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    A.Sunds great!
    B.Yu d have a pint.
    C.Are yu ging t watch it?
    D.Can yu tell me mre abut it?
    E.I can’t wait t enjy the charm f Chinese.
    F.Hw abut the day after tmrrw instead?
    I jumped up high in the air and landed in the sandpit. “It’s 3.55 meters!” the referee(裁判) annunced. The result was my best by then, but I was nt ___6___ with it.
    I have been cmpeting in the lng jump since primary schl. S fr me, I was likely t succeed. But this time ___7___ seemed far frm me. After trying several times, I lst heart and wanted t ___8___.
    As I reached the last rund f the jump, my wrry and self-dubt built up inside. It seemed that all my ___9___ had been meaningless. I std at the starting line with my mind ttally blank(空白的) and my hands ___10___. After hearing my classmates’ cheers arund me, I started running. I tried using my arms and shulders t run faster, but my bdy started t shw signs f ___11___.
    As the highlight f this term, this lng-awaited sprts event became my Waterl.___12___ failure was the last thing I wanted.___13___ my best friends came t cmfrt me, I culdn’t even say a wrd.
    They tld me I had dne a gd jb and that they were ___14___ me. What they said gave me much cnfidence and thse wrds were like warm ____15____, blwing away the dark cluds in my heart. I cme t realize, ____16____ this experience, that failure is the mst cmmn thing in life. We meet different kinds f failures everywhere. Failure makes us better understand ____17____ and ur disadvantages. And it can make us get strnger and strnger. That’s because it nt nly allws us t get ____18____ frm it, but als makes us imprve urselves. What’s mre, failure ffers us a chance t ____19____ ur bad feelings with friends, which can help t develp ur friendships. This is what I’ve learned in the lng jump. If I encunter (遇见) any difficulty in my life later n, I will ____20____ think f this experience. With my head held high, I think I will face the prblems ahead mre bravely.
    6. A.satisfiedB.patientC.strictD.careful
    7. A.stressB.truthC.victryD.peace
    8. A.give upB.stay upC.put upD.set up
    9. A.hpesB.effrtsC.questinsD.secrets
    10. A.warmB.dirtyC.smartD.wet
    11. A.happinessB.sadnessC.tirednessD.business
    12. A.ReceivingB.AvidingC.RefusingD.Accepting
    13. A.WhenB.BecauseC.SinceD.Befre
    14. A.angry withB.wrried abutC.prud fD.crazy abut
    15. A.windsB.clursC.mdsD.wrds
    16. A.withutB.twardsC.thrughD.against
    17. A.yurselvesB.urselvesC.itselfD.themselves
    18. A.classesB.subjectsC.lessnsD.items
    19. A.mixB.shareC.cmpareD.exchange
    20. A.certainlyB.cmfrtablyC.highlyD.heavily
    Extreme Heat
    Heat-related deaths can be prevented.
    21.Which situatin is the mst dangerus accrding t the material?
    A.An ld man in a park.B.A disabled wman in a huse.
    C.A child in a classrm.D.An utside wrker at a cnstructin place.
    22.Hw t avid heat-related deaths accrding t the material?
    ①Drink water.②Stay cl.③G swimming.④Wear light-clured clthes.
    23.Which ne can shw the relatinship between time and the temperature in a car?
    It’s a ppular belief that fish can’t remember anything fr lnger than seven secnds. It may seem sad t think that they dn’t remember what they’ve eaten r where they’ve been, and they dn’t knw yu r any f their friends—every mment in their life wuld be like seeing the wrld fr the first time.
    But dn’t be s quick t feel srry fr them. A recent study has fund that fish have much better memries than we used t think. In fact, certain kinds f fish can even remember events frm as lng as 12 days ag, BBC reprted.
    In the study, researchers frm MacEwan University in Canada trained a kind f fish called African cichlids(丽鱼科鱼)t g t a certain area f their tank(鱼缸)t get fd. They then waited fr 12 days befre putting them back in the tank again.
    This suggested that they culd remember their past experiences. Researchers used cmputer sftware t watch the fish’s mvements. They fund that after such a lng break the fish still went t the same place where they first gt fd.
    In fact, scientists had been thinking fr a lng time that African cichlids might have a gd memry. An earlier study shwed that they behaved ffendedly in frnt f certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past fights. But until the latest findings, there was n clear evidence(证据).
