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    Cash Composition Contest

    In support of Financial Literacy Month (April), Michigan State University Extension and 4-H, a youth organization, are coordinating (协调) the Cash Composition Contest. Youths residing in Michigan are encouraged to answer this year’s essay question with an essay of 300 words or less. The 5 top-scoring essays will each win a $100 gift card thanks to the generous sponsorship by Extra Credit Union.


    April 30, 2023: Essay submission due by 11:59 pm

    May 31, 2023: Winners notified

    Cash Composition Topic

    What is the difference between a need and a want? Discuss how you determine if something is a need or a want. How can you make sure you have enough money to get your needs and still enjoy some of your wants? Share how needs and wants might change throughout one’s life.

    Grading Standards

    ● Quality of Writing

    ● Organization and Information

    ● Grammar


    Participants must:

    ● Between 9—12 years of age as of January 1, 2023 living in the state of Michigan.

    ● Have knowledge of money management such as saving, spending, borrowing, and planning appropriate for age and grade level.


    ● Youths must have parental or guardian permission to apply and participate.

    ● The application form must be completed by a parent/guardian.

    ● Youths must write an essay (300 words or less)on the assigned topic above.

    ● Essays must be submitted on the contest registration page.

    ● The essay must be the work of the student submitting it. It is highly recommended that youths write their essay prior to completing the registration/submission form.

    1Who will sponsor the contest prizes?

    AMichigan State University. BExtra Credit Union.

    CA local youth organization. DThe state of Michigan.

    2What will be focused on in the entry?

    AThe changes throughout one’s life.

    BThe ways to improve quality of writing.

    CThe need for charity management.

    DThe discussions on needs and wants.

    3Which will result in disqualification for an applicant?

    ASubmitting the essay on April 29. BWriting an essay of 300 words.

    CFilling the application form in person. DFinishing the essay before registration.


    At a hotel, surrounded by teammates, he got the email. “Dear Spencer Heslop.” it read, “you have been invited to participate in the Selection Camp for the US Men’s National Team for 2022.”

    The recent graduate from University of Michigan School of Public Health, dreamed of the opportunity to play for the United States since he was seven years old. After he developed a disease that often results in damage to the spinal cord (脊髓) and nerves, Heslop’s parents pushed him to try wheelchair basketball.

    By high school, Heslop played wheelchair basketball on a competitive basketball team. The experience opened his eyes to the world of adaptive sports, which became his favorite. While he was never the biggest or strongest player, Heslop had a feel for the game and a desire to take it further. Faced with many challenges, he worked tirelessly to develop chair skills and conditioning that made him more explosive.

    “As I applied to graduate school, I knew I would play wherever I was planning to go,” Heslop said. “University of Michigan was near the top of my list academically. I also heard that they were trying to get an adaptive sports program going, and that helped me make my choice.” University of Michigan Adaptive Sports and Fitness was formed in 2018 to address the inequitable access to physical activity opportunities, competitive and recreational, for students with disabilities at University of Michigan.

    Since Heslop joined the program in 2020, University of Michigan’s wheelchair basketball team became part of the NWBA’s Division Ⅱ. After leading the team to an 8th-place finish at the NWBA Nationals in April 2022, Heslop participated in the US Men’s National Team Selection Camp where he fought against 30 of the nation to athletes and made the final twelve-man roster. This gave the recently graduated young man a better shot at his ultimate goal: playing for his country in the Paralympic Games.

    4What helped Heslop develop his passion for adaptive sports?

    AThe unexpected disease at seven.

    BThe email he received at a hotel.

    CThe University of Michigan he dreamed of.

    DThe experience in a wheelchair basketball team.

    5Why did Heslop choose University of Michigan?

    AHe accepted a large sum of scholarship.

    BHe could join his favorite sports program.

    CHe was promised a chance to play for the country.

    DHe was invited to set up Adaptive Sports and Fitness.

    6What is mainly talked about in the last paragraph?

    AHeslop’s achievements. BHeslop’s ultimate goal.

    CHeslop’s superior leadership. DHeslop’s bright future.

    7Which can best describe Heslop?

    AGenerous. BReliable. CCreative. DDetermined.


