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    这是一份2024年中考英语第二次模拟考试(辽宁统考专用),文件包含英语辽宁统考专用全解全析docx、英语辽宁统考专用考试版A4docx、英语辽宁统考专用考试版A3docx、英语辽宁统考专用参考答案及评分标准docx等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:90分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的学校、班级、座位号、姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上;
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    1.There are fur new ______ bks in the bk club.
    2.The bk ______ is written by a kid.
    A.Yu’re Jking MeB.Belly Laugh Jkes, Riddles, and Puns
    C.LOL 101D.Laugh-Out-Lud Jkes
    3. Yu can read the bk written by_______ if yu want t learn t write jkes.
    A.William Daniel B.Sky Pny editrs C.David Rth and Rinee Shah D.Rb Ellitt
    4.The puns in the bk Laugh-Out-Lud are abut ______.
    A.strange clthB.delicius fdC.prper namesD.great perfrmances
    【答案】1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C
    1.细节理解题。根据“If yu like t read and tell jkes, these picks prvide interesting material.”可知,如果喜欢读笑话、讲笑话,本文介绍的四本书能提供有趣的材料,都与笑话相关。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据“Yu’re Jking Me: Jkes fr Kids by a Kid”中“By William Daniel Written by a sixth-grader, this bk has ver 400 puns, riddles and knck-knck jkes.”可知,本书是由一个六年级的小孩写的。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据“LOL 101:A Kid’s Guide t Writing Jke By David Rth and Rinee Shah ”和第三本书的介绍可知,他的书中介绍如何写笑话。故选C。
    4.细节理解题。根据“Laugh-Out-Lud: The Big Bk f Knck-Knck Jkes”中“Sme fun jkes are puns n prper names.”可知,本书中,一些有趣的笑话是专有名字上的双关语。故选C。
    A teacher cleared ff his desk and placed n tp f it a few things. One f them was an empty masn jar(玻璃瓶). He filled the jar with glf balls until he culd put n mre. He lked at the classrm and asked his students if they agreed that the jar was full. Every student agreed that the jar was really full.
    The teacher then picked up a bx f small pebbles(卵石) and pured them int the jar with the glf balls. The pebbles filled all f the penings in between the glf balls. He asked the students if the jar was full. Once again, they agreed.
    Nw the teacher picked up a bag f sand and pured it int the jar. The sand filled in all f the empty space left between the glf balls and pebbles. He asked the class again if the jar was full. The students agreed again.
    The teacher said, “I want yu t knw that this jar represents yur life,” he started. “The glf balls represent the imprtant things: yur family, health, friends... The pebbles represent the ther things in life, such as yur jb, huse and car. The sand is every small thing. If yu put the sand in first there is n rm fr the pebbles r glf balls. The same ges fr life. If yu spend all f yur time n the small things, yu will never have rm fr the things that are mst imprtant.”
    Pay attentin t the imprtant things in yur life. Yu shuld knw there will always be time t clean the huse r g shpping.
    5.Which f the fllwing stands fr the “pebble” accrding t the passage?
    A.Yur huse B.Yur healthC.Yur friendsD.Yur family
    6.Frm the passage we learn that ________.
    A.the water filled penings between sand and pebbles
    B.we shuld spend less time n cleaning
    C.life shuld have enugh rm fr glf balls
    D.the teacher is t strict with the students
    7.What des the underlined wrd “represents” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A.DiscussB.PrtectC.ExplainD.Stands fr
    8.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A.Hw t make yur life busy
    B.What the real life shuld be
    C.The rder f life’s imprtant things
    D.Hw t use yur time in a prper way
    【答案】 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C
    5.细节理解题。根据“The pebbles represent the ther things in life, such as yur jb, huse and car.”可知,卵石代表人们的房子。故选A。
    6.推理判断题。通读全文并根据“If yu put the sand in first there is n rm fr the pebbles r glf balls. The same ges fr life. If yu spend all f yur time n the small things, yu will never have rm fr the things that are mst imprtant.”可知,glf balls代表生活中重要的事情,而生活应当为重要的事情留有足够的空间。故选C。
    7.词义猜想题。根据“I want yu t knw that this jar represents yur life...”和“The glf balls represent the imprtant things...”可知,老师想让学生明白,这个玻璃瓶代表生活,高尔夫球代表重要的事情,卵石代表生命中的其他事,沙子代表每一件小事。所以represents意为“代表”,相当于stands fr。故选D。
    8.主旨大意题。通读全文并根据“If yu put the sand in first there is n rm fr the pebbles r glf balls. The same ges fr life. If yu spend all f yur time n the small things, yu will never have rm fr the things that are mst imprtant.”可知,文章通过老师演示的实物操作活动揭示生命中重要事物的顺序。故选C。
    When we lk at a picture f Earth frm space, there are areas f green, blue, and white. Mst peple will recgnize that the green is land, the blue is water, and the white is cluds. Taken as a whle, Earth is mainly blue. That is because f the amunt f water it has that cvers the surface.