    “If fish are able t remember that a certain area has safe fd, they will be able t g back t that area withut putting their lives in danger,” lead researcher Trevr Hamiltn tld Live Science.
    24.Frm the first three paragraph, the writer develps the article by________.
    A.giving different pininsB.making a survey
    C.shwing the same feelingD.sharing sme stries
    25.The underlined wrd “ffendedly” has the clsest meaning t ________.
    26.What Trevr Hamiltn said in the last paragraph tells us ________.
    A.it’s easy fr fish t find a place with safe fd
    B.it’s dangerus fr fish t fight fr their friends
    C.it’s necessary fr fish t remember their hme
    D.it’s imprtant fr fish t have a gd memry
    “I wish I had straight hair”; “I’d like t be taller”. At times, we all want t lk a bit mre like smene else. Hwever, the pictures we see n TV and scial media can give us imprper ideas abut hw ur bdies “shuld” lk. The truth is that everybdy is different—and that’s a gd thing. Accepting and feeling gd abut ur bdies is really imprtant fr ur self-cnfidence.
    Bdy cnfidence is when smene accepts and behaves kindly twards their bdy. That includes ur size and shape skin clr, appearance and any physical disabilities. Jade Parnell frm the Centre fr Appearance Research (CAR), says that having bdy cnfidence is “abut being accepting f yur bdy and what it des fr yu”.
    If yu feel psitively (积极地) abut yur bdy, yu are mre likely t take care f it. Research has even shwn that yu are mre likely t take part in activities and perfrm well in schl. Hwever, feeling agitated abut yur bdy culd make yu step back, d less well at schl and even feel dwn. Parnell says that the cst f trying t achieve the “perfect” appearance is high. She says, “If yu’re spending a lt f time trying t lk a certain way, yu will have less time t spend with friends and t make imprtant memries.”
    It’s imprtant t remember that everybdy is different. T develp a psitive bdy image, Parnell says, “Try t talk psitively abut yur wn bdy and ther peple’s bdies. Try nt t pay t much attentin t appearance. Instead, think abut what yur bdy des fr yu; d yur legs make yu run really fast?” She als suggests treating yur bdy well by eating different kinds f fds, exercising t feel gd and t have fun, and getting plenty f sleep. Remember that yu are mre than hw yu lk.
    27.The writer thinks that the pictures n TV and scial media ________.
    A.are perfect fr peple t fllwB.may spread wrng ideas f lks
    C.imply everyne is differentD.shw peple hw t behave kindly
    28.Jade Parnell will agree that yu shuld ________.
    A.accept yur bdy as it isB.avid talking abut thers’ bdies
    C.spend mre mney n yur appearanceD.remember what yu used t be like
    29.Paying much attentin t achieving the “perfect” lk may lead t ________.
    A.having mre wnderful experiencesB.mre time fr lking after ur bdy
    C.having mre fun with friendsD.less time fr smething mre imprtant
    30.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T encurage readers t take mre exercise.B.T remind readers nt t eat t much fd.
    C.T lead readers t build up bdy cnfidence.D.T advise readers t treat their friends well.
    Nw, the Law f the Jungle says that if there is a disagreement abut the right f a man’s cub(幼崽) t be part f the Pack(兽群), he must be spken fr by at least tw members f the Pack wh are nt his father and mther.
    “Wh speaks fr this man’s cub?” asked the leader f the wlf Pack Akela. There was n answer. Mther Wlf gt ready fr a fight, her last fight.
    There is nly ne nn-wlf allwed at the Pack Cuncil, a sleepy brwn bear called Bal. Bal teaches the wlf cubs the Law f the Jungle. He is accepted by the wlves because he eats nly nuts and rts and hney. Nw Bal std up n his hindquarters(后腿) and shuted.
    “I speak fr the man’s cub. Let him run with the Pack, and becme part f the Pack with the thers I can teach him the Law f the Jungle.”
    “We need anther ne,” said Akela. “Bal speaks fr the man’s cub, and he is the teacher f ur yung cubs. Wh speaks besides Bal?”
    A black shadw came int the circle. It was Bagheera(美洲豹) the Black Panther. Everybdy knew Bagheera, and nbdy wanted t make him angry.
