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    这是一份四川省绵阳市南山中学实验学校2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了 交卷时,只上交答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    命题人:田婧 郭铖杰 审题人:宁树 卢安明
    1. 答题前考生务必将本人姓名、准考证号和座位号填写在答题卡相应位置;
    2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;
    3. 交卷时,只上交答题卡。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What are the speakers prbably talking abut?
    A. The bike price.B. A bike race.C. The man’s bike.
    2 Why has the wman mved the by’s seat?
    A. He talks t much.
    B. He as truble in listening.
    C. She wants t see him better.
    3. When did the man get his niece’s call?
    A. At 6:05.B. At 6:00.C. At 5:45.
    4. What des the man think is mst needed t succeed?
    A. Effrt.B. Luck.C. Talent.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At hme.B. In a shp.C. In a restaurant.
    6. What is the man ging t d this summer?
    A. Wrk at a htel.B. Repair his huse.C. Teach a curse.
    7 Hw will the man use the mney?
    A. T hire a gardener.B. T buy sme flwers.C. T buy bks.
    8. What is the wman recmmending t the man?
    A. A bk.B. A club.C. A curse.
    9. What is the wman reading nw?
    A. The Beautiful Mind.B. The Kite Runner.C. The Great Gatsby.
    10. Hw much time des the man have t read the bk?
    A. Abut tw weeks.B. Abut three weeks.C. Abut ne mnth.
    11. Hw did the man learn abut the apartment?
    A. In the newspaper.B. Frm his friend.C. Thrugh the Internet.
    12. What is cvered in the rent?
    A. Gas.B. Electricity.C. Water.
    13. When can the man mve in?
    A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.
    14. Why did the wman fail t catch the bus?
    A. She was late.
    B The bus left earlier than usual.
    C. She wanted t walk hme.
    15. What is the man wrried abut?
    A. The wman’s safety.
    B. The public transprtatin.
    C. The dangerus neighbrhd.
    16. What des the wman decide t d in the end?
    A. Buy a car.
    B. Call the newspaper.
    C. Cmplain t the lcal gvernment.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Cling fans.B. Air cnditining.C. Rm design.
    18. Which cuntry might have invented the first cling device?
    A. Egypt.B. Rme.C. China.
    19. Which cling methd has the lngest histry?
    A. Wet plants.B. Cld water.C. Hand fans.
    20. Where is the passage mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A radi prgramme.B. A culture magazine.C. A histry bk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Fur Easy Steps t G Abrad China
    Apply nline
    Review prgram infrmatin and cmplete ur nline applicatin frm t get the ball rlling.
    Applicatin Assessment
    Yu will have a 15-min Skype interview with yur prgram advisr t discuss yur mtivatin, gals, needs, destinatin and duratin. Frm this, we can make sure we tailr the right service package fr yu. We’ll als knw if this is the right prgram fr yu. Within tw t three days after the interview, the advisr will be in tuch by email t let yu knw if yur applicatin has been successful. If s, we’ll send yu a frmal ffer.
    T cnfirm yur placement in ur prgram, yu’ll need t reply t ur letter f ffer and pay yur agreed prgram depsit (订金). Once this has been dne, we’ll send yu all the dcuments yu need: yur cntract and all the required dcuments fr yur visa applicatin as well as yur pre-departure package via email, which cntains all the infrmatin yu’ll need regarding yur trip and stay in China.
    Start yur wnderful China jurney
    Once yur flights have been bked, let us knw yur arrival details (date and time, flight number) s that we can rganize airprt pick-up, we’ll be excited t welcme yu t ur prgram in persn!
    Our supprt desn’t end when yu arrive. We are as dedicated t ensuring yu have arund the clck supprt fr the duratin f yur stay as we d in getting yu here. Yur jurney will include yur paid internship, accmmdatin, language curses, cultural experiences, turs, and netwrking.
    21. When will the applicatin result be infrmed?
    A. In 15 minutes after the Skype interview.
    B. Within tw r three days after the interview.
    C. As sn as the nline applicatin is cmplete.
    D. After the flights have been bked.
    22. What is required fr the cnfirmatin?
    A. A face-t-face interview.B. A frmal ffer.
    C. Flight arrival details.D. Prgram depsit payment.
    23. Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. A traveling guide.B. A cllege textbk.
    C. A mvie review.D. A university applicatin frm.
    Sean Ellit Martin and Panch Timmns are friends n a missin t change the wrld, ne small act f kindness at a time. That’s the subject f their new bk, Quick and Easy Wrld Change, which they released as an e-bk.
    The prject is inspired by anther kindness-related bk Martin wrked n years ag. The latest ne takes parts f the first bk and updates it with mre inspiring stries and lists f little things peple can d daily t spread gdness wherever they g. “Make a game f giving—yu can assign yurself pints fr different little things,” Martin said. “Hw many drs can I pen each day fr smene with their hands full? Or hw many different ways can I help smene tday? Or hw many gd deeds can I think f?” It als addresses the cncept f cmpund kindness—a dmin effect f gd deeds. “If yu cmpliment ne persn, they’re likely t cmpliment tw t five peple,” Martin said.
