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    The end f the schl year is ften when we celebrate student grwth.I knw hw imprtant it is fr students t lk back at everything they've achieved.
    Students dn't always remember hw far they've cme ver the year.When we praise students fr their grwth,we help them remember r see it themselves.This can help inspire them t cntinue learning.That's why I've written this letter t my fifth-grade students.
    I encurage yu t write yur wn letter t yur students.Persnalize it fr each student by adding a sticky nte r a handwritten message t pint ut specific grwth areas.
    1.The authr wrte the letter t students because ______ .
    A. it is a schl traditin
    B. she has much t tell them
    C. they remember hw far they've cme
    D. it can encurage them t keep learning
    2.What des the teacher hpe students remember? ______
    A. T set gals.B. T stay curius.
    C. T deal with stress.D. T build up cnfidence.
    3.The passage is intended fr ______ .
    A. TeachersB. ParentsC. TeenagersD. Schl leaders
    As a little by,the first time I stepped int the Taekwnd djang (跆拳道道场),I knew that I had discvered my interest.The physical training,mental fcus,and spiritual develpment f Taekwnd drew me in,and I started a jurney that wuld change my life.
    My jurney began as a White Belt filled with excitement.I was intrduced t the basic skills,frms,and principles f Taekwnd.With each belt prmtin (晋级),I faced new challenges.The training pushed me t test my limits and develp mental strength.Self-cntrl became the mst imprtant part f my training.Early mrnings and late nights were spent imprving skills,perfecting frms,and pushing myself t the edge f tiredness.Taekwnd taught me valuable lessns,nt just n the training flr but als in ther areas f my life.
    The path t the Black Belt was nt withut challenges.I experienced mments f frustratin (挫折) and wanted t give up.Hwever,it was during these challenging times that I discvered the pwer f determinatin (决心).With the supprt f my teachers and friends,I fund the strength t push thrugh the hard times.Each challenge became an pprtunity fr grwth.Dealing with these challenges strengthened my desire t becme a Black Belt and inspired me t keep pushing frward.
    Beynd the physical and mental aspects,the art has taught me t treat thers with kindness.It has allwed me t face life's challenges with a calm and fcused mind.Taekwnd has als taught me the imprtance f leadership,as I nw have the pprtunity t guide and inspire junir students n their wn jurneys.
    Finally,after years f training and persnal grwth,I stand befre yu as a Black Belt.I have grwn bth physically and mentally,gaining valuable life skills alng the way.As I cntinue my jurney,I lk frward t meeting new challenges and inspiring thers.
    4.What drew the authr in Taekwnd? ______
    A. The supprt f teachers.B. The interest in Taekwnd.
    C. The hpe t change his life.D. The decisin t start a jurney.
    5.What is the mst imprtant during the authr's training? ______
    A. Self-cntrl.B. Leadership.C. A calm mind.D. Determinatin.
    6.What d we knw abut the authr? ______
    A. He never thught f giving up.
    B. His friends pushed him frward.
    C. He is ready fr new challenges in life.
    D. His training was relaxing and meaningful.
    7.The authr wrte this passage t ______ .
    A. describe the training prcess
    B. express thankfulness t teachers
    C. inspire thers with persnal grwth
    D. shw the imprtance f friendship
    Getting lder ften invlves a series f challenges,such as cgnitive (认知的)decline,late-life depressin and scial islatin.In a sciety that is aging fast,it has becme imprtant t find ways t prmte successful aging t prevent and limit cgnitive and emtinal disrders.Music is a prmising tl fr imprving cgnitin and prmting well-being.
    Cgnitive reserve (储备) is the mind's pwer t stp age-related brain damage.Research has shwn that stimulating (令人兴奋的) life experiences are linked with higher pwer t prevent age-related brain diseases.Music is knwn t be cgnitively stimulating and it culd cntribute t building such reserve thrughut the life curse.Music makes unique demands n ur nervus system,like cgnitive cntrl.Fr example,lifelng musical expert knwledge and skills seem t reduce cgnitive decline.Hwever,it is nt necessary t be a prfessinal musician t benefit frm musical training.Research shws that even shrt-term musical training strengthens cgnitin in the elderly.
    The brain is built t change ver ur lifetime,which can be shaped by experience.Imprtantly,this happens ver time and in respnse t a specific new skill.Research studies have identified structural and functinal differences between the brains f musicians and nn-musicians,especially in regins related t mtr cntrl and auditry prcessing.Evidence shws that even shrt-term musical interventins (干预) can prmte brain plasticity and increase grey matter vlume.Even passive music listening can result in imprved cgnitive abilities.
