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    高一年级英语学科 试题
    1. What makes the man anxius?
    A. Pr health.B. Difficult wrk.C. T many bills.
    2. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Waiting in line.
    B. Picking up a restaurant.
    C. Cmplaining abut fd.
    3. Why des the wman aplgize?
    A. Fr the terrible drinks.
    B. Fr bad custmer service.
    C. Fr her child’s misbehavir.
    4. When did the wman receive her client’s call?
    A. At 11:55.B. At 11:25.C. At 11:10.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Ging shpping fr windws.
    B. Saving mney fr a huse.
    C. Lking at gds withut buying them.
    6. What will the speakers d tnight?
    A. Discuss the meeting place.
    B. Have grup learning.
    C. Eat in a restaurant.
    7. What des the wman think f the arrangement?
    A. It’s satisfying.
    B. It’s new.
    C. It’s a waste f mney.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Emplyer and emplyee.
    B. Mther and sn.
    C. Actr and directr.
    9. What des the wman plan t d?
    A. Have a discussin.
    B. Express her emtins t the man.
    C. Help the man rganize his schedule.
    10. Where did Jacb get the infrmatin abut the flat?
    A. Via Internet.B. Frm his friend.C. Frm the newspaper.
    11. Which aspect f the flat attracts Jacb?
    A. The cnvenient lcatin.
    B. The reasnable price.
    C. The pet plicy.
    12. What des the wman d?
    A. A huse agent.B. A vice artist.C. A radi hst.
    13. What des the wman suggest Jacb d?
    A. Bring his wn furniture.
    B. Give her an early reply.
    C. Talk with his parents.
    14. When is the Whale Festival held in Hermanus?
    A. September.B. August.C. June.
    15. Which place desn’t attract the man?
    A. Mssel Bay.B. Kruger Natinal Park.C. Village Museum.
    16. What d we learn abut Stellenbsch?
    A. It was funded in 1679.
    B. It’s the ldest twn in Suth Africa.
    C. It’s a gd place t g skydiving.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting sme news.
    B. Giving a medical class.
    C. Sharing his research results.
    18. What des the speaker say abut side sleeping?
    A. Abut 16% f peple sleep n their sides.
    B. Children have a clear preference fr it.
    C. It’s a better sleeping psitin fr adults’ backs.
    19. Wh is best suited t be back sleepers accrding t the speaker?
    A. Older peple.
    B. Peple with neck pain.
    C. Heavy adults.
    20. What will the speaker talk abut next?
    A. Advantages f the stmach sleeping psitin.
    B. Influence f unhealthy sleeping psitins.
    C. Tips fr high-quality sleep.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Luminus Sul
    This prject encurages disabled peple t feel cntemprary dance and t cnsider the pssibility that with training they culd becme prfessinal. Helen is ne f the prject’s real success students. “Fr me, I’ve gt lads ut f this. I have actually decided t g back and study dance as a mature student at Belfast Metrplitan Cllege, because I want t keep ging further and further with it.” Helen said.
    Imagine Actin
    Imagine Actin brings tgether sprt and art. Over three years the prject has trained 75 yung peple in drama, dance and sng. One participant, Erin Quinn, was a shy 13-year-ld girl when she began, but three years later she has grwn in cnfidence hugely and is hping t make a career in drama. “I had an interest in music, but nthing cmpared t sprts, and then I fund Imagine Actin,” Erin said.
    Falkirk’s Future Stars
    Falkirk’s Future Stars is abut inspiring lcal athletes t achieve their ptential by putting them int a class r club envirnment. Alistair Fraser is a yung basketball player taking part in this prject. Alistair said, “After I gt invlved with the prgramme I gained a lt f cnfidence nt just in my basketball but as a persn wh culd g ut int the lcal cmmunity and speak t children abut my stry, and see hw it inspired them in their sprt r ther activities.”
    Challenge Yur Bundaries
    This muntain biking prject fr disabled riders prvides equipment, caching and leadership t enable a wider grup f riders t hit the trail(上路). The prject manager Graham O’Hanlng is carrying ut a series f guided rides fr disabled riders. Graham said, “The prject is abut prmting participatin. It is als cncerned with prviding caching pprtunities and quality utdr experiences.”
