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    这是一份四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含英语试题docx、9月入学考试英语答案docx、英语答题卡docx、英语听力mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 卷
    命题人:鲁炯 唐扬眉 审题人:包晓梅
    2.选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后再填涂其它答案;非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡的对应区域内作答, 超出答题区域答题的答案无效;在草稿纸上、试卷上答题无效。
    第I 卷 (共95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5)
    1. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Pack bags. B. Gas up their car.C. Get int a taxi.
    2. What did Alice think f her new jb?
    A. It was just s s. B. It was difficult.C. It was easy.
    3. What is Ben ging t d later?
    A. G hme frm wrk. B. Have dinner with Sarah. C. Visit his dctr.
    4. Wh is the man?
    A. A gardener.B. A flwer seller.C. A private hme chef.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Their favrite fruit.B. Items n a menu.C. Drink rders.
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5)
    6. Hw des the wman mstly spend her time nw?
    A. Studying.B. Making mney.C. Lking fr a jb.
    7. When did the man finish his career?
    A. 20 days ag.B. Half a year ag.C. 30 years ag.
    8. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a supermarket.B. At a university.C. In a huse.
    9. Which career des the man prbably prefer nw?
    A. Writing.B. Accunting.C. Engineering.
    10. What des the wman wrry abut?
    A. Whether the man will change majrs.
    B. Whether the man will find a suitable jb.
    C. Whether the man will get gd schl grades.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C-wrkers.
    B. Bss and secretary.
    C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    12. What is prbably the man’s specialty?
    A. Writing. B. Making vides.C. Taking pictures.
    13. What is the mst imprtant thing in jurnalism accrding t the wman?
    A. Sharing events.
    B. Presenting hnest pinins.
    C. Bringing the glbal cmmunity tgether.
    14. Why is the man giving the wman the infrmatin?
    A. They had a cnversatin n this tpic befre.
    B. She is reading bks n this subject.
    C. He is giving her tasks.
    15. What is prbably the functin f endrphins?
    A. T clear harmful chemicals.
    B. T remind peple f injuries.
    C. T prduce pleasant feelings.
    16. Which part f persnal develpment has the wman fcused n?
    A. Diet.B. Sleep.C. Physical exercise.
    17. What has the wman always wanted t d?
    A. Get a pet.
    B. Ck fr friends regularly.
    C. D weekly vide calls with family.
    18. Why are these creatures a prblem?
    A. They’re vilent.B. They damage things.C. They eat many crps.
    19. When des this thery start being tested?
    A. This spring.B. This summer.C. This autumn.
    20. Wh will the speaker prbably talk t next?
    A. Anther jurnalist.B. Sme scientists.C. A farmer.
    第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
    With numerus rides, a variety f wildlife frm bth land and sea and shws filled with actin-packed excitement, n wnder it's a hit with visitrs frm all ver the wrld. Whether riding n the wrld's biggest steel rller caster, Dragn Muntain, r enjying a shw filled with fun-lving dlphins and intelligent whales, yu’re sure t have the time f yur life at MarineLand. Having been in business fr mre than 50 years, this park has smething fr every member f the family!
    The King Waldrf Stadium Shw:This entertaining, educatinal and heart-warming shw features dlphins, white whales, sea lins, and walruses and is sure t leave yu in awe as well as help yu understand and appreciate these wnderful marine mammals(海洋哺乳动物).
    Arctic Cve: It featuring ne f the largest white whale cllectins in the wrld, visitrs are able t purchase a pass t Arctic Cve where they can tuch and feed the whales as well as view them underwater.
    Friendship Cve: Breathtaking underwater viewing allws yu t enter the magic wrld f the killer whale belw the water surface r n a surface level walkway.
    Villager Ldge: It is lcated in Niagara Falls, Ontari.
    Diplmat Inn: Within half a mile f the Skyln Twer, it is the chice fr an inexpensive lcatin.
    Marritt Niagara Falls Fallsview Htel&Spa: It is clse t ppular attractins and the Sctiabank Cnventin Center.