    Music can pen frgtten drs t ur memries—such as weddings,schl dances,and parties—with little cgnitive effrt.Music helps t recall all the memries that yu have cnnected with a sng.The "reminiscence bump" is used t describe enhanced memry fr events that ccur during adlescence (青春期) and early adulthd that are ften sharp.A sng becmes a sundtrack fr a particular time,such as during a summer hanging ut with a specific grup f friends.
    Music has a great pwer t bring strng emtins and intense pleasure int yur mind,thus changing md.Music can be used as an aid fr escaping frm everyday life thrugh imaginatin f yur wn memries.Mrever,musical activities ften invlve scial functins prmting scial cntact,cperatin,and a sense f belnging with thers.
    In sum,music is a pwerful tl t fight against aging-related emtinal and cgnitive disrders.Music is als cnsidered as a scial activity,accessible t anyne regardless f backgrund.S,this interventin shuld becme a majr plicy pririty fr health y aging.
    8.What des Paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut music? ______
    A. The effect f music n musicians.
    B. The benefit f music fr cgnitin.
    C. The pwer f music ver lneliness.
    D. The demand f music n nervus system.
    9.The authr uses "reminiscence bump" in Paragraph 4 t ______ .
    A. intrduce a tpicB. prvide an pinin
    C. cmpare with musicD. explain an argument
    10.What can we learn frm the passage? ______
    A. Shrt-term musical training desn't wrk.
    B. The brain can't be influenced by experience.
    C. Music can be used t limit emtinal disrders.
    D. Music is a pwerful tl t fight against aging.
    Whenever anyne asks me what tech I'd like t see invented,I always say the universal translatr,which lets yu understand and speak any language.
    Meta AI recently annunced the start f the universal speech translatr (UST) prject,which aims t create AI systems that enable real-time speech-t-speech translatin acrss all languages,even thse that are spken but nt cmmnly written.Meta says that tday's AI translatin mdels are fcused n widely-used written languages,and that mre than 40% f primarily spken languages are nt cvered by such translatin technlgies.
    Accrding t Meta,the mdel is the first AI-pwered speech translatin system fr the unwritten language Hkkien (闽南语),a Chinese language spken in sutheastern China.The system allws Hkkien speakers t hld cnversatins with English speakers,a significant step tward bringing peple tgether wherever they are lcated.
    T build UST,Meta AI fcused n vercming three imprtant translatin system challenges.It addressed data scarcity by getting mre training data in mre languages and finding new ways t use the data it had fund.It slved the mdeling prblems that arise as mdels grw t serve many mre languages.And it sught new ways t imprve n its results.
    Meta AI claims that the techniques it pineered with Hkkien can be extended t many ther unwritten languages—and eventually wrk in real time.Fr this purpse,Meta has released the Speech Matrix,a large cllectin f speech-t-speech translatins,which enables ther research teams t create translatin mdels fr ther languages.
    Artificial (人工的) speech translatin culd play a significant rle in ur wrld.Fr interactins,it will enable peple frm arund the wrld t cmmunicate with each ther mre smthly,making the scial net mre intercnnected.Fr cntent,using artificial speech translatin allws yu t easily lcalize cntent.
    Yashar Behzadi,CEO and funder f Synthesis AI,believes that technlgy needs t enable mre natural experiences if the digital wrld is t succeed.He says that ne f the current challenges fr UST mdels is the cmputatinally expensive training that's needed because f the wide range and very slight differences in meaning r sund f languages.Als,t train strng AI mdels requires vast amunts f typical data.A significant bttleneck t building these AI mdels in the near future will be t ensure training data cllect the privacy in agreement with rules and law.
    11.What is the feature f the UST prject? ______
    A. It changes spken languages t written frms.
    B. It attracts wider attentin t written languages in translatin.
    C. It adds 40% f spken languages int translatin technlgy.
    D. It enables real-time speech-t-speech translatin acrss all languages.
    12.What des the wrd "scarcity" underlined in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean? ______
    A. Lack.B. Mistake.C. Recvery.D. Management.
    13.What d we knw abut UST? ______
    A. It is expensive t cllect typical data.
    B. It increases the use f a certain language.
    C. Its techniques are finally develped fr Hkkien.
    D. It helps inspire interactins and cntent lcalizatin.
    14.Which wuld be the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. AI Translatin:Make Translatin Faster
    B. AI Translatin:Meet Yu in All Languages
    C. Unwritten Language:Bring Peple Tgether
    D. Unwritten Language:Translatin Challenge
    Over the past century,the average lifespan(平均寿命) in develped cuntries has increased by 30 years,frm rughly age 50 t 80.
