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    这是一份2024届山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题(无答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了 选择题的作答, 非选择题的作答, D等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    West Side Music Tgether
    WSMT is an internatinally recgnized early childhd music and mvement prgram fr children frm birth thrugh age 5 and the grwnups wh lk after them. First ffered t the public in 1987, it pineered the cncept f a research-based and develpmentally apprpriate early childhd music curriculum that strngly emphasizes and facilitates adult invlvement.
    When yu participate, yu will receive ur current sngbk and CD, and yu can dwnlad yur music thrugh ur award-winning Hell Everybdy app using yur Music Tgether accunt. Yu'll als have access t ur WSMT Family Prtal, where we will share musical inspiratin, play-at-hme vides and activities t try at hme.
    Cnnectin t the Cmmunity
    Our classes becme cmmunities themselves and families can ften be seen at parks and lcal cafes tgether after class. Families really get time t knw each ther ver the curse f ur ten-week prgrams and we als ffer free cmmunity events each year t registered families.
    Additinal Infrmatin
    Our missin is t prvide the highest quality music and mvement experiences t as many yung children as pssible and t invlve their parents and ther adult caregivers as their primary guides. All classes include ne f ur nine award-winning music cllectins and ur free Hell Everybdy app.
    Our mixed-age family classes fllw the recmmendatins f child develpment researchers—gruping children f a variety f ages—because this fsters(促进)natural, family-style learning. Yunger children enjy watching and imitating(模仿)lder nes; lder children learn by leading yunger nes. Each child participates at his r her wn level in singing, mving, listening, watching, r explring musical instruments. Their caregivers als g tgether.
    1. Wh are welcme t WSMT? 该试卷源自 每日更新,享更低价下载。A. Senirs wh have n family. B. Teenagers yunger than 15.
    C. Adults caring fr kids under 5. D. Students applying t a cllege.
    2. What d registered families f WSMT tend t d?
    A. Scialize with each ther after class. B. Participate in varius music cntests.
    C. Dnate their favrite CDs t WSMT. D. Share the cst f Hell Everybdy app.
    3. Hw can children benefit frm mixed-age family classes?
    A. They are free t have music classes at hme.
    B. They can be independent f their caregivers.
    C. They are taught by award-winning musicians.
    D. They can learn in a mre natural envirnment.
    In the past few years, Sam Altman, the father f ChatGPT, has becme the mst familiar face in the wrld f AI. Many industry leaders and AI researchers see ChatGPT as a fundamental technlgical shift, as significant as the creatin f the web brwser(浏览器). But few can agree n the future f this technlgy.
    Sme believe it will create a cmmunity where everyne has all the time and mney they ever wanted. Others believe it culd destry humanity. Still, thers spend much f their time arguing that the technlgy isn't as pwerful as everyne says it is.
    Mr. Altman, a slim 37-year-ld entrepreneur and investr frm St. Luis, sits calmly in the middle f it all, devted t making ChatGPT perfect. As chief executive f OpenAI, he in sme way embdies(体现)each f these seemingly cntradictry views, hping t balance many pssibilities as he strikes this unusual, highly effective but imperfect technlgy int the lnger term.
    That means he's usually criticized, But thse clsest t him imagine that is nrmal. "If yu're equally upsetting bth extreme sides, then yu're ding smething right, "mentined OpenAI's president, Greg Brckman.
    Mr. Altman believes that this technlgy will ccur ne way r anther, that it will d wnderful things even he can't yet imagine, and that we can find ways f making up fr the harm it may cause. It's an attitude that mirrrs Mr. Altman's persnal track. His life has been a reasnably regular climb twards larger prsperity and wealth, pushed by an efficient set f private expertise. It makes sense that he believes that the gd thing will happen rather than the bad.
    Gergeann Kepchar, wh taught Advanced Placement cmputer science curses, saw Mr. Altman as ne f her mst talented cmputer science students and ne with a rare gift fr pushing peple in new directins. "He had creativity and visin, cmbined with the ambitin and frce f persnality t cnvince thers t wrk with him n putting his ideas int actin," she said.