    21. The underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 1 refers t __________.
    A. cllegeB. the prjectC. dancingD. the stry
    22. Alistair’s wrds shw that __________.
    A. he achieves persnal grwth after the prgramme
    B. he perfrms pretty well when he’s in a class r club
    C. he becmes an excellent player in the cmmunity
    D. he encurages yung children t play basketball
    23. What d Luminus Sul and Challenge Yur Bundaries have in cmmn?
    A. Bth ffer students utdr experience.
    B. Bth are fr prfessinals.
    C. Bth cnnect sprt with art.
    D. Bth are designed fr the disabled.
    Harbin has witnessed a significant bm that has caused it t trend n scial media this winter. By December 20, 2023, the city airprt’s annual passenger thrughput had gne beynd 20 millin. Accrding t a new reprt, during the three-day New Year hliday, Harbin received 3.05 millin turists and made incme f 5.91 billin yuan, bth f which reached recrd highs.
    Harbin, als knwn as China’s “ice city”, is famus fr its ice and snw culture. Fr ver 60 years, the city has had a traditin f hlding an annual ice lantern exhibitin, presenting the creativity and skill f its artists. Recently, the Ice and Snw Wrld, recgnized by the Guinness Wrld Recrds as the largest ice and snw park, is just ne f many attractins in the city. It features amazing ice and snw sculptures, including replicas(复制品) f famus landmarks, animals, and cartn characters. In additin, visitrs can als enjy different kinds f snw sprts, such as ice skating, ice fishing, and sledding.
    Harbin spared n effrt t shw its sincerity and hspitality t turists. At the Ice and Snw Wrld, a lt f new experiences have been prvided, such as hvercrafts and bicycles n ice, Ferris wheels, and ht air ballns. Turists were welcmed with live perfrmances at the airprt, and dressing rms were set up fr them t change int warm clthing. Lcal residents supprted by traveling during ff-peak hurs t reduce traffic and ffering turists free rides. Fr thse unable t bk htels, the gvernment pened the Prvincial Peple’s Cngress Service Center fr lw-cst stays.
    “Fr individual travelers, a city’s infrastructure(基础设施) and public services frm the fundatin f turism cmpetitiveness. It is nly when turists feel the warmth f the city and the gdwill f its citizens that they fit int the lives f a travel destinatin nicely,” said Dai Bin, president f China Turism Academy.
    24. The figures in paragraph 1 shw that __________.
    A. The grwth in Harbin’s turism industry.
    B. The ppularity f Harbin’s new attractins.
    C. Peple’s interest in traveling in icy places.
    D. Peple’s great passin fr the New Year hliday.
    25. What d we knw abut the Ice and Snw Wrld frm paragraph 2?
    A. It is famus fr its annual ice lantern exhibitin.
    B. It is the first ice and snw park in the wrld.
    C. It ffers varius snw-related activities fr visitrs.
    D. It hlds varius snw sprts cmpetitins fr visitrs.
    26. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. New equipment added in the Ice and Snw Wrld.
    B. The measures t ensure turists’ safety in Harbin.
    C. Lcal peple’s supprt fr relieving traffic pressure.
    D. The effrts t imprve turists’ travel experiences.
    27. Where des this text prbably cme frm?
    A. A diary f cultural turs.
    B. A news reprt n turism.
    C. An advertisement fr scenic spts.
    D. A review f newly emerging cities.
    The idea f grwing meat utside an animal has been arund fr a lng time. In 1931, Winstn Churchill wrte that by the 1980s“we shall escape the absurdity(荒谬) f grwing a whle chicken in rder t eat the breast r wing, by grwing these parts separately under a suitable medium.” It seems that his predictins are beginning t materialise. Due t the rising glbal demand fr meat, the wrld turns t cultured meat t vercme the envirnmental prblems f traditinal animal agriculture.
    The science behind cultured meat is fairly well established. A sample f cells is first taken frm a live animal and these cells are fed grwth medium that enables them t grw and divide, allwing trillins f cells t be prduced frm a small sample. Once enugh cells have been prduced, they are turned int develped muscle and fat cells thrugh a certain prcess. Standard fd prcessing technlgies are then used t frm the final prduct—meat.