    When you’re bored, you might start playing with a ball or other objects. Such behavior is common in people. Other animals like it too—that’s why a dog fetches a stick, or a cat bats at toys. Play is an enjoyable way to pass the time. A new study finds that it’s not just mammals that like to play. Bumblebees (大黄蜂) do it too, making them the first insects known to play.

    In the study, Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, an insect expert, did an experiment using 200 untrained bumblebees to see if they might play. Of those, 45 would be marked with a number when they emerged as adults.

    A pathway was set up from the bumblebees’ nest to a feeding area. One side contained small wooden balls that rolled. The other side had the same number of balls, but they were stuck to the floor. Half balls on each side were colored balls. The rest were left unpainted.

    For three hours a day over 18 days, Galpayage Dona found bumblebees weren’t so interested in the side where the balls didn’t move, but they explored the side areas and interacted with the balls. Once they managed to roll a ball, they strongly preferred that side. They returned, climbing on the balls and rolling them around. She also found bumblebees preferred certain colors of balls.

    “There’s something about the mobility that is more interesting for the bumblebees than just colored objects,” Galpayage Dona says. In another experiment, she sometimes left the balls out overnight. “When I came in the next day, I would always find some bumblebees rolling the balls.” As with mammals, the bumblebees who played the most were the younger ones. Their play tapered off as they got older.

    The scientists say it’s not clear why the bumblebees roll the balls or whether they enjoy it. But the experiment raises important questions about how the insects’ minds work and whether they have feelings.

    8How does the author introduce the topic?

    ABy describing the fun of play. BBy analyzing reasons for boredom.

    CBy introducing similar phenomena. DBy presenting animals’ cute images.

    9What did the researcher do in the experiment?

    AShe trained bumblebees to play balls.

    BShe put small balls along the pathway.

    CShe set up a pathway in bumblebees’ nest.

    DShe rewarded the bumblebees with rolled balls.

    10What does the underlined part “tapered off” probably mean in paragraph 5?

    AMattered. BHelped. CDecreased. DEmerged.

    11What can be the best title for the text?

    ABumblebees Prefer Shape to Color

    BBalls Are Bumblebees’ Favorite Toys

    CPlaying with Objects Is Animals’ Second Nature

    DBumblebees Are the First Insects Known to Play


    The UN this week launched a report urging companies to stop issuing false net-zero targets that amount to greenwashing.

    Greenwashing is a term used to describe situations where companies mislead consumers by claiming to be eco-friendly or sustainable as a marketing plan rather than as a core principle of their business model. Often, these industries spend more money making themselves appear sustainable than they do taking actual sustainable measures into their company.

    Cities, financial institutions, and scores of companies have announced plans to reduce their emissions to zero, which, in principle, should help the fight against climate change.

    “The problem is that the criteria for these net-zero commitments have varying levels of precision and loopholes (漏洞),” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres during the launch of the report.

    Many net-zero plans contain far-away or unclear targets and often call for the use of unproved technologies like carbon capture and tree planting, which effectively allow companies to continue polluting the atmosphere. Studies show that most of these net-zero plans will do little to stop temperatures from rising. For example, many oil majors have announced plans to reduce emissions from their operations to zero by 2050 that do not take into account the carbon emitted by the fossil fuels they sell, which would allow them to increase production. Far from decreasing, fossil fuel production is going strong.

    To close these net-zero loopholes, the UN this week released a report that includes 10 recommendations to ensure that companies, cities, regions, and other non-state actors issue credible and accountable net zero commitments. “Their plans cannot rely on cheap carbon credits instead of immediately cutting their own emissions,” Guterres said.

    Financial institutions need to cut down emissions from all their investments and businesses need to bring down the carbon footprint of their supply chain, the report said. The report’s lead author, Catherine McKenna, urged companies to release new net-zero targets within a year. The updated targets must contain concrete actionable details.

    12What does “greenwashing” refer to?

    AA green technology. BA misleading statement.

    CA business model. DA spending target.

    13Why does the author mention the oil majors?

    ATo prove oil majors are really responsible.

    BTo set some good examples for other companies.

    CTo show some net- zero commitments make no sense.

    DTo indicate the benefit of net zero plans to climate change.

    14How does Guterres feel about the issued net-zero plans?

