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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. D the dishes. B.Buy grceries. C.Clean the flr.
    2. Hw will the speakers prbably g t the cinema?
    A. By car. B.By subway. C.By taxi.
    3. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Hw t lse weight. B. Hw t take exercise. C. Hw t g n a diet.
    4. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Annyed. B.Excited. C.Uncncerned.
    5. What happened t the man?
    A. He lst his way. B.He was kncked ver. C. He gt a flat tire.
    6. What was wrng with the wman’s cmputer?
    A. It had t many files. B. It was infected. C. It was ut f date.
    7. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Run a virus scan. B. Buy a new cmputer. C. Update the sftware.
    8. What’s the prblem with the wman’s present apartment?
    A. It’s far frm campus. B.Its rent is high.C. It’s nt furnished.
    9. Why did the wman call the man?
    A. T make a cmplaint. B.T ask fr help. C. T rent his huse.
    10. What will the man d next?
    A. Inquire abut the price. B.Find a rmmate. C. Visit an apartment.
    11. Why des the wman suggest eating at hme?
    A. She wants t save mney.B. She is tired f preparing a meal.
    C. She’d like t try smething new.
    12. What des the wman think f Indian fd?
    A. It is nt delicius.B.It is t spicy.C.It is unhealthy.
    13. What will they rder?
    A. Indian fd. B.Italian fd. C.Chinese fd.
    14. What des the man want t d after graduatin?
    A. Wrk at a htel. B.Further his study. C.Travel arund the wrld.
    15. What is the wman’s majr?
    A. Htel Management. B.French. C.Cmputer Science.
    16. Hw des the wman pay her tuitin?
    A. By ding a part-time jb. B. With her schlarship.
    C. With her parents’ help.
    17 Wh is the speaker?
    A. A tur guide. B.An architect. C.A businessman.
    18. Hw did the architect design the building?
    A. By studying the ld huse. B.By cpying thers’ designs.
    C. By bserving the family’s life.
    19. What was the building made f?
    A. Wd. B.Brick. C. Cncrete.
    20. What is the present cnditin f the building?
    A. It is being rebuilt. B. It is well prtected. C. It is in ruins.
    Belw is a list f the tp and leading Theme Parks in Lndn.
    Chessingtn Wrld f Adventures Resrt
    It is a theme park and resrt that ffers a fun and enjyable experience fr bth adults and kids. It’s a perfect place t visit t relax ver the weekend with the different rides, attractins, z and sea life exhibits, shws and entertainment that they have. They huse ver 1,000 animals in their z and arund 40 rides that will make yur visit highly enjyable.
    Thrpe Park Resrt
    It is the g-t place fr all thrill seekers that are lking fr an ultimate experience near Lndn. Famus fr their different rides, yu will certainly enjy the unique experience that nly they can ffer. Seek the best adventure and leisure at this park.
    Hyde Park Winter Wnderland
    As ne f the best Christmas destinatins in Lndn, lcated in the heart f Lndn, it is pening their drs every Nvember 19 t January 3 t all individuals f varying ages and gender, wh want t experience the festivity that Christmas seasn brings.
    It is the largest indr activity centre created fr all kids lking fr sme fun and adventure. Established in 1994, this centre ffers a safe, secure and wnderful surundings where yur kids can play and have a pleasant and amusing time. It can als help hst yur kids’ birthday party based n their persnal likes and interests and can accmmdate a maximum f 25 children with the package including ne and a half hurs f play time and 30 minutes meal time.
    21. Which park may attract extreme sprts lvers?
    A. ClwnTwn. B. Thrpe Park Resrt.
    C. Hyde Park Winter Wnderland. D. Chessingtn Wrld f Adventures Resrt.
    22. What is special abut ClwnTwn?
    A. It hlds varius utdrs activities.
    B. It is suitable fr bth adults and kids.
    C. It prvides tailred services fr kids.
    D. It’s the best place fr Christmas celebratins.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A guidebk. B. A business plan.
    C. A fashin magazine. D. An academic article.
    I was 6 years ld when my father tld me we were leaving the Big Apple Circus. Until that pint, I had spent mst f my life n the circus lt, playing with the ther circus kids. The circus, by its nature, is ne that has a lse structure. S the early years after my leaving the circus t sit in a classrm all day felt mre like a prisn.
    But years later, I fund areas that interested me. I tk the skills I had learned frm being nstage and applied them t bradcasting. And s when Bstn's news statin WBUR ffered me a jb ut f cllege, I jumped at the chance. Alng the way, I fund I really enjyed the wrk. I became WBUR's news reprter. The flexibility and adaptability I'd learned in the circus as a child helped me d my jb naturally and easily in a stressful situatin----whether it was a destructive trnad utside Bstn, r the Bstn Marathn bmbings f 2013.