    S, hw much f Earth is water? Abut 71% f Earth’s surface is cvered in water. Of that 71%, the ceans hld 96.5% f the water. This water fund in ceans is all salt water. The remaining 3.5% f the water is fresh water, which can be fund in lakes, rivers, glaciers (冰川), and in the grund. Fresh water is what peple use fr farming, raising animals, drinking, and daily activities such as taking shwers and washing clthes r dishes.
    Des the amunt f water stay the same? Fr the mst part, yes. Water n Earth is part f a clsed system. That is, water is always mving and changing frms between ice, liquid, and gas. The frm f the water changes all the time, but the ttal amunt f water n Earth remains the same.
    If Earth is nt necessarily running ut f water, why are peple wrried? Why d we need t think abut saving water? First, humans can nly use fresh water, which is nly 3.5% f all f Earth’s water. Secnd, f this 3.5%, nly 1% is available(可利用的)fr human use. Mst fresh water is fund in glaciers far frm where anyne lives. Third, the amunt f water that is useful fr humans is being used faster than it can be cleaned and put back int the envirnment.
    Nw, knwing the facts abut water, it is ur jb t make sure we use Earth’s water in a gd way.
    9.Where can 96.5% f the water n Earth be fund?
    A.In rivers.B.In lakes.C.In glaciers.D.In ceans.
    10.What des the writer mean by saying “Water n Earth is part f a clsed system.”?
    A.The amunt f water becmes smaller. B.The amunt f water stays the same.
    C.The amunt f water keeps changing. D.The amunt f water becmes larger.
    11.What can we learn frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Humans can use all the water n Earth easily.
    B.Mst fresh water is fund in the grund easily.
    C.Humans can’t use 2.5% f the fresh water freely.
    D.Water fr humans can be cleaned and recycled fast.
    12.What is the main idea f the passage?
    A.The reasns why Earth is in different clrs.
    B.The peple wh use the mst water n Earth.
    C.The amunt and different types f Earth’s water.
    D.The prper ways fr peple t use fresh water.
    【答案】9.D 10.B 11.C 12.C
    9.细节理解题。根据第二段“Of that 71%, the ceans hld 96.5% f the water.”可知,海水占全球水资源的96.5%。故选D。
    10.词句猜测题。根据第三段“That is, water is always mving and changing frms between ice, liquid, and gas. The frm f the water changes all the time, but the ttal amunt f water n Earth remains the same.”可知,虽然水的形式是不断变化的,但是地球上水的总量是保持不变的。故选B。
    11.细节理解题。根据“Secnd, f this 3.5%, nly 1% is available fr human use. Mst fresh water is fund in glaciers far frm where anyne lives.”可知,人类不能自由地使用其中2.5%的淡水。故选C。
    12.主旨大意题。根据“S, hw much f Earth is water? Abut 71% f Earth’s surface is cvered in water. Of that 71%, the ceans hld 96.5% f the water. The remaining 3.5% f the water is fresh water...”及结合文章内容可知,这篇文章主要介绍了地球水资源的总量和不同类型。故选C。
    Animal behavir is an interesting and attractive study. Scientists research the ways animals use t lk fr fd. They study hw animals prtect themselves frm their predatrs, and which animals kill ther animals fr fd. All f this helps us understand hw useful animals can be.
    Each cuntry r culture raises sme animals fr fd. In the United States, peple mainly eat meat frm cws, chickens and pigs. In ther cuntries, peple might raise sheep r buffal(水牛)fr meat. These differences cme in part frm weather and ther envirnmental cnditins. Peple arund the wrld eat all kinds f fish and shellfish frm ceans and rivers. In sme cuntries, peple dn’t always chse sme animal grups, such as dgs, fr fd while in ther cuntries such animals may becme peple’s favrite fd.
