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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Which language des Ted speak best?
    A. German. B. French. C. Japanese.
    2. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Welcme the man. B. Tell the man her age. C. Jin the club.
    3. What des the by prmise t d fr the girl?
    A. Buy her a new glass. B. D sme cleaning. C. Give her 10 dllars.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A travel experience. B. A capital city. C. A trip plan.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Father and daughter.
    6. Why is the wman trying t find a library?
    A. T find sme infrmatin. B. T brrw bks. C. T study there.
    7. Hw lng is the Natinal Library pen n weekends?
    A. 11 hurs. B. 12 hurs. C. 14 hurs.
    8. Hw des the wman pay?
    A. In cash. B. By WeChat Pay. C. By Alipay.
    9. Hw much mney will the waiter get?
    A. $23. B. $27. C. $50.
    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. What fd teenagers shuld have.
    B. Why many teenagers get sick.
    C. Hw teenagers keep healthy.
    11. What des the man think f an hur's exercise fr teenagers daily?
    A. It's necessary. B. It's nt enugh. C. It's t tiring.
    12. What des the man suggest teenagers d?
    A. Stp eating fast fd. B. Wash hands ften. C. Imprve their schlwrk.
    13. Why was the man late fr his flight?
    A. He lked fr his bag. B. His taxi didn't turn up. C. He went back hme t get his passprt.
    14. Hw did the man get t Lmbk frm Bali?
    A. By ship. B. By taxi. C. By air.
    15. What happened when the man was swimming?
    A. He was hurt by a fish. B. He had a sudden headache. C. He culdn't head back t the beach.
    16. What did the man d in Lmbk?
    A. He climbed the muntain. B. He helped a taxi driver. C. He watched the sunset.
    17. What happened t the 28-year-ld man?
    A. He was attacked by a shark. B. He frightened a dlphin away. C. He was dragged away by a dlphin.
    18. What d we knw abut dlphins?
    A. They attack the sharks sme time.
    B. They are easily attracted by mankind.
    C. They have similar size f brains t humans.
    19. What is ne f the dlphins' greatest prblems?
    A. Fishing. B. Sharks. C. Pllutin.
    20. What is the speaker's purpse in giving the talk?
    A. T tell a stry.
    B. T encurage peple t prtect dlphins.
    C. T intrduce the kindness f dlphins t peple.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best Htels Alng the Califrnia Cast
    Crystal Cve Beach Cttages
    These 1938 beachfrnt rms ccupy a part f Newprt Beach's Crystal Cve State Park. At the beginning, develped as a mvie set, these attractive huses, nw repainted in lively beach style, aim t remain the riginal lk with Murphy beds.
    Advance bking is required, as the rms sell ut the mment they are available(可获得的).
    Mntage Laguna Beach
    Standing guard ver 30 beachfrnt acres, Mntage Laguna Beach transprts yu t that pleasant huse with marble baths, cmfrtable bedding and cean views.
    Three swimming pls, including ne just fr kids and anther relaxatin space, fur nsite restaurants and a kids club are just a small part f the utstanding service ffered by this htel.
    Just suth f Ls Angeles, atp the Pal Verdes Peninsula, Terranea ffers cean-view guest rms alng with heated baths and rain shwers.
    Families lve the huge swimming pl, the water slide, the kids prgram, the nightly bnfire(篝火)and the selectin f kid-friendly restaurants. The yung appreciate the dirt rad that snakes away int the distance.
    El Capitan Canyn
    Just nrth f Santa Barbara in a castal crner, El Capitan Canyn prmtes a life lived utdrs, with sme extra cmfrt.
    Guests stay in heated tents(帐篷)decrated in the Native American style with raised beds, and private utdr picnic tables. Guests can als access a swimming pl, and taste dinners at the award-winning restaurant.
    21. What are yu required t d t g fr yur hliday at Crystal Cve Beach Cttages?
    A. Bring a quality tent. B. Bk a rm in advance.
    C. Get a membership card. D. Prepare fd fr a picnic.
    22. What can Mntage Laguna Beach ffer?
    A. A rm with Murphy beds. B. An riginal mvie set.
    C. A special pl fr children. D. An utdr picnic table.
    23. Which website can yu visit t learn abut the Native American decratin?
    A. B.
    C. www.mntagehtels cm. D.
    When Ariel Crdva-Rjas rde her bike t Jamaicia Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New Yrk, last Nvember, she planned t g hiking and bird-watching. Bing!
