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    这是一份2024湖南省长郡中学高二下学期寒假检测(开学考试)英语含解析(含听力),文件包含湖南省长郡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期寒假检测开学考试英语试题docx、24春长郡高二寒假作业检测听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. When did the wman leave fr the mvie?
    A. 5 minutes ag.B. 15 minutes ag.C. 30 minutes ag.
    2. Which fd des the man usually avid?
    A. Cream.B. Biscuits.C. Chclate.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Relatives.B. Fellw students.C. Teacher and student.
    4. Wh tld Marie abut the accident?
    A. Tm.B. Her father.C. Lucy.
    5. Hw many times has the man tried t wake Peter up?
    A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.
    6. Hw des the man feel abut the American ftball match?
    A. Cnfused.B. Disappinted.C. Interested.
    7. Why did the wman cme t watch the game?
    A. She thught it was a sccer game.
    B. She’d like t share the man’s hbby.
    C. She wanted t see hw exciting it was.
    8. What des the man ask the wman abut?
    A. The gifts fr new c-wrkers.
    B. The rder f the new ntepaper.
    C. The address f the new cmpany.
    9. Hw des the wman feel abut the news?
    A. Angry.B. Dubtful.C. Upset.
    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Which fixing cmpany they shuld chse.
    B. Hw much they have spent.
    C. When the fixing will begin.
    11. What des the wman say abut Prestns?
    A. They are unreliable.
    B. They d high quality wrk.
    C. They charge the lwest price.
    12. What des the wman agree t d?
    A. Ask fr a lwer price.
    B. Respnd t all the builders.
    C. Email Valley Builders.
    13. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In an ffice.B. In a lift.C. In a car.
    14. Hw sn will the man be interviewed?
    A. In 30 minutes.B. In 15 minutes.C. In 10 minutes.
    15. Why des the wman want t get the jb?
    A. She likes the wrking time.
    B. She likes wrking in dwntwn.
    C. She likes ging t wrk by subway.
    16. What will the wman d next?
    A. Answer the phne.
    B. Talk mre with the man.
    C. Visit sme shps nearby.
    17. Hw d scientists at University Cllege Lndn measure memry lss?
    A. By recrding the time peple spend n TV.
    B. By tracking peple’s living habits.
    C. By using memry and fluency tests.
    18. What leads t memry decline in lder peple?
    A. Watching televisin fr hurs.
    B. Playing vide games fr hurs.
    C. Surfing the Internet fr hurs.
    19. Why is participatin in varius activities gd fr lder peple?
    A. It can maintain their mental functin.
    B. It can educate them n using the Internet.
    C. It can help them relax.
    20. What d the researchers suggest lder peple d?
    A. Make mre friends.
    B. Sleep eight t ten hurs per night.
    C. Balance TV viewing with ther activities.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    2023 Illustratin Cmpetitin
    Enter the cmpetitin mst respected and admired in the industry fr creativity in illustratin, the Cmmunicatin Arts Illustratin Cmpetitin. Selected by distinguished prfessinals, the winning entries will be distributed wrldwide in the Cmmunicatin Arts Illustratin Annual and n cmmarts. cm, ensuring imprtant expsure f the creatins. Each winner will receive a prfessinalized Award f Excellence, made frm slid aluminum, and an award certificate. Cmmunicatin Art’s Award f Excellence is ne f the mst desired awards. If chsen, winning places yu in the highest ranks f yur prfessin.
    What T Enter With
    Any illustratin first published r prduced frm Jan. 2022 t Jan. 2023 is qualified. Entries may riginate frm any cuntry. Descriptins in English are necessary fr the judges t read.
    Entries Can Be Submitted In The Fllwing Frmats
    Digital Images: RGB images in JPG frmat with a maximum file size f 2 MB. GIF images may be livelier, but wuld be turned dwn, and s wuld the PNG nes.
    Mtin Entries: In MOV, MP4 r MPG frmat, with a maximum file size f 500 MB.
    Illustratin Cmpetitin Categries & Entry Fees
    Fr mre categries, please dwnlad the categry PDF.
    Late Fees
    Entries must be registered n later than Jan. 13, 2023. Entries registered after that date will be charged a fee f $ 10 each. N entries can be registered after Jan. 27, 2023.
    21. What will the winner gain?
    A. A bnus frm Cmmunicatin Arts.B. Expsure t wrld-famus wrks.
    C. Wide recgnitin in the industry.D. A persnalized award certificate.
    22. Which f the fllwing is unfit fr the cmpetitin?
    A. A newly prduced mtin entry.B. A series fr cvers f three illustratins.
    C. A student wrk frm Argentina.D. A PNG image with a file size f 1 MB.
    23. Hw much shuld be paid fr a series f three cver illustratins submitted n Jan. 20, 2023?
    A. $80.B. $90.C. $110.D. $120.
    Time and time again, I hear smene ask why anyne wuld want t keep an “ugly” building r a building that is dirty and clearly in need f wrk. I think yu culd say we preservatinists lk at buildings thrugh a different angle — an angle that can see the swan (天鹅)in the ugly duck, the stry in the simple lines, the bk behind the cver.
