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    这是一份重庆市乌江新高考协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题,文件包含英语试卷docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What wuld the man like t rder?
    A.Sme cffee.B.Sme apple juice.C.A cup f tea.
    2. Which prgram des the man like best?
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Salesgirl and custmer.B.Wife and husband.C.Passenger and driver.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.In a bank.B.In a department stre.C.In a ticket ffice.
    5. When did the fire prbably break ut?
    A.At abut 7.B.At abut 8.C.At abut 9.
    6. What des the man’s friend want t drink?
    A.Orange juice.B.Milk with sugar.C.Cffee with milk.
    7. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A.10 yuan.B.90 yuan.C.100 yuan.
    8. Wh did Fred have a fight with last night?
    A.A strekeeper.B.A pliceman.C.His brther.
    9. Where is Fred nw?
    A.At hme.B.In the hspital.C.In the plice statin.
    10. Whse huse is the girl ging t n Sunday?
    11. What will the girl prbably d n Friday?
    A.See a mvie.B.G shpping.C.Watch a basketball game.
    12. Why des the girl want her father t buy a new backpack fr her?
    A.Her backpack is lst.B.Her backpack is brken.C.Her backpack is full f bks.
    13. In which place did Lisa find the wallet?
    A.A park.B.A parking lt.C.A shpping mall.
    14. What is inside the wallet?
    A.A pht f a persn.
    B.Sme paper and an ID card.
    C.Sme mney and business cards.
    15. Wh des the wallet prbably belng t?
    A.A businessman.B.An ld lady.C.A schl by.
    16. Hw will Lisa get in tuch with the wallet’s wner?
    A.By making a telephne call.
    B.By asking the plice fr help.
    C.By waiting where she fund the wallet.
    17. Wh use camels in their sprts?
    A.Americans.B.The Arabs.C.Chinese peple.
    18. Which sprt listed belw has the lngest histry?
    19. Hw ld is vlleyball sprt?
    A.Belw 200 years.B.Abut 300 years.C.Over 1, 000 years.
    20. What ften cmes ut f a game in the speaker’s pinin?
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The tw-week Harvard Pre-Cllege Prgram is an intense and exciting experience f the cllege life. The admissin cmmittee is nw lking fr mature, academically mtivated students wh will graduate frm high schl and enter cllege in 2022.
    The Curse Experience
    With ver 30 curses t chse frm, yu’re sure t find a tpic that interests yu. Althugh curses are nn-credit and d nt have letter grades, yu need t attend the class in its entirety. When class is nt in sessin, yu can participate in creative and scial activities. At the end f the prgram, yu’ll receive a written evaluatin frm yur instructr, as well as a transcript (成绩单).
    ·July 24 — August 5
    Hw t Apply
    Cmplete an nline applicatin and prvide supplemental (补充的) materials, including:
    ·The $75 nn-refundable applicatin fee.
    ·Transcripts frm 9th grade t fall 2021 grades: This can include prgress reprts, reprt cards, and educatinal summaries frm yur high schl
    ·If English is nt yur native language, submit scres frm the TOEFL IBT r IELTS language prficiency exam alng with yur applicatin.
    Cst & Aid
    The ttal fee fr a Harvard Pre-Cllege Prgram 2022 sessin is $4,950. The prgram fee includes tuitin, rm and bard, and activity csts fr the full tw weeks. There is als a nn-refundable $75 applicatin fee and $100 health insurance.
    A limited number f schlarships are available t assist students wh demnstrate financial need. Awards vary based n need, and atypical award cvers part f the tuitin.
    Hw t cntact us
    Interested in learning mre abut the prgram? Cmplete ur request frm, and a member f cur team will cntact yu.
    Phne:(617) 495-4023
    Email: precllege@
    21.Which is a requirement fr students attending the curse?
    A.Cmpleting 30 curses.B.Getting required credits.
    C.Having a full attendance.D.Priritizing scial activities.
    22.What shuld be included in supplemental materials?