    A mile int her walk, she sptted a beautiful female mute swan(疣鼻天鹅)near the water's edge. Crdva-Rjas, 30, wh had wrked at the Wild Bird Fund recvery center in Manhattan, knew that mute swans can be battlesme. But as she apprached this ne, it didn't mve. She was certain that the bird needed medical attentin. Crdva-Rjas placed her jacket ver the bird's head t keep it calm, carefully picked it up, and held it in her arms. And then a thught struck her: What d I d nw?
    Her best bet was the recvery center, but that was acrss the East River and clear n the ther side f twn. Hw was she ging t transprt a 17-pund swan n her bike all that way? Luckily, sme strangers driving by ffered her, her bike, and the swan a lift t a nearby subway statin. She wrried thers might be disturbed. Hwever, n the subway, n ne seemed particularly fazed by the feathered passenger. "One guy." says Crdva-Rjas, "was sitting right in frnt f me n his phne. I dn't knw if he nticed there was a swan in frnt f him."
    Crdva-Rjas called the recvery center, and Tristan Higgin-btham, an animal-care manager, picked her up at the subway statin and drve bird, bike, and the rescuer t the facility. There, staff members determined that the swan might have lead pisning.
    The staff gt the swan back up n her feet. She even made a byfriend at the center-anther injured swan. Sadly, even with all that tender lving care, the swan fell ill with a bacterial infectin. Tw mnths after Crdva-Rias came t her rescue, she passed away.
    It's a disappinting ending, but the real stry is just hw far sme peple are willing t g t save a swan in the big city-literally. In all, Crdva-Rjas traveled tw hurs by ft, car, and subway(with her bike). "That's the perfect summary f wh she is," says Higgin-btham.
    24. Hw did Crdva-Rjas knw the swan was in truble?
    A. She nticed a scar n the swan.
    B. She fund the swan trapped in water.
    C. The swan was behaving in an abnrmal way.
    D. The swan attacked her when she came near it.
    25. What des the underlined wrd "fazed" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. On tp f the wrld. B. In the wrng. C. On the rcks. D. At a lss.
    26. Hw was the swan's life at the recvery center?
    A. The swan suffered a lt f pain there.
    B. The swan enjyed its staying there.
    C. The swan's life there was ttally disappinting.
    D. Many peple came t visit the swan.
    27. What srt f persn was Crdva-Rjas?
    A. Curius and generus. B. Caring and thughtful.
    C. Energetic and independent. D. Sensible and straight-frward.
    Living n muntainus La Gmera, ne f Spain's Canary Islands ff West Africa, Juan Cabell takes pride in nt using a mbile phne r the Internet t cmmunicate. Like his father and grandfather, he uses Silb Gmer, a language that is whistled(吹口哨), nt spken, and that can be heard mre than tw miles away.
    "I use it fr everything: t talk t my wife, t tell my kids smething, t find a friend if we get lst in a crwd," Cabell says. "I als make a living frm Silb, perfrming daily exhibitins at a restaurant."
    Peple thrughut La Gmera are knwn t have used Silb in the past as a way f cmmunicating ver lng distances. A strng whistle saved farmers frm walking ver the hills t give messages r news t neighbrs. Then came the phne. Nwadays, it's hard t knw hw many peple still use Silb. In 1999, it was intrduced as a cmpulsry subject(必修学科)in La Gmera's primary schls, in an effrt t prevent the language frm ging silent. Nw 3,000 students are studying it, but nly a few peple are believed t be able t cmmunicate fully in the whistling language.
    "Silb is said t be the mst imprtant cultural heritage(遗产)we have," said Mises Plasencia, the directr f the Canary Islands' gvernment's histrical heritage department.
    In fact, little is knwn abut Silb's rigins. Silb-like whistling has been fund in parts f Greece, Turkey, China and Mexic, but nne is as develped as Silb Gmer. One study is lking fr signs f Silb in Venezuela, Cuba and Texas, all places t which Gmerans have gne in the past during hard ecnmic times.
    "Silb has many histrical and linguistic(语言学上的)values," Plasencia said. And, as Cabell explains, "It's gd fr just abut anything except fr rmance: Everyne n the island wuld hear what yu're saying!"
    28. Juan Cabell uses Silb Gmer ________.
    A. in his daily life B. t learn cmputers
    C. just t make a living D. nly when eating at restaurants
    29. What can we learn abut Silb Gmer?
    A. It first started in Greece. B. It is in danger f dying ut.
    C. It is helpful in keeping secrets. D. It is the ldest way f cmmunicating.
    30. Plasencia thinks it's very imprtant t ________.
    A. knw the rigins f Silb Gmer B. find the values f Silb Gmer
    C. have mre cultural heritages D. prtect Silb Gmer
    31. What is mainly described in the text?
    A. A schl's subject. B. A famus perfrmer. C. An unusual language. D. A muntainus island.
    Almst all f us have a friend, wh can eat anything and eat as much as an elephant yet never gain weight. S why can yur friend get away with eating what he/she wants and nt get fat?
