详解】
    考查名词。句意:直到1964年,35岁的Le Guin才获得作家的认可。分析句子可知,此空应填名词作宾语,recgnitin表“认可”,为不可数名词。故填recgnitin。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:继她的《地海》系列获得成功后,Le Guin又创作了几部小说,在全球范围内广受欢迎。分析句子可知,此空应填非谓语,several mre nvels与win为主动关系,应用现在分词,作定语。故填winning。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:主角是一位来自地球的男性访客,起初很难理解这个概念,但最终发现自己变成了一个不那么男性化、更关心他人的人。分析句子可知,这里考查struggle t d表“努力去做”,不定式作宾语。故填t understand。
    第四部分 书面表达(满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(20分)
    106. 随着人工智能(Artificial Intelligence/AI)的快速发展和普及,有越来越多的中学生利用人工智能来完成老师布置的作业。针对此现象,同学们开展了激烈的讨论。请你写一篇文章投稿到校报的英文专栏,发表你的看法。
    As artificial intelligence (AI) becmes increasingly prevalent in educatin mre high schl students are nw using AI t cmplete their hmewrk, which arused a heated discussin.
    Sme peple wh are in favr f it argue that this trend has its advantages, such as helping students finish assignments mre quickly and prviding access t educatinal resurces that can inspire creative thinking. Hwever, thers think therwise. Over-reliance n AI might diminish students’ ability t learn independently and think critically.
    As far as I’m cncerned, AI shuld be used as a supplementary tl t aid learning, instead f a replacement fr cmpleting all tasks. When guided prperly, the use f AI can effectively enhance bth the efficiency and quality f learning.
    支持:be in favr f→apprve
    原句:Hwever, thers think therwise. Over-reliance n AI might diminish students’ ability t learn independently and think critically.
    拓展句:Hwever, thers think therwise because they believe ver-reliance n AI might diminish students’ ability t learn independently and think critically.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] As artificial intelligence (AI) becmes increasingly prevalent in educatin, mre high schl students are nw using AI t cmplete their hmewrk, which arused a heated discussin. (运用了as引导时间状语从句和which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] When guided prperly, the use f AI can effectively enhance bth the efficiency and quality f learning. (运用了状语从句的省略)
    第二节 读后续写(20分)
    107. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “I’ll bet Anjali knws. Right, Anjali? Why dn’t yu shw us since yu’re the star student,” Deepak taunted (奚落).
    Anjali was cnfused. She wasn’t trying t shw ff. She was just playing tabla (印度塔不拉鼓), like everyne else. And why was Deepak being s mean lately? Is it because tabla is a by’s thing? She didn’t care that peple thught it was a bys’ instrument. Anjali knew there was n such thing. She danced her fingers acrss the tabla t perfrm the cmpsitin in cnfusin. “Ugh!” Anjali heard smene gran, and she stpped playing.
    “I guess I dn’t knw it that well after all,” Anjali said sheepishly t the teacher, Mr. Zakir. Her stmach was ding flip-flps. That wasn’t true. Nt even a little. Mr. Zakir’s eyes narrwed. He lked like he was abut t say smething, but changed his mind. “The recital (演奏会) is next week, everyne. Keep practicing. I will be annuncing wh will get t perfrm nstage with me at my next cncert!” Anjali had dreamed f a mment like that. She wanted t win the pprtunity, but she needed t srt things straight with Deepak first.
    As the class was dismissed, Anjali hurried ver t Deepak. When she finally made eye cntact with him, he purpsely lked away and walked ff. The next day at schl, Anjali verheard Deepak whispering t Mary. “Peple are nly interested because she’s the nly girl in tabla class and they want her t feel special. She’s nt that gd—” Anjali was furius. She excused herself and went t the bathrm. She tk sme deep breaths but culdn’t relax. Her heart was punding:
    “It’s nt my fault that peple make a big deal abut a girl playing tabla. I make mistakes t, but I wrk really hard. Maybe he shuld t. He shuld be less mean and practice mre.”
    “If I play in this cncert, n ne will talk t me again. He will turn everyne against me.”
    “I dn’t want t see a tabla r hear a tabla r play a tabla EVER AGAIN!!” Anjali yelled at the mirrr. It was quiet fr a mment. She believed it was ne f her darkest days ever.
    Stepping ut f the bathrm, Anjali saw sme inspiring psters n the wall._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    After the recital, Deepak walked up t Anjali.
    【答案】One Pssible Versin
    Paragraph 1:
    Stepping ut f the bathrm, Anjali saw sme inspiring psters n the wall. One f them illustrated with several instruments and a qute “Never dim yur light.” Fr that very mment, Anjali thught abut hw she was mesmerized the first time she saw smene playing tabla, by the beautiful sunds he was creating with his hands. She knew that tabla was meant fr her. When the day f the recital finally arrived, Anjali was determined t d her very best, regardless f the utcme. She was nt ging t let anyne make her feel bad, whether it was fr being gd at smething r fr being a girl. And as expected, she delivered a flawless perfrmance.
    Paragraph 2:
    After the recital, Deepak walked up t Anjali. “Very impressive.” He remarked awkwardly that he was just jealus because tabla shuld be a by’s instrument. Anjali shrugged, “Yu knw there is n such thing.” As Anjali tk ne last lk at the stage, she felt such a relief. Under the sptlight was the set f tabla, glittering n the stage just as she did a few minutes earlier. Amng cuntless cmpliments and cngratulatins frm the audience, Anjali heard a little sweet vice, “Brav, Anjali!!” She turned t find a little girl lking up at her. “I didn’t knw girls culd play tabla,” she said. “Girls can d everything bys d,” Anjali beamed, “Never dim yur light”.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Anjali是印度塔不拉鼓班上唯一的女生,虽然她很努力,但是她受到了Deepak的奚落,Anjali告诉老师Mr. Zakir自己不是很会塔不拉鼓,Mr. Zakir通知下周会有独奏会,叫同学们继续练习,Anjali一直梦想着这样的时刻,她想赢得这个机会,但她需要先和Deepak把事情理清楚,她偶然听到了Deepak和玛丽的窃窃私语,他们认为人们对Anjali感兴趣只是因为Anjali是手鼓课上唯一的女孩,Anjali觉得如果自己在这场音乐会上演奏,就没有人会再和自己说话了。
    ①想起:think abut/think f
    ②决定:be determined t d/decide t d
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Fr that very mment, Anjali thught abut hw she was mesmerized the first time she saw smene playing tabla, by the beautiful sunds he was creating with his hands. (由hw引导的宾语从句,the first time引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] He remarked awkwardly that he was just jealus because tabla shuld be a by’s instrument.(由that引导的宾语从句和because引导的原因状语从句)

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