    “Akela, and the wlf Pack,” he shuted. “The Law f the Jungle says that a cub can be saved if smene pays a price fr him. Nw I can give yu ne fat recently killed bull, if yu accept the man’s cub accrding t the Law. Is it difficult t decide?”
    Mwgli, the man’s cub, was still very interested in the stnes, and he did nt ntice when the wlves came and lked at him ne by ne. At last they all came dwn the hill fr the dead bull, and nly Akela, Bagheera, Bal, and Mwgli’s wlf family were left. The tiger Shere Khan rared all night. He was angry because the wlves accepted Mwgli in the Pack.
    “It was a gd decisin,” said Akela. “Men and their cubs are very wise. He may be a help in time.”
    “Yes, a help in time f need; fr n ne can hpe t lead the Pack frever,” said Bagheera.
    “Take him away,” he said t Father Wlf, “and teach him like the ther wlf cubs.”
    —Frm Mwgli’s Brthers
    31.Wh spke fr the man’s cub at last?
    A.Shere Khan and Akela.B.Mther Wlf and Father Wlf.
    C.Bangheera and Bal.D.Mwgli and yung wlves.
    32.Hw did Bagheera help Mwgli t be accepted by the Pack?
    A.By teaching him like the ther wlf cubs.B.By giving the Pack ne fat killed bull.
    C.By fighting with wlves and Shere Khan.D.By helping Akela kill the tiger Shere Khan.
    33.Why was the tiger Shere Khan angry?
    A.Because he really wanted Mwgli t be in the Pack.
    B.Because all the animals in the Pack laughed at him.
    C.Because Mwgli was finally accepted by the wlves.
    D.Because Father Wlf wanted t ask him t g away.
    34.Which is the right rder f what happened in the stry?
    ①Father Wlf taught Mwgli like ther wlf cubs.
    ②Akela asked if anyne wuld speak fr the cub.
    ③The tiger Shere Khan rared all night angrily
    ④The ther wlves lked at Mwgli ne by ne.
    ⑤The Law f the Jungle are accepted by mst animals.
    35.What can we infer(推断) accrding t the passage?
    A.Mwgli might help the wlf Pack later.
    B.Bal taught the wlf cubs the Law f the Jungle.
    C.Mther Wlf didn’t want t keep the man’s cub.
    D.Everyne in the jungle was afraid f Shere Khan.
    Have yu ever watched Liu Genghng’s vides t d sme exercise? Physical exercise is gd fr ur mind, bdy and spirit. Tday, wrking ut thrugh nline vides is becming very ppular. Since the Internet is widely used, it’s very easy fr us t d s.___36___
    One f my friends, Lin Fei, fllwed shrt wrkut vides t d daily exercise. “With live prgrams, I feel like wrking ut with my friends, which encurages me t hld n t the last minute.” she said.___37___ “I have a fear f wrking ut at the gym because I dn’t like being watched by thers. Wrking ut at hme makes wrking ut much mre enjyable.” he said.
    ___38___ When I tld my plan t my elder sister, a P.E. teacher, she reminded me that wrkut vides culd be helpful but might still carry sme prblems.
    “Withut being with smene in persn, yu will be less willing t wrk ut t yur best. Wrking ut at the gym allws yu t have advice in real time and get pushed harder.” my sister said t me. “Well, if yu really want t have a try, first, chse prper prgrams r vides. That’s very imprtant. And then ask yur friends fr advice.___39___ Anyway, dn’t be addicted (沉迷的) t it. Yu shuld try different ways t wrk ut t be healthy.”
    At her suggestins, I finally fllwed an nline wrkut prgram with persnalized help that is held fr three mnths. After the first perid f training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amunt (量) f wrk alng with a strng will. Cmpared with ging t the gym, using nline vides t wrk ut is a much cheaper and time-saving chice.___40___
    A.With their examples, I decided t give it a try.
    B.That means we can wrk ut anytime anywhere.
    C.Frm the vides, I can get what I want t get my health imprved.
    D.Their experiences can give yu a gd sight int what yu can expect.
    E.But it can be difficult smetimes when I’m t lazy r t busy t stick t it.
    F.Anther friend f mine, Michael, tld me that wrkut vides let him feel s cmfrtable.
    In the clsing years f the Sui Dynasty, a terrible fld happened n the Xia River utside the city f Zhazhu. The fld brught dwn a large stne bridge.
