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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Hw des the man react t the news?
    A. He was prud f it.
    B. He fund it unbelievable.
    C. He was nt surprised abut it.
    2. Hw des the man keep in tuch with his grandparent?
    A. By WeChat.B. By e-mail.C. By phne.
    3. What can we say abut the cuple?
    A. They’re gd-lking.B. They’re hard-wrking.C. They’re warm-hearted.
    4. What des the wman need help with?
    A. The small bx.B. The wide bx.C. The tall bx.
    5. Hw much will the man pay fr the mde plane?
    A. $35.B. $30.C. $55.
    6. Why can’t the man take exercise regularly?
    A. He desn’t feel well.B. He can’t spare mre time.C. He can’t affrd the mney.
    7. What will the wman prbably d n Saturday?
    A. Attend a party.B. G t the gym.C. Watch a mvie.
    8. What is the wman ding?
    A. Infrming the man f a schedule.
    B. Having a phne interview.
    C. Asking abut a jb ffer.
    9. Hw lng des the wman plan t be ut f twn?
    A. Fr tw days.B. Fr three days.C. Fr fur days.
    10. What is the wman’s gd news?
    A. Getting the first prize.B. Winning a new cmputer.C. Passing a swimming test.
    11. Hw will the wman g t Lndn?
    A. By plane.B. By train.C. By car.
    12. Why des the man hate flying?
    A. It is t expensive fr him.B. It is nt cnvenient at all.C. It makes him feel unsafe.
    13. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Librarian and reader.B. Reprter and passer-by.C. Teacher and student.
    14. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a library.B. In a mall.C. In the street.
    15. Why d mst students think highly f the mall?
    A. It is new.B. It is reasnably priced.C. It is easy t reach.
    16. What is the man’s suggestin fr the mall?
    A. Reducing nise.B. Sharing mre news.C. Offering jb pprtunities.
    17. Hw did the speaker travel arund the Suth Island?
    A. By car.B. By bus.C. By mtrbike.
    18. Where is Christchurch?
    A. On the east cast.
    B. In the nrthwest f the island.
    C. 150 kilmeters nrth f Kaikura.
    19. What wuld the speaker like t see mst?
    A. Ocean birds.B. Whales.C. Dlphins.
    20. What did the speaker buy at Nelsn Saturday Market as a suvenir?
    A. A mask.B. Paintings.C. Jewellery.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Kangar Kids
    Fall Jump Rpe Wrkshp
    Invited: All skill levels, kids ages 6 and up
    Skills Taught: Single/Lng Rpe, Speed, and Duble Dutch (交互花式跳绳)
    Learn new skills with natinally recgnized jumpers!
    Jumpers must be willing t learn and have fun!
    Saturday, Nvember 9, 9:00-16:00
    Nrth Laurel Cmmunity Center
    9411 Whiskey Bttm Rd·Laurel, MD 20723
    Participant Fee: $55 by 10/21 ($65. after 10/21)
    Judge’s Clinic Fee: $25 by 10/21 ($35 after 10/21)
    Hw t Register (register by 10/30)
    Use ur nline registratin system fr all event registratins, T-shirt rders; and lunch rders. Please register
    and pay at Wrkshp. First-time users will create a user accunt t
    register fr the Fall Wrkshp as a participant. Please create nly ne user accunt per husehld. All
    members f a family will be part f ne accunt.
    T-shirt Order
    Wrkshp T-shirts: $18, rder by 10/18. Shirt Size (please circle during rder): YS/YM/YL/AS/AM /AL
    Jump rpes, T-shirts, shrts, tennis shes, and water bttles will be available fr sale at the event n
    Nvember 9. There will be instructrs helping adjust the length f yur jump rpes.
    Lunch Order
    Subway lunch (sandwich r salad, fruit drinks and ckies): $8, rder by 10/30.
    Wrkshp Hurs: 9:00-12:00 and 1:30-4:00
    Lunch: 12:00-1:30
    21. What is the early bird participant fee?
    A. $25.B. $35.C. $55.D. $65.
    22. What are family participants asked t d?
    A. Bring their wn lunch.
    B. Create ne registratin accunt.
    C. Register fr the same instructr.
    D. Adjust the length f their jump rpes in advance.
    23. When is the deadline fr rdering a T-shirt?
    A. 10/18.B. 10/21.C. 10/30.D. 11/9.
    Aesha Ash is a ballet dancer wh began The Swan Dreams Prject in 2011. It is a prgram designed t bring ballet t girls f clr in her cmmunity. Aesha Ash is ne f the few wmen f clr t ever grace the stages f the Schl f American Ballet in New Yrk City. She wants t expse her cmmunity t mre psitive images f wmen f clr thrugh the use f ballet. She wants t shw the wrld that beauty and grace are nt defined by status r race.
    Aesha grew up in the inner city f Rchester, New Yrk, where crime, gun vilence and pverty were amng the biggest threats t the cmmunity. Fr her, that’s nrmal. That’s just life in the neighbrhd, but what she remembers mst is the dance studi. She started dancing at the age f five. A teacher mentined t her mther that she had sme prmise in ballet, and that it wuld be difficult fr her, as a wman f clr, t enter the ballet wrld. But the hardship she faced was the very thing that pushed her t pursue a career in ballet.