    Investrs have respnded ptimistically, with cultured meat start-ups raising ver$125 millin since 2015 and investments grwing by 85% between 2017 and 2018. High prfile backers include Bill Gates, Richard Bransn and Ggle c-funder Serge y Brin, wh helped fund(资助) the first cultured burger in 2013.
    Despite this ptimism, cultured meat still has a lng way t g befre it appears n ur dinner tables. The first cultured burger famusly cst $280,000 t prduce and, thugh csts have cme dwn cnsiderably since then, the price f prductin remains a challenge. Anther majr challenge facing the cultured meat industry is gvernment regulatin. N legal right has yet apprved cultured meat fr cnsumptin.
    Jsh Tetrick, CEO f JUST, has claimed that the cmpany’s cultured chicken nuggets have been ready fr small scale(规模) cmmercialisatin since 2018. Hwever, Uma Valeti, CEO f Memphis Meats, has emphasized the imprtance f taking time t get the release right. Regardless f cmpanies’intentins, it is unlikely that cultured meat will find its way nt supermarket sn. Instead the first prducts will likely appear in selected restaurants in a limited release, reserved fr the mre adventurus and wealthy diners.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “materialise” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. cme nearB. cme trueC. becme clearD. take actin
    29. What is true abut cultured meat?
    A. Cultured meat results in grwing envirnmental prblems.
    B. Cultured meat is prduced with the help f cells frm animals.
    C. Cultured meat tastes similar t the traditinal meat frm animals.
    D. Cultured meat is ready t be put in market in large numbers.
    30. What’s the authr’s purpse in writing Para 3?
    A. T shw investrs felt cnfident in the future f cultured meat.
    B. T shw investrs earned much mney frm the selling f cultured meat.
    C. T shw investrs invested much mney in the making f cultured meat.
    D. T shw investrs cntributed a lt t the first cultured meat.
    31. Which f the fllwing is the best title?
    A. Cultured Meat: Just Arund the Crner?
    B. Cultured Meat: A Challenge t Take up?
    C. Meat Prductin: In Lab r in Farm?
    D. Meat Prductin: T Be a Prblem?
    ChatGPT is an amazing artificial intelligence tl that has recently been released, alng with ther mind-blwing generative(生成性的) AI tls like Midjurney and DALL-E. These tls have the ptential t revlutinize the way we create digital cntent, making it faster and cheaper.
    Hwever, there is a dwnside t these AI tls that cannt be ignred. What happens when they start replacing cpywriters, jurnalists, custmer service agents, and digital marketers? Fr years, experts have been warning that AI culd threaten white-cllar jbs, which were nce cnsidered safe frm autmatin(自动化). Sme even predict that up t 47 percent f jbs in the US culd be at risk.
    While n ne can say fr sure whether generative AI will cause mass jb lss amng highly educated wrkers, it is clear that it has the ptential t disturb the emplyment landscape. Cmpanies will always chse machines ver humans when they can, and AI has the ability t perfrm tasks currently dne by cpywriters, digital cntent prducers, and ther prfessinals. This means that these jbs may sn underg significant changes. Hwever, it is imprtant t nte that AI cannt replace certain aspects f these jbs. It cannt cnduct interviews, find histrical dcuments, r assess the quality f studies. It lacks authrity, understanding, and the ability t crrect itself r generate genuinely new ideas.
    This implies that while AI may create a vast amunt f simpler cntent, it culd als make riginal jurnalism mre valuable and investigative jurnalists mre prductive. AI may be able t make summaries f public meetings, but it is humans wh will write in-depth stries. Experts believe that AI will ultimately help peple use their prfessinal knwledge mre effectively, and allw them t fcus n areas where human intelligence is crucial.
    While there is a risk that AI technlgies culd lead t sudden changes in the labr market, it is imprtant t recgnize the benefits f having such technlgy.
