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    这是一份备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力06(九省新高考)(Word版附解析),文件包含九省新高考备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷06Word版含解析docx、九省新高考备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷06Word版无答案docx、九省新高考备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷06听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.A stranger.B.A gd deed.C.A phne.
    2.Why des the wman call the man?
    A.T put ff an appintment.B.T make an aplgy.C.T cancel a flight.
    3.Which mvie des the man prefer?
    A.Lst in the Stars.B.Never Say Never.C.Chang’an.
    4.Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.In a shp.B.In a library.C.On a bus.
    5.What behavir des the man dislike at the cinema?
    A.Kicking the seat.B.Leaving halfway.C.Sending texts.
    第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Wh did the man meet while waiting fr the wman?
    A.Nrman.B.Mr Ppe.C.Mrs Ppe.
    7.Why can’t the man hear the wman clearly?
    A.There is smething wrng with his ears.
    B.The wman speaks in a lw vice.
    C.It is t nisy nearby.
    8.What part f the man’s bdy is hurting?
    A.The tp f his head.
    B.The right side f his face.
    C.The left side f his muth.
    9.Where des the man decide t g?
    A.T a hspital.
    B.T a dentist’s ffice.
    C.T his regular dctr’s ffice.
    10.Hw will the speakers g there?
    A.By bus.B.By bike.C.By car.
    11.Why was the man late again?
    A.He gt up late.
    B.The traffic was heavy.
    C.He had an accident n his way.
    12.What is the schlmaster ding nw?
    A.Giving a class.B.Meeting a guest.C.Having a meeting.
    13.What des the wman suggest the man d in the end?
    A.Cycle t wrk.B.G t bed early.C.Buy an alarm clck.
    14.What day is it tday?
    15.What kind f party will the girl attend?
    A.A birthday party.B.A welcme party.C.A gdbye party.
    16.Why des the man refuse the girl t drive his car?
    A.She can take the subway.
    B.She desn’t have a license.
    C.She is nt skilled enugh t drive.
    17.What gift will the girl bring fr Jenny?
    A.The wden bat.B.Chclate.C.Sme flwers.
    18.Wh are the listeners?
    19.Hw can the listeners get the infrmatin abut the prcedures?
    A.Frm a brchure.B.Frm a dctr.C.Frm the speaker.
    20.What des the speaker suggest the listeners d in the end?
    A.G t the health center sn.
    B.Offer their medical histry t the dctr.
    C.Make an early appintment with the health center.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Winners f the Bradcm MASTERS
    Girls tk the tp prizes at the Bradcm MASTERS, a science cmpetitin fr middle schl students.
    Alaina Gassler
    Alaina wn the $25,000 Samueli Fundatin Prize fr the prject f reducing blind spts in cars. She was inspired t slve this issue by her mther wh didn’t like driving her vehicle because its large A-pillar (A柱) design made her feel in danger. “I started t think abut hw blind spts were a huge prblem in all cars,” said Alaina. S she wrked n and slved it.
    Sidr Clare
    Sidr wn the $10,000 Marcni/Samueli Award fr Innvatin, an hnr made by Samueli’s generus dnatin f his 2012 Marcni Sciety Prize Award. She develped bricks that culd ne day be made n Mars, s that humans wuldn’t be required t carry building materials with them in rder t build there.
    Alexis MacAvy
    Alexis wn the $10,000 Rbert Wd Jhnsn Fundatin Award fr Health Advancement, which recgnized the student whse wrk and perfrmance shwed the mst prmise in health-related fields and demnstrated an understanding f the many scial factrs that affect health. She designed a water filter (过滤器) by using carbn t remve heavy metals frm water.
    Rachel Bergey
    Rachel wn the $10,000 Lemelsn Award fr Inventin, awarded by The Lemelsn Fundatin t a yung inventr creating prmising slutins t real-wrld prblems. She develped a trap made f tinfil (锡纸) and netting fr the sptted lanternfly, an invasive species causing damage t trees.
    21.What is the purpse f Alaina Gassler’s inventin?