    First and fremst(最重要的), it has smething t d with Genetics(基因学): high basal metablic rate(BMR)(高基础代谢率). When we are resting, ur bdy spends sme energy fr basic activities like breathing and pumping f the heart. S thse with high BMR burn mre calries at rest as cmpared t thse wh have lw BMR. As a result, these individuals dn't put n weight despite eating large amunts f fds.
    T shw that it is true, scientists have experimented n labratry mice. They gave the mice a special diet with a lt f fat. Sme mice gained weight while the ther mice stayed thin, even thugh bth grups f mice ate the same amunt f fd and gt the same amunt f exercise. Scientists cncluded that weight gain seems t be influenced by genetic factrs. Armed with this knwledge, they believe it may be pssible t develp medicines that can target the genes and stp peple frm gaining weight.
    Other reasns such as bad eating and living habits as well as illnesses als cntribute t(造成)weight gain. The study f weight gain is becming mre imprtant as the number f peple wh are verweight cntinues t grw.
    Current medicines fr weight cntrl d nt wrk very well because they can have serius side effects. Hwever, it takes a lng time t develp and test new drugs. Therefre, despite this breakthrugh in the study f weight lss drugs, scientists and health prfessinals all agree that currently the best way t cntrl weight gain is t have a healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle with daily exercise. This will nt nly help peple avid becming verweight, but als help them stay healthy and energetic.
    32. Why des the authr ask a questin in paragraph 1?
    A. T stress his dubts. B. T cmpare different results.
    C. T intrduce the tpic. D. T express his unhappiness.
    33. What might be the key reasn fr getting fat?
    A. Bad living habits. B. Genetic factrs. C. Bad eating habits. D. Serius illnesses.
    34. What did the scientists d with the mice during their experiment?
    A. They gave them the same experimental cnditins.
    B. They fed them n a special diet with nly fat.
    C. They studied the genetic structure f their bdies.
    D. They divided them int tw grups at the beginning.
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Current Weight-lss Medicines Have Bad Effects
    B. Cntrlling Weight Gain Is Hard but Pssible
    C. Knwing Yur BMR Helps Lse Mre Weight
    D. Genes Play a Rle in Deciding Yur Weight
    One f my earliest memries was watching my mm talk n ur ld phne. I was very curius abut hw she culd talk t smene wh wasn't actually in the rm with her. 36 I was wndering hw she managed t talk with smene she culdn't see.
    37 Later, we had mbile phnes that culd be carried arund the rm. Then came cmputers and smart phnes. These days I can send an e-mail arund the wrld in a secnd. My daughter's smart phne has a hundred apps and a dzen scial media accunts. She stres all f her infrmatin in a mysterius place knwn as "the clud", where she can take it ut at any time. It seems that we are mre cnnected in this wrld than ever befre.
    38 Few take the time t talk face t face. Instead f lking int the eyes f ur lved nes, we stare at ur screens. It seems as if the mst cnnected generatins are als the lneliest.
    Dn't let technlgy take ur time and ruin ur life. Make the time t meet, t pray and t cmmunicate with each ther. Take a walk n the beach with a friend. Have a lng cnversatin with the phnes ff and the hearts n. 39
    Remember that we are here t lve each ther, help each ther and make this wrld a better place. 40 But when it can't, turn it ff.
    A. That was a lng time ag.
    B. Cnnect ffline as well as nline.
    C. Smart phnes have bth advantages and disadvantages.
    D. We shuld cmmunicate with each ther with phnes ff.
    E. When yur technlgy can help t d these things, then use it.
    F. Hwever, what bthers me is that we rarely assciate with each ther nwadays.
    G. When she left the rm, I slwly walked ver t the phne and stared at it fr a while.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    As sixth graders, kids were separated int grups, but I wasn't sure where I belnged.
    Our teacher gave us a task called "secret friends" fr the cming week. We were suppsed t d nice things 41 ur friends withut letting them knw wh was ding it. We culd leave 42 ntes r cards either n their desks r in their backpacks. Befre ding the task, with ur eyes clsed, frm a basket, we drew a name f a classmate wh we were t secretly befriend ver the next five days.
    Sn, the task was turned int a cmpetitin f giving 43 instead f ntes. Everyne was getting cl presents except me. My friend fllwed the teacher's directins withut a fault. I received nthing but handmade cards with nice wrds abut me.
