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    这是一份云南省昆明市第一中学西山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含云南省昆明市第一中学西山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、云南省昆明市第一中学西山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、班级、座位号填写在答题卡及试卷上,并在答题卡的规定位置用B铅笔准确填涂准考证号。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where did the wman put the man’s mug?
    A. In the sink. B. In the dishwasher. C. In the cupbard.
    2. What will the wman d next?
    A. Call the bus cmpany. B. Walk t wrk. C. Get n the bus.
    3. What caused the mark n the wman’s arm?
    A. An insect. B. A dg. C. A child.
    4. Hw des the man feel after retirement?
    A. Excited. B. Unhappy. C. Relaxed.
    5. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. On a street. B. At a cinema. C. At a cffee shp.
    6. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. The travel t Mars. B. Stries abut Mars. C. Fd n Mars.
    7. Hw lng wuld it take t return frm Mars?
    A. 19 mnths. B. 14 mnths. C. 7 mnths.
    8. What time is it?
    A. 8:50 p.m. B. 9:00 p.m. C. 9:10 p.m.
    9. What did the wman eat?
    A. Chicken. B. Fish. C. Beef.
    10. What will the speakers d first?
    A. Drive hme. B. Stp the car. C. Get medicine.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. A teacher and a student.
    B. A student advisr and a student.
    C. Classmates.
    12. Why is the wman currently having s much difficulty?
    A. She lst her class schedule.
    B. She is a new student at the schl.
    C. She is slw at learning.
    13. What subject des the wman like mst?
    A. Science. B. Math. C. Histry.
    14. Wh is cming t visit?
    A. The man’s grandmther. B. The wman’s aunt. C. The man’s mther.
    15. What des the wman suggest the man buy?
    A. A pretty bag. B. Sme flwers. C. A necklace.
    16. What will the wman d fr her mther?
    A. Drive her t the seaside. B. Take her t a restaurant. C. Make a pizza.
    17. What was Martin’s first jb with the cmpany?
    A. A messenger by. B. A sales manager. C. An ffice assistant.
    18. Hw lng has Martin wrked fr the cmpany?
    A. Fr five years. B. Fr ten years. C. Fr twenty years.
    19. What is Martin ging t d?
    A. Mve t a higher psitin. B. Start a business. C. G t anther cmpany.
    20. What is the gift fr Martin?
    A. A tennis bat. B. A badmintn set. C. A ftball.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Here are fur undergrund attractins, which will certainly take yur breath away.
    Under, a restaurant, is five and a half metres, belw the surface. Diners eat their meals as icy Nrth Sea currents swirl (旋动) utside the windws. Despite the strminess f the surrunding seas, there’s stillness in Under.
    Kristiansand, Nrway ||
    Derinkuyu Undergrund City
    The undergrund city dates back thusands f years. It’s the largest f its kind in the regin, with winding passages ver eight levels, reaching a depth f arund 85 undergrund allwed its citizens t avid extreme temperatures and mre easily defend against enemies. Thugh n ne lives there tday, the site features the remains f schls and shps.
    Cappadcia, Turkey || uchisarcappadcia.rg
    Ajanta Caves
    Cnsidering that they’re cut deep int a rck face, the 30 r s caves f Ajanta are surprisingly well lit. All that light makes it much easier t admire this remarkable series f Buddhist temples that date frm the first and secnd centuries BC. They cntain sme f the finest surviving examples f ancient Indian wall painting.
    Aurangabad, India || ajanta-caves.cm
    Smetimes viewing a vlcan frm far away just isn’t enugh. Sme peple need t g that step further and explre inside a vlcan. It sunds crazy, but yu can d exactly that at Thrihnukagigur. A lift takes visitrs abut 200 metres dwn int the vlcan’s magma chamber (岩浆库). Thrihnukagigur is a drmant (休眠的) vlcan, but it still takes a lt f curage t get clse t it.
    Near Reykjavik, Iceland || visitreykjavik.is/thrihnukagigur
    Fr mre infrmatin, please click here.
    1. What can we d in Under?
    A Dive t the depth f 55 metres.
