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    这是一份2024届四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校高三下学期模拟预测(二)英语试题,共11页。试卷主要包含了 答非选择题时,必须使用0, 考试结束后,只将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    1. What is the wman’s pinin abut her ld laptp?
    A. It is heavy. B. It isn’t wrking. C. It is slw t start.
    2. Hw did the man feel abut the ride?
    A. Relaxed. B. Wrried. C. Puzzled.
    3. Why didn’t the wman cme t schl yesterday?
    A. She was sick.
    B. She tk part in a cmpetitin.
    C. She came back late frm hliday.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a classrm. B. In a bkstre. C. In a library.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Lking fr a jb.
    B. Renting an apartment.
    C. Designing a website.
    6. What des the wman thank the man fr?
    A. Training the new staff.
    B. Wrking an extra shift.
    C. Prviding a ride t wrk.
    7. What happened t the man this afternn?
    A. He felt sick.
    B. He wet his training shes.
    C. He gt caught in the rain.
    8. What des the man say abut the camera?
    A. It was delivered late. B. Its battery is dead. C. It has a mark n it.
    9. What will the man d next?
    A. Cntact the supplier.
    B. Exchange the camera.
    C. Cancel the picnic.
    10. Why will the man g t Milan next mnth?
    A. T travel. B. T study. C. T wrk.
    11. Hw lng will the man stay in Milan?
    A. Five days. B. Three days. C. One day.
    12. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Jin a grup. B. Surf the Internet. C. Try a walking tur.
    13. What did the wman d t affrd her lng hliday?
    A. She shared the cst with ther peple.
    B. She earned enugh mney befre traveling.
    C. She avided spending t much n accmmdatin.
    14. Where did the wman begin her trip?
    A. In Greece. B. In France. C. In Germany.
    15. What des the wman say abut the family restaurant?
    A. They had English-speaking custmers.
    B. Nbdy in the family spke English.
    C. One f the children emplyed her.
    16. Why was the jb perfect fr the wman?
    A. Its lcatin was near the islands.
    B. The family had a bat she culd use.
    C. She didn’t need t wrk at the weekend.
    17. When is the reprt being bradcast?
    A. In the mrning. B. At nn. C. In the afternn.
    18. What caused the traffic jam?
    A. The rad cnstructin. B. A car accident. C. The bad weather.
    19. What shuld train passengers d n Friday?
    A. Change trains at East River Statin.
    B. Get a free pass fr the blue line train.
    C. Avid taking trains t Dupnt Circle.
    20. What will the listeners mst likely hear next?
    A. Weather updates.
    B. News n a bridge.
    C. An interview with the plice.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    There are very few cuntries in the wrld that dn’t have sme srt f legend r cnnectin with dragns. Here are sme great destinatins t get a fix n dragn.
    Calais in France has a dragn standing 33 feet tall, 82 feet lng, with a wingspan f mre than 55 feet. It walks and mves as yu wuld imagine a dragn des, and yu can take it fr a ride. The Calais dragn is a mechanical wnder, which is nearly t real t be called a fairgrund creature.
    In the UK, yu will find a prud dragn cuntry, Wales. Here there is the legend f tw dragns: ne white and ne red. Wales’ tale describes the tw dragns fighting and the red ne winning, s yu will find it difficult t hurry abut the cuntry withut cming acrss a red dragn. Dragns are sld in suvenir shps, sit by ancient castles, hang arund in King Arthur’s Labyrinth, and are featured n the natinal flag.
    The Vikings knew a thing r tw abut dragns. In the lvely film Hw t Train Yur Dragn, they even flew them. But seriusly, when yu dig int Nrway’s Viking histry and legends, yu will find dragns mentined everywhere, thugh nt as cute as thse in the film. Frm the figurehead in the Viking Ship Museum t jewelry, and decratins n buildings, be n the lkut fr them when visiting Nrway.
    The Druk r Thunder Dragn, is the natinal symbl and appears everywhere. The cuntry is called Land f the Thunder Dragn, r Kingdm f Druk, and it’s part f the natinal anthem(国歌)and its flag. Despite its fearful name, it’s actually rather cute. The legend has it that the sund f thunder thrugh the muntains is actually the dragn raring.
