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    1. 答题前,务必在答题卷规定的地方填写自己的姓名、考号和座位号。
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    3. 满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What des the man want t d nw?
    A. Watch a basketball match. B. Buy a gift fr his mther
    C. G t his mther's birthday party.
    2. Why des the man plan t g t Edinburgh?
    A. T g t a cncert. B. T keep his parents cmpany.
    C. T attend his grandparents' wedding anniversary.
    3. What did the wman buy yesterday?
    A. Sme butter. B. Sme milk. C. Sme bread.
    4. Hw did the man bk the htel fr his hliday?
    A. On the Internet. B. On the phneC. At the travel agency
    5. When des the exam begin?
    A. At 2 p. m. B. At 3 p. mC. At 4 p. m
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the man spend mst f his pcket mney n?
    A. Bks. B. Films. C. CDs.
    7. Hw much des the man get frm his uncle a week?
    A. 15 yuan. B. 30 yuanC. 45 yuan
    8. When will the wman leave fr her hliday?该试卷源自 每日更新,享更低价下载。A. On WednesdayB. On ThursdayC. On Friday.
    9. Hw des the wman feel abut her cming hliday?
    A. Wrried. B. Excited. C. Lnely
    10. What des the wman expect t d during her hliday?
    A. Listen t sme music with her friends. B. D sme reading n the beach.
    C. Take sme lng walks n the beach.
    11. What will the wman d tmrrw?
    A. Repair her laptpB. Prepare a reprt. C. Have an interview.
    12. What is the tpic f the wman's presentatin?
    A. A develpment plan. B. A technlgy research
    C. A researching subject.
    13. What might the wman wrry abut?
    A. Her laptp might nt wrk. B. She might feel t nervus.
    C. She isn't sure f what t say.
    14. Why des the wman ften take lng travels?
    A. T start a career as a yung persn. B. T see the wrld as much as pssible.
    C. T avid staying with her family.
    15. Where des the wman usually stay while travelling?
    A. In expensive htels. B. In family restaurants. C. In tents.
    16. What might be the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Manager and waitress. B. Father and daughter.
    C. Hst and interviewee.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. A tur guide. B. The Gardens’ funder. C. A cmpany manager.
    18. What d we knw abut the Suth Cast Gardens?
    A. It has a histry f ver 100 years. B. It keeps 8, 000 varieties f paintings.
    C. It has a cllectin f the 19th century rare cins.
    19. Hw many parts is the Suth Cast Gardens divided int?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    20. What can visitrs d in the rse garden?
    A. Have rse tea. B. Cllect varius rsesC. Plant different rses
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Did yu knw yu can visit the Great Wall f China, see famus paintings r check in n yur favurite z animals withut leaving hme? That's gd news any time. Here are sme f explre-the-wrld-frm-hme ideas.
    This incredible landmark is a cllectin f walls. It's ften said it's the nly human-made structure that can be seen frm the Mn but that claim was made many years befre anyne had been t the Mn. Tday, the Great Wall is generally recgnized as ne f the mst impressive architectural feats in histry.
    VISIT thechinaguide. cm/destinatin/great-wall-f-china
    This famus z is ffering virtual hme safaris. “We're bringing the z t peple wh are stuck at hme,” said z directr Thane Maynard. “The gal with the daily live sessins is t prvide fun and educatinal cntent t peple wh are staying at hme.”
    VISIT cincinnatiz. rg/hme-safari-resurces
    The Smithsnian Museum and Natinal Z has a large range f exhibits available t view nline, including Animal Cams-live streams f their animal enclsures s yu can get up clse with lins, pandas, elephants and mre.
    VISIT si.edu/kids
    Take sme time t study the paintings f Mnet, Cezanne, and Gauguin at the Musee D'Orsay, Paris. VISIT: m. musee-rsay. fr/en
    And fr a truly ut-f-this-wrld experience frm the cmfrt f yur wn hme, take a virtual tur f Mars. The tur images are recrded by NASA's Curisity rver.