    B. Have dinner in revlving chairs.
    C. Listen t the sund f the waves.
    D. See the undersea view thrugh the windws.
    2. Which place is mst suitable fr an adventurer?
    A. Thrihnukagigur.B. Ajanta Caves.
    C. Derinkuyu Undergrund City.D. Under.
    3. Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. Travel brchure.B. Newspaper.C. Website.D. Nvel.
    “Her Educatin, Our Future” is a dcumentary film prduced by CGTN in partnership with UNESCO. It tells the stry f fur girls n three cntinents. All the girls have been invlved in UNESCO prgrammes aimed at widening their access t educatin, enhancing their skills fr life and wrk, and expanding their educatinal and career pprtunities.
    Anee is frm Gilgit-Baltistan, a remte area in the nrth f Pakistan. She drpped ut f schl as her parents culdn’t affrd her educatin — nly that f her brthers. Her father als didn’t believe that girls shuld be educated but rather stay hme and help their mthers. Anee was reached ut t thrugh UNESCO’s Girls’Right t Educatin prgramme, riginally funded by the Gvernment f Pakistan with additinal supprt frm Italy, Krea, Nrway and the Qatar Fundatin, which is UNESCO’s largest prgramme n girls’ educatin, and has cvered 19 f Pakistan’s mst islated districts. UNESCO assisted Anee’s family t vercme the financial barriers t her educatin. Her parents have re-enrlled her in schl, and are supprting her t cntinue her educatin.
    Mkasi is frm Pemba, a Tanzanian island. Mkasi is the sixth f eleven children. She left schl in 2014, as she didn’t scre well enugh n her exams t cntinue t high schl. Mkasi was cnnected by a District Scial Welfare Officer t a UNESCO prgram, funded by Krea. She enrlled int a cmmunity-based entrepreneurship (企业家职能) and alternative (可供选择的) educatin prgramme supprted by UNESCO that enabled her t gain new vcatinal (职业的) skills. She nw wrks as a seamstress (裁缝), and makes handicrafts and sap which she sells at the market. Ecnmically independent nw, She wants t becme a designer and t pen a clthing stre — the first in her area — and sell her sap lcally and abrad.
    Fabiana and Taina are frm Brazil. They bth have a keen interest in science, technlgy, engineering and mathematics (STEM) educatin but have faced different barriers t pursuing (追求) studies in these fields. Fabiana must rise at fur every mrning t g t schl n a rad which is bthered with rbberies targeting students and passengers. Taina has faced racism and discriminatin, and went thrugh a rebellius phase (叛逆阶段) in her teenage years which tk her away frm her studies and dwn a harmful path befre finding her way back. Bth have been engaged in UNESCO’s EDUCASTEM2030 prgramme, which aims t clse gender gaps in STEM educatin. Thrugh this initiative (倡议), Fabiana and Taina have expanded their skills and gained cnfidence in their abilities. Fabiana has a full schlarship t study prductin engineering in the Fall — the same studies that Taina is currently pursuing. Tania is als a student leader nw, sharing her wn stry and building mre pathways fr girls in STEM in Brazil.
    4. What is the purpse f UNESCO’s EDUCASTEM2030 prgramme?
    A. build mre pathways fr girls in STEM in Brazil
    B. enlarge gender gaps in STEM educatin
    C. fight against racism in STEM educatin
    D. widen girls’ access t STEM educatin
    5. The underlined wrd “re-enrlled” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced with ________.
    A. remindedB. re-registeredC. recalledD. repened
    6. The fllwing statements are true EXCEPT ________.
    A. Anee drpped ut f schl fr financial reasns
    B. Mkasi enhanced her skills fr wrk with the help f UNESCO
    C. Fabiana and Taina faced similar barriers t pursuing studies in STEM fields
    D. Tania is making effrts t help girls in STEM in her mtherland.
    7. What is the best title f this passage?
    A. The future f girls’ educatinB. The transfrmative pwer f educatin
    C. The shting f a dcumentary filmD. The curse f UNESCO prgrammes
    Whether it be a persn, an animal, r even an insect, a mther’s instincts (本能) are never wrng. This idea rings true fr a mther cat wh acted fast and sught ut help when her kittens were in truble. This mther cat’s quick thinking may have just saved her babies.
