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      【全国甲卷】四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试(乐山三调)(5.9-5.10) 英语试卷.docx
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      【全国甲卷】四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试(乐山三调)(5.9-5.10) 英语试卷.pdf
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      【全国甲卷】四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试(乐山三调)(5.9-5.10) 英语试卷答案.docx
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      【全国甲卷】四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试(乐山三调)(5.9-5.10) 英语试卷答案.pdf
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    这是一份四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试(乐山三调)英语试题,文件包含全国甲卷四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试乐山三调59-510英语试卷docx、全国甲卷四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试乐山三调59-510英语试卷pdf、全国甲卷四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试乐山三调59-510英语试卷答案docx、全国甲卷四川省乐山市高中2024届高三年级第三次调查研究考试乐山三调59-510英语试卷答案pdf等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    机密★启用前 〔考试时间:2024年5月10日下午15:00—17:00〕
    英 语
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。
    1.When will the flwers cme ut prbably?
    A.In March. B.In June. C.In September.
    2.What des the wman mean?
    A.She is nt interested. B.She is busy nw C.She is glad t g.
    3.Why des the man refuse t drink cla?
    A.He dcsn't fecl well. B.He is n a dict. C.He dcsn't like it.
    4.What makes the man feel gd abut the new jb?
    A.The salary. B.The travcling. C.Thc wrking timc.
    5.What will the man d in the afternn?
    A.Mect Miss Lcc. B.Make a phnc call. C.Have a mecting.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Whal is the relatinship belween the speakers?
    A.Wailer and custmer.
    B.Prfessr and sludenl.
    C.Taxi driver and passenger.
    7.Whal d we knw abul the wman?
    A.She studied drama in the U.K.
    B.She has the same accent as the man.
    C.She is a turist t the Big Apple.
    高三英语 第1页(共8页)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A.&19.15. B.E 9.15. C.&9.18.
    答案是 B。
    8.Why des the man lk pale?
    A.He has gt a cld. B.He is afraid f heights. C.He is a little airsick.
    9.What d we learn frm the cnversalin?
    A.Thc man will chw sme gum.
    B.Thc man has ncver flwn befre.
    C.The plane lk ff frm Onlari.
    10.What can we knw frm the cnversatin?
    A.The wman gl her ideas frm a ck bk .
    B.The man is prbably a regular custmer.
    C.The man has ncver bccn t the shp bfre.
    11.Whal desserts des the man chse t buy?
    A.Lemn pie and strawberry cake.
    B.Strawbcry cake and grccn tea cupcakc.
    C.Green lea cupcake and lemn pie.
    12.Hw much shuld the man pay in ttal?
    A.$4. B.$7. C.§10.
    13.Why did Mel Flynn becme interested in diving?
    A.T lcarn mre abut things living undcrwatcr.
    B.T jin a grup f teenagers t learn diving.
    C.T help with her parenls'bilgy research.
    14.Hw ld was Mel Flynn when shc started diving?
    A.3. B.7. C.10.
    15.What did Mel Flynn d t stay safe underwater?
    A.She didn't g decpcr than twelve meters.
    B.She stayed away frm dangerus fislh.
    C.She always kept clse t ther divers.
    16.Why dcs Mel Flynn likc wrking with the scicntists?
    A.She can earn mre mney.
    B.She can build self -cnfidence.
    C.She can gain smc cxpcricncc.
    17.Frm whm did the speaker gel the infrmatin f the prject?
    A.Hcr cusins. B.Hcrncighbrs C.Her parents
    18.Where des the speaker cme frm?
    A.Australia. B.Thailand. C.China.
    19.What des the speaker ask her family t d?
    A.Recycle as much as pssible.
    B.Teach her hw t recycle.
    C.Pick up rubbish n the seaside.
    20.Whal will the prject fcus n next year?
    A.Srting garbage B.Cleaning rivers. C.Saving sea animals
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。
    高三英语 第2页(共8页)
    We track dwn sme f the wrld's grcatest rail jurncys.
    The Canadian
    The trip frm Trnt t Vancuver is slccpy 83 hurs lng —but cnsidering yu'll be winding thrugh snw -capped Rcky Muntains and Canadian Shield furesls,the pace suits anyne lking fr relaxatin,rest and peaceful views.Huge glass windws make the mst f the scenery us the train travels acrss 4,466 km f Canada's divcrsc landscapc.