    Peple had rebuilt the bridge many ____41____. But it was still washed away ver and ver again. “What’s wrng with it?” Li Chun, the mst famus lcal engineer at that time, asked ____42____. He wrked day and night at the drawing f the bridge and ____43____ that the stne supprts (支柱) culdn’t stand the frce f the fld.
    One day, an idea came int his mind! He thught f building bw-shaped arches(拱) ____44____ stne supprts. And there wuld be nly ne big arch, supprted at each ____45____ by tw small nes. When flds came, the waters wuld run thrugh the fur small arches, ____46____ little influence n the bridge. He was greatly excited by the idea, and danced ____47____ right at his desk.
    A new Zhazhu Bridge ____48____. It was safe and beautiful. The lcal peple f Zhazhu were very ____49____ that the prblem f the stne bridge was finally wrked ut. Nw, this great stne bridge with a histry f ver 1,300 years has becme a classical ____50____ f China’s arched bridges. It shws the wisdm and creativity f the Chinese peple.
    Kevin is a special swimmer. He tk risks t swim in very cld places because he wanted peple t pay attentin t envirnmental p____51____.
    As a by, Kevin visited natinal parks and he learned the Earth is in pr cnditin. He felt w____52____, and he wanted t prtect the Earth. In 2009, he went t swim in water near Nrth Ple t draw p____53____ attentin t the melting glaciers( 融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was s painful that it wuld be his l____54____ time swimming in cld water. In 2016, he h____55____ abut a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was frmed by melting glaciers. He decided t swim in cld water again. It was difficult t swim in the lake. The air was s____56____ thin that it was hard t breathe. He tld peple a____57____ his experiences n TV. He wanted peple t knw that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing because f glbal warming and that there’s l____58____ water fr peple in nearby cuntries like China, India, and Pakistan.
    Frm Kevin’s stry, we learn tw lessns. We learn that peple can d a lt f harm t the Earth w____59____ realizing it. Als, we learn that if we c____60____ the way we think, we can d smething t prtect ur envirnment. With the new way f thinking in ur minds, we can enjy a bright future.
    The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics came t an end successfully n the twentieth f February last year. A beautiful picture f willw branches appeared at the clsing ceremny. The elegant dancers hlding shining willw branches gathered n the stage t say gdbye t the friends afar.
    In ancient China, willw branches were ften used as a gift t friends and family members wh wuld leave. D yu knw why willw branches are a symbl f saying gdbye?
    One reasn is that willw trees are strng. They can live in any sil, wet r dry, nrth r suth. Because f this special feature, when saying gdbye t lved nes, giving a willw branch is a way t tell them yu hpe they will easily get used t their new living envirnment.
    Anther reasn is that, in Chinese, the prnunciatin fr the willw tree “柳” is similar t the character “留”. S giving a willw branch in ancient China was like asking the thers t stay.
    It’s said this custm became ppular during the Han Dynasty. At that time, Baqia, a bridge in Chang’an, was a cmmn place t say gdbye. Peple ften stpped there and handed willw branches t peple wh are ging t depart.
    Willw branches, as a symbl f saying gdbye, were ften mentined in pems, especially at the time f the Tang and Sng dynasties.
    61.What appeared at the clsing ceremny f the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?
    62.Where can willw trees live?
    63.Hw many reasns are mentined in the passage fr explanatin?
    64.When did the custm becme ppular?
    65.What can yu learn abut willw branches frm the passage?
    66.阅读是语言学习的重要途径。请你结合下面的问题,以”Hw reading imprves my English”为题,根据写作要求,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊的英语专栏投稿。
    What d yu like t read?
    In which ways des reading help yu imprve English?

    Hw reading imprves my English
    Reading plays an imprtant rle in my English learning.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Hi, Lucy. Are yu free after schl tmrrw? I’d like yu t g t the city library with me.
    I’m afaid I can’t____1____
    Sure! Friday evening is OK. But is there anything special abut tmrrw evening?
    Yeah. T tell the truth, I really dn’t want t miss the live shw f the “Chinese Bridge” Cmpetitin.
    I haven’t heard anything abut it.____2____
    It is an internatinal cmpetitin t encurage mre yung students f varius cuntries t learn Chinese language and learn abut China. Every cmpetitin has a special theme.
