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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Creative writing: telling yur family stry
    D yu want t write up yur wn stry r that f a family member? D yu want t prduce a recrd fr generatins t cme, r simply write fr yur wn pleasure? Plan yur stry, make use f ld phtgraphs, and mine histry t paint yur wn picture f the past.
    This isn’t a curse abut researching family histry. It is primarily a creative writing curse where students use their wn family histries as material(素材). Learn hw t find infrmatin, what yu can draw frm it, and hw yu might shape it t prduce yur wn stry.
    Orientatin (培训) Week: 11-17 July
    Teaching Weeks: 18 July-21 August
    Feedback(反馈) Week: 22-28 August
    This curse is cmpleted nline. Each week f an nline curse is equal t 2-3 hurs f classrm time.
    While they have a specific start and end date and will fllw a weekly schedule, ur curses dn’t require students t be nline fr a specific day f the week r time f the day.
    Unless therwise stated, all curse material s will be psted n the Virtual Learning Envirnment (VLE) s that they can be referred t at any time thrughut the duratin f the curse.
    Entry requirements:
    This curse is pen t everyne, and yu dn’t need any knwledge r experience f the subject t attend.
    Our nline curses are designed especially fr adult learners wh want t imprve their persnal r prfessinal develpment. They are taught by teachers wh are expert in bth their subjects and in teaching students f all ages and experiences.
    Please nte that all teaching is in English. Yu shuld have near-native cmmand(掌握) f the English language in rder t get the mst ut f the curse.
    1.What will students learn n the curse?
    A.Drawing a family tree.B.Writing a family stry.
    C.Ding research n family histry.D.Making ld family pictures lk new.
    2.What d we knw abut the curse?
    A.It is ffered nline.B.It starts n July 17.
    C.It lasts fr tw weeks.D.It is given in different languages.
    3.What is a requirement fr students t take the curse?
    A.They shuld be adult learners.B.They shuld be gd at English.
    C.They shuld have writing experience.D.They shuld have a knwledge f the subject.
    Peple with high levels f niacin, als knwn as vitamin B3, in their bld may be mre likely t have a heart attack r strke than thse with lwer levels. Excessive amunts f the vitamin, which is rutinely added t frtified fd and can be taken as a supplement, may inflame bld vessels.
    Heart attacks and strke are leading causes f death wrldwide. While researchers have made significant strides ver the past few decades in discvering the risk factrs fr these cnditins, they haven’t identified them all.
    In an effrt t fill these gaps, Stanley Hazen at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohi and his clleagues cllected bld samples frm 2331 adults in the US and 832 adults in Eurpe wh had elected t underg cardivascular screenings. The team analysed the samples fr substances called metablites, byprducts f metablic prcesses such as digestin. The researchers then tracked incidents f cardiac events, such as heart attacks and strkes, amng the participants ver three years.
    They fund that peple with elevated levels f a metablite called 4PY, which nly arises when the bdy breaks dwn excess niacin, were arund 60 percent mre likely, n average, t experience such an event than thse with lwer levels. And it was fund in further experiment that 4PY causes bld vessel inflammatin, a majr cntributr t the develpment f heart disease, in rdents.
    It isn’t uncmmn fr peple t have high niacin levels, Hazen says. This is partially due t certain fds, such as cereals and flurs, being rutinely frtified with the vitamin in cuntries that include the UK and the US. Niacin supplements are als increasingly ppular as evidence suggests they have anti-ageing benefits, says Hazen. Plus, it wasn’t until recently that dctrs stpped prescribing high-dse niacin t peple at risk f cardivascular disease, as it was initially thught the vitamin prtected peple frm these cnditins by lwering chlesterl.
    “I think this study really shws that smetimes, when it cmes t vitamins, yu can have t much f a gd thing,” says Jenny Jia at Nrthwestern University in Chicag, Illinis. Hwever, this research was mainly cnducted in peple f Eurpean ancestry. It is therefre unclear if similar results wuld ccur in peple f different racial r ethnic backgrunds, says Jia.
    4.What is presented in paragraph 3?
    A.Theretical mdels.B.Research prcedures.
    C.Practical examples.D.Histrical findings.
    5.What des the underlined phrase “such an event” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.Increased 4PY.B.Extra niacin.