    Bth authrs’ lives have been impacted by the kindness f thers, they each explained. Quick and Easy Wrld Change is their way t pay thse experiences and pinins frward. Fr Timmns, a teacher’s cmpassin in cllege was a turning pint fr him. “I did all the things I was suppsed t d—wrked hard, studied hard—and ended up failing pretty miserably,” he recalled. “But the prfessr pulled me aside and said, ‘Yu’re an A student turning in C and D wrk because yu’re clearly dyslexic (读写困难) and nt getting the help yu need.” “That 5-minute cnversatin was the difference between drpping ut f cllege and getting tw master’s degrees and nw running tw cmpanies,” Timmns said. “I’ve spent my career trying t pay that frward.”
    With the electrnic versin available, their plan is t fllw up with hard cpies. The authrs hpe peple will use it like a wrkbk, a living dcument they can mark up, reflect n and use t make their lives—and the lives f thers—better.
    24. What is the bk Quick and Easy Wrld Change abut?
    A. Psitive effects f kindness.B. Dreams realized by the authrs.
    C. Ways t feel gd every day.D. Small changes f the wrld.
    25. What des “the cncept f cmpund kindness” mean?
    A. Being kind is a life-lng missin.
    B. Helping thers will make yur day.
    C. It is easy t step ut f the cmfrt zne.
    D. An act f kindness can set ff a chain f events.
    26. Hw was Timmns’ life impacted by thers’ kindness?
    A. His dyslexic was successfully cured.
    B. His scres were changed by thers.
    C. A teacher cmfrted him with warm wrds.
    D. A prfessr assisted him in getting master’s degrees.
    27. In what frm is the bk accessible t readers?
    A. Electrnic versin.B. Hard cpy.
    C. Schl wrkbk.D. Library dcument.
    Each year, mre than 27 millin U. S. and Canadian kids get t schl by bus. Mst f thse buses run n diesel (柴油) fuel, which give ut pllutin that riders can take in. Pllutin levels can be several times higher inside a diesel schl bus than utside it. Why? Pllutin can leak in frm the flr r blw in thrugh windws.
    A U.S. gvernment prgram started in 2012 ffered schls’ mney spent n cleaner schl buses but nt all schls culd get it. Five years later, emissins frm buses in the winning districts fell. And a year after getting new buses, student attendance had imprved in thse districts. Winning schls with higher rates f bus-riding kids had an average f 14 mre students in class each day, cmpared t the lsing districts. And winning districts that replaced the ldest schl buses had an average f 45 mre students in schl each day.
    Thse numbers may sund small, but they add up. And schl attendance matters fr student achievement. If U.S. schl districts had replaced all the schl buses mre than 20 years ld, there wuld have been 1.3 millin fewer student absences each year.
    There might be ther reasns fr better attendance. Fr example, maybe kids preferred new buses. Hwever, the mst-likely reasn fr fewer student absences was better health. A study dne n adults shwed that a brief expsure t diesel emissins reduced “netwrk cnnectivity” in the brain, whse changes have been linked t wrsened memry and mental tasks. A Washingtn State prgram upgraded pllutin cntrls in ld diesel buses. Afterward, fewer kids were hspitalized in thse districts than in schls withut bus upgrades.
    Almst all U.S. schl districts can apply fr the prgram. But schls in lw-incme areas, in tribal areas and, in rural areas will get pririty.
    28. What can we infer abut diesel schl buses frm the first paragraph?
    A. They have a shrt service life.
    B. They perate cst-effectively.
    C. They accmmdate few passengers.
    D. They d much harm t schl children.
    29. Why is the increase in schl attendance small but imprtant?
    A. It is a lng accumulatin.B. It is a winning cnditin.
    C. It is a measuring standard.D. It is a student achievement.
    30. Hw des the bus replacement bring better student attendance?
    A. By reducing the netwrk cnnectivity.
    B. By bettering the health state f students.
    C. By imprving student satisfactin with schls.
    D. By meeting students’ demand fr schl bus drivers.
    31. What des the text mainly talk abut?
    A. The “netwrk cnnectivity” in the brain.
    B. The great wrk n cleaner schl buses.
    C. A U.S. gvernment prgram fr educatin.
    D. Better attendance due t new schl buses.
    Many animals and plants are endangered in the wrld tday. These endangered species are threatened with becming extinct, meaning they will n lnger exist n Earth. Examples include the Cuban Macaw and the Sri Lankan Legume Tree. Illegal hunting, and cllecting f the Macaw bird fr pets, led t its extinctin. While the main reasn the native Sri Lankan Legume Tree went extinct was due t habitat lss frm develpment in the 20th century. The main cause fr animals and plants disappearing is ften a damage t the fd chain due t hunting, habitat lss r even the intrductin f invasive species.
    Every living thing frm ne-celled animals t a blue whale needs t eat. Nature is cnnected and cntrlled by many fragile fd chains. A fd chain describes wh eats whm in a habitat. When ne f the links in a fd chain is n lnger present—fr example, a species ges extinct—the fd chain breaks and smetimes this can cause ther animals t disappear and the whle system can becme imbalanced r even cllapsed.
    Humans can have disastrus effects n fd chains. When peple first explred the wrld, they tk animal and plant species frm their hme cuntries t the places they explred and settled in. They did nt realise the cnsequences f intrducing invasive species. By ding s, they were damaging the natural fd chains f the areas they explred.
    Nwadays there are strict rules cntrlling the mvement f animals and plants between cuntries. But sme parts f the wrld are still experiencing prblems with invasive species intrduced hundreds f years ag.
    With rising awareness f hw we affect the natural envirnment, hpefully we can learn t prtect these fd chains and help them t thrive. Otherwise the cntinued lss f species will eventually mean ur wn extinctin.
