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    这是一份四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.What is the wman ging t d this evening?
    A.Ck dinner. B.Eat ut. C.G t the park.
    2.What is Nick ding nw?
    A.Ding the washing. B.Playing ftball. C.Watching TV.
    3.Why des the wman feel upset?
    A.She has n mney t buy a car.
    B.Tm didn’t lend his car t her.
    C.She quarreled with Tm.
    4.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In a htel. B.In a club. C.In a stre.
    5.When will the cnference call start?
    A.At 2:30 pm. B.At 4:30 pm. C.At 5:00 pm.
    6.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Manager and wrker. B.Husband and wife. C.Neighbrs.
    7.What des the man have t d nw?
    A.Talk with the wman. B.Meet Mr. Brwn at the airprt. C.Wait fr tw mre hurs.
    8.Why des the man say srry t the wman?
    A.He had her wait fr a while. B.He wasted sme f her paper. C.He can’t mail packages fr her.
    9.What des the wman need the frm fr?
    A.Mving ut f the drmitry.
    B.Canceling the campus mailbx.
    C.Applying fr the mailbx service.
    10.Hw lng will it take the speakers t g t the club by car?
    A.Abut an hur. B.Abut half an hur. C.Abut 10 minutes.
    11.What is the wman ging t d in the Students’ Club?
    A.Have a swim. B.Play basketball. C.D sme running.
    12.Where will the speakers meet?
    A.At the schl gate. B.At the man’s hme. C.At the club.
    13.What des Lydia like t d in her spare time?
    A.G camping. B.Stay with her family. C.See freign films.
    14.What d we learn abut David?
    A.He hates camping. B.He likes utdr activities. C.He lives near the Bundary Waters.
    15.Hw des David find phtgraphy?
    A.Bring. B.Difficult. C.Interesting.
    16.What are the speakers ging t d this weekend?
    A.Visit the art gallery. B.Take a phtgraphy class. C.Hld a phtgraphy exhibit.
    17.What is the talk mainly abut?
    A.TV prgrams. B.Sprts cmpetitins. C.Entertainment activities.
    18.What time is it nw?
    A.8:20 am. B.8:40 am. C.9:00 am.
    19.Hw is the weather tday?
    A.Cludy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.
    20.What d we knw abut the mvie?
    A.It is free f charge. B.It will start at 9:00 pm. C.It will be shwed in the Ship’s Gym.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    In hnr f the 70th anniversary f the Beijing Peple’s Art Theater, we select a grup f its riginal wrks.
    Playwright: Ca Yu
    Thunderstrm was the first wrk f Ca Yu. Praised as ne f China’s mst enduring dramas f the 20th century, Thunderstrm tells f a tragedy (悲剧) between tw families during the1920s. The intense cnflicts are all presented in a day’s time within the drama.
    Playwright: Ca Yu
    Sunnse is set in Tianjin in the 1930s. It centers n the tragedy f Chen Bailu. It disclses the scial cnflicts and unfrtunate life f thse living at the bttm f sciety at that time. The drama als expresses the lnging fr brightness indicated by the name and rder f its fur acts — dawn, dusk, midnight and sunrise.
    Rickshaw By
    Playwright: Mei Qian
    The drama Rickshaw By is adapted frm the nvel f La She, a Chinese literary giant. It tells the sad stry f`Xiangzi, a rickshaw by in Beijing in the 1920s wh dreams f running his’ wn firm. Hwever, after a series f misfrtunes, Xiangzi is n lnger an hnest and ptimistic yung cuntry by.
    The Teahuse
    Playwright: La She
    Cnsisting f three acts, the play tells stries taking place in the Beijing Yutai Teahuse and the fate f Wang Lifa, the wner f the teahuse. It mirrrs the great scial changes in China frm 1898 t the 1940s. The Teahuse is als the first Chinese drama prductin t be perfrmed verseas.