    C.Bld vessel inflammatin.D.Cardivascular diseases.
    6.What might nt be the reasn fr peple t have high niacin levels?
    A.Having niacin supplement is fashinable.B.Fd with niacin can rapid aging.
    C.Certain vitamins are added t fds.D.Niacin was prescribed t peple.
    7.What attitude might Jia have t the study?
    Adding t the achievement s f a remarkable year, Taylr Swift has been named Time magazine’s Persn f the Year fr 2023.
    Already a superstar befre 2023, Swift’s career has reached new heights thanks t the beginning f her Eras Tur that brught her 3.5-hur perfrmance t 66 shws in 23 cities acrss Nrth America, Argentina and Brazil. Prmted by her tur, Swift has been named the mst-streamed female artist in the histry f Sptify and Apple Music. Accrding t Billbard, the tur made abut $900 millin (abut 6.4 billin yuan) in 2023. In additin, the tur’s mvie Taylr Swift: The Eras Tur became the biggest cncert mvie f all time, taking mre than $250 millin glbally.
    As she was declared (宣布) a billinaire by Blmberg in Nvember, a hidden “Taylr Swift ecnmy” als prmted sales fr business wners acrss the US. Frm saps t a cruise inspired by her different “eras”, interest in Swift-related prducts went way up.
    Apart frm her financial cntributins, Swift made a significant cultural impact by taking back cntrl f her music. In 2019, her ld recrd label, Big Machine, sld the master tapes f her first six albums(专辑) t Scter Braun. The sale meant that she didn’t have the rights t the albums. In respnse t this, Swift began re-recrding her first six albums, tagging (加标签于) them “Taylr’s Versin”. This mve stressed her belief that artists deserve t wn their wrk. “It’s all in hw yu deal with lss,” she tld Time. “I respnd t extreme pain by resisting.”
    Heading int 2024, Swift will start the Eras Tur again in Japan and Australia. As USA Tday nted, “Her current tp has been a lng time cming, but it may als be just beginning.”
    8.What d we knw abut Taylr Swift?
    A.She brke a new recrd n her tur.B.She tured Suth America befre 2023.
    C.Her achievements received great recgnitin.D.Her perfrmance began with the Apple Music.
    9.Hw did Taylr Swift benefit frm her Eras Tur?
    A.She prved herself t be an artist.B.She learned t make sme prducts.
    C.She gt rich and regained album rights.D.She sld her master tapes t a cmpany.
    10.What can we learn abut Taylr Swift frm the last paragraph?
    A.She will end her music career.B.She will cntinue her Eras Tur.
    C.She will reach her tp in Japan.D.She will make a recrd in Australia.
    11.What is the authr’s attitude twards Taylr Swift?
    I’ve lived in Cardigan Bay(卡迪根海湾) in West Wales since I was a few mnths ld. Yu’ve gt everything yu need here. Hills, stunning beaches, nice castal paths. As smene wh lves the cuntryside, I’ve never wanted t leave.
    I was lucky t find wrk I culd d in this area. A lt f peple d have t mve away in rder t find wrk. I started Adventure Beynd here abut 30 years ag and we wrk all ver the UK. We g up t Sctland, we wrk alng the Thames. We’ve als taken grups t Canada, the Himalayas, places like that. But hnestly, West Wales has gt everything. We can d everything we need right here.
    Cardigan Bay is pretty huge, but I find having grwn up here there’s a definite sense f belnging. There’s an awareness that we’re lucky t have these incredible sandy beaches, pebbly beaches, beautiful rivers, and hills. It’s peaceful, and it’s nt verdevelped. Of curse, there are perids when it gets busy, but then the secnd schls g back and yu pretty much get the beaches t yurself . There is a sense f cmmunity(群体) t, with a lt f gd cmmunity-based clubs, such as the Pppit Sands Surf Lifesaving Club.
    I set up Adventure Beynd t make my wn wrk in the area. I lve the utdrs, and I wanted t be in Cardigan Bay, s it was perfect. I’ve tried t always keep that persnal tuch. The clients(客户) will pretty much always meet myself and all the staff. We tk a lt f peple n thrugh the Kickstart scheme (启动计划) and they’ve been emplyed with us fr a few years. A lt f ur clients have been with us since we started, t. There’s a sense f family, which is quite special.