    A.T beautify vehicles.B.T imprve the safety f driving.
    C.T decrate the sidewalk fr the blind.D.T reduce the carbn released frm cars.
    22.Whse inventin is related t human health?
    A.Alaina Gassler’s.B.Sidr Clare’s.
    C.Rachel Bergey’s.D.Alexis MacAvy’s.
    23.What is the Bradcm MASTERS abut?
    I enjy thrwing stuff away. I’d lve t g full minimalism (极简主义), but my wife and tw teenage kids d nt share my dream f a huse with almst nthing in it. I have tried. When the kids were little, I taught them my tw favrite games – “D We Need It?” and “Put It in Its Place”— and made them play every few mnths. Their enthusiasm never matched mine.
    If I’m ging t be hnest, my wn tidying skills are nt as great as I’d like. My “discarded” pile is never quite the trash muntain I want because I make up excuses fr why things are useful. I cnsider this unhealthy. I want t be better at mving n.
    S, this time I fund help—the classics fr peple like me: The Life-Changing Magic f Tidying Up, by Marie Knd. Knd’s cmmitment t her craft is astnishing. Her philsphy is nly t keep things yu lve. Can I g full Knd? I will try. One central idea is t clean by categry. Yu start by cllecting all clthes and gathering them tgether fr cnsideratin. It makes yu rethink hw yu rganize. Next, hld each item and ask if it brings yu jy. This way yu’re chsing what t keep. And that’s hw I find myself with all my clthes n my bedrm flr. My wife walks by and gives me a lk that says I’m nuts. She’s prbably nt wrng.
    Smewhere near the bttm f this chas is my special jacket. I mve thrugh the pile: pants, shirts, suits and shes. Then my last categry: jackets. I haven’t wrn it in abut 30 years. Smehw, it has survived. Nw, has its time cme?
    I hld it in my hand. There is a tear just belw the cllar that widens as I hld it. It’s literally falling apart. Will I ever wear it again? Nt a chance. Des it feel gd t wear? Des it bring me jy? Actually, yes. At this mment, my daughter walks in. She asks abut the jacket. I tell her the stry. She thinks I shuld keep it. It’s cl and unique and full f memries. She is arguing that nstalgia (怀念) is the very reasn.
    I’m nt entirely cnvinced by my daughter’s arguments. I believe in lking ahead, nt backward. Nevertheless, smetimes it’s hard t let g. S I gently place the jacket n the “keep” pile.
    24.What can we learn abut the authr’s family members frm Paragraph1?
    A.They can’t tlerate what the authr insists n.
    B.They are less passinate abut full minimalism.
    C.They are strngly ppsed t full minimalism.
    D.They cmpletely supprt what the authr des.
    25.What des the underlined wrd “discarded” prbably mean in Paragraph 2?
    26.What drives the authr t read The Life-Changing Magic f Tidying Up?
    A.T learn hw t categrize.B.T develp a passin fr minimalism.
    C.T persuade his family members.D.T imprve his tidying skills.
    27.What’s the text mainly abut?
    A.The imprtance f categrizing skillsB.The changes brught by minimalism
    C.The authr’s effrts t g minimalismD.An inspiratin gt frm the bk
    Earth’s prtective zne(臭氧) layer is slwly but nticeably healing at a pace that wuld fully mend the hle ver Antarctica in abut 43 years, a new United Natins reprt says. The layer f zne in Earth’s atmsphere shields the planet frm harmful radiatin linked t skin cancer, cataracts and crp damage. The prgress is slw. The glbal average amunt f zne 18 miles high in the atmsphere wn’t be back t 1980 pre-thinning levels until abut 2040, the reprt said. And it wn’t be back t nrmal in the Arctic until 2045. Antarctica, where it’s s thin there’s an annual giant gaping hle in the layer, wn’t be fully fixed until 2066, the reprt said.