    The Blue Train
    The train spans 1,600 km f track linking Prelria with Cape Twn.Mre like a htel n rails than a train,there are carriagcs where passcngcrs can rest in cmfrt and have full -sized baths.Thc jurncy takes 27 hurs fim start t finish and crsscs sme f the mst diverse and picturesque scenery n the African cntinent.Dn't expecl t feel the rush f wind thrugh yur hair thugh,as its average speed is just 57 km/h.
    The Indian Pacific
    Departing frm Sydney,it lakes abut 70 hurs fr the Indian Pacifie t crss the Australian cntincnt n its way t Perth.Stpping at the mining twn f Brken Hill,Adelaide,and Kalgrlie yu'll cvcr 4,352 km at an avcrage specd f 85 km/h.At that rate,yu'll catch the full glry f the sun setting acrss the hrizn n the lngest stretch f straight rail track in the wrld.Travel in spring fr the best f Western Australia's wildflwcrs.
    Jinghu High Speed Rail
    The shwcase f China's mdern rail fleel was launched in 2012 and shaves 20 hurs ff the 1, 303 km trip frm Beijing t Shanghai,delivering passengers t their destinatin in five super -fast hurs.It is currenly the fastest lng -distancc passcngr train in the wrld,reaching speeds f 300
    21.What d the Canadian and the Blue Train have in cmmn?
    A.They travel in a leisurcly pacc.
    B.They bth perate in Africa.
    C.They crss a whle cntinent.
    D.Thcy have largc windws.
    22.What can we learn abul the the Indian Pacific?
    A.It cvers the lngesl distance.
    B.It ffers bcautiful scencry.
    C.Il prvides full-sized baths.
    D.It nly serves in spring.
    23.Which f the fllwing train has the fastest speed?
    A.The Canadian
    B.The Blue Train
    C.The Indian Pacific
    D.Jinghu High Speed Rail
    If smene asked yu t name a species in need f cnservatin,it wuldn't take lng fr yu t land upn the plar bear.As the mst symblic animal f the Arctic,plar bears perfectly adapt t such a tugh envirnment.Althugh mst are brn n land,plar bears spend the majrily f their lives arund water and n the sea ice f the Arctic Ocean.While they are nt facing upcming extinctin,the destructin (破坏)caused t their habitats by climate change puts their lng-term
    survival at risk and their numbers are predicted t decline by 30%by 2050.
    高三英语 第 3 页 ( 共 8 页 )
    It is estimated that there are 26,000 plar bears in the wild,living acrss cuntries thal brler the Arctic Occan.They arc cxcellent swimmcrs,able t reach a tp spccd f 6 mph.They have been knwn t travel arcas f up t 600,000 sq km t find thcir prcy ( 猎 物 ) .Plar bcars have an incredibly well -develped sense f smell and can discver prey up t I km away.
    The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the glbal average mclting the sca icc that is vital t the plar bears'ability t find fd.The plar bear's fd supply is dircctly impacted by the meling ice.Seals,their main meal,als breed n the ice.S the whle seal ppulatin dwindles l as t cnscquencc f that change.And it has frced plar bears t lk furthcr fr scals.This has increased cnflict bctwecn humans and plar bcars,as they cme clscr t human scttlcments lking fr fd.
    The fight l save plar bears is in facl linked t the jint effrls f us humans.There are several rganisatins aimed l aid plar bears.Plar Bears Internatinal is the nly cnservatin grup aimed t help plar bcar.Cnsisting f scicntists and cnscrvatinists,they arc cxpanding ur knwledge abul plar bear using the msl advanced technlgy.Anther is the Internalinal Assciatin fr Bear Research and Management(IBA),a grup with ver 500 members frm ver 60 cuntries wh wrk tgcther t share rescarch and infrmatin n cight bcar spccics including the plar bcar.
    24.Whal puts the plar bear al risk?
    A.Illcgal hunting. B.Severe pllutin. C.Climate changc. D.Invasive spccics.
    25.What can we lcarn abut the plar bcar frm the paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A.They have a sharp sense f smell.
    B.They search fr fd in a small area.
    C.Thcy are pr at swimming.
    D.They live in harmny with humans.
    26.Which is clsest in meaning t“dwindle”underlined in paragraph 3?