    In the urban district f Izmir in western Turkey, a cat walked int a regular hspital hlding a kitten in her muth. As the mther cat mved thrugh the hspital, peple were surprised t see such a sight, but let her pass. The mther cat asked fr help, crying fr a lng time. She was familiar t the hspital staff, wh had been leaving her fd and water utside, but they were unaware that she had given birth t kittens.
    The mther cat was cncerned fr her yung because they weren’t able t pen their eyes. After the dctrs lked at the kittens, they nticed that they were suffering frm eye infectins, ne f the dctrs recalled, “We cnsulted with vets (兽医) and gave medicine as described. When the kittens pened their eyes a shrt time later, we were excited.” Later, they were sent t an animal hspital fr further care. The cats are nw up fr adptin and will hpefully find lving frever hmes.
    When it cmes t mther cats and kittens, kittens cmpletely depend n mthers fr the first few mnths f their lives. Because they are blind and almst deaf until abut tw r three weeks ld, the mther cat must prtect them frm any threat r danger. Withut the mther cat’s help, the kittens may nt make it t adulthd.
    As shwn by the mther cat in Turkey, a mther’s lve and prtectin knws n bunds. Whether the mum is a human r a cat, mthers will always lk ut fr their babies and make sure they are safe and healthy.
    8. Why did the mther cat shw up in the hspital?
    A T beg fr fd.B. T get her babies treated.
    C. T ask the patients fr help.D. T give birth t her babies.
    9. Hw did the dctrs help the baby cats?
    A. They built them a hme.B. They adpted all f them.
    C. They perated n them immediately.D. They gave them the right medicine.
    10. What makes newly-brn cats dependent n their mthers?
    A. Their physical state.B. Their eating habit.
    C. Their appearance.D. Their behavir.
    11. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Cat has nine lives.B. One gd turn deserves anther.
    C Lve makes a difference.D. Mthers knw their kindness nly when they raise their children
    Wh needs friends? Accrding t mst psychlgists we all d, especially nwadays when s many ther aspects f mdern life are changing. It seems that having friends keeps us bth healthy and happy.
    The number f TV series abut grups f friends shws just hw imprtant friendship is t us. Psychlgist Drthy Rwe says that many f us nw turn t ur friends, instead f ur families, fr advice and cmfrt. One wman named Rebecca she interviewed even tld her that if she had gt t chse between her husband and her friend, she wuld chse her friend.
    Since ur friends mean s much t us, it is nt surprising that the happiest marriages are als friendships. “Once the rmantic stage f a relatinship has passed, it is friendship that hlds peple tgether,” says Rwe. If the cuple d nt make sme changes. They will either get tired f each ther and break up r stay tgether and lk fr friendship with thers.
    Fr men, friendship is usually based n ding things tgether rather than the private cnversatins that are typical f wmen friends. Men share time building a business r playing ftball tgether, but they dn’t ften share their feeling. Althugh many wmen find their relatinship with a husband r byfriend is nt enugh, many men say that their partner is their best friend. Even wmen wh are very happily married are likely t becme very unhappy withut a clse friend and can even find the break-up f a clse friendship as painful as the end f a marriage.
    Lasting friendships can prvide a lt f the same supprt that families prvided in the past, but the perfect situatin is t have yur family there fr yu as well. Friendships and family relatinships can bth change, but a friend will nt cnsider yu when making really imprtant decisins in the same way that a family member will.
    12. The example f Rebecca in paragraph 2 shws that sme peple think ________.
    A. ne friend is mre than enugh.B. friends are just like their family.
    C. friends matter mre than family.D. friends make them mre cmfrtable.
    13. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Cuples tend t be friends in a gd marriage.