    VISIT accessmars. withggle. cm
    21. Hw can we describe the Great Wall accrding t the secnd paragraph?
    A. Traditinal. B. Creative. C. Amazing. D. Ppular
    22. What d CINCINNATI ZOO and SMITHSONIAN have in cmmn?
    A. They require visitrs t fill in frms. B. They ffer visual feasts abut animals.
    C. They educate peple t prtect animals. D. They prvide fun and educatinal cmment.
    23. Which ne is suitable fr thse wh are interested in explring space?
    Third grade was the wrst year ever. My parents split up that year, and my dad mved ut. I knw that every divrce is different, and I'm tld that nt all f them are as painful as urs was. Ours was cruel.
    There were ther difficult things happening, t. I was epileptic and had a brain tumr. S I had t leave he classrm smetimes, t g t the nurse's ffice t take pills r t head t the hspital fr bld wrk, an EEG, r a CAT scan. Nt fun.
    And I turned, as kids ften d, t bks. Bks were drways ut f my cld huse, t imagined ands, full f magical creatures and wishes-cme-true. I read frm sunup t sundwn. I read at breakfast, and I read late int the night. I devured bks.
    Originally, in that terrible year, I sught ut bks that distracted me frm my pain. I lved Half Magic; The Lin, the Witch and the Wardrbe; Mary Pppins, bks where regular kids encuntered magic in the wrld arund them. I was eager fr smething unexpected t happen and radically alter my wrld, s thse bks were many f my favrites. But they were nt my nly favrites.
    The ther bks I lved were the bks that made me cry. My brain is still full f s many perfect painful mments. Beth, dying in Little Wmen. I read Oscar Wilde stries in which all hearts were brken. The Nightingale, dead frm lve.
    I've thught a lt abut why these bks mattered s much. And I think it was because I was very alne in my sadness. Lnely, I sught cmpany, the best way I culd. Bks were cmpany. And thugh Half Magic was ne kind f cmpany, a distracting, cheerful friend ——that wasn't enugh.
    S smetimes yu need a friend wh is als struggling, a friend wh is sad in the very way that yu are sad, and s makes yu feel nrmal. Fr me, sad bks were that friend. After a sad bk, I slept easier.
    24. What didn't happen t the authr in the third grade?
    A. The authr's dad left him/her. B. The authr had t quit schl.
    C. The authr had serius diseases. D. The authr's parents gt divrced.
    25. What kind f bks did the authr read at first?
    A. Fantasy bksB. Funny bks.
    C. Sad bksD. Medical bks.
    26. Why were sad bks s imprtant t the authr?
    A. Because the authr didn't want t read cheerful bks.
    B. Because reading these sad bks culd make him/her cry.
    C. Because he/she liked the perfect painful mments in the bks.
    D. Because they made the authr feel he/she was nt alne in sadness.
    27. What's the authr's purpse f writing this passage?
    A. T share with readers his/her experience f grwing up.
    B. T encurage readers t read mre bks in their spare time.
    C. T call n readers t pay mre attentin, t thse wh are suffering.
    D. T tell readers hw he/she gt thrugh a tugh time in his/her life by reading.
    The Ouray Ice Park sits at the muth f a narrw bx canyn sculpted by the Uncmpahgre River. As we picked ur way up the canyn, Davis, peratins manager at the park, pinted ut the varius prjects his staff were rushing t cmplete befre pening day. There was signage t build, a new bridge t check, and f curse, lts f ice t grw.
    He shwed. me the lines f water pipes and sprinklers (洒水器) lcated alng the cliff edge. There are mre than 200 f these sprinklers, which spray water directly nt the rck, creating walls f ice cntaining 100-plus climbs. Starting in Nvember when the temperature drps, the ice farmers wet the rck with water t cl it, essentially building a canvas fr the waterfalls. They use existing features n the rck t grw a variety f rutes fr all skill levels. Thugh the jb invlves much labur in freezing weather, Davis described grwing ice as a kind f art frm. If half an ice farmer's jb is creatin, the ther half is upkeep. Expsed water pipes in the muntains are easy t freeze and break and it is up t thse farmers t fix them.
    This winter has been unusually warm and temperatures, even in December, were nt cld enugh t make sufficient ice. It even rained a day befre the park was set t pen, destrying 30% f the ice farmers' effrts. “Winter climate is less certain due t the warming f ur planet,” said Heidi Steltzer, a prfessr f envirnment and sustainability. “Human-made ice may nt be pssible every year, but in years when it is, the ice park ffers jy, a gathering place and pprtunities f earning mney t sustain rural muntain life.”
