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    Unit 3 Family Matters  Starting out & Understanding ideas课件04
    Unit 3 Family Matters  Starting out & Understanding ideas课件05
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters课文内容课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters课文内容课件ppt,共51页。

    Starting ut
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.1 What is the vide mainly abut?2 Hw d yu feel abut the family?
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.1 What is the vide mainly abut? 2 Hw d yu feel abut the family?
    It’s abut an American family welcming Grandpa and exchanging presents with him.
    Lk at the pictures and answer the questins. Father and Sn The vn Trapp family ·Father and Sn(cmic) ·The Sund f Music(film) ·Germany ·Austria The Xia family The Parr family ·Hme with Kids(sitcm) ·The Incredibles(film) ·China ·United States
    Lk at the pictures and answer the questins. 1 What d yu already knw abut these families? Which family d yu relate t mst? Give yur reasns. 2 What ther family stries d yu knw?
    ·Father and Sn:The sn is quite naughty and always makes sme truble fr his dad. But smetimes the by is lvely and des sme mving things.·The vn Trapp family:Agathe vn Trapp,the eldest daughter f a well-knwn musical family,vercmes many bstacles t cntinue her career.·The Xia family:The children’s educatin and their grwth.·The Parr family:Thugh the family have super pwer,they want t live an rdinary life.
    Understanding ideas
    Tick the things yu wuld ask yur parents abut fr advice. □ schl studies □ friendship trubles □ jining an after-schl club □ getting a new hairstyle □ shpping fr new clthes and shes □ chsing yur future area f study
    Read the play and find ut what cnflict the sn has with his father.
    The sn wants t have a career in music after graduating frm senir high schl,while his father wants him t g t university and becme a lawyer.
    Chse anther suitable title fr the play and give yur reasns.1 The Secret t a Happy Family 2 A Generatin Gap3 A Dream Jb 4 Grandfather’s Advice 5 My Career,My Chice
    Add the tags t the directr’s ntes.
    The living rm, with 1___________________ at frnt centre. Grandfather—in his 70s, keen chess player Father—in his 40s, lawyer, ftball fan Sn—16 years ld, senir high student, music lver
    The sn desn’t plan t g t university. He wants t 2________________ and 3_____________________ ____________________, because it suits his talents. But the father wants his sn t 4_______________ and 5_____________, because lawyers help peple and 6____________________. The grandfather advises his grandsn t g t university and 7____________ at the same time. This way, he can 8___________________________.
    a table and tw chairs  
    fcus n his band
    (when he leaves schl)
    g t university
    be a lawyer
    are respected by thers
    have tw ptins fr his future
    have a career in music
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Why des the sn want t have a career in music?A. Because he has interest in it. B. Because he desn’t want t g t university.C. Because he wants t have a gd incme.D. Because his grandfather wants him t d s.2. What des the sentence “Yu can’t be serius” mean?A. The father isn’t serius.B. The sn isn’t serius.C. The father desn’t understand the sn’s wrds.D. The father is surprised at his sn’s wrds
    3. What can we infer abut the grandfather?A. He’s humrus and wise.B. He’s caring and tlerant.C. He’s gd at giving advice.D. He’s strict with his sn.4. What d we knw frm the end f the passage?A. The sn takes his grandfather’s advice.B. The sn is disappinted at his father’s wrds.C. The sn and the father reach an agreement.D. The father desn’t agree with the grandfather.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   Grandfather and Father are playing chess,1    (seat) at the table when Sn cmes. The sn tells the father 2     (nervus) that he has decided nt t g t university when he 3    (leave) schl and wants t play music. The father is 4    (surprise)and advises him t be a lawyer in the future. He says that lawyers 5      (respect) by peple. 6     ,the sn isn’t interested in law. The grandfather says that they shuld think carefully 7    making a decisin. The father wanted t be a 8      (prfessin) ftball player when he was yung but his father wanted him t be an engineer. Frtunately,the father fund the career 9     suited his talents in the end. S the grandfather advises his grandsn 10_______    (g) t university and play music at the same time. 