    Take the Queen Emma Building fr example. While peple may remember that building being named as ne f the ugliest buildings in twn, the angle frm which a preservatinist will view the building is that it is uniquely cnstructed with an artistical brise-sleil t blck the sun. The designer used standard cncrete bricks t frm a decrative wall. Unfrtunately, the brise-sleil was remved in 2011, making the building lk like many f the cntemprary buildings in twn.
    Smetimes peple remember a beautiful site that was replaced by a “hrrid” piece f architecture and can’t get ver their anger, even when that building becmes an imprtant part f ur stry. This is particularly true in San Francisc where many preservatinists themselves dislike anything newer than the Victrian era. Yes, it was a tragedy that many failed t appreciate the Victrian buildings and let many get trn dwn several decades ag, but thse lsses als tell anther imprtant stry. It tells the stry f the 1950s and 1960s when there was hpe fr a mre equal sciety with inexpensive husing fr the wrking class. Shuld that histry be wiped frm ur memries?
    Preservatin is nt just abut keeping pretty, well-kept buildings, but abut cnveying parts f ur histry-nt just the histry f huge events, but the stry f hw everyne used t g t a certain crner market. Our histry cannt be tld nly in buildings that meet smene’s criteria f beauty; smetimes ur histry is painful, but n less imprtant.
    24. Hw d preservatinists see buildings?
    A. They are devted t repairing famus buildings.
    B. They fcus n their value rather than appearance.
    C. They prefer ugly buildings t beautiful nes.
    D. They pay great attentin t ancient buildings.
    25. What des the authr think f remving the brise-sleil f the Queen Emma Building?
    A. It’s regrettable.B. It’s cnfusing.C. It’s pleasing.D. It’s unbelievable.
    26. Why were many Victrian buildings in San Francisc trn dwn?
    A. T wipe the histry f the Victrian era.
    B. T restre the architecture befre the Victrian era.
    C. T wrk ff the deep anger f the wrking class.
    D. T make land available fr cheap husing.
    27. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A. What kind f buildings are f histrical value?
    B. Why d architects make ugly buildings?
    C. Are ugly buildings wrth preserving?
    D. Are preservatinists’ wrk meaningless?
    Nuclear bmbs. That’s the g-t answer fr incming space bjects like asterids(小行星)and cmets, as far as Hllywd is cncerned. Mvies like Deep Impact and Armageddn rely n nuclear weapns, delivered by stars like Bruce Willis, t save the wrld and deliver the drama.
    But planetary defense experts say in reality, if astrnmers sptted a dangerus incming space rck, the safest and best answer might be smething mre subtle, like simply pushing it ff curse by crashing it with a small spacecraft.
    That’s just what NASA did n Mnday evening, when a spacecraft headed straight int an asterid called Dimrphs, which is arund 7 millin miles away and pses n threat t Earth. It’s abut 525 feet acrss and rbits anther larger asterid.
    In images streamed as the impact neared, the egg-shaped asterid grew in size frm a little spt n screen t having its full rcky surface cme quickly int fcus befre the signal went dead as the craft hit right n target.
    Events happened exactly as engineers had planned, they said, with nthing ging wrng. “As far as we can tell, ur first planetary defense test was a success,” said Elena Adams, the missin systems engineer, wh added that scientists lked n with “bth terrr and jy” as the spacecraft neared its final destinatin.
    The impact was the peak f NASA’s Duble Asterid Redirectin Test (DART), a 7- year and mre than $ 300 millin effrt which launched a space vehicle in Nvember f 2021 t perfrm humanity’s first ever test f planetary defense technlgy. It will be abut tw mnths, scientists said, befre they will be able t determine if the impact was enugh t drive the asterid slightly ff curse, prbably shrtening its riginal rbit.
    NASA plans t launch an asterid-hunting space telescpe named NEO Surveyr in 2026. “We’ve tracked lts f space rcks, especially the larger nes that culd cause extinctin-level events. Thankfully, nne currently threatens Earth. But many asterids the size f Dimrphs haven’t yet been discvered, and thse culd ptentially take ut a city if they came crashing dwn.” explains Lindley Jhnsn, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer.