    On the last mrning, I finally gt a package. When I 44 it, the girls arund all 45 . It was perfumed pwder, an "ld lady" gift. My face went red.
    I tried t frget abut the 46 gift, but when the same girls 47 it again during the break in the bathrm, I jined, "Hw stupid! My grandmther wuldn't 48 want it."
    The girls laughed at my 49 and filed ut f the bathrm. Washing my hands, I let the water run thrugh my fingers as I thught abut my wrds. It wasn't 50 like me t say things like that.
    "I'm yur secret friend." It was Rchelle. "I'm srry abut the gift," she whispered t me, tears 51 dwn her face.
    Frm a pr family, she was a 52 at schl fr thse with rich parents. Yet she just tk all the 53 and the hrrible treatment silently.
    I was sick t my stmach as my hurtful wrds ran thrugh my mind. She had heard everything. Hw culd I have been s cruel?
    Later I learned she had felt bad all week abut nt being able t leave me any cl present and her mum had given up her nly luxury.
    And I had ruined everything fr her.
    I tld her that I had nly said thse things t try t 54 .
    "We aren't that different frm each ther, are we?" She smiled 55 . Her simple wrds, spken frm her heart, fund their way straight int mine.
    41. A. fr B. behind C. thrugh D. like
    42. A. cnvincing B. reminding C. rewarding D. encuraging
    43. A. chances B. help C. hpe D. gifts
    44. A. discvered B. pened C. grasped D. held
    45. A. blamed B. shuted C. laughed D. cmmented
    46. A. embarrassing B. delicate C. wrrying D. special
    47. A. mentined B. saw C. shwed D. suggested
    48. A. just B. ever C. even D. nly
    49. A. remarks B. feeling C. suffering D. reactins
    50. A. casually B. perfectly C. nrmally D. necessarily
    51. A. getting B. dashing C. smthing D. streaming
    52. A. gal B. target C. centre D. wnder
    53. A. challenge B. puzzle C. teasing D. ignring
    54. A. turn ff B. shw ff C. get in D. fit in
    55. A. ptimistically B. understandingly C. persuasively D. hnestly
    Rse had been searching fr a jb, 56 (explre)varius ffices, yet nne f them seemed t capture her interest. Hwever, ne day, she fund a bard in an ffice advertising, "This ffice requires a typist capable f typing 200 wrds per minute." Rse was thrilled by the pprtunity. She 57 (cnfident)entered the manager's ffice and asked, "Are yu in need f a typist?" "Yes!" 58 (reply)the manager. Rse, filled with 59 (excite), said, "Great! What will be the pay?" After a mment's thught, the manager ffered, "I will pay yu 77 dllars fr 60 first three mnths and then 30 dllars every mnth." With a smile, Rse agreed, "Fantastic! I 61 (cme)and start wrking in three mnths." The manager was left speechless.
    Returning hme, Rse was exhilarated(高兴的)by the prspect f the new jb. It was the chance she had been lnging fr, a place 62 she culd shwcase her typing skills. She prepared 63 this new jurney, eagerly imagining varius 64 (achievement)she might make in this fresh wrk envirnment.
    Three mnths later, she arrived at the ffice in a neat suit. As she entered the manager's ffice,the manager was 65 (surprise). Rse greeted him with a smile, "I'm here t wrk." The manager, astnished yet als impressed, hadn't expected Rse t keep her prmise.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A. 根据所给单词,写出该单词的正确形式。(每空一词)