    32. Which is the main reasn fr Cuban Macaw’s extinctin?
    A. Habitat lss.B. Illegal hunting.
    C. Invasive species.D. Fd chain damage.
    33. What d we knw abut a fd chain in paragraph 2?
    A. It nly affects ne-celled animals.
    B. It is always brken by invasive species.
    C. It decides the balance f the whle system.
    D. It breaks after nearly ten species disappear.
    34. Hw d humans seriusly affect fd chains?
    A. By explring new places.B. By hunting endangered animals.
    C. By intrducing invasive species.D. By plluting natural envirnment.
    35. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Damage f Invasive Species
    B. Effect f Illegal Hunting n a Habitat
    C. Disappearance f Endangered Species
    D. The Link between Fd Chains and Extinctin
    Frget expensive gym memberships — yu dn’t need t spend a frtune t exercise. Frm the best free classes and apps t utdr gyms, here is hw t wrk ut at a minimal (最低的) cst.
    In-stre exercise classes
    In the same way as bkshps duble up as cffee shps, sprtswear shps have learned t multitask as gyms. Outlets frm Sweaty Betty (which has branches thrughut the UK) t Asics and Nike ffer free running clubs: check ut their websites t sign up nline. 36 , and sme classes are heavily in demand.
    I gave up the gym five years ag when I faced the fact that my mnthly visit was csting me £80. With the first £80 saved, I bught sme discunted running shes. 37
    Gd Gym
    38 , Gd Gym culd supply mtivatin while dubling the feel gd factr. It cnnects lcal runners with a range f necessary gd deeds frm gardening t changing a lightbulb. Sme jbs require tw runners, thers tw dzen. The idea is yu run t the missin, d the deed, then run back, thereby cmbining altruism (利他主义), fitness and scializing in ne rewarding act.
    Yu might be surprised t discver hw many cheap fitness ptins lie within a shrt walk f yur drstep. Many lcal authrities ffer fitness initiatives. Mine (Hackney, in east Lndn) rganizes £1 exercise classes frm family taekwnd (跆拳道) t chair-based yga. 40 . Check yur lcal cuncil’s website. They are als likely t run tennis curts.
    第三部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Nt lng ag, I was the guide n a wildlife-phtgraphy trip t Svalbard near the Nrth Ple. After tw days f 41 , we arrived there and 42 several seals resting n the ice. I 43 my camera and a mtin sensr near the edge f a hle t get a(n) 44 f a seal.
    The next mrning, I was wken up because a plar bear was 45 clser. At first the bear walked tward ur bat. Then it made a(n) 46 , turn and headed directly fr my camera. The mtin sensr reacted t the bear’s 47 , making the camera start taking pictures. The bear circled the 48 , gently sniffing it. Unexpectedly the camera 49 int the hle and disappeared beneath the deep ice.
    That was the 50 mment in my phtgraphy career. I was s 51 with myself. A year later I btained 52 t bring a remtely perated vehicle (ROV) t find the camera. There was a lt mre ice than the 53 trip. As I knew well, plar bears culd be nearby. We decided t 54 it. The ice was s thin, and sn we 55 technical difficulties and had t pull the ROV ut f the water twice. 56 n the third try the ROV fund the camera. We shuted and 57 arund n the ice.
    I was verjyed t see all my 58 . I saw the plar bear breathing and sniffing the camera. 59 that camera is the mst satisfying 60 f my career with the lvely animal and its habitat presented.
    41. A. researchB. trainingC. inspectinD. adventure
    42. A. spttedB. avidedC. imaginedD. appreciated
    43. A. threwB. buriedC. placedD. applied
    44. A characterB. imageC. acceptanceD. descriptin
    45. A. pullingB. eatingC. drawingD. lying
    46. A. terribleB. simpleC. abnrmalD. sharp
    47. A. mvementB. situatinC. psitinD. smell
    48. A. sealB. iceC. hleD. camera
    49. A. dugB. leakedC. slippedD. raced
    50. A. luckiestB. wrstC. brightestD. wettest
    51. A. annyedB. embarrassedC. bredD. satisfied
    52. A. cmmitmentB. recgnitinC. excuseD. permissin
    53. A. rdinaryB. previusC. preciusD. tight
    54. A. riskB. cnsiderC. escapeD. abandn
    55. A. gt verB. turned intC. ran intD. turned ver
    56. A. ObviuslyB. FrtunatelyC. InitiallyD. Apparently
    57. A. steppedB. wanderedC. flatedD. danced
    58. A. animalsB. facilitiesC. phtsD. friends
    59. A. RecveringB. AcquiringC. RepairingD. Explring
    60. A. recmmendatinB. accmplishmentC. discveryD. evlutin
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    On Sept 7, famus Chinese archaelgist (考古学家) Fan Jinshi, 85, 61 (award) by UNESCO fr her cntributin 62 the prtectin f the Mga Caves in Dunhuang.
    63 (call) the “daughter f Dunhuang”, she started her stry with the cave 60 years ag. In 1963, Fan, then a 25-year-ld Peking University graduate, had the chance 64 (wrk) at the Mga Caves, a place she had wanted t explre fr a lng time. Back in thse days, the Mga Caves were almst 65 (cmplete) cut ff frm the wrld. Fan and her cwrkers stayed inside the caves t d research, cpy murals (壁画), and d 66 they culd t prtect and restre them, 67 time passed, Fan fund a serius prblem: 68 number f turists visiting Dunhuang was increasing, which might harm the caves, 69 (cause) the murals inside t fade. In the late 1980s, Fan stumbled upn cmputer technlgy by chance. She realized that this might preserve the Mga Caves frever.