    21. What can we learn abut the Calais dragn?
    A. It’s a character frm a ppular film.
    B. It’s a creatin designed fr entertainment.
    C. It’s a real creature trained fr rides.
    D. It’s a sculpture displayed in a museum.
    22. What d Wales and Bhutan have in cmmn n dragns?
    A. They feature dragns n their flags.
    B. They include dragns in their anthems.
    C. They have a legend f tw dragns.
    D. They describe dragns as cute images.
    23. Which cuntry assciates dragns with a natural phenmenn?
    A. France. B. Wales.
    C. Nrway D. Bhutan.
    I had nt hugged a friend r a family member since the pandemic until recently when my sister-in-law flew in fr a brief visit. Fr everyne’s safety, we met utside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me frm the inside ut. It’s strange, but nly nw d I truly realize hw much I’ve missed embracing lved nes.
    Grwing up thrugh war in my hmetwn f Sarajev, Bsnia, every mment was full f danger. On ne peaceful mrning, I had begged my mm t let me g utside after spending weeks indrs. She finally agreed. I was utside fr nly 10 minutes when I was caught in an explsin. I ran t my neighbr’s huse fr safety and threw my arms arund her neck just as my legs cllapsed underneath me. She hugged me with bth arms and dragged me int her huse.
    Thankfully, I made a full physical recvery, but the emtinal scars never left me. Years later there was anther explsin near my huse. I was safe inside, but my father had left t buy a laf f bread. He had nly just missed the blast. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable.
    It is yet anther sad aspect f ur pandemic lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing n ur minds. Fr many f us, even hugging a relative r a friend cmes with stress and anxiety. Perhaps we have undervalued the impact f a simple hug. As I lk back n my past, I cunt myself truly lucky t have been held, shielded and encuraged at sme f the mst key mments f my life by the almst super pwer f a hug. I pray that in the nt-s-distant future we can safely hld ne anther again -- a friend, a relative, r even a stranger.
    21. Why did the authr mentin her sister-in-law’s visit at the beginning?
    A. It reminded the authr f her past hugs.
    B. It encuraged the authr t hug strangers.
    C. It made the authr think f her large family.
    D. It made the authr frget the pandemic temprarily.
    22. What happened t the authr when she lived in her hmetwn?
    A. Her mther never allwed her t g ut.
    B. One f her legs cllapsed in an explsin.
    C. She was saved by her neighbr’s timely hug.
    D. She recvered quickly frm the wunds f the war.
    23. Hw did the authr feel when she hugged her father?
    A. Frightened. B. Relieved.
    C. Embarrassed. D. Astnished.
    24. What is the authr’s purpse in writing this article?
    A. T express hw she feels abut war.
    B. T share hw imprtant hugs are t her.
    C. T intrduce the ups and dwns in her life.
    D. T cmplain abut the impact f the pandemic.
    Scientists have discvered a new and renewable surce f water n the mn fr future explrers in lunar samples frm a Chinese missin.
    Water was stred in tiny glass beads(珠子)in the lunar dirt where meterite(陨石)impacts ccur. These shiny, multiclred glass beads were in samples returned frm the mn by China in 2020. The beads range in size frm the width f ne hair t several hairs; the water cntent was just a very small part f that, accrding t Hui Hejiu f Nanjing University, wh tk part in the study.
    Since there are billins if nt trillins f these impact beads, that culd amunt t substantial amunts f water, but mining it wuld be tugh, accrding t the team. “Yes, it will require lts and lts f glass beads. There are lts and lts f beads n the mn,” said Hui in an email.
    “These beads culd cntinually yield water thanks t the cnstant bmbing by hydrgen in the slar wind. The findings are based n 32 glass beads randmly selected frm lunar dirt returned frm the Chang’e 5 mn missin. Therefre, mre samples will be studied,” said Hui.
    These impact beads are everywhere, the result f the cling f melted material pushed ut by incming space rcks. Water culd be gt by heating the beads, pssibly by future rbtic missins. “Mre studies are needed t determine whether this wuld be pssible, and if s, whether the water wuld be safe t drink. This shws water can be recharged n the mn surface… a new water reservir n the mn.” said Hui.
