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    Oxfrd's wrld-class museums huse rare treasures frm the natural wrld as well as amazingart and handicrafts.The museums are als a valuable study resurce fr students and academics.
    Ashmlean Museum
    Where:Beaumnt Street,OX12PH
    The Ashmlean Museum is hme t the university's cllectin f art and archaelgy. Funded in 1683,it was the first public museum in the UK and is ne f the ldest in the wrld.
    Particularly relevant t:Ancient and Mdern Histry.
    Histry f Science Museum
    Where:Brad Street,OX13AZ
    This museum huses an unequaled cllectin f histric scientific instruments, including Einstein's blackbard and the first cultures f the lifesaving antibitic Penicillin.
    Particularly relevant t all science and histry curses.
    Oxfrd University Museum f Natural Histry
    Where:Parks Rad,OX13PW
    The museum huses an impressive range f scientific cllectins f zlgical and gelgicalsamples in a spectacular Victrian building.
    Particularly relevant t:Bilgy;Earth Sciences.
    Pitt Rivers Museum
    Where:Parks Rad,OX13PW
    The Pitt Rivers Museum is hme t a remarkable cllectin f man-made bjects frm all partsf the wrld,famus fr its celebrated displays and its leading rle in cntemprary research.
    Particularly relevant t:Archaelgy and Anthrplgy;Histry f Art.
    1.If yu want t knw mre abut Penicillin,which website shuld yu surf?

    2.What is Pitt Rivers Museum especially related t?
    A.Art and archaelgy B.Undergraduates studying.
    C.Histric scientific instruments. D.Cllectins f man-made bjects.
    3.The purpse f the text is t get peple t_________.
    A.study histry B.preserve heritage
    C.visit museums D.appreciate handicrafts
    Science is always seen as hard-cre and hard t understand.But culd yu imagine hundreds fpeple being attracted by the cver f a science magazine?
    The achievement was cmpleted after Wang Yixi and his team made the cver f an Octberissue f Structure,a US-based Cell Press jurnal.The cver shws a Chinese ink painting thatvividly shws the prcess in which a special enzyme (酶)invlved in the bisynthesis (生物合成)fan imprtant rganic cmpund is activated —the latest breakthrugh by a Chinese scientificresearch team.Anther ne f his ppular wrks that carries distinctive Chinese elements is acmpsite image,describing a scientist as the flk gddess Nyuwa,carrying her newly discveredcmpund t fill a crack in the sky.
    While studying chemistry at university,Wang Yixi ften came acrss an experimentalpreparatin prcess that he had t explain,but the amunt f text was t large and abstract.As hehad been interested in drawing,and related sftware like Phtshp,he decided t turn his graphicsint a fine art.He went n t study 3D graphics sftware in rder t better display the micrscpicstructures in his field and imprve the presentatin f his papers.
    It didn't take lng befre his classmates and prfessrs nticed his talents and asked him t helpthem with their papers.By wrd f muth,mre peple beat a path t Wang's dr and were willingt pay fr his service.Over the past fur years,Wang and his team have cme up with mre than 10,000 visual wrks fr academic papers acrss a variety f fields,many f which have made theirway t the wrld's tp academic jurnals,including Nature,Science and Cell.
    “Every scientific paper is innvative,and graphics are an essential part f scientific papers,”Wang says,adding that what he tries t achieve is an explanatin f mdels r methds,t shwcaseexperimental results,visually prcess data r cmpare differences amng experiments.
    4.What play a special rle in Wang's wrks?
    A.Fairy tales. B.Chinese elements.
    C.Rich clrs. D.Cmplex structures.
    5.What can we learn abut Wang Yixi frm paragraph 3?
    A.He preferred painting t Chemistry.
    B.He develped useful mapping sftware.
    C.He had an active mind t slve prblem.
    D.He had truble cnducting his experiment.
    6.Hw des Wang make abstract papers easily understd?