    In West Africa, animals prvide humans with mre than fd. They have been helping peple d daily wrk fr thusands f years. Hrses, xen, and ther wrk animals pull heavy things. Elephants, camels and ther animals carry peple and things frm place t place. Carrier pigens(信鸽)have been used t send messages.
    Peple als receive health benefits frm animals. Fr example, dgs and cats can help calm peple dwn. This is helpful fr peple fighting illnesses. Animals can als reduce stress, helping peple t draw their attentin t learning new infrmatin, such as reading. When peple are walking their dgs r hrses, it encurages exercise.
    Animals and humans share space n Earth, s keeping a healthy relatinship with animals arund us is in ur best interest.
    13.The underlined wrd “predatrs” in Paragraph 1 prbably means ________.
    A.neighbursB.friendsC.enemies D.children
    14.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.Peple arund the wrld eat all kinds f fish.
    B.Hrses are helpful fr peple fighting illnesses.
    C.Elephants encurage humans t d mre exercise.
    D.Africans mainly eat meat frm cws, chickens and pigs.
    15.________ can help peple t send messages.
    16.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.Where animals live and hw they lk fr fd.
    B.The relatinship between animals and humans.
    C.The different things animals can d in different cuntries.
    D.What humans shuld d when cmmunicating with animals.
    【答案】13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B
    13.词句猜测题。根据“hw animals prtect themselves”可知, 他们研究动物如何保护自己不受捕食者的伤害,因此“predatrs”意为“enemies”。故选C。
    14.细节理解题。根据“Peple arund the wrld eat all kinds f fish and shellfish frm ceans and rivers.”可知,世界各地的人们吃来自海洋和河流的各种鱼类和贝类。故选A。
    15.细节理解题。根据“Carrier pigens(信鸽)have been used t send messages.”可知,信鸽已被用来发送消息。故选B。
    16.主旨大意题。根据“Animals and humans share space n Earth, s keeping a healthy relatinship with animals arund us is in ur best interest”和通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了动物和人类之间的关系。故选B。
    第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
    Exercise is gd fr yu whenever yu d it, but the time f day t achieve the best result may be different fr wmen and men, accrding t a US study.
    Researchers frm universities in Arizna and Califrnia studied 30 wmen and 26 men. All their ages were between 25 and 35.The participants(参加者)were healthy and active.
    They were divided int tw grups. 17 The ther grup fllwed the same activities in the evening, between 6:00 and 8:00. All the participants fllwed a specially-designed meal plan.
    All thse wh tk part in the study imprved their health and perfrmance, n matter when they exercised. 18 It means the best time f day t exercise is different fr wmen and men.
    Accrding t the study, mrning exercises better helped wmen lse fat, imprve lwer bdy strength and reduce bld pressure. 19
    Exercise als helped men imprve their md n matter the time f day. 20 The researchers aren’t sure why the time f day affected men and wmen differently. They said mre research is needed t a understand this better.
    【答案】 17.E 18.A 19.B 20.D
    17.由后句“The ther grup fllwed the same activities in the evening, between 6:00 and 8:00”知,此句是在介绍一组的情况,E项“一组在早上8:30之前锻炼一小时”符合语境,故选E。
    18.由后句“It means the best time f day t exercise is different fr wmen and men.”知,此句是说研究人员发现了一些不同的事情,A项“但研究人员发现‘有些不同的事情正在发生’”符合语境,故选A。
    19.由前句“Accrding t the study, mrning exercises better helped wmen lse fat, imprve lwer bdy strength and reduce bld pressure.”知,此句是在说男子锻炼的情况,F项“男性在晚上燃烧脂肪和降低血压效果更好”符合语境,故选B。
    20.由前句“Exercise als helped men imprve their md n matter the time f day.”和后句“The researchers aren't sure why the time f day affected men and wmen differently.”知,此句内容与锻炼对女子的影响有关,D项“然而,这一结果只出现在晚上锻炼的女性身上”符合语境,故选D。
    My daughter saw a clrful rainbw () the ther day after a rainstrm. She asked me t lk 21 the windw and see it as well. Lking at it, I was amazed at hw 22 beauty culd make my middle­aged heart excited. As I lked at it, I als remembered the first time I ever saw a rainbw as a by.