    ( 1) ______ But they have als created a new and imprtant gap:Healthspan (健康寿命),usually explained as the perid f life free f disease r disability,des nt always match lnger life.
    While lifespan is certainly an imprtant measure f health and well-being,it is nt the nly ne.(2) ______ That is because it emphasizes the imprtance f nt nly living a lng life but als living a healthy and prductive life.
    By a study based n the Wrld Health Organizatin,an American wh expects t live t 79 might first face serius disease at 63.(3) ______ Indeed,aging is the biggest risk fr cancer and heart disease.During the past 10 years,medicine has started t take a different way based n the bilgy f aging.The fcus shuld be n a lnger healthy life rather than just length f life,and slwing aging is the tl t d it.
    Lengthening healthspan starts with thinking abut aging well verall,meaning putting physical health,mental health,and daily lifestyle all in ne. (4) ______ It can reduce stress and the risk f chrnic health cnditins.
    Fr nw,there are sme familiar steps t extend healthspan:cmmn-sense nutritin,sleep,exercise and scial cnnectin are the fur main factrs. (5) ______ Fr example,regular exercise helps t prevent many diseases.
    A.Sme disease is less linked with lifestyle habits.
    B.It als means taking ways t feel jy and cnnectin.
    C.It is imprtant t remember that aging is a natural prcess.
    D.Lnger lifespans verall have been a public health success.
    E.That culd mean he will live in sickness fr at least 15 years.
    F.Healthspan is increasingly being knwn as an imprtant idea.
    G.The reasn thse things wrk is that they imprve the bilgy f aging.
    15.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    In 2022,my 4-year-ld sn,Tyler,needed t have a serius surgery (手术).My wife and I tk him t Children's Hspital.
    There were a lt f wrries in ur hearts in the waiting rm.When a nurse called us t the dctr's ffice,ur (1) ______ nly grew.A yung dctr tld us that he wuld perfrm the surgery and began t (2) ______ what the prcess (过程) wuld be and all the risks f a surgery like this.My mind went t the (3) ______ pssible result.I just culdn't help but feel like:What was I ging t d if I (4) ______ my sn?
    But he then did smething that was very (5) ______ He lked us bth in the eye,put a hand n each ne f ur shulders and said, "Yur sn is my sn." I will never (6) ______ that because that sent a calm thrugh me.What he said was very helpful and meaningful.
    After the surgery,he (7) ______ t us,lked us nce again in the eye and said, "Our sn is just fine,and yu culd see him here in a few minutes."
    I can't tell yu hw (8) ______ we bth were fr having him there and fr what he said t us.I'll never frget that dctr.And t this day,anytime I have a chance t vlunteer r dnate t Children's Hspital,I'll make sure I'm ne f the first nes in line.I hpe that I have the (9) ______ f seeing him again smeday t thank him fr his (10) ______ wrds
    20.A. fearB. shameC. pityD. pride
    21.A. imagineB. realizeC. explainD. challenge
    22.A. fastestB. latestC. lwestD. wrst
    23.A. trustedB. lstC. scaredD. missed
    24.A. secretB. unexpectedC. strangeD. creative
    25.A. acceptB. believeC. dubtD. frget
    26.A. lked upB. walked upC. pened upD. drve up
    27.A. srryB. angryC. thankfulD. regretful
    28.A. task.B. chiceC. signD. chance
    29.A. kindB. sharpC. bringD. simple
    The Hangzhu Asian Games is a significant sprting event.It was held in 2023 in Hangzhu China.It (1) ______ (bring) tgether tp athletes frm varius Asian (2) ______ ( cuntry) and regins t cmpete in a wide range f sprts,shwing the excellence and diversity f Asian sprts.The design f the trch (火炬)(3) ______ ( inspire) by the Liangzhu Culture.It presents t the wrld the unique creativity f Chinese design.
    Paper cutting is ne f the mst ppular Chinese traditins.We can see paper cutting wrks (4) ______ walls,windws,drs,mirrrs and s n.It is ppular because it is cheap and easy (5) ______ (make).Paper cutting wrks are usually made f red paper.Red is the mst ppular clr in Chinese culture. (6) ______ we need is simply a piece f paper and a knife r a pair f scissrs.(7) ______ t be gd at this art is nt easy at all because it needs much practice and imaginatin.