    A.By visualizing them shwing them accurately.
    C.By explaining them in cnstructing them uniquely.
    7.Which is the best title fr the text?
    A.The pwer f artB.Dilemmas f science
    C.Mysteries f ChemistryD.Inspiratin frm science
    Several times a mnth,yu can find Dctr Daniel Nadeau in the Ralph's market in HuntingtnBeach,Califrnia,wearing a white cat and helping peple learn abut fd.He ntices thepre-made macarni(通心粉)and cheese bxes in a mther's shpping cart and suggests she switcht whle grain macarni and real cheese.
    Nadeau says sugar and prcessed fds are big cntributrs t the rising diabetes(糖尿病)rates amng children.“In America,ver 50 percent f ur fd is prcessed fd,"Nadeau tells her.“Andnly 5 percent f ur fd is plant-based fd.I think we shuld try t reverse that.”This mtheragrees t try mre fruit juices fr the kids and t make real macarni and cheese.Scre ne pint frthe dctr,zer fr diabetes.
    Research findings increasingly shw the pwer f fd t treat r reverse diseases,but that desnt mean that diet alne is always the slutin,r that every illness can benefit substantially frmdietary changes.Nevertheless,physicians say that they lk at the cllective data and a clear pictureemerges:that the salt,sugar,fat and prcessed fds in the American diet cntribute t the natin'shigh rates f besity,diabetes and heart disease.
    By prescribing(开处方)nutritinal changes r launching prgrams such as“Shp with yurDc”,they are trying t prevent,limit r even reverse disease by changing what patients eat.Theprgram will ffer patients several bags f fd prescribed fr their cnditin,alng with intensivetraining in hw t ck it.They believe teaching peple abut which fds are healthy and hw tprepare them can actually transfrm a patient's life.And beynd that,it might transfrm the healthand lives f that patient's family.
    8.Why des Dctr Nadeau advise buying whle grain macarni and real cheese?
    A.They're easy t make. B.They're plant-based.
    C.They're delicius t eat. D.They're prcessed fd.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “reverse”in paragraph 2 mean?
    A.Try ut. B.Pick up. C.Take in. D.Turn arund.
    10.What is the authr's attitude tward the pwer f fd?
    A.Neutral. B.Dismissive. C.Dubtful. D.Psitive.
    11.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.A gd cure fr diabetes.
    B.A new attempt n cking.
    C.A fd-as-medicine prgram.
    D.A simple tip n ding shpping.
    Tp-dwn prcessing is the prcess f using cntext r general knwledge t understand whatwe perceive(感知).In 1970,psychlgist Richard Gregry intrduced the cncept.He claimed thatperceptin is cnstructive
    The prcessing plays an imprtant rle in ur interactins with ur envirnment.Our fivesenses are cnstantly taking in infrmatin.At any given time,we are experiencing different sights,sunds,tastes,smells,and ways things feel when we tuch them.If we paid attentin t each ne fur senses all the time we'd never d anything else.It enables us t simplify the prcess by relyingn cntext and ur pre-existing knwledge t understand what we ntice.If ur brains didn't emplytp-dwn prcessing ur senses wuld verwhelm us.
    Tp-dwn prcessing helps us understand what ur senses are perceiving in ur daily lives.Frexample,suppse yu receive an imprtant letter but a few drps f water have ruined part f thetext.A few letters in different wrds are nw just smudges(污迹).Yet,yu're still able t read theletter in its entirety using tp-dwn prcessing.Yu use the cntext f the wrds and sentences inwhich the smudges appear and yur knwledge f reading t cmprehend the meaning f the letter'smessage.See a wrd LO*E,with ne letter kncked dwn,yet yu are still able t quickly recgnizethe wrd as LOVE.
