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    Bracay, Philippines
    Bracay is a tiny island and its main attractin is “White Beach”, a perfect pstcard white sand beach surrunded by palm trees, dive shps, bars and restaurants. Our favurite seat t enjy the sunset is “Diniwid Beach” lcated t the nrth f White Beach. After the perfect sunset, chse a bar t enjy live music and party all night lng.
    Santrini, Greece
    Santrini ffers a unique landscape f beaches in extic (异国的) clrs f black, red and white, a prduct f vlcanic sand. Imagine swimming in the warm mythic Aegean sea, with vlcan and sunsets as a backgrund. The island architecture is very distinctive, churches are built int caves and the whitewashed
    huses, blue-dmed churches and paved paths are astnishingly beautiful.
    Lften Island, Nrway
    The Lften Islands are a wnderful sight indeed. With deep bays and splendid muntains, this is a wilderness unequalled in its beauty, where giant sea eagles sar. Milder in climate than their psitin suggests, visitrs are attracted t the islands t experience the Nrthern Lights and Midnight Sun.
    Saint Jhn Island, Caribbean
    Life mves at a slwer pace her, where wildlife abunds (大量存在). The Natinal Park dminates here, cvering mre than half f the island. It is just nine miles frm ne end t the ther and with cuntless bird species t spt and dlphins in the warm Caribbean waters, it's n surprise that this is a destinatin that draws nature lvers. This is a place t rest and relax.
    1.What d the first tw places have in cmmn?
    A. They can swim in the sea. B. They can enjy sunset.
    C. They can enjy live music and party. D. They can experience the Midnight Sun.
    2.What can yu d n Lften island?
    A. See giant sea eagles sar. B. See churches built int caves.
    C. Spt varius birds and dlphins. D. Enjy live music and party all night.
    3.Where can yu experience the gentle pace f life?
    A. On Bracay island. B. On Santrini island.
    C. On Lften island. D. On Saint Jhn island.
    As a yung girl grwing up in France, Sarah Tumi dreamed f becming a leader wh culd make the wrld a better place. Her passin t help thers was awakened when, frm the age f nine, she accmpanied her Tunisian father t his birthplace in the east f the cuntry during hlidays. There she rganized hmewrk clubs and activities fr children.
    Tumi witnessed first-hand the destructive effect f desertificatin. “Within 10 years rich farmers became wrse ff, and i 10 years frm nw they will be pr. I wanted t stp the Sahara Desert in its tracks.” A decrease in average rainfall and an increase in the severity f drughts (干旱) have led t an estimated 75 per cent f Tunisia's agricultural lands being threatened by desertificatin.
    Tumi recgnized that farming practices needed t change. She is cnfident that small land areas can bring large returns if farmers are able t adapt by planting sustainable crps, using new technlgies fr water treatment and fcusing n natural prducts and fertilisers (肥料) rather than chemicals.
    In 2012, Tumi cnslidated her dream t fight the desert. She mved t Tunisia, and set up a prgramme named Acacias fr All t put her sustainable farming philsphy int actin. “I want t shw yung peple in rural areas that they can create pprtunities where they are. Nbdy is better able t understand the impact f desertificatin and climate change than smebdy wh is living with n access t water.”
    By September 2016, mre than 130, 00 acacia trees had been planted n 20 pilt farms, with farmers recrding a 60 per cent survival rate. Tumi estimates that sme 3 millin acacia trees are needed t prtect Tunisia's farmland. She expects t plant 1 millin trees by 2018. In the next cuple f years, Tumi hpes t extend the prgramme t Algeria and Mrcc.
    4.Hw did Tumi's hliday trips t Tunisia influence her?
    A. They fired her enthusiasm fr helping thers.
    B. They helped her better understand her father.
    C. They made her decide t leave the cuntry.
    D. They destryed her dream f being a teacher.
    5.What is the main cause f the desertificatin f Tunisa's farmland?
    A. Cld weather. B. Sil pllutin. C. Lw rainfall. D. Frest damage.
    6.Why did Tumi set up Acacias fr All in Tunisia?