    28. Hw did scientists knw the craft hit the asterid successfully?
    A. The little spt n the screen suddenly disappeared.
    B. The signal frm the craft was lst as it hit the target.
    C. They mnitred the craft with satellites in space.
    D. They recrded the whle prcess with a telescpe.
    29. What is the purpse f launching the spacecraft?
    A. T save the wrld and deliver a drama.B. T search fr evidence f alien life.
    C. T test technlgy fr defending Earth.D. T end the asterid’s threat t Earth.
    30. What can be inferred abut Dimrphs?
    A. It is expected t blw up after the impact.B. It may rbit the same asterid after the hit.
    C. It is an egg-shaped asterid arund Earth.D. It is a dangerus incming space rck.
    31. Which statement will Lindley Jhnsn prbably agree with?
    A. Larger asterids will n lnger threaten Earth.
    B. NASA is respnsible fr the safety f Earth.
    C. Asterids are equally destructive whatever the size.
    D. NEO Surveyr is aimed t track smaller asterids.
    Hw imprtant is fish farming? Very. Althugh it’s an ancient business, the rise f aquaculture(水产养殖)has been ne f the biggest revlutins in fd supply ver the past half century.
    Aquaculture has made fish mre affrdable fr cnsumers arund the wrld, ppularizing the cnsumptin f what used t be expensive, and easing the pressure n hard- pressed wild stcks(库存). Aquaculture als has many clear envirnmental benefits: cmpared with ther ways f grwing animal prtein, it uses little r n land, and has lw greenhuse emissins. And while the wrld has traditinally had a bad recrd f regulating wild fishing, fish farming generally ccurs within the bundaries f gvernments, meaning it shuld, in thery, be much easier t ensure that gd practices are upheld.
    Crwding large numbers f fish int limited spaces means that waste prducts, including waste, uneaten fd and dead fish, are pured int the surrunding waters, plluting them. Besides, the pesticides and drugs used t treat cnditins that upset fish in cncentrated numbers can als affect lcal wildlife. Many farmed fish are fed n ther fish, s the industry als puts pressure n wild stcks: abut a fifth f all caught fish, sme 18 millin tnnes, is used fr fish il and fish meal prductin. There is als the prblem f fish escaping, with ptentially dangerus effects n surrunding ecsystems.
    In 2018 the Scttish Parliament’s envirnment cmmittee published a reprt int the fish farming industry’s envirnmental effects, stating that key prblems simply hadn’t been tackled, and that the Scttish gvernment’s plan t duble salmn utput by 2030culd cause “irrecverable damage” t ecsystems. Since then, prtectins have been tughened. There is nw mre pressure frm regulatrs t situate farms in remte, deep-water lcatins. Meanwhile, thugh, catches f Scttish wild salmn have fallen t their lwest level since recrds began in 1952. “There are gd reasns fr fish farming and real dangers t it as well.” cncludes an fficial. “The questin is hw t make it wrk.”
    32. What des the underlined wrd “upheld” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Supprted.B. Allwed.C. Prhibited.D. Admitted.
    33. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The reasns fr fish farming.
    B. The dwnsides f aquaculture.
    C. The develpment f sea explring.
    D. The effects f aquaculture n surrunding farming.
    34. What d we knw abut fish farming accrding t the Scttish reprt?
    A. The Scttish gvernment plans t duble fish utput nw.
    B. The prblems f fish farming are likely t be slved.
    C. The fish farming industry has n effect n envirnment.
    D. The massive fish farming may damage ecsystems.
    35. What is the writer’s attitude twards aquaculture?
    A. Objective.B. Dubtful.C. Critical.D. Disapprving.
    Once cnsidered an ptinal lifestyle chice, recycling has becme a cmmnplace activity in mst areas. One type f recycling, called dwncycling, invlves re-purpsing a material int a new prduct f lesser quality. 36
    Dwncycling is mst cmmn in terms f industrial materials. These prducts lse their value as they are recycled, which limits their capacity fr new use. 37 White writing paper, fr example, is ften dwncycled int cardbard; nce dwncycled t this new frm, it can n lnger be used as white paper again. Anther example f dwncycling includes the use f plastic cmpnents.
    38 Plastic, glass, and aluminium prducts cded with the number ne may be remade int smething f equal r greater value. This type f recycling is knwn as upcycling, and represents the frward cmpatibility f recycled cmpnents. Materials available fr dwncycling, such as water, juice, and milk bttles, are cded with the number tw. They may nt be used t cntain fd-grade items again upn being dwncycled.
    Items available fr dwncycling ften require additinal chemicals, energy, and ther treatments in rder t transfrm them int smething usable. 39 Trash bins, tables, and chairs are als cnsidered materials with a high energy cst t recycle.
    40 This usually ccurs when a substance is blended with ther substances, such as different types f plastic with varius recycling cdes. Since these prducts can n lnger be made int new nes, they will either have t be reused r discarded, typically in a landfill.
    A. Their recycled frm is typically bth weaker and cheaper than their riginal ne.
    B. When a prduct reaches a cde seven, it is cnsidered n lnger recyclable
    C. Durable plastic prducts in particular require much additinal treatment.
    D. Giving prducts a new life is cnsidered a gd way t reuse materials and avid waste.
    E. It can include varying grades f plastic, paper prducts, and ther materials.
    F. These recycled materials may ften be put int new use.
    G. Prducts are prvided with cdes t determine their grades and whether r nt they may be recycled.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Have yu ever been in a psitin where yu were required t participate in music lessns, althugh yu had abslutely n interest?
