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    1.________ Changzhou you see today is quite ________ different city from the one that it used to be.
    A.The; / B./; the C.The; a D.A; a
    2.Junior high school days are over and it’s hard to ________ our dear teachers and friends.
    A.separate from B.deal with
    C.believe in D.depend on
    3.—What do you think of Helen?
    —Indeed she has a serious face, but she is very ________ at heart.
    A.selfish B.patient C.humorous D.generous
    4.It is a good idea to experience life ________ the school by volunteering. Take an active part in it, and you will make a difference to the world.
    A.above B.beyond C.over D.against
    5.— A robot served us dinner last night. Don’t you think we are living in amazing times?
    — I can’t agree more. The ________ makes our lives easier and happier.
    A.information B.technology C.discovery D.competition
    6.— How do you find your classmates?
    — Most are kind, but ________ of them is good to me as Cathy.
    A.none B.no one C.someone D.everyone
    7.—Do you like the movie ________ is called The Battle at Lake Changjin?
    —Sure. I think no movie is ________ than it.
    A.that; more touching B.what; less touching C.that; more touched D.which; less touched
    8.Father’s Day is coming. I’m thinking about ________.
    A.what present I gave my father B.if I planned a party for my father
    C.how I can give my father a surprise D.where will my father and I have a big meal
    9.—Harvey, I hear that Nick came first again in the exam.
    —It’s not surprise. ________. He learns most carefully in our class.
    A.No pain, no gain B.Every dog has its day
    C.Many hands make light work D.Actions speak louder than word
    10.—I honestly don’t think I’m going to be accepted by the league.
    —Well, ________! You may have made a better impression than you think.
    A.you never know B.I told you C.not a chance D.what a pity

    You’re at your new school. It is lunch time, but you don’t have anyone to sit with. You want to join someone at their table, but you are not sure if they are friendly. What do you do? Natalie’s ____11____ of solving the problem was to create an app. She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school. She found it difficult to make new friends and had to ____12____ a new table at lunch every day. If she sat by herself, she felt ____13____. But if she asked to join someone and was ____14____, she felt embarrassed (尴尬的). She created a lunch-planning app to help students like her find people to have lunch with.
    The app—called Sit with Us—is ____15____. If a student is having lunch, he or she can create an invitation. Other students can open the app and ____16____ that invitation. They can then use the app to decide when and where to ____17____. This allows students to make ____18____ online instead of face-to-face. This is the reason why it works so well: ____19____ the risk of being refused, and the embarrassment that goes along with it.
    Natalie is happy to see that people are replying to her app actively—_____20_____ those who suffer from bullying (遭受欺凌). Soon after she made her app available to the public, she won a prize for it. She also appeared in many news stories.
    Natalie was even asked to speak at a university. In her _____21_____, Natalie wanted people to know that you don’t have to do something _____22_____ to change lives. Sometimes, a small thing—like having a friend to enjoy lunch with—can make all the difference.
    11.A.habit B.course C.method D.question
    12.A.search for B.fix up C.give out D.get away from
    13.A.stressed B.nervous C.lonely D.pleasant
    14.A.called B.refused C.discussed D.believed
    15.A.cheap B.simple C.private D.noisy
    16.A.miss B.make C.send D.accept
    17.A.stop B.study C.meet D.exercise
    18.A.plans B.trouble C.reports D.dinner
    19.A.increases B.avoids C.adds D.takes
    20.A.probably B.exactly C.especially D.mainly
    21.A.book B.talk C.school D.picture
    22.A.big B.new C.similar D.enjoyable

    The book festival is coming!Do you have any books you don't want?
    Your old love may be someone's new favorite.
    Bring one book to the Town Library & exchange(交换)a book with each other!
    When & How:
    March 2—March 14
    Bring one book for one book festival card.
    March 16—March 31
    Bring one card for one book you like to read.
    What books:
    All kinds of books EXCEPT school books, comic books(连环画), and dictionaries.
    ● Your book must be in good shape, without any pages missing.
    ● Your book must be clean, and nothing is written on it.
    Follow us on https://Town Library. com for more.
    23.Why is the book festival held?
    A.To sell second-hand books. B.To know what books are popular.
    C.To exchange books with others. D.To tell people how to choose books.
    24.Amy is preparing books for the book festival. Which might be a right choice?
    A.A comic book. B.A Chinese storybook.
    C.A school book. D.An English dictionary.
    25.Where does the text probably come from?
    A.A diary. B.A storybook. C.A guidebook. D.A website.