    are respected
    which/ that
    核心词汇 教材原句p.26 It has a plt, settings, characters and actins, as well as dialgue between characters. 它有情节、背景、人物和动作,以及人物之间的对话。1 character n. (1)(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色a majr/minr character in the bk 书中的主要 / 次要人物a televisin/mvie/cartn character 电视剧 / 电影 / 卡通片人物
    (2)(某人的)个性,性格;(某物的)特征,特点In general,everyne has his wn unique character.一般来说,每个人都有自己独特的个性。[词汇复现]It wuld be very ut f character f her t lie.撒谎可不符合她的个性。the character f the nearby area 附近地区的特点(3)文字,字体,符号the Chinese characters fr “hrse” 汉字中的“马”【一言助记】He described the character f the character he played with tw characters. 他用两个字描述了他扮演的角色的性格。
    写出下列句中 character 的含义(1) Mr Brwn lves t learn Chinese characters.________(2) The bk gives a fascinating insight int Mrs Blair’s character. ________   (3) [词汇复现] At the last mment,Tm decided t put in a new character t make the stryseem mre likely. ___________    (4) [词汇复现] The whle character f the campus has changed. ___________ 单句语法填空(5) We are gd friends and we are much alike ________ character.(6) [词 汇 复 现] Her behavir last night was cmpletely ut ________ character.(7) Lucy and Lily are twins,but they have different __________ (character).完成句子(8) Thugh he seems a little weak,he ____________________________________ (个性很强).
    has a strng character
    教材原句p.26 It has a plt, settings, characters and actins, as well as dialgue between characters. 它有情节、背景、人物和动作,以及人物之间的对话。2 as well as 除……之外,也,还(1)adj. 吝啬的;刻薄的;卑鄙的;自私的 They sell bks as well as newspapers. 他们既卖报也卖书。The teacher as well as sme students likes this painting.=Nt nly sme students but als the teacher likes this painting.不仅是一些学生,老师也喜欢这幅画。
    【学法点拨】(1)as well as 用于连接两个并列成分;as well 意为“也,又,还”,用于肯定句句末,其前不用逗号。He was selected t take part in the Olympic Games as well.他也被选去参加奥运会。 [词汇复现](2)as well as 与动词连用时,其后可用动名词形式,尤其是当 as well as 位于句首时,此时相当于 in additin t。As well as knwing sme Russian,she speaks English very well.除了懂一些俄语外,她英语说得也不错。【误区警示】A as well as B 强调 A,作主语时,谓语动词与 A 保持一致。nt nly A but als B 强调 B,作主语时,谓语动词与 B 保持一致。
    单句语法填空(1) The teacher as well as sme teenagers     (visit)the factry nw.(2) Dr Smith,as well as his wife and daughters,    (be)ging t visit Beijing thissummer.(3) [词汇复现] The basketball cach,as well as his team,    (interview) shrtly after the match fr their utstanding perfrmance.(4) [词汇复现] As well as     (play)the pian,the actress can sing well.(5) [词汇复现] Nt nly he but als his brthers      (wrk)like mad at the mment.
    is visiting
    was interviewed
    教材原句p.27 nervusly appraching the table小心翼翼地走近桌子3 apprach v. & n.(1)v. 走近,靠近;对付,处理搭配:be easy t apprach 容易接近;容易到达As I apprached the huse,I nticed a light upstairs.我走近那幢房子的时候注意到楼上有灯光。With the final exam appraching,the students are studying harder.由于期末考试要到了,学生们学习更加努力了。It might be pssible t apprach the prblem in a different way.也许可以换个方式处理这个问题。
    (2)n. 靠近,接近;方式,方法;通路Many kinds f birds fly suth at the apprach f winter.很多种鸟在冬天来临之际飞向南方。This is a gd apprach t keeping sil rich.这是一个保持土壤肥沃的好方法。All the appraches t the palace were guarded by trps.通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。
    完成句子(1) The expert is a persn            (容易接近).(2)            (快到……的 时 候)the interview,he became rather nervus and upset.(3) [词汇复现] Jhn,a ppular teacher,           (有一种独特的方法)making his literature classes lively.单句语法填空( 4) The best apprach    building up yur bdy is t d exercise every day.(5) Sldiers were guarding the appraches   the palace city.(6) Facing up t yur prblems rather than running away frm them is the best apprach t ___________(wrk) things ut.
