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    这是一份内蒙古名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. Why is the man late?
    A. He lst his car key. B. He verslept. C. He had n alarm clcks.
    2. What time is the train leaving?
    A. At 10: 25. B. At 10: 35. C. At 10: 55.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a restaurant. B. At hme. C. In a shp.
    4. What des the wman remind the man t d?
    A. Meet Prf. Lee. B. Hand in the reprt. C. Revise the reprt.
    5. Whm will the man celebrate the festival with?
    A. His parents. B. His brther. C. His grandparents.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a restaurant. C. On a plane.
    7. What will the man read?
    A. A daily newspaper. B. A sprts magazine. C. A fashin magazine.
    8. When d the club members meet?
    A. Every Mnday. B. Every Saturday. C. Every Sunday.
    9. What des the man want t be in the future?
    A. A lawyer. B. A phtgrapher. C. A librarian.
    10. Why des the wman g t the stre?
    A. T change a different clr skirt. B. T buy anther skirt. C. T return the skirt.
    11. Hw des the wman get the skirt?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm her husband. C. Frm shpping nline.
    12. Hw much is the skirt?
    A. $90. B. $95. C. $100.
    13. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Give him a ride. B. Help him study. C. Intrduce a driver t him.
    14. When des the man's flight take ff?
    A. On Mnday mrning.B. On Sunday mrning. C. On Wednesday afternn.
    15. What des the wman first advise the man t d?
    A. Take a bus. B. Take a taxi. C. Take the subway.
    16. What will the man prbably d?
    A. Explain t his teacher. B. Call the wman's neighbr.
    C. Help the wman with the final exam.
    17. What was the passers-by's attitude tward the speaker's behavir?
    A. Puzzled. B. Thankful. C. Supprtive.
    18. Why did the speaker decide t wash the cars?
    A. T earn sme pcket mney. B. T d a gd deed fr car wners.
    C. T set a gd example t his friends.
    19. Hw did the speaker finish cleaning the cars?
    A. By attracting strangers t jin him. B. By wrking with the car wners.
    C. By cperating with his friends.
    20. What did the speaker get in the end?
    A. The jy f helping thers. B. A precius medal. C. A lt f mney.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Several art prjects are n shw t warn peple f the climate change happening arund us.
    Vide n the walls
    Phtgrapher Camille Seaman has traveled t bth the Nrth Ple and the Suth Ple, where she has captured the disappearing ice in phtgraphs and vide. Camille Seaman made a vide with sme f her mst pwerful phts f melting ice fr peple in fur castal cities t display n their buildings. The vide ends with a predictin that sea level will rise by 2050 withut relative actin.
    Mural(壁画)changing clr
    Temperatures in Austin, Texas, are n the rise, and climate change will put the city at higher risk f extended drught, wildfires, intense rain and flding. Artist Lpe Gutierrez-Ruiz designed a unique mural that changes clr as it gets htter. This artwrk calls fr peple t change the wrld and change climate change, underlining the imprtance f individual actins t the cllective future.
    Public billbard(广告牌)
    Artist Christine Sun Kim released a public billbard n the 710 Freeway called The Sund f Temperature Rising. It pints t the reality f climate disaster that has becme all t clear n the West Cast and the need fr significant change nw. The illustratin features a graph(图表) f music ntes that get prgressively lnger and redder.
    Anti-Extinctin Library
    Glbally, species are disappearing at an unheard-f rate. In respnse, architect Mitchell Jachim created The Anti-Extinctin Library in New Yrk. The sculptural piece is nt nly beautiful but als functinal. Their unique egg-shaped library has a special freezer string test tubes with the frzen cells and DNA f rare animals and plants. It's imprtant fr peple t realize we must quickly wrk t prtect the rights f different species in ur area.
    21. What is the key feature f the mural?
    A. It lights up at night. B. It mves with the wind.
    C. It plays music when it rains. D. It changes clr with temperature.
    22. Whse wrk cntains frzen cells?
    A. Camille Seaman's. B. Lpe Gutierrez-Ruiz's.
    C. Christine Sun Kim's. D. Mitchell Jachim's.
    23. What is the authr's purpse in writing the text?
    A. T praise artists' participatin. B. T call fr peple t take actin.
    C. T shw the severe result f climate change. D. T talk abut the bad effects f climate change.
    With amazing Christmas lights and sme very special guests, Pallin Actin Grup kicked ff the festive seasn in style after anther year f giving much-needed supprt t the Sunderland cmmunity.