    28. What des paragraph 1 mainly talk abut?
    A. The significance f building an ice park.
    B. The gegraphical variety f the Ouray Ice Park.
    C. The lcatin and building schedule f the Ouray Ice Park.
    D. The influence f the Uncmpahgre River n the Ouray Ice Park.
    29. Why is water sprinkled nt the rck in the park?
    A. T make ice walls fr climbing.
    B. T frm an attractive landscape.
    C. T remve dirt frm the rck surface.
    D. T avid the rck breaking in high temperatures.
    30. Which is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “upkeep” in paragraph 2?
    A. Prfit. B. Repair. C. Impact. D. Service.
    31. What des Heidi Steltzer think f the ice park?
    A. It ffers a methd f recreatin and livelihd.
    B. It seems nly a waste f manpwer and mney.
    C. It has sme unfreseeable impacts n lcal eclgy.
    D. It is better than ther kinds f parks with its unique amusements.
    The feeling f envy (嫉妒) strikes at many mments these days: When a friend buys a huse, r when an eighbr shares gd news abut their successful side prject while yu're caught by sky-high debts, when a c-wrker gets a new jb while yur career has n prgress.
    It's nrmal t feel envius. After all, envy is a universal emtin, and we dn't have t feel ashamed by it, psychlgists say. In fact, psychlgists suggest trying a pwerful methd and analyzing ur envy t get clues abut what we really want ut f life. Ding s can help us figure ut next steps in ur careers and persnal lives.
    Tw distinct flavrs f envy exist. Malicius (恶意的) envy arrives with anger, annyance and a sense f wanting t take an advantage away frm anther persn, says Jan Crusius, psychlgist and prfessr f mtivatin and emtin at University f Greifswald in Germany. Benign (良性的) envy, n the ther hand, is when yu wish yu were in smene else's psitin but dn't feel like tearing them dwn. That envy can inspire self-reflectin and the mtivatin t set new gals. Research frm Crusius has shwn that marathn runners wh were t experience benign envy als set higher gals fr themselves, and tended t run faster in their races.
    Rather than bttle up envy when it ccurs, start by asking wh inspires a mix f admiratin and envy in yur life. If they've accmplished a particular milestne, investigate why yu're drawn t that achievement. The answer may pint yu n a mre fulfilling path. Changing yur thughts helps yu view smene as a mdel t catch up rather than an ppnent t defeat, and helps yu fcus n what yu can cntrl.
    32. Hw did the authr intrduce the tpic f the text?
    A. By telling a stry. B. By giving examples.
    C. By shwing a definitin. D. By listing a series f findings
    33. What can benign envy bring us finally?
    A. Anger. B. HappinessC. ImprvementD. Self-reflectin.
    34. What shuld we d t deal with envy accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. Set a gal fr yurself. B. Just let it be.
    C. Defeat yur ppnent. D. Bttle up yur envy
    35. Where can this text be read?
    A. In a nvel. B. In a news reprtC. In a bk review. D. In a research reprt
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Sme peple can begin a cnversatin with anyne ——even cmplete strangers. 36 . This can be particularly stressful if yu have scial anxiety disrder (SAD). But even if scial small talk is hard fr yu, pssibilities exist t imprve yur cnversatinal skills and make yu feel mre cmfrtable talking with strangers. 37 .
    A great way t start a cnversatin with the peple arund yu is t simply cmment n yur shared surrundings. 38 . Fr example, if yu are sitting in a lecture hall and ntice that yur prfessr lks familiar, yu culd say t the persn next t yu, “Desn't he lk a bit like Harry Ptter?”
    Keep yur cmments psitive——never mean-spirited r critical. Yu want the ther persn t feel cmfrtable getting in n the jke with yu. Yu culd fllw up n yur previus cmment abut yur prfessr with smething like, “I wnder where Hedwig is?”
    39 , which means using this methd t start a cnversatin can be risky. Hwever, if yu d find smene wh shares yur sense f humr, it can be the start f a great friendship.