    Scientists and envirnmental advcates acrss the wrld have lng hailed the effrts t heal the zne hle—springing ut f a 1987 agreement called the Mntreal Prtcl that called n all cuntries t ban a class f chemicals ften used in refrigerants and aersl—as ne f the biggest eclgical victries fr humanity. “Our success in phasing ut zne-eating chemicals shws us what can and must be dne t transitin away frm fssil fuels, reduce greenhuse gases and s limit temperature increase,” prfessr Petteri Taalas said in a statement. Signs f healing were reprted fur years ag althugh the bservatins at that pint were in the early stages. “Thse numbers f recvery have slidified a lt recently,” Petteri said.
    “There has been a sea change in the way ur sciety deals with zne reducing substances,” said lead researcher David W. Fahey. Decades ag, peple culd g int a stre and buy a can f refrigerants that eat away at the zne. Nw, nt nly are the substances banned but they are n lnger much in peple’s hmes r cars, replaced by cleaner chemicals.
    Natural weather patterns in the Antarctic als affect zne hle levels. And the past cuple years, the hles have been a bit bigger because f that but the verall trend is ne f healing. This is “saving 2 millin peple every year frm skin cancer,” United Natins Envirnment Prgramme Directr Inger Andersen said in an email.
    28.What can be cncluded abut zne layer frm the United Natins reprt?
    A.It has been imprved.B.It has little harmful radiatin nw.
    C.It will be in the best cnditin in 2040.D.It will free Antarctica f bilgical risks in 2066.
    29.What leads t present situatin f zne layer?
    A.New husehld appliances.B.Develpment in fssil fuels.
    C.Glbal effrts and cperatin.D.Measures t slw glbal warming.
    30.What happens t substances cnsuming zne?
    A.They are likely t be prhibited.B.They are nt easily btainable currently.
    C.They fail t meet great demand.D.They are prduced at a lw cst.
    31.Which ne f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Antarctic: a prmising island.
    B.Ozne layer: n track t recvery.
    C.Restratin Prgress: Overcming Challenges.
    D.The Mntreal Prtcl: A Glbal Success Stry.
    A furth clr might be added t traffic lights t better realize the ptential f self-driving vehicles, as stated in a recent paper by researchers at Nrth Carlina State University in the US.
    Autnmus vehicles can d mre than just drive-they are able t sense their surrundings and uplad infrmatin. A shared netwrk gives rders t stp at a crssing based n traffic cnditins.
    The added white lights wuld be used t signal t human drivers that autnmus vehicles are managing the upcming traffic flw intelligently. Drivers dn’t have t check the traditinal lights if the white ne is n. “The white lights will tell human drivers t simply fllw the car in frnt f them,” ne f the study authrs Ali Hajbabaie tld the university’s website.
    Simulated (模拟的) mdels shwed that autnmus vehicles were able t imprve traffic flw n their wn. Intrducing the white light als has a psitive effect n reducing fuel cnsumptin. The higher the percentage f autnmus vehicles at a crssing, the faster the traffic mves, reducing abut 40 t 99 percent f the ttal delay time.
    What kind f infrastructure (基础设施) is needed as self-driving technlgy thrives? In an interview with China Surveying and Mapping magazine, Liu Jingnan at the Chinese Academy f Engineering shared his answers.
    T begin with, the vehicle’s netwrk that cllects data abut the envirnment and shares the data with ther vehicles needs t be intelligent. High-precisin maps are needed fr autnmus vehicles t plan rutes in detail. They can prvide bth updated infrmatin n traditinal maps and real-time changes, such as accidents.
    Fr example, when driving arund a curve, the navigatin (导航) system in the vehicle needs t calculate the safe speed based n the map’s infrmatin. And if the area is fggy, the netwrk has t alarm the ther cars t slw dwn.
    Other elements n the rad need t be upgraded t. Fr example, rad markings shuld be precise and readable fr machines. Sensrs shuld be built n sidewalks and rads t allw vehicles t predict ptentially dangerus situatins.
    32.What is the purpse f adding a white light t traffic lights?
    A.T signal t self-driving cars when t stp.
    B.T help driverless cars assess traffic cnditins.
    C.T tell human drivers t g after the cars in frnt.
    D.T signal t human drivers t pass the cars ahead.