    “We've gt wreath making, ur singers and dancers and, f curse, a visit frm Santa. This event brings ut s much enthusiasm in the cmmunity,” said rganizer Karen Nble. “We'll als g and surprise anyne we knw wh's ging t be lnely at Christmas.”
    Pallin has been at the heart f the cmmunity here since 1993, but the past cuple f years have seen peple increasingly struggling financially and feeling lnely. “This time last year, peple were in great pverty,” said Karen. “But if we've dne ur jb prperly, they've becme mre financially resilient (可迅速恢复的) r less lnely and we shuld be helping different peple this year. And a lt f thse wh were helped last year are vlunteering fr us nw. Peple are s kind-we get lads f hmemade thank-yu cards. But I think the biggest thanks we get is knwing we've helped smebdy t the pint where they're independent and getting n with life.”
    Karen and the team rganize a wide range f activities, frm after-schl clubs and ckery sessins t line dancing and cmputer classes t keep lder peple cnnected. But all this wuldn't be pssible withut funding frm Peple's Health Trust, with mney raised thrugh The Health Lttery (彩票). Every time yu play The Health Lttery, nt nly culd yu win up t 100, 000, but yu're als helping t raise much-needed funds that g straight t the heart f the cmmunity. “S playing The Health Lttery is nt just the chance t win a prize. Yu culd be making a real difference,” said Karen.
    24. What can we knw abut Pallin Actin Grup frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. It needs much supprt. B. Its main task is hlding festivals.
    C. It cares fr the cmmunity. D. It ffers a chance t visit Santa.
    25. What des Karen think f their jb?
    A. It is f n use. B. It has paid ff.
    C. It needs imprving. D. It is nt satisfactry.
    26. Hw des Pallin Actin Grup get the fund?
    A. By funding frm an rganizatin. B. By raising mney themselves.
    C. By receiving dnatins frm different peple. D. By receiving mney frm the gvernment.
    27. Which wrds can best describe Karen?
    A. Sensitive and skeptical. B. Ambitius and energetic.
    C. Talented and intelligent. D. Caring and enthusiastic.
    Is there any such thing as a salt tth? We are familiar with a sweet tth, alng with the negative effects f sugar. We are bradly aware f the disadvantages f t much salt, including high bld pressure, which puts pressure n the bld vessels(血管), the heart and the kidneys. It can als lead t water retentin (水肿). But we dn't tend t plice hw much salt we cat-at least, nt as rigrusly as with sugar—r questin whether we are just paying attentin t ur bdies, which require sme salt fr muscles t wrk prperly, r we are being cntrlled by a strng urge.
    A salt tth is quite unlike a sweet tth. It desn't create an appetite fr itself at the hrmne level. But salt des make ur taste buds (味蕾) get used t it, s that the mre yu eat, the mre yu need t get the same salty hit. This is why chefs can get heavy-handed with it.
    As Sam Blm, a nutritinal therapist, explains, “What is generally mre cncerning is the fat that is used tgether with salt, like salty crisps, fries and fast fd. Ready meals are ften the wrst fr hidden salts. Anything that adds flavr that isn't a spice r herb will prbably have salt added t it and can make yu want t eat mre because it tastes gd. The salt and fat cmbinatin in these fds is what causes prblems with chlesterl(胆固醇). The salt that peple add t a meal is much less cncerning.”
    Nutritinists' suggestin is cnvincing: When the desire fr salt hits, avid ging straight fr salty snack fds such as crisps and instead ensure yu are well hydrated. Seek ut whle fds, such as lives and leafy greens. These fds will help yu alleviate the desire fr salt, which may ften be due t a desire fr nutrient-rich fd.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “rigrusly” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Generally. B. Strictly. C. Largely. D. Pleasantly.
    29. Why is salt different frm sugar accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Salt attracts chefs. B. Salt can change hrmne level.
    C. Salt gets peple adapted. D. Salt generates a special appetite.
    30. What is Sam Blm's attitude twards ready meals?
    A. Objective. B. Negative. C. Apprving. D. Ambiguus.
    31. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Ways f seeking ut whle fd. B. Reasns fr getting the desire fr salt.