    A.Health certificate.B.Academic cnditins.
    C.Financial declaratin.D.Persnal integrity.
    23.What’s the full payment fr an admitted student n the prgram?
    Mre than ne-third f the wrld’s fd is wasted r thrwn away, mst f which ends up in landfills, prducing very large amunts f planet-warming greenhuse gases. Nw, many studies shw that it is becming harder t grw enugh fd t feed an increasing ppulatin due t climate change and sil degradatin.
    But ne f the mst prmising and simplest slutins lies in the prblem itself: this wasted fd — if cmpsted (堆肥) — culd slw climate change and imprve sil quality. Higher-quality sil als cntinues t absrb mre carbn frm the atmsphere, helping t imprve plants and cntributing further t fighting climate change. Returning ne tn f rganic matter t each hectare f sil wuld increase the prductin f cereal crps each year in Africa, Asia and Suth America by millins f tns.
    While it is true that peple can cmpst in their yards, cmmunity gardens, r even n their kitchen cunters, larger-scale effrts, including infrastructure (基础设施) and incentives (激励) fr cnsumers, wuld take it t the next level. Imagine if cnsumers culd just leave unwanted fd in a radside bin fr pickup, r drp it ff at a lcal stre, earning a few cents a bucket, just like what has been ffered fr recycling bttles r newspapers.
    Mrever, in the case f cmpsting, the payment incentive system wuld be sustainable because the end-prduct f cmpst can be sld t farmers, making it an ecnmically wrkable mdel, smething that is ften lacking in recycling, especially fr certain materials, like many types f plastics.
    Eventually, mre widespread cmpsting f fd wuld pave the way fr slutins t additinal waste challenges, such as the dispsal f packaging and clthing. This will have ther psitive effects as well; if mre cnsumers cmpst, cmpanies will be mre inspired t make and use cmpstable packaging, clthing, and ther prducts. While mre cmpstable items are starting t emerge tday, additinal cmpsting will further drive demand and innvatin, and ffer a game-changing slutin fr the planet.
    24.What is paragraph 1 mainly abut?
    A.The uneven distributin f fd arund the wrld.
    B.The burden f ppulatin grwth n the planet.
    C.The urgency f prperly dealing with wasted fd.
    D.The great impact f climate change n fd.
    25.What can be learned abut the apprach t cmpsting wasted fd?
    A.A gd system is needed t carry ut it effectively.
    B.It wuld take a lng term t have an effect.
    C.It is nly wrkable n a small scale.
    D.It may raise peple’s awareness f reducing fd waste.
    26.What des the authr think f the payment incentive system f cmpsting fd?
    A.It is highly prfitable.
    B.It is easy t carry ut.
    C.It is a sustainable ecnmic cycle pattern.
    D.It is mre effective than ther recycling systems.
    27.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Hw Wasted Fd Culd Be Reduced
    B.Hw Wasted Fd Culd Save the Planet
    C.Hw Wasted Fd Culd Impact Humans
    D.Hw Wasted Fd Culd Becme a Business
    Obese peple experience discriminatin (歧视) in many parts f their lives, and the wrkplace is n exceptin. Studies have lng shwn that bese wrkers, defined as thse with a bdy-mass index (BMI) f 30 r mre, earn significantly less than their slimmer c-wrkers.
    Yet the csts f weight discriminatin may be even greater than previusly thught. “The verwhelming evidence,” wrte the Institute fr emplyment Studies, “is that it is nly wmen living with besity wh experience the besity wage penalty (薪资损失).” They were expressing a view that is widely aired in academic papers. T test it, The Ecnmist has analyzed data cncerning 23,000 wrkers frm the American Time Use Survey, cnducted by the Bureau f Labur Statistics. Our number-prcessing suggests that, in fact, being bese hurts the earnings f bth wmen and men.