    66. T have a full discussin f the issue, they spent an hur ________(exchange)their ideas.
    67. The whle class waited with ________(anxius)fr the results f the examinatin.
    68. She gave us t much infrmatin, s that everyne gt ________(cnfuse).
    69. Wh d yu think shuld take ________(respnsible)fr the accident?
    70. Much t my surprise, he is ________(addict)t surfing the Internet.
    B. 根据首字母和中文意思,写出该单词的正确形式。(每空一词)
    71. The teacher a________(安排)fr us t meet the new student in the hall yesterday.
    72. Ten years after graduatin. she has changed beynd r________(认出).
    73. Tm des exercise t s________(加强)his muscles.
    74. D yu knw Marry was caught c________(作弊)in the exam?
    75. C________(比较)with yur car, my car is ut f date.
    76. Wrkers built s________(避难所)fr survivrs whse hmes had been destryed.
    77. I wuld a________(感激)it if yu culd help me with my English.
    78. Can yu i________(辨认)the differences?
    79. Every student shuld ________(遵守)the rules f ur schl.
    80. The machine culd f________(运转;正常工作)again if it is repaired.
    1. 活动安排;
    2. 准备事项
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
    第一部分 听力
    1~5 ACBAB 6~10 CBABC 11~15 ABCAA 16~20 CACCB
    第二部分 阅读
    21. B【解析】理解具体信息。根据Crystal Cve Beach Cttages部分“Advance bking is required…”可知,若想在Crystal Cve Beach Cttages度假,需提前预订房间。故选B项。
    22. C【解析】理解具体信息。根据Mntage Laguna Beach部分“Three swimming pls, including ne just fr kids”可知,Mntage Laguna Beach提供儿童专用游泳池。故选C项。
    23. D【解析】理解具体信息。根据El Capitan Canyn部分“Guests stay in heated tents(帐篷)decrated in the Native American style…”及下方的网址链接可知,通过访问可了解到印第安风格的室内装修情况。故选D项。
    24. C【解析】作出判断推理。根据第二段中的“…knew that mute swans can be battlesme. But as she apprached this ne, it didn't mve. She was certain that the bird needed medical attentin.”可知,天鹅本好斗,但是当主人公靠近时,这个天鹅没有动,不正常。故选C项。
    25. D【解析】词义猜测。从画线词前一句“She wrried thers might be disturbed.”以及后面对ne guy的描述可知,没有人对这个天鹅感到不安或者惊慌失措,at a lss最合适。故选D项。
    26. B【解析】作出判断推理。虽然最后天鹅死了,但从倒数第二段中的“The staff gt the swan back up n her feet. She even made a byfriend at the center-anther injured swan.”及后面的“tender lving care”可知,该天鹅在康复中心的生活整体是很愉悦的。故选B项。
    27. B【解析】作出判断推理。纵观全文,主人公富有爱心,很细心周到,选caring and thughtful。故选B项。
    【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要描述了一种不同寻常的语言Silb Gmer。
    28. A【解析】作出判断推理。根据第二段中的“I use it fr everything: t talk t my wife, t tell my kids smething, t find a friend if we get lst in a crwd”可知,“我”用它做任何事情:和“我”的妻子说话,告诉“我”的孩子们一些事情,在人群中找到一个走散的朋友。所以Juan Cabell在日常生活中使用Silb Gmer。故选A项。
    29. B【解析】作出判断推理。根据第三段中的“Nw 3,000 students are studying it, but nly a few peple are believed t be able t cmmunicate fully in the whistling language.”可知,现在有3000名学生在学习这种语言,但人们认为只有少数人能够完全用这种吹口哨的语言交流。所以判断出,Silb Gmer有消失的危险。故选B项。
    30. D【解析】作出判断推理。根据倒数第三段中的“'Silb is said t be the mst imprtant cultural heritage(遗产)we have,' said Mises Plasencia, the directr f the Canary Islands' gvernment's histrical heritage department.”可知,加那利群岛政府历史遗产部门负责人Mises Plasencia说:“Silb据说是我们拥有的最重要的文化遗产。”所以通过Mises Plasencia的话以及他的身份可以判断出,他认为保护Silb Gmer是非常重要的。故选D项。
    31. C【解析】理解主旨要义。通读全文可知,文章围绕Silb Gmer而展开。所以短文主要描述了一种不寻常的语言。故选C项。