    And there’s s much negative steretypes (刻板印象) and misunderstanding f wh they are in the media. Thrugh the use f imagery and her career as a ballet dancer, she challenges steretypes that exist fr wmen f clr, particularly thse frm inner-city cmmunities.
    “It’s imprtant that ur girls see that side f themselves because fr many kids it’s hard t be what yu can’t see. I hadn’t seen a black ballet dancer befre I decided that was what I wanted t be. It was really imprtant fr me t be in my envirnment displaying that because this is where I’m frm. It was always beynd ballet,” Aesha Ash stated.
    24. Why did Aesha start The Swan Dreams Prject?
    A. T prmte the images f females f clr by ballet.
    B. T expse her cmmunity t a wrld f wmen f clr.
    C. T grace the stages f the Schl f American Ballet.
    D. T shw the wrld that beauty and grace are defined by status.
    25. Which f the fllwing best describes the cmmunity she grew up in?
    A. Cmfrtable.B. Ancient.C. Peaceful.D. Unsafe.
    26. What can’t we knw frm the passage?
    A. Aesha had a gift fr ballet accrding t her teacher.
    B. The hardship Aesha faced was the clr f her skin.
    C. Aesha wanted t be a ballet dancer because f a wman dancer f clr.
    D. It is nt easy t change the steretypes that exist fr wmen f clr.
    27. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. A teacher prvides chances fr girls f clr.
    B. A wman brings ballet t the girls f clr.
    C. Ballet changes the life f a wman f clr.
    D. A wman has changed the negative steretypes.
    Wild animals seem t have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight t the idea that they have a “sixth sense” fr disasters, experts said n Thursday.
    Sri Lanka wildlife fficials have said the waves that killed ver 24,000 peple alng the Indian Ocean island’s cast seemingly missed wild beasts, with n dead animals fund.
    “N elephants are dead, nt even a dead hare r rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a ‘sixth sense’. They knw when things are happening,” H.D. Ratnayake, directr f Sri Lanka’s Wildlife. Department, said n Wednesday.
    The waves washed fldwaters up t 3 km (2 miles) inland at Yala Natinal Park in the sutheast, Sri Lanka’s biggest wildlife reserve and hme t hundreds f wild elephants. “There has been a lt f evidence (证据) abut dgs barking r birds migrating befre vlcanic eruptins r earthquakes. But it has nt been prved.” said Matthew van Lierp, an animal behavir specialist at Jhannesburg Z. “There have been n specific studies because yu can’t really test it in a lab r field setting,” he said. Other authrities agreed with this cnclusin.
    “Wildlife seems t be able t pick up certain signs, especially birds. There are many reprts f birds detecting cming disasters,” said Clive Walker, wh has written several bks n African wildlife.
    Animals certainly rely n the knwn senses such as smell r hearing t avid danger such as predatrs (掠食动物). The idea f an animal “sixth sense” is a lasting ne that the evidence n Sri Lanka’s damaged cast is likely t add t.
    28. What happened after the Indian Ocean tsunami?
    A. Many peple died but wild animals survived.
    B. The “six sense” f wild animals develped.
    C. Wild beasts were killed r went missing.
    D. The cast was fund in gd cnditin.
    29. What des H.D. Ratnayake d?
    A. He is a z keeper.B. He is a wildlife fficial.
    C. He is a mvie directr.D. He is an animal behavir expert.
    30. Which f the fllwing is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “detecting” in paragraph 5?
    A. Taking up.B. Putting up.C. Picking up.D. Bringing up.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Animals can save themselves frm human activity.
    B. Animals’ natural pwer t escape frm danger.
    C. Hw t prtect wildlife when disasters happen.
    D. The serius damage f the Indian Ocean tsunami.
    When the explrers first set ft upn the cntinent f Nrth America, the skies and lands were alive with an astnishing variety f wildlife. Native Americans had taken care f these precius natural resurces wisely. Unfrtunately, it tk the explrers and the settlers wh fllwed nly a few decades t decimate a large part f these resurces. Millins f waterfwl (水禽) were killed at the hands f market hunters and a handful f verly ambitius sprtsmen. Millins f acres f wetlands were dried t feed and huse the ever-increasing ppulatins, greatly reducing waterfwl habitat.
    In 1934, with the passage f the Migratry Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly cncerned natin tk firm actin t stp the destructin f migratry (迁徙的) waterfwl and the wetlands s vital t their survival. Under this Act, all waterfwl hunters 16 years f age and ver must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, a plitical cartnist frm Des Mines, Iwa, wh at that time was appinted by President Franklin Rsevelt as Directr f the Bureau f Bilgical Survey. Hunters willingly pay the stamp price t ensure the survival f ur natural resurces.
    Abut 98 cents f every duck stamp dllar ges directly int the Migratry Bird Cnservatin Fund t purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat fr inclusin int the Natinal Wildlife Refuge System — a fact that ensures this land will be prtected and available fr all generatins t cme. Since 1934, better than half a billin dllars has gne int that Fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat. Little wnder the Federal Duck Stamp Prgram has been called ne f the mst successful cnservatin prgrams ever initiated.