    33.Accrding t the article, what effect wuld the intrductin f self-driving cars bring abut?
    A.Increased rad safety.B.Reduced fuel efficiency.
    C.Less time stuck in traffic.D.Unpredictable traffic patterns.
    34.What is a functin f high-precisin maps in self-driving technlgy?
    A.T calculate a safe speed fr vehicles.B.T prvide real-time weather updates.
    C.T plan rutes fr autnmus vehicles.D.T ffer real-time data n rad cnditins.
    35.What des the authr intend t prve in the secnd-t-last paragraph?
    A.The advantages f autnmus vehicles.
    B.The rle f the navigatin system in self-driving cars.
    C.The applicatin f the infrastructure in self-driving cars.
    D.The efficiency f self-driving cars handling emergencies.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    AQ, r Adversity Qutient (逆商), refers t an individual’s capacity t effectively navigate and vercme adversities. It shares similarities with cncepts such as resilience (应力) and persistence. Thse with a high AQ have the ability t bunce back after facing setbacks. 36
    Adaptability t shifting circumstances
    Similar t hw creatures in the natural wrld must adapt t survive, individuals in the prfessinal realm must als embrace change. Individuals with high AQ understand that change is cnstant and inevitable, and instead f resisting it, they embrace it as an pprtunity fr grwth and develpment. 37
    Emtinal stability is a crucial quality when facing adversity. Individuals with a high AQ pssess the capacity t manage their emtins effectively, ensuring that they d nt get verwhelmed by negativity r despair. They remain calm under pressure and apprach prblems with a clear and ratinal mindset.
    Psitive Mindset
    High AQ individuals maintain a psitive and ptimistic utlk n life. They usually view adversities as temprary hurdles and believe in their ability t vercme them. 39 They als use setbacks as stepping stnes twards persnal develpment psitively.
    Prblem-Slving Skills
    40 They pssess creative prblem-slving abilities and a flexible mindset that allws them t identify effective slutins t vercme difficulties. They apprach prblems with a strategic mindset, analyzing the situatin, and finding practical and efficient ways t reslve them.
    A.Ability fr self-management.
    B.Capacity fr emtinal regulatin.
    C.Cultivating AQ is essential fr persnal grwth.
    D.Such individuals ften exhibit the fllwing qualities.
    E.High AQ individuals excel at finding effective slutins.
    F.They actively pursue grwth thrugh challenging situatins.
    G.Their ability t adapt enables them t vercme diverse challenges.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Peter lved his wife Marin, lved adventure, and lved his camper van (野营车)called Schen. The pair made numerus unfrgettable rad trips in Schen. But after Marin died, the 41 Schen had fewer and fewer utings. With Schen’s adventuring days seemingly ver, Peter decided t put it up fr 42
    Elise and her husband, Dmenic, had always dreamed f wning their wn “happiness bus” and travelling in a camper van. One day, Elise 43 the sales infrmatin n Schen and the cuple instantly decided t take a lk. Elise fell in lve with Schen 44 , but Peter asked fr $39, 000, well utside their 45 .
    Feeling extremely disappinted, the cuple left. “We were 46 t have met Peter,” said Elise with a smile. “We shared with him ur stry and dream f wning a van like that.”
    A few days later, Peter called t invite them back fr a secnd lk. 47 the yung cuple came again, but withut much 48 Peter said he had s far received tw ffers fr Schen, and bth met his asking price. But they were frm 49 , which wuld likely mean the van’s 50 gathering dust in a garage r display. Peter asked hw much the cuple wuld be able t 51 . Dmenic tld him the mst they culd spend was arund half f what he was 52 . Peter, hlding back tears himself, tld them he wuld 53 their ffer nly if they prmised t have adventures with Schen.
    Nw Schen is n glrius adventures smewhere, helping Elise and Dmenic create wnderful family 54 .