    If yu dn't receive a psitive respnse frm ne persn, the methd might wrk with smene else. 40 . With time, yu'll becme mre cnfident and wn't need t rely n tricks t get a cnversatin started and keep it ging.
    A. A little humr wrks great here
    B. Here are sme ways t help yu
    C. A gd cnversatin really matters a lt
    D. But many thers find it difficult t talk t a stranger
    E. Humr is difficult with smene yu dn't knw well
    F. The mre yu practice, the easier it will be t talk t a persn yu dn't knw
    G. The mre cnfident yu are, the mre chance t receive a psitive respnse there will be
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    “Students with a gd mastery f freign languages need t accumulate (积累) knwledge in ther aspects s that they can better 41 natinal develpment, the Belt and Rad Initiative, and ther majr initiatives t help build a cmmunity with a shared future fr humanity,” said Chen Lin when he was 96 years ld. With a “life is t give, nt t take” 42 , Chen devted his whle life t the 43 f freign language educatin in China.
    Brn in 1922, Chen wrked in freign educatin fr mre than 70 years. In 1949, he 44 teaching at Beijing Freign Studies University. At the university, Chen was knwn fr his nickname f “Three UP Prfessr”, since he always 45 “standing up” and “speaking up” when teaching. Als, when class was ver, he wuld instantly “shut up”.
    Since China's refrm and pening-up in the late 1970 s, Chen brke new grund (打破常规) by 46 ne f the cuntry's 47 English-language TV prgrams, which intrduced a brand-new way f language learning t China. T help students learn English mre effectively, Chen advised prviding 48 English-learning material fr students at different levels. In the 1980 s, in mst English classes, teachers did mst f the 49 , while students mstly nly listened. But Chen 50 students t speak and practise mre.
    In 1999, Chen 51 experts t develp English curriculum (课程) standards. 52 hat, English teaching 53 frm primary t university had nt been cnnected. But the standards 54 the situatin, making English educatin wrk like “ne package”.
    In 2023, Chen Lin 55 in Beijing at the age f 101. Chen nce said that his lifelng dream was t he 100 years ld and still teaching. It was a dream that came true fr the senir educatr.
    41. A. refer tB. cntribute tC. ccur tD. react ta
    42. A. methdB. feelingC. attitudeD. perfrmance
    43. A, difficulty B. wayC. situatinD. develpment
    44. A. startedB. lvedC. stppedD. pracised
    45. A. depended rB. insisted nC. cncentrated rD. tk n
    46. A. hstingB. gainingC. enjyingD. shwing
    47. A. biggestB. earliestC. latestD. greatest
    48. A. flexible B. affrdableC. acceptableD. suitable
    49. A. listeningB. readingC. speakingD. writing
    50. A. expectedB. invitedC. encuragedD. frced
    51. A. askedB. requestedC. recmmendedD. led
    52. A. AfterB. BefreC. DuringD. While
    53. A. galsB. agesC. emtinsD. techniques
    54. A. brkeB. slvedC. changedD. fllwed
    55. A. went awayB. drve awayC, ran awayD. passed away
    第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    It's cmmn t see a barista (咖啡师) create cffee art (咖啡拉花). Hwever, it's a whle different ball game ding same thing with tea. Over the past several years, Han Zheming, a 40-year-ld Shanghai resident, 56 (manage) t perfect the skill, creating tea art in cups, r dian cha in Chinese. “It is similar 57 the fam (泡沫) n tp f a cup f cffee, except that it is made f tea rather than milk. ”
    Chinese tea culture started t enjy 58 (ppular) during the Tang Dynasty. After hundreds f years f evlutin, it thrived thrughut the Sng Dynasty, 59 tea had becme a necessity fr almst everyne, just like ther items as rice, il and salt. In the eyes f peple f that time, gd tea shuld be white and fine. The better the tea, the whiter it shuld be, and the 60 (lng) the fam shuld last.
    Han is curius abut the patterns 61 (create) n the tea fam and he ften ges t museums t bserve Sng paintings. “ 62 (usual), it takes a year f practice fr ne t fully grasp tea-whisking.” It is thrugh trial and errr that Han gets ging. Nw, he can deliver a piece f tea-whisking art in “ne take”.