    ____3____ What is the theme f the cmpetitin this year?
    Learning Chinese, Creating Brigher Future!
    Sure it is. Chinese has becme a bridge t cnnect China with the rest f the wrld.
    ____4____. I can’t agree mre.
    When and where can I watch it?
    It is shwn at 17:30 every Thursday n Hunan TV statin.
    S let’s wait and see!
    Extreme heat r heat waves
    happen when the temperature
    reaches very high levels.
    Outside Temperature 27℃
    bring happy time end he glad find ut example instead f build
    1. F 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. E
    根据“Hi, Lucy. Are yu free after schl tmrrw? I’d like yu t g t the city library with me”以及“Sure! Friday evening is OK. ”可知明天放学后不行,但是星期五晚上可以,选项F“后天怎么样?”符合语境,故选F。
    根据“I haven’t heard anything abut it”可知此处希望对方给自己介绍一下,选项D“你能多告诉我一些吗?”符合语境,故选D。
    根据“It is an internatinal cmpetitin t encurage mre yung students f varius cuntries t learn Chinese language and learn abut China. Every cmpetitin has a special theme.”可知此处是对于对方的介绍的评价,选项A“听起来太棒了!”符合语境,故选A。
    根据“Sure it is. Chinese has becme a bridge t cnnect China with the rest f the wrld.”以及“I can’t agree mre.”可知是指非常同意对方的说法,选项B“你说得有道理。”符合语境,故选B。
    根据“When and where can I watch it?”以及“S let’s wait and see!”可知自己迫不及待要去看了,选项E“我迫不及待地想欣赏汉语的魅力。”符合语境,故选E。
    6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
    satisfied满意的;patient有耐心的;strict严格的;careful小心的。由“The result was my best by then”可知这个结果是最好的,但“but”表转折,说明作者并不认为是最好的,即对自己的结果并不满意,故选A。
    stress压力;truth真相;victry胜利;peace和平。根据前一句“S fr me, I was likely t succeed.”可知对作者来说是有可能成功的,但“but”表转折,说明作者担心这次不一定成功,故选C。
    give up放弃;stay up熬夜;put up张贴;set up建立。由“lst heart”失去信心可知,作者想要放弃,故选A。
    hpes希望;effrts努力;questins问题;secrets秘密。根据前一句“As I reached the last rund f the jump, my wrry and self-dubt built up inside.”当我跳到最后一圈的时候,忧虑和自我怀疑在心里堆积。可知作者此刻没有信心,觉得自己的所有努力都白费了。故选B。
    warm温暖的;dirty脏的;smart聪明的;wet湿的。根据“my mind ttally blank”我头脑一片空白和前一句“my wrry and self-dubt built up inside”内心充满忧虑和自我否定可知作者的手心发汗,非常紧张,故选D。
    happiness幸福;sadness悲伤;tiredness疲惫;business生意。由前半句“I tried using my arms and shulders t run faster”可知作者想跑得快,但“but”表转折,说明身体并没有所想那样给力,“tiredness”符合情景,故选C。
    Receiving收到;Aviding避免;Refusing拒绝;Accepting接受。根据前一句“As the highlight f this term, this lng-awaited sprts event became my Waterl.”可知期待已久的比赛成了作者的滑铁卢,失败是他不愿意接受的,故选D。
    be angry with 生……的气;be wrried abut担心;担忧;be prud f 对……骄傲;be crazy abut对……疯狂。由前半句“They tld me I had dne a gd jb”他们说我做的很好了,可知他们为作者感到自豪,故选C。
    winds风;clurs颜色;mds心情;wrds话语。根据后半句的“blwing away”吹走,可知这些话就像暖风一样,故选A。
    withut没有;twards朝向;thrugh通过;against反对。根据“I cme t realize, ... this experience, that failure is the mst cmmn thing in life.”可知通过这次比赛,作者意识到失败是生活里的常事,故选C。
    yurselves你自己;urselves我们自己;itself它自己;themselves他们自己。根据“ur disadvantages”和“and”表并列,可知“understand urselves”了解我们自己,故选B。
    classes课;subjects科目;lessns教训;items物品。根据前一句“And it can make us get strnger and strnger.”失败能让我们变得越来越强大,可知我们能从失败中得到教训,学到东西,故选C。