    Previus studies fund water in glass beads frmed by lunar vlcanic activities, based n samples returned by the American Apll mnwalkers mre than a half-century ag. These, t, culd prvide water nt nly fr use by future crews, but fr rcket fuel.
    28. What can we learn abut the glass beads frm paragraph 2?
    A. They are mainly made up f water.
    B. They are all shiny and f the same clr.
    C. They are fund in lunar samples frm a Chinese missin.
    D. They are f different sizes frm ne millimeter t several meters.
    29. Why is it challenging t mine water frm the glass beads n the mn?
    A. Because the beads are t small t see.
    B. Because the beads are t hard t break.
    C. Because the temperature f the beads is t high.
    D. Because the water cntent in each bead is very small.
    30. Which f the fllwing statements is TURE accrding t the passage?
    A. Different factrs may lead t the frmatin f water in the glass beads.
    B. Mre studies are needed t knw the amunt f water fund n mn.
    C. The study n the water fund n mn has lasted 50 years in China.
    D. Water fund n the mn can be used t drink and build rckets.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Glass Beads Will Be Used T Stre Water.
    B. Water Has Been Fund In Lunar Glass Beads.
    C. Scientists Did Research On Water On The Mn.
    D. China Successfully Tk Samples Frm The Mn.
    In July 1915, suffering frm his pr health, James Murray, ne f the early editrs f the Oxfrd English Dictinary(OED), defined ne final wrd. After his 36 years’ dedicatin t the dictinary, his hard labur had taken a tll, s he knew he wuld nt make it t the day t see the prject cmplete.
    The petic quality f Murray’s final days is ne f the many memrable tales in The Dictinary Peple. Beginning in 1857, the OED was a huge crwdsurcing prject-- “the Wikipedia f the 19th century”—cnsisting f 3,000 peple. The idea was t create a “descriptive” dictinary that tracked wrds’ use and meaning ver time, unlike the18th-century dictinary by Samuel Jhnsn, which tld readers hw t say and use wrds. Vlunteers read widely, mailing in examples f hw “rare, ld-fashined, new, strange” wrds were used. What is surprising abut this fairly randm methd is that it wrked.
    The rigin stry f Sarah Ogilvie’s bk is almst as imprbable as that f the dictinary itself. Ms Ogilvie, a frmer schlar wh served as an editr fr the OED, went int the dcuments f Oxfrd University Press and came acrss an ld ntebk. It had belnged t Murray and cntained the names and details f the dictinary vlunteers, mst f whm had previusly been unknwn. The Dictinary Peple is her wrk f detective schlarship, bringing the lives behind the names t readers.
    Ms Ogilvie’s bk is full f appealing stries. The presentatin f the bk is uncnventinal t, taking its structure frm the wrk it describes. There are 26 alphabetical chapters, each celebrating a grup f cntributrs. This is a clever arrangement, thugh it smetimes means that brader issues emerge nly in pieces.
    Essentially, this is a stry abut rdinary peple. It is cncrete prf f thse wh, t qute dictinary-help er Gerge Elit, “lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tmbs”.
    32. What des the underlined expressin “taken a tll” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Paid ff.B. Prved in vain.
    C. Wrn ut the passin.D. Had a harmful effect.
    33. What can we learn abut the Oxfrd English Dictinary (OED)?
    A. It serves as an example f dictinary editing.
    B. It fcuses n precise directins fr wrd usage.
    C. It is a cperative wrk f many vlunteers.
    D. It was edited with the help f Samuel Jhnsn.
    34. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The stry behind Sarah Ogilvie’s bk.
    B. The detective methds f Sarah Ogilvie.
    C. Legends f the early OED editrs.
    D. Murray’s rle in editing the OED.
    35. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A review f a bk.B. A bigraphy f an editr.
    C. An essay n dictinary editing.D. An intrductin t a dictinary.
    While technlgy addicts teens t their devices, they are nt helpless against the draw f it. Here are five ways educatrs can supprt their students’ digital well-being.
    Explre design tricks cmpanies use. The technlgy we use daily is designed t catch and hld ur attentin. Cmpanies knw what keeps ur eyes n the screen. T help, teachers can unpack design tricks and explain hw cmpanies emply features like aut-play t get users t stay n their apps. 36
    Talk abut hw technlgy can increase feelings f anxiety. The decline in yuth mental health is assciated with an increase in scial media use. 37 We can help ur students by allwing them t cnsider the benefits f technlgy and then t think abut changing the habits that aren’t serving their well-being.