    32. C【解析】作出判断推理。根据第一段“Almst all f us have a friend, wh can eat anything and eat as much as an elephant yet never gain weight. S why can yur friend get away with eating what he/she wants and nt get fat?(几乎我们所有人都有一个朋友,他可以吃任何东西,吃得和大象一样多,但从不发胖。那么,为什么你的朋友可以吃他/她想吃的东西而不发胖呢?)”可推知,作者在第一段问了一个问题是为了引入话题。故选C项。
    33. B【解析】理解具体信息。根据第二段“First and fremst(最重要的), it has smething t d with Genetics(基因学): high basal metablic rate(BMR)(高基础代谢率).(首先,这与遗传学有关:高基础代谢率(BMR))”可知,发胖的主要原因是遗传因素。故选B项。
    34. A【解析】理解具体信息。根据第三段“Sme mice gained weight while the ther mice stayed thin, even thugh bth grups f mice ate the same amunt f fd and gt the same amunt f exercise.(尽管两组老鼠吃的食物和运动量相同,但一些老鼠体重增加,而另一些老鼠保持苗条)”可知,在实验中,科学家们给了老鼠们相同的实验条件。故选A项。
    35. D【解析】理解主旨要义。根据第二段“First and fremst(最重要的), it has smething t d with Genetics(基因学): high basal metablic rate(BMR)(高基础代谢率). When we are resting, ur bdy spends sme energy fr basic activities like breathing and pumping f the heart. S thse with high BMR burn mre calries at rest as cmpared t thse wh have lw BMR. As a result, these individuals dn't put n weight despite eating large amunts f fds.(首先,这与遗传学有关:高基础代谢率(BMR)。当我们休息时,我们的身体会为一些基本活动消耗一些能量,比如呼吸和心脏跳动。所以那些BMR高的人在休息时比那些BMR低的人消耗更多的卡路里。因此,尽管这些人吃了大量的食物,但他们的体重并没有增加)”结合文章主要说明了发胖的原因与遗传有关,科学家通过实验证明了这一点。其他原因,如不良的饮食和生活习惯以及疾病也会导致体重增加。随着超重人数的不断增加,对体重增加的研究变得越来越重要。故选D项。
    36. G【解析】根据空处前一句可知,作者对于妈妈能够和一个与她不在同一个房间的人说话感到很好奇,这吸引了作者。故G项“当她离开房间的时候,我慢慢地走到电话那儿并盯着看了一会儿”符合文义。故选G项。
    37. A【解析】根据空后的“Later, we had mbile phnes…Then came cmputers and smart phnes. These days I can send an e-mail”可知,作者阐述了随着时间的变化,家中的通信工具也发生了改变,故A项“那是很久之前的事儿了”符合文义。故选A项。
    38. F【解析】根据空处所在的位置可知,空处为段落主题句。根据下文可知,本段主要讲述现在我们很少面对面交流了。F项“然而,令我感到担心的是,我们现在很少互相交流了”能很好地概括段意。故选F项。
    39. B【解析】根据上文可知,作者认为不能让科技占据我们太多的时间,摧毁我们的生活,我们应该花时间互相见面交流。B项“既要在网上联系也要在网络之外联系”符合文义。故选B项。
    40. E【解析】空处前一句提到我们来到这个世界是为了相互关爱,相互帮助,使世界变得更美好;后一句提到当科技不能(帮助你)做到这些时,就关掉它。所以空处应表示当科技能够帮助你做到这些时就使用它。故选E项。
    第三部分 语言运用
    41. A【解析】考查介词及语境理解。A. fr为了;B. behind在后面;C. thrugh通过;D. like像。句意:我们的老师,下个星期让我们进行一次“秘密朋友”的活动。每个人都要为自己的秘密朋友做些事情。我们将要在朋友的包里放上鼓励的话语的信条。老师要求我们为(fr)自己的“秘密好友”做一些好事,但是不可以告诉对方是谁做的。d sth. fr sb.为固定搭配,意为为某人做某事。故选A项。
    42. D【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。A. cnvincing有说服力的;B. reminding提醒的;C. rewarding有价值的;D. encuraging鼓励的。句意:我们可以在他们的桌子上或背包里留下奖励便条或卡片。根据下文的“handmade cards with nice wrds abut me.”可知,我们可以在卡片上写一些鼓励性的话语。故选D项。
    43. D【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A. chances机会;B. help帮助;C. hpe希望;D. gifts礼物。句意:很快,这项任务就变成了送礼物的比赛,而不是送纸条。根据下文“Everyne was getting cl presents except me.”可知,这次任务变成了一场同学们赠送礼物的比赛。故选D项。
    44. B【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A. discvered发现;B. pened打开;C. grasped抓住;D. held举办。句意:当我打开它时,周围的女孩都笑了。根据下文“It was perfumed pwder”可知,作者打开了这个包裹。故选B项。
    45. C【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A. blamed责备;B. shuted喊;C. laughed笑;D. cmmented表达意见。句意:当我打开它时,周围的女孩都笑了。根据下文的“The girls laughed at…”可知,当作者打开包裹以后她们都笑了。故选C项。
    46. A【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。A. embarrassing令人尴尬的;B. delicate微妙的;C. wrrying令人担忧的;D. special特别的。句意:我本想忘记这件令人尴尬的礼物。结合上文的“The girls laughed at…”可知,她们都在嘲笑作者收到的礼物,所以作者认为这件礼物是令人尴尬的。故选A项。