    4. Why is the web brwser mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T highlight the imprtance f ChatGPT.
    B. T intrduce the inspiratin fr ChatGPT.
    C. T shw the cmpetitin in the wrld f AI.
    D. T indicate Sam Altman's prmising future.
    5. Hw des Sam Altman respnd t peple's pinins n his technlgy?
    A. He aplgizes fr its harm. B. He criticizes them vilently.
    C. He fcuses n imprving it. D. He faces them nervusly.
    6. What can we learn frm paragraph 5?
    A. The new technlgy has brught recrd prfits.
    B. Sam Altman is ptimistic abut his technlgy.
    C. Greg Brckman shws supprt t Sam Altman.
    D. Sam Altman has been suffering fr a lng time.
    7. What is Gergeann Kepchar's attitude twards Sam Altman?
    A. Indifferent. B. Unclear. C. Critical. D. Admiring.
    Plastic, nce seen as a revlutinary material fr its wide applicatin and cnvenience, has becme a glbal envirnmental crisis because it is nn-bidegradable. The ubiquity(无处不在)f plastic in ur daily lives has led t an increasing amunt f plastic waste, causing great harm.
    One f the mst alarming examples f this crisis is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a flating mass f plastic waste in the Nrth Pacific Ocean. It is estimated t be twice the size f Texas and cnsists f everything frm micrplastics t abandned fishing nets. Marine life ften mistakes plastic particles fr fd, leading t ingestin and death. Additinally, the chemicals used in plastic prductin can pllute water and sil, and finally threaten marine ecsystems.
    Plastic waste is nt limited t the ceans; it als impacts the land. Landfills verflw with plastic waste, emitting(排放)harmful greenhuse gases as plastics break dwn slwly ver time. The prductin f plastics is highly energy-intensive and cntributes t greenhuse gas emissins, exacerbating climate change. Furthermre, plastic litter is evident in urban and rural landscapes, destrying the natural beauty f ur planet.
    Beynd its envirnmental impact, plastic pses serius health risks t humans. Many plastics cntain harmful chemicals, which can be fund in fd and drinks when plastic cntainers are used fr strage and heating. These chemicals have been linked t a range f health prblems, including develpmental issues and cancer.
    In cnclusin, the prblem f plastic pllutin demands urgent actin. A cmprehensive strategy fr cutting dwn n plastic is essential t tackle these challenges and safeguard the well-being f ur planet and its inhabitants.
    While reducing the cnsumptin f plastic may seem challenging, it is achievable thrugh a cmbinatin f plicy measures, technlgical innvatins and changes in cnsumer behavir. Gvernments must issue laws t ban r heavily regulate single-use plastics and prmte alternatives. Businesses shuld adpt sustainable packaging practices, and individuals can reduce plastic cnsumptin by making cnscius chices.
    8. What des the example f the Great Pacific Garbage Patch shw?
    A. Animals rely n plastic waste t survive.
    B. Plastic is t widespread t remve.
    C. Plastic waste is harming the ceans.
    D. Plastic pses health risks t humans.
    9. What des the underlined wrd "exacerbating" in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Wrsening. B. Cntrlling. C. Recrding. D. Evaluating.
    10. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Ways t cut plastic cnsumptin.
    B. Prblems f handling plastic.
    C. Alternatives fr plastic prducts.
    D. Sme benefits f banning plastic.
    11. What is the best tile fr the text?
    A. Plastic Packaging Is Everywhere
    B. Plastic Cnsumptin Shuld Be Reduced
    C. Hw Shuld Plastic Be Used
    D. Hw Plastic Prducts Affect Peple
    Childhd can bring much awe—the emtin caused by mysterius experiences f things r ideas that we've never encuntered befre. Fr example, ur children can feel awe lking up at a dark night sky that's filled with mre stars than they've ever imagined. As parents, it's deeply mving t witness ur children's experience f awe—their breaths taken away, speechless apart frm saying "Ww!"— because we see hw it enriches their individual lives. And research suggests that awe can als bst ur children's desire t give as they feel small in the vastness f expanded awareness.
    A recent study by researchers Eftychia Stamku and her clleagues invited children between eight and 13 years ld t watch different vides.
    In the awe grup, children watched a vide frm the mvie Sng f the Sea that features a child transfrming int a seal and flying ver a city. In the jy grup, children watched a vide frm the mvie Fantasia that shws friends celebrating. In the third grup, children watched an instructinal vide f a bring activity.
    Researchers measured children's kindness tward pr families by inviting children t supprt a dnatin campaign by spending as much time as they wanted n figuring ut the number f dnated items, t make sure thse in need gt access t the dnated fd as quickly as pssible. They als invited children t dnate the reward they earned frm participating in the research t a pr family.