    The 41 was this: My father was a prfessinal music teacher 42 in teaching Hawaiian and Spanish guitar. My mther was an accmplished pian player and, 43 , the whle family was very musical. I was the nly ne wh had nt been invlved, yet, in learning t play a(n) 40 .
    And, as a lt f 45 d, I was enrlled(注册)in pian lessns 46 I had abslutely n interest in learning hw t play it. S, it 47 . Lessn after lessn I attended but didn’t play carefully at the time I was meant t practice. Finally, I just quit practicing and my pian teacher tld my parents that I was hpeless. Great-n mre pian lessns. Hwever, the music 48 didn’t end here. It went n t where I decided what I wanted t learn and that ended up being the drums. I 49 playing the drums and went n t play in several bands fr many years after that.
    The pint here is this: We all make 50 sner r later but thse cannt be frced n yu. The ther 51 is that yu will make yur wn chices n whatever basis and fr whatever reasns when yu are 52 . Sme peple take lnger than thers t 53 . This can be annying t sme peple but that is the way f life.
    Nw, that desn’t mean yu just have t sit n yur hands. It means, instead, that yu 54 t exchange ideas. After all, whether yu knw it r nt, what yu say des have a(n) 55 . Yu can influence but yu cannt frce.
    41. A. scheduleB. situatinC. prcessD. cnsequence
    42. A. specializingB. resultingC. believingD. differing
    43. A. fr exampleB. in factC. as usualD. at last
    44. A. albumB. matchC. instrumentD. rle
    45. A. schlsB. classesC. cmmunitiesD. families
    46. A. even ifB. as thughC. in caseD. nw that
    47. A. fadedB. startedC. increasedD. mattered
    48. A. theryB. festivalC. industryD. stry
    49. A. quitB. admittedC. enjyedD. regretted
    50. A. chicesB. excusesC. mistakesD. plans
    51. A. cncernB. benefitC. truthD. methd
    52. A. afraidB. busyC. yungD. ready
    53. A. imagineB. decideC. argueD. dubt
    54. A. fferB. frgetC. pretendD. prefer
    55. A. questinB. cpyC. accessD. effect
    It is n secret that China has an incredibly rich, cmplex and ancient histry and culture. My first 56. ________ (expse) t Chinese culture came ttally by chance. At 8, I walked int a bkshp and picked a bk frm ne f the 57. ________ (shelf). Nevertheless, the bk turned ut t be the “Ta Te Ching”, a deeply philsphical bk f Taism. As an 8-year-ld, the bk’s cntent was 58. ________ (bvius) lst n me, but it prvided me with an early cnnectin t a prfund philsphical traditin by 59. ________ I am still influenced tday. At schl I began studying Chinese. My interest in the language develped early n, 60. ________ (cmbine) my lve f travelling with my lve f meeting new peple.
    Culture and fd are clsely cnnected and perhaps nwhere else can this be seen mre clearly 61. ________ in China. In recent years there 62. ________ (be) a rise in restaurants ffering a variety f fds here. I have intrduced many f my friends t Chinese histry and culture thrugh a 63. ________ (share) lve f fd.
    64. ________ is safe t say that my jurney has nly just begun. These first steps are nly a drp in the cean f lifelng learning, but as the Chinese philspher Lazi said, “A jurney f a thusand miles 65. ________ (begin)with a single step.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    I grew up in a small twn where the primary schl was a ten-minute walk frm my huse and children culd g hme fr lunch and find their mthers waiting.
    At the time, I did nt cnsider this a luxury, althugh tday it certainly wuld be. I tk it fr granted that mthers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciatrs and the hmewrk mnitrs. I never dubted that this ambitius, intelligent wman, wh had had a career befre I was brn and wuld eventually return t a career, wuld spend almst every lunch hur thrughut my primary schl years just with me.
    I nly knew that when the nn bell rang, I wuld race breathlessly hme. My mther wuld be standing at the tp f the stairs, smiling dwn at me with a lk that suggested I was the nly imprtant thing she had n her mind. Fr this I am frever grateful.
    Sme sunds bring it back: the high and lng sund f my mther’s biling teapt, the lw and cntinuus nises f the washing machine in the basement, the ringing f my dg’s license tags as she bunded dwn the stairs t greet me. Sme memries are still in my mind: the delicius peanut butter sandwiches and the chclate-chip ckies, and the dandelin that nce gave me curage at the night f my perfrmance.