    About 50 percent of food in the US is wasted. Wasted food produces gas that will cause global warming, and brings other problems like energy emergency. To reduce food waste, people in the food packaging industry are working to develop products for longer shelf life.
    Jonathan Deutsch, a professor of food science, says, “All food packaging is designed to explain the contents, protect the quality, and make sure the safety of the product.” When packaging keeps food safe and fresh for a longer time, less waste happens.
    Making food last longer is not easy because different foods need different packaging. Fats, for example, change when meeting air and light. That’s why fatty foods, like potato chips, are always kept in packages which light can’t get through. And cookies are afraid of getting wet. Keeping those snacks in a fully closed package will help them stay fresh and tasty longer.
    Packaging can extend shelf life by keeping out gases in the air, like oxygen. Oxygen causes problems for many different foods. So many food packages are designed to solve the air problem. Vacuum-sealed(真空封闭的) packaging takes off any oxygen between the food and packaging, which can increase shelf life from a few days to a few weeks. Modified atmosphere packaging(气调包装) is another solution. Unlike vacuum-sealed packaging which takes off as much air as possible, this packaging replaces the air with a right mixture of gases. Red meat needs some oxygen to keep its colour, but too much oxygen can make it go bad. This kind of packaging can extend shelf life while keeping the product’s colour.
    While packaging can help reduce food waste, people also need to consider the environmental influence of the packaging itself. Scientists are working to develop more proper materials. And more people get to know the importance of reducing food waste. “Unlike many of the challenges we face right now on our planet,” said Shukla from Food & Wine magazine, “Food waste is something that every single person can do something about.”
    26.In Paragraph 3, the writer mentioned potato chips and cookies to ________.
    A.explain food must be kept without light B.explain packaging depends on the food type
    C.show wasted food is bad for the environment. D.show food goes bad quickly when getting wet
    27.What can we learn from the passage?
    A.Packages are designed to keep oxygen inside.
    B.Vacuum-sealed packaging is used to package red meat.
    C.The materials of packages are friendly to the environment.
    D.Modified atmosphere packaging mixes air properly in packages.
    28.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A.How to Package Food B.Creative Packaging Designs
    C.Food Waste: Causes and Solutions D.Packaging: A Way to Fight Food Waste

    Sweden is Northern Europe’s largest country. Known for its natural beauty, Sweden is also home to Stockholm, the capital city made up of 14 islands. Here are several interesting facts about this Land of the Midnight Sun.
    People in Sweden can enjoy only a few hours of light in winter. Or if people live above the Arctic Circle, none at all. To keep safe in the dark, Swedes have different ways of seeing and being seen. Many places are lighted with high-powered spotlights, and kids wear reflectors sewn onto their clothes. Drivers keep their eyes open because they know children will be outside in the dark.
    Being close to the Arctic Circle also means months of ice. Ice is especially good for sparking, which is both a form of transportation and a fun choice for walking. “Spark” means “kick” in Swedish, which is what a person does-kicks the spark along the ice while holding onto the back of the little seat and standing on one blade.
    When it comes to waste management, Sweden is ahead of its time. Swedes recycle nearly 50% of what they throw away. What about the other half? This is what makes Sweden different from the rest of the world: the waste goes to a power station where it is burned and changed into energy. In 2016, Sweden even began bringing waste from other countries. In this way, Sweden gets 100 million dollars every year.
    Want to know more? Head over to http:/www.go-to-sweden.com.
    29.How many aspects does the writer tell us about Sweden?
    A.One. B.Three. C.Five. D.Seven.
    30.According to the passage, which of the following may be “sparking”?
    A. B. C. D.
    31.Which information about Sweden is TRUE?
    A.The Land of Midnight Sun is Stockholm. B.People enjoy the sunshine the whole year.
    C.Sweden benefits from waste management. D.Drivers wear special clothes to be seen well.
    32.The main purpose of this passage is to ________.
    A.encourage people to visit Sweden B.tell Swedish ways of recycling waste
    C.show the writer’s love for Sweden D.share something special about Swede