    A. T create jb pprtunities fr yung peple.
    B. T facilitate the prtectin f their farmland.
    C. T persuade the farmers nt t use fertilizers.
    D. T help the children btain a basic educatin.
    7.Hw can we best describe the yung girl?
    A. Patient and hnest. B. Selfless and humrus.
    C. Devted and selfless. D. Psitive and respnsible.
    In a plicy address t lawmakers, Japan's Prime Minister, Fumi Kishida, said the cuntry's ppulatin prblem was a case f slving the issue “nw r never”, and that it “simply cannt wait any lnger because it can affect scial functins”.
    “In thinking f the sustainability and inclusiveness (包容) f ur natin’s ecnmy and sciety, we place child care supprt as ur mst imprtant plicy,” he said, adding that he wants the gvernment t duble its spending n child-related prgrams, and that a new gvernment agency wuld be set up in April t fcus n the issue.
    Japan has ne f the lwest birth rates in the wrld, and it recrded fewer than 800, 000 births in 2022 fr the first time since recrds began in 1899. The cuntry als has ne f the highest aging f ppulatin in the wrld; in 2020, nearly ne in 1, 500 peple in Japan were age 100 r lder, accrding t gvernment data.
    These trends have driven a grwing ppulatin prblem, with a rapidly aging sciety, a shrinking wrkfrce and nt enugh yung peple t fill the gaps in the stagnating (停滞) ecnmy. The cuntry’s high cst f living, limited space and lack f child care supprt in cities make it difficult t raise children, meaning fewer cuples are having kids. Experts pint t the pessimism yung peple in Japan hld twards the future, many frustrated with wrk pressure and ecnmic stagnatin.
    Hw abut ther parts f East Asia? Suth Krea recently brke its wn recrd fr the wrld's lwest birth rate, with data frm Nvember 2023 shwing a Suth Krean wman will have an average f 0.79 children in her lifetime-far belw the 2.1 needed t maintain a stable ppulatin. Japan's birth rate stands at 1.3, while the United States is at 1.6. Meanwhile, China's ppulatin shrank in 2022 fr the first time, adding pressure t its ecnmic grwth.
    8.With the falling birth rate, what's the attitude f the Japanese gvernment?
    A. Surprised. B. Anxius. C. Embarrassed. D. Indifferent.
    9.Which f the fllwing has led the lw birth rate in Japan EXCEPT?
    A. The limited space. B. The trend f aging ppulatin.
    C. The lack f child care supprt. D. The wrk pressure and ecnmic stagnatin.
    10.What are the statistics in the last paragraph used t shw?
    A. Serius ppulatin crisis. B. Ignrance f the birth rate.
    C. Weak care services fr children. D. Ptential harm t children's health.
    11.The passage is prbably taken frm ________.
    A. a tur guide. B. a science fictin.
    C. a jb advertisement. D. a fficial gvernment website.
    On January 7, David Bennett went int the perating rm at the University f Maryland Medical Center fr a surgical prcedure never perfrmed befre n a human. The 57-year-ld Maryland resident had been hspitalized fr mnths due t a life threatening disease. His heart was failing him and he needed a new ne.
    Bennett’s cnditin left him unrespnsive t treatment and ineligible (不合格) fr the transplant (移植) list r an artificial heart pump. The physician-scientists at the center, hwever, had anther-als risky- ptin: transplant a heart frm a genetically-mdified pig.
    “It was either die r d this transplant,” Bennett had tld surgens a day befre the peratin. “I want t live. I knw it's a sht in the dark, but it's als my last chice.”
    It tk the medical team eight hurs t finish the peratin, and their effrts have nt been in vain. “It's wrking and it lks nrmal. We are thrilled, but we dn't knw what tmrrw will bring us. This has never been dne befre,” Barkley Griffith, wh led the transplant team, tld the New Yrk Times.
    While it's nly been five days since the peratin, the surgens say that Bennett's new pig heart was, s far,functining as expected and his bdy wasn’t rejecting (排斥) the rgan. They are still mnitring his cnditin clsely.
    “I think it's extremely exciting,” says Rbert Mntgmery. The result f the prcedure was als persnally meaningful fr Mntgmery, wh received a heart transplant in 2018 due t a genetic disease that may als affect members f his family in the future. “It's still in the early days, but still the heart seems t be functining. And that in and f itself is an extrardinary thing. Up t nw mst experimental heart transplant prcedures have been dne between pigs and ther animals. This is the first time that surgens have taken it int a living human.”