    A few mnths ag, my mther came t visit. I tk a day ff frm wrk and treated her t lunch. The restaurant staff busy themselves with nntime activities as business peple made deals and glanced at their watches. In the middle f all this sat my mther, nw retired, and I. Frm her face I culd see that she actually enjyed the pace f the wrld.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Mm, yu must have been terribly bred with staying at hme when I was a child,” I said. _______________
    What she said brught me back t the picture when we sat at ur kitchen table nce again. _________________
    21. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Each winner will receive a prfessinalized Award f Excellence, made frm slid aluminum, and an award certificate. Cmmunicatin Art’s Award f Excellence is ne f the mst desired awards. If chsen, winning places yu in the highest ranks f yur prfessin.(每位获奖者将获得一个实心铝制的专业优秀奖状和一张证书。艺术传达的优秀奖是最受欢迎的奖项。如果被选中,获胜将使你处于你的专业的最高级别。)”可知,比赛的获奖者可以在本专业处于最高级别,从而得到本专业的广泛认可,故选C。
    22. D。细节理解题。根据Entries Can Be Submitted In The Fllwing Frmats部分中的“Digital Images: RGB images in JPG frmat with a maximum file size f 2 MB. GIF images may be livelier, but wuld be turned dwn, and s wuld the PNG nes.(数字图像:JPG格式的RGB图像,文件最大为2MB。GIF图片可能更生动,但会被拒绝,PNG图片也是如此。)”可知,PNG图片格式的参赛作品是不符合比赛要求的,故选D。
    23. C。细节理解题。根据Illustratin Cmpetitin Categries & Entry Fees部分中的“Series f illustratins: Bks (cvers, jackets, etc.): $80 (limit f 5) [系列插图:书籍(封面,书套等):80美元(上限为5本)]”和最后一段中的“Entries must be registered n later than Jan. 13, 2023. Entries registered after that date will be charged a fee f $10 each.(参赛作品必须在2023年1月13日前注册。在该日期之后注册的参赛作品将被收取费用:每件10元。)”可知,在2023年1月20日注册的3本封面插图将收取费用:$80+3×$10=$110,故选C。
    24. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的“we preservatinists lk at buildings thrugh a different angle an angle that can see the swan(天鹅)in the ugly duck, the stry in the simple lines, the bk behind the cver”可知,保护主义 者从另一个角度来看待建筑——他们可以看到丑小鸭中的天鹅、简单几行字中的故事、封面后面的书。由此可推知,保护主义者看待建筑时,在乎的不是外表,而是其价值。
    25. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Unfrtunately, the brise-sleil was remved in 2011”可推知,作者认为拆除Queen Emma Building的brise-sleil很可惜。
    26. D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“it was a tragedy that many failed t appreciate the Victrian buildings... there was hpe fr a mre equal sciety with inexpensive husing fr the wrking class”可知,许多维多利亚时代的 建筑被拆毁确实是悲剧,但这些损失也是历史的见证,它表明在20世纪50年代和60年代,人们希望创建一个更加平等的社会,为工人阶级提供廉价的住房。由此可推知,拆毁那些维多利亚时代的建筑就是为了给工人阶级建造廉价的住房。
    27. C。标题归纳题。根据第一段中的“why anyne wuld want t keep an ‘ugly’ building r a building that is dirty and clearly in need f wrk”提出了本文要讨论的问题:为什么有人会想要保留丑陋的,或者肮脏的、明显需要修复的建筑?结合最后一段中的“Preservatin is nt just abut keeping pretty, well-kept buildings, but abut cnveying parts f ur histry”可知,作者认为保护工作不仅仅是保护漂亮的、保存完好的建筑物,也是传达我们历史的一部分。由此可知,本文主要讨论了丑陋的建筑是否值得保护。
    28. B。推理判断题。根据第四段内容,鸡蛋形的小行星在屏幕上由一个小光点快速变大,遍布岩石的行星表面很快进入了人们的视野,在飞行器撞上小行星的同时,传输信号中断了(the signal went dead as the craft hit right n target),故选B。
    29. C。细节理解题。根据第二段和倒数第二段第一句话“ 7-year and mre than $300 millin effrt which launched a space vehicle in Nvember f 2021 t perfrm humanity’s first ever test f planetary defense technlgy.”可知发射飞行器的目的是为了测试星球防御技术,故选C。
    30. B。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句话“It’s abut 525 feet acrss and rbits anther larger asterid.”可知该小行星围绕另一颗大一点的小行星运转及倒数第二段最后一句话,“It will be abut tw mnths, scientists said, befre they will be able t determine if the impact was enugh t drive the asterid slightly ff curse, prbably shrtening its riginal rbit.”可知根据科学家预测,飞行器撞上该小行星后,只会将原来的轨道缩短。故选B。