    Days Inn Lundy's Lane: It is lcated just tw miles frm the grgeus Niagara Falls and the Skyln Twer Observatin Deck.
    Hurs f Operatin:10:00 am-5:00 pm(Sept. 11th—Oct. 13th)
    21. What can be learned abut MarineLand Theme Park?
    A. It is nly suitable fr kids.
    B. It was pened fifty years ag.
    C. It has bth land and marine animals.
    D. It has the wrld's biggest rller caster.
    22. What is special abut Arctic Cve?
    A. It has the largest white whale cllectin in the wrld.
    B. It allws visitrs t enter the magic wrld f the killer whale.
    C. It features an entertaining shw starring varius marine mammals.
    D. It prvides visitrs with a chance t interact with white whales persnally.
    23. Which htel suits yu best if yu have a tight budget?
    A. Diplmat Inn.B. Villager Ldge.
    C. Days Inn Lundy's Lane.D. Marritt Niagara Fails Fallsview Htel&Spa.
    Mid-afternn n a particularly busy Tuesday, I tk leave f my desk at wrk and walked int a lcal Starbucks, nly t find a space where neither my clients (客户) nr my children wuld ask me t d smething.
    Inside, I ran int Kate, a c-wrker f mine. The tpic f parenthd came up. I cmplained abut hw packed my schedule was. Frm the minute I wke up t the minute I fell asleep, I was cnstantly in demand and always had smene kncking at the dr. But a bit f sadness seemed t cme ver Kate's face.
    "Well, my daughter's in San Francisc and she desn't seem t need me at all these days." Kate said. It was in that mment that I realized althugh I might ften feel in high demand, there will cme a day when I'll actually miss that same stress I nw cmplain abut.
    And as ur cnversatin cntinued, it turned t ur children's yunger years, with Kate smiling prudly, thinking f the little by and girl she raised wh are nw a man and a wman. But I nticed her smile was marked with regret. She explained that she ften wndered abut what she culd have dne differently when her children were in their earlier years.
    This gt me thinking. Is regret an unfrtunate ftnte (注脚) t parenthd? With that in mind, I asked six lder parents ne questin: What is yur biggest regret frm yur early days as a parent?
    It turned ut that all f them thught they culd have dne it better. But, each f them als has a strng, healthy relatinship with their kids. Whatever regrets their parents might have had abut their upbringing, ne thing is clear—it didn't affect them in a meaningful way.
    The bttm line is, we all feel like we culd be ding this parenting thing better, And quite clearly, years later, we're still ging t lk back and wish we tried things differently. But the past can't be changed, and neither shuld it.
    24. Why des the authr g t a lcal Starbucks?
    A. T have an appintment with ne f his clients.
    B. T have a discussin abut parenthd with Kate.
    C. T enjy a delicius cffee with her friends.
    D. T escape frm the pressures arund her.
    25. Why did Kate feel sad and regretful?
    A. Because she culdn't get n well with her daughter.
    B. Because she hardly paid any attentin t her kids.
    C. Because she was disappinted with her kids' perfrmance.
    D. Because she thught that she culd have dne better.
    26. What can we learn accrding t the fifth and sixth paragraph?
    A. Nt every parent has a gd relatinship with their kids.
    B. The authr was mved by what these parents had dne.
    C. These parents didn't make a meaningful life fr their children.
    D. Nne f the parents were ttally cntent with the way they raised kids.
    27. What cnclusin can we draw frm the last paragraph?
    A. Give as much lve as yu can t kids.
    B. Dn't limit kids' freedm as they grw up.
    C. Treasure the present and be a gd parent.
    D. Learn hw t be a gd parent frm thers.
    Climate change leads t a threat t the wrld’s sandy beaches, and as many as half f them culd disappear by 2100, a new study has fund. Even by 2050 sme castlines culd be unrecgnizable frm what we see tday, with 10% t 12% facing severe ersin (侵蚀).