    C. Attitudes twards seeking fr nutrient fd. D. Appraches t relieving the eagerness fr salt.
    Italian diver and gardener Sergi Gamberini decided t see if he culd grw vegetables in a plastic balln underwater. The experiment was a success-s he decided t dive deeper int the wrld f underwater agriculture.
    Tday, Gamberini is the funder f a cmpany using “bispheres” ff the cast f Italy t grw a variety f plants, intrducing the wrld t a new type f agriculture. The cmpany's six “bispheres” are air-filled plastic ballns abut tw meters wide. Each is fixed t the seabed by chains s that it sits between 15 and 36 feet belw sea level. The bispheres are equipped with cameras and sensrs that allw researchers in the cmpany t mnitr CO2 levels, humidity, temperature, and mre frm a cntrl twer n the shreline. There's als a device t cmmunicate with divers in the bispheres.
    Slar panels(太阳能电池板) n the rf f the cntrl twer pwer the fans that create airflw inside the bispheres, and because the temperature inside and utside the bispheres is cnsistent, there's n need t expend energy n the heating r cling systems needed fr traditinal greenhuses.
    The underwater garden desn't require pesticides (杀虫剂) since bugs can't reach the plants, and thugh mre research is needed, the cmpany ntes n its website that the higher-pressure cnditins underwater appear t help plants grw mre quickly.
    The cmpany is nw ready t shift frm the research phase f develpment t ptimizing(优化) its bispheres fr industrializatin, with the gal f expanding them ff castlines arund the wrld. T achieve the aim, the startup is nw taking advantage f “digital twin” technlgy t precisely simulate (模仿) every aspect f its underwater garden.
    Even with all the ptimizatin ptential ffered by technlgy, Gamberini admits it's hard t imagine the prduce grwn in his startup's bispheres ever cmpeting financially with traditinally grwn crps. Still, he hpes the system's sustainability will be enugh t draw custmers.
    32. What des Gamberini's cmpany use “bispheres” mainly fr?
    A. Ding scientific research n marine life.
    B. Creating a habitat fr underwater animals.
    C. Grwing different types f plants thrugh underwater agriculture.
    D. Mnitring climate change effects n castal regins.
    33. Hw is the temperature maintained inside the bispheres?
    A. By temperature regulatin by divers.
    B. By advanced heating and cling systems.
    C. By natural climate cnditins f underwater envirnment.
    D. By slar panels n the rf f the cntrl twer.
    34. What can we infer abut Gamberini's cmpany?
    A. It has little negative influence n the envirnment. B. It negatively affects cean bidiversity.
    C. It leads t much use f pesticides. D. It cntributes t climate change.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Grw Plants Under the Sea B. The Creative Wrld f Keeping Animals
    C. Explre the Depths f Underwater Farming D. The Challenge f Grwing Greens Underwater
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    By keeping a diary, yu can create a space fr self-reflectin. With each wrd yu write, yu're taking a step twards a deeper understanding f yurself and mving clser t well-being.
    A tl fr self-discvery
    A diary acts as a mirrr, reflecting yur innermst thughts, feelings, and behavirs. 36 . It can be the first step tward meaningful change and persnal grwth. Just the act f recgnizing hw yu feel can build self-cnfidence and imprve yur md.
    Help recgnize surces f stress
    37 . Think f it as a safe space t express hw yu feel, leading t a significant decrease in stress levels. Keeping a diary gives yu a chance t recgnize what stresses yu ut in the first place. Once yu ntice upsetting situatins r peple, yu can take actin and eliminate that surce f stress frm yur life.
    Smetimes peple find it challenging t express their emtins verbally(口头上) and tend t blck them ut. Ignred unexpressed emtins can cause stress and get stred in the bdy, causing disease and pain. A diary prvides a private space t explre and express feelings. This prcess f externalizing emtins inside can help reduce stress and manage verwhelming emtins.
    Encurage slutins t prblems and reflectin
    Facing a challenge that yu can't seem t figure ut? Put pen t paper. Writing abut challenges can help clarify the issue, explre ptential slutins, and reflect n past experiences that may ffer insight. 39 .