    31. D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段引用的Lindley Jhnsn的话,NASA已经追踪了很多大一点的space rcks,但是“many asterids the size f Dimrphs haven’t yet been discvered, and thse culd ptentially take ut a city if they came crashing dwn”,所以NASA计划发射太空望远镜NEO Surveyr,其目的主要是为了追踪体积更小的小行星。故选D。
    32. A。词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句可知政府还是支持良性的水产养殖及捕鱼方式的。
    33. B。主旨大意题。由该段中的“waste prducts”、“plluting”以及“There is als the prblem”可以推断出,该段谈论的是水产养殖的弊端。
    34. D。细节理解题。由最后一段开头可知,2018年,苏格兰议会环境委员会发表了一份关于《水产养殖的环境影响》的报告,该报告指出关键问题根本没有得到解决,而且苏格兰政府关于2030年以前鲑鱼产量翻倍的计划可能对生态系统造成“无法弥补的损害”。
    35. A。推理判断题。文章前面介绍了水产养殖的利与弊。最后一段提到从2018年以后,保护措施更加严格了。“有充分的理由进行水产养殖,但是也有危险,”一位官员总结说。“问题是如何使它有效。”由此可以推测,作者对解决水产养殖的问题持有客观的态度。
    36. E。根据空前内容“One type f recycling, called dwncycling, invlves re-purpsing a material int a new prduct f lesser quality. (其中一种回收被称为’降级回收’,涉及将一种材料重新利用成质量较低的新产品。)”可知,空前提到了降级回收。选项E“It can include varying grades f plastic, paper prducts, and ther materials.(它可以包括不同等级的塑料、纸制品和其他材料。)”是上文内容的自然延续,继续介绍了降级回收的相关信息。故选E。
    37. A。根据空后所举例子“White writing paper, fr example, is ften dwncycled int cardbard; nce dwncycled t this new frm, it can n lnger be used as white paper again. (例如,白色的信纸经常被降级为硬纸板;一旦降级为这种新形式,它就不能再作为白纸使用了。)”可知,下文所举例子指的是白色信纸被降级为硬纸板,所以不能再作为白纸使用。选项A“Their recycled frm is typically bth weaker and cheaper than their riginal ne. (它们的回收形式通常比原来的更弱,也更便宜。)”与下文所举例子内容上保持一致,指的是降级回收是将材料加工成质量更低的新产品。故选A。
    38. G。空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文内容“Plastic, glass, and aluminium prducts cded with the number ne may be remade int smething f equal r greater value. This type f recycling is knwn as upcycling, and represents the frward cmpatibility f recycled cmpnents. Materials available fr dwncycling, such as water, juice, and milk bttles, are cded with the number tw. (标有数字1的塑料、玻璃和铝制品可以重新制造成同等或更高价值的产品。这种类型的回收被称为升级回收,代表了回收部件的向前兼容性。可用于降级回收的材料,如水、果汁和牛奶瓶,都标有数字2。)”可知,下文讲述的是产品上的代码或数字,代表的是其等级以及是否可以回收。选项G“Prducts are prvided with cdes t determine their grades and whether r nt they may be recycled. (产品附有代码,以确定其等级和是否可以回收。)”与本段主要内容一致,指的是产品代码确定了其等级和是否可以回收。故选G。
    39. C。根据空前内容“Items available fr dwncycling ften require additinal chemicals, energy, and ther treatments in rder t transfrm them int smething usable.(可用于降级回收的材料往往需要额外的化学物质、能量或其他的处理来把它们转变成可用的东西。)”可知本段讲的是降级回收的处理方式,而选项C“Durable plastic prducts in particular require much additinal treatment.(耐用塑料尤其需要很多额外处理。)”与上句衔接起递进作用。故选B。
    40. B。根据空后内容“This usually ccurs when a substance is blended with ther substances, such as different types f plastic with varius recycling cdes. (这通常发生在一种物质与其他物质混合时,例如具有不同的回收代码的不同类型的塑料。)”可知,上文指的是产品代码为7时就不能再回收了。选项B意思为“当产品达到代码7时,它被认为不再可回收。”故选B。
    41. B。冒号后的内容是作者面临的“情况(situatin)”。
    42. A。根据“prfessinal music teacher”可知,作者的父亲“专攻(specializing)”夏威夷吉他和西班牙吉他的教授工作。
    43. B。根据“My father”、“My mther”和“the whle family”可知,下句是对前文内容的小结,故选“in fact(事实上)”。
    44. C。作者是家里唯一的不会演奏“乐器(instrument)”的人。
    45. D。像很多“家庭(families)”的做法。
    46. A。即使(even if)“我”完全没有兴趣学习弹钢琴。
    47. B。正如很多“家庭(families)”一样,“即使(even if)”作者对学钢琴一点儿兴趣也没有,父母还是给作者报了钢琴班。于是,学习“开始了(started)”。
    48. D。根据“It went n t”可知,作者和音乐的“故事(stry)”并没有就此停下。
    49. C。根据“went n t play in several bands”可知,作者很“喜爱(enjyed)”打鼓并在一些乐队表演了好多年。
    50. A。从上面的故事可知,“我们”早晚都要做“选择(chices)”,但是那些选择不能是被迫做出的。
    51. C。另一个“事实(truth)”是……(The ther truth is that...)。
    52. D。另一个事实是,当你“准备好(ready)”时,你就会做出自己的选择。
    53. B。根据上文以及“This can be annying t sme peple”可知,一些人“做决定(decide)”的时间会长一些,这可能会令人烦恼,但这就是生活。
    54. A。等待别人做决定并不意味着什么也不干,相反,这意味着你“主动(ffer)”去交换意见。
    55. D。根据“Yu can influence”可知,无论你是否知道,你说的话确实会产生“影响(effect)”。
