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    1.—________ valuable advice he shared with us yesterday!
    —Exactly. I am ging t think ver my plan mre carefully.
    A.HwB.Hw aC.WhatD.What a
    2.—Where is yur cusin James?
    —He ________ the schl library since tw hurs ag.
    A.has been tB.has gne tC.was inD.has been in
    3.Because f the terrible weather, the Greens had t ________ their trip t Yunnan.
    A.cut dwnB.cut shrtC.cut utD.cut in
    4.Befre taking medicine, yu’d better read the ________ first.
    5.It tk the little by a lng time ________ he ran away frm the Nazis camp during Wrld War II.
    A.befreB.untilC.afterD.as sn as
    6.—Is that man in black ver there yur manager?
    —It ________ be him. He went abrad a week ag. I dubt if he has cme back.
    7.Yesterday’s talk cvered table manners. ________, we shuld wait till everyne is ready at the table.
    A.After allB.Abve allC.At allD.In all
    8.This year’s Taihu Music Festival will be sure t attract ________ visitrs frm Changzhu.
    A.a great deal fB.the number fC.a team fD.plenty f
    9.—A train crash happened in the USA several days ag.
    —That was really awful. Peple all wndered ________.
    A.hw many peple are killed in the crashB.that why it happened smthly
    C.what caused the terrible accidentD.what did the gvernment d after it
    10.—Gaye maybe ne f the best actresses in the film industry. She acted well in The Knckut.
    —________. Her acting skills g beynd wrds.
    A.I can’t agree mreB.That’s nt the caseC.Nt exactlyD.Yu must be kidding
    A few weeks ag, Catherine asked Thmas, her 7-year-ld sn, what he wuld like t be when he grws up. Thmas said he wanted t either run a dg htel r be a Leg (乐高) ____11____. “When I was seven, my mum asked me the same questin, and I said I wanted t be an astrnaut. But I did nt make it. Unlike me, ____12____, Thmas was active,” Catherine said.
    The next day he appeared with a letter, written in his “best handwriting”, asking Leg if he culd wrk fr them. He ____13____ shared that he culd help with designing Legs after schl, n weekends and in the hlidays. Catherine put the letter in the mail but als tried t manage his ____14____. She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate (欣赏) his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t ____15____. After hearing what Catherine said, Thmas was very sad and disappinted (失望的).
    Then a package (包裹) arrived frm Christian Pau, the general manager f Leg U.K.____16____ was a Leg kit (成套设备) and a handwritten letter. In this letter, Pau thanked Thmas fr his letter and said his creatins lk ____17____! He invited Thmas t visit his cmpany.
    “Seeing my sn ____18____ with pride at the letter,” Catherine said, “was smething I wn’t frget.” And ____19____ will Thmas. Christian Pau didn’t knw what Thmas’s ____20____ might hld. He simply tk the time t reply. It was a small mment t him, but prbably a ____21____ mment fr Thmas. As Catherine wrte, “Thank yu fr making my sn see that it’s always wrth ____22____.” That’s the real beauty f Pau’s letter. Yu can never expect when a small mment will make a big difference.
    11. A.playerB.designerC.prducerD.creatr
    12. A.therefreB.therwiseC.hweverD.even
    13. A.wiselyB.lightlyC.crrectlyD.pssibly
    14. A.creatinsB.intrductinsC.instructinsD.expectatins
    15. A.arriveB.inviteC.replyD.return
    16. A.InsideB.OutsideC.WithD.Beynd
    17. A.strangeB.fantasticC.impssibleD.pwerful
    18. A.turn upB.put upC.light upD.take up
    19. A.sB.thenC.neitherD.either
    20. A.letterB.designC.handwritingD.future
    21. A.helplessB.hugeC.usefulD.satisfying
    22. A.tryingB.askingC.dreamingD.playing
    Animals were the real pineers f space fight. Let’s learn abut sme that have been t space.
    Fruit flies(果蝇)
    On February 20, 1947, the United States sent sme fruit flies int space t study the influence that csmic radiatin(宇宙辐射) might have n astrnauts in the future. They chse flies because they are genetically(基因上) similar t humans.
    When they returned t Earth, the scientists fund the flies alive, with n sign f the harm f radiatin.