    38 Scial media can bring the feeling: “All my friends have better lives than me.” Plus, design features like “read receipts” can lead t teens knwing their messages have been seen and stressing abut why friends haven’t yet replied. These are classic examples f thinking traps. Identifying them can help teens get rid f sme negative thughts.
    Uncver the ways that AI can play a rle in misinfrmatin. AI is rapidly transfrming the wrld. Recmmendatin algrithms(算法), which determine what we d and d nt see n ur feeds and in ur search results, can have very real cnsequences. 39 By understanding hw these technlgies wrk, students can start t enjy mre benefits f technlgy.
    Encurage families t have meaningful cnversatins with their child. Take the time t share with families the tpics and resurces yu’re teaching in class. 40 Knwing we’re all in the same bat is crucial.
    A. Scial media is ruining ur life.
    B. Cnnect them with their inner wrld.
    C. Build their awareness f thinking traps.
    D. This by n means indicates all technlgy is bad.
    E. They can pull us tward increasingly extreme views.
    F. It turns ut adults and kids all pursue digital well-being.
    G. Knwing these can mtivate students t get back their attentin.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    In a fast-paced wrld driven by nise, excitement, and cntinuus cnnectins due t technlgy, I think we’ve lst a(n) 41 fr smething essential t the human experience: Quiet.
    This past weekend, I fund myself 42 t my cmputer screen in a flurry(忙乱)f 43 wrk t build my scial media kingdm. I was 44 replying messages and wrrying abut lsing fllwers. Like s many evenings, the call f the Internet had 45 me in, and the beautiful July night in Pennsylvania was 46 until my husband stepped in and reminded me that there’s mre t life than likes and fllwers.
    I agreed t get int ur truck and drve ten minutes t a lcal state park, a place that has 47 ur different stages f life thrugh the years. With phnes and cmputers 48 , we spent the evening in nature, enjying simple scenes and 49 in the quiet f the setting.
    Gne were the rings f ntificatins, the hnking hrns(喇叭声)f cars flying by, and the 50 f funny YuTube vides. In their place, a silence 51 smething we bth knw but smetimes lse 52 f: Life’s quiet and simple mments are smetimes the mst beautiful.
    In these peaceful mments, I fund a(n) 53 with nature and with my husband. I fund a reminder that there is a wrld 54 the cmputer and the 55 f ur nisy fast-paced life.
    56 , I was reminded that in these quiet mments, we were able t hear the mst imprtant vice: ur wn.
    Our wrld 57 cnstant attentin and engagement. We becme s 58 t cnstantly cnnecting and engaging with thers that we fail t appreciate smething 59 t ur happiness: ur inner vice.
    S take a mment, take a break and take sme time t find the quiet in yur life. Let the quiet mments in life remind yu that yur inner vice 60 t be heard.
    41. A. cperatin B. appreciatin C. cnfidenceD. pprtunity
    42. A. related B. devted C. glued D. allwed
    43. A. regular B. simple C. busy D. interesting
    44. A. drwning in B. fnd f C. curius abut D. sensitive t
    45. A. shwed B. sucked C. frced D. led
    46. A. acquired B. ccupied C. ignred D. stressed
    47. A. witnessed B. experienced C. presented D. undertaken
    48. A. hung n B. turned n C. wrn ut D. shut ff
    49. A. trapped B. participated C. bathed D. stuck
    50. A. existence B. attractin C. impressin D. separatin
    51. A. remved B. recgnized C. restricted D. reminded
    52. A. track B. sight C. cntrl D. hpe
    53. A. cnnectin B. imaginatin C. explratin D. predictin
    54. A. against B. with C. beynd D. abut
    55. A. chas B. meaning C. cst D. quality
    56. A. In cntrast B. In shrt C. After all D. Abve all
    57. A. avids B. desires C. transfers D. spells
    58. A. ppsed B. fixed C. entitled D. addicted
    59. A. glrius B. unique C. essential D. superir
    60. A. remains B. tends C. appears D. deserves
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    “Pure lve, nly fr China.” When the hst f the Harbin Ice and Snw Wrld in Heilngjiang prvince read ut the wrds n the wallpaper f a lst phne t find its wner, 61 (applaud)brke ut amng the audience, CCTV News reprted.