    56. expsure。考查名词。句意:我第一次接触中国文化纯属偶然。此处应用名词expsure作主语,表示“接触”,为不可数名词,故填expsure。
    57. shelves。考查可数名词复数。句意:8岁的时候,我走进一家书店,从书架上挑了一本书。ne f+可数名词复数,故填shelves。
    58. bviusly。考查词性转换。句意:作为一个8岁的孩子,显然这本书的内容对我而言太过深奥,但是它给我提供了一个与深刻的哲学传统的早期联系,这种传统至今仍然影响着我。此处应用副词表示“很明显”。
    59. which。考查定语从句。句意同上。此处是介词+关系代词引导的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词traditin,指物,且从句缺少介词by后面的宾语,应用关系代词which来引导,故填which。
    60. cmbining。考查非谓语动词。句意:我对这门语言的兴趣很早就发展起来了,它将我对旅行的热爱和结识新朋友的热爱结合起来。句中有谓语develped,且前后无连词,此处应用非谓语动词作状语,动词cmbine和逻辑主语My interest in the language之间是主动关系,应用现在分词cmbining作状语,故填cmbining。
    61. than。考查连词。句意:文化和食物是紧密相连的,也许没有其他地方能比在中国更清楚地看到这一点。由“mre clearly”和句意可知,此处应用连词than引出比较的对象,故填than。
    62. has been。考查时态和主谓一致。句意:近年来,这里提供各种食物的餐馆有所增加。由“In recent years”可知,用现在完成时,该句子为there be结构,主语是a rise,为单数,助动词用has,故填has been。
    63. shared。考查形容词。句意:通过共同的食物爱好,我向很多朋友介绍了中国的历史和文化。此处应用形容词作定语,修饰名词lve,表示“共有的”应用形容词shared,故填shared。
    64. It。考查代词。句意:可以说我的旅程才刚刚开始。此处It作形式主语,指代后面的“that my jurney has nly just begun”。
    65. begins。考查时态。句意:这些第一步只是终身学习海洋中的一滴水,但正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行始于足下。”此处在这句谚语中作谓语,句子描述客观道理,为一般现在时,主语是a jurney,为单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故填begins。
    Dear Chris,
    Terribly srry fr having upset yu by sharing yur picture n ur classrm cmputer. I am writing t aplgize and explain the incident in hpe f yur understanding and frgiving me.
    I had thught sharing yur picture n the cmputer suggested that yu are s ppular amng us students. Nw I have realized it’s s rude and incnsiderate t display yur picture withut yur permissin. I beg yu t frgive me fr my ignrance f cultural differences. And I prmise I will respect thers’ privacy frm nw n.
    Srry again fr my ignrance and best wishes t yu!
    Li Hua
    “Mm, yu must have been terribly bred with staying at hme when I was a child,” I said. “Bred? Husewrk is bring. But yu never. Yu are my sunshine!” she answered. Greatly tuched but still a little cnfused, I asked her if she regretted giving up her stimulating career at that time. “A career is n dubt stimulating,” she said. “I am glad I had ne. But the career is like an pen balln, which remains inflated as lng as yu keep pumping. While a child is like a seed. Yu water it. Yu try yur best t care fr it. And then it grws all by itself int a beautiful flwer. I value the time tgether with yu!”
    What she said brught me back t the picture when we sat at ur kitchen table nce again. We had ur lunchtimes tgether, enjying the delicius dishes as well as the sft sunlight. They are the cmmas in my childhd, the pauses that tld me life is nt always struggling in yur ambitins, but in the sum f daily rituals and small pleasures we casually share with lved nes. Over peanut butter sandwiches and chclate-chip ckies, I learned that lve, first and fremst, means always being there fr cmpaninship.
    Text 1
    M: Ah, yu’re here. The mvie nly started 5 minutes ag, s yu haven’t missed much.
    W: Srry I’m late. I set ff half an hur ag, (1) but 15 minutes later I realized I’d left my purse at hme.
    Text 2
    W: Hey, I just nticed yu put cream n yur strawberries. I thught yu hated it. (2)
    M: Yeah, (2) I’m trying t get a taste f it. I always envy peple when I see them putting it n things like chclate cakes and biscuits.
    Text 3
    W: My mm helped me with my hmewrk and I gt all the questins right.
    M: Well, yur mm was wrng. Answer the questins again n yur wn. I set this exercise fr my students, nt their parents. (3)
    Text 4
    W: I set ff after yu called me, Dad. Hw is Mm?