    Every day mst f us can rder and buy all srts f items nline,thanks t e-cmmerce platfrms such as Taba,JD and Pindudu.The number f peple (8) ______ are taking advantage f this quite cnvenient frm f shpping is great.Everything we rder (9) ______ ( cme) t ur dr,including tasty fd(10) ______ is packaged as fresh as it wuld be in the market.
    31.In the 1950s and 1960s,peple were widely using chemicals in agriculture,which plluted the fd web and brke the eggs f Bald Eagles.Cncern fr the birds helped t pass the Endangered Species (物种) Act (ESA) n December 28,1973.
    The ESA is nw 50 years ld.It is a vital part f prtectin effrts in America,but it cmes int play nly when a species is nearly gne.There is much we can d t prevent ur weak creatures frm needing the act in the first place.
    Recent studies have shwn that the best way t prtect species is t prtect their habitats (栖息地),because it fllws a sund,nature-based lgic.Peple and prgress depend n nature fr large benefits.Cmpared t recvering a species,prtecting habitats wn't need t decide which species is the mst serius case that shuld be treated first.
    In January 2023,a bill named Recvering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA)was passed,which wuld prvide significant funding fr prtectin f wildlife habitat that supprts species at risk.It basically mdernized the Pittman-Rbertsn Act in 1937,ne f the first species-prtectin acts in America.RAWA was ne f the mst imprtant acts in wildlife cnservatin in decades prviding $1.397 billin t fund lcal and state effrts nt nly t help recver endangered species but als prevent at-risk wildlife frm becming endangered.While this funding has wrked fr decades,the accelerating (加速) lss f bidiversity requires a new way and mre investment.
    Prtecting habitat desn't just prtect wildlife;it prtects humanity.If the desire t care fr ur wrld is nt enugh,it's wise t remember that if yu destry yur hme,yu des try yur life.
    (1) What is the disadvantage f ESA? ______
    (2) Why prtecting habitats is better than recvering a species? ______
    (3) Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement,then underline it and explain why.
    RAWA,a mdern versin f the Pittman-Rbertsn Act,mainly helps t save the species that are endangered. ______
    (4) Apart frm prtecting habitats,what else can we d t prtect animals?( In abut 40 wrds) ______
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段This can help inspire them t cntinue learning.That's why I've written this letter t my fifth-grade students.(这有助于激励他们继续学习。这就是我给五年级学生写这封信的原因。)可知作者给学生写这封信是因为它可以鼓励他们继续学习。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据表格内倒数第四段• Stay curius.(•保持好奇心。)可知老师希望学生记住的是保持好奇心。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段I encurage yu t write yur wn letter t yur students.(我鼓励你自己给学生写信。)可知这篇文章是写给教师的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段The physical training,mental fcus,and spiritual develpment f Taekwnd drew me in,and I started a jurney that wuld change my life.(跆拳道的体能训练、精力集中和精神发展吸引了我,我开始了一段改变我一生的旅程。)可知,跆拳道的好处吸引了他。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Self-cntrl became the mst imprtant part f my training.(自我控制成为我训练中最重要的部分。)可知,自我控制成为作者训练中最重要的部分。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段As I cntinue my jurney,I lk frward t meeting new challenges and inspiring thers.