    “Peter is definitely a her fr us,” says Elise. “Finding Schen and making that 55 t Peter had ttally changed ur life. ”
    41.A.neatly-decrated B.well-travelled C.much-anticipatedD.well-recgnized
    43.A.came acrssB.put upC.laid asideD.tk ff
    44.A.lng befreB.fr the mmentC.at first sightD.at the interval
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A new chain f cffee shps has sprung up in the city f Wuxi, East China’s Jiangsu prvince, themed n the ancient Huishan clay figurine (泥人) culture—with a few mdern adaptatins. The Nanimm Cafe chain has expanded 56 (rapid) since May last year and nw has 11 57 (branch) in peratin. The cffee shps display 58 range f figurines and related creative cultural prducts. In additin 59 drinking cffee, visitrs can chse whether 60 (have) a g at making clay sculptures n site.
    Huishan clay figurines are made frm the black clay fund at the ft f Huishan Muntain in Wuxi. They are said t have a 61 (recrd) histry f mre than 400 years. And they 62 (list) amng the first batch (批) f China’s natinal intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in 2006. In Wuxi dialect, Huishan clay figurines are prnunced nanimm. The tw mst famus 63 (traditin) figurines are A Fu and A Xi, meaning “gd frtune” and “jy”, and the factry has designed and prduced several new figurines, such as Nani and Mm, 64 are mre mdern and attractive t yung cnsumers. There are als several cute and clrful characters, 65 (carry) different types f fd fr which Wuxi is famus: spare ribs (排骨), peaches and steamed buns.
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66.假定你是李华,上周你参加了校心理社(PsychlgyClub)举行的“认识你自已”(Knw Yurself)活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动时间及目的;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 收获与感想。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Self-Discvery Jurney at “Knw Yurself”
    I taught English as a Secnd Language (ESL) at a schl. One particular sixth grader, Pabl, was struggling with fluency in reading, s after class I suggested that he get extra practice by reading alud t his mm while she prepared dinner each evening. This was smething I rutinely encuraged my struggling students t d. Imagine my surprise when Pabl respnded by starting t cry. He said, “My mm can’t ck dinner!” Then he cried harder. Eventually, he calmed dwn enugh t tell me that his mm was nly able t “cry in her bed” when he gt hme every afternn. He said that he was caring fr his six-mnth-ld baby brther by himself frm the time he gt hme each day. His mther, it seemed, had a bad tth and was in extreme pain. He said that his father didn’t have enugh mney t get it fixed, and that there was n way fr her t g t a dentist. This child’s heart was brken fr his mm.
    I was speechless! He was still crying when he left me that day, and I prmised him I wuld try t help. I kept asking myself hw I culd help this student. Hw culd I help his mther when we didn’t even speak the same language?
    The next day, I sent a nte, which a friend helped me translate, t Pabl’s mther asking if she wuld like me t find smene t help her. The fllwing day, Pabl brught me a nte frm his mm accepting my ffer t help.
    Meanwhile, I had been ding sme netwrking amng my friends asking if anyne knew a dentist wh might d sme free wrk fr this lady. At the time, I was nt able t pay fr the wrk t be dne myself. Several friends suggested a dental ffice that had recently pened up in the area, thinking that they might be willing t prvide the services. I didn’t want t waste a lt f time ging t several dentists, s I prayed that this wuld be the ne.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Stpping by the dental ffice, I went t the receptin desk.
    Pabl’s mther came t meet the dentist at the appinted time.

    备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力06(新高考II卷)(Word版附解析): 这是一份备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力06(新高考II卷)(Word版附解析),文件包含新高考II卷决胜高考仿真模拟卷06Word版含解析docx、新高考II卷决胜高考仿真模拟卷06Word版无答案docx、新高考II卷决胜高考仿真模拟卷06听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力03(九省新高考)(Word版附解析): 这是一份备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力03(九省新高考)(Word版附解析),文件包含九省新高考卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03Word版含解析docx、九省新高考卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03Word版无答案docx、九省新高考卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力03(新高考II卷)(Word版附解析): 这是一份备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷含听力03(新高考II卷)(Word版附解析),文件包含新高考II卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03Word版含解析docx、新高考II卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03Word版无答案docx、新高考II卷备战2024年高考英语仿真试卷03听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。






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