    M: She’s fine, Marie. (4) She slipped n the stairs. It lked wrse than it was.
    W: I called Tm and Lucy and tld them Mm had had an accident. They’ll be here shrtly.
    Text 5
    M: I can’t get Peter t wake up. I shk him when his alarm went ff. Then I went back five minutes later and shk him again. (5)
    W: Have anther try. He has an exam tday s he can’t be late fr schl.
    Text 6(第6题为推断题)
    W: I can’t wait t watch the game, Martin. This is the first time I’ve ever been t a sccer game at a stadium.
    M: This is nt a sccer game. It’s American ftball.
    W: Yu mean it’s a rugby game?
    M: N, n, n. Yu’ve gt them all wrng... The game is n. Lk! They use an val(椭圆形的)ball in an American ftball match. They can als pass the ball with their hands. Nw watch the game.
    W: Oh, I’m a little disappinted.
    M: What are yu talking abut? It’s exciting.
    W: Listen, Martin. I knw American ftball is als gd, but I’m a big fan f sccer. I came here nly because I thught we were ging t watch a sccer game. (7)
    Text 7
    M: Hi Drthy, just checking, yu haven’t rdered the new cmpany ntepaper yet, have yu? (8)
    W: I intended t d it this mrning. It’s the next thing n my list. Why, is there a prblem?
    M: Hld fire n that. I verheard Carl telling Geff that we might be mving t a new ffice sn. We dn’t want t be giving peple the wrng address.
    W: Really? I did hear abut that a while ag, but I thught it culdn’t be true. I’d better find ut what’s happening befre I place the rder. (9)
    M: Yes, d that. It came as a surprise t me as well.
    W: I wuldn’t mind a change f scenery, and a bigger ffice wuld certainly be very welcme.
    Text 8(第10题为总结题)
    M: I’ve just gt the last estimate(估价)fr fixing the rf f the huse. We decided that the Arkwright’s estimate is t expensive, didn’t we? And althugh the ne frm Jacksn Builders is the cheapest, I dn’t really trust them t d a gd jb.
    W: I think yu’re right there. They didn’t fill me with cnfidence.
    M: S that leaves us with Valley Builders and Prestns.
    W: Persnally, I think that Prestns are mre prfessinal, and will prbably d the best jb. (11) But their estimate is £1,000 mre than Valley Builders’. I’m nt sure they’re wrth that much mre.
    M: I think yu’re right. We shuld g fr Valley Builders. (12) They’re a gd cmpany and lts f ur neighbrs have had wrk dne by them. D yu want t send them an email and ask if they can start as sn as pssible? (12)
    W: Yes, I’ll d that nw. (12)
    Text 9
    W: Mrning.
    M: Gd mrning. Which flr shall I press? (13)
    W: Furth please. (13)
    M: Ah, same as me.
    W: Yu’re nt here fr the interview as well, are yu? (14)
    M: I am, indeed. (14)
    W: Ha-ha, s maybe we shuldn’t be talking t each ther, then.
    M: I dn’t think it’s likely t make much difference. When is yur appintment? (14)
    W: Let me see... in exactly 10 minutes.
    M: Oh, yu’re befre me. Mine will begin in half an hur. (14)
    W: Lks like yu gt here t early.
    M: Well, I didn’t want t leave anything t chance. I culd have been stuck in traffic r smething like that. By the way, what made yu apply fr the jb? (15)
    W: I like the idea f wrking in the city center. (15) There are sme gd shps arund here.
    M: Yes, but parking the car might be expensive.
    W: Well, I’ll be cming n the subway if I get the jb, s that wn’t matter.
    M: What’s that sund?
    W: What? Oh, excuse me. It’s my phne. I need a luder ring tne. I can’t always hear it if it’s in my handbag. Excuse me, I’ll have t take this call. (16)
    Text 10
    A new study suggests watching mre than three hurs f televisin a day dubles memry lss in lder peple. (17) (18) Scientists at University Cllege Lndn used memry and fluency tests n the same grup f peple six years apart. (17) They fund that the memry f thse wh watched mre than three hurs a day declined by an average f eight t ten percent. The research team believes that watching televisin may be putting additinal stress n the mind, which cntributes(导致)t memry decline. (18)
    Older peple wh watch mre televisin are als less likely t participate in activities. And thse activities are usually knwn t preserve mental functin, (19) such as reading, using the Internet r playing vide games. The researchers say that televisin viewing may als be a risk factr fr Alzheimer’s(阿尔兹海默病), but mre research is needed t cnfirm this link.
    While watching televisin may have educatinal and relaxatin benefits, the researchers advise that adults ver the age f 50 shuld try t balance televisin viewing with ther activities. (20) If yu’re cncerned that the amunt f televisin yu’re watching culd have a negative impact n yur health, yu shuld cntrl the amunt f TV watching each day and take up sme healthy hbbies instead.
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