    A.Expand. B.Dccrcasc. C.Rccvcr. D.Disappcar
    27.What is the authr's purpsc in writing thc tcxt?
    A.T intrduce plarbears’habitats and hunting skills.
    B.T shw the influencc f climate changc.
    C.T display sme cnservalin grups'achievemenls.
    D.T call n peple t prtect plarbears.
    I was standing in frnt f a stranger's huse,rescue bx in hand,my head full f instructins t fllw.It wuld be my first test as a vluntcer wildlife rescucr.A call had cme thrugh that afternn frm a man:an unknwn bird was attacked by ther birds.He saved the victim.Culd smene please help t transfer(转移)it?
    I was anxius cven at the dr:wuld I be able t transfer it ncatly int my rescue bx?I entered the huse,lifted a shebx and saw a bird standing n thin legs,shaking.IHesitating fr quite a while,I decided t transfer the whle shebx int my rescue bx.
    Back hme,I culd sce n bvius sign f injury,but it refused t eat the birl fd 1 prvided. I phned a specialist.She tld me this species hunts insects n the wing,s keeping it lnger than vernight wuld make it starve.I released it and it flew high immediately."What wuld be different fr this delicate creature this time arund?”I al least it wuld win its life again.
    That was in 2009.My first rescue was a secnd chance fr the bird as well as fr me.Five mnths earlier,I'd received a cancer diagnsis( 诊 断 ) .After the treatment,I recvered but was tld I culdn't take n my frmer wrk,which wuld wrsen my physical cnditin.I was at the pint where I didn't knw hw t schedule my days.Then I heard abut a wildlife rescue grup that
    was sceking vlunteers and hlding a curse.I'd been attracted by animals ever since I was a yung
    高三英语 第 4 页 ( 共 8 页 )
    gird but had always thught that I'd missed thal bat.Then I fund the bal again.
    I did the cursc and accuired qualificatins.All I had t d was wait fr a rescue call.And it
    came:it was in a bx waiting,just fr me.
    2 8.What can we learn abul the authr in her first wildlife rescue?
    A.She experienced high pressure.
    B.She lacked prpcr tls fr rescuc.
    C.She frgt rescue instructins.
    D.She was skilled in ding the rescuc.
    29.What wuld prbably happcn t the bird aftcr the releasc?
    A.Il wuld be l weak and gel slarved.
    B.It wuld seek smene fr adplin.
    C.It wuld die frm the injuris.
    D.Il wuld find the fd il desired.
    30.Why did the authr take n bird rescue?
    A.T find life's mcaning again.
    B.T relieve her wrk stress.
    C.T cure her discasc cmpletely.
    D.T try a ncw hbby
    31.Which is the mst suilable lille fr the texl?
    A.The Skills f Rescue B.Our Secnd Chance
    C.Wildlife Prtectin D.Thughts after Cancer
    Anther ycar f recrd fssil fuel burning lcading t recrd high glbal tempcraturcs.Timc is running ut t slve the climate crisis,and grcat disastcrs cme ncar us.Yu're prbably uscd t such headlines,and yu may have mmenls f hpelessness abut the future.But can yu turn such glm ( 灰 暗 )mcssaging f climatc crisis int mcaningful change?Our rccent glbal study says yes 一 but the messages must be used wisely.
    In 2019,in his bk,David Wallace -Wells painted a terrifying landscape f the suffering awaiting us if we dn't address climate chang,lcaving many fccling cnsumed by fcar and helplessness.Nl everyne is a fan f his glm messaging.Climale scientists like Michael Mann have warned against it,messaging that it can depress and discurage the public,and lead t further
    climate inactin.And the title f a new bk by Hannah Ritchic states clcarly that it's Nt the End
    f the Wrld:Hw We Can Be the First Generatin t Build a Sustainable Planet.
    T help figure ut the precise impact f climate glm messaging,we recently cmpleted a large cxperiment.Our findings revcaled that glm messaging was highly cffective fr stimulating climatc change infrmatin sharing,like psting n the Internet r scial media.Wallace -Wells was right in this aspect.But Mann and Ritchie were als right.Hearing these messages actually decreased
    pcple's psitive behavirs against cnvirnmental pllutin when faced with the cnrmus
    messages f the climate crisis,individual -level actins might seem futile ( 徒 劳 的 ) .S glm messaging can d bth things;cause helplessness,discuraging individual -level actin;but als mtivate peple t spread the wrd.