    32. What was a cause f the waterfwl ppulatin decline in Nrth America?
    A. Lss f wetlands.B. Ppularity f water sprts.
    C. Pllutin f rivers.D. Arrival f ther wild animals.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “decimate” mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Acquire.B. Exprt.C. Destry.D. Distribute.
    34. What is a direct result f the Act passed in 1934?
    A. The stamp price has gne dwn.B. The migratry birds have flwn away.
    C. The hunters have stpped hunting.D. The gvernment has cllected mney.
    35. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Federal Duck Stamp StryB. The Natinal Wildlife Refuge System
    C. The Benefits f Saving WaterfwlD. The Histry f Migratry Bird Hunting
    We all knw hw imprtant it is t keep ur bdies fit by keeping active and. maintaining a regular exercise rutine. 36 Ygic exercises, which have existed fr centuries, are intrduced here t help keep eye muscles sharp as well as relax the eyes.
    Massage (按摩) yur eyes. Easy t d, massage is a cmmn treatment t relieve tensin r stress. 37 . Yu can begin by gently massaging yur upper eyelids fr 10 secnds and then gently massage yur lwer eyelids. The sft pressure n the lacrimal glands (泪腺) which prduce mst f yur tears, helps t stimulate tear prductin and wetness in the eyes. This, in turn, prvides relief t tired eyes.
    38 It ffers much-needed breaks and mments f relaxatin fr ur eyes. Hwever, it is ften smething mst peple ignred since it is such a natural activity that generally requires little thught. Nt nly des blinking push ut dirt with tears, it als wrks t spread tear film evenly ver yur eyes.
    Wrk ut the eyes. 39 It is a gd eye fcusing exercise, as yu have t cnstantly adjust hw well yu can fcus n an bject frm certain distances. Yu can als make a figure eight with yur eyes, which practices cntrlling the physical mvement f yur eyes.
    Palm (手掌) yur eyes. 40 Rub yur palms tgether befrehand t prduce sme heat befre yu begin palming. Then, clse yur eyes and yu can cver yur eyes fr a few minutes with cupped hands. Nrmally, rest in this psitin fr 5—10 minutes.
    Anyway, take a break and perfrm these exercises will refresh yur eyes.
    A. Lk utside.
    B. Blink mre.
    C. But ur eyes need exercise as well.
    D. It can be dne very simply.
    E. Practicing zming with yur eyes is highly suggested.
    F. Yu can draw circles with yur eyes.
    G. It helps t imprve bld circulatin (循环) arund yur eyes.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Very ften, it seems that the athletes we watch n TV effrtlessly win the game. Hwever, it’s 41 t remember that things dn’t always g their way. At ne time r anther, everyne has a bad game r becmes 42 . Here tw tp athletes tell us abut a time when they had t 43 back and what they, 44 frm the experience.
    Maya Mre was a member f the U. S. wmen’s basketball team that wn gld at the Olympics in 2012. “My team was playing at the natinal champinships when I was 13. I culd nt hit a 45 during the whle game. We 46 and I felt like I let my team dwn. I was extremely 47 . My mm helped me see that my 48 des nt define wh I am. She helped me realize that it is hw I respnd t difficult times that 49 . I learned t bunce back frm 50 times in life.”
    Swimmer Natalie Cughlin has ever wn 12 Olympic gld medals. “By the time I was 16, I had already 51 fr years t qualify (具有资格) fr the Olympic team. 52 , I tre (撕裂) a muscle in my shulder, which meant I had t temprarily 53 my gal. It made me hardly wish t live because swimming was my whle wrld. The injury 54 me t seek things utside f swimming, like friendships and hbbies. It helped me 55 that swimming was nt life and death.”