    ADissatisfied. BGuilty. CShocked. DConfused.

    15What is advised to do to fix net-zero loopholes?

    APlant more trees. BShare more supply chains.

    CDepend on cheap carbon credits. DMake concrete actionable targets.




    Learning how to care for a sad person will help you be there for your loved ones and friends when they are down. However, knowing how to care for a sad person is not something an individual is born with. ____16____ Here are a few tips that will eventually help you lift the spirit of a sad person.

    Give a hug. Hugging someone shows your affection and care. ____17____ This can make them feel relaxed and open to you. This can also help them recognize that you are there to help them go through this moment. With no kind and loving words, your actions have already said a lot.

    ____18____ Now, go on and say some kind words. Words like “I’m here”, “we are in this together”, “you’ll get over this”, “lean on me” and so on, can help a sad person feel better and know that you’re there to take him/her through the sad moment.

    Use the right tone of voice. ____19____ They go along with tone to convey a meaning to the listener. To convey your words with faith that would create a positive effect on the sad person, you would need to say it with the right tone of voice.

    Listen patiently. People ask lots of questions but they end up paying little attention to getting the feedback (反馈) that they wanted. Don’t be that person. After asking the questions, listen patiently to know what the sad person would appreciate at that time. ____20____

    ASay kind loving words.

    BMake use of polite expressions.

    CThen choose to appreciate others too.

    DRemember that words do not stand alone.

    EIt will help you know how to offer the best fitting help.

    FThis knowledge is gained through research and practice.

    GWhen you do this to someone, they can feel your warmth.




    Hurricane Ian hit Florida and brought with it flooding, winds and a record high storm.

    Karen is 84 years old and relies on a wheelchair to ____21____ because she is missing a leg. Her son Johnny tried ____22____ to get her to leave, but she refused again and again — she ____23____ the intensity of the storm.

    Johnny lives four blocks away. When Karen reported the water in her house had reached her waist, he knew he had to take ____24____.

    First, Johnny ____25____ his kids were taken care of. He gave them food and opened the attic (阁楼) so that they could ____26____ through the roof if water continued to rise. Then, he jumped out of a window and began to ____27____.

    Johnny was racing against the clock. He knew he only had a(n) ____28____ period of time to get there before the water rose above Karen’s ____29____. It took him 40 minutes to swim four blocks. The sound of Karen yelling was _____30_____ to his ears! She was still alive!

    Everyone in Johnny’s family is now _____31_____ although they’ve lost everything they owned. But they’re _____32_____ just to be here.

    “I didn’t lose _____33_____. Life is like a computer, there’re two _____34_____: a reset and a power — and we are blessed that it was just a reset button, not the power, that got _____35_____,” he said.

    21Aget around Bhelp out Csit up Dwork out

    22Asimply Brepeatedly Cobviously Dparticularly

    23Acalculated Bidentified Cexperienced Dunderestimated

    24Acare Bplace Caction Dcharge

    25Aproved Bensured Cnoticed Dadmitted

    26Aexpand Bassist Cescape Ddominate

    27Arun Bride Cdrive Dswim

    28Ashort Befficient Cideal Dindefinite

    29Awaist Bankles Chead Dknees

    30Aharm Bmusic Cadvice Dnews

    31Aresponsible Bremarkable Cinnocent Dsafe

    32Agrateful Bsure Cconcerned Dsurprised

    33Amemory Bhope Csight Dweight

    34Ascreens Bkeyboards Cbuttons Dmonitors

    35Aprepared Bseparated Cinjured Dhit





    A new adaptation of Chinese mythological stories has won the heart of audiences with its distinctive style. The animation series, Yao—Chinese Folktales, ____36____ (gain) more than 110 million views online since it was released.

    The series, co-produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Bilibili, is ____37____ collection of 20-minute short films, consisting of eight separate stories ____38____ (feature) monster-like characters, or yao in Chinese. The collection, ____39____ ranges from ancient stories to science fiction, from emotional connection with hometowns to romantic love ____40____ from life themes to questions for humanity, presents Chinese culture and philosophy. For example, the first episode, named “Nobody”, tells a pig monster’s story ____41____ (base) on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. The creative team put the perspective on the little monsters who used to have blurry faces and didn’t even have names in the story.