    But then a serius infectius disease appeared. Suddenly, fr the first time in my adult life, I went fr a year withut ding any shws. But it became clear t me that perfrming was what I truly wanted. Fr me, the circus symblizes wh I am. And stages have always been where I've felt the mst free. Sme peple get nervus befre they g n stage, but by assuming (扮演) the character f Jacques ze Whipper and drawing a stupid mustache n my face, all my scial anxiety disappears.
    Circus perfrmances g beynd age, sciecnmic status( 地位 ), and even language. It's the type f perfrmance where yu can g anywhere in the wrld t entertain anyne----help anyne frget their trubles fr5,10,and even 30 minutes. And mst imprtantly, fr me, it means cming hme.
    24.Hw did the authr feel in the early years f schl?
    A. Curius. B. Unfree C. Lse. D. Impatient.
    25.What d we knw abut the authr's jb at WBUR?
    A. He did it fr his father. B. He did it against his will.
    C. He risked his neck ding it. D. He tk t it like a duck t water.
    26.What des the circus prbably mean t the authr?
    A.A means f living. B.A chance t g anywhere.
    C.A part f his identity. D.A way t frget his trubles.
    27.Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T express his lve fr circus perfrmances.
    B. T stress the value f perfrming.
    C. T share his persnal experiences in a circus.
    D. T discuss the prblem f chsing a jb.
    There are well-dcumented mental health benefits t pet wnership, as much research has shwn. Indeed, we knw there are sme physical benefits as well, as dg wners tend t have mre active lifestyles. Yet when it cmes t cnditins like allergies (过敏), we tend t think f pet wnership as exacerbating, nt alleviating them.
    Hence, a recent study published in the jurnal PLOS One might cme as a surprise. The study, published Wednesday, fund that children raised with cats and dgs early in life had a 13 t 16 % lwer risk f develping all fd allergies than thse wh did nt wn pets.
    The researchers engaged in a detailed survey, studying 65,000 children. They fund that children wh were expsed t dgs either during fetal (胎儿) develpment, r up t the age f 3 years ld were less likely t have nut, milk and egg allergies.
    This wasn't true fr ther pets that weren't cats and dgs. Indeed, the same research fund that children expsed t hamsters during this same perid had an increased risk f nut allergies. Yet children wh were expsed t cats during their early years were likewise less likely t develp specific allergies — namely, allergies t wheat, sybean and egg.
    While the study is nt the final wrd n the issue — the researchers nte “further studies using ral fd challenges are required t mre accurately assess the incident f fd allergies” — it reinfrces preexisting research n the seemingly funny ways that cats influence human develpment.
    In additin t adding t the grwing bdy f scientific literature abut pets and human health, the PLOS One als reinfrces earlier research abut the rle f the envirnment in develping allergies. The research repeatedly fund that expsure t farmyard dirt, dust and the varius fine hairs that fly ff animals helps children in their breathing system develpment.
    28. What des the underlined wrd "exaccrbating" in paragraph 1 best mean?
    A. Wrsening. B. Damaging.
    C. Imprving. D. Benefiting.
    29. What agrees with the result f the recent research?
    A. Kids ver 3 will have mre fd allergies.
    B. Hamsters cause the mst allergies t children.
    C. All pet wnership will nt reduce fd allergies.
    D. Cat wners are less likely t be allergic than dg wners.
    30. What is the authr’s attitude t the PLOS One study?
    A. Satisfied. B. Objective.
    C. Dubtful. D. Uncncerned.
    31. What is a best title fr the text?
    A. Benefits brught by raising animals.
    B. Pet wnership making kids healthier.
    C. Researches n different fd allergies.
    D. Dgs and cats reducing kids' allergies.
    In a grundbreaking effrt, scientists at the University f Rchester have successfully transferred a lngevity gene frm naked mle rats(裸盼鼠)t mice, leading t enhanced health and a lnger lifespan fr the mice.
    Unlike many ther species, the rats d nt ften develp diseases —including cancer—as they age. Vera Grbunva, the Dris Jhns Cherry Prfessr f bi lgy and medicine at Rchester, alng with Andrei Seluanv, a prfessr f bilgy, and their clleagues have devted decades f research t understanding the unique mechanisms(机制)that the naked mle rats use t prtect themselves against aging and diseases. The researchers discvered that HMW-HA is ne mechanism respnsible fr the rats’ unusual resistance t cancer. Cmpared t mice and humans, naked mle rats have abut ten times mre HMW-HA in their bdies. When the researchers remved HMW-HA frm the rat cells, the cells were mre likely t frm tumrs(肿瘤).