    mix混合;share分享;cmpare比较;exchange交换,交流。根据上文的“my best friends came t cmfrt me”和“They tld me I had dne a gd jb”可知当我们遇到失败时,朋友在我们身边,我们可以和朋友倾诉我们的坏情绪。故选B。
    certainly当然,肯定;cmfrtably舒服地;highly极度,非常;heavily沉重地。根据“This is what I’ve learned in the lng jump.”可知这次比赛对作者影响很大,让他明白了失败的意义,所以下次再遇到失败,作者当然会想到这次经历,故选A。
    21. D 22. B 23. C
    细节理解题。根据WHO中“Outside wrkers”及WHERE中“Cnstructin places”可知,施工场所的户外工作者是中暑风险最大的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据HOW TO AVOID中的内容可知,喝足够的水,保持凉爽及穿浅色衣服能够避免中暑,即①②④。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据图中提到的三个时间可知,时间越长,车内温度越高,且由“Time passed: 20 minutes”可知,20分钟的时候,车内温度是43度,选项C符合。故选C。
    24. A 25. B 26. D
    推理判断题。根据“they dn’t remember what they’ve eaten r where they’ve been, and they dn’t knw yu r any f their friends”可知,第一段通过陈述不同的观点来引出本文主题,故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据“An earlier study shwed that they behaved ffendedly in frnt f certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past fights”可知,它们在某些鱼类面前表现得很无礼,可能是因为它们记得过去的争斗,所以划线词语与madly同义,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“If fish are able t remember that a certain area has safe fd, they will be able t g back t that area withut putting their lives in danger”可知,如果鱼能够记住某个区域有安全的食物,它们就能回到那个区域,而不会有生命危险,由此可推知鱼的记忆力好是很重要的,故选D。
    27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C
    细节理解题。根据“Hwever, the pictures we see n TV and scial media can give us imprper ideas abut hw ur bdies ‘shuld’ lk.”可知,我们在电视和社交媒体上看到的图片可能会给我们传递错误的外貌观念。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Jade Parnell frm the Centre fr Appearance Research (CAR), says that having bdy cnfidence is ‘abut being accepting f yur bdy and what it des fr yu’.”可知,Jade Parnell认为要接受自己的身体原本的样子。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“If yu’re spending a lt f time trying t lk a certain way, yu will have less time t spend with friends and t make imprtant memries.”可知,把太多的精力放在追求“完美”的外表上,可能会导致花在更重要的事情上的时间更少。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据“Accepting and feeling gd abut ur bdies is really imprtant fr ur self-cnfidence.”并结合全文内容可知,文章讲述了身体自信对于我们的积极影响,所以这篇文章的主要目的是引导读者建立身体信心。故选C。
    31. C 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A
    细节理解题。根据“Bal std up n his hindquarters(后腿) and shuted.”、“I speak fr the man’s cub.”、“Everybdy knew Bagheera, and nbdy wanted t make him angry.”和“The Law f the Jungle says that a cub can be saved if smene pays a price fr him. ”可知,Bangheera和Bal为幼崽说话了。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Nw I can give yu ne fat recently killed bull, if yu accept the man’s cub accrding t the Law.”可知,Bagheera给了兽群一头肥牛。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The tiger Shere Khan rared all night. He was angry because the wlves accepted Mwgli in the Pack.”可知,因为Mwgli最终被狼群接受了。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Nw, the Law f the Jungle says that if there is a disagreement abut the right f a man’s cub(幼崽) t be part f the Pack(兽群), he must be spken fr by at least tw members f the Pack wh are nt his father and mther.”