    12.What d the wrds “a sht in the dark” underlined in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Smething that csts a frtune.
    B. Smething impssible t succeed.
    C. Smething drawing public attentin.
    D. Smething with an uncertain utcme.
    13.Which infrmatin can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Bennett can't affrd an artificial heart pump.
    B. At first, Bennett wuld rather die than d this transplant.
    C. Bennett was the first human t successfully receive a pig's heart.
    D. Mntgmery was the first persn wh received a heart transplant in the wrld.
    14.What is the best title fr this article?
    A. The heated debate ver the pig heart transplant.
    B. David Bennett's cntributin t medical research.
    C. The first experimental pig heart transplant in the wrld.
    D. The first successful pig heart transplant int a living human.
    15.Accrding t the passage, the future f this transplant a heart frm a pig is ________.
    A. illegalB. unclear. C. ptimistic. D. pessimistic
    16.Autnmy-supprtive parenting is an apprach that fcuses n building a child's sense f agency in the wrld as well as a strng sense f self. ①_______ We shuld recgnize that children have a different perspective r experience than adults. Therefre, instead f pushing adults' way f thinking n children, adults shuld let kids d their wn critical thinking and slve prblems themselves, which will help them trust their abilities.
    Guide kids t find their wn slutin
    As any parent with mre than ne child can tell yu, kids develp differently.②________ While ne child may find it easy t start their hmewrk independently, the ther might nt be a self-starter. S we push ur kids t the next level by knwing their skill level and meeting them there.
    Let kids find their wn fun
    ③________ It really is harm t them. It als sets us up t be their cruise (航行) directrs at all times. That's a huge burden n us! Letting children find their wn thing t d when bredm strikes allws them t becme self-sufficient and use their imaginatin t find fun n their wn.
    Being sympathetic desn't mean giving in
    Anther characteristic f autnmy-supprtive parenting is being pen, curius, and flexible. Trusting children t be accuntable t themselves (r acting like it) is the nly way yu will knw if yur child will be a respnsible, independent adult. Fr example, if yu ask yur child when they think is the best time t d their hmewrk, and they tell yu it's in the mrning befre schl begins, supprt them and let them try it, n matter hw strange it sunds.④________
    Dn't frget t supprt yurself
    Once yu grasp autnmy-supprtive parenting, yu'll see pprtunities t put it int practice. N matter hw ld yur kid is, adpting this style will nt be easy.⑤________ If yu get hard n yurself because yu're nt measuring up, yu're mre likely t return t the cntrlling practices.
    A. It may wrk.
    B. Our kids dn't knw hw t manage bredm.
    C. That can mean we have t supprt them in different ways.
    D. S frgive yurself if things dn't g right n a particular day.
    E. And they may nt knw yet, but it's gd fr them t think abut it.
    F. Sme days are just ging t be mre autnmy-supprtive than thers.
    G. It's trying t understand children's experience f what's ging n right nw.
    As the saying ges, "Interest is the seed f everything". Since childhd, Canter had been living with ftball that had a ①________ effect n her. She had always lved ftball as well as art, and frtunately she fund a way t ②________ the tw things.
    Lili Canter prepared a new clrful shw f her wrks t take t the Wrld Cup in Qatar. The 29-year-ld artist was famus fr ③________ sccer shes fr stars. Her new artwrks included shes and balls with pictures and designs. Many f them were ④ ________ by the Middle Eastern natin, Qatar, and especially its capital Dha brught her lts f ⑤ ________ ideas. The city welcmed natinal teams frm the wrld t ⑥ ________ in the Wrld Cup.
    Canter ⑦ ________ sent a pair f shes t Cristian Rnald. The shes had fancy details with black and white image f the ⑧________ and his family. She didn't knw if Rnald wuld even receive the shes. But ⑨ ________, she received a pht f Rnald hlding them. That marked a turning pint in her ⑩.________
    Then her clrful designs ⑪ ________ ther stars. She even met a famus frmer Brazilian star and gave him a pair f ⑫ ________ and a ftball shwing a kiss his mther had given him after winning an award in 2005.