    I wn’t mentin a specific favrite place, but in general the beaches are just amazing. It’s just a srt f wild west, really.
    12.What can we knw frm Paragraph 2?
    A.The authr is 30 years ld.B.The authr has t wrk in anther city.
    C.The authr’s jb requires a lt f travelling.D.The authr can d everything in West Wales.
    13.What is Cardigan Bay like in the authr’s eyes?
    A.It’s undevelped but beautiful.B.Its beauty hasn’t been nticed.
    C.It has the mst peaceful beaches in the wrld.D.It gives a sense f belnging and cmmunity.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.Keeping that persnal tuch.B.Getting the beaches back t the lcals.
    C.Enjying utdr activities with clients.D.Starting Adventure Beynd in Cardigan Bay.
    15.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The authr’s simple life in Cardigan Bay.B.The authr’s deep lve fr Cardigan Bay.
    C.The authr’s explratin f Cardigan Bay.D.The authr’s hpe fr the future Cardigan Bay.
    There are a lt f strategies fr visiting a museum and aviding “museum tiredness”. Cnsider what is mentined belw in planning. 16
    Regardless f a museum’s size, yu’ll get tired quickly if yu try t lk clsely at every bject displayed. Likewise, mst museums prvide lts f infrmatin abut the bjects n view. S dn’t try t read everything. 17 “Tmbstne” labels are very brief and prvide facts abut the artist, their cuntry etc. There may be a number, which the museum uses t register the bject, usually accrding t when it became a part f the cllectin, and a credit line that indicates the dnr. Object labels are placed next t many bjects. 18 The apprach used t write museum labels has been much debated amng art histrians and museum prfessinals.
    19 Ask fr a map, r have museum staff suggest highlights in the cllectin r special exhibitins. Many museums have special turs, audiguides, r dwnladable apps that pint yu t these bjects.
    Sme peple recmmend setting a specific amunt f time fr yur visit (1 r 2 hurs). 20 In additin t benches in the galleries, mst museums have a cafe, shp, sculpture curtyard r gardens where yu can hang ut and relax fr a bit.
    A.Yu’ll likely meet with tw types f labels.
    B.Yu are sure t make the mst f yur experience.
    C.It’s always a gd idea t stp by the infrmatin desk.
    D.It wuld als be wise t plan frequent breaks in the galleries.
    E.Nte that these might nt be artwrks that yu find appealing.
    F.If yu live near, cnsider frequent visits t the changed exhibitins.
    G.These aim t give infrmatin nt always bvius abut the artwrk.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Nuclear pllutin is a serius glbal 21 , brught t the frefrnt by majr accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernbyl, and Fukushima. These events have demnstrated the significant health and envirnmental risks 22 by nuclear disasters. Nt nly have they caused immediate health prblems, such as radiatin sickness and increased cancer rates, but they have als 23 lasting envirnmental damage and genetic changes in affected cmmunities. As a result, nuclear pllutin remains a pressing cncern fr gvernments, schlars, and individuals wrldwide.
    When nuclear accidents ccur in castal areas, the 24 envirnment becmes a critical cncern due t the crucial rle that ceans play in 25 the climate, ensuring fd security, and supprting the livelihds f billins f peple glbally. In recent years, the increasing threats t marine ecsystems frm cean pllutin have 26 public awareness f the need t prtect the marine envirnment. Studies have shwn that human activities pse a 27 threat t marine envirnments, emphasizing the imprtance f imprving envirnmental management and taking measures t mitigate envirnmental risks.
    Fllwing the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, effrts t cl the reactrs by pumping in seawater resulted in the 28 f a significant amunt f nuclear waste in the water strage tank at the Fukushima Nuclear Pwer Plant. 29 attempts t manage this waste, the Japanese gvernment’s decisin t release nearly 1.26 millin tns f nuclear wastewater int the Pacific Ocean ver the next 40 years has faced ppsitin 30 neighbring cuntries, lcal 31 , and internatinal envirnmental rganizatins.
    This 32 pses serius risks t marine life, fisheries, and human health. Radiactive istpes present in the wastewater, such as tritium, carbn-14, cbalt-60, and strntium-90, can accumulate in marine rganisms and ultimately affect human ppulatin s thrugh the fd 33 . Therefre, there is an/a 34 need fr further research and mitigatin measures t 35 the widespread impacts f nuclear pllutin n the envirnment and human health.