    easy t apprach
    At the apprach f
    has a unique apprach t
    教材原句p.27 Yu knw yu can always turn t yur dad fr a chat. 你随时都可以找你老爸聊天啊。4 turn t 求助于;转向;翻到(书的某页)(t 是介词)搭配:turn t sb. fr help/advice 向某人求助 / 求教He desn’t knw wh t turn t. 他不知道向谁求助。This rganizatin is nw turning t imprving air quality.该组织现在转而致力于提高空气质量。 [词汇复现]Turn t page 80,please. 请翻到第 80 页。
    【归纳拓展】turn arund 转身 turn n/ff 打开 / 关掉 turn up 调高;出现;被找到 turn dwn 调低;拒绝 turn in 上交;交还  turn int(使)变成 turn ut 结果是,证明是   turn ver 翻转;移交Yu must turn in yur pass when yu leave the building.你离开大楼时必须交还通行证。The prince was turned int a frg by the witch.王子被女巫变成了一只青蛙。 [词汇复现]It turned ut that she was a friend f my sister.她原来是我姐姐的朋友。
    完成句子(1) When I am in truble,I always                 (向我的朋友们求助). (2) G straight,then               (向左转)and yu’ll find the pst ffice.单句语法填空(3)With n ne t turn       in such a frightening situatin,the girl felt helpless.(4)When the sprts her turned       at ur party,he was welcmed with pen arms.(5)The rad cnditins there turned       t be very gd,which was mre than weculd expect.(6)Tm had t turn       the invitatin t the party last weekend because he was tbusy.
    turn t my friends fr help
    turn t the left
    教材原句p.27I want t fcus n my band and have a career in music when I leave schl. 我想专心搞我的乐队,毕业后走音乐这条路。5 fcus v. & n.(1)v. (把……)集中(于);调节(……的)焦距The discussin fcuses n hw t reduce students’ pressure.此次讨论集中在如何减轻学生的压力上。 [词汇复现]I regret nt having fcused my mind n my study.我后悔没把心思放在学习上。
    (2)n. 焦点,重点His fcus switched frm memrising t thinking.他的重点从记忆转移到了思考上。 [词汇复现]The incident brught the prblem f vilence in schls int sharp fcus.这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。
    完成句子(1) [词汇复现] Nwadays the prfessinal sculptr uses his creativity and_________________(专注于)sculpture.(2) She tried t   ________________________________(把她的注意力集中在)her wrk.(3) Each exercise _________________ (集中在)a different grammar pint.(4) In this scene,the camera _________________ (对准)the actr’s face.(5) It was the _________________ (主要焦点)f attentin at the meeting.(6) The children’s faces are badly _________________ (模糊不清)in the phtgraph.
    fcus her mind/attentin n
    教材原句p.27Lawyers help peple and are respected by thers. 律师帮助别人,还受人尊敬。6 respect v. & n. (1)v. 尊敬,敬重 respect sb. fr sth. 因某事尊重某人She had always been hnest with me,and I respect her fr that.她一直对我很诚实。我非常敬重她这一点。(2)n. 尊敬,敬重;敬意,问候;细节,方面Their marriage is based n lve and respect.他们的婚姻建立在爱和尊重的基础上。[词汇复现]I have the greatest respect fr yur brther.我非常尊敬你的哥哥。
    单句语法填空(1) Anyne,whether he is an fficial r a bus driver,shuld be equally     (respect).(2) Give my     (respect)t yur wife.完成句子(3) ____________________________(为了表示尊敬),we usually have t take ur glvesff whever we are t shake hands with.(4) Children shuld ______________________ ( 对 …… 表 示 尊 重)their parents and teachers.(5) In a way,I think we bth wn—I wn the game but yu ____________________________ (赢得了我的尊重).(6) N ne can match him ____________________________ (在这一方面).
    T shw ur respect
    shw respect fr
    wn my respect
    in this respect
    教材原句p.27 ignring Grandfather’s wrds 没有理会祖父的话7 ignre v. 忽视,不理;(故意对知道的事)置之不理I tried t keep calm and just ignre him.我尽量保持镇静,不去理睬他。 [词汇复现]Damage caused by the earthquake can’t be ignred.地震导致的损失不容忽视。Yu can’t ignre the fact that many criminals never g t prisn.你不能无视很多罪犯从未获刑的事实。
    【单词积累】(1)ignrant adj. 无知的,不了解的be ignrant f/abut sth. 对……无知 / 不了解(2)ignrance n. 无知;愚昧be in ignrance f sth. 不知道……,对……不了解【一言助记】He ignres the dctr’s advice,s he is in ignrance f his serius illness nw;that is t say,he is ignrant that he is in danger nw.他不理睬医生的忠告,所以现在他不知道自己的病情很严重,也就是说,他不知道自己现在处于危险中。
    单句语法填空(1) [词 汇 复 现] We are in cmplete ____________(ignre)f yur schedule.(2) It’s stupid f him t be ________(ignre)f his parents’ warning.(3) What surprises us mst is his___________(ignre).(4) __________(ignre)the difference between the tw research findings will be ne f thewrst mistakes yu make.(5) T say yu were__________(ignre)f the requirements is an excuse.完成句子(6) [词汇复现] We will never ________________________________(忽视你的意见), whether they are psitive r negative.