    In Qatar, Canter planned t shw eight ftballs with designs that shwed her ⑬ ________ fr eight cuntries winning the Wrld Cup, thinking that they were ⑭ ________ f the admiratin f all. Finally, the ftballs were the centerpiece f the Wrld Cup exhibitin, while the bts were presented within three-dimensinal ⑮ ________ lking like the stadiums that Qatar built fr the Wrld Cup.
    17.A. slightB. cntradictryC. tempraryD. significant
    18.A. cmpareB. cnnectC. investigateD. grasp
    19.A. paintingB. designingC. purchasingD. dnating
    20.A. spnsredB. checkedC. inspiredD. arranged
    21.A. narrwB. cnventinalC. nvelD. literary
    22.A. cmpleteB. expseC. cmpeteD. explre
    23.A. stillB. neverC. ftenD. ever
    24.A. artistB. judgeC. playerD. phtgrapher
    25.A. in surpriseB. in vainC. n timeD. n hand
    26.A. planB. careerC. teamD. stadium
    27.A. cnfusedB. hurtC. changedD. drew
    28.A. sweatersB. glassesC. btsD. scks
    29.A. respectB. insuranceC. debtD. cst
    30.A. awareB. wrthyC. ignrantD. suspicius
    31.A. mapsB. rcksC. mvementsD. structures
    32.As senir high students, we are n busy schedule every day, ①________ (burden) with heavy study and invlving in ② ________ (vary) after-schl activities. ③ ________ time management seems essential, withut ④ ________ wrk delay and study stress will be unavidable. S hw t plan it⑤ ________ (prper)? Up t nw, many high schl students ⑥ ________ (knw) the imprtance f making a t-d list. List things we are ging t d and plan the time taken up by each task, and things will be dne accrdingly. Secnd, d ne thing at ⑦ ________ time. Cncentratin ensures ⑧ ________ (efficient) and the frmer task's accmplishment usually helps the next g smthly. That's ⑨ ________ I strngly recmmend time management here. I believe we can live ur senir high life t its ⑩ ________ (full) because f that.
    Dear students,
    Thank yu!
    What shuld have been a regular Sunday at the YMCA turned int a day ne teenage lifeguard will never frget!
    Eighteen-year-ld Natalie Lucas has been wrking as a lifeguard at the YMCA in Lngmnt, Clrad, fr the past three years. Recently, a cuple entered the pl area while she was n duty. The wman was very pregnant, s Natalie kept a clse eye n her as she eased herself int the shallw end f the pl. Tessa Rider was nine mnths pregnant that day. She and her husband, Matthew Jnes, came t the pl a few times that week t ease the discmfrt f a nerve pain. As Tessa was resting in the pl, she suddenly realized smething was happening. Natalie nticed Tessa climbed ut f the pl, s she went ver t check n the cuple. “I walk ver and Matthew, the husband, says t me, 'We're having the baby right nw. 'I'm like, 'OK!'" Natalie recalled.
    Matthew called 911, but as he spke t the peratr he knew it was t late. Tessa was already pulling her bathing suit ff. Natalie helped Tessa and Matthew by bringing ver the center's medical supplies and twels, and calling fr mre assistance frm the frnt desk. Thrughut it all, she tld herself t remain calm and fcus n caring fr Tessa.
    "I knew I needed t stay calm,” Natalie said. “S I made sure t keep my head n and stay with them, keep asking them questins, and keep them fcused n the baby and made sure that they were the mst cmfrtable. "Less than five minutes later, Matthew caught his newbrn sn as he was brn n the pl edge.
    After helping clear the baby's airway and ensuring he was breathing, Natalie used her back t supprt the new mm until paramedic (护理员) arrived. Once there, baby Tbin Thmas Rider received a clean bill f health!
    Paragraph 1:
    Matthew and Tessa are bth grateful that Natalie was there t help them.
    Paragraph 2:
    Natalie said Tbin's unexpected birth was all just part f her jb.