    23.A.resulted inB.led tC.brught abutD.caused
    Milwaukee, Wiscnsin, is rad testing a new way t keep winter rads ice-free by spreading n them cheese brine, the salty liquid 36 (use) t make sft cheeses, like mzzarella(马苏里拉奶酪).
    Wiscnsin, als called “America’s Dairyland”, is famus fr its cheese. The state prduced 2.8 billin punds f cheese last year! As a result, there 37 (be) a lt f left ver cheese brine. 38 (dispse) f the brine can be expensive. S what shuld cheese makers d 39 the waste?
    Cheese brine has salt in it, 40 , like the rck salt, helps lwer water’s freezing pint.
    41 (nrmal), twns use rck salt t de-ice streets. The salt lwers water’s freezing pint, causing ice 42 (melt). But using cheese brine culd help bth cheese 43 (prduce) and cities save mney, while keeping rads safe.
    In additin t saving mney, cheese brine culd als be a mre ec-friendly ptin. Many peple suspect that all the rck salt used every winter 44 (harm) the envirnment, because rad crews spread abut 20 millin tns f salt n U. S rads every year! 45 , by spreading cheese brine n streets befre adding a layer f rck salt, Milwaukee may be able t cut its rck salt use by 30 percent.
    第三部分 写作(共一节,满分20分)
    参考词汇:hiking徒步;natinal fitness全民健身
    Dear David,
    Li Hua
    47.假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将举办主题为“My grwth stry”的英语演讲比赛。请给你校外教Miss Evans写封邮件,邀请她担任评委,
    Dear Miss Evans,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 阅读(每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    1-3 BAB4-7 BDBA8-11 CCBA
    12-15 CDDB16-20 BAGCD
    1.细节理解题。根据文章标题“Creative writing: telling yur family stry(创意写作:讲述你的家庭故事)”;第一段中的“D yu want t write up yur wn stry r that f a family member?(你想写你自己的故事还是一个家庭成员的故事?)”及第二段“It is primarily a creative writing curse where students use their wn family histries as material (素材)(这主要是一门创意写作课程,学生们用自己的家族史作为素材(比如:你可以用自己的家族史))”可知,该课程为一门写作课程,学生可以将家族史作为素材来创作关于自己或者家人的故事。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据Schedule部分中“This curse is cmpleted nline.(本课程在线完成)”可知,该课程线上进行。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据Entry requirements部分中P“Please nte that all teaching is in English. Yu shuld have near-native cmmand(掌握) f the English language in rder t get the mst ut f the curse.(请注意,所有的教学都是英语。为了从课程中获得最大的收获,你应该掌握近乎于母语的英语)”可知,该课程完全用英语授课,参加者要精通英语。故选B。
    4.主旨大意题。根据第三段“In an effrt t fill these gaps, Stanley Hazen at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohi and his clleagues cllected bld samples frm 2331 adults in the US and 832 adults in Eurpe wh had elected t underg cardivascular screenings. The team analysed the samples fr substances called metablites, byprducts f metablic prcesses such as digestin. The researchers then tracked incidents f cardiac events, such as heart attacks and strkes, amng the participants ver three years.(为了填补这些空白,俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所的Stanley Hazen和他的同事收集了2331名美国成年人和832名欧洲成年人的血液样本,这些成年人选择接受心血管筛查。研究小组分析了这些样本中被称为代谢物的物质,这是消化等代谢过程的副产品。然后,研究人员在三年的时间里追踪了参与者的心脏事件,比如心脏病发作和中风。)”可知,本段主要介绍了研究程序步骤。故选B项。