    In Paris, one freezing winter evening, I was having dinner with my friend, Mr. Dupin, the famous detective. We had just finished our meal, when there was a loud knocking at the door. Dupin opened it. There stood Mr. Germain, the chief of the Paris Police.
    We welcomed him warmly, for he was an old acquaintance (熟人) whom we hadn’t seen for a great time.
    “I need your assistance,” said Germain. “I met a case(案件) that has been giving me a great deal of trouble. It is very simple but very strange.” 
    “Also, please keep this secret. If anyone found out that I told you this. I would certainly lose my job.”
    “Well, then,” said the Chief, “I have learned that a very important letter has been stolen from the king. We are sure who stole it and that the letter is in his house.”
    “But who would dare do such a thing” I cried.    
    “The thief,” said Germain softly, “He’s a man who dares do many dangerous things. He is one of the most powerful and important ministers in the government. He is Minister Danton.”  
    “Have you searched his house?”
    “A lot of times. While Minister Danton was out, a lot of well-trained police officers carefully searched the entire house, room by room. In fact, we examined everything in the house but found nothing.”…    
    A month later, Dupin asked Germain and me to his house. There he took out a letter and handed it to the Chief. We were both very surprised.
    Dupin explained, “I know Minister Danton very well. He could not hide the letter in any of the usual hiding places. I realized that he might have left the letter out in the open, right under everyone’s nose, where no one would search for it.”
    “Then I visited him with my dark glasses on to help me observe(观察) better. While we were chatting, a dirty, torn letter in the letter holder suddenly caught my eyes—unusual for the Minister, who is careful and neat.”
    “I was sure it was the letter.”  
    “Then I purposely left my gloves behind so I could come back again.”    
    “The next morning, I hired a man to fire a gun on the street, while the Minister went to see what happened, I stole the letter by replacing it with a similar one.” On it Dupin wrote these words:
    Your plan was good, but mine was better.    
    As you can see, I took the letter.
    —Based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe
    33.The underlined word “assistance” in the third paragraph probably means ________.
    A.hobby B.help C.habit D.holiday
    34.Who is the best at solving difficult cases according to the passage?
    A.The writer. B.Mr. Germain. C.Mr. Dupin. D.Minister Danton.
    35.Dupin did all the following things to help get the letter back EXCEPT ________.
    A.wearing his dark glasses when visiting Danton’s house
    B.leaving his gloves purposely behind in Danton’s house
    C.hiring a man to fire a gun on the street the next morning
    D.writing some words on the letter he put into the letter holder
    36.From the passage we can infer that ________.
    A.Dupin and Danton also know each other well
    B.Dupin and the writer are both detectives
    C.Danton and the writer are new friends
    D.Germain and Danton are dangerous enemies