    ignre yur pinins
    教材原句p.27 ... yu said that yu wanted t be a prfessinal ftball player. ……你说你想当职业足球运动员。8 prfessinal adj. 职业的,专业的 n. 专业人员Yu’ll have a prfessinal phtgrapher with yu t take phtgraphs.你们将会带上一名专业摄影师去拍照。prfessinal qualificatins/skills 专业资格 / 技能He is a runner wh has just turned prfessinal.他是一位刚刚转为职业运动员的赛跑选手。health prfessinals 医护专业人员【单词积累】prfessin n. [C]职业,行业 the medical/legal/teaching prfessin 医疗 / 法律 / 教学行业enter/g int/jin a prfessin 加入一个行业 by prfessin 在职业方面
    单句语法填空(1) [词 汇 复 现] I’d like t have a chat with the____________(prfessin)lawyer abut smecnfusing behavir.(2) Mike was a pliceman __________ prfessin.完成句子(3) [词汇复现] —Are yu willing t train yur sn t be ______________________________ ( 一名职业运动员)?— Frankly speaking,I hpe he can d whatever suits his interest.(4) She made up her mind t __________________________________________ (从事护理行业)t attend t as many patients as pssible.
    a prfessinal player
    enter/g int/jin the nursing prfessin
    教材原句p.27 But in the end , yu just advised me t think carefully. 但最后您只是建议我认真考虑一下。9 advise sb. t d sth.建议某人做某事I think I’d advise him t leave the cmpany.我想,我会建议他离开这家公司。 Residents are advised nt t put their rubbish bags n the pavement utside their huses. 建议居民不要将垃圾袋放在屋外的人行道上。 【误区警示】 advise 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用 “shuld+ 动词原形”,shuld 可以省略。 We advise that steps (shuld) be taken at nce.我们建议 立即采取措施。
    单句语法填空(1) We _________ (advise)by dctrs t eat mre natural fd and take plenty f physical exercise.(2) The dctr advised my father nt ________ (smke)any mre,but he didn’t listen.(3) I wuldn’t advise ________ (drive)the car—there’s nwhere t park.(4) I’ve persuaded him t give up smking by ________ (advise)him many times.完成句子(5) [词汇复现] The teacher advised that the by ____________________________________ (应该勇敢地接受挑战).(6) [词汇复现] The teacher ________________________________________ (建议多做练习)t imprve his ral English.(7) [词汇复现] Actually,I _______________________ (建议他开始)at nce.
    are advised
    shuld take up the challenge bravely
    advised suggested ding mre exercises 
    advised him t start
    教材原句p.27Yes , and yu have fund the career that suits yur talents. 是的,而且你找到了能发挥你天赋的职业。10 suit v. 适合 n. 套装There’s a range f restaurants t suit all tastes.有各种各样的餐馆可以满足所有口味。Actually,I dn’t think this cat suits me.实际上,我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。 [词汇复现]He’s gne t be measured fr a new suit. 他去量尺寸做新西装去了
    【单词积累】suitable adj. 合适的,适合的be suitable fr sb. /sth. 适合某人 / 某物be suitable t d sth. 适合做某事【词语辨析】suit,fit 与 matchsuit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位等,也指衣服的款式、颜色等适合。fit 指大小、形状合适,衣服合身。match 强调两者搭配协调。
    完成句子(1) Car cmpanies shuld design mre types f cars t ____________________________(适合公众需求).单句语法填空(2) She had the ability t suit her perfrmances________the audience.(3) This diet is________(suit)fr anyne wh wants t lse weight fast.(4) I am afraid I am nt suitable ________(d)such kind f wrk.选词填空(suit/match/fit)(5) I want t take this jacket because it ________me well and _________my trusers,thughthe style desn’t ________me.
    suit the public’s needs
    11 talent n. 天赋,才能;天才,人才It was when Asimv was eleven years ld that his talent fr writing became bvius. 早在阿西莫夫 11 岁的时候,他的写作才华就已经显露出来了。He is cnsidered t be the mst excellent talent in ur firm.他被认为是我们公司里最优秀的人才。【单词积累】(1)talent n. → talented adj. 有才能的,有才干的(2)gift n. 天赋,天才,才能→ gifted adj. 有天赋的,有才华的have a gift fr 有……天赋 be gifted in 在……方面有天赋 be gifted with... 具有……天赋
    英译汉(1) a talent shw ______________(2) a great talent ______________        (3) a man f many talents ______________        单句语法填空(4) It’s a special jy t have s many bright,smart and__________(talent) yung peple here.(5) [词汇复现] Jhn has a talent _________playing sccer. He is well suited t be a prfessinalplayer.(6) _________(gift) with a beautiful vice,she als sang sls in her schl’s chrus.