    ①根据下文We shuld recgnize that children have a different perspective r experience than adults.(我们应该认识到,儿童的观点和经历与成人不同。)可知,空处承接下文说的是要理解孩子。故G. It's trying t understand children's experience f what's ging n right nw.(试图做某事理解孩子们对正在发生的事情的体验。)符合语境。故选G项。
    ②根据上文As any parent with mre than ne child can tell yu, kids develp differently.(任何有不止一个孩子的父母都会告诉你,孩子们的发展是不同的。)可知,空处与上文为因果关系。故C. That can mean we have t supprt them in different ways.(这可能意味着我们必须以不同的方式支持他们。)符合语境,说明了家长应该怎么做。故选C项。
    ③根据下文It really is harm t them. It als sets us up t be their cruise(航行)directrs at all times.(这对孩子来说是一种伤害,而且需要父母随时成为他们的巡航指挥。)可知,孩子们不知道如何应对无聊,所以带来了伤害。故B. Our kids dn't knw hw t manage bredm.(我们的孩子不知道如何应对无聊。)符合语境。故选B项。
    ④根据上文Fr example, if yu ask yur child when they think is the best time t d their hmewrk, and they tell yu it's in the mrning befre schl begins, supprt them and let t hem try it, n matter hw strange it sunds.果你问你的孩子什么时候是做家庭作业的最佳时间,并且他们告诉你是在早上上学前,那你就支持他们,让他们试一试,无论这听起来多么奇怪。)可知,空处说明产生的效果。故A. It may wrk.(这可能会奏效。)符合语境。故选A项。
    ⑤根据本段标题Dn't frget t supprt yurself(别忘了支持自己)以及上文N matter hw ld yur kid is, adpting this style will nt be easy..(管你的孩子多大,采用这种方式并不容易。)可知,如果某一天事情不顺利,请原谅自己。故D. S frgive yurself if things dn't g right n a particular day.(如果某一天事情不顺利,请原谅自己。)符合语境。故选D项。
    32.答案:burdened;varius ;Therefre;which;prperly ;have knwn;a ;efficiency;why;fullest
    33.答案: Dear students,
    April 23rd is Wrld Bk Day. Our schl will hld a series f activities with the theme f “Read Mre, Read Better, and Lve Reading”. As president f the English Literature Club, I call n everyne t actively participate in these activities.
    Reading is f great significance. It can nt nly expand ur knwledge, but als imprve ur language skills and thinking abilities. Thrugh reading, we can explre the wrld, experience different lives and gain wisdm and inspiratin.
    The activities include bk sharing, reading salns and essay cmpetitins. These activities prvide a gd pprtunity fr us t share reading experiences, exchange ideas and shw ur talents. Let’s read mre bks, read gd bks, and enjy reading. Lking frward t yur participatin!
    Thank yu!
    参加:take part in→participate in
    原句:Our schl will hld a series f activities with the theme f “Read Mre, Read Better, and Lve Reading”.
    拓展句:Our schl will hld a series f activities whse theme is “Read Mre, Read Better, and Lve Reading”.
    【高分句型1】Thrugh reading, we can explre the wrld, experience different lives and gain wisdm and inspiratin.(运用了介词短语作状语)
    【高分句型2】It can nt nly expand ur knwledge, but als imprve ur language skills and thinking abilities.(运用了nt nly…but als连接并列谓语)
    Matthew and Tessa are bth grateful that Natalie was there t help them. They thught they were in great need f an extra set f hands at that mment. Matthew said Natalie was super fcused n Tessa s that he did nt have t wrry abut his wife. Withut Natalie there, he wuldn't have been able t give his attentin t Tbin. “She was there t d anything we asked,” said Tessa. “And the first thing I thught f was that smene culd hld my back up. And she did. It was perfect.”
    Natalie said Tbin's unexpected birth was all just part f her jb. The teen, wh's getting ready t head ff t cllege in the fall, says, “I just did what I was suppsed t d in that situatin. I'm a lifeguard. It was the first time I'd had t help bring life int the wrld, rather than just prevent death. " Undubtedly, the whle experience made an impressin n her and she planned n sending birthday cards t Tbin. Bth Natalie and the cuple plan t stay in tuch. They're definitely bnded fr life after this unfrgettable experience.

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