    5.词句猜测题。划线词句前文“The researchers then tracked incidents f cardiac events, such as heart attacks and strkes, amng the participants ver three years.(然后,研究人员在三年的时间里追踪了参与者的心脏病事件,比如心脏病发作和中风。)”说明研究人员追踪了参与者的心脏病事件,从而推知划线词句“They fund that peple with elevated levels f a metablite called 4PY, which nly arises when the bdy breaks dwn excess niacin, were arund 60 percent mre likely, n average, t experience such an event than thse with lwer levels.(他们发现,一种叫做4PY的代谢物水平升高的人比那些水平较低的人平均有60%的可能性经历such an event。)”其中划线部分指的是“心血管疾病”。故选D项。
    6.细节理解题。根据第五段“It isn’t uncmmn fr peple t have high niacin levels, Hazen says. This is partially due t certain fds, such as cereals and flurs, being rutinely frtified with the vitamin in cuntries that include the UK and the US. Niacin supplements are als increasingly ppular as evidence suggests they have anti-ageing benefits, says Hazen. Plus, it wasn’t until recently that dctrs stpped prescribing high-dse niacin t peple at risk f cardivascular disease, as it was initially thught the vitamin prtected peple frm these cnditins by lwering chlesterl.(Hazen说,人们体内烟酸含量高并不罕见。这在一定程度上是由于某些食物,如谷物和面粉,在包括英国和美国在内的国家经常添加维生素。Hazen说,烟酸补充剂也越来越受欢迎,因为有证据表明它们具有抗衰老的功效。此外,直到最近,医生才停止给有心血管疾病风险的人开大剂量的烟酸处方,因为人们最初认为维生素可以通过降低胆固醇来保护人们免受这些疾病的侵害。)”可知,人们烟酸水平高的原因有某些维生素被添加到食物中、服用烟酸补充剂是一种时尚以及烟酸是给人开的处方。原因中不包含B项,故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。根据最后一段“‘I think this study really shws that smetimes, when it cmes t vitamins, yu can have t much f a gd thing,’ says Jenny Jia at Nrthwestern University in Chicag, Illinis. Hwever, this research was mainly cnducted in peple f Eurpean ancestry. It is therefre unclear if similar results wuld ccur in peple f different racial r ethnic backgrunds, says Jia.(伊利诺斯州芝加哥西北大学的Jenny Jia说:‘我认为这项研究确实表明,有时候,当谈到维生素时,你可能是当作好东西吃得太多了。’然而,这项研究主要是在欧洲血统的人身上进行的。因此,还不清楚不同种族或民族背景的人是否会出现类似的结果,Jia说。)”可知,Jia对这项研究的态度是没有倾向性的,中立的。故选A项。
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Adding t the achievements f a remarkable year, Taylr Swift has been named Time magazine’s Persn f the Year fr 2023.(泰勒·斯威夫特被《时代》杂志评为2023年年度人物,为这非凡的一年增添了新的成就。)”可知,泰勒·斯威夫特的成就受到了极大的认可。故选C。
    9.细节理解题。根据第三段中“As she was declared(宣布) a billinaire by Blmberg in Nvember, a hidden ‘Taylr Swift ecnmy’ als prmted sales fr business wners acrss the US.(去年11月,当她被Blmberg宣布为亿万富翁时,一种隐藏的‘泰勒·斯威夫特经济’也促进了全美企业主的销售。)”以及第四段中“Apart frm her financial cntributins, Swift made a significant cultural impact by taking back cntrl f her music.(除了经济上的贡献,斯威夫特还通过重新掌控自己的音乐产生了重大的文化影响。)”可知,泰勒·斯威夫特获得了两方面的利益,一方面是获得财富变得富有,另一方面是重新掌控自己的音乐即重新获得专辑版权。故选C。
    10.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Heading int 2024, Swift will start the Eras Tur again in Japan and Australia. As USA Tday nted, ‘Her current tp has been a lng time cming, but it may als be just beginning’(进入2024年,斯威夫特将再次在日本和澳大利亚开始‘时代之旅’。正如《今日美国》所指出的那样,‘她现在的巅峰经历了很长时间,但也可能只是刚刚开始。’)”可知,2024年,她将再次在日本和澳大利亚开始巡演,即她将继续她的巡演。故选B。