    Almost everyone in the middle school hopes to go to a senior high school. ____37____. In order to help you better adapt(适应) to the high school life, you need to make some preparations in advance(事先).
    Being one step ahead can help you a lot. ____38____. Of course, you can also go to a summer school. There you will not only learn the lessons ahead of time but also get used to the teaching methods of senior high school teachers.
    ____39____. In junior middle school, most students are more dependable on teachers while in high school most students are more likely to learn independently, eagerly and actively. Besides, there is more knowledge to gain and it becomes more difficult. As a result, some top students in junior middle school may feel discouraged(气馁的) in high school. If you know the difficulty ahead, you will find it easier to adapt yourself to the high school life.
    Get some learning experience from high school students. If you happen to know some high school students in your neighborhood, try to make friends with them. ____40____.
    Of course, if you know which school you will be in, you can go and have a look around the school. To experience the school culture is a good way for you to get ready.
    A.If you learn all the subjects before going to school
    B.But high school life can be challenging
    C.You can also be active in different activities
    D.Borrow some textbooks and learn by yourself
    E.Learn about senior high school life
    F.Their experience is good for you to face the challenges you’ll meet in high school

    There are many kinds of art forms in China. And each different part of China has its own special forms of ____41____ (tradition) art. These usually try to represent the things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, ____42____ (turn) into objects of beauty.
    Paper cutting ____43____ (be) around for more than 1, 500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy ____44____ it can be difficult to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese history. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as ____45____ (symbol) of wishes for good luck and ____46____ happy new year.
    Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small that they look very real. The pieces are ____47____ (careful) shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. Finally, materials such as wood or paper are added ____48____ (make) different things. ____49____ takes several weeks to complete everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have _____50_____ life and beauty.

    The girl is so _____________________________________________.
    Although his achievements ____________________ , he ____________.
    I wonder __________________________________________________.
    How many _________________________________________________?
    _______________ it is ___________________________________________ !
    You should ________________________________________________.

    57.国家提出了将劳动教育(Labor Education)纳入中小学国家课程的方案。为此,你校校报英语栏日English World 就开展劳动教育的意义,以及如何在校园内开展劳动教育,发起征文。请你以“Some Advice on Developing Labor Education in Our School”为题,写一篇短文。
    Some Advice on Developing Labor Education in Our School
    It’s reported that Labor Education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools.

    考查冠词。由“you see today”可知,是特指,故第一空填the;由“different city”可知,泛指一个不同的城市,故第二空填a。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。separate from与……分开;deal with处理;believe in信任;depend on依赖。根据“it’s hard to … our dear teachers and friends”可知,很难与初中的老师和朋友分开,故选A。
    考查形容词辨析。selfish自私的;patient耐心的;humorous幽默的;generous慷慨的。根据“Indeed she has a serious face”及but可知,表面很严肃,内心很幽默,故选C。
    考查介词的用法。above在……上方;beyond在……之外;over在……上方;against倚着。根据“life...the school by volunteering”可知是学校之外的生活。故选B。
    【详解】句意:——昨晚一个机器人为我们提供晚餐。你不觉得我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代吗?   ——我非常同意。科技使我们的生活更轻松、更快乐。
    考查名词。information信息;technology科技;discovery发现;competition竞赛。根据上文A robot served us dinner last night可知,科技的进步让人们的生活更轻松和快乐了。B选项符合句意,故选B。
    考查不定代词。none(三者或三者以上)都不,通常与表范围的of短语连用;no one没人,不能与of短语连用;someone某人;everyone每人;上文“ Most are kind”大多数人都很善良,根据but表示句意转折, 可知此处指“但是没有一个像凯茜那样对我好”,排除C和D;空格后接of短语,排除B。故选A。
    考查宾语从句。根据“I’m thinking about …”及选项可知此处是宾语从句,宾语从句需用陈述语序,故排除选项D;根据“Father’s Day is coming.”可知父亲节还没到,选项A和B为一般过去时,不符合题意。故选C。
    考查谚语。No pain, no gain一分耕耘,一份收获;Every dog has its day凡人皆有得意日;Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高;Actions speak louder than word行动胜于雄辩。根据“He learns most carefully in our class.”可知,此处指尼克很努力,No pain, no gain“一分耕耘,一份收获”符合语境。故选A。
    考查交际用语。you never know很难说;I told you我告诉过你;not a chance没有机会;what a pity真可惜。根据“You may have made a better impression than you think.”可知你可能给人留下的印象比你想象的要好,因此是很难说,表示安慰。故选A。