    Mice have lng been used t find ut mre abut hw space travel will affect the human bdy. In fact, NASA has recently published a study f mice hused at the Internatinal Space Statin. It shws that mice quickly adapt t micrgravity(适应微重力) cnditins.
    The very first muse went int space in 1950, reaching an altitude f 137 km. Hwever, unlike the fruit flies, the muse died when the rcket brke int parts because f a parachute(降落伞) failure.
    Laika, a Russian hmeless dg, went t space n Nvember 3, 1957. She was picked up n the streets and was thught suitable because she had a gentle temperament(性情) and behaved well. The scientists als believed a hmeless dg wuld be better at dealing with difficult cnditins like micrgravity than a pet dg.
    Laika is famus fr being the first animal t travel arund the Earth. Hwever, she never returned.
    In 1973, tw garden spiders called Anita and Arabella were used in an experiment(实验) t see if they culd still build webs in space.
    Bth spiders managed t build webs, even thugh the webs were slightly finer than n Earth. The study shwed a great deal abut the influence f micrgravity n mtr respnse(运动反应).
    23.What can we learn abut the muse astrnaut?
    A.It failed t cme back alive.B.It was the first animal t be sent t space.
    C.Its genes were similar t humans.D.It culdn’t survive in micrgravity cnditins.
    24.Laika was chsen by the scientists fr all the fllwing reasns EXCEPT ________.
    A.her gd temperamentB.her gd behavir
    C.her ability t deal with micrgravityD.her identity(身份) as a pet dg
    25.What’s the purpse f sending the tw spiders t space?
    A.T cmpare the quality f webs they made n Earth and in space.
    B.T study the influence f csmic radiatin n their lives.
    C.T see hw fast they culd build webs in space.
    D.T see whether they culd build webs in space.
    The Mga Grttes(莫高窟) are sme Buddhist cave temples(佛教庙宇) in China. This site is near the city f Dunhuang in the nrthwestern Chinese prvince f Gansu. This ancient city was nce an imprtant place n the ancient Silk Rad. S, Dunhuang was a center where nt nly trade, but als cultural, religius(宗教的), and infrmatin exchanges tk place.
    The Mga Grttes are famus fr their statues and wall paintings. The Mga Grttes have as many as 492 caves. Inside these, mre than 2,000 painted statues and abut 45,000 square meters f wall paintings can be fund.
    The first temple in the Mga Grttes was built in 366 AD. It is said that a mnk(僧人) by the name f Yue Zun nce travelled acrss the area. He had a dream in which a thusand glden Buddhas appeared. Therefre, the mnk decided t build a temple. Sn, thers fllwed Yue Zun’s example, and built their wn temples int the rck face.
    The fllwing centuries saw the rise and fall f many dynasties in China. Hwever, each new dynasty added t the artwrk f the Mga Grttes. Activity in the Mga Grttes reached its peak(顶峰) during the Tang Dynasty. What’s mre, the rulers f the Tang Dynasty believed in Buddhism, and the number f cave temples during this perid f time grew t ver 1,000. With the use f new trade rutes in the fllwing centuries, the imprtance f Dunhuang decreased. After the fall f the Yuan Dynasty, the Mga Grttes were given up and largely frgtten by the rest f the wrld.
    In 1961, the imprtance f the Mga Grttes was recgnized by the Chinese gvernment, and they became a natinal mnument. In 1987, the Mga Grttes were named as a Wrld Heritage Site(世界文化遗产). Over the years, this site has becme a turist attractin.
    26Hw many statues are there in the Mga Grttes?
    A.Abut 492.B.Less than 45,000.C.Mre than 2,000.D.Abut 2,492.
    27What des the underlined wrd “decreased” prbably mean?
    28.Frm the last paragraph, we knw that ________.
    A.the Mga Grttes were discvered again in 1961
    B.mst f the Mga Grttes were built in the Tang Dynasty
    C.the ruler f the Yuan Dynasty led t the fall f the Mga Grttes
    D.new dynasties als played a rle in the develpment f the Mga Grttes
    Yu’re sitting at the dinner table with yur dg. Yu knw yu shuldn’t give dgs human fd, but when yu lk dwn, thse cute puppy(小狗) eyes are almst impssible t refuse.