(在我继续我的旅程时,我期待着迎接新的挑战并激励他人。)可知,作者已准备好迎接生活中的新挑战。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段As I cntinue my jurney,I lk frward t meeting new challenges and inspiring thers.(随着我继续我的旅程,我期待着迎接新的挑战和激励他人。)可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是用个人成长激励他人。故选C。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。根据第二段Cgnitive reserve (储备) is the mind's pwer t stp age-related brain damage.Research has shwn that stimulating (令人兴奋的) life experiences are linked with higher pwer t prevent age-related brain diseases.Music is knwn t be cgnitively stimulating and it culd cntribute t building such reserve thrughut the life curse.Music makes unique demands n ur nervus system,like cgnitive cntrl.Fr example,lifelng musical expert knwledge and skills seem t reduce cgnitive decline.Hwever,it is nt necessary t be a prfessinal musician t benefit frm musical training.Research shws that even shrt-term musical training strengthens cgnitin in the elderly.(认知储备是大脑阻止与年龄相关的大脑损伤的力量。研究表明,刺激生活体验与更高的预防年龄相关脑部疾病的能力有关。众所周知,音乐具有刺激认知的作用,它有助于在整个生命过程中建立这种储备。音乐对我们的神经系统提出了独特的要求,比如认知控制。例如,终身音乐专家的知识和技能似乎可以减少认知能力的下降。然而,不一定要成为一名专业的音乐家才能从音乐训练中受益。研究表明,即使是短期的音乐训练也能增强老年人的认知能力。)可知,本段主要讲述了音乐对认知能力的好处。故选B。
    (2)写作目的题。根据第四段Music can pen frgtten drs t ur memries—such as weddings,schl dances,and parties—with little cgnitive effrt.Music helps t recall all the memries that yu have cnnected with a sng.The "reminiscence bump" is used t describe enhanced memry fr events that ccur during adlescence (青春期) and early adulthd that are ften sharp.A sng becmes a sundtrack fr a particular time,such as during a summer hanging ut with a specific grup f friends.(音乐可以打开我们被遗忘的记忆之门——比如婚礼、学校舞会和派对——只需很少的认知努力。音乐有助于回忆起与歌曲有关的所有记忆。"回忆碰撞"用于描述对青春期和成年早期发生的事件的记忆增强,这些事件通常很尖锐。一首歌会成为特定时间的原声音乐,比如在夏天和一群特定的朋友出去玩的时候。)可知,作者用reminiscence bump来解释前文提到的观点。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Meta AI recently annunced the start f the universal speech translatr (UST) prject,which aims t create AI systems that enable real-time speech-t-speech translatin acrss all languages,even thse that are spken but nt cmmnly written.(Meta AI最近宣布启动通用语音翻译(UST)项目,该项目旨在创建人工智能系统,实现所有语言的实时语音到语音翻译,即使是口语但不常用书写的语言。)可知,这个项目可以实现所有语言的实时语音到语音翻译。故选D。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第四段T build UST,Meta AI fcused n vercming three imprtant translatin system challenges.It addressed data scarcity by getting mre training data in mre languages and finding new ways t use the data it had fund.It slved the mdeling prblems that arise as mdels grw t serve many mre languages.And it sught new ways t imprve n its results.(为了构建UST,Meta AI专注于克服三个重要的翻译系统挑战。它通过用更多的语言获取更多的训练数据,并找到使用所发现数据的新方法来解决数据短缺问题。它解决了随着模型的发展为更多的语言服务而出现的建模问题。它还寻求新的方法来改进其结果。)可知,scarcity意为"短缺"。A.Lack.缺少;B.Mistake.错误;C.Recvery.恢复;D.Management.管理。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第六段Artificial (人工的) speech translatin culd play a significant rle in ur wrld.Fr interactins,it will enable peple frm arund the wrld t cmmunicate with each ther mre smthly,making the scial net mre intercnnected.Fr cntent,using artificial speech translatin allws yu t easily lcalize cntent.(人工语音翻译可以在我们的世界中发挥重要作用。在互动方面,它将使来自世界各地的人们能够更顺利地相互交流,使社交网络更加互联。对于内容,使用人工语音翻译可以轻松地本地化内容。)可知,它有助于激发互动和内容本地化。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。该短文主要介绍了Meta AI最近宣布了通用语音翻译(UST)项目的启动,旨在创建能够实现所有语言的实时语音到语音翻译的人工智能系统。该系统首次针对闽南语进行了AI语音翻译,使得闽南语使用者能够与英语使用者进行对话。Meta AI还解决了UST系统面临的数据稀缺、模型问题和改进结果的挑战,并发布了Speech Matrix,以便其他研究团队为其他语言创建翻译模型。人工语音翻译在人际交往和内容本地化方面将发挥重要作用。A.AI Translatin:Make Translatin Faster AI翻译:让翻译更快;B.AI Translatin:Meet Yu in All LanguagesAI翻译:用所有语言与您见面;C.Unwritten Language:Bring Peple Tgether非书面语言:将人们聚集在一起;D.Unwritten Language:Translatin Challenge 非书面语言:翻译挑战。C符合语意。故选C。