    The results? Children wh watched the awe-inspiring vide spent mre time cunting fd dnatins and dnated their rewards t pr families mre ften cmpared t the children in the ther grups.
    "Althugh children frm an early age are mre likely t help in-grup than ut-grup members, the findings shw that awe can pen them up t helping members f a natinal minrity," says Dacher Keltner, a renwned schlar f awe. "These findings highlight that awe-inspiring art can encurage children t give what they can ffer t peple wh have been frcibly displaced frm their cuntries f rigin. That can serve as inspiratin fr educatrs."
    12. Why wuld parents like their children t have the experience f awe?
    A. It teaches their kids t keep quiet.
    B. It makes their kids' lives clrful.
    C. It frees them frm caring fr kids.
    D. It allws them t be praised by their kids.
    13. What were children asked t d in the study?
    A. Retell stries in vides. B. Share their emtins.
    C. D cunting wrk. D. Ck sme fd.
    14. Hw des Dacher Keltner cmment n the study?
    A. Its methds are rather cmplex. B. Its cnclusin is nthing special.
    C. Its study subjects are unsuitable. D. Its findings are f significance.
    15. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. The experience f awe is cmmn fr us.
    B. Awe brings yu back t yur childhd life.
    C. Nature is the mst awesme thing fr kids.
    D. Feeling awe may help kids be mre generus.
    When grandparents bnd with their grandchildren, these little nes will feel mre secure and happier. And being grandparents benefits the grandparents, t. Yur grandchildren are treasures that d mre than just make yu smile. 16 .
    It helps yur cgnitive(认知的)skills remain sharp.
    Spending time with yur grandchildren is gd fr yur brain health. An Australian study studying the rle f grandparenting in senir wmen's cgnitive health fund that wmen wh cared fr their grandchildren nce a week shwed higher perfrmance n memry and mental tests than thse wh spent little time with their grandchildren. " 17 ," said the leader f the study.
    It keeps yu physically active.
    Physical activity is gd fr yu. 18 . Whether it is pushing yur grandchildren in a baby carriage r playing catch in the backyard, it is physical activity. Ging t a museum, an amusement park, r a shpping mall with yur grandchildren is als a way t stay active.
    It makes yu less lnely.
    Nwadays, lneliness has increased, which has led t increased depressin. That's why spending time with ther peple is s imprtant. 19 . In fact, an unpublished study frm Bstn University fund a clse relatinship between grandparents and grandchildren had a measurable effect n the psychlgical well-being f bth.
    20 .
    When yu interact with yur grandchildren while they learn and explre, yu are inspired t learn smething. This is especially true if senirs play wrd games like memry games r strategy games like chess. In fact, learning anything new can bst yur cgnitive ability and help keep yur brain sharp. "With memry decline being ne f the biggest things peple fear, any time yu learn smething new, it's a big deal," said dctr Kristine Arthur.
    A. It keeps yu learning
    B. It allws yu t enjy sprts
    C. But physical activity isn't limited t physical exercise
    D. Instead, yu can play an imprtant rle in yur grandchildren's lives
    E. Having grandchildren arund keeps yu scial and helps yu get rid f lneliness
    F. In fact, spending time with yur grandchildren cmes with a wide range f benefits
    G. Interactin with thers culd stimulate certain nerve pathways that benefit ur brain
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In February 2020, Max's friend Rick was diagnsed with cancer. Max 21 Rick during the last mnth f his life, thus becming 22 f the care prvided t his friend by Nrth Devn Hspice(临终关怀医院). "The hspital tk such gd care f him that I wanted t d smething t shw my 23 ," says Max.
    Max 24 a fundraising missin in March 2020. When Max first put up a tent in the yard f his huse, he was 10 years ld and had just 25 his friend Rick. "Befre my friend died f cancer, he gave me a tent and tld me t 'have an adventure'," says Max.
    Thrugh a years-lng campaign, he became knwn as "The By in the Tent" and 26 mre than £700,000 in 2023. Such a 27 allwed the hspital t 28 arund 500 patients in their wn hmes, helping them face the 29 f an illness like cancer.
    When he recalls his 30 experiences. Max says that he wn't 31 a single thing abut the past three years. It's easy t imagine, hwever, the past years weren't free f 32 fr Max: frm cllapsed tents t keeping warm thrughut strms and snwy nights.
    Max faced everything with his psitive attitude and gal-driven mind. "One time my tent cllapsed in the wind and rain at abut 10:00 pm and I 33 t put it up again," he says. "Despite all, I never regret it. I 34 lve my ne-f-a-kind adventure and I believe Rick wuld enjy it as well if he were 35 ."