    32. What’s true abut AI tls?
    A. ChatGPT is the nly AI tls released.
    B. Peple feel safe with the use f AI tls.
    C. They may help prduce digital cntent faster.
    D. They have already taken the place f white cllars.
    33. What’s the ptential impact f AI tls n emplyment market?
    A. 47 percent f jbs in the US are at risk.
    B. Jbs cncerning generating genuinely new ideas will be changed.
    C. Investigative jurnalists will lse jbs.
    D. Jbs cncerning creating simple cntent will be threatened.
    34. Hw can AI finally benefit prfessinals in the labr market?
    A. By making psitins mre valuable.
    B. By making their jbs mre irreplaceable.
    C. By enabling them t specialize in sme key fields.
    D. By remving the need fr human’s specialized knwledge.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude twards AI technlgies?
    A. They shuld be further perfected.
    B. They shuld be accepted despite their risks.
    C. They shuld be avided t prtect white-cllar jbs.
    D. They shuld be cntrlled t prevent mass jb lss.
    It’s never easy t let g f what yu’ve learned t be cmfrtable with, but the act f letting g and starting ver can be incredibly pwerful. 36 Here are sme tips t help us t make such a change.
    Get rid f unrealistic expectatins
    While there’s certainly nthing wrng with aiming high and believing in yurself, setting gals that are t unrealistic nly sets yu up fr failure and disappintment. The mre yu pressure yurself t succeed and live up t yur perfect ideals, the mre frustrated yu will feel when things dn’t wrk ut. Stp thinking that yu need t have certain things r be in certain places, just fr yu t feel gd abut yurself.
    Thrw away the emtinal baggage
    37 Hwever, yu can’t keep hlding nt yur emtinal baggage frever. Leave all yur heartbreaks and emtinal hangups where they belng, in the past, and learn t let g f the trubles yu may have been hlding nt. It’s kay if yu’re still hurting as lng as yu allw yurself the freedm t heal, transfrm, and grw as yu greet the New Year.
    Keep away frm txic(有毒害的) relatinships
    It’s time fr yu t say gdbye t tiring txic relatinships and ne-sided friendships. Dn’t surrund yurself with fair-weather peple. Knw that yu deserve t be with peple wh care fr yu, understand yu, accept yu, and cnnect with yu. 38
    D differently
    Are yu lking fr a change? 39 After all, n ne ever achieved anything great by simply fllwing the crwd, s why nt have a little fun and experiment? Get a change f scenery, adpt a new hbby, and d smething yu’ve always wanted t d but never had the curage t d befre.
    We all desire fr the apprval and acceptance f the peple wh matter t us, but wrrying t much abut what thers think will nly bring yu misery and frustratin. Devting all yur time and energy t living up t everyne’s expectatins f yu is exhausting because it’s impssible fr yu t please everyne.
    A. Embrace the real yu.
    B. Stp pleasing thers.
    C. It can psitively impact ur lives and satisfy us emtinally.
    D. Then it’s time t step ut f yur cmfrt zne and try new things.
    E. Dn’t be afraid t leave thse hurting yu t much r mistreating yu t many times.
    F. The truth is the persn whse apprval shuld matter the mst t yu shuld be yu.
    G. Letting g f yur persnal prblems is easier said than dne.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    On a cld December mrning, my mther and I were walking hme frm a pizza stre. We were dressed warmly and equipped with the vide we had been dying t watch. I was feeling a little 41 , as I was carrying ur shpping bags f snacks and the vide.
    They were s heavy that I decided t 42 sme things. S I started t walk twards the garbage can when I nticed a pr man walking his bike ut f the restaurant in frnt f us. Hlding a paper bag in his dirty hand, he 43 ver t anther nearby garbage can and started 44 it.
    I suddenly felt very 45 . I knew this man wuld take all he culd get, 46 I walked up t him and 47 the drink and sme snacks ver t him. The man, with lines n his face and wrinkles n his frehead, lked up in 48 and tk what I gave him.
    A huge smile 49 acrss his face and this caused me t feel indescribable 50 . I felt like I culdn’t be happier with myself, but then he said, “Ww, first smene gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and nw sme 51 fd; this is my daughter’s lucky day!”
    He thanked me happily and started ff n his bike. I 52 heard him whistling a sng as he rde away.