    1. Which stry takes place within a day’s time?
    A. Thunderstrm.B. Sunrise.
    C. Rickshaw By.D. The Teahuse.
    2. What may the title f Sunrise imply?
    A. The desire fr brightness.B. The dream f Chen Bailu.
    C. The scial cnflict at that time.D. The rder f the acts in the drama.
    3. What d Rickshaw By and The Teahuse have in cmmn?
    A. Bth dramas are sad stries.
    B. Bth plays are written by La She.
    C. Bth stries are set in the same place.
    D Bth stries are made up f three scenes.
    Fur years ag, life rewarded me fr all the challenges I embraced in search f self-imprvement. My spirits rse when I was selected t be in the Yuth Exchange and Study (YES) prgramme and I realized that I was ging t spend a full year in the United States. Befre that mment, living n the ther side f the Atlantic had always equated—fr a yung Mrccan wman wh had never set ft abrad—t an anxiety-free atmsphere, welcming neighbrs, and cuntless pprtunities. Frtunately, my hst cmmunity checked all these bxes.
    My hst mther went abve and beynd t take care f my needs, my teachers were very accmmdating with regards t my schlwrk, and I culd use my status as an exchange student as an excuse when I needed a favr r an exceptin. As a YES student, peers frm s many diverse backgrunds at schl were interested in getting t knw me better. With all this unique treatment, I thught t myself, “Hld n a secnd! Is this what yu came fr?” Even thugh my hst cmmunity was s helpful and welcming, I realized that I was grwing t cntent with my life. I remembered that I came t the United States fr a challenge and that I was determined t strengthen my capacities.
    T develp greater perseverance, I jined my hst schl’s swim team, even thugh I had n prir experience in this sprt. Fr ver five mnths, I walked myself—smetimes reluctantly—t swim practices. During thse practices, I did the best I culd fr three hurs each day.
    One f my best achievements that year was cmpeting in ne f the biggest swim meets f the year. Frm an utsider’s perspective, it might nt seem like much, especially since I didn’t even win. Hwever, I was never the athletic type, nr have I ever been particularly utstanding in terms f discipline and cmmitment. Yet that was exactly what I achieved. I gained discipline and I came t the realizatin that I d nt need t be perfect at everything that I try fr the first time.
    Grwth can take many frms. In my case, it tk the frm f a humid ceiling and an verly tight plyester cap. Grwth can nly be achieved by defying persnal limits and breaking free frm cmfrt znes. This is nt always a glamrus prcess, but it always brings yu clser t a new and imprved versin f yurself!
    4. Hw did the authr feel abut her life in her hst family?
    A. She felt smehw uneasy t be taken gd care f.
    B. She felt free and culd d whatever she liked.
    C. She felt gd abut her high family status.
    D. She felt stressed like living in a bx.
    5. What made the authr jin the schl’s swim team?
    A. Her experience in swimming.B. Her desire t challenge herself.
    C. Her spirit f perseverance.D. Her interest in water sprts.
    6. The authr thught that her achievement in swimming ________.
    A. made her utstandingB. made her see her limits
    C. was nt a big dealD. was her curage t cmpete
    7. What can we cnclude frm this passage?
    A. Change is a brilliant pprtunity t grw.
    B. Self-assurance is tw-thirds f success.
    C. Frm failure t success is a lng rad.
    D. We learn things by ding them.
    What can bring peple frm arund the wrld tgether? Skin clur? Language? A favurite ftball team? Accrding t a recent study cnducted by OnePll a Lndn-based marketing research cmpany, fd is the answer.
    OnePll surveyed 2,000 peple arund the wrld. 84% f participants said that fd had the pwer t cnnect peple f different cultures and backgrunds.
    “Fd has t d with hw we live—it’s nt just smething that we ingest. Fd is a part f ur lives, and it helps bring peple clser tgether,” ne participant in the survey said.