    “It's like 63 (add) bells and whistles t tea and giving peple 64 strnger sense f ccasin, s drinking tea is mre fun,” Han says. It's als his intentin 65 (bring) the ld ritual (礼仪) and culture back fr mre peple t appreciate.
    56. _____________ 57. _____________ 58. _____________ 59. _____________ 60. _____________
    61. _____________ 62. _____________63. _____________ 64. _____________ 65. _____________
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,学校英语论坛将举办一场主题为“Hw t Imprve English”的讨论会,请你围绕此话题用英语写一篇发言稿。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Gd mrning, everyne!
    It's my pleasure t share sme experience with yu abut hw t imprve English.
    Li Hua
    I was 10 years ld when I asked my mum fr pian lessns. She was recently laid ff due t the ecnmic dwnturn. She said a plite “n”.
    That didn't stp me. I Ggled the dimensins f a keybard, drew the keys n t a piece f paper and stuck it n my desk. I wuld click ntes n an nline keybard and “play” them back n my paper ne keeping the sund they made n the cmputer in my head. After a while I culd hear the ntes in my head while pressing the keys n the paper. I spent six mnths playing scales and chrd sequences withut tuching a real pian. When my mum saw what I did, she brrwed sme mney frm family and friends, and bught me 10 lessns.
    I still remember the first ne. I was struck by hw rganic the sund f the pian was, as I had becme familiar with the artificial electrnic sund. The teacher tried t explain where middle C was but I culd already play all the majr and minr scales, as well as tnic and dminant functins.
    I tk the first grade pian test after eight lessns and gt distinctin. By the time I started secndary schl, we culdn't affrd lessns again, s I returned t my paper keybard. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing nly n my piece f paper.
    When the head f music at my schl knwing my experience, he said I culd practice n the schl's grand pian. I wuld wake up at 5: 30 am t get there in time and play until lessns started. I'd frg lunch and then practice after schl until the caretaker kicked me ut. At hme, I'd have dinner, d ne hur f revisin, and then mental practice until 11 p. m.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    One evening, when I was abut 12, I came hme, and my mum said she had a surprise fr me.
    My dad was very much against me playing, but when he heard that piece, smething inside him changed.
    Text 1
    W: Let's g t a basketball match, shall we? It's ging t be great.
    M: I'd lve t, but I need t g shpping. My mther's birthday is cming.
    Text 2
    W: Are yu cming t the cncert with us n December 14th?
    M: Srry, but I'm travelling t Edinburgh with my parents t celebrate my grandparents' wedding anniversary.
    W: Ww, that's a gd plan.
    Text 3
    M: Culd yu get sme milk and butter when yu g shpping, please?
    W: Oh, we dn't need any milk. I bught sme yesterday. It's in the fridge, n the bttm shelf. Shall I buy sme bread?
    M: N, n! We've gt enugh bread. I went t a new bakery n the crner this mrning
    Text 4
    M: I've bked a htel fr my hliday in Italy next mnth. I can't wait t g!
    W: Sunds exciting. I'd lve t g t Italy, t. Did yu bk it n the Internet?
    M: N. I phned the travel agency, and they fund me just the right thing.
    Text 5
    W: Tm, yu must g nw! It's nearly ne 'clck. The traffic is really bad tday.
    M: What's the rush? The exam begins at 3 p. m.
    W: N, it starts at 2 p. m. and ends at 4 p. m. Check yur exam timetable!
    M: Really? Oh n!
    Text 6
    W: Excuse me. I'm a reprter frm 21st Century. Culd I ask yu a few questins?
    M: Sure. What wuld yu like t knw?
    W: Well, t begin with, wuld yu mind telling me hw much pcket mney yu receive every mnth?
    M: On average, I get smething like three hundred yuan frm my parents.
    W: Then, hw d yu usually spend yur pcket mney?
    M: Well, I spend it n many different things. I ften buy bks, and that csts much f my pcket mney. Smetimes I buy CDs and g t the cinema.
    W: D yu get extra mney frm any ther surces?
    M: Yes, but nly a little. That cmes frm ding a little husewrk fr my uncle twice every week fr 15 yuan each time. By the way, I live at my uncle's, but I dn't need t pay fr the husing r meals, s I'm saving.