    11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.A

    habit习惯;course课程;method方法;question问题。根据“solving the problem was to create an app”可知是解决问题的方法。故选C。
    search for寻找;fix up修理;give out分发;get away from摆脱。根据“a new table at lunch every day.”可知是每天要寻找一张新桌子吃午饭。故选A。
    stressed有压力的;nervous紧张的;lonely孤独的;pleasant令人愉快的。根据“If she sat by herself, she felt”可知一个人坐着会感到孤独。故选C。
    called打电话;refused拒绝;discussed讨论;believed相信。根据“she felt embarrassed”可知被别人拒绝会感到尴尬。故选B。
    15.句意:名为Sit with Us的应用程序很简单。
    cheap便宜的;simple简单的;private私人的;noisy吵闹的。根据“If a student is having lunch, he or she can create an invitation...”以及上下文的语境可知,这款app很简单。故选B。
    miss想念;make制作;send发送;accept接受。根据“he or she can create an invitation. Other students can open the app and...that invitation”可知有人创建邀请,其他学生可以接受邀请。故选D。
    stop停止;study学习;meet遇见;exercise练习。根据“use the app to decide when and where to”可知是决定何时何地见面。故选C。
    plans计划;trouble麻烦;reports报道;dinner晚饭。根据“make...online instead of face-to-face”可知是在网上制定计划。故选A。
    increases增加;avoids避免;adds添加;takes带走。根据“the risk of being refused”可知是避免被拒绝的风险。故选B。
    probably可能;exactly确切地;especially尤其;mainly主要地。根据“those who suffer from bullying”可知这个app对于那些遭受欺凌的人尤其有用。故选C。
    book书;talk谈话;school学校;picture图片。根据“Natalie was even asked to speak at a university”可知是在她的演讲中。故选B。
    big大的;new新的;similar相似的;enjoyable愉快的。根据“Sometimes, a small thing—like having a friend to enjoy lunch with—can make all the difference.”可知是不需要什么大事来改变生活,一件小事有时也可以改变生活。故选A。
    23.C 24.B 25.D

    23.细节理解题。根据文中“Bring one book to the Town Library & exchange(交换)a book with each other!”可知,提倡大家带一本书到城市图书馆,互相交换书,这是举办的目的。故选C。
    24.细节理解题。根据文中“What books:  All kinds of books EXCEPT school books, comic books(连环画), and dictionaries.”可知,可以带的书不包括学校的书本,连环画和字典。那么一本中国的故事书是很好的选择。故选B。
    25.推理判断题。根据“Follow us on https://Town Library. com for more.”可知,这篇文章可能来自一家网站。故选D。
    26.B 27.D 28.D

    26.细节理解题。根据该段首句“Making food last longer is not easy because different foods need different packaging.”可知,让食物更持久并不容易,因为不同的食物需要不同的包装。所以后文举例是为了说明包装取决于食物类型,故选B。
    27.细节理解题。根据第四段“Modified atmosphere packaging is another solution. Unlike vacuum-sealed packaging which takes off as much air as possible, this packaging replaces the air with a right mixture of gases.”可知气调包装与尽可能多地排出空气的真空密封包装不同,它用合适的气体混合物代替空气。即气调包装将空气适当地混合在包装中,故选D。
    29.B 30.A 31.C 32.D