    Peple can get a better understanding f anther culture thrugh trying its cuisine. Fr example, Chinese culture is based n the idea f harmny (和谐), which can be seen in almst every aspect f life in China, mst nticeably its cuisine. In Chinese cuisine, every ingredient is used in a balanced way t create delicius dishes that g well tgether. Anther example is the rich diversity f American cuisine, which directly reflects the rich diversity f its multicultural influence.
    Fd can help strengthen cultural ties. Every cuntry has its wn way f ding things, which means that smetimes there can be very little cmmn grund between cuntries. Hwever, every cuntry has fd in cmmn—after all, we all need t eat. S smething as simple as a dinner gathering has the pwer t bring tgether peple frm different cuntries r cultures. In fact, fd is ften the catalyst (催化剂) in frming many imprtant decisins and friendships.
    “We believe fd has a transcending (超越的) ability t cnnect us, and that delicius things can happen when we share heritage, culture, and uniqueness thrugh fd,” said Jasn Levine, ne f the survey’ s cnductrs.
    8. Hw many peple in the survey said fd brings peple tgether?
    A. 2,000B. 1,680C. 320D. 84
    9. What des the underlined wrd ingest mst prbably mean?
    A. eatB. appreciateC. digestD. prefer
    10. Accrding t the passage, which best describes Chinese culture and cuisine?
    A. Deep and vital.B. Diverse and balanced.
    C. Balanced and harmnius.D. Harmnius and delicius.
    11 Hw can fd help strengthen cultural ties?
    A. By experiencing different cultures.
    B. By accepting freign ideas.
    C. By bringing peple tgether.
    D. By sharing heritage with thers.
    T everyne’s surprise, Huawei launched the newest handset, the Mate 60 Pr, equipped with a 5G applicatin prcessr and satellite phne functin, withut any prir annuncement. This left many Chinese feeling amazed.
    With the internatinal situatin becming increasingly challenging, Huawei was encuntering significant financial issues. Fr instance, its revenue (收入) in 2021 declined nearly 30 percent, accrding t its annual reprt. Fr a cmpany like Huawei, this was a majr shck and culd pse a persistent prblem that needed immediate attentin. Therefre, it was crucial fr Huawei t have its wn cre technlgy, especially when it came t chips. Develping chips is a lengthy, demanding, and labr-intensive (劳动密集型的) prcess, but this didn’t stp Huawei. Instead f purchasing r leasing prducts frm ther cuntries, Huawei decided t invest heavily in research and develpment.
    Huawei’s difficulties are similar t thse faced by mdern China in its early days. During that time, China lacked advanced technlgy. Despite this, China managed t develp its wn atmic bmbs, aircraft carriers, satellites, and fighter jets starting frm zer. These advancements guided the cuntry t prsperity and pwer.
    With a determined attitude and united team, Huawei has been successful in breaking free frm the chains f past difficulties. In this cntext, Huawei is “a light cane that has passed the muntains”.
    As a strm f truble apprached, Huawei chse t cnfrnt it rather than give up. Huawei’s attitude f struggling and pushing ahead is the best presentatin f the Chinese natinal spirit and serves as an example fr thers t fllw. In the face f life’s unknwn challenges, the key is t lk ahead and nt give in.
    12. What’s the mst imprtant thing fr Huawei t slve prblems?
    A. Independently develping chips.
    B. Purchasing prducts frm ther cuntries.
    C. Investing in ther industries.
    D. Raising a large amunt f funds.
    13. Why did the authr mentin the fur advancements in the third paragraph?
    A. Thanks t advanced technlgy, China has develped its wn atmic bmbs.
    B. Even in the face f varius difficulties, Huawei is bund t succeed.
    C. Advancements f atmic bmbs guided the cuntry t prsperity and pwer.
    D. Huawei has passed the muntains t slve the significant financial issues.
    14. Accrding t the passage, what des the underlined wrd mean?
    A. escape frmB. understand.C. separateD. challenge
    15. What’s the best title f the passage?
    A. Huawei have the same difficulties as thers.
    B. Huawei encunters financial issue
    C. Huawei vercmes challenges
    D. Huawei launched the Mate 60 Pr.
    Signs That Yu Are Grwing
    Grwing is a lifelng prcess. Here are the signs that shw that yu are actually grwing and nt getting stuck in the prcess.