    Our research als fund several ther messages that mved the needle n climate change beliefs and actins.This suggests that understanding hw different messages wrk,and in what cntexts, will be eritical t changing beliefs,spreading the wrd,and mtivating actin.
    32.What message des glm messaging intend t deliver?
    A.The unstppable tendency t disasters.
    B.Disastrus effeets f burning fssil fuels.
    高三英语 第 5 页 ( 共 8 页 )
    C.The urgeney t deal with climale crisis.
    D.Cnfidence in cnvirnmental prtectin.
    33.Why d sme climatc scicntists disagrcc with Wallace -Wells'vicw?
    A.Because they dn'l believe there is severe climale erisis.
    B.Becausc they fcar it will lcad t mre cnvirnmental pllutin.
    C.Becausc they plan t build a new wrld in anther planct.
    D.Because they wrry il makes peple give up climale aclins.
    34.Hw des glm messaging affect the public accrling l paragraph 3?
    A.It encurages pcple t fight against climate change.
    B.It increases peple's awareness f climale crisis.
    C.It has n impact n climale change behavirs.
    D.It mislcads pcple int sprcading wrng ncws.
    35.Whal is the last paragraph mainly abul?
    A.The lack f slutin fr inspiring climale aclins.
    B.Clm messagcs'influcnccs n climatcbchavirs.
    C.The imprtancc f studying diffcrcnt messagcs'cffcels.
    D.Right attitudes t climate change beliefs and belhavirs.
    Benefits f Lifelng Learning
    Lifclng lcarning has becme csscntial in a cnstantly changing wrld duc t fast -mving
    tcchnlgy,changing jb ficlds,and shifing cultural standards. significant fr us t explre the benefits f lifelng learning.
    36 .In vicw f this,it is
    It bsts brainpwer.Accrding t a research in the Psychlgical Seience jurnal,acquiring new skills nt nly keeps yur brain active and sharp but als helps imprve cgnitive(认知的) functin,delaying memry prblems as yu age. 37
    38 .Acquiring new skills nt nly bsts yur cnfidence but als empwers yu,expsing yu t a bruder perspective(视野)by intrducing different vicws and cultures.
    It prmtes career.Learning new things can help yur career prgress.It als helps the cmpanies where yu wrk t keep active. 39 .Peple wh keep learning are mre adaptable at wrk.Anther survey reveals thal 76%f prfessinals believe lcarning new skills is crilical t
    success in their careers.
    It increases satisfactin.Gaining new knwledge and develping skills can be a fun and rewarding experienee fr many peple. 40 .lifelng learners desire t acquire knwledge, which makes their lives mre mtivating and fulfilled.They ften feel a sense f accmplishment.
    Finally,remember the wise wrds f Malclm X,“Educatin is yur ticket t the future because the future belngs t thse wh prepare fr it tday.”
    高三英语 第 6 页 ( 共 8 页 )
    A.It imprves persnality
    B.It spccds up cmmunicatin
    C.It is n lnger jusl a chice;it is a musl
    D.Peple prefer l change their careers [usl
    E.Cntinuusly lcarning culd prvide cnrmus sclf -satisfactin
    F.Addilinally,learning new subjecls enhances prblem -slving skills
    G.That is why the reprt The Future f Jbs highlights that cmplyers valuc lifclng lcarncrs
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D) 中,选出可以填入空
    Travel inspires adventure,team spirit and grwth in children,as I discvered when I tk my daughter Maia with me arund the wrld.
    When she was fur,we had a parent -child 41 thrugh the Fraser River in Canada.I was a travel writer and my jb cvered frm describing the scenery I traveled alng t 42 the peple I mct.S while I was taking pictures,Maia,wanting t prve her 43 as an assistant,began interviewing a cuple in the same ship.Unable t spell wrls,she. 44 their answers in crayn. Then when we sat tgether at lunch,my daughter 45 the kids'meal and requested the salmn (三文鱼).She explained that kids’meals might nt always be 46 during travel,s her fd
    47 was“try cvcrything.”That trip prved Maia as such an casy travel 48
    When she was six,we flew l the Riviera Maya in Mexic.I was impressed by hw 49 fearless she was when we dived alng a reef(礁石) .And I was 50 by hw she cleverly wrked ut that she culd rder chclate cake frm rm 51 alnc.But it was n the 52 hmc, when my glued-t-my-arm kid said it was kay that the airline didn't 53 us lgether,that I realized hw much travel was 54 her.It helped her becme mre 55
    As Maia grew lder,travel cntinued t 56 her life.We explred the Amazn rainfresl, where she learned the imprtance f 57 ur planct.We visited famus 58 in China,where she develped a deep appreciatin in its rich cullures and lng histry.And we 59 al.an rphanage (孤儿院) in Africa,where she learned the meaning f lve and care.
