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    这是一份四川省绵阳中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省绵阳中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题原卷版docx、四川省绵阳中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What did the speakers d?
    A. They tk phts. B. They reprted a strm. C. They cleaned the park.
    2. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In the street. B. In a stre. C. In the wman’s ffice.
    3 What des the man think f Prfessr Jhnsn?
    A. Easy-ging. B. Demanding. C. Difficult.
    4. Hw did the wman spend her vacatin?
    A. She did sme gardening.
    B. She tk walks arund her place.
    C. She enjyed the garden scenery.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A sales plan. B. Custmer service. C. Operating instructins.
    6. Wh is away frm wrk?
    A. Jhn. B. Frank. C. Sally.
    7. What is the wman lking frward t?
    A. Cntacting Mayhem Electrnics.
    B. Getting help frm anther department.
    C Psting a jb advertisement right away.
    8. Why did Billy perfrm prly last year?
    A. He didn’t adapt t the new schl.
    B. He didn’t get help frm his family.
    C. He didn’t try his best t study.
    9. What is Billy weak at?
    A. Writing. B. Spelling. C. Reading.
    10. What was the matter with the first rm?
    A. It had a bad view. B. It was nisy. C. It was untidy.
    11. What culd be seen frm the rm the wman stayed in last?
    A. A garden. B. The cean. C. A parking lt.
    12. What did the htel manager prmise the wman?
    A. She culd get her mney back.
    B. She culd be upgraded with a lwer price.
    C. She culd be accmmdated fr free next time.
    13. What first impressin did Bnnie leave n the wman?
    A. She was thughtful. B. She was quiet. C. She was smart.
    14. What did the man ask Bnnie t d?
    A. T attend a weekend activity.
    B. T share snacks with him.
    C. T jin the study grup.
    15. What is Jenny gd at?
    A. Hiking. B. Cking. C. Cmmunicating.
    16. What happened t the wman last week?
    A. She didn’t feel well.
    B. She missed the hiking trip.
    C. She failed t jin the class discussin.
    17. When was Nw and Then recrded by Lennn?
    A. In 1970. B. In 1977. C. In 1979.
    18. What made it pssible t release Nw and Then?
    A. The use f advanced technlgy.
    B. The living will f Lennn.
    C. The request f fans.
    19. What d we knw abut blue album?
    A. It cnsists f classics.
    B. It was finished in 1967.
    C. It desn’t include Nw and Then.
    20. What did Ring Starr say abut recrding the sng?
    A. It wuld make their album a hit.
    B. It allwed the members t get tgether.
    C. It ffered a chance t remember Lennn.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Branding Events f China Daily
    Since its launch in 1981, China Daily has grwn t becme the natin’s leading English-language newspaper. With a cmbined print, nline and mbile readership f mre than 350 millin, it serves a vital rle in telling the wrld abut China, prviding a valuable insight int the wrld’s secnd largest ecnmy. A series f branding events are cnducted by China Daily t imprve public diplmacy and internatinal cmmunicatin.
    Visin China Lectures
    A series f talks are rganized by China Daily in which leading plitical and business figures are invited t speak and interact live with dmestic and freign audiences. The Visin China lectures fcus n majr issues facing China and the wrld, explre what Chinas stry means fr the wrld, and shw hw Chinese wisdm can help the wrld.
    China Watch Think Tank Frum
    Elites, including pinin leaders, pliticians and business peple with expertise n China, discuss tpics n the develpment and the future f China and the wrld in China Watch Think Tank Frum.
    Asia Leadership Rundtable
    Asia Leadership Rundtable prvides a platfrm fr high-level dialg and cmmunicatin amng leaders and scial elites in the fields f plitics, business and academia in Asia.
    “21st Century Cup” Natinal English Speaking Cmpetitin
    The cmpetitin is the mst famus English-speaking cmpetitin in China. It is the qualifying rund fr students wh wish t represent China in the Internatinal Public Speaking Cmpetitin in Lndn.