    Often, we see hw badly peple lk when they get verly upset due t unimprtant things. S the first sign f maturity (成熟) is letting the small things g and nt getting angry ver a tiny detail that didn’t g as yu planned.
    Yu start frgiving and understanding ther peple
    When we are yung, we are ften unfrgiving. As we mature, we are better able t understand the wrld beynd black and white. ____17____. It enables us t lk beynd the bvius and let g f simple judgments. We begin t understand better that thers have cmplex (复杂的) lives and persnalities, and s we becme mre willing t frgive their mistakes.
    Yu always cmplete things that matter
    Immature peple dn’t knw when t cmmit (承诺) themselves and their energy r resurces are always nt well emplyed. ____18____. In this way, they can ften keep their prmises and hnr their cmmitments.
    Yu accept the pssibility f being wrng
    ____19____. They are always able t accept the pssibility that they are wrng that they dn’t knw smething, because there is always mre t learn.
    Being mature is knwing that yu are always grwing up. Yu are never dne learning and develping. This means that yu dn’t set yurself up as the highest authrity. ____20____.
    A. Yu fllw the crwd
    B. Yu let the small things g
    C. Instead, mature peple fcus n cmpleting things that matter
    D. Immature and mature peple can bth have plans fr their lives
    E. Rather, yu pen yur mind t ther ideas and new pssibilities
    F. Becming mre understanding is a sign f strength, nt weakness
    G. Mature peple appear mre cnfident, hwever, they are nt vercnfident
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Jenny lived in a small village. When she was a child, what she liked t d mst was t watch the blue sky and enjy birds flying freely in the sky. She always ___21___that sme day she culd als fly like a bird.
    When Jenny was in the furth grade, her teacher asked them t write a passage abut their ___22___. In it, she wrte that she wanted t becme an airplane pilt in the future. Hwever, t her surprise, her paper came back with an “F” n it. The teacher tld her it was nthing but fairy tale which culd never becme true. Jenny felt ___23___and sad. In her heart, she didn’t want t ___24___her teacher’s pinin. Why was it impssible? But the peple___25___Jenny didn’t supprt her and tld her ver and ver again, “Girls can’t becme pilts; never have, and never will. Yu’re___26___.” Finally, Jenny felt hpeless and ___27___her dream.
    Jenny was in the senir high schl several ___28___later. One day her English teacher, Mrs. Slatn, gave the class a ___29___abut what they wuld be ding in the future. Jenny thught hard abut it, “Pilt? N way! Artist? N talent! Waitress? I can d it.”___30___she wrte it dwn. What Jenny wrte surprised Mrs.Slatn, “Is that what yu are really interested in? I think yu will be ___31___t d smething full f mre challenges.” Jenny felt excited, but she was still ___32___that she wuld be laughed at again. The teacher cntinued, “Everyne has their wn talent. If yu dn’t g fr yur dream,___33___will d it fr yu.” Hearing that, with great curage she wrte dwn her ld dream.
    Mrs.Slatn’s wrds ___34___Jenny a lt. After ten years f hard wrk, Jenny’s dream came true. She became ne f the first three wmen ___35___in the wrld. Stick t yur dream if it’s what yu really want!