    I nw understand what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyne in the wrld needs help, everyne can 53 help and everyne will be helped by thers’ 54 .
    The image f that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in mind every time I have the 55 t d smething nice.
    41. A. excitedB. puzzledC. tiredD. satisfied
    42. A. pick utB. eat upC. put dwnD. thrw away
    43. A. headedB. rdeC. ranD. fled
    44. A. staring atB. lking thrughC. breaking intD. searching fr
    45. A. upsetB. afraidC. guiltyD. cntent
    46. A. butB. sC. becauseD. thugh
    47. A. threwB. sldC. shwedD. handed
    48. A. surpriseB. anxietyC. frightD. curisity
    49. A. disappeared B. paused C. existed D. spread
    50. A. disappintment B. shame C. satisfactin D. victry
    51. A. spiled B. clean C. smelly D. useful
    52. A. still B. even C. ever D. almst
    53. A. refuse B. receive C. ffer D. find
    54. A. kindness B. eagerness C. willingness D. braveness
    55. A. chance B. impact C. purpse D. feeling
    第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Water-Splashing Festival, als 56. __________ (knw) as Buddha Bathing Ceremny, is the New Year’s celebratin f the Dai ethnic minrity in Yunnan Prvince. Fr Dai peple, the annual Water-Splashing Festival is the mst imprtant hliday, attracting tens f thusands f lcals and 57. __________ (tur).
    Jinghng, the capital f Dai Autnmus Prefecture, usually 58. __________ (celebrate) it frm Aprill3 t 15. On the first tw days, a grand celebratin marks the beginning f the festival. An utdr market is set up, 59. __________ lcals cme fr new-year shpping. At night, the banks f the river are 60. __________ (clrful) lit, and lcals flat river lanterns n the river. The third day 61. __________ (reserve) fr water splashing. The Dai peple will put 62. __________ their newest and best clthes, and then gather at the lcal Buddhist temple. It isn’t until peple splash the Buddha statue with clear water 63. __________ they can flck t the streets, parks r squares with pts r bttles, t splash each ther with water.
    Fr Dai peple, water is 64. __________ symbl f hliness, gdness and purity. Therefre, splashing thers with water during the Water-Splashing Festival is 65. __________ (wish) that persn gd luck and happiness.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    参考词汇:旋律 meldy;节奏 rhythm;歌词 lyrics
    Dear editr,
    Li Hua
    When I was a twelve-year-ld girl, I was s addicted t chatting nline that sme peple even called me CyberSara. My mm, a lawyer, always cmplained that I spent t much time chatting with my Internet friends.
    One day I gt an instant message frm a kid I didn’t knw. His name was Bradley, wh said he was twelve and lived in New Yrk. He asked if he culd be my secret friend, and I thught that seemed pretty cl. Within a few days’ chatting, I fund that we bth lved t play sccer, even thugh I didn’t play as much as I used t. T my great jy, we bth lved playing cmputer games very much.
    Every day, Bradley and I chatted and emailed each ther. We became best friends. He was interesting and seemed kind f smart—actually, much smarter than the typical(典型的,平常的) twelve-year-ld bys I knew. I really liked chatting with him. He tld me he really liked me. Bradley kept telling me New Yrk was a cl place t live and emailed me amazing pictures f extremely tall skyscrapers(摩天大楼). He asked me where I lived. I tld him I lived in Tampa. One day, Bradley shared gd news with me that he was cming t Tampa with his parents. He invited me t have a secret meeting and g fr ice cream with him in the ice-cream shp near my schl. Eager t find what my secret Internet friend was like, I prmised t keep it a secret, nt telling my parents abut ur plan.
    I was excited that I was finally ging t meet Bradley after mnths f chatting. Hwever, he refused t send me a picture f himself, saying he didn’t want t ruin the surprise. It made me quite cnfused. Was there smething wrng with him? Was he a weird(奇怪的) guy wh was nt cnfident enugh t shw a picture f himself? But he said everyne in his schl thught he was the cutest by in his class, s I thught he had t be nrmal.
    Para.1 The next day, I accidentally tld Mm that I wuld meet my Internet friend alne.