    “Our study prvides a prf f principle that unique lngevity mechanisms that evlved in lng-lived mammals can be exprted t imprve the lifespans f ther mammals,” says Grbunva. As they successfully transferred a gene respnsible fr making HMW-HA frm a naked mle rat t mice, leading t imprved health and an apprximate 4.4 percent increase in the lifespan fr the mice, the Rchester researchers have pened exciting pssibilities fr unlcking the secrets f aging and extending human lifespan. “It tk us 10 years frm the discvery f HMW-HA in the naked mle rat t shwing that HMW-HA imprves health in mice,” Grbunva says. “Our next gal is t transfer this benefit t humans.”
    They believe they can accmplish this thrugh tw rutes: either by slwing dwn the degradatin(衰退)f HMW-HA r by enhancing HMW-HA synthesis(合成). “We hpe that ur findings will prvide the first, but nt the last, example f hw lngevity adaptatins frm a lng-lived species can be adapted t benefit human lngevity and health.” Seluanv says.
    32. What des paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. The beneficial effects f HMW-HA n humans.
    B. The prcess f transferring genes prducing HMW-HA.
    C. The cmparisn between mice and humans in lngevity.
    D. The discvery f a unique mechanism fr cancer resistance.
    33. What can we learn abut the researchers?
    A. They have unlcked the secrets f human lngevity.
    B. They plan t intrduce lngevity genes int humans.
    C. They have spent 10 years trying t discver HMW-HA.
    D. They believe that the lngevity genes can be exprted t any mammals.
    34. What des Seluanv think f the prspect f extending human lifespan?
    A. Hpeful. B. Wrrying. C. Dubtful. D. Uncertain.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Prmise Shwn in Cntrl f Human Genes
    B. Scientists Successfully Transfer Lngevity Gene
    C. Achievement Made in Extending Human Lifespan
    D. New Breakthrugh Paves the Way fr Curing Cancer
    “Mbile phnes, tablets, and smartwatches will be largely banned in classrms in the Netherlands frm January 1, 2024,”the Dutch gvernment said. The aim is t create an envirnment that limits the disturbance caused by these devices during lessns.
    “There is increasing evidence that mbile phnes have a harmful effect during lessns. 36 Fr this reasn, mbile phnes, as well as tablets and smartwatches, will n lnger be allwed in classrms frm January 1, 2024,” the gvernment said.
    37 Fr example, they may be allwed during lessns fcusing n digital skills, fr medical purpses, r fr individuals with disabilities wh rely n such devices.
    “Even thugh mbile phnes are clsely related t ur lives, they d nt belng in the classrm,” educatin minister Rbbert Dijkgraaf said in a statement. “Students need t cncentrate and need t be given the pprtunity t study well. Mbile phnes will disturb them, scientific research shws. 38 ”
    “The ban is the result f an agreement between the ministry, schls, and related rganizatins. Schls can find their wn way t rganize the ban," Dijkgraaf added, 39 ”
    A similar ban was intrduced in France in 2018 fr primary and middle schls t imprve fcus and prevent nline vilence.40 “In mst cases, mbile phnes are already banned fr the majrity f the schl day,” said the UK gvernment.
    A. We need t prtect students against this.
    B. Hwever, laws will fllw if the results are nt gd enugh.
    C. And parents will als have t fllw the rule.
    D. Pupils are less able t cncentrate and their perfrmance suffers.
    E. Devices will be banned during the whle schl day.
    F. UK schls have als suggested that such a ban be intrduced.
    G. Devices will nly be allwed if they are needed.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Many years ag, I was n an early mrning flight t Ecuadr. 41 , during such lng jurneys, I wuld put n my headphnes and g t sleep. 42 , n this particular day, I decided t take a little 43 .
    I 44 the silence and started a cnversatin with the man sitting next t me. I learned that this cmpanin was a 45 and we had a fascinating cnversatin.
    Mid-flight, I gathered the curage t take anther risk, sharing with him a bk prpsal I put tgether fr smething I was ding in my class. He read it, but plitely 46 it. Upn landing, we exchanged cntact infrmatin.
    Mnths later, I 47 him, inviting him t my class t discuss a prject n redesigning the bk. I shared my students’ prject vides. One particular prject caught Mark’s 48 .
    He expressed a desire t meet these students. I admitted I was a little bit 49 fr he seemed mre interested in wrking with my students than with me.