    B. Cuples will have new friendship after they get married.
    C. Friendship help cuples build healthy relatinships.
    D. Friendship hld cuples tgether when rmance has passed.
    14. What is the main difference between men’s and wmen’s friendship?
    A. Wmen ften d things tgether with friends.
    B. Men seldm talk t their friends abut their feelings.
    C. Wmen ften talk abut business with friends.
    D. Men ften talk t their friends abut wrk and family.
    15. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Friendship cannt replace family relatinships.
    B. Friendship can last lnger than family relatinships.
    C. Friendship and family relatinships are bth changeable.
    D. Family members help yu make better decisins than friends d.
    Msquites (蚊子), as mst peple knw, can carry a variety f scary diseases. T prevent msquites frm entering yur hme, equip yur windws and drs with insect screens. And ensure all yur screens are secure and undamaged and keep entrance drs clsed. ____16____
    If msquites d manage t get inside and get ut f cntrl, insect sprays (杀虫喷剂) culd slve yur prblem. ____17____ Insect sprays must be kept where little kids can’t reach them, and they must als be kept separate frm fd.
    ____18____ They lve bushes (灌木丛) and flwer beds where they can hide and make msquit babies. Msquites like t lay eggs in and arund standing water, including any can r bttle left lying abut, and even verwatered plants. Make sure there is n standing water arund yur huse.
    Anther way t keep msquites cntrlled, especially if yu have a water feature r pnd, is t encurage dragnflies (蜻蜓) t mve in. Dragnflies feed n msquites and flies. ____19____ They nly need a small pl f water. If pssible, sme aquatic (水生的) plants can make fr a better dragnfly envirnment.
    Try t create a barrier arund yur yard r utdr sitting area with citrnella (香茅油) candles placed abut 50 cm apart. ____20____ Citrnella is made frm grasses. It wrks by masking the scents that msquites are attracted t instead f killing them. Thugh there are n specific scientific studies that supprt the effectiveness f citrnella candles, it has been fund that they wrk mderately well.
    A. Msquites rest in dark, wet places.
    B. Dragnflies lay their eggs n aquatic plants.
    C. One dragnfly can eat hundreds f msquites a day.
    D. Befre using these prducts, be sure t fllw the instructins.
    E. While citrnella candles d nt kill msquites, they will drive them away.
    F. Place the msquit trap in dark and wet places, s msquites will seek it ut.
    G. Catching msquites indrs is hard, s the best slutin is t keep them ut.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分40分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    One mrning, Bill McDnald read in the paper that a lcal man, Je Day, was sick with lung cancer. That meant it wuld be Christmas withut Je’s ____21____. S he decided t d ____22____.
    33 Christmases ag, when Day came hme in the afternn, he fund his five-year-ld grandsn, Nichlas, ____23____. “What d yu want t d tday?” Day asked. “Let’s ____24____ a reindeer (驯鹿),” Nichlas said. They made ne using wd frm a fallen tree, then set it ut n the lawn and lit up its cherry-red nse fr the ____25____. Each year, Day added t his ____26____, placing the reindeer n a track abve his rf and ____27____ lights as if they were electric vines (藤蔓) arund his ____28____.
    Hwever, Day’s cancer had spread t his liver nw. He was t ____29____ t celebrate Christmas. Until McDnald called.
    “I want t _____30_____ yu get yur lights up,” McDnald said. He gathered lcal firefighters, friends, and strangers t _____31_____ Day’s displays. Fr tw days, ver 100 vlunteers climbed in and arund Day’s huse, fllwing his hand-drawn diagrams that _____32_____ where everything shuld g.
    On the evening f December 12, with crwds f vlunteers cheering him n, Day _____33_____ the switch and lit up the spectacle (奇观).
    Day is _____34_____ that his brilliant displays will cntinue t light up the darkness fr many years t cme _____35_____ Bill McDnald has prmised that he’ll get the jb dne.