    41. A. naturalB. hardC. flishD. free
    42. A. injuredB. prudC. lstD. puzzled
    43. A. lkB. bunceC. runD. hld.
    44. A. sufferedB. chseC. heardD. learned
    45. A. ballB. persnC. basketD. sht
    46. A. expectedB. fcusedC. lstD. imprved
    47. A. clearB. cnfusedC. dwnD. tired
    48. A. medalB. perfrmanceC. purpseD. victry
    49. A. mattersB. wrksC. variesD. judges
    50. A. hardB. wasteC. vitalD. happy
    51. A. paidB. studiedC. ranD. wrked
    52. A. SuddenlyB. OccasinallyC. UnfrtunatelyD. Cnstantly
    53. A. achieveB. setC. get rid fD. give up
    54. A. encuragedB. frcedC. infrmedD. led
    55. A. recgnizeB. rememberC. defineD. declare
    In recent years, the wrld __________(56) (see) a number f natural disasters: hurricanes in the Caribbean and suthern U.S., earthquakes in Mexic, and mnsns (季风雨) in suthern Asia. These __________(57) (event) brught damage t cmmunities. They als brught questins abut what we can d t prepare __________(58) (we) fr similar events. The best thing t d when facing a cming natural disaster is t pay attentin t yur area’s evacuatin ntices and take advantage f evacuatin help. Hwever, it’s pssible t __________(59) (catch) by an unexpected emergency. When __________(60) (face) with thse situatins, what shuld yu d t stay safe? Hw can yu be better prepared? Every family shuld have an emergency plan __________(61) addresses the mst likely disasters in their area. Practical __________(62) (survive) skills shuld als be part f every family’s plan. These skills need t be learned and practiced befre things get hard. This is because yu __________(63) (simple) wn’t have time t read a survival bk during __________(64) emergency. __________(65) (stay) calm is the mst imprtant thing a persn can d during any emergency. A little fear is a natural and healthy respnse (反应) t a frightening event. But when fear runs unchecked, a persn may make dangerus chices. It takes practice t learn t stay calm in frightening situatins, but it can be dne.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,上周五你校举行了冬季趣味运动会。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1. 参与的人员;2. 活动的内容;3. 运动会的意义。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Winter Fun Games
    As Mm and I std in line waiting t cash ut at the stre, I studied the custmer in frnt f us wh was reading the magazines t ur left. She was yung, maybe early twenties, but she already had a tired lk with a slight stp (驼背).
    The items in her cart included the cheapest cuts f meat and meal like pasta, rice, and ptates. Day-ld bread, bargain sap, and inexpensive shamp cmpleted her purchases, well, almst. In the crner sat a ty car and a pretty dress that was 50 percent ff. She cntinued t lk at the magazines as we waited, and mre peple lined up behind us. She turned arund and asked Mm fr help.
    “I’m srry t bther yu,” she began shyly. “But can yu tell me hw much this is? I frgt my glasses at hme.”
    “Of curse,” Mm said.
    When Mm finally fund the small print and tld her, she sighed quietly and put it back.
    “They’ve becme s expensive, haven’t they?” Mm said in a lw vice.
    “Next!” The cashier called and she mved frward.
    When the stre emplyee finally added up everything and tld her the cst, the wman’s face paled. It was bvius that she didn’t have enugh mney, and she scanned her items t see what she culd d withut.
    One by ne, she remved things, but she still came up shrt. She cntinued t take much-needed gds ut while the cashier patiently deducted (扣除) things with a pleasant smile.
    The child’s items remained in the cart, hwever. In fact, the palm f her ther hand lay prtectively acrss them, as if she didn’t want t give in.
    The wman finally paid, and mved dwn t bag them.
    When ur turn came, Mm pinted t the pile f items the wman had taken ut, added all ur meat and fresh milk, and whispered “Separate bags, same bill please” t the cashier. She ndded, even thugh it was a “pack yur wn” kind f stre.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The cashier went n with her wrk and Mm mved next t the wman. ________________________________
    When she turned back and was abut t leave, she fund the extra bag in her cart. _________________________
    1. B
    【原文】W: Cngratulatins! Yu’re t be appinted as Sales Manager!
    M: Incredible. It’s t gd t be true. I’ve nly been wrking fr tw mnths in this department, and this is ttally a huge surprise!
    2. A
    【原文】W: Henry, yu haven’t seen yur grandparents fr a whle year. Are yu ging t visit them this summer hliday?
    M: Mm, we used t greet each ther by phne, but nw we always meet n WeChat mments. Smetimes we cnduct a vide chat.
    3. C
    【原文】W: Hell, Terry. Hw was yur trip t Chengdu?
    M: Oh, wnderful. I happened t meet a cuple frm Chengdu n the high-speed train. Thanks t their help, I enjyed my trip a lt.
    4. A
    【原文】M: D yu want me t cme dwnstairs and help yu, Helen? Thse bxes are really big.
    W: Yes, please. Actually, these tall and wide bxes aren’t s heavy but it’s this small ne full f bks that I can’t lift.
    5. B
    【原文】M: The mdel plane is great. But thirty-five dllars is t much.
    W: Oh, it’s already a bargain. But I can knck 5 dllars ff since yur sn lks s cute.
    M: That’s OK. Thank yu.
    6. B 7. A
    【原文】W: Andy, lk at yu! Yu lk unhealthy! Yu need t g t the gym with me smetimes.
    M: I knw. I d need mre exercise and wrk ut regularly, but I can’t affrd it because I’m t busy studying lately.
    W: Yu need t relax. Linda is having a party this Saturday night. Why dn’t yu cme with me? One weekend wn’t matter. Yu’ve still gt ne mnth fr the exam!
    M: Hmm. OK. I’ll cme.
    W: And what abut watching a mvie tnight?
    M: Srry. I really can’t d that tnight.
    8. C 9. C
    【原文】W: Hell. Mr Jhnsn. This is Kim Smith. I’m calling abut a jb ffering at yur cmpany that I saw n the Internet.
    M: Thanks fr calling. We’ll be have interviews next Mnday and Tuesday. Are yu free thse days?
    W: Actually, I’m ging t be ut f twn next Mnday. Can I have an interview n Friday? I’ll be back that day.