    Why des this kind f thing happen? A Japanese scientist, Mih Nagasawa, seems t have fund the answer: it has smething t d with what is called “the cuddle chemical” (拥抱化合物).
    In rder t better understand hw the cuddle chemical wrks between dgs and humans, Nagasawa and his team carried ut an experiment(实验). They tested the levels f the cuddle chemical in dgs and humans, and then put them in a rm t interact(互动) with each ther.
    While in the rm, the humans patted(爱抚) the dgs, spke t the dgs, and lked int the dgs’ eyes. Then the scientists tested their levels f the cuddle chemical again.
    The researchers fund that the levels f the cuddle chemical were higher in bth humans and dgs after they had interacted. Hwever, the levels were the highest in the humans and dgs that had simply lked int each ther’s eyes, withut much patting r talking.
    The results f this study can als tell us a lt abut the histry f the bnd(关系) between humans and dgs.
    It all started tens f thusands f years ag. Wlves used t fllw humans when they were hunting. Humans realized that they culd use the wlves t help with the hunt, and finally, bth species(物种) began t wrk tgether tward survival. Over time, the wlves and humans started t depend n each ther. And they started t bnd with each ther. These changes are what caused sme f the wlves t turn int what we nw knw as dgs.
    This prcess depended a great deal n the bnd that humans frmed with them. And accrding t Nagasawa’s study, the bnd was frmed with the help f the cuddle chemical.
    29.Accrding t the text, the purpse f the experiment was t ________.
    A.tell peple t lve their petsB.study the relatinship between dgs and wlves
    C.explain hw the cuddle chemical wrksD.understand the feelings f animals
    30.Which kind f behavir leads t mst cuddle chemical?
    A.Feeding dgs.B.Patting dgs.C.Lking int dgs’ eyes.D.Speaking t dgs.
    31.Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Scientists first fund the cuddle chemical in wlves.
    B.Sme wlves changed int dgs ver time.
    C.Dgs have mre cuddle chemicals than wlves.
    D.Dgs are better at hunting than wlves.
    32.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Puppy LveB.A Special DgC.Kind OwnersD.Gd Hunters
    Lucy: Ah, gd evening, yu’ve cme at last.
    Jack: Oh … er … gd evening. Yeah … er … srry t be late.
    Simn: But Jack …
    Lucy: Oh, Jack, yu are naughty(淘气的). Keeping me waiting here fr twenty years, and then trying t surprise me by cming in frm the windw. And yur friend, I see, is as strng as yu. Gd evening. Jack's such a silly by, still up t his tricks. D take a chair. And we can all have a nice cup f tea. Yu’d like that, wuldn’t yu?
    Simn: Oh … er … yeah. Er … thank yu.
    Lucy: Lvely. Nw, wait a minute. Jack, entertain yur friend, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
    Simn: A right mess this is. Quick, back ut f the windw.
    Jack: N. Calm dwn. Can’t yu see? It’s even easier. She thinks I’m her ld byfriend. She’s been waiting fr him fr twenty years. All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she’ll give it t me.She’s ff her head.
    Simn: D yu think s? It’ll be as easy as that?
    Jack: Of curse it will. Nw shut up. She’s cming back.
    Simn: She didn’t even ntice ur masks.
    Jack: Oh, shut up.
    Lucy: Here we are. A nice cup f tea and, nw, Jack, yu haven’t intrduced yur friend.
    Jack: Oh, n. Srry. Er … this is Simn. Yeah … “Simn.” Simn, this is …
    Lucy: Hell, Simn. S pleased t meet yu. I’m Lucy.
    Simn: Oh, very pleased, I'm sure.
    Jack: Lucy, I wanted t talk t yu abut mney.
    Lucy: Ah yes, Jack. I wasn’t ging t mentin it quite s sn, but that ten thusand punds I lent yu must have gt quite a lt f interest by nw, and times are rather hard. Nw, drink yur tea like a gd by and we’ll discuss hw yu can pay it back. Twenty years is a lng time t wait, after all. Jack? Jack, what are yu ding? Cme back at nce. Oh dear. He is a naughty by. But I knw he’ll cme back. Always did. But I’m afraid his tea will be cld. Ah …
    33.The tw strng men came int Lucy’s huse ________.