    The sentence was frm the diary f a sldier Chen Xiangrng, wh lst his life in a brder cnflict with Indian trps in June 2020. 62 wner f the cellphne, surnamed Xie is a student f the Heilngjiang University f Chinese Medicine. She learned abut Chen’s stry when she was in high schl. Since then, Xie 63 (regard)Chen as an example and hped ne day she culd als cntribute t the cuntry. S she tk the patritic(爱国的)expressin 64 (write)by Chen as a mtt, and placed tgether with the natinal flag 65 the backgrund f her cellphne.
    She said 66 she didn’t expect was the sudden ppularity f the wallpaper n the internet, with many netizens 67 (ask)her t share it. “I am very happy that this resnates with s many peple. We pst-2000s generatins are nt a lst generatin, 68 a generatin that can cntribute t the future f ur cuntry,” Xie said. “I firmly believe that thrugh ur effrts and hard wrk, ur cuntry will becme mre prsperus! We will 69 (definite)live up t the expectatins f the times, and make an effrt 70 (create)a better future fr ur cuntry!” She added.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    T inspire us students t take exercise utdr and build all f us up, s ur schl rganized a sprts meeting. Hundreds f students tk active part. The meeting included varius events designing fr all students. Amng them the 4×100m relay made the strngest impressin fr us. With great cheers, the athlete set ut fr the finishing line in high spirits. All the players presented ur best perfrmance during these events. Everyne felt happy with that they had gained frm the activity. It nt nly teaches us the meaning f unity and let us true enjy a clrful schl life, but als prmted ur friendship.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    学校英文报正在开展以Prtecting ur eyes t enjy a bright wrld 为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 学生近视率状况描述;
    2. 简单评论;
    3. 你的建议。
    1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    2. 词数100词左右;
    3. 开头语已为你写好。
    近视 shrtsightedness n.
    Prtecting ur eyes t enjy a bright wrld
    The health f children’s visin is facing a grwing threat. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    第一部分 听力 (满分30分)
    1-5 AACCB6-10 BCCAC11-15 ABCBA16-20CABAB
    第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)
    21-23 BAD 24-27ACBB 28-31 CDAB32-35 DCAA
    36-40 GDCEF
    第三部分 语言知识应用(满分45分)
    41-45 BCCAB46-50 CADCB 51-55 DBACA 56-60DBDCD
    61. applause 62. The 63. has regarded 64. written 65. as
    66. what 67. asking 68. but 69. definitely 70. t create
    第四部分 写作(满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错
    1. utdr →utdrs 2. 删除s 3. active前加 an 4. designing→designed 5. fr→n
    6. athlete→athletes 7. ur→their8.that→what 9. teaches→taught 10. true→truly
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

    Prtecting ur eyes t enjy a bright wrld
    The health f children’s visin is facing a grwing threat. Data shw that 14.3 percent f pre-schl kids are nearsighted. The rate is 35.6 percent fr primary schl students, 71.1 percent fr junir high schl pupils and 80.5 percent fr senir high schl students.
    The age fr the beginning f shrtsightedness is getting yunger. Meanwhile, there is the rapid prgressin f shrtsightedness during the middle schl. T tackle the grwing prblem, schls shuld reduce the academic burden f students and increase the time f utdr activities. What’s mre, we shuld attach imprtance t ur visual health and cntrl the time spent n electrnic devices.

    2024四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期模拟预测(二)英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2024四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期模拟预测(二)英语试题(含答案),共12页。

    2024届四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期高考模拟(一)考试英语试题: 这是一份2024届四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期高考模拟(一)考试英语试题,共18页。试卷主要包含了 答非选择题时, 必须使用0, 考试结束后, 只将答题卡交回, Wh is Beta?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期高考模拟(一)考试英语试题: 这是一份2024届四川省成都外国语学校高三下学期高考模拟(一)考试英语试题,共18页。试卷主要包含了 答非选择题时, 必须使用0, 考试结束后, 只将答题卡交回, Wh is Beta?等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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