    该短文主要介绍了Meta AI最近宣布了通用语音翻译(UST)项目的启动,旨在创建能够实现所有语言的实时语音到语音翻译的人工智能系统。该系统首次针对闽南语进行了AI语音翻译,使得闽南语使用者能够与英语使用者进行对话。Meta AI还解决了UST系统面临的数据稀缺、模型问题和改进结果的挑战,并发布了Speech Matrix,以便其他研究团队为其他语言创建翻译模型。人工语音翻译在人际交往和内容本地化方面将发挥重要作用,但目前UST模型面临的挑战包括训练的计算成本高和大量典型数据的需求。
    【解析】(1)联系下文题。根据后文But they have als created a new and imprtant gap:Healthspan (健康寿命),usually explained as the perid f life free f disease r disability,des nt always match lnger life.(但它们也造成了一个新的重要差距:健康寿命,通常被解释为没有疾病或残疾的寿命并不总是与更长的寿命相匹配。)可知,设空处和后文是转折关系。D.Lnger lifespans verall have been a public health success."总体而言,延长寿命是公共卫生的成功。"符合语意。故选D。
    (2)联系下文题。根据后文That is because it emphasizes the imprtance f nt nly living a lng life but als living a healthy and prductive life.(这是因为它不仅强调长寿的重要性,而且强调健康和富有成效的生活的重要性。)可知, it指代healthspan,后文是对健康寿命的介绍。前文需要提到健康寿命,F.Healthspan is increasingly being knwn as an imprtant idea."健康寿命越来越被认为是一个重要的概念。"符合语意,故选F。
    (3)联系上文题。根据前文By a study based n the Wrld Health Organizatin,an American wh expects t live t 79 might first face serius disease at 63.(根据世界卫生组织的一项研究,一个预期活到79岁的美国人可能在63岁时首次面临严重疾病。)可知,前文指的是一个想活到79岁的人在63随时可能就会遇到严重疾病,E.That culd mean he will live in sickness fr at least 15 years."这可能意味着他将在病痛中生活至少15年。"中提到he指代上文的the American,符合语意。故选E。
    (4)联系上文题。根据上文Lengthening healthspan starts with thinking abut aging well verall,meaning putting physical health,mental health,and daily lifestyle all in ne. (延长健康寿命始于对衰老的全面思考,这意味着将身体健康、心理健康和日常生活方式融为一体。)可知,前文介绍延长健康寿命意味着什么。B.It als means taking ways t feel jy and cnnectin."这也意味着采取一些方式来感受快乐和联系。"中als表示它与前文是递进关系,故选B。
    (5)语境衔接题。根据前文Fr nw,there are sme familiar steps t extend healthspan:cmmn-sense nutritin,sleep,exercise and scial cnnectin are the fur main factrs. (目前,有一些常见的步骤可以延长健康寿命:常识性营养、睡眠、锻炼和社会联系是四个主要因素。)以及后文Fr example,regular exercise helps t prevent many diseases.(例如,经常锻炼有助于预防许多疾病。)可知,前文介绍了四个主要因素,接下来举例说明这四个因素可以延长健康。G.The reasn thse things wrk is that they imprve the bilgy f aging."这些东西之所以有效,是因为它们改善了衰老的生物学特性。"描述这四个因素可以延长健康的原因,符合语意。故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.fear恐惧;B.shame羞耻;C.pity同情,怜悯;D.pride骄傲。句意:当一位护士把我们叫到医生办公室时,我们的恐惧增加了。根据前文There were a lt f wrries in ur hearts in the waiting rm可知,我们当时非常担心,被叫到医生办公室时应该是恐惧增加了。故选A。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.imagine想象;B.realize意识到;C.explain解释;D.challenge挑战。句意:一位年轻的医生告诉我们,他将进行手术,并开始解释手术的过程和所有风险。根据后半句what the prcess (过程) wuld be and all the risks f a surgery like this可知,医生向我们解释手术过程和风险。故选C。
    (3)考查形容词最高级及语境理解。A.fastest最快的;B.latest最新的;C.lwest最低的;D.wrst最差的。句意:我想到了最坏的结果。根据前文A yung dctr tld us that he wuld perfrm the surgery and began t (2)what the prcess (过程) wuld be and all the risks f a surgery like this可知,医生告诉可能存在的风险后,我应该是想到了最坏的结果。故选D。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.secret秘密;B.unexpected出乎意料的;C.strange奇怪的,陌生的;D.creative有创造力的。句意:但他随后做了一件出乎意料的事。根据后文He lked us bth in the eye,put a hand n each ne f ur shulders and said, "Yur sn is my sn." 可知,医生的话是我们没有预料到的。故选B。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.accept接受;B.believe相信;C.dubt怀疑;D.frget忘记。句意:我永远不会忘记这一点,因为这让我感到平静。根据后文I hpe that I have the (9)f seeing him again smeday t thank him fr his (10)wrds可知,我不会忘记医生所说的话。根据故选D。