    Text 7
    M: S, are yu lking frward t yur hliday in Hainan Island?
    W: Of curse. I was ging t leave this Friday. But then I've bked a flight fr this Thursday just befre the price went up.
    M: S yu're leaving a day earlier?
    W: Yes. I can't wait t get there.
    M: Well, wn't yu feel a bit lnely r wrried if yu g there n yur wn?
    W: Oh, nt at all. I can enjy sme music r d sme reading n the flight. And I'll visit friends nce I'm there.
    M: D yu have a lt f friends there?
    W: Definitely!
    M: Well, what will yu d there if it is sunny?
    W: D sme lng walks n the beach, dive in the sea, and taste sme sea fd.
    Text 8
    M: Yu will have an interview fr a prmtin tmrrw, right?
    W: Yes, 9: 30 in the mrning. I finally gt my presentatin ready last night.
    M: Gd! The interview is f great imprtance, s it's better t get fully prepared.
    W: Yeah. I just hpe nthing ges wrng with the laptp tmrrw.
    M: Yes, technlgy helps us a lt nwadays but that depends. Hw abut speaking in frnt f peple? Have yu dne a presentatin befre?
    W: A cuple f times. I'll be nervus fr sure, but nce I get started, I'll be OK.
    M: By the way, what's yur presentatin abut?
    W: It's a lng term develpment plan f ur department and I've spent ages
    researching the subject, s I'll have plenty t talk abut.
    M: Gd luck! I'm sure yu'll make it.
    Text 9
    M: We have Carrie Lewis n the shw tday, wh has just returned frm a fur mnth hliday in Eurpe. Welcme t ur shw!
    W: It's my great hnr. I'm very pleased t meet all f yu here.
    M: Have yu always spent s lng travelling? Yu knw, nt many peple can affrd that.
    W: Yes. I’m 22 and I knw eventually I have t start a career, but at the mment I want t see as much f the wrld as pssible befre I have respnsibilities like raising children.
    M: But where d yu find the mney t g n such lng hlidays?
    W: Well, I certainly dn't stay in expensive htels. I ften g camping. Then f curse yu can always find wrk while yu're travelling.
    M: Is that easy t d?
    W: It's usually easy t find wrk as a waiter r waitress. A friend f mine fund wrk in a htel and I might try that myself next year.
    M: S where did yu find yur jb this year?
    W: In a family restaurant. The bss was lking fr smene wh culd speak English t help with the custmers. His children wh culd speak English weren't arund ver the summer, s he emplyed me.
    M: That sunds interesting!
    Text 10
    Gd mrning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcme t the Suth Cast Gardens, funded in 1932 by the Jhnsn family. I'm Handersn. Very pleased t have this chance t keep yu cmpany. As is knwn acrss the wrld, the Gardens cvers eight acres and has mre than 8, 000 varieties f plants. The ld family huse hlds ne f the wrld's largest cllectins f rare bks. Besides, it als hlds a cllectin f the 19th century British, Eurpean, and American paintings, rare cins, furniture, and s n. Yu'll have time t visit the cllectins after lunch, fllwing ur walk thrugh the gardens. It's certain that yu'll enjy