    A.t enjy her teaB.t attend a party
    C.t steal mney r rb herD.t give her a surprise
    34.Hw did Lucy get t knw the name f the first man Jack?
    A.She knew this man a lng time ag.B.He tld her his name.
    C.Her byfriend was called Jack.D.She heard Simn’s calling t Jack.
    35.What des the underlined sentence prbably mean in Chinese?
    36.Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Lucy knew what the tw men were cming fr.B.Lucy was waiting fr Jack.
    C.Lucy was t ld t tell peple’s name right.D.Lucy was very lnely.
    Grwing up in suthern China, Liu Bingya studied yangqin fr 20 years befre cming t study at Munt Hlyke Cllege. But f curse, her primary fcus (重点) was always n her schlwrk.____37____.
    But then last fall, she funded a Chinese music ensemble (乐团), bringing Chinese music t Massachusetts.____38____, then she tk a curse in music. “In the class, we talked abut music frm different parts f the wrld—India, Africa, Japan, Indnesi—but n ne talked abut Chinese music,” Liu said. “I thught, I shuld d smething t bring this music t this area.”
    “My gal (目标) is t get Chinese music and Chinese instruments nt the stage t shw everyne what we have,” she said. “____39____.”
    “Bingya des nt sit arund waiting fr chances t knck,” Liu’s music prfessr Greenbaum said. “She learned and explred.”
    Of the ensemble’s 14 members, six students play guzheng. Others play pipa and three kinds f Chinese flutes. Liu plays the nly yangqin. The ensemble nw perfrms (表演) at campus events.
    “Cming t Munt Hlyke, I feel like I’ve gt clser t the culture I grew up with,” Liu said. “____40____.” But nw I can see hw precius (珍贵的) the envirnment I grew up in is.”
    A.Befre I came here, I tk it fr granted (想当然)
    B.Music was just an extracurricular (课外的) activity
    C.This turn f events began in Liu’s first semester (学期)
    D.She develped an early interest in Chinese culture
    E.We have smething beautiful here, and I want t share it with everyne
    F.Flk sngs described wrking and daily life such as fishing and farming
    The skill fr making Jiangzhu Chengni inkstnes can be dated back t the Han Dynasty.____41____, it was lst at the end f the Ming Dynasty. In 1986, Lin Yngma, a man frm Xinjiang cunty, Shanxi, and his sn Lin Ta decided ____42____ (bring) back this ancient skill. T find clues, they visited libraries t read abut the inkstne.
    Althugh they learned abut the basis, bringing ____43____ (its) back t life was n easy task. They walked ver the riverbed and cllected different kinds f mud(泥) t find ____44____ (gd) ne. Mrever, they spent sleepless nights ____45____ (keep) a clse watch n the kiln(窑). It takes ver a year and mre than 10 steps t make a Chengni inkstne. The key steps are t filter(过滤) mud. The mud requires t be filtered ver and ver again ____46____ it feels like flur(面粉).
    After many failures, they ____47____ (success) in making thee Chengni inkstnes in 1991. Lin Xialin, Lin Ta’s sn, is a third-generatin inheritr(继承人). In 2019, after returning ____48____ his studies abrad, the 33-year-ld created new ways t make the Chengni inkstne by cntrlling the temperature.
    In 2013, Lin Ta built the China jiangzhu Chengni Inkstne Cutural Park. The number f ____49____ (visit) has increased t 10,000 up till nw. “Passing n the skill hlds the key t keeping it ____50____ (live),” he said.
    Yu ________.
    _________the film All Red________ by Zhang Yimu ________?
    Yuan Lngping was such ________ all the peple.
    I wnder hw yu ________.
    Because f illness, he ________ the rle.
    ________fr the little by ________ alne n a rainy night!
    Dear Wang Gang,
    In my last letter, I tld yu smething abut my unfrgettable activity in a British schl. I have been interested in Chinese schl life since we became friends. Wuld yu please intrduce the mst meaningful activity at yur schl t me? When d yu have it? What d yu d in the activity? Is there anything special abut it? And what have yu learnt frm it?
    I’m lking frward t yur reply.
    Dear Jhn
    I’m s happy t receive yur e-mail.