    Using updated sea level rise predictins, the researchers analyzed hw beaches arund the wrld wuld be in a future with higher seas and mre damaging strms. They als cnsidered natural prcesses like wave ersin, as well as human factrs-like castal building develpments, all f which can affect a beach’s health. The study fund that sea level rise is expected t utweigh these ther factrs, and that the mre heat-trapping gases humans put int the atmsphere, the wrse the influences n the wrld’s beaches are likely t be.
    It’s hard t verstate just hw imprtant the wrld’s beaches are. They cver mre than ne third f the wrld’s castlines, and prtect castal areas frm strms. Beaches are als imprtant ecnmic engines, supprting relaxatin, turism and ther activities. And in sme areas, the beach is mre than a vacatin destinatin. In places like Australia, life near the cast revlves arund the beach fr much f the year.
    Sme f the wrld’s mst ppular beaches are already taking actin. Places like Miami Beach are trucking in thusands f tns f sand t patch up (修复) badly erded shrelines, while thers have built sea walls and breakwaters in an attempt t hld precius sand in place. But the financial and envirnmental csts f these prjects are huge, and scientists say rising seas and mre pwerful strms, supercharged by a warmer climate, will make this a lsing battle.
    Hwever, the researchers did find that humans have sme cntrl ver what happens t the wrld’s beaches. If the wrld’s gvernments are able t stick t mdest cuts t heat-trapping gas pllutin, the researchers fund that 22%f prjected beach lsses by 2050 culd be prevented, a number that grws t 40%by 2100 if greenhuse gases are limited.
    28. Which is the biggest cntributr t severe beach ersin?
    A.Damaging strms.B.Wave ersin.
    C.Castal building.D.Sea level rise.
    29. What can we infer frm Paragraph 3?
    A.It is hard t prtect castal beaches.
    B.One third f strms take place near beaches.
    C.Beaches are f great significance t ur lives.
    D.Mst Australians live n beach turism.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “this” refer t in Paragraph 4?
    A.Ppularizing the beaches.B.Hlding sand in place.
    C.Reducing the prject csts.D.Stpping glbal warming.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Half beaches culd disappear by 2100.
    B.Climate change is ding harm t ur lives.
    C.The beach is mre than a vacatin destinatin.
    D.Gvernments are taking actin t fight wave ersin.
    Few peple dubt the value f develping students' thinking skills. A fcus n critical thinking is cmmn in educatin. In the Australian Curriculum, critical thinking and creative thinking are knwn as “general capabilities”. The US has a similar fcus thrugh their “cmmn cre".
    Many appraches t develping critical thinking are based n Philsphy fr Children. One strategy that has a large impact n students' ability t analyse and evaluate arguments is argument mapping, in which a student's reasning can be visually displayed by capturing the inferential pathway frm assumptin t cnclusin. This type f argument-based intellectual engagement can shw high utcmes in terms f the quality f thinking in any classrm. Research als shws deliberate attentin t the practice f reasning in the cntext f ur everyday lives can be significantly imprved thrugh targeted teaching.
    Teachers at ne high schl in Australia, wh have much training in critical thinking teaching methds, develped a task that asked students t determine Australia's greatest sprts persn. Students needed t cnstruct their wn criteria fr greatness. T d s, they had t analyze the Australian sprting cntext, create pssible evaluative standards, explain and justify why sme standards wuld be mre acceptable than thers and apply these t their candidates. They then needed t argue their case with their classmates t develp criteria that were slid, defensible, widely applicable and prduced a chice that seized significant and relevant aspects f Australian sprt.
    Researchers lking at the gains made in a single term f teaching critical thinking with argument mapping said the critical thinking gains measured are clse t thse that culd be expected t result frm three years f undergraduate educatin. Students wh are taught t think well als d better n subject-based exams and standardized tests than thse wh d nt.
    In terms f develping 21st century skills, which includes setting up students fr lifelng learning, teaching critical thinking shuld be cre business.