    47. A【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A. mentined提及;B. saw看;C. shwed展示;D. suggested建议。句意:但在浴室休息时,那些女孩又提起这件事,我也附和道。结合上文“I tried t frget abut the gift”可知,本来作者想忘记这件事情,但是当她们再次提到这件事的时候,作者也加入了讨论的行列。故选A项。
    48. C【解析】考查副词及语境理解。A. just刚刚;B. ever曾经;C. even甚至;D. nly仅仅。句意:真蠢!甚至祖母都不会想要它。根据上文作者感叹礼物“Hw stupid!”可知,作者认为甚至是祖母都不想要这份礼物。故选C项。
    49. A【解析】整个句子是:“对于我的评论女孩们笑了笑,走出了洗手间。我洗手的时候,我让水从手指间流过,心里想着我说的话。”故选A项。
    50. C【解析】这一句是主人公在思考自己的行为是否正常。正确的词语是“nrmally”,也就是通常的、正常的。整个句子是:“我试图忘记那个尴尬的礼物,但当同样的女孩们在休息时间在洗手间里再次提起时,我加入了她们,‘多傻啊!甚至我奶奶都不会喜欢这个。’女孩们笑了笑,走出了洗手间。我洗手的时候,我让水从手指间流过,心里想着我说的话。这不是我平时说的话。”故选C项。
    51. D【解析】这里描述了罗谢尔的眼泪,正确的词语是“streaming”,也就是涌流、流下。整个句子是:“‘我是你的秘密朋友。’是罗谢尔。‘对于那个礼物我很抱歉。’她低声对我说,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流下。”故选D项。
    52. B【解析】这句话揭示了罗谢尔在学校里受到的嘲笑,正确的词语是“target”,也就是目标。整个句子是:“来自一个贫困的家庭,她是那所学校里有钱家庭子女嘲笑的对象。”故选B项。
    53. C【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A. challenge挑战;B. puzzle疑惑;C. teasing戏弄;D. ignring忽视。句意:然而,她只是默默忍受着所有的戏弄和可怕的对待。根据上文“Frm a pr family, she was a ________ at schl fr thse with rich parents.”可知,那些有钱人家的孩子把她当成消遣的对象,总是会戏弄她。故选C项。
    54. D【解析】这句话描述了主人公对她说的话的解释,正确的短语是“fit in”,也就是融入。整个句子是:“我告诉她,我只是为了想融入群体才说那些话。”故选D项。
    55. B【解析】考查副词及语境理解。A. ptimistically积极地;B. understandingly谅解地;C. persuasively有说服力地;D. hnestly诚实地。句意:她宽容地笑了。根据下文“Her simple wrds, spken frm her heart, fund their way straight int mine.”可知,她走进了作者的内心,由此推断出当时她宽容地笑了。故选B项。
    56. explring【解析】考查现在分词用作状语。现在分词作状语常表示时间、原因、条件、伴随等关系。故填explring。
    57. cnfidently【解析】考查词性转换。副词修饰动词“entered”,表示动作的方式或态度,即Rse以充满信心的方式进入了经理的办公室。故填cnfidently。
    58. replied【解析】考查一般过去时的动词,作为谓语动词,用于说明经理对问题的回答。过去时态表示在过去的某个特定时间发生的动作。故填replied。
    59. excitement【解析】“excitement”是名词,为介词“with”的宾语,表示Rse内心状态的名词。这里考查了词性的变化,即“excite”转变为名词“excitement”。故填excitement。
    60. the【解析】考查定冠词the,序数词前加the。故填the。
    61. will cme【解析】考查一般将来时,用来表达Rse的承诺,即她将在未来某个时间来工作。故填will cme。
    62. where【解析】考查关系副词“where”,引导定语从句修饰“place”,表示地点。故填where。
    63. fr【解析】考查介词“fr”,引导目的状语,表示为了某个目的,即为了准备新的工作机会。故填fr。
    64. achievements【解析】考查名词复,作为语,表示Rse在新工作环境中可能取得的成就。故填achievements。
    65. surprised【解析】考查非谓语做表语,表明人内心的感受时用-ed。故填surprised。
    第四部分 写作
    66. exchanging 67. anxiety 68. cnfused 69. respnsibility 70. addicted
    71. arranged 72. recgnitin 73. strengthen 74. cheating 75. Cmpared
    76. shelters 77. appreciate 78. identify 79. bserve/bey 80. functin
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging? Spring has cme and ur schl is ging t rganize a cycling activity themed "Greet Spring, Embrace Nature" n April 10th. I am writing t invite yu t jin us.
    Here is sme infrmatin abut the activity. At 8:00 a.m., we will gather at the schl gate and then g t the famus cycling park in the suburbs. After arriving there, we will rent rad bikes and begin ur cycling alng the 10-kilmeter-lng rute. After that, we will have a picnic. It's a gd chance t get sme exercise and enjy the beautiful view in the cuntryside.
    Dn't frget t wear yur helmet and prtective glves if yu cme. Yu'd better bring yur lunch pack with yu.