    29.细节理解题。根据“People in Sweden can enjoy only a few hours of light in winter”“Ice is especially good for sparking, which is both a form of transportation and a fun choice for walking”“When it comes to waste management, Sweden is ahead of its time. Swedes recycle nearly 50% of what they throw away”可知,从日照情况,交通方式以及废物管理方面这三个方面介绍了这个国家,故选B。
    30.推理判断题。根据“‘Spark’ means ‘kick’ in Swedish, which is what a person does-kicks the spark along the ice while holding onto the back of the little seat and standing on one blade”可知,抓住小座椅的靠背,站在一个刀片上,沿着冰上踢火花,A图片符合,故选A。
    31.推理判断题。根据“the waste goes to a power station where it is burned and changed into energy”及“In this way, Sweden gets 100 million dollars every year”可知,C选项“瑞典受益于废物管理”表示正确,故选C。
    32.主旨大意题。根据“Here are several interesting facts about this Land of the Midnight Sun”及全文的介绍可知,本文主要介绍了瑞典这个国家的几个事实,故选D。
    33.B 34.C 35.D 36.A

    33.词义猜测题。根据“I met a case(案件) that has been giving me a great deal of trouble.”可知,警长遇到了一个一直困扰他的案子,于是他来找杜宾先生帮忙,“assistance”应是“help”的意思。故选B。
    35.推理判断题。根据“Then I visited him with my dark glasses on to help me observe(观察) better.”、“Then I purposely left my gloves behind so I could come back again.”和“The next morning, I hired a man to fire a gun on the street, while the Minister went to see what happened, I stole the letter by replacing it with a similar one.”可知,杜宾戴上墨镜是为了用眼睛搜寻信时不被发现,落下手套是为了第二天能有正当理由再次去部长的家,雇了一个人在街上开枪是为了让部长离开家他方便掉包信件;由此可知选项A、B和C都是杜宾先生为了拿回信件所做的事情。故选D。
    36.推理判断题。根据“I know Minister Danton very well.”、“Then I visited him with my dark glasses on”以及“While we were chatting”可知,杜宾非常了解部长,会拜访他,两人也可以一起交谈,由此可知他两人彼此熟悉。故选A。
    37.B 38.D 39.E 40.F

    37.根据前一句“Almost everyone in the middle school hopes to go to a senior high school.”可知,几乎中学里的每个人都希望上高中。所以该空与“高中”有关,B选项“但高中生活可能充满挑战”符合语境,故选B。
    38.根据前一句“Being one step ahead can help you a lot.”可知,领先一步对你有很大帮助。所以该空与“领先一步”有关,D选项“借一些课本自己学”符合语境,故选D。
    39.根据该段“...while in high school most students are more likely to learn independently, eagerly and actively.”“Besides, there is more knowledge to gain and it becomes more difficult.”“If you know the difficulty ahead, you will find it easier to adapt yourself to the high school life.”可知,该段讲述了高中生活是什么样的,如果知道前方的困难,会更容易适应高中生活。所以该空与“了解高中生活”有关,E选项“了解高中生活”符合语境,故选E。
    40.根据该段首句“Get some learning experience from high school students.”可知,从高中生那里获得一些学习经验。所以该段与“高中生的学习经验有关”,F选项“他们的经验有助于你面对高中时遇到的挑战”符合语境,故选F。

    41.traditional 42.are turned 43.has been 44.but 45.symbols 46.a 47.carefully 48.to make 49.It 50.for

