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    Module5 Shopping教学内容:Unit1 What can I do for you?课型:Listening and speaking教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry, Mother’s Day, size, take, may, try, try on, certainly, wait a minute, sale, price, look, fresh2、能正确使用下列句型: What can I do for you? I’d like to buy … for…What size does she take?May I try it on?How much is it?There’s a sale on today.I’ll take it.3、能够听懂有关购物的简短对话。4、能够用相关的购物用语进行口头交际。四、教学重难点:1、能够熟练运用有关购物的交际用语进行口头交际。2、掌握有关购物的词汇和相关句型。五、教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片、实物和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、实物、课堂练习表格、奖品教学过程:七、板书设计:Module 3. ShoppingUnit1. What can I do for you?Mother’s Day 1) What can I do for you ?buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. sth. I’d like to buy … for… try on 2) What size does she take?wait a minute / moment 3) There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price. 4) I’ll take it.达标训练题翻译下列句子:1. 我可以试穿一下这件外套吗? Can I ______ ____ this coat? 2. 那个男孩想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。 The boy wants to cook a meal for his mum on ________ ________. 3. 现在的学生每天都有太多的作业做。 The students have _____ ______ homework to do every day now. 4.你还想要其他什么东西? _______ _____ would you like? 5. 稍等!我有重要的事情告诉你们。 ______ ____ ______! I have something important to tell you.Module 5 Shopping教学内容:Unit2 You can buy everything on the Internet.课型:Reading and writing教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: anyone, pay for, post, safe, shopping, way, one of , almost, be open, later, go out, over, one day, one, compare, product, receive2、能够读懂关于不同方式购物的文章。3、体会中西方购物方式的不同。4、通过阅读介绍不同购物方式的文章,能写出关于网上购物的利与弊。教学重难点:1、能够读懂有关不同方式购物的短文。并能在阅读中找出有网上购物的利与弊,完成学习任务。(重点)2、能够写出网上购物的利与弊的短文及介绍如何在超市购物的文章。(难点)教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品教学过程:七、板书设计:Module 3. ShoppingUnit 2. You can buy everything on the Internet.anyone / anything / anywhere First, you can shop at any time.compare… Also paying over the Internet isn’t always safe.pay for… not…any more / no longer /no morereceive…from sb. be able to / cansafeone of + n.(pl) + V.(s)达标训练题翻译下列短语:1、…其中之一______________ 2、付款__________________________3、 在任何时候_____________ 4、花费大量的时间________________5、省钱____________________ 6、网上购物______________________7、几天后__________________ 8、外出________________________二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. There are many ways of ___________(learn) English well.2. You can go shopping when the supermarket is ___________(open).3. Many ____________ (people) like going our and shopping with friends..4. Shopping usually ____________ (take) a lot of time.5. There _________(be) something new on the newspaper today.Module 5 Shopping教学内容:Unit3 Language in use课型:Revision and application教学目标: 1. 正确运用本模块的词汇:size,take, try, may, try on, certainly, wait a minute, sale, price, safe, one of, later等。2. 能运用所学的购物用语询问价格,颜色和尺寸等在同学之间进行真实的交际。3. 能够根据自己所学,为学校的野餐活动写一份购物清单。4. 学会与同学合作,积极主动参与各种语言实践活动,共同完成学习任务。教学重难点:能够根据自己所学,为学校的野餐活动写一份购物清单。教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。教学过程:达标训练题一、选择正确的答案:( )1. One of my friends __________ from America. A. are B. come C. are coming D. is( ) 2. — What size do you want?— ____________ .A. Large B. Purple C.300yuan D. One kilo( ) 3. —___________ pork do you want?. — Ten kilos.A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How often( ) 4. It _________ me a few days to finish this work. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. pays( )5. You can send this book to your friend _________ post. A. by B. at C. at D. on二、 短文填空: Everyone knows that many girls like1.___________. They like to buy many things, for example, books, food, shoes and 2._____________, and many more. Among them, I think shoes and clothes are their 3._________________ because they always like buying them most. Today, many people like 4._______________ shopping, because it’s very 5._________ for them to buy things. They only need a 6.___________ and a mouse. But I don’t like online shopping, because I think it’s not always safe to pay over the Internet. How about you? 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3’)Lead in1. Show the students something: Look, boys and girls, I’ve got many things, what are they?2.Teacher: “ Oh, you know them very well. Do you like these food? I’m hungry now, but I don’t like these food. So I’m going to the Market to buy something to eat, what am I going to buy? Look!” 1. Look at the things that the teacher shows and say the words like this: “apple, banana, biscuit, candies …”以旧引新,先引导学生回顾相似的语法结构 be doing.通过这个环节,可以引导学生把一般现在进行时和一般将来时进行简单的对比了解。既训练了学生的反应又在无形中培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。活跃了课堂气氛。Step TwoPre-task(5’)1. Show students some pictures of these: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry…2.Show the title of the lesson and lead the students to learn the new words as well: Well, so many things here, The strawberry is fresh, I like it. What about you? What are you going to buy?”1.Watch pictures and learn some new words.2. Describe the pictures like this: The biscuits are delicious, I like them. / I want to buy some.