the gardens, which is divided int an Eastern tea garden, a trpical rse rainfrest, the Suthwestern desert, and an English rse garden, cnsidered t be ne f the mst beautiful rse gardens in the cuntry. It's a great place where yu can appreciate a variety f rses with distinct features and enjy English rse tea if yu're willing t. If yu have any questins during tday's tur, please dn't hesitate t ask me. Nw if yu fllw me alng the stne path t yur right, we'll begin ur tur.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 BCBBA6-10 ABBBC11-15 CAABC16-20 CACCA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21. C22. B23. D
    21. C推理判断题。根据THE GREAT WALL部分的介绍,多年来,人们常说长城是唯一能从月球上看到的人造建筑。今天,长城(This incredible landmark)被公认为历史上最令人印象深刻的建筑壮举之一,由此判断可以用“amazing”形容长城,故C项正确。
    22. B细节理解题。根据CINCINNATI ZOO部分的介绍,这个动物园可以让游客云参观;根据SMITHSONIAN的介绍可知,在这里游客可以通过观看直播近距离接触狮子、熊猫、大象等,由此可知,这两个地方的共同之处是都提供动物的视觉盛宴,故B项正确。
    23. D推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,人们可以进行虚拟火星之旅,所以对探索太空感兴趣的会选择MARS。故D项正确。
    24. B25. A26. D27. D
    24. B细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,因为作者生了病,所以有时不得不离开教室去护士办公室吃药,或者去医院验血、做脑电图或CAT扫描,但作者仍然继续上学,没有退学。故B项不是作者三年级时经历的糟糕的事情。
    25. A细节理解题。根据第四段Originally及magic可知,作者最开始读的是关于普通孩子在他们的世界遇到魔法这一类的奇幻书,故A项正确。“悲伤的书籍”也是作者爱读的一类书籍,但并不是作者最开始读的书,故不能选。
    26. D细节理解题。根据最后两段可知,这类书籍中有悲伤的故事,书中人物有悲惨的遭遇,读这类书让作者感同身受,他们为身处悲伤和痛苦的作者提供了所需要的陪伴。故D项正确。
    27. D推理判断题。本文作者通过描写自己在父母离异、身患疾病的艰难时期,通过阅读书籍来排解痛苦并最终走出困境的经历,表达了书籍对他/她的重要性。D项“告诉读者他/她是如何通过阅读来度过人生的艰难时刻的”,符合文章作者写作目的,为正确选项。
    28. C29. A30. B31. A
    28. C主旨大意题。本段第一句提到了乌雷冰雪公园的地理位置,后面几句则是讲述公园开放之前要完成的一些工程。由此可知,该段主要是说乌雷冰雪公园的位置以及施工安排,故C项正确。
    29. A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“creating walls f ice cntaining 100-plus climbs”可知,洒水器把水喷洒到岩石上是为了制作用于攀爬的冰墙,故A项正确。
    30. B词义猜测题。画线词后面一句提到,山里暴露在外的水管很容易结冰和破裂,要靠那些冰农来修理。也就是说,冰农既要制冰,也要负责公园某些设施的维修保养。所以画线词所在句是说冰农的工作的一半是创造,一半是维护,故B项正确。
    31. A推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,HeidiSteltzer认为,冰雪公园提供了一个欢乐与聚会之地,还给冰农提供了机会去赚钱以维持农村山区生活。换句
    32. B33. C34. A35. D
    32. B推理判断题。根据文章第一段内容可知,当一个朋友买了房子而你却负债累累,当一个同事找到了一份新工作而你的事业却没有进展,或者当一个邻居分享他们副业成功的好消息时,你都体验到了嫉妒,这是在通过举例子作对比。故B项正确。
    33. C细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后两句可知,良性嫉妒可以激发自我反省和制定新目标的动力;克鲁修斯的研究表明,经历过良性嫉妒的马拉松运动员也会为自己设定更高的目标,而且往往在比赛中跑得更快,即良性嫉妒会让人朝着更好的方向前进,去改善自我。而D项是手段,而非结果,应排除。故C项正确。
    34. A细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句可知,改变你的想法可以帮助你将某人视为一个追赶的榜样,而不是一个需要击败的对手,并帮助你专注于你可以控制的事情,即分析自己嫉妒的原因并且为自己设置一个更好的目标,而D项虽然在文章中出现,但其前有“Rather than而不是”,为否定,应排除。故A项正确。
    35. D推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,文章主要介绍的是恶性嫉妒与良性嫉妒以及如何利用良性嫉妒来提升自己,这属于心理学的研究报告,故D项正确。
    第二节 七选五:
    36. D37. B38. A39. E40. F
    36. 根据上下文句意:一些人能够和任何人开启一段谈话,即使是完全的陌生人。但很多另外的人发现去和陌生人谈话很难。本空和前一句构成逻辑上的对比关系,同时又引出下文。故选D。
    37. 根据句意:但是,即使是很小的社交谈话对你来说也很难的话,去提升你的对话技能和让你在同陌生人谈话时感到舒适一些的可能性就是存在的。B项:接下来是一些能够帮助你的方法。起到“承上启下,总领下文”的功能。故选B。
    38. A项语意:一点幽默在这种情形下很有用。和空后所举的例子之间形成明显的例证关系。故选A。
    39. 本空考查句间关系。空后为非限定性定语从句,对前面部分进行补充说明,根据句意应选E。