    11.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Adding t the achievements f a remarkable year, Taylr Swift has been named Time magazine’s Persn f the Year fr 2023.(泰勒·斯威夫特被《时代》杂志评为2023年年度人物,为这非凡的一年增添了新的成就。)”以及第二段中“Already a superstar befre 2023, Swift’s career has reached new heights thanks t the beginning f her Eras Tur that brught her 3.5-hur perfrmance t 66 shws in 23 cities acrss Nrth America, Argentina and Brazil.(在2023年之前,斯威夫特就已经是一个超级巨星了,她的职业生涯达到了新的高度,这要归功于她的时代巡演的开始,她在北美、阿根廷和巴西的23个城市进行了3.5小时的66场演出。)”可知,在作者看来斯威夫特是超级巨星,并且也是被评为2023年年度人物,故作者对其是非常赞赏的。A选项“Admirable.(赞赏的)”符合作者的态度。故选A。
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段“I was lucky t find wrk I culd d in this area. A lt f peple d have t mve away in rder t find wrk. I started Adventure Beynd here abut 30 years ag and we wrk all ver the UK. We g up t Sctland, we wrk alng the Thames. We’ve als taken grups t Canada, the Himalayas, places like that.(我很幸运能在这个领域找到工作。很多人为了找工作不得不搬家。大约30年前,我在这里创办了‘超越冒险’,我们的业务遍及英国各地。我们去了苏格兰,沿着泰晤士河工作。我们还带着旅行团去了加拿大,喜马拉雅山,诸如此类的地方)”可知,作者他们去了许多地方,推知作者的工作需要经常出差。故选C项。
    13.细节理解题。根据第三段“Cardigan Bay is pretty huge, but I find having grw n up here there’s a definite sense f belnging.(卡迪根湾非常大,但我发现在这里长大有一种明确的归属感)”可知,作者眼中的卡迪根湾给人一种归属感。故选D项。
    14.词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“I lve the utdrs, and I wanted t be in Cardigan Bay(我喜欢户外活动,我想住在卡迪根湾)”可知,作者喜欢户外活动,同时也想住在卡迪根湾,因此在卡迪根湾创立Adventure Beynd对作者来说很完美。故it指代的是“在卡迪根湾创立Adventure Beynd”。故选D项。
    15.主旨大意题。根据最后一段“I wn’t mentin a specific favrite place, but in general the beaches are just amazing. It’s just a srt f wild west, really.(我不会提到一个特别喜欢的地方,但总的来说,海滩真是太棒了。这就像一个狂野的西部,真的)”结合文章主要讲述了作者对于卡迪根海湾的喜爱之情,卡迪根海湾给了作者归属感,并且可以让作者从事自己喜欢的户外活动。由此可知,文章主要讲述了作者对卡迪根海湾的深爱。故选B项。
    16.上文“There are a lt f strategies fr visiting a museum and aviding“museum tiredness”. Cnsider what is mentined belw in planning.”(参观博物馆和避免“博物馆疲劳”有很多策略。在计划时考虑下面提到的内容。)说明下面提到的策略有助于更好地参观博物馆,B项“Yu are sure t make the mst f yur experience.”(你一定能充分利用你的游览经历。)衔接上文,说明考虑这些策略所带来的好处,即使自己的游览获得最大的满意,衔接恰当。故选B项。
    17.下文““Tmbstne” labels are very brief and prvide facts abut the artist, their cuntry etc.”(“墓碑”标签非常简短,并提供有关艺术家及其国家等的事实。) 及“Object labels are placed next t many bjects.”(对象标签被放置在许多对象旁边。)可知,此处列举了博物馆两种标签类型,A项“Yu’ll likely meet with tw types f labels.”(你可能会遇到两种类型的标签。)可概括下文内容。故选A项。
    18.上文“Object labels are placed next t many bjects.”(对象标签被放置在许多对象旁边。)说明了对象标签放置的位置,G项“These aim t give infrmatin nt always bvius abut the artwrk”(这些都是为了提供关于艺术品并不总是显而易见的信息。)衔接上文,说明对象标签的作用,即提供关于艺术品的隐含信息,衔接恰当。故选G项。
    19.下文“Ask fr a map, r have museum staff suggest highlights in the cllectin r special exhibitins. Many museums have special turs, audiguides, r dwnladable apps that pint yu t these bjects.”(索要一张地图,或者让博物馆工作人员推荐馆藏或特别展览中的亮点。许多博物馆都有专门的导览、语音指南或可下载的应用程序,指引你去看这些文物。)说明在开始参观之前可以做的事情,C项“It’s always a gd idea t stp by the infrmatin desk.”(在问讯处停下来总是个好主意。)衔接下文,说明在问讯处停下来可以做的事情,衔接恰当。故选C项。