    After ver 30 years f 70 (explre), the Dunhuang Academy built a digital database t prtect cultural relics there, allwing Dunhuang’s art t live frever and t step ut f the caves t meet the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Lking back n my senir schl life, I have s many things t share them with yu. I still remember I step int my high schl with high expectatins. Therefre, I felt s frustrated after the first mnth test. I even began t dubt that I was qualified t be a senir schl student. With the helps f friendly classmates and teachers, I picked up my curage and regained the spirits t devte myself t my study, thus d well in sme academic perfrmances. Besides, I tk active part in clrful after-schl activities, n which I benefited a lt. In a wrd, I am nw satisfied with my senir schl life which are part f my grwth.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 告知消息;
    2. 感谢他的帮助;
    3. 邀请他来中国。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Peter,
    Hw’s everything ging? ______________________________________________________________________
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    1-5 CACBC6-10 ACBBA11-15 BACBA16-20 CBACA
    21-23 BDA24-27 ADCA28-31 DABD32-35 BCCD36-40 DCFAG
    41-45 DACBC46-50 DADCB51-55 ADBAC56-60 BDCAB
    61. was awarded62. t63. Called64. t wrk65. cmpletely
    66. whatever/what67. As68. the69. causing70. explratin
    Lking back n my senir schl life, I have s many things t share them with yu. I still remember I step int
    删除with stepped
    my high schl with high expectatins. Therefre, I felt s frustrated after the first mnth test. I even began t dubt
    Hwever mnthly
    that I was qualified t be a senir schl student. With the helps f friendly classmates and teachers, I picked up my
    whether/if help
    curage and regained the spirits t devte myself t my study, thus d well in sme academic perfrmances. Besides, I
    tk ∧ active part in clrful after-schl activities, n which I benefited a lt. In a wrd, I am nw satisfied with
    an frm/thrugh/by
    my senir schl life which are part f my grwth.
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Peter,
    Hw’s it ging? I can hardly wait t share with yu my highlight time. I wn first prize in the English speech cntest themed “I lve Chinese Culture” held by ur schl last Saturday. Fr this, I gt a cash bnus f 500 yuan and a new Oxfrd dictinary. (Meanwhile, having heard the applause frm my classmates and teachers, I culdn’t feel better.)
    I’d like t express my deep’gratitude t yu. But fr yur help in crrecting and plishing my speech (Had it nt been fr yur crrecting and plishing my speech), I’d nt have ranked first in the cmpetitin. It was yur patient instructin that made my speech s appealing. (Nt nly did this speech impress students with the knwledge f Chinese culture but it arused their interest in learning English.)
    In additin, the summer vacatin is cming. I sincerely invite yu t China t experience ur diverse Chinese culture. (It must be a glden chance fr yu have a better understanding f Chinese culture in persn, which yu can’t affrd t miss.) Please give me the chance t be yur guide and I guarantee this jurney will nt let yu dwn. (121+68=189)
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    1. I am mre than delighted t infrm yu f sme gd news.
    2. What delighted mst this term is definitely the success in winning the first prize in the speech cntest last week.
    3. I culdn’t be mre grateful when yu ffered t give me sme advice n hw t prepare the speech fr this cntest.
    4. Every time faced with the difficulties in writing the speech cntext, I culd always get yur timely assistance t vercme them.
    5. If yu wuld like t visit China and experience and feel the unique charm f ur culture in persn, yu will get a warm welcme by ur family.
    6. I wuld appreciate it if yu culd cnfirm yur cming at yur early cnvenience.
    你校英文报正在组织以“The Mst Impressive Chinese Virtue”为主题的征稿活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 你印象最深刻的中华美德;
    2. 具有该美德的人及事迹;
    3. 对你的影响或启示。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 题目已为你写好。
    The Mst Impressive Chinese Virtue
    The Mst Impressive Chinese Virtue
    As we knw, China has many fine virtues. One that has impressed me mst is filial piety (孝道), which is defined as “children’s respect and care fr their parents”. I vividly remember the tuching stry f my father, wh tk gd care f my sick grandmther. Despite numerus challenges, my father wrked tirelessly t prvide the best medical treatment fr my grandmther. Thanks t his selflessness and dedicatin, my grandmther finally recvered, which mved the entire neighbrhd.
    This virtue has influenced me greatly. It serves as a cnstant reminder t treasure ur relatinships with lved nes and appreciate the sacrifices they have made fr us. I’ve realized the imprtance f lving ur elders. Besides filial piety, I decide t inherit ther Chinese virtues.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文. 学校英文报正在组织以“The Mst Impressive Chinese Virtue”为主题的征稿活动,要求考生写一篇短文投稿。
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    尽管:despite→in spite f
    对……影响很大:influence sb greatly→have a great influence n sb
    意识到:realize→be aware f
    除……之外(还):besides→in additin t
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Despite numerus challenges, my father wrked tirelessly t prvide the best medical treatment fr my grandmther.
    拓展句:Althugh there were numerus challenges, my father wrked tirelessly t prvide the best medical treatment fr my grandmther.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】As we knw, China has many fine virtues.(运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】One that has impressed me mst is filial piety, which is defined as “children’s respect and care fr their parents”.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    Text 1
    W: Ww! Yur dad did a great jb! He made the ldest bike in twn lk new. Peple may think yur bike is mre expensive than mine.