    Wang Gang参考答案
    考查感叹句。根据“valuable advice”可知,中心词是不可数名词,结合what+adj.+不可数名词,what符合句意,故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。has been t表示已经去了某地,并且现在已经回来;has gne t表示已经去了某地,现在还没有回来;was in表示过去某个时候在某地;has been in指已经在某处待了多长时间,表示已经在某地。根据“since tw hurs ag从两个小时前”可知,用现在完成时,并且一直在图书馆待着。故选D。
    考查短语辨析。cut dwn砍伐;cut shrt缩短;cut ut裁剪;cut in插队。根据“Because f the terrible weather”可知,因为下雨,所以缩短行程,故选B。
    考查名词辨析。inventin发明;invitatin邀请;instructin说明;attentin注意。根据“Befre taking medicine”和常识可知吃药前要看说明书。故选C。
    考查连词辨析。befre在……之前;until直到;after在……之后;as sn as一……就。根据“he ran away frm the Nazis camp during Wrld War II.”可知,在从集中营逃跑出来之前花了很长时间,故选A。
    考查情态动词辨析。mustn’t禁止;needn’t没必要;shuld应该;may可能。根据“He went abrad a week ag. I dubt if he has cme back”可知经理可能回来了,那个男士可能是他。故选D。
    考查短语辨析。After all毕竟;Abve all最重要的;At all与nt搭配,一点也不;In all总计。根据“we shuld wait till everyne is ready at the table.”可知,此处讲述餐桌礼仪最重要的内容,故选B。
    8. D
    考查形容词短语辨析。a great deal f大量的,修饰不可数名词;the number f……的数目;a team f一队;plenty f许多,修饰可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。根据“attract … visitrs”可知,此处指吸引了很多的游客,修饰可数名词复数形式visitrs,应填plenty f,故选D。
    考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,是宾语从句;根据“Peple all wndered”可知,主句时态是一般过去时,从句时态与过去有关,排除A;再者宾语从句的语序要陈述语序,排除D;wnder后不可接that的宾语从句。故选C。
    考查情景交际。I can’t agree mre我完全同意;That’s nt the case事实并非如此;Nt exactly不完全是;Yu must be kidding你肯定在开玩笑。根据“Her acting skills g beynd wrds”可知同意对方说的“高叶是电影行业中最好的女演员之一”。故选A。
    11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. A
    player运动员;designer设计师;prducer生产商;creatr创造者。根据“he culd help with designing Legs”可知想要成一名乐高设计师。故选B。
    wisely明智地;lightly轻轻地;crrectly正确地;pssibly可能地。根据“shared that he culd help with designing Legs after schl, n weekends and in the hlidays”可知能考虑到设计时间的托马斯是明智地。故选A。
    creatins创造;intrductins介绍;instructins说明;expectatins期待。根据“She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t ...”可知告诉托马斯他不太可能会收到回复,应是降低他的期待。故选D。
    arrive到达;invite邀请;reply答复;return返回。根据“She tld Thmas that while Leg wuld appreciate his letter, the cmpany prbably wuldn’t ...”可推出是可能不会回复托马斯的信。故选C。
    Inside在里面;Outside在外面;With有;Beynd超出。根据“Then a package arrived frm Christian Pau”可知此处介绍包裹里面的东西。故选A。
    strange奇怪的;fantastic极好的,了不起的;impssible不可能的;pwerful有力量的。根据“with pride”可知保罗赞扬托马斯的作品很棒。故选B。
    turn up调大;put up张贴;light up露出喜色;take up开始从事。根据“In this letter, Pau thanked Thmas fr his letter and said his creatins lk ...! He invited Thmas t visit his cmpany.”可知保罗回信了而且赞扬了托马斯,托马斯面露喜色。故选C。
    s因此;then然后;neither两者都不;either也。根据“I wn’t frget”可知此处用“neither will Thmas”表示托马斯也不会忘记。故选C。
    letter信件;design设计;handwriting手写;future未来。根据“might hld”可推出是不知道托马斯的未来会怎样。故选D。
    helpless无助的;huge巨大的;useful有用的;satisfying令人满意的。根据“It was a small mment t him”及but引起的转折可推出对托马斯来说是个大时刻。故选B。
    23. A 24. D 25. D
    细节理解题。根据“Hwever, unlike the fruit flies, the muse died”可知老鼠最后死了。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“because she had a gentle temperament(性情) and behaved well. The scientists als believed a hmeless dg wuld be better at dealing with difficult cnditins like micrgravity than a pet dg”可知Laika被科学家选中是因为她的温顺、表现好和她是一只流浪狗,D选项没有提及。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“see if they culd still build webs in space”可知,蜘蛛被送往太空是为了看一看是否他们还会在太空中织网。故选D。