    After meeting the students, I, tgether with him and his clleagues, 50 tgether and life nce again shwed a(an) 51 turn. During this dinner, ne f his editrs asked me if I’d ever cnsidered writing a bk. I shared the same prpsal that his bss refused a year earlier. Within a frtnight, we had a cntract, and within tw years, ver a millin bks had been 52 arund the wrld.
    This jurney may seem 53 , but it resulted frm a series f small risks, beginning with a 54 “hell.” Anyne can fllw this path by 55 these small risks and finally increase yur chances f being lucky.
    41. A. Frtunately B. Typically C. Curiusly D. Thankfully
    42. A. Besides B. Therefre C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless
    43. A. risk B. step C. chance D. pliteness
    44. A. enjyed B. maintained C. brke D. bserved
    45. A. writer B. publisher C. teacher D. phtgrapher
    46. A. agreed B. ignred C. apprved D. declined
    47. A. reached ut t B. made friends withC. lst cntact with D. gave way t
    48. A. breath B. meaning C. interest D. imaginatin
    49. A. amazed B. hurt C. delighted D. stressed
    50. A. discussed B. gathered C. dined D. read
    51. A. unexpected B. disappinting C. wrng D. intentinal
    52. A. dnated B. cpied C. sld D. painted
    53. A. easy B. jyful C. cmfrtable D. frtunate
    54. A. simple B. surprising C. quick D. frmal
    55. A. cutting B. embracing C. estimating D. aviding
    As the temperature cntinues t drp,the glden autumn seems t be cming t an end, indicating the 56 (arrive) f the Cld Dew perid. Cld Dew, knwn as “Hanlu” in Chinese, 57 (fall) n Octber 8 and ends n Octber 23 this year.
    During Cld Dew, temperatures drp 58 (significant) and the sun cannt reach the deep waters thrughly. Therefre, fish swim in shallw waters, 59 the water temperature is relatively high, making Cld Dew the best seasn t cast a net r thrw a line.
    Chrysanthemums(菊花) are the symblic flwer f Cld Dew. 60 (prevent) autumn dryness, many regins in China have the custm f drinking chrysanthemum wine. In ancient times, drinking wine made with chrysanthemums 61 (think) t allw peple lng-lasting yuth.
    Other traditins t mark the seasn include hiking and climbing. With maple (枫树) leaves 62 (turn) red, the splendur f clr welcmes nature lvers. On the day f the Duble Ninth Festival, which ften is arund Cld Dew, peple ften climb hills with crnels(茱萸), 63 kind f plant. This custm, dating 64 the Eastern Han Dynasty ( AD 25-220), aims t drive bad things away.
    Cld Dew allws us t say gdbye t glden autumn and als gives us a chance t knw 65 (much)abut the culture behind the slar terms.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    假设你校英语报就“我心中的偶像(Idl in my heart)”展开征文活动,你对该话题很感兴趣,拟投稿。你的短文必须包含以下内容:
    注意: 词数100左右;

    Carter enjyed riding the schl bus hme. The ride hme gave him sme time t relax after a busy day f fifth grade. He usually sat alne and enjyed that t. With fur siblings (兄妹) he didn’t get much time alne. Smetimes he sat with his yunger brther, Jacksn, but Jacksn was sick at hme tday.
    The bus stpped and the tallest by in his class, Dexter, stepped ff fllwed by his yunger brther, Billy. As the bus pulled away, Carter lked back ver his shulder t watch the bys. Dexter was yelling and waving his hands at his little brther. Billy said smething Carter culd nt hear. Dexter yelled, gave his yunger brther a hard shve and kncked him t the grund. Billy was n the grund wiping at his eyes, but Dexter walked away.
    Carter turned in his seat, feeling disgusted. He hated seeing little kids get picked n (欺负). The sight f Billy n the grund crying was burned int his memry. He tried t think f smething else.
    He thught f the mdel car he was wrking n at hme, a 1967 Crvette. He started building it ver a week ag and just finished putting it tgether last night. Tnight, as sn as he finished his hmewrk, he culd start painting the car. That was his favrite part. He already had the perfect clr f blue picked ut.
    He hurried ff the bus, ran thrugh his yard, and breezed thrugh the kitchen with a quick hell t his mm. She was making spaghetti, which smelled delicius. He ran up the stairs tw at a time and rushed int his rm.
    “Surprise!” his brther Jacksn said, thrwing his arms int the air.
    “What are yu ding in my rm? I thught yu were sick!”
    “I feel better!”
    “What’s n yur face? Are yu bleeding?”
    “N! I’m nt bleeding.” Jacksn wiped at his face. “It’s prbably just paint. Lk! Lk what I did!” He pinted at the desk in the crner f Carter’ s rm.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;
    Paragraph 1: Carter lked dwn at his desk in hrrr.