    M: Yu knw it ges faster than yur bike nw.
    W: I dn’t think s. Let’s race and see.
    Text 2
    M: Mrs. Sphie? Why has my seat been mved t the frnt rw? Everyne else is sitting in their riginal seats.
    W: If yu chse t talk in class instead f listening, yur seat will be mved clser t me s I can see yu better.
    Text 3
    M: Maria, I need t meet my niece at the railway statin at 6:20. She called me i quarter ag. I just had an emergency meeting.
    W: Oh, it’s 6:00 nw. 20 minute t g.
    M: That is enugh.
    Text 4
    W: Rbert, which d yu think yu need mre f, luck, talent r effrt t succeed in the arts?
    M: In my pinin, yu need the pprtunity t succeed and nt everyne gets the right pprtunity even if they’re really talented and devted.
    Text 5
    M: Nw yu can begin taking the plates t the custmers. Well, dn’t carry t many plates. Yu may drp them.
    W: Oh, I wn’t. I’ve never drpped plates in my life.
    M: Yu can’t be t careful.
    W: Well, I’ll try my best.
    Text 6
    M: Guess what I’ll be ding this summer?
    W: What?
    M: I’m ging t wrk at the Churchill Htel.
    W: What exactly will yu be ding there?
    M: Let’s see. I’ll be ding sme small repairs inside and utside the htel I’ll cutting grass and taking care f the flwers.
    W: Sunds interesting. What’s the pay?
    M: Well, uh… abut twenty dllars per hur, five hurs a day, and Sunday free.
    W: That’s gd mney. What are yu ging t d with it?
    M: I’ll pay fr the textbks fr next semester.
    Text 7
    W: Hey, Jhn? Can I talk t yu fr a minute?
    M: Sure. What’s up?
    W: I want t let yu knw abut a bk club I jined mnths ag. I knw yu d a lt f reading, s I thught yu might want t cme with me next mnth.
    M: Oh! That sunds like fun. When des the grup meet?
    W: Usually the last Saturday f the mnth, at 7:30 in the evening. Is that t late fr yu?
    M: N, I think that’s kay. What d yu talk abut in the grup?
    W: Well. Every mnth we chse a new bk, and then during the next meeting we discuss it.
    M: What bks have yu read?
    W: Quite a lt. Recently we have read The Beautiful Mind and The Great Gatsby. Nw we are reading The Kite Runner.
    M: The Kite Runner? I’ve heard that’s a gd bk. What’s it abut?
    W: It’s abut tw bys wh grw up in Afghanistan in the 1980s and hw their friendship shapes the rest f their lives.
    M: That sunds interesting. I’d lve t cme.
    W: Great! The next meeting will be held in half a mnth, s yu still have time t read the bk.
    Text 8
    M: Gd afternn, madam. My friend saw the infrmatin in the newspaper that yu might have a spare apartment and tld me n Friday.
    W: Yes, I have a spare apartment fr rent.
    M: Wuld it be OK t lk at it nw?
    W: OK. Cme in please.
    M: Emm… This apartment lks nice and quite new. The living rm is really large.
    W: It’s frty square meters.
    M: Hw much shuld I pay?
    W: $800 a mnth.
    M: What are included?
    W: Only gas is included. Yu have t pay fr the electricity and water.
    M: Er, can yu cut dwn a little? I’ve searched a lt n the Internet, and there wasn’t s much high rent.
    W: As yu can see, the apartment has recently been redecrated and cmpletely furnished.
    M: Well, that’s it. When can I mve in?
    W: Let me see. Tday is Wednesday. In three days if yu like.
    M: That’s great.
    Text 9
    M: Why did yu get hme s late, Enya? I was wrried sick!
    W: I had everything timed perfectly. I sat in the cffee shp, waiting fr Bus 35. It is suppsed t leave at 4:45 sharp. I take it every day at that time because it arrives at the Waterl Statin just in time fr me t catch Bus 15.
    M: And yu lst track f time, didn’t yu?
    W: N, Ken, nt this time. I was at the bus stp n time, and I was picking up my bag and getting t my feet at 4:35. I was tw feet frm the bus when it suddenly left!
    M: Ten minutes early?
    W: Yes. S, I had t wait thirty minutes fr the next bus. By then, there were n mre buses leaving frm Waterl.
    M: Hw did yu get here, then?
    W: I walked. Can yu imagine—me, a yung wman, walking in the dark fr an hur by alne?
    M: And in this neighbrhd! Next time, please call me. That was s dangerus.
    W: I knw. I’m lucky t be alive. What’s wrng with the public transprtatin in this city? Dn’t they care abut peple wh can’t affrd cars?
    M: We shuld write a letter t ur lcal fficials.
    W: And the newspaper!
    Text 10
    The desire t stay cl is, f curse, nthing new. The ancient Egyptians and Rmans emplyed varius techniques t cl dwn their buildings frm the utside heat. Sme peple have even claimed that the first air cnditining device was invented in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians wuld hang wet plants utside their windws, and when the air came int the huse, it wuld be cled by the cl water drps n the plants.
    The Rmans understd that if they culd bring cld water under their huses, then the temperature inside wuld fall. And if we really stretch the meaning f the phrase “air cnditining”, then hand fans have been used since the very beginning f the histry. Peple realized that they culd mve air by waving smething and wuld cl them dwn fr a while.