可知,如果人类幼崽想加入兽群,必须要有至少两名兽群成员替他说话,说明丛林法则被大多数动物所接受,⑤排第一,排除A和C;根据“Mwgli...and he did nt ntice when the wlves came and lked at him ne by ne. At last they all came dwn the hill fr the dead bull”和“The tiger Shere Khan rared all night. He was angry because the wlves accepted Mwgli in the Pack.”可知,狼一只接一只过来看他,最后都走向了死去的肥牛,老虎看到狼群接受了Mwgli,所以很生气,整晚在生气地咆哮,所以④排在③之前,排除B。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“Men and their cubs are very wise. He may be a help in time.”和“Yes, a help in time f need”可知,Mwgli以后可能会帮助狼群。故选A。
    36. B 37. F 38. A 39. D 40. E
    根据空前“Since the Internet is widely used, it’s very easy fr us t d s.”可知互联网的广泛运用,使得我们可以随时随地跟着网络视频进行健身;B选项“这意味着我们可以随时随地锻炼。” 符合。故选B。
    根据空后“ ‘I have a fear f wrking ut at the gym because I dn’t like being watched by thers....’ he said.”可知,此处是介绍另一个朋友的情况;F选项“我的另一个朋友迈克尔告诉我,健身视频让他感觉很舒服。”符合。故选F。
    根据空后“When I tld my plan t my elder sister, a P.E. teacher ...”及上文可知,有了朋友们案例,作者决定尝试跟着视频进行锻炼,并把计划告诉自己的姐姐;A选项“有了他们的例子,我决定试一试。”符合。故选A。
    根据空前“And then ask yur friends fr advice.”可知,要向朋友们寻求建议,因为他们的经历会很有帮助;D选项“他们的经历可以让你清楚地看到你所期待的东西。”符合。故选D。
    根据空前“Cmpared with ging t the gym, using nline vides t wrk ut is a much cheaper and time-saving chice.”可知,与去健身房相比,使用在线视频锻炼是一个更便宜、更节省时间的选择,但是能否坚持下来取决于个人;E选项“但是当我太懒或者太忙而无法坚持的时候,这可能会很困难。”符合。故选E。
    41.times 42.himself 43.fund ut 44.instead f 45.end 46.bringing
    47.happily 48.was built 49.glad 50.example
    句意:人们曾多次重建这座桥。根据“Peple had rebuilt the bridge”和备选词汇可知,人们多次重建大桥,many后接名词复数,故填times。
    句意:“有什么问题吗?”李春,当时当地最有名的工程师,问自己。根据“But it was still washed away ver and ver again.”和备选词汇可知,询问自己哪里出现了问题,himself符合句意,故填himself。
    句意:他没日没夜地画着桥的图纸,发现石头支架无法承受洪水的力量。根据“the stne supprts (支柱) culdn’t stand the frce f the fld”和备选词汇可知,最后终于明白石柱支撑不了洪水的力量,句子时态是一般过去时,fund ut符合句意,故填fund ut。
    句意:他想建造弓形拱门,而不是石头支撑。根据“He thught f building bw-shaped arches(拱)”和备选词汇可知,建造弓形的拱门来代替石头,instead f“代替”符合句意,故填instead f。
    句意:而且只会有一个大拱门,两端由两个小拱门支撑。根据“at each”和备选词汇可知,在两端支撑,end符合句意,故填end。
    句意:当洪水来临时,水会穿过四个小拱门,对桥的影响很小。根据“little influence n the bridge”和备选词汇可知,对桥的影响不大,句子已有谓语动词,此处用现在分词,bringing符合句意,故填bringing。
    句意:这个主意使他非常兴奋,就在他的桌子旁高兴地跳舞。根据“He was greatly excited by the idea, and danced”和备选词汇可知,开心地跳起舞来,副词修饰动词,happily“开心地”符合句意,故填happily。
    句意:一座新的赵州桥建成了。根据“A new Zhazhu Bridge”和备选词汇可知,新桥被建立起来了,时态是一般过去时,此处用被动语态,was built符合句意,故填was built。
    句意:赵州当地人非常高兴,石桥的问题终于解决了。根据“hat the prblem f the stne bridge was finally wrked ut”和备选词汇可知,人们很开心问题解决了,形容词作表语,glad符合句意,故填glad。
    句意:如今,这座有着1300多年历史的伟大石桥已成为中国拱桥的经典典范。根据“becme a classical”和备选词汇可知,成为一个经典的例子,example“例子”符合句意,故填example。
    51.(p)rblems 52.(w)rried 53.(p)eple’s 54.(l)ast 55.(h)eard
    56.(s) 57.(a)but 58.(l)ess 59.(w)ithut 60.(c)hange
    句意:他冒着风险在非常寒冷的地方游泳,因为他想让人们关注环境问题。根据“he learned the Earth is in pr cnditin.”和首字母提示可知,希望人们关注环境问题,prblems符合句意,故填(p)rblems。
    句意:他很担心,他想保护地球。根据“he learned the Earth is in pr cnditin.”和首字母提示可知,地球处于很糟糕的状态,因此感到担忧,wrried“担忧的”符合句意,故填(w)rried。
    句意:2009年,他去北极附近的水域游泳,以引起人们对冰川融化的关注。根据“attentin t the melting glaciers”和首字母提示可知,引起人们的注意,peple’s符合句意,故填(p)eple’s。