    Para.2 The mment we entered the ice-cream shp, there was n ne but a weird grwn-up.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5. CACBC 6-10 BACAA 11-15 CBBAB 16-20 ACCBA
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    21-23 CAD 24-27 ACDB 28-31 BBAA 32-35 CDCB
    36-40 CGEDB
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41-45 CDABC 46-50 BDADC 51-55 BBCAA
    56. knwn 57. turists 58. celebrates 59. where 60. clrfully
    61. is reserved 62. n 63. that 64. a 65. t wish
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear editr,
    Knwing that ur schl newspaper is lking fr the mst ppular sng amng students, I am writing t recmmend my favrite sng, Dream It Pssible.
    Sung by Delacey, this pp sng extends a psitive theme which inspires audience t vercme hardships in life. The beautiful meldy, the strng rhythm and the prfund lyrics undubtedly appeal t teenagers acrss the wrld. Whenever I feel frustrated, the sng remves my fear and cheers me up. Nt nly des it give me a feast fr ears, but it als triggers my curage and passin.
    I’m cnvinced that it’s a fantastic sng. Hpe it will be selected and influence mre students.
    Li Hua
    (109 wrds)
    The next day, I accidentally tld Mm that I wuld meet my Internet friend alne. Upn hearing that, she began annying me with a tn f questins, with her face full f anxiety. I eventually tld her that Bradley was ging t take me fr ice cream near my schl. “N. Never will yu meet a stranger all alne. Yu are just a 12-year-ld girl!”, mm was beside herself with rage when I shwed my determinatin t g. This was the first time in my life that I had witnessed my elegant lawyer mm lse temper. S furius was she that I had n chice but t bring her tgether. We prepared and drve t the ice-cream shp.
    The mment we entered the ice-cream shp, there was n ne but a weird grwn-up. Nticing his strange appearance, I was envelped by a sense f fear and clenched mm’s hands tightly. “Wh are yu? Are yu Bradley?” asked my mm. Shcked and speechless, the man sprang frm the chair, attempting t flee away. But it was t late. Mm grasped his hand with all her might and asked me t call the plice. Finally, my plan with the secret Internet friend ended up with a narrw escape frm being cheated. Whenever I recalled the unusual experience, fear still lingered in my mind mixed with a sense f relief. Neither shuld we meet Internet friend withut infrming parents, nr shuld we share private infrmatin n the Internet.
    Text 1
    W: Yu lk pale. Anything wrng?
    M: I can’t fall asleep at night, and I’m lsing my hair. It all started after I left my previus cmpany. Bills keep cming in, and I have n idea hw t manage n my wn.(1)
    Text 2(第2题为推断题)
    W: It seems t be taking frever fr ur fd t cme ut. Why nt chse anther restaurant?
    M: Hmm... It is mving slwly. They might be a bit busy tnight, but trust me, the wait will be wrth it. Their dishes are always first-class.
    W: Fine.
    Text 3
    M: Oh n, wh did it?
    W: I’m really srry fr that. My daughter Lily accidentally did it. As she ran arund everywhere, she crashed int a waiter and made him spill the drinks.(3)
    M: Never mind. I’ll ask a cleaner t sweep the flr.
    W: Thank yu s much.
    Text 4
    W: Mark, I need t pick up my client at the airprt at 12:10. She called me a quarter ag. I just had a meeting.
    M: Oh, it’s 11:40 nw.(4)Only half an hur t g.
    W: Let’s hurry up.
    Text 5(第5题为主旨大意题)
    W: Daniel, a new shpping mall pened near ur huse last Sunday.
    M: Hw abut ging there fr sme windw shpping? It’s a great way t spend the afternn.
    W: Oh, definitely! I lve checking ut all the new items withut actually spending mney.
    Text 6
    M: We have a meeting in AS Htels scheduled fr 4:00 p. m. tday. It might last until abut 9:00 p. m.(6)
    W: What’s the meeting abut?
    M: It’s a learning sessin fr all team members.(6)We’ll have a discussin abut ur future plans.
    W: Fine. Then where is the meeting rm?
    M: On the tp flr. It’s wrth nting that ur cmpany will pay fr all drinks and fd.