    M: Well, that’s the plan. We need t find smene t fill the psitin quickly. If yu’re nt free next Mnday r Tuesday, I’m afraid we wn’t be able t cnsider yu fr the jb.
    10. A 11. B 12. C
    【原文】M: Sue, I haven’t seen yu fr a while. Where have yu been hiding? Have yu practiced swimming r been busy with yur designing?
    W: Neither, Dave. I have sme excellent news. I wn first prize in the cmputer game cmpetitin.
    M: That is really wnderful news. What is the prize?
    W: I have wn a trip t Lndn.
    M: Ww! That’s great — but hw will yu get there?
    W: Train, f curse. Althugh I’ve just wn a trip, the plane is much t expensive.
    M: I hate flying. With just the thught f nt having my feet safe n the grund, three things happen: my stmach turns, my face ges pale, and I break int a cld sweat.
    W: But if yu want t save time, yu have t fly.
    M: That’s true. Smetimes I have n ther chice.
    13. B 14. C 15. B 16. A
    【原文】W: Excuse me, sir. I’m frm the Winbester Radi. Can I ask yu sme questins abut the newly built shpping mall?
    M: G ahead, but I cannt spare yu t much time. I’ll g t the library in the dwntwn t return a bk.
    W:Are yu a student r ...
    M: Yes, I am studying in this university nw. I will graduate sn.
    W: Oh, yes? Hw d yu find the new stre near yur university?
    M: It is gd. It is cnvenient fir us students t g and buy sme necessary things.
    W: What abut yur classmates?
    M: Well, mst f them have an idea that the price is acceptable. They like it s much. But thers think there is t much nise in the shpping mall, making them fail t put all their hearts int study.
    W: What’s yur advice n the shpping mall?
    M: In my pinin, the shpping mall shuld give sme chances fr us t practice what we have learned.
    W: Well, thank yu fr yur time.
    17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A
    【原文】W: Hi, there. My name’s Wendy, and I’d like t tell yu abut a fantastic trip t New Zealand. New Zealand has tw main islands—the Nrth Island and the Suth Island. I went t the Suth Island. There are many ways t see it—yu can hire a car t drive, r g arund by mtrbike. Yu can even see the island by bat, but I went n what’s knwn as the green bus. We started in Nelsn, which is in the nrthwest f the island. Then we headed ff dwn the west cast, stpping at different places and up t ur final destinatin—Christchurch, the secnd largest city in New Zealand, lying n the east cast. I als went n a day tur t a place called Kaikura, which is 150 kilmeters nrth f Christchurch. It is famus fr its sea life and als fr being ne f the mst exciting places in the wrld t see cean birds. I was eager t see my favrite animal—dlphins, and there were whales t. There’re interesting things t buy in the Suth Island. Nelsn Saturday Market is brilliant. There’re all srts f gds in the market. I gt a fantastic wden mask as a suvenir, bur there were als paintings, jewellery and ther things that wuld have been nice t bring hme.
    21. C 22. B 23. A
    21. 细节理解题。根据文中“Participant Fee: $55 by 10/21 ($65 after 10/21)(参加者费用:10/21前55美元;10/21后65美元)”可知,报名早的参加者费用是55美元。故选C。
    22. 细节理解题。根据Hw t Register (register by 10/30)部分中“Please create nly ne user accunt per husehld.(请每个家庭只创建一个用户帐户)”可知,家庭参与者被要求创建一个注册账号。故选B。
    23. 细节理解题。根据T-shirt Order部分中“Wrkshp T-shirts: $18, rder by 10/18.(工作坊T恤:$18,10/18前订购)”可知,订购T恤的截止日期是10/18。故选A。
    24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B
    24. 细节理解题。根据首段首句“Aesha Ash is a ballet dancer wh began The Swan Dreams Prject in 2011. (艾莎·阿什是一名芭蕾舞演员,她于2011年创办了“天鹅之梦”项目。)”以及倒数第二句“She wants t expse her cmmunity t mre psitive images f wmen f clr thrugh the use f ballet. (她想通过芭蕾向她的社区展示更多有色人种女性的正面形象。)”可知,艾莎·阿什创办了“天鹅之梦”项目是为了通过芭蕾向她的社区展示更多有色人种女性的正面形象。故选A。
    25. 细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Aesha grew up in the inner city f Rchester, New Yrk, where crime, gun vilence and pverty were amng the biggest threats t the cmmunity. (艾莎在纽约罗彻斯特的内城长大,在那里,犯罪、枪支暴力和贫困是社区面临的最大威胁。)”可知,艾莎成长的社区很不安全,面临着犯罪、枪支暴力和贫困等问题。故选D。