    32. Which f the fllwing can explain the underlined wrd “capturing"in Paragraph 2?
    A. Describing.B. Attracting.C. Designing.D. Blcking.
    33. What’s the purpse f Paragraph 3?
    A. T cnstruct the criteria fr being great.
    B. T acknwledge the teachers' utcmes.
    C. T present hw t teach critical thinking.
    D. T emphasize the imprtance f reasning.
    34. What is the authr's attitude tward teaching critical thinking?
    A. Objective.B. Supprtive.C. Dubtful.D. Cautius.
    35. What des this text imply?
    A. Teaching methds shuld vary amng schls.
    B. Research n educatin deserves mre attentin.
    C. Critical thinking shuld be valued in educatin.
    D. Cncepts f critical thinking aren't well received.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Peple express their persnalities in their clthes, their cars, and their hmes. Because we might chse certain fds t ''tell'' peple smething abut us, ur diets can als be an expressin f ur persnalities. Fr example, sme peple eat mainly gurmet fds, such as caviar (鱼子酱) and lbster (龙虾), and they eat nly in expensive restaurants. 36
    Human beings can eat many different kinds f fds, but sme peple chse nt t eat meat. 37 Their persnalities might be similar t. Fr example, vegetarians in the United States and Canada may be creative peple, and they might nt enjy cmpetitive sprts r jbs. They wrry abut the health f the wrld, and they are prbably strngly ppsed t war.
    38 One study shws that many fast fd eaters have a lt in cmmn with ne anther, but they are very different frm vegetarians. They are cmpetitive and gd at business. 39 Many fast fd eaters might nt agree with this descriptin f their persnalities, but it is cmmn picture f them.
    Sme peple als believe that peple f the same astrlgical sign (星座) have similar fd persnalities. Aries (白羊座) (brn under the sign f Aries, between March 21 and April 20) usually like spicy fds, with a lt f nins and pepper. Peple with the sign f Taurus (金牛座) (April 21 t May 22) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables, but they ften eat t much. 40 Aquarius (水瓶座) (January 21 t February 19) can eat as much meat and fish as they want, but sugar and chlesterl (胆固醇) are smetimes prblems fr them.
    A. They are als usually in a hurry.
    B. Sme peple eat mstly fast fd.
    C. They knw abut the “better things in life”.
    D. Vegetarians ften have mre in cmmn than just their diet.
    E. Peple's persnalities have smething t d with their parents.
    F. Many peple avid alchl, which makes the bdy lse t much water.
    G. Sagittarius (Nvember 22 t December 22) like ethnic fds frm many different cuntries.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)
    I'd like t share a stry frm ver 25 years ag that changed my life. During a vacatin trip t Califrnia, I managed t 41 sme time t stay with family friends in nrthern Califrnia but that meant in the shrt time I needed t find my way t the bus statin, sme 30 miles away. Being a pr student, I had little 42 t get there.
    I tired t call varius taxis but they were all t 43 t pick me up. Then, I gt ne persn n the phne wh agreed t transprt me with limited 44 ! He came t pick me up abut 45 minutes later. The driver was 45 and I remember wndering 46 the taxi didn’t have a meter. The driver was s kind. He knew I was upset s he 47 me with stries and gd cnversatin. He said I lked like his 48 .
    At ne pint, I asked him why he 49 s little cmpared t the thers. Then, he explained that he was actually 50 and hadn’t remved his number frm the phne bk. When I called, clearly 51 , he felt that he shuld cme t help.
    This man drve an hur t help a stranger he didn’t knw fr a fee that barely cvered his gas, if that! This man’s 52 warms my heart every time I think f him. 53 , I didn’t get his name and his face has since faded frm my memry. But he is n my 54 ften and I wish I culd thank him 55 . “Thank yu Mr. Angel Taxi-Man! I hpe yur granddaughter knws what a wnderful grandfather she has!"