引导学生谈论图片,训练学生描述事情的能力。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型,做到词不离句,为学生扫清听的障碍。Step ThreeWhile -task (24’)1. Listen and answer: (Activity 2)You did a good job. Now, Lingling is going to buy something, too. She is going to buy something for her mother, Do you know why? Because Mother’s Day is coming, what is she going to buy for her mother? And how about Betty? Does she buy something, too? Now listen and answer the questions in Activity 2.2. Listening. (Activity 3)Play the tape and have students listen and find out: Now, I think Lingling’s mother will be very happy. But, Lingling wants to buy more things, what else is she going to buy? Please listen and fill in the blanks.3. Reading.T: Now, we know that Lingling buys 3 things, OK, open your book to read and find out more details and fill in the blanks with your partner.4. Problems- solvingAsk the students to read the dialogue in roles. And help them solve these important points: 1) How much are they? 2) How much would you like?3) Half a kilo. /A kilo of.. 5.Read and rememberAsk students to read the dialogue and try to find out some important sentences by themselves: buy… for …/ May I try it on?/ That’s too much. / wait a minute/ There’s a sale on today./ Everything is half price. / I’ll take it.1. Listen and finish the questions of Activity 2.Then listen again and choose the right answer:①What’s Lingling’s mother’s favourite colour?A. Black B. Purple C. White②What size does she take?A. Large B. Medium C. Small③How much is the T- shirt?A.98yuanB. 99yuan C. 198yuan(2) Listen and fill the blanks:What to buyHow much to buyHow much to pay3. Students open the book and find out the answers. Then finish the blanks above.4. Some students read the dialogue and the other students find out difficulties points. All the students say the difficulties and solve together.5. Read and find out the important phrases and sentences in groups.要求学生记住词组的搭配。让学生带着任务(问题)去听对话并找到答案,有助于培养和提高学生更加准确地听取信息的能力。通过小组活动提高学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。Step FourPost-task(10’)1.Retelling.Let the students try to retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 3.2.SpeakingPut all the things on the teachers’ desk, have students go and buy things they want.1. Retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 3.2. Make dialogues with their partners and buy the things they want and choose out: Who buys the best things?复述对话能使学生加深对课文内容的理解和记忆。适当的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言点和突出重点。Step FiveSummary(2’)1.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:……2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。Step SixHome-work(1’)1. Read the dialogue after school and remember the new words.2.To write a list of things you want to buy most.Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3’)Lead inShare a song with the students.Listen and enjoy the song.通过这个环节,既可以活跃课堂气氛, 又可以放松心情。Step TwoPre-reading(5’)1.Free talk:T: I like listening to music when I use my computer, what about you? What do you usually do with your computer?2. T: Sometimes, I also buy something on the Internet. Do you? Do you like online shopping? Why or why not?3.Words lecturing:Show the new words and phrases for the students. anyone, pay for, post, safe, shopping, way, one of , almost, open, later, out, go out, over, one day, one, receive, advantage…T: You’ve known a lot of online shopping, is it good or bad? Now, let’s get to know more about it.1. Have some volunteers talk about what they usually do with their computer.2. The students show their opinion of online shopping.3. Learn the new words and get ready for the reading comprehension.培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型,做到词不离句,并为学生扫清阅读障碍。Step ThreeWhile-reading (24’)1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage.2. SkimmingAsk students to skim the passage and check the true sentences on Page 29.3.Careful reading.(1)Paragraph 1:①Read the first paragraph and answer:What can we buy on the Internet?②Ask a volunteer to read Paragraph 1 in class and find out difficulties.③Solve difficulties:a. There are many new ways of shopping.b. one of + n.(pl.) + v. (s.)c. sb. + pay + … for sth.= sb. spend … on sth. / doing sth.d. Important phrases: receive sth. from sb.a few days laterby postT: Since the new way of shopping online is so easy, does it have more advantages? Now, let’s look at Paragraph2.(2)Paragraph 2:①Present some sentences to the students and ask them to write “T” or “F” about the advantages of online shopping, also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph2 . ②Ask a student to be “a little teacher” to check the answers. ③The whole class read this paragraph together and point out important points.④Solve difficulties.a. You can shop at any time.b. sth. takes ….