    Even if yu've never keep a diary befre, it's easy t begin. Persistence(坚持) is key t keeping a diary. 40 . Even just five minutes can help gain sme clarity and reflectin. Remember, there's n right r wrng way t keep a diary. When yu later take time t read yur diaries, yu can find yur grwth ver time and hw yu've navigated past challenges.
    A. Release and prcess feelings
    B. Keep a diary during the spare time each day
    C. Reflectin can make yu puzzled n yur persnal jurney.
    D. Writing abut wrries r challenges every day can be a way ut
    E. Keeping a diary gives yu a way t blame yur friends r family
    F. This way imprves decisin-making and encurages a psitive attitude twards challenges
    G. Yu can uncver patterns in yur thinking r behavir, leading t increased self-awareness
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A wman abut 100 years ld just prved that age means nthing by breaking three amateur(余的) swimming wrld recrds.
    On Saturday, Jan. 20, Betty Brussels 41 the Victria Masters Swim Club Meet and beat the rivals in the 50m backstrke, 50m breaststrke, and 400m freestyle in the 100- t 104-year-ld age 42 .
    Betty Brussel didn't get int 43 swimming until she was in her 60s, and this was the first time she had been able t 44 such an achievement. She was able t break the recrds despite 45 a pacemaker (心脏起搏器) she received after suffering a heart attack in her 70s.
    Betty finished her 50m backstrke in 1: 24. 91, which was almst five 46 faster than the previus recrd. She surpassed (超过) the 47 standing 400m freestyle recrd f 16: 36. 80 by 48 hers in 12: 50. 03. Betty set the first recrd fr the 50m breaststrke with a time f 1: 56. 22.
    “I was surprised by my wn 49 yesterday,” said Betty. “I gave it my all; I never give up. It was wnderful. I was ttally 50 by everybdy's supprt. I like t win, but 51 have never been the mst imprtant thing t me. If smebdy else wins, I am 52 fr them.”
    Even thugh Betty Brussels nly just 53 her wn achievements, award-winning filmmakers Hannah Walsh and Emma Puchniak are already talking abut a pssible 54 that culd be released in abut a year.
    “I live life every day and 55 it,” Betty tld the publicatin. “I feel very frtunate t d what I d.”
    41. A. set aside B. called n C. headed frD. engaged in
    42. A. grup B. curt C. perid D. department
    43. A. challenging B. demanding C. apprpriate D. cmpetitive
    44. A. regainB. reach C. cmmitD. recall
    45. A. building upn B. carrying ut C. relying n D. shwing ff
    46. A. minutes B. secndsC. mments D. meters
    47. A. frmerly B. regularly C. temprarily D. interestingly
    48. A. imprving B. cmpletingC. raising D. stpping
    49. A. behavir B. functin C. restrictin D. swim
    50. A. fascinated B. attracted C. tuched D. affected
    51. A. recrds B. dreams C. beliefs D. failures
    52. A. happy B. anxius C. srry D. thankful
    53. A. declined B. prved C. revealed D. marked
    54: A. nvel B. advertisement C. dcumentary D. interview
    55. A. cue B. enjy C. purchase D. deserve
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    The vast fields f wheat in Nrtheast China are n rdinary plants-they were created in uter space. They are a variety knwn as Luyuan 502 and are China's secnd mst 56 (wide)grwn type f wheat. The plants were bred frm seeds 57 (fly)int rbit 340 km abve the Earth's surface. In the unique lw gravity envirnment, they picked up subtle (微妙的) changes t DNA that gave them new qualities, 58 made them mre tlerant t drught and able t better resist certain diseases.
    They are an example f a grwing number 59 imprtant fd crps that are being bred n spacecraft and space statins while rbiting ur planet. 60 sme f the mutatins(突变) leave the plants unable t grw, thers can be advantageus. Sme plants becme 61 (strng) than previus nes. Besides, they are able t resist mre extreme grwing cnditins, but thers prduce mre fds frm a single plant r grw faster r require less water.