    26. 推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句“A teacher mentined t her mther that she had sme prmise in ballet, and that it wuld be difficult fr her, as a wman f clr, t enter the ballet wrld. (一位老师对她的母亲说,她在芭蕾舞方面很有前途,但作为一名有色人种女性,她很难进入芭蕾舞界。)”以及第三段首句“And there’s s much negative steretypes (刻板印象) and misunderstanding f wh they are in the media. (媒体对他们有很多负面的刻板印象和误解。)”可知,艾莎的老师说她有芭蕾舞天赋;艾莎面对的困难是她是有色人种;媒体对他们有很多负面的刻板印象和误解,突破这种刻板印象并不容易。C项的内容没有提到。故选C。
    27. 主旨大意题。根据首段第一二句“Aesha Ash is a ballet dancer wh began The Swan Dreams Prject in 2011. It is a prgram designed t bring ballet t girls f clr in her cmmunity. (艾莎·阿什是一名芭蕾舞演员,她于2011年创办了“天鹅之梦”项目。这是一个旨在将芭蕾舞带给她所在社区有色人种女孩的项目。)”可知,本文主要介绍艾莎办了一个旨在将芭蕾舞带给有色人种女孩的“天鹅之梦”项目。故选B。
    28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B
    28. 细节理解题。根据第二段“Sri Lanka wildlife fficials have said the waves that killed ver 24,000 peple alng the Indian Ocean island’s cast seemingly missed wild beasts, with n dead animals fund.(斯里兰卡野生动物官员表示,印度洋岛屿沿岸造成2.4万多人死亡的海浪似乎与野生动物擦肩而过,没有发现死亡的动物)”可知,印度洋海啸之后许多人死了,但野生动物活了下来。故选A。
    29. 细节理解题。根据第三段““N elephants are dead, nt even a dead hare r rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a ‘sixth sense’. They knw when things are happening,” H.D. Ratnayake, directr f Sri Lanka’s Wildlife Department, said n Wednesday.(“没有大象死亡,甚至没有一只野兔或兔子死亡。我认为动物能感知灾难。它们有“第六感”。它们知道什么时候有事情发生,”斯里兰卡野生动物部主任H.D. Ratnayake周三说)”可知,H.D. Ratnayake是野生动物官员。故选B。
    30. 词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“Wildlife seems t be able t pick up certain signs, especially birds.”可知,野生动物似乎能够捕捉到某些信号,尤其是鸟类。因此有很多关于鸟类发现即将到来的灾难的报道。故划线词意思是“发现,认识”。故选C。
    31. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Wild animals seem t have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight t the idea that they have a “sixth sense” fr disasters, experts said n Thursday.(专家于周四表示,野生动物似乎躲过了印度洋海啸,这进一步证实了它们对灾难有“第六感”的说法)”可知,文章主要说明了印度洋海啸之后许多人死了,但野生动物活了下来,文章还列举了其他一些动物会躲避危险的例子。由此可知,这篇文章的主要内容是动物逃避危险的自然力量。故选B。
    【答案】32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A
    32. 细节理解题。根据第一段“Millins f waterfwl were killed at the hands f market hunters and a handful f verly ambitius sprtsmen. Millins f acres f wetlands were dried t feed and huse the ever-increasing ppulatins, greatly reducing waterfwl habitat.(数百万只水禽被市场猎人和一些野心勃勃的运动员杀死。数百万英亩的湿地被抽干,以养活和安置不断增加的人口,大大减少了水禽的栖息地)”可知,数百万英亩的湿地被抽干用作农地或者修建住房,导致水禽的栖息地减少,水禽数量下降。故选A。
    33. 词句猜测题。根据第一段“Native Americans had taken care f these precius natural resurces wisely. Unfrtunately, it tk the explrers and the settlers wh fllwed nly a few decades t decimate a large part f these resurces.(美洲原住民明智地保护了这些宝贵的自然资源。不幸的是,仅仅几十年的探险家和定居者就decimate这些资源的大部分)”可知,前后句形成转折,前一句陈述美洲原住民保护这些宝贵的自然资源,所以后句表示探险家和定居者破坏了这些自然资源,推测划线单词表示“破坏”,与destry同义。故选C。
    34. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Since 1934, better than half a billin dllars has gne int that Fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat.(自1934年以来,已有超过5亿美元投入该基金,用于购买500多万英亩的栖息地)”可知,自1934年通过法案,政府获得超过5亿美元,已经筹集了很多资金,以购买水禽栖息地。故选D。
    35. 主旨大意题。根据第二段“Under this Act, all waterfwl hunters 16 years f age and ver must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. (根据该法案,所有16岁及以上的水禽猎人必须每年购买并携带联邦鸭章)”以及第三段“Little wnder the Federal Duck Stamp Prgram has been called ne f the mst successful cnservatin prgrams ever initiated.(难怪联邦鸭票计划被称为有史以来最成功的保护计划之一)”可知,本文主要讲述了联邦鸭票的故事,所以“联邦鸭票的故事”可以作为文章标题。故选A。
    36. C 37. G 38. B 39. E 40. D
    36. 上文“We all knw hw imprtant it is t keep ur bdies fit by keeping active and maintaining a regular exercise rutine.(我们都知道通过保持活跃和有规律的锻炼来保持身体健康是多么重要)”说明锻炼对身体健康很重要,以及下文“Ygic exercises, which have existed fr centuries, are intrduced here t help keep eye muscles sharp as well as relax the eyes.(瑜伽练习已经存在了几个世纪,它可以帮助保持眼睛犀利和放松眼睛)”说明瑜伽练习对于眼睛有益处,C项“但我们的眼睛也需要锻炼。”承上启下,从身体锻炼过渡到眼部运动,符合题意。故选C。
    37. 上文“Massage (按摩) yur eyes. Easy t d, massage is a cmmn treatment t relieve tensin r stress.(按摩你的眼睛。按摩很简单,是缓解紧张或压力的常用疗法)”说明按摩眼睛是有益处的方法,G项中it指代上文中的massage,G项“它有助于改善眼睛周围的血液循环。”进一步说明按摩眼睛的益处,承接上文,符合题意。故选G。