    Li Zao, general producer, said it was impossible ____42____ (predict) what the eventual outcome would be at first. Now, the ____43____ (favor) comments exceeded the expectations of the creative team. These contained both the audience’s ____44____ (recognize) of the work and their hopes of Chinese animation. Besides adapting ____45____ the taste of the masses, the team also wanted to guide them to appreciate different types of work.




    46.你校英语俱乐部正在举办主题为“A Shiny Summer for Graduation Season”的英文征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:

    1. 毕业季暑期的意义;

    2. 你的打算;

    3. 对同学的建议。


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    A Shiny Summer for Graduation Season





    My name is Maeli. I am so lucky because I have Lizzy Jo. She is my cousin and my friend!

    Yesterday our teacher brought out a big box just before the last bell rang. “I have a little gift for each of you,” she said. Then she gave each of us a perfect popcorn ball. Each popcorn ball was in a transparent bag that was tied with a ribbon (丝带). Just that little ribbon made the gift look so fancy! Sometimes, it’s the tiny details that make things special.

    I happen to have a great appreciation for popcorn balls, so I was pleased. Lizzy Jo and I rode the bus home. The moment I was off the bus. I untied the ribbon and placed it into my pocket. Then I took the popcorn ball out of the plastic bag. I didn’t even stop walking. Unfortunately, my feet were in a big hurry to get home, and sometimes when feet are in a hurry, they trip.

    My feet tripped. I fell. And my perfect popcorn ball dropped right into a yucky, murky puddle (水坑). I was okay, but my popcorn ball wasn’t. Have you ever seen a perfect popcorn ball in a yucky, murky puddle? It isn’t something that you want to take a photo of and frame and keep forever.

    I looked at my popcorn ball. That moment definitely was not the time to use the two-second rule, which I used at my grandma’s house last week. I accidentally dropped my cookie on her floor. I picked it up really fast, and I admitted that I ate that cookie. But this was a very different situation. This involved a puddle.

    I wanted to cry. I knew that it’s silly to cry over a popcorn ball, but that popcorn ball was a gift! I was highly disappointed.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Lizzy turned to give me a hug.


    Later that night, looking at the “new” ball, I had an idea.



    1B    2D    3C


    4D    5B    6A    7D


    8C    9B    10C    11D


    12B    13C    14A    15D


    16F    17G    18A    19D    20E



    21A    22B    23D    24C    25B    26C    27D    28A    29C    30B    31D    32A    33B    34C    35D



    36has gained    37a    38featuring    39which    40and    41based    42to predict    43favorable    44recognition    45to


    46Hello, everyone. Soon we will graduate from high school. Next we will have a very long summer holiday. And we have no homework and no exams this summer holiday. This means that we can do things that we couldn’t do or didn’t have time to do before because of the heavy pressure of high school. Read a book you’ve always wanted to read, learn to drive or take a trip.

     I plan to find a part-time job in summer vacation, and I will learn how to drive. After that, I will go hiking with a month’s salary.

     Let’s do it! After high school graduation, it means that we are adults, we should make good use of this summer vacation to explore the new world.

    47Lizzy turned to give me a hug. She is never afraid to give a hug. Lizzy said to me, “It's okay Maeli. We can get another popcorn ball or even make one ourselves.” Her kindness made me feel much better. We walked the rest of the way home together. When I got home, I took a shower, changed my clothes, and sat on my bed. My heart was still heavy. “What a waste!” I thought to myself. I decided to make a popcorn ball myself. It wouldn't be as fancy as the teacher’s, but it would be something special that I created.

    Later that night, looking at the “new” ball, I had an idea. I went to the kitchen and found the recipe printed on the back of the popcorn's package. I followed the instructions carefully. When it came time to shape the ball, I carefully packed the popcorn together. I even added some chocolate sprinkles on top. The next day, Lizzy Jo and I took my homemade popcorn ball to school to show our teacher. I was so proud and happy presenting it to her. And to my surprise, she was impressed! I felt accomplished, knowing that I had made something special on my own.

    I learned that sometimes disappointments can lead to new opportunities. Making my own popcorn ball was a fun and rewarding experience, and it was all thanks to Lizzy Jo's kind words.



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