    I had been sitting in the huse fr an hur waiting impatiently fr the rain t stp 23 I culd g ut and play. It had rained hard fr lng and I thught it wuld never end. When it finally did 24 , I rushed utside and was attracted by the beautiful sight f the rainbw acrss the sky. I had just recently heard f an ld stry. It is said that there was a pt f gld at the end f a rainbw. 25 , I started t run dwn the streets near my huse t find that treasure. The 26 I ran, thugh, the mre rainbw began t disappear. Finally I fund myself running as fast as I pssibly culd, but it was t late. By the time I gt there, the rainbw and its pt f gld were gne.
    Sadly that wasn’t the 27 time I fund myself running after the false treasure. Over the years, I ran after the fame, success and mney and even pwer that I thught wuld bring me the happiness I always wanted. 28 f them did, thugh. It tk me a lng time t find the true 29 that desn’t disappear r run away. That true treasure is the lve between peple and it is free t all. I welcmed this treasure int my heart and life and shared it with thers as well. And the mre lve I 30 , the mre lve I had in me.
    21.A.ut frB.ut fC.arund frD.back t
    30.A.cared abutB.tk utC.gave awayD.came ut
    21.B 22.A 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C
    考查动词短语。lk ut fr留心,提防;lk ut f向外看;lk arund fr到处寻找;lk back t回顾。根据句意可知,表示“我的女儿让我看窗外的彩虹”,故选B。
    考查动词。stp停止;change改变;remain保持;keep保持。根据“I had been sitting in the huse fr an hur waiting impatiently fr the rain t stp”我坐在家里一个小时不耐烦地等待着雨停。可知,表示“雨停的时候,我冲到外面”,故选A。
    考查副词。excitedly感到振奋地;peacefully安静地;quietly安静地;easily容易地。根据“It is said that there was a pt f gld at the end f a rainbw”据说彩虹的尽头有一罐金子。可知,我振奋地跑去寻找宝藏,故选A。
    考查比较级。slwer更慢;quieter更安静;faster更快;higher更高。根据“Finally I fund myself running as fast as I pssibly culd”最后我发现自己以最快的速度奔跑。可知,此处表示“跑得越快”,故选C。
    考查序数词。first第一;secnd第二;third第三;last最后。根据“Over the years, I ran after the fame, success and mney and even pwer that I thught wuld bring me the happiness I always wanted”多年来,我一直在追求名望、成功、金钱甚至权力,我以为这些东西能给我带来我一直想要的幸福。可知,这不是我最后一次发现自己在追逐宝藏。故选D。
    neither两者都不;bth两者都;all三者或三者以上都;nne三者或三者以上都不。根据“thugh”可知,表示让步,再根据“Over the years, I ran after the fame, success and mney and even pwer that I thught wuld bring me the happiness I always wanted”多年来,我一直在追求名望、成功、金钱甚至权力,我以为这些东西能给我带来我一直想要的幸福。可知,空处代指名望、成功、金钱和权力,所以表示“他们都没做到”,三者或三者以上,故选D。
    treasure宝藏;rainbw彩虹;pt罐;gld金子。根据“That true treasure is the lve between peple and it is free t all”真正的财富是人与人之间的爱,它是免费的。可知,表示真正的宝藏,故选A。
    cared abut关心;tk ut取出;gave away捐赠;came ut出现,出版。根据“I welcmed this treasure int my heart and life and shared it with thers as well”我欢迎这个宝藏到我的心中和生活中,也和其他人分享它。可知,表示我捐赠的爱越多,我就会拥有更多的爱。故选C。
    AI is an amazing artificial intelligence prgram. It is 31 (wide) used in a range f tasks.
    AI uses natural language prcessing t understand yur questins and prvide prper 32 (answer). Whether yu need help with hmewrk r want t learn abut a new tpic, AI is ready 33 (help) yu. In additin, it is learning and imprving its skills all the time, 34 it can prvide even better respnses in the future.
    As a language mdel, AI can als be helpful fr writing tasks. 35 can ffer phrases and sentence structures, and even help create cntent fr yur writing. Once yu input the tpic and prvide sme infrmatin, then AI 36 (d) the rest.
    Overall, AI is a 37 (use) tl t have. It can help yu with everything frm answering simple questins 38 writing reprts. If yu haven’t tried AI yet, be sure t give it a try. Yu wn’t be 39 (disappint) with the results. Wh knws, maybe in the future AI will even be able t hld cnversatins with humans much 40 (easy) than nw.