    26. C 27. B 28. D
    细节理解题。根据“Inside these, mre than 2,000 painted statues and abut 45,000 square meters f wall paintings can be fund.”可知莫高窟里有2000多尊彩绘雕像。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据“After the fall f the Yuan Dynasty, the Mga Grttes were given up and largely frgtten by the rest f the wrld.”可知在元朝灭亡后,莫高窟就被世界遗忘了,因此敦煌的重要性就逐渐减小了。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“Hwever, each new dynasty added t the artwrk f the Mga Grttes.”可知每个新的朝代都在莫高窟上有新作品,因此新朝代对莫高窟也做出了贡献。故选D。
    29. C 30. C 31. B 32. A
    细节理解题。根据“In rder t better understand hw the cuddle chemical wrks between dgs and humans, Nagasawa and his team carried ut an experiment”可知为了更好的理解拥抱化合物是怎么生效的,因此做了实验。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Hwever, the levels were the highest in the humans and dgs that had simply lked int each ther’s eyes, withut much patting r talking”可知看彼此的眼睛会需要最多的拥抱化合物。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Over time, the wlves and humans started t depend n each ther. And they started t bnd with each ther. These changes are what caused sme f the wlves t turn int what we nw knw as dgs”可知一些狼会变成狗一样。故选B。
    33. C 34. D 35. B 36. A
    推理判断题。根据“Keeping me waiting here fr twenty years, and then trying t surprise me by cming in frm the windw.”和“All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she’ll give it t me.”可知Jack和Simn从窗户进来的目的是进行抢劫。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Simn: But Jack …Lucy: Oh, Jack,”可知是因为Simn叫Jack的名字,所以Lucy知道了Jack的名字了。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据“She thinks I'm her ld byfriend. She's been waiting fr him fr twenty years. All I have t d is t ask her fr the mney and she'll give it t me.”可知Jack认为Lucy等了他二十年,因此划线句子表示“Lucy神志不清”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“I wasn’t ging t mentin it … hw yu can pay it back.”可知Lucy是知道这两个男士来的目的。故选A。
    37. B 38. C 39. E 40. A
    根据“But f curse, her primary fcus was always n her schlwrk.”可知重点在学习上,音乐只是课外活动,B项“音乐只是一种课外活动”符合语境。故选B。
    根据“then she tk a curse in music”可知音乐不在作为课外活动,情况出现转折,C项“这一转折始于刘的第一个学期”符合语境。故选C。
    根据“My gal is t get Chinese music and Chinese instruments nt the stage t shw everyne what we have”可知要在舞台上把中国音乐和乐器展示给每个人,这是在分享,E项“我们这里有一些美丽的东西,我想和大家分享”符合语境。故选E。
    根据“But nw I can see hw precius the envirnment I grew up in is.”可知在到Munt Hlyke之前以为自己成长的环境是理所当然的,现在才时到它的珍贵,A项“在我来到这里之前,我认为这是理所当然的”符合语境。故选A。
    41.Hwever 42.t bring 43.it 44.the best 45.keeping 46.until 47.succeeded 48.frm 49.visitrs 50.alive
    句意:然而,它在明末失传了。根据“The skill fr making Jiangzhu Chengni inkstnes can be dated back t the Han Dynasty.”可知,此句与文章下一句是转折关系,hwever“但是”符合句意,位于句首首字母大写。故填Hwever。
    句意:1986年,来自山西新疆县的林永茂和他的儿子林涛决定把这项古老的技能带回来。decide t d“决定做某事”,故填t bring。
    句意:尽管他们了解了这个基础,但让它恢复生机并非易事。bring sth back t life“使……恢复生机”,此处需要宾格,故填it。
    句意:他们走过河床,收集不同种类的泥,以找到最好的一种。根据“cllected different kinds f mud”可知,寻找最好的一种,需要最高级,故填the best。
    句意:此外,他们彻夜难眠,严密看守着窑炉。spend sth ding“花……做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填keeping。