    The data we analyzed cver men and wmen aged between 25 and 54 and in full-time emplyment. At a general level, it is true that men’s BMIs are unrelated t their wages. But that changes fr men with university degrees. Fr them, besity is assciated with a wage penalty f nearly 8%, even after accunting fr the separate effects f age, race, graduate educatin and marital status.
    The cnclusin — that well-educated wrkers in particular are penalized fr their weight — hlds fr bth sexes. Mrever, the higher yur level f educatin, the greater the penalty. We fund that bese men with a Bachelr’s degree (学士学位) earn 5% less than their thinner clleagues, while thse with a Master’s degree earn 14% less. Obese wmen, it is true, still have it wrse: fr them, the equivalent figures are 12% and 19%, respectively (分别地).
    Yur line f wrk makes a difference, t. When we dealt with the numbers fr individual ccupatins and industries, we fund the greatest differences in high-skilled jbs. Obese wrkers in health care, fr example, make 11% less than their slimmer clleagues; thse in management rles make rughly 9% less, n average. In sectrs such as cnstructin and agriculture, meanwhile, besity is actually assciated with higher wages.
    These results suggest that the ttal csts f wage discriminatin brne by verweight wrkers in America are greater than expected. Nw, it’s time fr ur gvernments t take it seriusly.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “it” refer t in paragraph 2?
    A.Obese men earn less salary.
    B.Only bese wmen earn less salary.
    C.Bth bese men and wmen earn less salary.
    D.Weight discriminatin may be greater than previusly thught.
    29.Wh may experience mre discriminatin cmpared t their clleagues accrding t the data?
    A.A fat wman ffice directr.
    B.An bese cnstructin wrker.
    C.An bese man with a bachelr’s degree.
    D.A heavier female dctr with a Dctr’s degree.
    30.What is the writer’s attitude f verweight discriminatin?
    31.What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A.Overweight discriminatin in ther cuntries.
    B.The reasn f discriminating bese peple in their lives.
    C.American peple’s attitude twards verweight discriminatin.
    D.Actins taken against verweight discriminatin in wrkplaces.
    Placed befre yu are tw pts. Each cntains 100 balls. Yu are given a clear descriptin f the first pt’s cntents, in which there are 50 red balls and 50 black balls. The ecnmist running the experiment is tight-lipped abut the secnd, saying nly that there are 100 balls divided between red and black in sme percentage. Then yu are ffered a chice. Pick a red ball frm a pt and yu will get a millin dllars. Which pt wuld yu like t pull frm? Nw try again, but select a black ball. Which pt this time? Mst peple chse the first pt bth times, despite such a chice implying that there are bth mre and fewer red balls than in the secnd pt.
    This fact is knwn as the Ellsberg paradx after Daniel Ellsberg, wh called the behaviur hate uncertainty. It reveals a deeper prblem facing the wrld as it struggles with climate change.
    Ignrance f the future carries a cst tday: uncertainty makes risks uninsurable, r at the very least expensive. The less insurers knw abut risks, the mre capital they need t prtect their balance-sheets against pssible lsses.
    Insurance is a tl f climate adaptatin. Indeed, insurance calculatrs have as big a rle t play as activists in the fight against climate change. Withut insurance, thse whse hmes burn in a wildfire r are destryed by a fld will lse everything. Insurance can als be a mtive fr crrective actin. Higher insurance expenses, which accurately reflect risk, stimulate peple t adapt sner, whether by discuraging building in risky areas r encuraging peple t mve away frm high fire risk land. If prices are wrng, sciety will be mre hurt by a htter wrld than therwise wuld be the case. Pliticians cnsidering financial aid fr hme insurance n fld plains ught t nte.
    32.The experiment f the tw pts shws that ___________.
    A.instinct smetimes wrks better than reasningB.mst peple prefer predictability t uncertainty
    C.peple are willing t take risks t get a rewardD.it is impssible t always make the right decisin
    33.What’s the functins f insurance?
    A.It raises peple’s awareness f climate change.
    B.It prevents peple frm taking risks.
    C.It mtivates peple t adapt t risky envirnment.