    The Chinese inventr Ding Huan went a step further in the secnd century and invented a fan that culd g arund, similar t fans we might see tday, althugh it was pwered by servants.
    That’s all fr tday. Please stay tuned fr mre updates.
    Passage A【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Within tw t three days after the interview, the advisr will be in tuch by email t let yu knw if yur applicatin has been successful.(在面试后的两到三天内,指导老师会通过电子邮件通知你是否申请成功)”可知,在面试后两到三天内可以知道面试的结果,也就是申请是否成功。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“T cnfirm yur placement in ur prgram, yu’ll need t reply t ur letter f ffer and pay yur agreed prgram depsit.(为了确认您在我们项目中的安排,您需要回复我们的通知书并支付您同意的项目押金)”可知,为了确认信息,需要支付项目押金。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Our supprt desn’t end when yu arrive. We are as dedicated t ensuring yu have arund the clck supprt fr the duratin f yur stay as we d in getting yu here. Yur jurney will include yur paid internship, accmmdatin, language curses, cultural experiences, turs, and netwrking.(我们的支持不会随着你的到来而结束。我们致力于确保您在入住期间得到24小时的支持,就像我们把您送到这里一样。你的旅程将包括带薪实习、住宿、语言课程、文化体验、旅游和社交)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了来中国旅游的四个简单的步骤,由此可以判断,本文是来中国的旅游指南。故选A。
    Passage B【答案】24. A 25. D 26. C 27. A
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是Sean Ellit Martin和Panch Timmns两位一起出版的新书Quick and Easy Wrld Change。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Sean Ellit Martin and Panch Timmns are friends n a missin t change the wrld, ne small act f kindness at a time. That’s the subject f their new bk, Quick and Easy Wrld Change, which they released as an e-bk.(Sean Ellit Martin和Panch Timmns是朋友,他们的使命是改变世界,一次做一件小小的善举。这就是他们的新书Quick and Easy Wrld Change的主题,这本书以电子书的形式发行。)”可知,Quick and Easy Wrld Change这本书是关于善良的积极影响。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“If yu cmpliment ne persn, they’re likely t cmpliment tw t five peple(如果你赞美一个人,他们可能会赞美两到五个人)”可知,一个善举会引起其他更多的善举,the cncept f cmpund kindness的意思是“一个善举可以引发一连串的事件”,即An act f kindness can set ff a chain f events。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Fr Timmns, a teacher’s cmpassin in cllege was a turning pint fr him. “I did all the things I was suppsed t d—wrked hard, studied hard—and ended up failing pretty miserably,” he recalled. “But the prfessr pulled me aside and said, ‘Yu’re an A student turning in C and D wrk because yu’re clearly dyslexic (读写困难) and nt getting the help yu need,” “That 5-minute cnversatin was the difference between drpping ut f cllege and getting tw master’s degrees and nw running tw cmpanies,” Timmns said. “I’ve spent my career trying t pay that frward.”(对Timmns来说,大学里老师的同情是他人生的转折点。“我做了所有我应该做的事情——努力工作,努力学习——结果却惨败,”他回忆道。“但是教授把我拉到一边,说,‘你是个A的学生,却交出了C和D的作业,因为你明显有阅读障碍,没有得到你需要的帮助’。蒂蒙斯说:“那5分钟的谈话就决定了我是辍学还是拿到2个硕士学位,到现在经营两家公司。”“我的整个职业生涯都在努力传递这种精神。”)”可知,一位老师用热情洋溢的话语安慰他,这种善意影响了他。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“That’s the subject f their new bk, Quick and Easy Wrld Change, which they released as an e-bk.(这就是他们的新书Quick and Easy Wrld Change的主题,这本书以电字书的形式发行。)”可知,这本书是电子版本的。故选A。
    Passage C【答案】28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D
    28. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“U.S. and Canadian kids get t schl by bus. Mst f thse buses run n diesel (柴油) fuel, which give ut pllutin that riders can take in. Pllutin levels can be several times higher inside a diesel schl bus than utside it. Why? Pllutin can leak in frm the flr r blw in thrugh windws.”(加拿大的孩子坐公共汽车上学。这些公共汽车大多使用柴油燃料,而柴油所产生的污染会让乘客吸入。柴油校车内的污染水平可能比外面高几倍。为什么?污染可以从(校车)地板漏进来,或者从窗户吹进来。)可知,从第一段我们可以推断出柴油校车对学生有很大的危害。故选D项。
    29. 细节理解题。根据第三段“The figures may sund small, but they add up. Student attendance matters fr student achievement. If U.S. schl districts had replaced all the schl buses mre than 20 years ld, there wuld have been1.3 millin fewer student absences each year.”(这些数字听起来可能很小,但积少成多。出勤率对学生的成绩很重要。如果美国的学区更换了所有超过20年的旧巴士,每年减少300万学生缺勤。)可知,学校出勤率的增加很小却很重要是因为这是一个积累的过程。故选A项。