    Paragraph2:Carter tk a deep breath and then unflded his fist.
    1-5: B B A A C 6-10:B C A B C 11-15:A B C A C 16-20:B A C C B
    21--23 BCA 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28-31ACBD 32--35 DBAB
    36--40 DGABF
    41-45. BDACB 46-50. DACBC 51-55. ACDAB
    56.arrival考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作宾语,应用 arrive 的名词形式。
    57.falls考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中与“ends” 并列作谓语。
    58.significantly考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语修饰动词“drp”,应用significant 的副词形式。59.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,该从句修饰先行词“shallw waters ”而空处在该从句中作地点状语。故填 where。
    60.T prevent 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,空处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填T prevent。
    61.was thught 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作谓语。think 与主语drinking wine made with chrysanthemums 之间是动宾关系,句子用被动语态。根据时间状语In ancient times 可知,句子应用一般过去时。主语为现在分词短语,be 动词应用 was。故填was thught。
    62.turning考查非谓语动词。此处为" With +宾语+宾语补足语"形式的复合结构,宾语leaves 与空处之间是主谓关系,所以空处应填现在分词形式作宾语补足语。
    63.a考查冠词。此处表示泛指,意为"一种植物",空处应用不定冠词,且kind 是以辅音音素开头的单词。
    64.frm考查介词。 date frm 为固定搭配,意为"追溯到"。故填 frm。
    65.mre考查比较级。句意:寒露使我们有机会更多地了解节气背后的文化。表示"更多地",应用比较级。故填 mre 。
    N matter hw serius he lks and hw tugh he appears t get alng with, my father deserves t be my idl.
    There is always a cnsiderate and warm-hearted persn behind his seemingly unapprachable face. What makes me admire fr him is his psitive attitude, sense f respnsibility, and his wide range f knwledge.When I was in junir, I was rebellius and I turned a deaf ear t any suggestin frm him. He never lst his temper with me even nce. All he tried was t cmmunicate with me equally, and exchange his thughts with me patiently, which did mve me eventually. Mrever, thanks t his instructive tutrial, I laid a slid fundatin fr my study.
    It was his patience and wide hrizn that enlightened my life at an early age with knwledge. With my father’s lve and cmpany, I feel secure and happy. That’s why I admire him frm the bttm f my heart.
    Pssible versin:
    Carter lked dwn at his desk in hrrr His Crvette! What an awful dull shade f red! “Why did yu d that?” Carter yelled ludly.“I just wanted t surprise yu!” Jacksn puted his lips and grinned at me prudly.“Isn't it cl?" he cntinued. Clr was rising n Carter's face. He bit his lips tightly and held his fist high. Astnished at Carter's extreme anger, Jacksn was frzen t the spt, inncent tears rlling dwn.“I thught yu wuld like it...!’ he drped his head and murmured.
    Carter tk a deep breath and then unflded his fist. Jacksn's sad and hpeless expressin is smewhat familiar t him. The sight f Billy's getting picked n was burned int his memry again.“Of curse it's cl!’ Carter tk a breath f relief and walked twards the table where the car was still drying.He strked Jacksn n the clwn-like face and cmfrted him ,“A sweet surprise!” Suddenly, a big and bright smile spread acrss Jacksn's little face.
    One pssible versin:
    Carter lked dwn at his desk in hrrr: His Crvette! Jacksn had painted it red. An awful dull shade f red!“Why wuld yu d that?”Carter shuted.“I wanted t surprise yu!”Jacksn grinned,with his eyes gleaming.Carter culd feel the anger grwing, bubbling up inside him, his hands curling int fists. Jacksn kept saying smething.but s angry was Carter that he culdn't even hear a wrd.“D yu like it? I tried s hard. Lk!” asked Jacksn. Red paint was smeared acrss his face, frehead, even hair. Lking at Jacksn, Carter culdn't help imagining his little brther spending the whle day carefully painting the car.
    Carter tk a deep breath and then unflded his fist. Picturing the scene that Billy sit n the grund wiping at his eyes as his big brther.Dexter walked away, Carter stepped tward the table where the car was still drying. Carter wasn't sure what t say. He didn't want t lie but he didn't want t hurt his brther's feelings either. Jacksn was nly trying t surprise him. He culd see that nw.“D yu? D yu like it?’ Jacksn insisted.“Every time I lk at this car, I'm ging t think f yu,” Carter respnded, a smile stretching acrss his face.And that was the truth. “Nw, we'd better get that paint ff yur face befre dinner.”

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    江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题(创新部): 这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题(创新部),共5页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题: 这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题,共5页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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