    On the ne hand,tp-dwn prcessing serves a psitive functin by simplifying the way wecmprehend ur sensry perceptins.It enables us t shrtcut the cgnitive path between urperceptins and their meaning.On the ther hand, patterns can als prevent us frm perceivingthings in unique ways.S we may understand the pattern f hw t use a mbile phne,but if themanufacturer cmes ut with a new phne that emplys cmpletely unique interactin patterns,wemay nt be able t figure ut hw t use it.Besides,as ur knwledge is limited and biased (片面的) in certain ways,it can lead t perceptual errrs.
    12.What is the authr's purpse in writing paragraph 2?
    A.T explain main reasns. B.T give practical examples.
    C.T draw specific cnclusins. D.T analyse theretical framewrks.
    13.What may be the key t understanding a text with missing letters?
    A.Pre-existing knwledge. B.Active interactins.
    C.Five physical senses. D.Lessns frm mistakes
    14.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.Seeing is believing. B.Practice makes perfect.
    C.Every cin has tw sides. D.Experience is the best teacher.
    15.What des the authr intend t d accrding t the text?
    A.Intrduce a reading methd. B.Deepen underlying meanings.
    C.Illustrate a cgnitive strategy. D.Clarify a prducing prcess.
    Hw t Fall Back in Lve with Reading
    D yu remember the last time yu spent time reading bks fr pleasure?In the age f digitaldistractins,it is easy t struggle t find the time and headspace t get lst in literature. 16 Thefllwing tips will help yu fall in lve with reading again.
    17 Whether it's a thriller,rmance,r even a nn-fictin bk abut yur favrite hbby,make sure yu chse smething that will hld yur attentin frm beginning t end. If yu'reunsure where t start,ask yur friends r family fr recmmendatins,check ut nline reviews,rbrwse thrugh yur lcal bkstre r library.
    Set aside time fr reading bks.Whether it's 20 minutes befre bedtime r an hur n yurlunch break,carving ut sme time in yur schedule will make it easier t sit dwn and read.And ifyu find that yu dn't have much free time,try listening t audibks. 18
    Keep a reading jurnal.In yur jurnal,yu can write dwn yur thughts abut what yu'rereading r grafii pictures inspired by the bk. 19 This is a great way t engage with whatyu're reading n a deeper level and a fun way t dcument yur reading jurney.
    Make reading a scial activity.Whether yu start a bk club with yur friends r jin annline reading grup,being able t discuss what yu're reading with thers can make the experiencemre enjyable. 20
    A.Find a bk that interests yu.
    B.Create a psitive reading rutine.
    C.But that desn't mean reading bks is a thing f the past!
    D.By this way,yu can easily fit reading int yur busy lifestyle.
    E.Plus,it's a great way t get recmmendatins fr what t read next!
    F.The thers in yur bk club may cme frm different backgrunds.
    G.It desn't have t be very invlved,just a cuple f sentences t jg yur memry.
    Once I'd reached retirement age I spent a lt f time travelling t distant cuntries,and afterseeing a dcumentary n Munt Kilimanjar,I thught perhaps I shuld give it a 21 .
    When I made 22 with my favrite travel cmpany,I was tld their age limit fr the 23 was 80,and as I was 79 at the time I realized it was a questin f nw r never!I 24 up andthe date I was given meant that if I culd make it t the summit(顶峰),I'd arrive n the day befre my 80th 25 .
    When I arrived in Tanzania,Africa,I 26 a grup f seven ladies and eight gentlemen, all f whm I culd see were half my age.I culd als tell frm the 27 that the man incharge wuld have been 28 withut me,and he gave me strict 29 t always walkimmediately behind the leader.I nticed t that he'd asked tw f the grup t keep an eye n me,as they were 30 checking t see if I was OK.
    Fr the first three days we had excellent weather,and hur after hur we trudged (跋涉)in line,with ccasinal 31 fr tilet and snacks.Hwever,halfway thrugh day fur,the bsssuddenly shuted my name frm the end f the line,and when I 32 in respnse he yelled,“Nrman,yu are summit material!”