    30. 细节理解题。根据第四段中“There might be ther reasns fr better attendance. Fr example, maybe kids preferred new buses. Hwever, the mst-likely reasn fr fewer student absences was better health.”(提高出勤率可能还有其他原因。例如,也许孩子们更喜欢新公交车。然而,学生缺勤减少最有可能的原因是健康状况好转。)可知,公交车更换通过改善学生的健康状况来提高学生出勤率。故选B项。
    31. 主旨大意题。全文主要谈论的是更换新校巴带来的更好的学生出勤率。文中详细说明了美国某些学区采取行动换新巴士后,学生的出勤情况如何改善,以及这一改变如何积极影响到学生的健康和学习成绩。尽管文中也提到了美国政府的项目和对大脑网络连接性的研究,但这些都是为了支持主题。因此D选项“Better attendance due t new schl buses”(由于有了新的校车,出勤率提高了。)正确地反映了文本的主旨。故选D项。
    Passage D【答案】32. B 33. C 34. C 35. D
    32. 细节理解题。根据第一段“Examples include the Cuban Macaw and the Sri Lankan Legume Tree. Illegal hunting, and cllecting f the Macaw bird fr pets, led t its extinctin.(例如古巴金刚鹦鹉和斯里兰卡豆科树。非法狩猎和收集金刚鹦鹉作为宠物导致了它的灭绝。)可知,非法狩猎导致金刚鹦鹉灭绝。故选B项。
    33. 推理判断题。根据第二段“Nature is cnnected and cntrlled by many fragile fd chains. A fd chain describes wh eats whm in a habitat. When ne f the links in a fd chain is n lnger present—fr example, a species ges extinct—the fd chain breaks and smetimes this can cause ther animals t disappear and the whle system can becme imbalanced r even cllapsed.(大自然是由许多脆弱的食物链连接和控制的。食物链描述了在栖息地中谁吃谁。当食物链中的一个环节不再存在时,例如,一个物种灭绝,食物链就会断裂,有时这可能导致其他动物消失,整个系统就会变得不平衡甚至崩溃。)”可知,食物链的每个环节都决定着整个系统的平衡,故选C项。
    34. 推理判断题。根据第三段“Humans can have disastrus effects n fd chains. When peple first explred the wrld, they tk animal and plant species frm their hme cuntries t the places they explred and settled in. They did nt realise the cnsequences f intrducing invasive species. By ding s, they were damaging the natural fd chains f the areas they explred.(人类可以对食物链造成灾难性的影响。当人们第一次探索世界时,他们从自己的国家把动物和植物物种带到他们探索和定居的地方。他们没有意识到引入入侵物种的后果。通过这样做,他们正在破坏他们所探索地区的自然食物链。)可知,因为人们引入入侵物种,给食物链造成灾难性的影响。故选C项。
    35. 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段最后一句“The main cause fr animals and plants disappearing is ften a damage t the fd chain due t hunting, habitat lss r even the intrductin f invasive species.(动植物消失的主要原因往往是由于狩猎、栖息地丧失甚至是入侵物种的引入而破坏了食物链。)”,最后一段“With rising awareness f hw we affect the natural envirnment, hpefully we can learn t prtect these fd chains and help them t thrive. Otherwise the cntinued lss f species will eventually mean ur wn extinctin.(随着人们对人类如何影响自然环境的认识不断提高,希望我们能够学会保护这些食物链,帮助它们茁壮成长。否则,物种的持续减少最终将意味着我们自己的灭绝。)”可知,文章介绍了生态系统中某一环节的动植物的消失会破坏食物链,最终影响到人类的生存,故D项“The Link between Fd Chains and Extinctin(食物链与物种灭绝之间的联系)”作为文章标题,比较贴切。故选D项。
    36. 根据本空后的“and sme classes are heavily in demand”可知,一些课程的需求量很大,故D项(尽管是免费的,你仍然要预订)符合语境。
    37. 本句本空前的“With the first £80 saved I bught sme discunted running shes.”可知用那80美元我买了一些打折的跑鞋;此处承接上文,讲的是关于跑步的内容,故C项(从那以后,我每周都跑步)符合语境。
    38. 根据本空后的“then Gd Gym culd supply mtivatin while dubling the feel gd factr.”可知,那么Gd Gym可以提供动力,同时使感觉良好的因素加倍,此处需要提到一个条件,故F项(如果你是那种很难独自锻炼的人)符合语境。
    39. 根据本段内容,特别是“Yu might be surprised t discver hw many cheap fitness ptins lie within a shrt walk f yur drstep.”可知,在你家门口就有很多便宜的健身选择,本段主要讲的是社区给居民提供的健身选择和活动,故A项(拥抱你的社区)符合语境。
    40. 根据本空前的“Mine (Hackney, in east Lndn) rganizes £1 exercise classes frm family taekwnd (跆拳道) t chair-based yga.”可知,伦敦东部的哈克尼组织的跆拳道和瑜伽锻炼项目,此处承接上文,说的是别的地方也要组织锻炼项目,故G项(其他的地方,如肯特郡,有步行和锻炼推荐计划)符合语境。
    41. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过两天的探险,我们到达了那里,发现有几只海豹在冰面上休息。A. research研究;B. training培训;C .inspectin检查;D. adventure探险。根据上文“Nt lng ag I was the guide n a wildlife-phtgraphy trip t Svalbard near the Nrth Ple.”可知,我在北极附近的斯瓦尔巴群岛担任野生动物摄影之旅的向导,所以此处指经过两天的探险。故选D。
    42. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过两天的探险,我们到达了那里,发现有几只海豹在冰面上休息。A. sptted发现;B. avided避免;C. imagined想象;D. appreciated感谢。根据下文“several seals resting the ice.”可知,此处指发现了几只在冰面上休息的海豹。故选A。
    43. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把相机和一个运动传感器放在一个洞的边缘,以获得海豹的图像。A. threw投掷;B. buried埋;C. placed放置;D. applied应用。根据下文“my camera and a mtin sensr near the edge f a hle t get a(n) 44 f a seal.”可知,此处要拍摄海豹,所以把相机和一个运动传感器放在一个洞的边缘。故选C。