    21. A. imaginedB. realizedC. agreedD. suggested
    22. A. interestsB. dreamsC. familiesD. hbbies
    23. A. tiredB. nervusC. stupidD. disappinted
    24. A. learnB. acceptC. shwD. discuss
    25. A. withB. includingC. arundD. except
    26 A. crazyB. braveC. cleverD. strng
    27. A. sent upB. gave upC. put upD. made up
    28. A. daysB. weeksC. mnthsD. years
    29. A. suggestinB. nticeC. presentD. task
    30. A. BefreB. ThughC. UnlessD. S
    31. A. ableB. gladC. readyD. relaxed
    32. A. thankfulB. excitedC. wrriedD. regretful
    33. A. nbdyB. smebdyC. anybdyD. everybdy
    34. A. praisedB. encuragedC. requiredD. punished
    35. A. artistsB. waitressesC. piltsD. teachers
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China will establish a new batch f natinal parks this year amid its effrts f accelerating the cnstructin f its natinal park and btanical garden systems. The new parks ___36___ (include) Huangheku, Qianjiangyuan-Baishanzu and Kalamayli will be built ___37___ a steady and rderly manner. China’s natinal parks are specific land r sea areas ___38___ main purpse is t preserve the natinally representative natural ecsystems f the cuntry and realize the ___39___ (science) prtectin and ratinal use f natural resurces.
    In 2021, China established the first batch f natinal parks, with ___40___ area f 230,000 square km prtected land. These parks are hme t nearly 30 percent f the key terrestrial wildlife species fund in the cuntry. Since the establishment f the first batch f natinal parks, mre than 390 mining sites ___41___ (clse). The Sanjiangyuan park realized the full prtectin f the surce f the Yangtze, Yellw and Lancang rivers and the Tibetan antelpe ppulatin has ___42___ (eventual) recvered t ver 70,000. In the Giant Panda Natinal Park, mre than 70 percent f wild pandas are under gd prtectin.
    A Natinal Park Law is being made and China ___43___ (adpt) a mre advanced park management system, increase the ___44___ (apply) f new technlgies, build a wrld-class research mnitring platfrm, and ___45___ (strng) natinal park management capabilities in the near future.
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,与你校结对的美国布兰登中学(Brandn Hall Schl)将于下周到访你校进行为期两周的交流学习,你校正在招募能接待到访美国学生住家的学生志愿者。你有意申请,请给负责教师写一份申请书,内容包括:
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In an art class my friend Mareya and I tk, we had t lk at art made by lts f different artists and then try creating ur wn. We made pencil drawings and paintings using nly small dts f paint.
    Fr ur very last task, ur teacher asked us t paint a prtrait f a friend r family member. Mareya and I lked at each ther and ndded. We bth had the same idea.
    “Yu’ll each get ne f these art sets,” said Ms. Williams. “Every set cntains a small canvas (画布), sme tempera paints (蛋彩画颜料), and tw fam brushes (泡沫刷). Yu can paint in any style yu chse.”Mareya and I put ur sets int ur art bags. Then we headed ver t her huse.
    And then ur friend Jasmine stpped us. “I was s excited t tell yu my amazing news. My family just gt the cutest dg named Ginger, and if yu want t cme ver, yu can meet her!” Jasmine's huse is nly a cuple f blcks frm Mareya’s, s after checking in with Mareya’s mm, f curse we had t g. Ginger was the cutest dg imaginable. “Whenever she’s nt running arund, she’s sund asleep in dreamland,” said Jasmine. She led the way t the kitchen. “D yu have time fr a snack?” “Sure!” we said.
    After we ate sme ckies at the kitchen table, Mareya and I std up t leave. But when we went t pick up ur art bags by the frnt dr, we fund a big surprise! Mareya pinted at ur trn-pen art sets. “Smething tells me Ginger might nt have been sleeping this whle time.” “Oh n!” I said. “Our fam brushes are nw fam shreds (碎片)!” “Bad Ginger!” Jasmine shuted. “It’s OK,” said Mareya. “She’s way t little t knw any better.”
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
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    On the walk t Mareya’s huse, I said, “I hpe Ms. Williams will understand why we culdn’t d ur prtrait task.”
    We ended up having a great time making ur prtraits with ur fingers.
    听力1-5 CCBAB 6-10 ABABC 11-15 AACBC 16-20 ACBCA

    四川省南充市西充中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份四川省南充市西充中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省南充市西充中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、四川省南充市西充中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省扬州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份江苏省扬州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含江苏省扬州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、江苏省扬州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。






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