    20.上文“Sme peple recmmend setting a specific amunt f time fr yur visit (1 r 2 hurs).”(有些人建议为你的参观设定一个特定的时间(1或2小时)。)说明设定参观时间是明智的,D项“It wuld als be wise t plan frequent breaks in the galleries.”(在画廊里经常安排休息也是明智的。)衔接上文,说明另一件明智的事情是留出休息时间,引出下文“In additin t benches in the galleries, mst museums have a cafe, shp, sculpture curtyard r gardens where yu can hang ut and relax fr a bit.”(除了画廊里的长椅,大多数博物馆都有咖啡厅、商店、雕塑庭院或花园,你可以在那里闲逛和放松一下。)指出具体的休息方式,衔接恰当。故选D项。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    21-25 CBACB26-30 ACABA31-35 ACBAA
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:核污染是一个严重的全球问题,三里岛、切尔诺贝利和福岛的重大事故使其成为人们关注的焦点。A.change改变;B.pprtunity机会;C.cncern担忧;D.pssibility可能性。根据“Nuclear pllutin is a serius glbal”可知,核污染是一个严重的全球担忧的问题。故选C项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些事件显示了核灾难造成的重大健康和环境风险。A.caused 导致;B.psed造成;C.created创造;D.increased增加。根据“envirnmental risks 2 by nuclear disasters”可知,这里指核灾难造成的风险。故选B项。
    23.考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:它们不仅造成直接的健康问题,如放射病和癌症发病率增加,而且还在受影响社区造成持久的环境破坏和基因变化。A.resulted in导致,指最终产生的影响;B.led t导致;C.brught abut引起,使发生;D.caused使发生;造成;引起。根据“lasting envirnmental damage and genetic changes in affected cmmunities”可知,此处指核灾难最终产生的结果和影响,result in强调最终产生的影响。故选A项。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当沿海地区发生核事故时,海洋环境成为一个关键问题,因为海洋在调节气候、确保粮食安全和支持全球数十亿人的生计方面发挥着关键作用。A.terrestrial地球上,陆地上的;B.aquatic水生的;C.marine海洋的;D.atmspheric大气的。根据“When nuclear accidents ccur in castal areas”可知,当沿海发生核事故,海洋环境就会变成担忧的问题。故选C项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当沿海地区发生核事故时,海洋环境成为一个关键问题,因为海洋在调节气候、确保粮食安全和支持全球数十亿人的生计方面发挥着关键作用。A.balancing平衡;B.regulating控制,管理,调节;C.cnsidering考虑;D.stabilizing使稳定。根据“that ceans play in 5 the climate”并结合常识可知,海洋在调节气候方面发挥着关键作用。故选B项。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:近年来,海洋污染对海洋生态系统的威胁日益严重,提高了公众保护海洋环境的意识。A.heightened加强,提高;B.raised举起,提升;C.decreased减少;D.lifted举起。根据“public awareness f the need t prtect the marine envirnment”可知,此处表示提高了公众保护海洋的意识,heighten表示加强,可以与awareness搭配,为正式用语。故选A项。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:研究表明,人类活动对海洋环境构成重大威胁,强调了改善环境管理和采取措施减轻环境风险的重要性。A.minr次要的;B.slight轻微的;C.substantial大量的;D.insignificant微不足道的。根据“human activities pse a 7 threat”并结合常识可知,人类活动对海洋环境产生大量威胁。故选C项。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2011年福岛核灾难发生后,通过泵入海水冷却反应堆的努力导致福岛核电站的水箱中积聚了大量核废料。A.accumulatin积累;B.strage储存;C.depsitin沉积(物);D.buildup增强,发展。根据“in the water strage tank”可知,海水冷却核反应堆使得核电站水箱中积累了大量的废料。故选A项。
    29.考查介词和副词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A.There fre因此;B.Despite尽管;C.Hwever然而;D.Hence因此;由此。根据“attempts t manage this waste”及后文日本决定排放核废水事件可知,此处表示“尽管”,表示让步。故选B项。
    30.考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A.frm来自;B.by通过;C.f属于……的;D.in在……里。根据“ppsitin 10 neighbring cuntries, lcal 11 , and internatinal envirnmental rganizatins.”可知,此处表示“来自”邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。故选A项。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管试图管理这些废物,但日本政府决定在未来40年内将近126万吨核废水排放到太平洋,这一决定遭到了邻国、当地居民和国际环保组织的反对。A.residents居民;B.citizens市民;C.inhabitants(某地的)居民,栖息动物;D.dwellers居住者。根据“lcal”及“cuntries”和“rganizatins”可知,此处表示排放核废水引起当地居民的反对。lcal residents意思为:当地居民。故选A项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种释放对海洋生物、渔业和人类健康构成严重风险。