    38. 下文“Nt nly des blinking push ut dirt with tears, it als wrks t spread tear film evenly ver yur eyes.(眨眼不仅能将污垢随泪水挤出,还能将泪膜均匀地涂在眼睛上)”说明眨眼的作用,它能帮助排出污垢,B项“多眨眼。”引出下文内容,可以作为段落标题句。故选B。
    39. 上文“Wrk ut the eyes.(锻炼眼睛)”说明要对眼睛进行锻炼,E项“强烈建议用眼睛练习缩放。”介绍锻炼眼睛的方法,建议进行聚焦练习,并引出下文“It is a gd eye fcusing exercise, as yu have t cnstantly adjust hw well yu can fcus n an bject frm certain distances.(这是一个很好的眼睛聚焦练习,因为你必须不断调整从特定距离聚焦物体的效果)”,介绍具体的做法,E项符合题意。故选E。
    40. 下文“Rub yur palms tgether befrehand t prduce sme heat befre yu begin palming. Then, clse yur eyes and yu can cver yur eyes fr a few minutes with cupped hands. Nrmally, rest in this psitin fr 5—10 minutes.(在开始手掌捂住眼睛之前,先把手掌揉在一起,以产生一些热量。然后,闭上眼睛,用杯状的手捂住眼睛几分钟。通常情况下,保持这个姿势休息5-10分钟)”说明捂住眼睛的具体做法,结合常识可知,这种具体做法很容易,D项中It指代上文“Palm (手掌) yur eyes.(用手掌捂住眼睛)”,D项“它可以非常容易地完成。”承上启下,符合题意。故选D。
    41. B 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. D 46. C 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. D 54. B 55. A
    41. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,很难记住事情并不总是如他们所愿。A. natural自然的;B. hard困难的;C. flish愚蠢的;D. free免费的。根据前文“Very ften, it seems that the athletes we watch n TV effrtlessly win the game.(很多时候,我们在电视上看到的运动员似乎毫不费力地赢得了比赛。)”和“t remember that things dn’t always g their way”可知,此处是指很难记住事情并不总是如他们所愿。故选B。
    42. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时,每个人都有一场糟糕的比赛或受伤。A. injured受伤的;B. prud骄傲的;C. lst迷路的;D. puzzled困惑的。根据“everyne has a bad game”可知,此处是指在比赛中受伤。故选A。
    43. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这里,两位顶级运动员向我们讲述了他们不得不重新振作起来的一次经历,以及他们从这次经历中学到了什么。A. lk看;B. bunce反弹;C. run奔跑;D. hld抓住。根据后文“I learned t bunce back(我学会了重新振作)”可知,此处是指不得不重新振作起来的一次经历。故选B。
    44. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这里,两位顶级运动员向我们讲述了他们不得不重新振作起来的一次经历,以及他们从这次经历中学到了什么。A. suffered遭受;B. chse选择;C. heard听说;D. learned学到。根据后文“She helped me realize that it is hw I respnd t difficult times(她帮助我认识到,正是我应对困难时期的方式……)”可知,此处是指从这次经历中学到了什么。故选D。
    45. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在整场比赛中,我一个球也没有击中。A. ball球;B. persn人;C. basket篮子;D. sht击球。根据前文“Maya Mre was a member f the U.S. wmen’s basketball team that wn gld at the Olympics in 2012.(玛雅·摩尔是2012年奥运会上获得金牌的美国女子篮球队的成员。)”可知,此处是指一个球也没有击中。故选D。
    46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们输了,我觉得我让球队失望了。A. expected期待;B. fcused集中;C. lst失败;D. imprved改善。根据“and I felt like I let my team dwn”可知,此处是指玛雅·摩尔所在的球队输了。故选C。
    47. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我极度失落。A. clear清晰的;B. cnfused困惑的;C. dwn失落的;D. tired疲惫的。根据前文“I felt like I let my team dwn”可知,此处是指玛雅·摩尔非常失落。故选C。
    48. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈让我明白,我的表现并不能定义我是谁。A. medal金牌;B. perfrmance表现;C. purpse目的;D. victry胜利。根据前文“I culd nt hit a sht during the whle game.”可知,此处是指“我”的表现并不能定义“我”是谁。故选B。
    49. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她让我意识到,我如何应对困难才是最重要的。A. matters重要;B. wrks起作用;C. varies改变;D. judges裁判。根据前文“My mm helped me see that my perfrmance des nt define wh I am.”可知,此处是指如何应对困难才是最重要的。故选A。
    50. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我学会了从生活中的艰难时刻中振作起来。A. hard艰难的;B. waste荒芜的;C. vital重要的;D. happy开心的。根据“bunce back frm”可知,此处是指从生活中的艰难时刻中振作起来。故选A。
    51. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我16岁的时候,我已经为获得奥运代表队的资格而努力了很多年。A. paid付款;B. studied学习;C. ran奔跑;D. wrked努力取得。根据“fr years t qualify (具有资格) fr the Olympic team”可知,此处是指为获得奥运代表队的资格而努力了很多年。故选D。
    52. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,我的肩膀肌肉拉伤了,这意味着我不得不暂时放弃我的目标。A. Suddenly突然;B. Occasinally偶尔;C. Unfrtunately不幸地;D. Cnstantly持续地。根据“I tre (撕裂) a muscle in my shulder”可知,此处是指发生了不幸的事情。故选C。
    53. 考查动词和动词短语辨析。句意:不幸的是,我的肩膀肌肉拉伤了,这意味着我不得不暂时放弃我的目标。A. achieve获得;B. set设置;C. get rid f去除;D. give up放弃。根据“I tre (撕裂) a muscle in my shulder, which meant I had t temprarily”可知,此处是指不得不暂时放弃目标。故选D。
    54. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次受伤迫使我去寻找游泳之外的东西,比如友谊和爱好。A. encuraged鼓励;B. frced迫使;C. infrmed通知;D. led引导。根据“The injury”可知,此处是指这次受伤迫使“我”去寻找游泳之外的东西。故选B。