    (7)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.lked up抬头看;B.walked up向上走;C.pened up打开;D.drve up往前开车。句意:手术后,他走到我们面前,再次看着我们的眼睛说:"我们的儿子很好,几分钟后你就可以在这里看到他了。"根据句意可知,手术后,医生应该是走到我们面前。故选B。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.srry抱歉;B.angry生气的;C.thankful感激的;D.regretful后悔的。句意:我无法告诉你我们有多感激有他在,以及他对我们说的话。根据后文we bth were fr having him there and fr what he said t us.可知,我们非常感激医生。故选C。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.kind有好的;B.sharp锋利的;C.bring令人无聊的;D.simple简单的。句意:我希望有一天我有机会再见到他,感谢他说的友好的话。根据前文 I can't tell yu hw (8)we bth were fr having him there and fr what he said t us可知,我感激医生对我们说的友善的话。故选A。
    【小题3】was inspired
    【小题5】t make
    【小题9】will cme
    (2)考查可数名词复数。句意:它汇集了来自亚洲各个国家和地区的顶尖运动员,参加了广泛的体育比赛,展示了亚洲体育的卓越性和多样性。根据空格前的限定词varius Asian可知,可数名词cuntry应用复数cuntries。故填cuntries。
    (3)考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:火炬的设计灵感来自良渚文化。根据句子结构和意思可知,火炬的设计发生在过去且受到良渚文化的影响,句子应用一般过去时被动语态,结合句子主语the design是单数形式,be应用was。故填was inspired。
    (4)考查介词。句意:我们可以在墙壁、窗户、门、镜子等上看到剪纸作品。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填介词n和其后的walls,windws,drs,mirrrs and s n构成介词短语作宾补。故填n。
    (5)考查动词不定式。句意:它很受欢迎,因为它便宜而且容易制作。分析句子结构可知,it is cheap and easy(5)____(make)是固定句式,it作形式主语,真正的主语应用动词不定式t make。故填t make。
    (6)考查连接代词。句意:我们只需要一张纸、一把刀或一把剪刀。分析句子结构可知,(6)____ we need是主语从句,意为"我们所需要的",它缺少宾语,应填what作从句宾语,句首单词首字母要大写。故填What。
    (7)考查连词。句意:但要擅长这门艺术并不容易,因为它需要大量的实践和想象。结合上文It is ppular because it is cheap and easy (5)___(make).(它很受欢迎,因为它便宜而且容易制作。)可知,空格处表示转折关系,应填连词but,句首单词首字母要大写。故填But。
    (8)考查关系代词。句意:利用这种非常方便的购物方式的人数太多了。分析句子结构可知,先行词peple指人,空格处应填关系代词wh/that在定语从句(8)____ are taking advantage f this quite cnvenient frm f shpping中作主语。故填wh/that。
    (9)考查动词时态。句意:我们订购的所有东西都会送到我们家门口,包括包装和市场上一样新鲜的美味食物。根据句意结合生活常识可知,在网上订购的商品会在下单成功后送到指定地址,句子应用一般将来时,空格处应填will cme。故填will cme。
    (10)考查关系代词。句意:我们订购的所有东西都会送到我们家门口,包括包装和市场上一样新鲜的美味食物。分析句子结构可知,先行词tasty fd指物,空格处应填关系代词which/that在定语从句(10)____ is packaged as fresh as it wuld be in the market中作主语。故填which/that。
    31.【答案】【小题1】It cmes int play nly when a species is nearly gne.
    【小题2】Cmpared t recvering a species,prtecting habitats wn't need t decide which species is the mst serius case that shuld be treated first.
    【小题3】RAWA,a mdern versin f the Pittman-Rbertsn Act, mainly helps t save the species that are endangered.Because it wuld prvide significant funding fr prtectin f wildlife habitat that supprts species at risk.
    【小题4】Actively participating in affrestatin activities,increasing green areas,prviding mre habitats fr animals,and als helping t absrb carbn dixide frm the atmsphere,alleviating the impact f glbal warming n the living envirnment f animals.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段The ESA is nw 50 years ld.It is a vital part f prtectin effrts in America,but it cmes int play nly when a species is nearly gne.(《濒危物种法》已经有50年的历史了。它是美国保护工作的重要组成部分,但只有当一个物种几乎消失时,它才会发挥作用。)可知,只有当一个物种几乎消失时,《濒危物种法》才会发挥作用。故填It cmes int play nly when a species is nearly gne.