    Fr mre details, click here.
    1. What’s the main purpse f launching China Daily?
    A. T hld varius branding events.
    B. T prmte interpersnal cmmunicatin.
    C. T cmbine the print, nline and mbile readership.
    D. T help peple arund the glbe knw China better.
    2. What d Visin China Lectures and Asia Leadership Rundtable have in cmmn?
    A. They invlve pliticians and business peple.
    B. They fcus n majr issues facing China and the wrld.
    C. They prvide a platfrm fr celebrities t cmpete against each ther.
    D. They discuss tpics n the develpment and the future f China and the wrld.
    3. Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A newspaper.B. A textbk.C. A website.D. A magazine.
    Get up at 6 a.m., arrive at the hspital ne hur earlier t help patients check in, and accmpany patients during cnsultatins... In recent years, the patient escrt has emerged as a new ccupatin, and thse wh have taken n this career are knwn as “peple wh sell time”. 26-year-ld Zhang Tian is ne f them.
    September 4, 2022 was a lucky day fr Zhang Tian. On this day, Zhang Tian saw a vide abut patient escrts n a shrt vide platfrm. The daily rutine f patient escrts shwn in the vide fascinated her and inspired her t take this n as a business. She brwsed thrugh many platfrms and searched fr infrmatin and fund there indeed exists a certain demand fr patient escrts, especially fr the elderly, children and pregnant wmen. Since she had never engaged in this kind f wrk befre, she spent tw days in majr hspitals in Wuhan, in rder t familiarize herself with all the departments n different flrs, as well as the prcesses f medical cnsultatins and preparatins fr surgery.
    After the preparatins, Zhang Tian psted a vide f self-intrductin n majr scial media sites, talking abut the help and services a patient escrt prvides, as well as sme tips fr a quick and cnvenient medical cnsultatin. At first, she was a little wrried that her vide wuld g unnticed. Hwever, after she upladed the vide, it gt ver 100 likes and she received her first ffer as a patient escrt.
    The memry f her first task is still vivid in her mind. She received a phne call n September 9 frm a man whse father was seriusly ill and might need surgery. He wanted Zhang Tian t accmpany his father thrugh his cnsultatin and treatment. Zhang Tian made all the preparatins befre meeting her first client and did a very gd jb despite her nervusness.
    “Later, the family expressed their gratitude t me ver and ver again, which warmed my heart and gave me a sense f achievement,” Zhang Tian said.
    4. What d patient escrts d?
    A. They assist dctrs in hspitals.B. They arrive at hspitals early t check in.
    C. They pst vides fr mney.D. They help patients get treatment in hspitals.
    5. Why September 4, 2022 was a lucky day fr Zhang Tian?
    A. She enjyed seeing an interesting vide.B. She gt inspiratin fr her wn career.
    C. She fund a demand fr medical wrkers.D. She was ppular n scial media.
    6. Hw did Zhang Tian get her first client?
    A. She gt familiar with the rutine wrk in hspitals.
    B. She spent tw days in majr hspitals meeting patients.
    C. She pst a vide in search f clients n scial media.
    D. She happened t knw an ld man in need f surgery.
    7. Which f the fllwing best describes Zhang Tian?
    A. Cnsiderate and respnsible.B. Humrus and careful.
    C. Ambitius and imaginative.D. Talkative and psitive.
    T adapt t climate change, sme flwers are darkening their clr t prtect themselves frm the suns radiatin, new research shws.
    The study suggests that ver the past 75 years, the ultravilet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flwers have increased in respnse t rising temperatures and the thinning zne layer (臭氧层). The flwers wn’t lk any different t humans, but insects cnsider the higher levels f UV pigments as a darker clr, which culd be cnfusing when they try t find ut clrful flwers t land n.