    Frm then n,n ne 33 n me,and n day five we all reached the summit and then 34 t the peak.In spite f the fact that my birthday was a day away,everyne std tgetherand sang Happy Birthday T Yu.Yu culd say we'd becme a 35 .
    B.reach C.walkD.g
    B.celebratinC anniversaryD.ceremny
    upB.came backC.turned rundD.hung ut
    The cmplicated art f needle-piereed frameless lanterns, 36 was recgnized as anatinal cultural heriage in China in 2006,is a tradiinal eraft 37 (date)back t the TangDynasty in the Ptan Ancient Twn,Xianju Cunty,Zhejiang Prvince.
    This technique invlves pasting(粘贴)and shaping layers f paper t create uniquedesigns, 38 puncturing(刺破)the lantern surface t frm patterms and allw light t shinethrugh.Unlike traditinal lantern styles that usually rely n bamb r wden frames,this methdfashins patterms and designs 39 the need fr any framing.
    Every delicate pattern f these frameless lantems is 40 (careful)crafted using a tinyembridery(绣花)needle.Each square centimeter f paper 41 (demand)arund 100needle punctures.Depending n the lantern's size, 42 number f punctures can vary frmseveral hundred thusand t ver I millin. 43 (patient) is thus vital fr crafismen.
    In the past,every husehld here wuld eraft lanterns fr traditinalChinese 44 (festival) like the Spring Festival,the Lanterm Festival and the Mid-AutumnFestival.Lanterns 45(lve)as symbls f gd frtune and prsperity.
    Dear fiends,welcme t ur scthl.
    That's all.Thank yu.
    I was nearly twenty-tw,abut t graduate,and unsure which t fllw —my head and mylng interest in natural science,r my heart and my passin fr phtgraphy.A jb at the museumwuld be the safe chice.Or I culd try t pursue a carer in architectural phtgraphy,even thughI had n specifie training in the ficld.I lnged t land that jb.
    I asked the advisr,Jhn Smith,t recmmend smene qualified t give me an bjectivepinin.His reply: “See Benjamin Mskwitz,a famus architect, NYC.Gd luck.”
    During the Spring break I bked a cheap rm and tk the train t New Yrk City.At hisffice n the twenty-third flr I asked the receptinist fr Mr.Mskwitz."I think Mr.Mskwitzhas already left,Miss.I knw he was planning a lng weckend.Did yu have an appintment?"...
    She sighed and asked my name and tld me t wait while she tried t see if he might still bethere.I paced nervusly,thinking that my time and mmey and my best chance fr an expert pininhad been thrwn away.The receptinist rang his ffice;n answer."Srry,but it lks like yu'reut f luck,Miss White,"she said.
    Why hadn't I planned this better?Called fr an appintment?Taken an earlier train?Hw culdI have made such a mistake?I was clse t tears.
    Just then a tall,gray-haired man,beautifully dressed,strde (阔步)thrugh the receptin area.The receptinist signaled me and muthed,"That's him."I didn't hesitate."Oh,Mr Mskwitz!"Icalled ut.“Just a mment,sir,please!I'd like t speak t yu.”
    He glanced at his expensive-lking gld watch and kept walking."Srry,I have a train tcatch,"he said straightfrward,"I dn't believe yu had an appintment."Ihurried after him twardthe clevatr."I aplgize,sir,but I was tld t talk t yu and t shw yu sme phtgraphs."
    Paragraph 1:
    Mi Mskwitr glanced ar it,imparienty at first and then mre carefully a secmd time.
    Paragraph 2:
    Ome hwr later.I walked ut fhis fice with great cnfidence and excitement ____
    参考答案 简案
    1-5 AACBC 6-10 ADBDA 11-15 CAACC 16-20 CADGE
    21-25 DACBA 26-30 DBCAB 31-35 DCABD
    36. which 37. dating 38. and 39. withut 40. carefully
    41. demands 42. the 43. Patience 44. festivals 45. are lved
    Dear friends, welcme t ur schl.