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Cmpared t recvering a species,prtecting habitats wn't need t decide which species is the mst serius case that shuld be treated first.(与恢复一个物种相比,保护栖息地不需要决定哪种物种是最严重的,应该首先被治疗。)可知,与恢复一个物种相比,保护栖息地不需要决定哪种物种是最严重的,应该首先被治疗。故填Cmpared t recvering a species,prtecting habitats wn't need t decide which species is the mst serius case that shuld be treated first.
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段In January 2023,a bill named Recvering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA)was passed,which wuld prvide significant funding fr prtectin f wildlife habitat that supprts species at risk.It basically mdernized the Pittman-Rbertsn Act in 1937,ne f the first species-prtectin acts in America.RAWA was ne f the mst imprtant acts in wildlife cnservatin in decades prviding $1.397 billin t fund lcal and state effrts nt nly t help recver endangered species but als prevent at-risk wildlife frm becming endangered.(2023年1月,一项名为《恢复美国野生动物法》(RAWA)的法案获得通过,该法案将为保护野生动物栖息地提供大量资金,以支持面临风险的物种。它基本上使1937年的《皮特曼-罗伯逊法案》现代化,这是美国最早的物种保护法案之一。RAWA是几十年来野生动物保护领域最重要的行动之一,提供了13.97亿美元,用于资助地方和州政府的努力,不仅帮助恢复濒危物种,还防止有风险的野生动物濒临灭绝。)可知,该法案将为保护野生动物栖息地提供大量资金,以支持面临风险的物种。故填RAWA,a mdern versin f the Pittman-Rbertsn Act, mainly helps t save the species that are endangered.Because it wuld prvide significant funding fr prtectin f wildlife habitat that supprts species at risk.
    (4)开放回答题。除了保护栖息地,我们还可以积极参与植树造林活动,增加绿化面积,为动物提供更多栖息地,同时也有助于吸收大气中的二氧化碳,缓解全球变暖对动物生存环境的影响。故填Actively participating in affrestatin activities,increasing green areas,prviding mre habitats fr animals,and als helping t absrb carbn dixide frm the atmsphere,alleviating the impact f glbal warming n the living envirnment f animals.
    32.【答案】Dear Jim,
    Hearing that yu are planning a club activity with the theme f "Green Beijing" and need my help,I am writing t ffer yu my suggestins.【高分句型一】(写信目的)
    I think yu can carry ut this activity in an interactive and experiential manner,which means students can participate and have a better understanding f "Green Beijing" thrugh getting invlved in different activities by themselves. (活动形式)Yu can shwcase garbage classificatin n site,plant trees and publicize sharing ecnmy,which will all fit int the theme f "Green Beijing".【高分句型二】(活动内容)
    Hpefully,yu will get sme inspiratin frm my suggestins.Wish yu success.(表达希望)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Hearing that yu are planning a club activity with the theme f "Green Beijing" and need my help,I am writing t ffer yu my suggestins.
    分析:本句运用了现在分词短语Hearing that yu are planning a club activity with the theme f "Green Beijing" and need my help作状语和that引导的宾语从句。
    高分句型二:Yu can shwcase garbage classificatin n site,plant trees and publicize sharing ecnmy,which will all fit int the theme f "Green Beijing".
    第三步:遣词造句,套用句型,上下衔接,地道表达,行文成篇。Dear Students,
    I can't believe it,but we're cming t the end f ur schl year.Let's lk back at all yu've dne this year.
    I saw yu learn t set gals,fcus n learning,and find ways t deal with stress.I saw yur cnfidence sar thrughut the year.I saw yu explre yur interests and yu taught me abut the prblems yu care deeply abut.I feel gd knwing the wrld is in yur hands!
    As yu lk back at all f these achievements,here are a few things I hpe yu remember next schl year.
    • Lifelng learners ask questins.Yu've learned hw t ask this year,s keep asking!
    • Stay curius.Yu are s much mre than what can ever be shwn with a test scre r a grade.
    • Dn't be afraid t make mistakes.Use mistakes as chances t learn and grw.
    • Cntinue t get alng well with yur friends and teachers.
    I can tell yu hw lucky I was t be yur teacher.

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