    A. playsB. jkesC. tysD. lights
    A. smethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nthing
    A. sleepingB. waitingC. runningD. drawing
    A. findB. buyC. buildD. raise
    A. hlidaysB. ceremnyC. meetingD. cnference
    A. dreamB. ideaC. planD. wrk
    A. remvingB. windingC. changingD. thrwing
    A. treeB. bedC. huseD. path
    A. tiredB. bredC. searedD. excited
    A. seeB. makeC. helpD. hear
    A. lk atB. set upC. put dwnD. turn t
    A. shwedB. discussedC. discveredD. represented
    A. fixedB. decratedC. repairedD. pressed
    A. afraidB. cnfidentC. wrriedD. cnfused
    A. thughB. becauseC. unlessD. s that
    第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Accrding t a new study, tai chi, ____36____ slw-mving frm f martial arts, can help slw cgnitive decline and prtect against dementia (痴呆). The study ____37____ (find) that peple wh practiced a simplified frm f tai chi twice a week fr abut six mnths imprved their scre in a test, ____38____ (call) the Mntreal Cgnitive Assessment, t measure cgnitive functin. Based n the result, “if yu’re able t keep ding tai chi tw r three days a week n a rutine basis, yu’re ging t get extra years ____39____ yu hit that decline int dementia,” the study authr Dr. Eckstrm says. Her thery n why tai chi is ____40____ (effect) is that it cmbines the memrizatin f the mvements, knwn as frms, almst like a dance chregraphy. “S, yu’re getting the physical ____41____ (active), plus, the memry piece,” she says.
    Mary started tai chi at age 75 and says her practice helps her feel grunded and enables her ____42____ (let) g f stress. “It’s becme an imprtant part f my life,” Van Cleave says. In terms f a cgnitive bst, she thinks tai chi helps with cncentratin. “I’m mre cnscius f trying t d ne thing ____43____ a time,” she says.
    Many ____44____ (study) have shwn that practicing tai chi can help prevent falls and imprve balance in lder adults, and the benefit is greatest fr peple ____45____ keep up a regular practice ver time.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,你校将于下周五晚举办中国传统音乐会,你的交换生朋友Peter对此很感兴趣,请写信邀请他出席聆听。
    写作要点:1. 写信目的;2. 音乐会简介;3. 欢迎参加。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a beautiful sunny day when Martin went ut int the backyard. It wuld have been a perfect day t play. But Martin wasn’t ut there t play.
    Tw mnths befre, s interested had Martin been in playing the flute ( 长 笛 ) that he asked his mther t buy him the expensive flute and prmised t practice at least thirty minutes every day. But it can be difficult t cncentrate n a flute when yur rm is full f cl stuff like a TV, vide games and the Internet. S Martin’s mther sent him t the backyard t practice, where there wuld be n distractins ( 分 心 的 事 物 ) .
    Martin sat dwn n the grass and brught the flute t his lips. He began ding his fingering exercises with his eyes clsed. Yu have t clse yur eyes when yu want t cncentrate n stuff. Anyway, he played fr a gd frty r fifty secnds befre he heard a familiar sund: “Hey, Martin.”
    He lked in the directin f the vice and saw the face f his friend, his next-dr neighbr, Kris, wh was smiling at him frm the fence.
    “I just gt a new mvie!” he said, “Want t cme ver and check it ut?”
    Well, that was exactly what Martin wanted t d. He lved mvies but he shk his head and said srry. Kris seemed disappinted that Martin had said n. But he als understd that Martin had t practice a lt when learning a musical instrument. S he left and watched the film by himself
    Martin was alne with his flute. He clsed his eyes and started his fingering exercises again. But he culdn’t cncentrate. He wasn’t anything like his father, a bilgist. Martin had been t his lab many times. He culdn’t understand why his father culd cncentrate n his researches fr s lng a time. When he was thinking, his father came ver
    His father smiled when he nticed Martin’s absent-mindedness.
    Martin felt ashamed and then he ndded saying he hped t be a great flute player.
    听力1-5: BCCBC 6-10: ACABA 11-15: ABBCA 16-20: CABBC

    云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    云南省昆明市禄劝彝族苗族自治县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份云南省昆明市禄劝彝族苗族自治县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析云南省昆明市禄劝彝族苗族自治县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析云南省昆明市禄劝彝族苗族自治县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    海南观澜湖双优实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份海南观澜湖双优实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析海南观澜湖双优实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析海南观澜湖双优实验学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。






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