    D.It helps climate refugees t relcate.
    34.What’s authr’s attitude twards financial aids fr hme insurance?
    35.Which f the fllwing culd be the best title fr the text?
    A.Preventin is better than remedy
    B.Imprving frecast can reduce uncertainty
    C.Uncertainty pushes up the price f insurance
    D.Speedy actin is urgently needed fr climate change
    With everything ging n in the wrld, it’s n wnder s many f us are struggling t sleep. 36 And it’s hard t fall back asleep again. Hwever, simple steps befre bed can help. Test yur pillw. If yu bught yur pillw in 2022, it’s already ld. The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests replacing yur pillw everyne t tw years. 37 “When yur brain is sending pain signals, it can’t send sleep signals,” says Dr Michael J Breus, a clinical psychlgist and sleep specialist.
    Get an hur f sunlight each day. Mrning sunlight is imprtant fr gd sleep. T get mre rays, aim fr 15 t 30 minutes f direct light in the mrning. 38 The light cues yur brain that it’s time t be awake and prevents yu frm prducing melatnin befre bedtime. When yu’re inside, pen the shades.
    Skip salty snacks befre bed. In a Japanese study, researchers fllwed 321 patients with high-saltdiets and sleep issues fr 12 weeks. 39 And thse wh cnsumed mre salt wke up mre ften t g t the bathrm.
    40 If yu need t air cmplaints t yur family, dn’t wait until night. Tugh discussins are less likely t disturb yur sund sleep if yu initiate them earlier. Arguments can activate yur sympathetic nervus system, which disturbs sleep. Sme research even suggests that ging t bed angry may make yu bad-tempered the next mrning.
    A.Avid arguments with yur family.
    B.Handle yur trubles befre dinner.
    C.Next,take tw 15-minute utdr breaks during the day.
    D.It cntributes t gd health when expsed t light.
    E.It’s nrmal t wake up at night,especially as yu age.
    F.A used ne in the past can cause neck pain and restless sleep.
    G.When peple cut them dwn,their average tilet trips decreased.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In my early childhd, I was cnvinced that persistence is the nly way twards success. But a small incident made me change my mind.
    One day my tw-year-ld sn, 41 at a dzen f “std” clr marker­pens, cheered excitedly, “Mummy, lk! I did it.” Afterwards, he cllected sme ball­pens, 42 t d the same. Hard thugh he tried, the ball­pens just lay 43 . He turned t me fr help. Nticing they had either sharp r rund ends, I said 44 , “Mummy can’t help yu.” T my surprise, he wuldn’t listen and cntinued trying. I was struck by his persistence.
    My sn’s behaviur reminded me f Gerge wh was always 45 in his wrk and rarely talked t anyne. T him, therefre, there was n such thing called weekends r hlidays. Our bss praised 46 abut him and inspired us t lk up t him as a rle mdel.
    One day I met Gerge. “Gnna wrk late again tnight?”
    “Prbably can’t leave till midnight,” he said.
    “Hw many hurs have yu put in here each week, eighty r ninety?”
    “ 47 .”
    “Dn’t yu have time t be with yur family at all?”
    He shk his head slwly and 48 a sigh. “It’s nt what I wanted. But I have wrked n it fr s lng. It’s much t 49 t even think abut letting g.”
    A year later I resigned. The 50 thing I heard abut him was that his wife divrced him. Since then I’ve never seen him. But ccasinally his aged 51 wuld cme t my mind.
    Until that day, withut knwing why the ball­pens culdn’t stand up, the tw­year­ld had 52 the impssibility after many failures. He put aside all the ball­pens and kept nly thse water markers fr his “game”. 53 , he already learned t let g f his previus 54 attempts.
    In ur daily life, many headaches can be avided if we knw hw t 55 them and then let g f them immediately.
    47.A.At randmB.At timesC.At mstD.At least
    48.A.let utB.let ffC.sent ffD.sent ut
    Traveling n an airplane can be a very tiring task even in the best f circumstances.