    31.widely 32.answers 33.t help 34.s 35.It 36.will d 37.useful 38.t 39.disappinted 40.mre easily
    31.句意:它被广泛用于一系列任务中。根据“It in a range f tasks.”可知,空处应用副词修饰动词used,wide的副词形式为widely“广泛地”。故填widely。
    32.句意:人工智能使用自然语言处理来理解你的问题,并提供正确的答案。根据“understand yur questins and prvide prper...”可知,and前后为并列关系,questins为复数形式,空处也应用复数形式answers。故填answers。
    33.句意:无论你是需要作业帮助还是想学习一个新话题,人工智能已经准备好去帮助你了。此处是形容词短语be ready t d sth.“准备好做某事”,空处用不定式t help。故填t help。
    34.句意:此外,它一直在学习和提高技能,因此它可以在未来提供更好的反应。根据“it is learning and imprving its skills all the can prvide even better respnses in the future.”可知,因为人工智能一直在学习提升,所以未来能更好地反应,前后是因果关系,用连词s“因此,所以”。故填s。
    35.句意:它可以提供短语和句子结构,甚至可以帮助为你的写作创建内容。根据“ ffer phrases and sentence structures, and even help create cntent fr yur writing.”可知,空处在句中做主语,结合语义,指代人工智能,用人称代词主格it,且放句首首字母大写。故填It。
    36.句意:一旦你输入了主题并提供了一些信息,人工智能将完成剩下的工作。根据“Once yu input the tpic and prvide sme infrmatin, then rest.”可知,本句含nce引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现原则,空处所在句为主句,用将来时结构will d。故填will d。
    38.句意:它可以帮助你,从回答简单的问题到写报告。根据“frm answering simple reprts”可知,此处是介词短语“从……到……”。故填t。
    39.句意:你不会对结果失望的。本句主语为Yu,空处修饰人,用形容词disappinted“对……感到失望”,be disappinted with sth.“对某物感到失望”。故填disappinted。
    40.句意:谁知道呢,也许在未来,人工智能甚至可以比现在更容易地与人类进行对话。根据“hld cnversatins with humans nw”可知,空处用副词修饰动词,根据than可知,空处应用副词比较级形式mre easily“更容易地”。故填mre easily。
    Hw d yu celebrate yur wn birthday? What gift can yu get frm yur parents? We all knw eating lng ndles is an imprtant part in China. While what abut ther cuntries? In fact, different cuntries have different traditins n hw t celebrate the birthday.
    Mexic Pinatas
    In Mexic, parents ften make a pinata fr their children’s birthday. They put sme candies, tys and ther things in it and hang it frm a tree. The birthday child is blindflded(蒙住眼的) and tries t hit the pinata with a stick. He r she will beak it pen.
    Brazil Pulls n the ear
    The birthday child gets a pull n the ear fr each year he r she has lived. The birthday child als gives the first piece f cake t a very special persn t him r her, usually Mm r Dad.
    Canada Put butter n the nse
    In Canada, peple ften put butter n the birthday child’s nse.It means the child is t slippery(滑的) fr bad luck t catch him r her.
    Hlland Crwn years
    Special year birthdays such as 5, 10,15,20,21 are called “crwn” years. The birthday child gets a large present n a crwn year birthday. The family sees this birthday as a time t get tgether and usually celebrates it with a big family meal. The family als puts flwers r ballns arund the birthday child’s chair at the dining rm table.
    41.Wh can get the first piece f cake frm the birthday child in Brazil?
    42.What des the family d t celebrate a crwn year birthday in Hlland? Please list(列举) at least ne activity.
    What’s the best title f this passage ?
    Hw d yu usually celebrate yur wn birthday ? (Write 30 wrds r mre)
    【答案】 41. A very special persn t him r her(usually Mm r Dad).
    The family celebrates it with a big family meal./ The family als puts flwers r ballns arund the birthday child’s chair. 43.Birthdays in different cuntries. / Birthdays arund the wrld ./ different traditins n hw t celebrate the birthdays in different cuntries.
    44.I usually invite my gd friends t my hme.We’ll have a meaning party. My mm will buy a beautiful cake fr me.My father will ck a big dinner fr us.We sing and dance tgether. My mm and dad als tell me sme imprtant things in my life.