    句意:泥浆需要反复过滤,直到摸起来像面粉。根据“it feels like flur”可知,泥浆需要反复过滤,直到摸起来像面粉,until“直到”符合句意,故填until。
    句意:在多次失败后,他们于1991年成功制作了三款承尼砚台。根据“in 1991”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,succeeded符合句意,故填succeeded。
    句意:2019年,从国外留学归来后,33岁的他通过控制温度,创造了制作成泥砚的新方法。return frm“从……返回”,frm符合句意,故填frm。
    句意:到目前为止,参观人数已增加到一万人。根据“The number f”可知,游客增加到一万人,visitrs符合句意,故填visitrs。
    句意:他说:“传承这项技能是让它保持活力的关键。”根据“keep sth adj”可知,此处需要形容词,alive“活着的”符合句意,故填alive。
    51.can’t pay t much attentin t details
    【详解】根据中英文句子可知此处缺少“再怎么注意细节都不为过”,pay attentin t sth.注意某事;can’t…t做什么都不为过;pay t much attentin过多注意;details细节。故填can’t pay t much attentin t details。
    52.①.Is②.directed③.wrth watching##wrth seeing
    【详解】根据中文提示可知,值得做某事:be wrth ding sth;看:watch/see。执导:direct,与“Zhang Yimu”是被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语。句子是一般疑问句,且为一般现在时,be动词提到主语前,故填Is;directed;wrth watching/seeing。
    53.a great persn that he wn high praise frm
    【详解】根据中英文句子可知此句缺少“伟大”和“赢得了高度赞扬”,such后跟名词,a great persn伟人;根据英文句子可知此句为“such…that引导的结果状语从句”,一般过去时,从句主语是he,win high praise frm赢得了来自……的赞扬,谓语动词win用过去式wn。故填a great persn that he wn high praise frm。
    54.used t keep in tuch with each ther abrad
    【详解】过去常常做某事:used t d;保持联系:keep in tuch with;互相:each ther;在国外:abrad。故填used t keep in tuch with each ther abrad。
    55.had n chice but t give up trying ut fr
    【详解】have n chice but t d sth“除了做某事,别无选择”,give up ding sth“放弃做某事”;try ut fr“参加选拔”,描述过去发生的事情,动词用过去式,故填had n chice but t give up trying ut fr。
    56.①.Hw surprising it is②.t risk ging ut
    【详解】固定句式:It is+形容词+fr sb+t d sth“对于某人来说,做某事是……的”,修饰物用以ing为结尾的形容词,surprising“令人惊讶的”;risk ding sth“冒险做某事”;g ut“出去”;hw+形容词+主谓,是感叹句的结构。故填Hw surprising it is;t risk ging ut。
    Dear Jhn,
    I’m s happy t receive yur e-mail.
    Every year different activities are held in ur schl. Amng them, I like the sprts meeting best.
    We always have a sprts meeting nce a term. Many students take such an active part in it that we are always well-prepared. Befre it, players spend as much time as pssible practising, while the thers make psters and cheer fr them. There are varius grups which are made up f players frm different classes. Players can chse different cmpetitins accrding t their abilities. I shw great interest in running and I came first last term. After the sprts meeting, each winner is presented with a medal and sme prizes.
    In my eyes, the sprts meeting nt nly makes ur schl life mre interesting but als prvides a chance fr students t cmmunicate with each ther. I als learn that team spirit and hard wrk matter a lt in bth sprts and study.
    Yurs faithfully,
    Wang Gang
    ①as...as pssible 尽可能……
    ②cheer fr 为……欢呼
    ③be made up f 由……组成
    ④shw great interest in 对……很感兴趣
    ⑤nt nly...but als...不仅……而且……
    ⑥cmmunicate with 和……交流
    ⑦bth…and… 两者都
    1.Many students take such an active part in it that we are always well-prepared.(such...that...引导结果状语从句)
    2.There are varius grups which are made up f players frm different classes. (which引导的定语从句)

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