    A teenage by with Dwn syndrme (唐氏综合征) wh was traveling with his family had becme upset and wuld nt return t his seat, in spite f the cabin crew’s warnings ver the ludspeaker that it was almst time t land. In terms f such 56 situatin, the pilt was frced t circle abve the airprt 57 (temprary), delaying (延迟) the landing and angering peple n the already tense flight.
    Thugh the by’s elderly parents and adult brthers and sisters tried t persuade him t get ff the flr and back int his seat, he was 58 (ppse) t their advice reslutely. They seemed t be 59 despair. Subsequently, Murphy, 42 — wh had been a teacher fr abut 20 years-glanced at the by, std up and quickly headed t the back f the plane.
    She fund the by in the passage between rws f seats, lying n his belly (腹部). S she als lay dwn n her stmach t face him. She began chatting calmly with him, 60 (ask) his name, his favrite bk, and his favrite characters. He tld her he felt sick and she tried t cmfrt him. Minutes later, he allwed her t hld his hand — and then tgether they gt prperly back int the airplane seats. Murphy asked fr sick bags. and held them as the by threw up (呕吐) several times. As she helped him clean up, she repeatedly tld him everything wuld be kay and that they’d get thrugh it tgether.
    Thanks t his timely assistance, the plane was finally able t land safely n the grund. 61 ne might expect, n ne was impatient t step ff the flight with parcels. Instead, calmed passengers — bviusly fllwing Murphy’s amazing example — allwed the by and his family 62 (depart) first, smiling at them as they passed. His parents said they culdn’t thank Murphy enugh fr what 63 (d) by her already, and a dctr sitting nearby als let her knw he had even taken ntes n her expert way f having the situatin handled. The dctr said, “Yu 64 have dealt with such a kind f case befre, haven’t yu? Yur gd deeds have made an impressin n us. I want t express my deep 65 (appreciate) fr yu.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66.假定你是李华,昨天你校组织全体师生进行了一次消防演练活动,请为校英文报写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:1. 活动目的;2. 演练经过;3. 活动反响。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    3. 参考词汇:evacuate 疏散,撤离 fire extinguishers 灭火器
    A Firefighting Drill
    67.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段 ,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Sptted lanternflies (斑点灯笼蝇) are an invasive species. Since 2014, they have been seen all acrss the eastern United States. The insects are harmful t many plants, and can disturb entire ecsystems. State fficials have urged peple t kill sptted lanternflies wherever they see them.
    When Jy saw the pests in her schl curtyard, she thught she had t d smething. “I’ve always wanted t take envirnmental actin,” she says, “and shw peple that n ne is ever t small t make a difference.”
    S she started a club called Squash (压扁). Its missin is t kill sptted lanternflies arund the schl. Mre than 20 students have jined. At first, they trapped the pests in empty water bttles and then squashed them. In a single day, the club managed t kill mre than a hundred sptted lanternflies.
    Jy wanted t d mre. With research, she discvered a plant called milkweed. It’s nutritius fr pllinatrs (传粉昆虫) such as mnarch butterflies but pisnus t sptted lanternflies. Jy thught that using milkweed alng with the traps made specifically fr sptted lanternflies wuld be a better way t kill them. The issue was that they didn’t have enugh mney t buy milkweed and the traps.
    The kids were hping t raise mney fr their schl t address the big prblem. Their gal was t raise $200, the cst f the equipment needed t kill sptted lanternflies arund their schl. They gt part f the way there, with abut $75. They decided t attract mre fundraisers. “We discvered that if yu find yur vice,” Jy says, “yu can d much mre.”
    In May, Jy and ther students frm Squash gathered in Clumbus Park, in New Yrk City. They set up a table with lemnade, ckies, and rigami figures fr sale. The mney will be used t buy milkweed and the traps.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    T attract mre attentin, the students divided their wrk int varius rles.
    As the day prgressed, the students’ effrts paid ff.

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