    W: I lve it. We can think mre creatively in a place with a relaxing atmsphere.(7)
    Text 7(第8题为推断题)
    W: Jeremy, d yu have a secnd? We need t talk abut yur perfrmance in tday’s sht.
    M: Okay. G ahead.
    W: Yu have shwn sme imprvement in the lines. Nw yu have t fcus mre n yur gestures. Allw the character’s emtins t guide yur mvements and let them cme thrugh in yur gestures. It adds depth t the character and helps yu cnnect with yur audiences n a deeper level.
    M: Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.
    W: Great t hear that. T make the set lk better, the prductin team and I will discuss sme changes t the lighting and set design later.(9)If yu have any creative ideas, feel free t share them with us.
    M: Sure.
    ◆line 台词
    ◆set 布景;舞台;摄影场
    Text 8
    M: Hell, is that Rebecca?
    W: Yes. Hw can I help yu?
    M: Hi, my name is Jacb Beckett. I came acrss yur pst nline abut lking fr a flatmate.(10)I nticed yu mentined the flat is pet-friendly.(11)
    W: Yes, but we nly allw dgs and cats. I’m a cat persn myself.(11)
    M: That’s perfect.(11)I’m a bit f a light sleeper. Hw abut yu? Are yu a night wl?
    W: I g t bed early as a rule. When I’m busy, the answer is yes. I play different characters in a recrding studi,(12)just in case yu’re curius.
    M: Cl. By the way, I ccasinally like t have friends ver fr a small get-tgether. Is that kay?
    W: Sure. As lng as it wn’t make a lud nise.
    M: Thank yu. Then I’ll take it int cnsideratin and ask my parents’ thughts n it.
    W: OK. But there are many applicants. Yu’d better mve fast.(13)I’m always n my phne.
    ◆as a rule 通常
    Text 9
    W: Our travel plans are still up in the air. I’ve listed sme spts fr yu t chse frm.
    M: Okay. Let me see. Whale watching bat turs? Sunds nice.
    W: Hermanus als arranges the Whale Festival fr visitrs every September.(14)It is a small yet attractive twn in the Western Cape.
    M: Then it’s a must-g. What else?
    W: What abut Kruger Natinal Park? It is ne f the ldest in Suth Africa t see hundreds f species f animals.(15)June t August is the best time t visit.
    M: Hmm, I’m mre in the md fr beaches instead f animal parks.(15)
    W: Then the best ptin is Mssel Bay. We’ll get a chance t try water sprts and skydiving there.
    M: Excellent.(15)What’s n yur mind?
    W: I’d like t stay in this peaceful and picture-perfect twn, Stellenbsch.(16)As a well-knwn university twn in Suth Africa, it’s als the secnd ldest. This twn date s back t 1679,(16)and we can taste its histry by visiting the Village Museum and Stellenyrk Museum.
    M: Why nt? I’m glad we can spend the next few days in such a twn.
    ◆up in the air 悬而未决
    Text 10
    M: Over the past five mnths, I’ve been devting myself t researching the psitives and negatives f different sleeping psitins. Here is what I fund.(17)Mre than 60% f peple sleep n their sides, with men spending mre time n their sides each night than wmen. In childhd, we sleep in all psitins equally every night, but by adulthd, there is a clear preference fr side sleeping. The flexibility f ur backbnes decreases as we age, which may make the side sleeping psitin mre cmfrtable fr lder adults. It’s the sleeping psitin that is least likely t result in back pain.(18)Lying n the back is the secnd mst ppular sleeping psitin.(19)When yu’re flat n yur back, yu can evenly distribute yur bdy weight t prevent any ptential aches in the neck r back, making it the best sleeping psitin fr neck pain.(19)As we grw lder r heavier, it becmes harder t breathe while lying n ur backs, due t the pressure f gravity n the bdy. Sleeping n yur stmach is the least ppular sleeping psitin.(20)We spend less than 10% f ur night time sleeping in that psitin. It cmes with several drawbacks and is nt recmmended fr mst peple. Hwever, it des ffer sme benefits …(20)
    ◆ evenly 平均地;均等地

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