    句意:凯文说这次游泳太痛苦了,这将是他最后一次在冷水里游泳。根据“swimming in cld water”和首字母提示可知,最后一次在冷水里游泳,last“最后的”符合句意,故填(l)ast。
    句意:2016年,他听说喜马拉雅山有一个湖。根据“a lake in the Himalayas”和首字母提示可知,他听说了喜马拉雅的一条河,句子时态是一般过去时,heard符合句意,故填(h)eard。
    句意:空气稀薄得让人难以呼吸。根据“that it was hard t breathe”和首字母提示可知,s...that...“如此……以至于……”,故填(s)。
    句意:他在电视上告诉人们他的经历。根据“tld peple”和首字母提示可知,tell sb abut sth“告诉某人关于某事”,故填(a)but。
    句意:他想让人们知道,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅山脉的冰川正在消失,而中国、印度和巴基斯坦等附近国家的人们用水越来越少。根据“glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing”和首字母提示可知,因为冰川正在消失,所以未来水更少,less“更少”符合句意,故填(l)ess。
    句意:我们了解到,人们可以在没有意识到的情况下对地球造成很多伤害。根据“peple can d a lt f harm t the Earth”和首字母提示可知,人们伤害地球而不自知,withut“没有”,故填(w)ithut。
    句意:此外,我们了解到,如果我们改变我们的思维方式,我们可以做一些事情来保护我们的环境。根据“the way we think”和首字母提示可知,改变思考的方式,故填(c)hange。
    61.A beautiful picture f willw branches. 62.They can live in any sil.
    63.Tw./2./Tw reasns are mentined. 64.During the Han Dynasty.
    65.They’re a symbl f saying gdbye/ They are ften mentined in pems./They were used as a gift./...
    根据“A beautiful picture f willw branches appeared at the clsing ceremny.”可知,闭幕式上出现了一幅美丽的柳枝画卷。故填A beautiful picture f willw branches.
    根据“They can live in any sil, wet r dry, nrth r suth.”可知,柳枝能够在任何土壤下存活。故填They can live in any sil.
    根据“One reasn is that willw trees are strng.”及“Anther reasn is that, in Chinese, the prnunciatin fr the willw tree ‘柳’ is similar t the character ‘留’. S giving a willw branch in ancient China was like asking the thers t stay.”可知,文章提及了两点原因。故填Tw./2./Tw reasns are mentined.
    根据“It’s said this custm became ppular during the Han Dynasty.”可知,在汉朝时期,这个习俗变得受欢迎。故填During the Han Dynasty.
    本题为开放性试题,言之有理即可,根据“Willw branches, as a symbl f saying gdbye, were ften mentined in pems”及“willw branches were ften used as a gift t friends and family members wh wuld leave.”可知,柳枝是道别的象征,在诗歌中经常被提及,它也是作为礼物送给将要离开的朋友和家人。故填They’re a symbl f saying gdbye/ They are ften mentined in pems./They were used as a gift./...
    Hw reading imprves my English
    Reading plays an imprtant rle in my English learning. T imprve my English, I keep n reading English bks, magazines and newspapers and I enjy reading English classics mst.
    Thrugh reading, I find that my spken English has greatly imprved. It gives me cnfidence when I talk in English. Mrever, reading helps make writing easier fr me. I have cllected sme beautiful wrds and sentences frm bks s that I can use them fr my wn writing. Mst imprtantly, reading develps my thinking ability. What I’ve read makes me pen-minded and enables me t think mre.
    In a wrd, reading brings me nt nly much jy but als great interest in English learning.
    ①play an imprtant part in起重要作用
    ②keep n坚持
    ③s that以便
    ④nt nly...but als...不但……而且……
    ①I find that my spken English has greatly imprved.(宾语从句)
    ②What I’ve read makes me pen-minded and enables me t think mre.(what引导的主语从句)

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