(time) to do sth. = sb. spend …(time) on sth./ doing sth.T: How are you going to spend your summer holiday? Let’s take a look at Lucy’s wonderful plans.(3)Paragraphs 3& 4: ①Let the students discuss these two questions after reading Paragraps3 & 4.②Have students discuss these two questions.③Ask a group of six students to read paragraphs 3& 4.. T: Now, boys and girls, we have finished all the passage, do you think it’s good or bad to shop on the Internet? Let’s read the passage together and think about it, then we’re going to have debate between boys and girls.. .1.Scan the passage and finish the question:Why will no one go to the shops any more one day?2.Skim the passage and check the true sentences.(Finish exercises on Page 29.)Careful reading.①Read Paragraph 1 and answer the question.What can we buy on the Internet②Listen and read Paragraph 1 and find out difficulties in four.③Solve the difficulties together.(2)Read Paragraph2 and correct the wrong sentences:①write “T” or “F”. after reading Paragraph 2 1.You can only shop in the day.( ) 2. If you shop online, you need a lot of things to help you. ( )3. You can’t compare the prices of the same product and you can’t save money. ( )②A student to be a little teacher to check the answers. Others try their best to answer the questions .③Students read Paragraph 2 and point out difficulties points.④To say the difficulties and solve together.(3)Read Paragraphs 3 & 4.①Read and discuss in groups:1. What’s the disadvantages of online shopping?2. Will online shopping take place of (取代) shopping in the future?② Show their opinions after discussing the questions.③A group of six students to read paragraphs 3&4. Then choose: Who reads the best?(4)The students read the letter together and make sure to understand the passage, and think the problem over..要求学生快速阅读短文,找出问题的答案,初步了解短文内容。通过学生快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。并且从整体把握文章的内容, 为进一步学习做好铺垫。让学生带着任务(问题)去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果和技能。学生通过分层次阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知识点和课文理解在分段学习得以突破。而小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。Step FourPost-reading(10’)1. Writing①Give some time for the students to complete the table on Activity4 on Page 29. ②Call back the answers from two students then read the short passage in the whole class .2.DebatingNow, let’s have a debate between boys and girls: Is it good of bad to shop online?1. Finish the table of Activity 4 on Page 29.2.Have a debate: Is it good or bad to shop online?复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。Step FiveSummary(2’)1.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:……2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。Step SixHome-work(1’)Write a passage about ‘ Is it good or bad to shop online?’Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。教学步骤 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. Leading-in(7’)Give instructions of the competition: The whole class are identify into 4 groups, each group go to the blackboard and write out what we can buy in a super market. Let’s find out which group can write out the most goods in 90seconds. Play a competition, students go to blackboard and write out all the goods they know.Review and consolidate the new words and some phrases.2. While-task(17’)1. Have the students make dialogues of shopping and use the sentence like these: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d…A: What colour do you like?/ How much / mnay would you like? / B: I like…A: What size do you take?…2. Finish the exercise in Activity 1 and 2 on Page 30.1.Make dialogues of shopping, then act out in the class, after that choose out the Best seller. 2. Do the exercise and check the answers.Review and consolidate the dialogue just learned in the first two units. Ask the students to sum up the usage of these two phrases:How many….How much… To sum up the usage of these two phrases, then finish Activity3 on Page 30 and Activity 4 on Page 31.Consolidate expressions and main sentence structure that they’ve learned. To introduce different ways of shopping in the world today. To read Around the world and get to know more about the ways of shopping.To know the differences of shopping in China and abroad.3. Post-task (19’) Organization: Now, boys and girls, we are going for a picnic this weekend, can you make a shopping list?1. Students discuss the shopping list make a shopping list.2. Present the shopping list and choose the best one for us.1.To practice the skill of speaking.2. Enable students to talk about the goods in the market.4. Summary(1’)Sum up the key structures of shoppingStudents conclude the usage of the key structure.Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module.5. Homework(1’)Make a dialogue of shopping after school.板书设计Module 3 ShoppingUnit 3 Language in useWhat colour does she like? What size does she take? How many/much would you like? That costs too much./ OK, I’ll take it.
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