    21. A. cured B. saved C. missed D. supprted
    22. A. aware B. ashamedC. prudD. tired
    23. A. ambitinB. appreciatin C. cncernD. genersity
    24. A. started B. delayed C. cntinued D. cmpleted
    25. A. fundB. treatedC. cntacted D. lst
    26. A. cllected B. spent C. withdrewD. wasted
    27. A. varietyB. sum C. style D. theme
    28. A. pick utB. turn dwnC. give up D. care fr
    29. A. histry B. research C. impactD. surce
    30. A. traveling B. vlunteeringC. nursingD. camping
    31. A. repeatB. change C. remember D. describe
    32. A. challenges B. diseasesC. repairsD. perfrmances
    33. A. hpedB. prmised C. managedD. hesitated
    34. A. usually B. similarly C. actuallyD. regularly
    35. A. asleep B. present C. strng D. wealthy
    The Ontari Cnventin Center was filled with 36 (excite)n Saturday as hundreds f players cmpeted in the 2023 US Open Table Tennis Champinships. The turnament attracted players frm arund the wrld, amng 37 were Wu Bhan and Zhang Yuwen. Representing Peking University, 38 Chinese pair will participate in a series f events t celebrate the 52nd anniversary f Ping-Png Diplmacy.
    When Dell Sweeris, nw a 78-year-ld, watched the intense actin at the champinship, fnd memries 39(cme)flding back. With a smile playing n his lips(嘴角), he reflected n hw a simple game f ping-png had nce bridged plitical chasms(鸿沟) 40 brught natins clser tgether.
    "I was s frtunate 41 (be)n the US natinal team in 1972 when the Chinese team came here," Sweeris recalled. "They sent legends(传奇人物)here and I luckily traveled with them."
    While 42 (meet)sme legendary players f the Ping-Png Diplmacy era, Sweeris became friends with Liu Wei, a frmer wrld champin and nw a prfessr at Peking University.
    43 the cach f the Peking University table tennis team, Liu said his team was n a missin t spread the spirit f Ping-Png Diplmacy. "It is abut the cntinuity f friendship," she said. "It will 44 (pass)n t the next generatin thrugh the medium f table tennis. One f the driving frces behind this cntinuity is the 45 (share)lve fr this sprt by the peple f bth China and the United States."
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 分享获奖的喜悦;
    2. 感谢他的帮助;
    3. 邀请他到你家做客以表谢意。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    One night, sitting n the cld steps at the back f my apartment in Kansas, I'd been staring ut int the darkness. The nly light came frm my cigarette. Rain saked(浸湿)thrugh my pants, but I didn't care. Back in my rm, there was a knife n the bedside table and a nte n my cmputer screen. I hped that whever read it first wuld understand why I had the plan t end it all.
    Six mnths befre that night, a car accident caused a brain injury in me. I lst my jb and had t live n my savings in my lnely apartment. Since then, I had been suffering frm depressin and struggling t get thrugh each day.
    I sat there n thse cld steps just wanting t end it all. "Tnight. I will," I thught as I tk anther drag f my cigarette.
    I lked up. A black and white cat with rund green eyes lked back at me. He mewed again. Then, walking ut frm his hiding spt, he jumped at me. He was tiny and damp, but he rubbed up against my legs. When I reached dwn t pet him, he leaned int my tuch, purring(发出呼噜声).
    That was all it tk. I cried. The cat just watched me. I didn't scare him away. In fact, he std there as if he knew hw desperately I needed a cmpanin right at that very mment.
    I lked int his big green eyes and he lked back. Clearly a stray(流浪的)cat. "When was the last time yu ate?" I said. My plan t end it all was put n hld, at least until I fund this cat sme fd.
    It became a rutine: Every day, I'd g t the back steps with sme cat fd. Usually, the cat, whm I named Scut, was already waiting fr me. He became mre than smething t live fr. Over time he inspired me t get help fr my depressin and even gave me the cnfidence t get int a serius relatinship with Becky in Pittsburgh, whm I had knwn fr years.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Scut became my cnstant cmpanin.
    I was far frm the lnely and depressed man that Scut had first apprached in the rain, but I still needed t make a few mre changes.

    2024届山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题: 这是一份2024届山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题,共8页。

    山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题: 这是一份山东省菏泽市鄄城县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题,共10页。

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