    42.句意:最普通的东西,从纸到粘土到竹子,都变成了美丽的物品。主语“The most common things”和谓语动词turn“变成”是被动关系,结合语境可知,此处应用一般现在时的被动语态“be done”;主语为复数,be动词用are。故填are turned。
    43.句意:剪纸已有1500多年的历史。根据“for more than 1, 500 years”可知此句用现在完成时“have/has done”;主语“paper cutting”为不可数名词,助动词用has。故填has been。
    44.句意:剪纸听起来很简单,但做起来却很难。根据“Paper cutting sounds very easy…it can be difficult to do.”可知,空格前后句意出现转折,应用连词but“但是”。故填but。
    48.句意:最后,添加木材或纸张等材料来制作不同的东西。make“制作”,动词;根据“materials such as wood or paper are added…different things.”可知,添加木材或纸张是为了制作不同的东西,此处应用动词不定式to make作目的状语。故填to make。
    49.句意:完成所有工作需要几个星期。句式“It takes+时间+to do sth.”表示“花费多长时间做某事”。故填It。
    50.句意:这些小小的泥塑艺术展现了所有中国人对生活和美丽的热爱。根据“the love that all Chinese people have…life and beauty.”可知,此处表示对生活和美丽的热爱,应用介词for“对”。故填for。
    51.strict with herself that she takes lead all the time
    【详解】根据题干,短语be strict with sb表示“对某人严格”,她自己:herself;短语so adj that+句子表示“如此……,以至于……”,从句主语:she;处于领先地位:take lead;一直:all the time,句子时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词需要三单式。故填strict with herself that she takes lead all the time。
    52. are often thought highly of never shows off
    【详解】根据题干,经常:often;高度评价:think highly of,此处是achievements作主语,应用被动语态be+done,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,be用are;炫耀:show off;从不:never,结合时态与主语,谓语动词需要三单式。故填are often thought highly of;never shows off。
    53.whether the question is worth discussing with them/if the question is worth discussing with them
    【详解】分析中英文句子可知,动词wonder后接whether/if“是否”引导的宾语从句,时态为一般现在时;the question“这个问题”;be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,主语“question”为第三人称单数,be动词用is;discuss with sb“和某人讨论”;them“他们”,宾格作with的宾语。故填whether/if the question is worth discussing with them。
    54.books can we borrow from the library at a time
    【详解】how many后加名词复数,“书”books;主语“我们”we;情态动词“能”can,该句是疑问句, can置于主语前;动词短语“从这个图书馆借” borrow from the library,且can后动词用原形;时间状语“一次”at a time。故填books can we borrow from the library at a time。
    55. How wise of you to plant trees to prevent the wind and sand
    【详解】根据句意可知此句是感叹句,多么明智:How wise;It is +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.“做某事对于某人来说是怎么样的”,这里的形容词是主观的;种树:plant trees;挡风停沙:prevent the wind and sand。故填How wise;of you to plant trees to prevent the wind and sand。
    56.try your best to improve yourself instead of losing heart
    【详解】try one’s best to do sth“尽全力做某事”,improve oneself“提升自我”;instead of doing sth“而不是做某事”;lose heart“灰心丧气”,should后接动词原形,根据主语You可知,用your代替one’s,反身代词用yourself,故填try your best to improve yourself instead of losing heart。
    Some Advice on Developing Labor Education in Our School
    It’s reported that Labor Education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China.
    I think it’s important. We can learn some life skills and form good habits. Both will help us a lot in the future.
    As for how to run the course in our school, I have some ideas. The school can offer classes to teach us how to do the cleaning and grow plants. What’s more, the school can set up some clubs, such as the cooking club and the paper-cutting club. The school can also hold competitions to see who is the best in making cakes. Such activities make our school life more colorful and meaningful.
    I am looking forward to taking the course in the new term. I believe I will do well in it.
    ①as for 至于
    ②offer classes to teach us how to... 提供课程教我们如何……
    ③make our school life more colorful and meaningful 让我们的学校生活更加丰富多彩和有意义
    ④look forward to 期盼
    ①The school can also hold competitions to see who is the best in making cakes.(宾语从句)
    ②I believe I will do well in it.(宾语从句)


    2023年江苏省常州市正衡中学中考二模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年江苏省常州市正衡中学中考二模英语试题(含解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读单选,阅读还原5选4,语法填空,汉译英,完成句子,话题作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年江苏省常州市正衡中学九年级英语学习情况调查(二模)+: 这是一份2023年江苏省常州市正衡中学九年级英语学习情况调查(二模)+,共9页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,还原句子,综合填空,根据所给中文完成句子,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省常州市正衡中学2023年九年级一模5月英语学习情况调查: 这是一份江苏省常州市正衡中学2023年九年级一模5月英语学习情况调查,共10页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,六选四阅读.,短文填空,根据所给的中文完成句子翻译,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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