    重点句式教材原句p.27 Oh lk , here cmes my by.哟,我儿子来了。1完全倒装 下列情况要用完全倒装结构:(1)句首是 here,there,nw,then等副词,谓语动词是be,g,cme等,且主语是名词时。Nw cmes yur turn t make a self-intrductin.现在轮到你作自我介绍了。(2)当表示方位的副词如 up,dwn,in,ut,ff,away 等位于句首,谓语动词是表示运动的不及物动词如 cme,g,run,rush,fly 等,且主语是名词时。Out rushed the children as sn as the bell rang.铃声一响孩子们就冲了出去。
    (3)当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,谓语动词是不及物动词如lie,stand,sit,exist 或系动词 be,且主语是名词时。On the table stand tw glasses and an empty bttle.桌上有两个玻璃杯和一个空瓶。(4)当表语位于句首时。Seated n the grund are a grup f yung peple.坐在地上的是一群年轻人。【误区警示】(1)完全倒装结构要注意主谓一致,谓语动词的单复数取决于置后的主语。(2)当主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。Here yu are. 给你。
    单句语法填空(1) —Is everyne here?— Nt ,here_________(cme)the rest f ur guests!(2) [词汇复现] Then _________(cme)the mment we had been lking frward t.用完全倒装句翻译下列句子(3) 远处矗立着一座建筑。___________________________________(4) 现在轮到你接受面试了。 ___________________________________(5) 村外有片稻田。 ___________________________________(6) 树叶落下了。 ___________________________________(7) 屋前有棵大树。 ___________________________________(8) 出席会议的有来自世界各地的科学家。 ______________________________________________________________
    There stands a building in the distance.
    Nw cmes yur turn t be interviewed.
    There lies a rice field utside the village.
    Dwn fell the leaves.
    In frnt f the huse stands a big tree.
    Present at the meeting were the scientists frm all ver the wrld.
    教材原句p.27 Making music is a jb.做音乐是一份工作。2 动名词 ( 短语 ) 作主语(1)单个的动名词(短语)作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。一般来说,动名词(短语)作主语表示一种抽象的或泛指的动作。Struggling in these cnditins is nt a pleasure but a suffer.在这种工作条件下奋斗不是一件愉快的事而是一件痛苦的事。(2)可用 it 作形式主语,而将动名词(短语)后置。常用句式:It is n use/n gd ding sth. 做某事没有用。 It is a waste f time ding sth. 做某事浪费时间。It is n fun ding sth. 做某事没有乐趣。 It is n gd learning withut practice. 只学习而不实践是没有用的。It’s a waste f time arguing with him. 与他争论是浪费时间。 [词汇复现]
    【学法点拨】ding 与 t d 都可以作主语,ding 表示比较抽象的行为或者强调做某件事持续的状态;而 t d 表示具体的某一次的行为。Smking s much is nt gd fr yu. 抽这么多的烟对你不好。T read this bk again is quite necessary. 再读一遍这本书很有必要。
    单句语法填空(1) It’s n use _______ (cry)ver spilt milk.(2) It’s n gd ___________ (cmplain)t yur bss abut s much wrk.(3) Listening t lud music at rck cncerts_______ (have)caused hearing lss in sme teenagers.完成句子(4) ______________________________ (躺在海滩上)makes a persn relaxed.(5) ______________________________ (大声读英语)in the mrning will d yu a lt f gd.(6) ______________________________ (看太长时间的电视)is bad fr yur eyes.(7) ______________________________ (开车)during the rush hur must be tiring.
    Lying n the beach
    Reading English alud
    Watching TV t lng
    Driving a car

    外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters授课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第一册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002253_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Family matters授课ppt课件</a>,共18页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in,Prediction,有其父必有其子,Structure,setting,characters,plot,play music,honest,passionate等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters示范课ppt课件: 这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters示范课ppt课件,共43页。PPT课件主要包含了A play,The plot,Show time 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move精品课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move精品课件ppt,共48页。

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