    Travel has als helped Maia develp imprtant life 60 such as independence,prblem - slving,and cmmunicalin.I am graleful fr whal travel has had n my daughter,and I am exeited
    l see whal the future hlds fr her.
    B.talk C.jurney D.quarrel
    B.teaching C.rganizing D.interviewing
    B.belicf C.discvery D.demand
    B.reprted C.fund D.drew
    up B.turned dwn C.searched fr D.cmplained abut
    B.dclicate C.available D.delicius
    B.mtt C.preference D.supply
    B.client C.assistant D.partner
    B.flishly C.smartly D.unplcasantly
    B.puzzled C.criticized D.ffended
    B,service C.renl D.design
    B.ship C.flight D.bus
    B.scc C.link D.scat
    B.cmfrling C.hurting D.ruining
    B.adaptable C.respectful D.changeable
    B.disturb C.cnrich D.save
    B.cntrlling C.destrying D.creating
    B.peple C.parks D,shps
    B.played C.vlunteered D.spke
    B.values C.attitudes D.skills
    高三英语 第 7 页 ( 共 8 页 )
    Yunnan has adpted artilicial intelligence(Al)t carry ul mst rutine inspectins at 621 pwer substatins(变电站),replacing the need fr human wrkers.The Al inspeclin,pwered by cameras,drnes (无人机)and walking rhts, 61 (be)capable f cmpleting a task in 62
    (litle)than five minutes,dwn frm the five hurs 63 (require)by human wrkers.
    Yunnan,a majr 64 (prduce)f lydrpwer and ther frms f clean electricily,has 1, 937 pwer substatins f 35 kilvlts(下伏)r abvc,many f 65 are lcated in muntainus arcas.Access t ncarly half f 66 substatins requircs travel f mre than three hurs by rad.
    AI-pwered aulmalice inspeeliuns are expecled 67 (free)human wrkers frm lengthy rad travels,grcatly reducing csts.The China Suthern Pwer Grid has planned t prmte AI inspectins frm the cxpcrimental arcas 68 the rest f the substatins in the prvince ver the next tw years.
    China is incrcasingly turning t artificial intelligence,especially rbtic technlgies t tackle the 69 (shrt)f technicians in remtc muntainus arcas.Last year,the muntainus prvince f Guizhu als started using rbts t inspect the pwer substatins that are 70 (easy) influcnced by cxtreme weather cnditins.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (A), 并在其下而写出该加的词。
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last Labur Day,I visited my grandma with my parenls,she lives alne in the cunlryside. When arrive at her huse,I immediately began t assist my grandma in ding husewrk.I watered lwer in the yard,cleaned the huse and wash the dishes.My grandma smiled,saying she was glad that I had becme persn respecting but lving labur wrk.My parents said they felt pride f me, t.They als tld f me that we culd imprve ur lives thrugh labur.I was grateful fr the time spend with my grandma and I learned many thal day.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是李华,最近参加了学校举办的“新时代好少年”主题网络短视频制作大赛活 动,请你给学校英文报写一篇短文介绍该活动,内容包括:
    1. 活动设置目的;
    2. 你的参与情况和感受。
    2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。
    An Unfrgettable Vide -clip Stry
    Recently I participated in a cntest f nline vide -clip making,which was themed"Mdel
    Sludenls in New Era".
    高三英语 第8页(共8页)

    2023届四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题: 这是一份2023届四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题,共12页。

    2022-2023学年四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版含听力音频素材): 这是一份2022-2023学年四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版含听力音频素材),文件包含2023届四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题解析版docx、2023届四川省乐山市高三下学期第三次调查研究考试英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023届四川省乐山市高三第一次调查研究考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届四川省乐山市高三第一次调查研究考试英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,短文改错,其他应用文等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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