    The UV-absrbing pigments in flwers wrk like sunscreen and prtect sensitive cells frm harmful radiatin, Matthew Kski, a plant eclgist at Clemsn University, says. He and his team hped t determine if changes in pigments were a result f envirnmental change-and if s, what are the plants respnding t? The team cllected dried, pressed plants acrss Nrth America, Australia and Eurpe. In ttal, they studied 1, 238 samples frm 42 different species dating back t 1941. Then, using a UV-sensitive camera, they phtgraphed flwer petals frm each species. Next, they paired the phtgraphs with the histric lcal temperature and zne level data frm the time the plant was picked t see hw the pigment level changed ver time.
    The researchers fund that the changes in pigments differ between species a result f the flwers structure. Flwers with pen, expsed pllen had mre UV-absrbing pigments when zne levels were lw and radiatin was high. But flwers with pllen surrunded by the petal respnded t temperatures, nt zne levels.
    As climate change cntinues t intensify, these changes in flwers clr can affect plant-insect interactins. When the whle flwers get darker, insects might miss the flwers entirely. “This has a negative influence n plant reprductin,” Kski says.
    8. What is the cause f flwers clr changing accrding t the research?
    A. The impact f the climate crisis.B. The lss f natural habitats.
    C. The harm f nuclear radiatin.D. The thickening f the zne layer.
    9. Hw did Kski’s team get their findings?
    A. By cllecting phtgraphs f flwers frm different species.
    B. By analyzing hw levels f UV pigments change ver time.
    C. By cllecting abundant samples frm varius species.
    D. By analyzing histric lcal temperature and zne level data.
    10. What can we learn abut the change in pigments?
    A. It exists in flwers with expsed pllen nly.B. It respnds t temperatures and sea levels.
    C. It remains the same regardless f species.D. It varies depending n the flwers structure.
    11. What is Kski’s attitude tward the change in flwers clr?
    A. Cncerned.B. Indifferent.C. Unclear.D. Optimistic.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we interact with technlgy. One f the mst exciting develpments in AI is ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language mdel. ChatGPT has the ptential t innvate the way we cmmunicate and prcess infrmatin, and its capabilities are nly beginning t be understd.
    One f the mst impressive features f ChatGPT is its ability t learn frm vast amunts f text data. This allws it t understand and prvide respnses t a wide range f tpics and questins, frm science and technlgy t entertainment and sprts. It is capable f dealing with texts in a variety f natural languages including English, Spanish and Chinese. It is nt limited t a specific set f data r rules, but rather has the capacity t learn and develp gradually based n the input it receives.
    Mrever, ChatGPT has been applied in diverse settings, frm chatbts and virtual assistants t language translatin and cntent generatin. Fr example, ChatGPT has been used t generate articles, pems, and even sng lyrics. It has als been used in healthcare t assist with diagnsing and treating patients.
    Despite its many benefits, ChatGPT is nt perfect. Like all machine learning mdels, it can smetimes make mistakes r generate respnses that are inapprpriate r ffensive. S users shuld be cautius t use it.
    While ChatGPT is still a relatively new technlgy, its capabilities are already being explred in different settings. As the technlgy cntinues t develp, it is imprtant fr develpers and users t be aware f its limitatins and use it respnsibly. If used wisely, ChatGPT culd be a majr step frward in the develpment f artificial intelligence and the way we interact with technlgy.
    12. What can we knw abut ChatGPT frm paragraph 2?
    A. It prvides infrmatin nly frm its input.
    B. It has been applied t all kinds f fields.
    C. It has limitatins in a specific set f data r rules.
    D. It can be used t prcess texts in different languages.
    13. Why des the authr mentin articles, pems, and even sng lyrics in paragraph 3?
    A. T explain a rule.B. T prve a pint.
    C. T make a predictin.D. T clarify a misunderstanding.
    14. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. ChatGPT always gives imprper answers.