    40. 根据句意:如果你没有从某个人那里收到积极的回应,那么这个方法也行对另一个人会有效。文章要表达的意识是,不要因为一次的失利就气馁,而是要不断的练习,练习越多,和陌生人开启一段谈话就会变得越容易。故选F。
    第一节 完形填空:
    41~45: B C D AB46~50: ABDCC51~55: DBA C D
    41.本题考查动词短语含义辨析。句意:他们能够更好地为国家发展做出贡献。cntribute t为某某做出贡献。故选B。
    44.本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:1949年,他开始任教于Beijing Freign Studies University。故选A。
    45.本题考查动词短语语意辨析。句意:在大学里,他因他的昵称“Three UP Prfessr”而闻名,因为他总是坚持在授课时“standing up”and“speaking up”。insist n坚持。故选B。
    51.本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:在1999年,陈领导专家们去研制英语课程标准。在那之前,英语教学的目标从小学到大学未被关联。但是,新的课程标准改变了这一局面,使得英语教育像“ne package”一样完整地工作。led(lead的过去式)领导。故选D。
    55.本题考查动词短语语意辨析。句意:2023年,陈琳教授逝世于北京,享年101岁。passed away逝世。故选D。
    第二节 语法填空:
    56. has managed57. t58. ppularity59. when
    60. lnger61. created62. Usually63. adding64. a
    65. t bring
    56. 本空考查谓语动词,根据所给时间状语“Over the past several years”, 可知需用现在完成时,结合主谓一致,故填“has managed”。
    57. 本题考查介词。固定搭配“be similar t”与某某相似。
    58. 本题考查词性变化。“enjy ppularity”广受欢迎、享有盛誉。
    59. 本题考查定语从句。when引导的定语从句,先行词the Sng Dynasty。句意:在宋朝茶已经成为一种必需品。
    60. 本题考查形容词比较级。句意:茶越好,泡沫应该越白,而且存在的时间越长。故填lnger。
    61. 本题考查动词过去分词短语做后置定语。patterns和create之间形成逻辑上的被动关系。故填created。
    62. 本题考查词性转化。Usually通常,做状语。注意大写首字母。
    63. 本题考查非谓语动词中的动名词。adding做介词like的宾语。
    64. 本题考查冠词。a strnger sense f ccasin一种更强的场合感。
    65. 本题考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式。It's als his intentin t bring the ld ritual and culture back fr mre peple t appreciate. 其中it为形式主语,动词不定式为逻辑主语。
    Gd mrning, everyne!
    It's my pleasure t share sme experience with yu abut hw t imprve English. Firstly, perseverance is the key factr in the imprvement f English abilities. If yu keep learning English every day, gradually yu will make great prgress. Secndly, practice mre. As the ld saying ges, “Practice makes perfect.” It is f imprtance t take every chance t use English. Thirdly, speak English as much as pssible in and ut f class. Dn't be afraid t make mistakes. In a wrd, the mre frequently yu use English, the faster yu can master it well.
    I hpe these suggestins may be helpful t yu.
    One evening, when I was abut 12, I came hme, and my mum said she had a surprise fr me. I was expecting a chclate bar, but it was a real pian, bught with mre mney brrwed frm friends. It was the first time I'd played fr her. She was expecting t hear a simple sng but I played a piece called Elegy: In Autumn; she was in shck. And I culd see that tears were rlling in her eyes as she hurried t fetch my dad frm his rm and almst pushed him int the sfa. “Just listen,” she said.
    My dad was very much against me playing, but when he heard that piece, smething inside him changed. He'd wanted me t study medicine. But it seemed that frm that mment n, he hardened my determinatin t keep playing. And it turned ut that my dad was such a music lver. He wuld always drp everything he was ding whenever he heard the sund f the pian keys. “I can see in yur eyes yur passin fr the pian, s if yu d lve playing it, play like n ne else wuld.” These wrds meant a lt t me.

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