    41. A. spendB. spare C. wasteD. kill
    42. A. mneyB. timeC. energy D. effrt
    43. A. reasnableB. unbelievableC. expensive D. cheap
    44. A. distancesB. fundsC. space D. time
    45. A. ldB. yungC. rich D. pr
    46. A. whenB. whyC. where D. hw
    47. A. laughedB. helpedC. distracted D. absrbed
    48. A. granddaughterB. grandsnC. friend D. daughter
    49. A. chargedB. paidC. cst D. tk
    50. A. graduatedB. lstC. retired D. recvered
    51. A. astnishedB. pleasedC. eager D. upset
    52. A. kindnessB. intelligenceC. cautin D. care
    53. A. LuckilyB. SurprisinglyC. Regretfully D. Anxiusly
    54. A. shulderB. mindC. wrk D. relaxatin
    55. A. in persnB. in allC. in advance D. in brief
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    "When is the best time t g t Disneyland?" The answer 56. that questin depends n yur preferences, but there are factrs t cnsider 57.__________(guide) yur decisin. Yu culd g in the middle f the week in February, n a sunny day 58. there are n schl hlidays t avid crwds, but there wn't be any firewrks. 59. yu culd think abut ging in the summer when all the rides are running, days are lng, and yu can see the firewrks and ther nighttime 60. (shw), but the heat and lng lines cme.
    61. (general), the best time t visit Disneyland is during the summer and hlidays. At these times, Disneyland hurs are the lngest, meaning mre hurs t play, mre things t d, and mre rides t experience. Rides are als 62.______(likely) t be clsed fr maintenance then, which means there's 63. (little) chance f missing them. Hwever, the weather can be s ht that yu'll wrry yu might melt. Thugh the hurs are lng, the place 64. (crwd). Htel rates will als be at the year's highest, 65. (increase) yur ttal trip cst. Yur trip is all abut yu, s it is up t yu t pick yur wn ideal time f the year.
    第一节 (满分15分)
    学校英文报正在开展以Prtecting ur eyes t enjy a bright wrld为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    Prtecting ur eyes t enjy a bright wrld
    The health f children’s visin is facing a grwing threat.
    Over the summer I mved frm Texas t Missuri. This was my secnd year f high schl, but my first year f schl in Missuri. I was really nervus abut starting a new schl and having peple like me. I decided that I wuld be much happier in a new schl if I made friends that were s-called “ppular”. Getting in with the right grup f peple wuld make my life a whle lt better. I bught a new utfit s the first day wuld be perfect.
    On the first day f schl, scared, yet eager t begin my new life, I walked up the stairs. My first class was gemetry, but where was that? I was standing in the hall lking cnfused, when a shrt, blnd girl wearing glasses came up and asked, “Are yu new? Yu lk lst. D yu want me t help yu find yur class? My name is Diane. What’s yurs?” Even thugh she seemed a bit strange, definitely nt the kind f persn I wanted t be assciated with, I decided t answer her anyway. I was, after all, lst.
    After exchanging names, I fllwed her up the stairs and dwn a hallway n the right. When we reached my rm she said, “Well, here yu are. It was nice meeting yu. I hpe I see yu again and yur day ges all right.”
    I said a quick thank-yu and waved gd-bye. Once inside the classrm, I saw ne big grup f peple huddled arund smene wh seemed t be telling sme srt f stry. I walked ver and gt clse enugh t verhear. All eyes were glued t the guy in the middle f the circle. I decided that this guy was ppular.
    A few minutes later the teacher tld everyne t g find a seat and get ready fr the class. I managed t get ne right next t the guy. I said, “Hi, my name is April and I’m new here.” He said cldly, “Hi, I’m Jhnny.” That class dragged n and n. Finally, the bell rang. I turned t him and asked, “I’m nt sure where my next class is, culd yu help me find it?” He lked at me and then said a quick n, turned back t his friends, and walked ut f the classrm.
    Para1:As they were walking ut, I heard they were all laughing at me.
    Para2:Befre I was ready t g hme, I heard a familiar vice calling my name.

    四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷(PDF版附答案): 这是一份四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷(PDF版附答案),文件包含英语pdf、外语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

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