    B. Chatbts are mre advanced than ChatGPT.
    C. It’s necessary fr users t understand the weaknesses f ChatGPT.
    D. ChatGPT is definitely a majr step frward in advancing artificial intelligence.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. ChatGPT: a Perfect Assistant
    B. ChatGPT: a Pwerful Learner
    C. ChatGPT: a Prmising Tl f Artificial Intelligence
    D ChatGPT: a Wise Infrmatin Prcessr and Generatr
    Maintaining gd health desn’t happen by accident. ____16____
    A healthy diet is rich in fiber, whle grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and mega-3 fatty acids (不饱和脂肪酸). These dietary cmpnents turn dwn inflammatin (炎症), which can damage tissue, jints, and rgans. ____17____ Sweets, fds made with highly refined grains, and sugar-sweetened drinks can cause sharp increases in bld sugar that can lead t early hunger. High bld sugar is linked t the develpment f diabetes, besity, and even heart disease.
    ____18____ Being physically active can imprve yur brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk f disease, strengthen bnes and muscles, and imprve yur ability t d everyday activities. Adults wh sit less and d any amunt f mderate-t-vigrus physical activity gain sme health benefits. ____19____
    Finally, establish a gd relatinship with a primary care physician. A primary care physician is a healthcare prfessinal wh helps yu manage yur health. He r she is the first persn yu talk t when yu have any medical prblem that is nt an emergency. If smething happens t yur health, a physician yu knw-and wh knws yu-is in the best psitin t help. ____20____ A gd physician and patient relatinship can g a lng way in helping yu stay healthy-and getting the care yu need when yu’re nt feeling well.
    A. Omega-3 fatty acids are f vital imprtance.
    B. Physical activity is als necessary fr gd health.
    C. Talking t trusted family members and friends can help a lt.
    D. Ging easy n prcessed fds is anther element f healthy eating.
    E. It requires smart lifestyle chices, wrkut and the ccasinal checkup and test.
    F. He r she will als recmmend tests t check fr hidden cancer r ther cnditins.
    G. Only a few lifestyle chices have as large an impact n yur health as physical activity.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Hannah, an adventurus girl, lived in a small village n a land far away. All f the villagers were used t their ____21____ tasks and very few had the will t try smething new. Unlike them, Hannah lved t ____22____ and wuld spend hurs in the wds lking fr new things.
    One afternn, she ____23____ an abandned cttage. With curisity she slwly pened the dr and was left ____24____. In frnt f her was a rm full f bks glittering in the dust! She gasped as she ____25____ that she had fund a hidden treasure. Befre leaving, she ____26____ tw bks and decided t read them at her hme.
    Frm that day n, Hannah ____27____ read the bks, which tk her t a wrld f talking animals, mystical creatures, and daring knights. She read abut characters wh faced ____28____ with their determinatin and characters wh ____29____ fr gd. She learned the pwer f lve and friendship, and that the true strength lies within ne’s wn ____30____!
    With the gd in heart, Hannah started t ____31____ the gld frm the tales with the peple f her village. Sn, the ____32____ f Hannah’s strytelling spread. Peple traveled frm different places t listen t her stries. ____33____, Hannah started writing stries f her wn t!
    Hannah’s passin and ____34____ blew life int the tales and her wrds breathed new life int cuntless suls. She became a beacn (灯塔) f ____35____, a reminder fr everyne that even in the dustiest crners, there can be a hidden treasure.