    41.根据第三段第二句“The birthday child als gives the first piece f cake t a very special persn t him r her, usually Mm r Dad.”可知在巴西,一个非常特别的人(通常是妈妈或爸爸)可以从生日孩子那里得到第一块蛋糕;故填A very special persn t him r her(usually Mm r Dad).
    42.根据第五段中“The family sees this birthday as a time t get tgether and usually celebrates it with a big family meal. The family als puts flwers r ballns arund the birthday child’s chair at the dining rm table.”可知在波兰,他一家人用一顿丰盛的家庭餐来庆祝生日,他们还把鲜花或气球放在过生日孩子的椅子上。故填The family celebrates it with a big family meal./ The family als puts flwers r ballns arund the birthday child’s chair.
    43.本文介绍了不同国家的小朋友庆祝生日的方式。由此可知,本文最佳标题是《不同国家的生日》或者是《世界各地的生日》或者是《不同国家庆祝生日的不同传统》;故填Birthdays in different cuntries ./ Birthdays arund the wrld. / different traditins n hw t celebrate the birthdays in different cuntries.
    1.我们周围的环境问题;pllutin ,bad habits...
    2.如何保护环境;●Take green actins ●Save resurce(节省资源) ●…
    1. 短文必须包括要点提示中所有信息,可适当发挥。
    2. 词数:100 左右(短文开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
    3. 文中不得出现真实姓名,校名和地点。
    Dear everybdy,
    As is knwn t all, the envirnment arund us is getting wrse and wrse.
    Shenyang is ur hme. Let’s prtect it tgether!
    Dear everybdy,
    As is knwn t all, the envirnment arund us is getting wrse and wrse. Nw pllutin is everywhere. The river has becme dirty, the sky has turned gray and sme areas d nt have clean drinking water. Many peple have bad habits, such as thrwing rubbish everywhere, wasting water and drinking fd.
    S it’s time t prtect the envirnment. First, we shuld take green actins. Fr example, we shuld g t schl by bike r by bus instead f by car. Secnd, we als need t save resurce. Third, we had better plant mre trees.
    I think the activity is meaningful. Envirnmental prtectin is clsely related t ur daily life. S it is everyne’s respnsibility t prtect ur envirnment.
    Shenyang is ur hme. Let’s prtect it tgether!
    ①thrw rubbish everywhere到处扔垃圾
    ②save resurce节约资源
    ③instead f而不是
    ④be clsely related t与……密切相关
    ①we had better plant mre trees.(had better d sth最好做某事)
    ②S it is everyne’s respnsibility t prtect ur envirnment.(it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语)
    Bk Club
    If yu like t read and tell jkes, these picks prvide interesting material.
    Yu’re Jking Me: Jkes fr Kids by a Kid
    By William Daniel
    Written by a sixth-grader, this bk has ver 400 puns(双关语), riddles and knck-knck jkes. The wrdplay(文字游戏)is really funny. Here’s a wrdplay jke t tell yur friends: “What piece f clth is the sleepiest? A napkin!”
    Belly Laugh Jkes, Riddles, and Puns
    By Sky Pny editrs
    Frm this bk, yu can read 700 classic jkes n many difficult tpics, such as fd, animals and sprts. Yu might like telling this jke: “What d yu call cheese that desn’t belng t yu? Nach cheese!”
    LOL 101:A Kid’s Guide t Writing Jkes
    By David Rth and Rinee Shah
    This bk teaches us hw t write interesting jkes and hw t perfrm them t get big laughs. The authrs’ experiences n hw t write jkes are als intrduced. One f the jkes: “Where did the dg leave her car? The barking (parking) lt!”
    Laugh-Out-Lud:The Big Bk f Knck-Knck Jkes
    By Rb Ellitt
    The jkes in this bk are divided int fur tpics: peple, things, places and hlidays. Sme fun jkes are puns n prper names. Try telling this jke: “Knck, knck. Wh’s there? Wendy. Wendy wh? Wendy (When d) yu think we can g n a date?”
    A.But researchers find there is “smething different ging n”.
    B.Men better burned fat and reduced bld pressure in the evening.
    C.Peple always stay up late and eat junk fd.
    D.Hwever, this result was nly seen in wmen wh exercised in the evening.
    E.One grup exercised fr an hur befre 8:30 in the mrning.

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