    China 62 (experiment) with space mutagenesis since 1987. Since then it has cnducted dzens f missins 63 (carry) crp seeds int rbit. “We benefit frm China's strng space prgramme,” says ne f the 64 (expert) in China's space mutagenesis prject. “We can use recverable satellites, high-altitude platfrms and manned spacecraft t send ur seeds t space up t 65 (tw) a year and use thse space utilities fr crp imprvement.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你班上周举办的英语演讲比赛取得了圆满成功。请你给外教Mr Smith写封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 介绍演讲比赛的情况;2. 感谢他的指导和帮助。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    One day, I was taking a summer class in American literature n the campus f The State University f New Yrk at Onenta. Prfessr James walked int the classrm and annunced that he had invited a special guest t class, but his guest had been delayed. The class stirred with curisity and anticipatin.
    “Wh is cming?” smene asked. “All I will tell yu is that he is the authr f ne f the bks yu have read fr this class,” he said. “I need a vlunteer t meet him and guide him here.”
    T my amazement, my right hand sht up. I never vlunteer fr anything. I'm intrverted(内向的), shy, and uncmfrtable meeting new peple. In fact, I'm abslutely the wrng persn fr the jb. Realizing my mistake, I put my hand dwn quickly, but it was t late.
    “Thank yu, David,” said Prfessr James. “Yu'd better leave nw. He will be arriving any minute.” Seeing n way t back ut, I reluctantly gt ut f my seat and headed fr the classrm dr. When I reached it, I stpped. “Umm,” I said. “If I dn't knw wh this persn is, hw will I recgnize him? I wuld hate t bring back the wrng guy.” Prfessr James laughed. “Gd pint,” he said. He pulled me aside and whispered a name in my ear.
    “Alex Haley,” he said. “Really?” I said.
    I regretted fr vlunteering. Why me? Alex Haley is ne f the authrs f The Autbigraphy f Malclm X: As Tld t Aler Haley. He is s famus. As I walked acrss the campus, my anxiety grew. I feared that I was abut t embarrass myself in frnt f the famus gentleman by asking stupid questins, r wrse, by guiding him in painful silence.
    But at the mment I realized why I instinctively raised my hand t vlunteer fr this jb. The man was what I wanted t be: a writer. I culd learn frm him.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I'd phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It's quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I'm British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I'm lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I'll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    W: Yu're late again. Did yur car break dwn?
    M: N, I frgt t set my alarm clck, s I slept vertime.
    (Text 2)
    M: When are the ther guys ging t get here? The train is suppsed t leave in fifteen minutes.
    W: It is 10: 40 already. I tld them t be here by 10: 20.
    (Text 3)
    W: My husband and I have been kept here waiting fr nearly an hur fr ur meal!
    M: I am srry. Our staff is unusually busy at the mment. We have s many guests tday. I will see t it persnally.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hell, Evan. It's Cathy here. I'm phning abut the date f the reprt.
    M: I remember yu tld me the deadline wuld be next Friday.
    W: Yes, but Prf. Lee says it's a rush prject. She wants it nw.
    (Text 5)
    M: Where are yu planning t spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mary?
    W: I thught abut visiting my grandparents, but my brther invited me t g t his hme.
    Hw abut yu?
    M: Well. I wuld like t spend the day with my parents.
    (Text 6)
    M: Stewardess, culd yu tell me where my seat is?
    W: May I have yur barding pass, please?
    M: Yes. here it is.
    W: It's 15℃. This way, please. . . Here we are. This windw side seat is yurs.
    M: Thanks. May I have a magazine r a newspaper please?
    W: What kind f magazines wuld yu like, fashin r sprts?
    M: I'd like sprts, please.
    W: OK. I'll be right back with yu.
    (Text 7)
    W: Ww, what a beautiful picture!
    M: Thank yu. The club f phtgraphy I jined has really taught me a lt.
    W: Really? Hw ften d yu meet?
    M: Every Saturday. We get tgether t share ur pictures and the new tpic fr phtgraphs is annunced every Mnday.
    W: Ww! D yu think yu'll be a phtgrapher in the future?
    M: N, I dn't think I can supprt myself as a phtgrapher.
    W: S what d yu want t be?
    M: A lawyer. I think that's a really gd jb.
    W: Yes, thugh it's high-pressure. I think I'd just prefer t be a librarian.
    (Text 8)
    W: This skirt is t tight. I wuld like t return it please. D I need t g t the custmer's service desk?
    M: I can help with that. D yu still have yur receipt?
    W: N, I receive this as a birthday present frm my friend, but the price tag is still n the skirt thugh. Will that be OK?