    A. rbticB. challengingC. fruitlessD. urgent
    A. campB. detectC. explreD. relax
    A. came acrssB. cycled arundC. drpped byD. stepped int
    A. cnfusedB. amazedC. disappintedD. relieved
    A. claimedB. clarifiedC. predictedD. realized
    A. bughtB. brughtC. pickedD. searched
    A. eagerlyB. cautiuslyC. patientlyD. rughly
    A. accidentsB. perseveranceC. patienceD. adversity
    A. calledB. preparedC. struggledD. waited
    A. bdyB. brainC. headD. heart
    A. adaptB. shareC. readD. tell
    A. ambitinB. benefitC. evidenceD. wrd
    A. CnvincedB. EntertainedC. InspiredD. Shcked
    A. prideB. dedicatinC. integrityD. patience
    A. hpeB. miseryC. sympathyD. tlerance
    Acupuncture (针灸), ____36____ ancient Chinese medical practice, has been the slutin fr cuntless patients fr thusands f years. The earliest ____37____ (write) dcumentatin f acupuncture can be fund in The Yellw Emperrs Classic f Internal Medicine. Befre mdern medicine came t life, ancient Chinese used stne tls ____38____ (relieve) pain. Over time, this practice gradually evlved int a prfund medical system and ____39____ (shape) the rt f acupuncture.
    Acupuncture is a treatment that aims t prmte the bdy’s self-regulating functins. Its treating principles are ____40____ (clse) tied t the philsphical cncepts f traditinal Chinese medicine, ____41____ emphasizes meridian (经脉) adjustment, balance f bdily functins and verall physilgical well-being.
    Over the years, acupuncture ____42____ (see) many advancements in scientific research and mdern medicine. Accrding t a 2019 WHO reprt, acupuncture is used in 113 f its 120 member cuntries, ____43____ (illustrate) its widespread recgnitin and ____44____ (apply). As a medical practice _____45_____ a rich histry, acupuncture is an embdiment f prfund cultural heritage and a hlistic path t healing.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter发来邮件,告诉你他所在的学校即将举办中国传统文化展,让你推荐一种你认为最具代表性的东西去参展。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Tw years ag, hmeless Minnie was adpted by a single rich wman. Life did get a bit easier ever since she was taken in by her fster mm, but the little girl was still nt happy. Hw she wished she culd have a father!
    One mrning in class, Minnie’s teacher, Mr Thmpsn, made a surprising annuncement, making Minnie frwn (皱眉) again.
    “Kids, tmrrw is Father’s Day! And at schl, we’re all celebrating it by having breakfast with Dads! All f yu get t bring yur dads r anyne yu lk up t as yur dad t schl tmrrw. We’ll all sit in ne circle, share funny stries, and have breakfast tgether.”
    “What a terrible idea!” Minnie muttered (咕哝) under her breath.
    Fr the rest f the day, mst kids were talking up their fathers: businessmen, plicemen, engineers, and even an actr. Everybdy had smebdy wh was a father figure, except fr Minnie.
    After schl, Mr Thmpsn sptted the sad little girl sitting alne by the schl gate.
    “Are yu all right, Minnie?” Mr Thmpsn asked. Suddenly, the child hugged his legs and cried. Minnie tld her truble t her teacher and Mr Thmpsn cmfrted her.
    After getting hme that evening, Mr Thmpsn culdn’t shake ff the sadness he had seen n Minnie’s face. Suddenly, he had an idea. He pened his laptp, and as the keys n the keybard clattered, Mr Thmpsn began t smile.
    He was putting ut a pst n scial media, sharing Minnie’s stry and asking fr a dad t vlunteer fr Minnie and shw up t schl the next day as her father figure. Thirty minutes later, his phne buzzed.
    And it buzzed again and again. By the time the teacher checked his phne, he was shcked t see the number flashing acrss the screen.
    “50 vlunteers? Am I reading this right?” Mr Thmpsn gasped. He put n his glasses and read thrugh all the respnses n his pst. He was s surprised. These 50 vlunteers all wanted t cme and help Minnie.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The next day, Minnie went t schl sadly, nt knwing the surprise was waiting fr her.
    Minnie was cnfused at first, but when she saw thse “dads”, she was bviusly happy.
    听力:1-5 CABCA 6-10 CBABC 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 ACAAC

    四川省什邡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份四川省什邡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省什邡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题原卷版docx、四川省什邡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题原卷版docx、四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、四川省华蓥中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。






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