    I hpe we can have fun tgether. If yu are interested in it, just let me knw.
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    W: Ted is fluent in German, and nw he's ging t learn French.
    M: I've heard he als knws a little Japanese.
    W: Yes, he just started learning Japanese when he became a freshman at university this summer.
    Text 2
    W: Excuse me, can I jin the club?
    M: Sure. Everyne is welcme, whatever yur age, sex r natinality is.
    Text 3
    W: Oh, it's brken. Jack is nt ging t be happy when he sees this. It's his favurite glass. He'll tell Mum.
    M: Please, Kathy, can I brrw $10? I'll buy him a new ne. And I'll clean up yur rm.
    Text 4
    W: I believe yur trip t France must have been amazing.
    M: Yes. We saw many interesting things.
    W: Which city was yur first stp?
    M: Our flight landed in Paris. It is the capital f France.
    Text 5
    W: The hmewrk is much t hard!
    M: It tk me abut tw hurs t d it.
    W: The teacher shuld have explained the lessn befre giving us the hmewrk.
    M: Well, maybe yur parents can help yu.
    Text 6
    M: Hell, Mary.
    W: Oh, hell, Mike. I'm lking fr a suitable library t study in.
    M: I ften g t the Natinal Library. It is suitable t us students. It is quiet in the reading rms. Yu can als use sme materials fr free if yu have a card. And the card is $100 a year.
    W: Hw abut the pening hurs?
    M: 8 a.m. t 10 p.m. n weekdays and 9 a.m. t 9 p.m. n weekends.
    W: Oh, gd. I think it's a suitable place fr studying.
    Text 7
    W: Is my bill ready, please?
    M: Yes, madam, here it is. Hw wuld yu like t pay? By Alipay r by WeChat Pay? It's $223.
    W: Well, let me see. One hundred, tw hundred and fifty dllars. Here yu are. That cvers the bill, and smething fr the waiter.
    M: Thank yu very much.
    Text 8
    W: Tday we are talking t Dctr Smith, wh is an expert n teenage health. Dctr, what is the mst imprtant thing fr teenagers wh want t be healthy?
    M: Exercise, and lts f it. A teenager needs abut an hur f gd exercise every day.
    W: That's a lt. Wn't they get tired?
    M: Nt if they get enugh sleep. A teenager needs abut 9 hurs a night. Gd sleep and lts f exercise can imprve yur schlwrk, t!
    W: Cl! What else?
    M: S many peple get sick because they dn't wash their hands ften enugh. Always wash yur hands befre a meal and after being utside.
    W: What abut fd?
    M: Of curse it's imprtant t eat well.
    W: S, n fast fd?
    M: Well, fast fd can be OK smetimes. But dn't eat it every day!
    Text 9
    W: Hw did yu g t Lmbk?
    M: Well. I was suppsed t fly frm New Yrk t Singapre and then take a cnnecting flight t Mataram in Lmbk, but the taxi I arranged turned up an hur late. I gt there just in time. I handed ver my bag but then, I fund I didn't have my passprt. S back hme I went t get it, and then ff t the airprt. At last I gt a later flight. But I had t fly t Bali and then take a ship t Lmbk.
    W: Oh. What abut Lmbk itself?
    M: It was beautiful and has a flat sandy beach. I went swimming but suddenly there was this huge fish passing by in frnt f me, and as it swam past I felt a sudden pain in my stmach. It hurt me. I started t head back t the beach. A taxi driver tk me t the hspital and the dctrs lked after me very well.
    W: S hw did yu spend the rest f yur time there?
    M: Well, the next day I went n t drive twards the highest muntain in Lmbk. I culdn't climb s I stpped t admire the beautiful sunset.
    W: That sunds great.
    Text 10
    M: The dlphin has been knwn as man's best friend. Once a 28-year-ld man wh went swimming in the Red Sea with a grup f dlphins, learnt the hard way just hw caring these creatures can be. When the man was suddenly attacked by a shark, they saved him by frming a circle arund him and frightening the shark away. It's nt the first time humans have been saved by dlphins and it's been knwn fr sme time that dlphins will d fr humans what they d fr their wn kind. They are, in fact the nly animals in the wrld whse brains match urs in terms f size, and their ability t feel emtin cntinues t attract scientists and dctrs. The nly creatures that cncern dlphins, in fact, are sharks and humans. We dn't necessarily harm them n purpse, but we catch them in fishing nets and we pllute the water they swim in. Pllutin, in fact, is ne f the dlphins' greatest prblems. S with all the gd they d fr us, isn't it time we started caring abut them?Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

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