    55. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它帮助我认识到游泳不是生死攸关的。A. recgnize认识到;B. remember记得;C. define定义;D. declare宣布。根据“that swimming was nt life and death”可知,此处是指认识到游泳不是生死攸关的。故选A。
    56. has seen 57. events 58. urselves 59. be caught 60. faced
    61. which/ that 62. survival 63.simply 64. an 65. Staying
    56. 根据 in recent years 可知此处用现在完成时
    57. 根据前文所列举的a number f natural disasters: hurricanes in the Caribbean and suthern U. S.,…可知事件有非常多,故用复数
    59. 由提议可知unexpected emergency 和catch之间应当是被动关系
    60. 这里考查固定搭配,be faced with表示“面临”
    61. 这里考查定语从句,先行词是物,关系词在从句中充当主语
    62. 形容词修饰名词,故用survive的形容词形式
    63. 用副词修饰动词have
    64. 此处泛指紧急情况,句意为“这是因为在紧急情况下,您根本没有时间阅读生存书籍”
    65. 这里动名词做主语
    One pssible versin:
    Winter Fun Games
    Last Friday, ur schl succeeded in hlding winter fun games, in which ver 200 students and teachers participated.
    The participants were in high spirits and tk an active part in the games, such as tug f war, fancy rpe skipping, shuttlecck kicking and running with the ball. The mst impressive activity, where five peple paced just in ne step, demnstrated strength and cperatin.
    The games were highly spken f because they helped t relieve stress and build strng team spirit.
    原句:The participants were in high spirits and tk an active part in the games, such as tug f war,
    fancy rpe skipping, shuttlecck kicking and running with the ball.
    拓展句:The participants were in high spirits and tk an active part in the games, which include tug
    f war, fancy rpe skipping, shuttlecck kicking and running with the ball.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Last Friday, ur schl succeeded in hlding winter fun games, in which ver 200 students and teachers participated.运用了“介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]The mst impressive activity, where five peple paced just in ne step, demnstrated strength and cperatin. (运用了 where 引导的非限制性定语从句)

    The cashier went n with her wrk and Mm mved next t the wman. She was wndering hw t put the extra things int the wman’s cart she’d brught withut being nticed. My mm lked up at the cashier and the clever cashier immediately ndded knwingly, winking at my mm and slving the prblem by “accidentally” drpping several ranges which flew past the lady. “I’ll get thse,” the wman ffered kindly t pick up the runaway fruit. I quickly finished ur plan as she turned arund and bent t pick up the ranges.
    When she turned back and was abut t leave, she fund the extra bag in her cart. She lked at my mm in surprise. “Hw can I accept this?” she said, handing it t my mther. “It’s nthing. That’s what all f us shuld d,” my mm replied warmly and firmly. Seeing all this, peple arund her began t persuade her t take back these items. Finally, with everyne’s help, she tk the bag in tears. It was at that mment that I realized we make a living by getting, but we make a life by giving.
    ①惊讶地:in surprise/in astnishment
    ②流泪:in tears/with tears rlling dwn
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. My mm lked up at the cashier and the clever cashier immediately ndded knwingly, winking at my mm and slving the prblem by “accidentally” drpping several ranges which flew past the lady. (现在分词作伴随状语以及which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. It was at that mment that I realized we make a living by getting, but we make a life by giving.(运用了强调句型)

    江西省新余市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省新余市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共13页。试卷主要包含了02等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共6页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.£350,B.At abut 7,5分,满分37,欢迎他表演节目等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省新余市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份江西省新余市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含2_1_参考答案1docx、扫描全能王2024-02-250930pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。






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