A.issue 问题;B.measure措施;C.release释放,发布;D.dispsal去掉;清除。根据“the Japanese gvernment’s decisin t release nearly 1.26 millin tns f nuclear wastewater”可知,日本政府决定排放核废水会对海洋和人类构成严重风险。故选C项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:废水中存在的放射性同位素,如氚、碳-14、钴-60和锶-90,可以在海洋生物中积累,并最终通过食物链影响人类。A.web网;B.chain链;C.netwrk网络;D.system系统。根据“accumulate in marine rganisms and ultimately affect human ppulatins thrugh the fd”可知,废水中的放射性物质会累计,最终通过食物链影响人来。fd chain为固定短语,意思为:食物链。故选B项。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,迫切需要进一步研究和采取缓解措施,以解决核污染对环境和人类健康的广泛影响。A.urgent紧急的;B.immediate立即的;C.pressing急迫的;D.critical关键的。根据“need fr further research”可知,这一事件急需进一步研究。urgent常与need连用,正式用语。故选A项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,迫切需要进一步研究和采取缓解措施,以解决核污染对环境和人类健康的广泛影响。A.address处理;B.tackle应付,解决;C.slve解答,处理;D.reslve解决(问题或困难),决心。根据“t 15 the widespread impacts”可知,此处表示处理解决影响,正式用语用address。故选A项。
    36.used 37.was 38.Dispsing 39.with 40.which
    41.Nrmally 42.t melt 43.prducers 44.is harming 45.Hwever
    36.考查非谓语动词。句意:威斯康星州密尔沃基市正在测试一种新的方法,通过在冬季道路上涂抹奶酪盐水来保持道路不结冰,这种咸味液体用于制作软奶酪,如马苏里拉奶酪。分析句子结构和意思可知,动词use和被修饰的名词the salt y liquid是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词形式,表示被动。故填used。
    37.考查谓语动词。句意:结果,有很多剩下的奶酪盐水。分析句子结构和意思可知,这句话描述的是last year的事情,谓语用一般过去时,主语是a lt f leftver cheese brine, be动词用was。故填was。
    39.考查动词短语。句意:那么,奶酪制造商应该如何处理这些废物呢?分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词短语d with,意为“处理”。故填with。
    42.考查动词短语。句意:盐降低了水的冰点,导致冰融化。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词短语cause… t d sth.,意为“导致……做某事”。故填t melt。
    44.考查谓语动词。句意:许多人怀疑,每年冬天使用的所有岩盐都在危害环境,因为道路工作人员每年在美国道路上撒大约2000万吨盐。分析句子结构和意思可知,这句话描述的是每年都在进行的行为,谓语用现在进行时,主语是all the rck salt, be动词用is。故填is harming。
    第三部分 写作(共一节,满分20分)
    One pssible versin:
    46.Dear David,
    I am writing t invite yu t participate in ur upcming winter campus hiking event at ur schl in respnse t the natinal fitness cncept. The event is aimed at prmting health and utdr explratin amng ur student bdy.
    The activity will be held at 2 p. m. next Friday in the schl playgrund. Our grup will set ff frm the schl campus and hike thrugh the nearby trails. The hike will ffer us a chance t appreciate the natural beauty f winter and prmte exercise and teamwrk.
    As we are all very much lking frward t this event, we hpe yu can jin us.
    Li Hua
    47.Dear Miss Evans,
    I’m Li Hua, the president f the Students’ Unin. I’m writing t invite yu t be a judge fr the English speech cmpetitin t be held in the lecture hall this Friday afternn.
    The tpic f the speech is “My grwth stry”. When yu grade the participants’ perfrmance, there are several factrs yu shuld cnsider: the participants’ prnunciatin, intnatin and the cntent f their speeches. Besides, yu are expected t give participants sme suggestins n hw t vercme their weaknesses in their speeches.
    I wuld appreciate it very much if yu culd accept my invitatin. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua

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