    I’m Li Hua, the chairman f the Student’s Unin. A greening activity themed “Green Campus” has been held fr three years. Many landscape trees and flwers have been planted in ur schl. And nw, they are grwing very well, prviding a cmfrtable surrundings fr teachers and students t live with.
    What’s wrth mentining is the central garden that cvers abut 600 square metres. In the garden, there is an articifial hill, a pnd and a pavilin, which is a best place fr relax after a lng day’s tiring wrk r study.
    May yu have an unfrgettable experience! (97 wrds)
    That’s all. Thank yu.
    Dear friends, welcme t ur schl.
    S privileged am I t cnvey ur welcme fr yur visiting. I am delighted t intrduce the activity f Green Campus.
    The fllwing are activities aiming t make ur campus greener. First, students are encuraged t make all kinds f schl supplies by using waste materials. Nt nly des it develp students’ awareness f envirnmental awareness, but it can als stimulate their creativity. Furthermre, it’s significant t make students save fd when dining in the canteen.Besides, what’s the mst representative spt is the Tree-Planting Festival rganized by ur schl t prvide a platfrm where students can enjy being clse t nature and cperate with each ther.
    May yu have an unfrgettable experience!
    That’s all. Thank yu.
    Paragraph 1:
    Mr. Mskwitz glanced at it, impatiently at first and then mre carefully a secnd time. His expressin changed frm big surprise t deep appreciatin. "These are quite gd," he said, (分词短语作状语)lking up at me. "Yu have a unique eye fr capturing the beauty f architecture. (疑问句)Have yu cnsidered attending a phtgraphy schl?" I ndded, my heart punding. (独立主格) "Well, I think yu have a lt f ptential. Perhaps we culd arrange a meeting fr yu t discuss sme pprtunities in the field." His wrds filled me with hpe. Next, we had a pleasant talk abut my interest and my future jb. (85wrds)
    Paragraph 2:
    Sme hurs later, I walked ut f his ffice with great cnfidence and excitment. Mr. Mskwitz's sincere advice and encuragement had given me the clear directin (定语从句)that I needed t fllw my heart and pursue a career in architectural phtgraphy. I knew it wuldn't be easy, (并列句)but with hard wrk and dedicatin, I was sure I culd make it. After abut half an hur, I barded the train back t schl, (分词化的形容词短语作状语)excited abut the future and ready t take n the challenges that lay ahead. (升华感恩) Thanks t Jhn Smith,Mr. Mskwitz, and my wn persistence, I culd g further in nature science. (87 wrds)
    Mr. Mskwitz glanced at it, impatiently at first and then mre carefully a secnd time. Wearing slemn expressins, he scanned up and dwn ne phtgraph after anther, ndded and shk his head, and his eyebrws furrwed. Nervus with butterflies swirling in my stmach, I was at a lss what was in stre fr me. After what seemed like ages, smile crepted upn his face, “Fantastic wrks! Yu really have a talent!”, he grinned, thump up. An verwhelming wave f relief and jy spread acrss me. Nticing I still std rted t the spt, he gestured t me t fllw him int his ffice. I knew I wn the pprtunity t have a detailed interactin with him.
    One hur later, I walked ut f his ffice with great cnfidence and excitement . Cmpletely ignring his tight schedule, he patiently pinted ut what caught his eye as well as what remained t be imprved. His cnstructive wrds still eched in my mind. At the mment gne was the wrestling between my lng interest in natural science and passin fr phtgraphy and instead came my enhanced determinantin t chse what I have passin fr. It came t an enlightement that passin really matters. Withut it, mtivatin and inspiratin wuld be nwhere t be fund, let alne a dream t pursue as a career. On my way back, I realized maybe my sinsere gratitude t Mr. Mskwitz will be my better future wrks.

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