    M: Oh, yes, that will help me a lt.
    W: D yu have any mre skirts in this style? I wuld like t find a larger size.
    M: I'm srry, we're ut f this skirt in this clr.
    W: That's all right. I'll just lk fr smething else.
    M: Well, yur ttal refund is 95 dllars. A service charge f 5 dllars was taken ut.
    W: Thank yu.
    (Text 9)
    M: Hilda, I knw yu're busy, and I really hate t bther yu. but. . .
    W: What is it. Bill?
    M: Well, I was hping yu culd give me a ride t the airprt.
    W: Can't yu take the subway?
    M: My flight is early in the mrning n Sunday. I dn't think the subway is pen then. W: Well. I've gt tns f hmewrk t d befre next Mnday. Yu knw we have exams n Wednesday afternn. What abut calling a taxi? It shuldn't be t expensive n a day with s little traffic.
    M: Yu're right. But it's nt mney I'm wrried abut. It's the time f day.
    W: Yu think there wn't be any cars n the rad in the early mrning?
    M: Exactly. I'll make it up t yu. I culd explain hw yu're helping me. S ur teacher might excuse yu.
    W: That wuld be great, but I dubt if I can get ut f a final exam. My neighbr smetimes drives peple t the dwntwn area. He charges them $6.
    M: D yu think he'd take me?
    W: I will be happy t give yu his number.
    (Text 10)
    M: I live in the center f the city where it rarely rains, s cars parked in pen parking lts easily cllect pllutants and dust. Tgether with my friends, I decided it shuld be a kind gesture t surprise the wners with a car wash. Every nce in a while, smene wuld cme by and ask us seemingly stupid men. “Wh tld yu t wash the cars?” r, even better, “Wh paid yu t wash their cars?” We explained we just wanted t d smething kind. But ur respnse was ften met with an even mre cnfused lk. As the afternn went n, sme ther friends that came by understd ur gal f the vluntary event and started helping ut with sme f the duties. I wasn't cleaning cars fr mney. I was cleaning cars simply because I wanted t ffer the car wners kindness. I nw realize, first hand, that there is a special energy created when yu chse t think bigger than yurself and act in service f thers and maybe. like me, yu'll find it's actually the greatest gift yu'll ever get.
    1-5 ACBBC 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 ACABC 16-20 BABCA
    21-23DDB 24-27CBAD 28-31 BCBD 32-35 CCAA 36-40GDAFB
    41-45 DADBC 46-50 BABDC 51-55 AADCB
    56. widely 57. flwn 58. which 59. f 60. Thugh/Althugh/While 61. strnger
    62. has been experimenting/has experimented 63. t carry 64. experts 65. Twice
    Dear Mr Smith,
    I am delighted t infrm yu that ur English speech cntest was a success. My classmates shwcased their talents and delivered utstanding speeches, expressing their aspiratins and dreams with cnfidence.
    I want t express my heartfelt gratitude fr yur invaluable guidance and supprt. Yur expertise and assistance helped shape the students' speeches and imprve their English speaking skills. The students have gained a lt frm this experience, and it wuld have been impssible withut yur help.
    Thank yu again fr yur valuable cntributin t the cntest's success.
    Li Hua
    I paced back and frth until a man with a briefcase (公文包) entered the building. I apprached him, asking if he was Alex Haley. He ndded plitely. I intrduced myself t him. My heart punded. Hwever, after talking with him briefly, I was struck by hw apprachable he was. My fear was replaced by curisity and admiratin. I tld him I wanted t be a writer, but I didn't knw if I had the talent. He laughed and said, “There is n magical gift. Put in the wrk. Write every day, and dn't give up until yu succeed.”
    Encuraged by Mr Haley. I stpped wrrying whether I had the talent fr writing. Instead, I started accumulating writing materials and practised writing every day. Whatever happened, I stuck t my initial aspiratin and kept in the right track. Within tw years, I published three stries in natinal children's magazines. I have been writing and publishing ever since. Had I nt vlunteered t meet this extrardinary man. I wuld never have received the benefit f his wise advice and the rewards that fllwed. Dear Mr Smith,
    Li Hua
    I paced back and frth until a man with a briefcase(公文包) entered the building.
    Encuraged by Mr Haley, I stpped wrrying whether I had the talent fr writing.

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