    44. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把相机和一个运动传感器放在一个洞的边缘,以获得海豹的图像。A. character性格;B. image图像;C. acceptance接受;D. descriptin说明。根据上文“I 43 my camera and a mtin sensr near the edge f a hle”可知,此处要拍摄海豹。故选B。
    45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意;第二天早上,我被吵醒了,因为一只北极熊正在靠近我。A. pulling牵引;B. eating进食;C. drawing行进;D. lying平躺;说谎。根据下文“At first the bear walked tward ur bat.”可知,此处指一只北极熊正在向我行进。故选C。
    46. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后它急转弯,直奔我的相机而来。A. terrible可怕的;B. simple简单的;C. abnrmal异常的;D. sharp急转弯的。根据上文“At first the bear walked tward ur bat.”及下文“turn and headed directly fr my camera.”可知此处指北极熊做了一个急转弯。故选D。
    47. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:运动传感器对熊的运动做出反应,使相机开始拍照。A. mvement运动;B. situatin情况;C. psitin位置;D. smell气味。根据下文“making the camera start taking pictures.”可知,此处指运动传感器对熊的运动做出了反应。故选A。
    48. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:熊绕着相机转了一圈,轻轻地嗅了嗅。A. seal海豹;B. ice冰;C. hle孔洞;D. camera相机。根据下文“Unexpectedly the camera 49 int the hle and disappeared beneath the deep ice.”可知,此处指熊绕着相机转了一圈。故选D。
    49. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,相机滑进了洞里,消失在深深的冰下。A. dug挖掘;B. leaked泄漏;C. slipped滑;D. raced比赛。根据下文“int the hle and disappeared beneath the deep ice.”可知,此处指相机滑进了洞里。故选C。
    50. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是我摄影生涯中最糟糕的时刻。A. luckiest最幸运的;B. wrst最糟糕的;C. brightest最亮的;D. wettest最潮湿的。根据上文“Unexpectedly the camera 49 int the hle and disappeared beneath the deep ice”及常识可知,相机滑进了洞里,消失在深深的冰下,这对于爱摄影的人来说,应该是最糟糕的时刻。故选B。
    51. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很生自己的气。A. annyed生气的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. bred无聊的;D. satisfied满意的。根据上文“Unexpectedly the camera 49 int the hle and disappeared beneath the deep ice.”及常识可知,弄丢了相机,我很生自己的气。故选A。
    52. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一年后,我获得许可,带着遥控车辆(ROV)去寻找相机。A. cmmitment承诺;B. recgnitin认可;C. excuse借口;D. permissin许可。根据常识可知,去极地探险是需要获得许可的。故选D。
    53. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:冰比上次多了很多。A. rdinary普通的;B. previus以前的;C. precius珍贵的;D. tight紧的。根据上文“There was a lt mre ice than”可知。此处指与以前那次情况相比较。故选B。
    54. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们决定冒一下险。A. risk冒险;B. cnsider考虑;C. escape逃生;D. abandn放弃。根据上文“As I knew well, plar bears culd be nearby.”可知,我很清楚北极熊可能就在附近,但是我们决定冒一下险。故选A。
    55. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:冰很薄,很快我们就遇到了技术困难,不得不两次将ROV从水中拉出来。A. gt ver克服;B. turned int变成;Can int遇到;D. turned ver翻身。根据下文“and had t pull the ROV ut f the water twice.”可知,此处指我们遇到了技术困难。故选C。
    56. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,在第三次尝试时,ROV找到了相机。A. Obviusly显然;B. Frtunately幸运的是;C. Initially最初;D. Apparently明显地。根据上文“A year later I btained 52 t bring a remtely perated vehicle (ROV) t find the camera.”及下文“ 56 n the third try the ROV fund the camera.”可知,一年后,我找到了丢失的相机,这是一件幸运的事情。故选B。
    57. 考查动词词义辨析。句意;我们在冰上又喊又跳。A. stepped迈步;B. wandered游荡;C. flated漂浮;D. danced跳舞。根据上文“A year later I btained 52 t bring a remtely perated vehicle (ROV) t find the camera.”及“ 56 n the third try the ROV fund the camera.”及常识可知,一年后,我找到了丢失的相机,我们兴奋地又喊又跳。故选D。
    58. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到我所有的照片,我欣喜若狂。A. animals动物;B. facilities设施;C. phts照片;D friends朋友。根据下文“I saw the plar bear breathing and sniffing the camera.”可知,此处指看到了相机里面的照片。故选C。
    59. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:找回相机是我职业生涯中最令人满意的成就,因为它展示了可爱的动物和它的栖息地。A. Recvering重新获得;B. Acquiring获得;C. Repairing修复;D. Explring探索。根据上文“ 56 n the third try the ROV fund the camera.”可知,此处指找回了相机。故选A。A. Embrace yur cmmunity
    B. Try t walk faster and further
    C. I have been running weekly ever since
    D. There is n fee, but yu still need t bk
    E. If yu dn’t mind yur crss trainer sitting n carpets
    F. If yu are the srt f persn wh finds it hard t exercise alne
    G. Others, such as Kent, have a walking and exercise referral prgramme

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