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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)03
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)03
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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)12 高考单词M (原卷版+解析版),文件包含12高考单词M原卷版docx、12高考单词M解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共80页, 欢迎下载使用。

    mral [ˈmɔr(ə)l; (US) ˈmɔːrəl] a.道德的 n.寓意
    【真句】Carsn’s stry ends with an accusatin instead f a mral. 【2023全国甲卷】卡森的故事以一种指责而不是道德行为结束。
    【真句】In a wrld where nearly 800 millin peple a year g hungry, “fd waste ges against the mral grain,” as Elizabeth Ryte writes in this mnth’s cver stry. 【2022新高考1卷】在一个每年有近8亿人感到饥饿的世界里,“食物浪费与道德观念不符”,正如伊丽莎白·罗伊特在本月的封面故事中所写的那样。
    【真句】Hwever, we can achieve meaning nly if we have made a cmmitment t smething larger than ur wn little egs (自我), whether t lved nes, t fellw humans, t wrk, r t sme mral cncept.【2019.6天津】然而,只有当我们致力于超越自我的事情,我们才能实现意义, 无论是为了亲人,为了人类同胞,为了工作,还是为了某种道德观念。
    【真句】The mral f the riginal stry is that a wicked persn cannt escape punishment.【2014福建】这个原创故事的寓意是恶人终有恶报
    【真句】Designer Jennifer Andersn admits it tk her a while t cme arund t the pinin that using nutria fur fr her creatins is mrally acceptable. 【2020全国】设计师Jennifer Andersn承认,她花了一段时间才得出这样的观点:在她的作品中使用海狸皮是道德上可以接受的。
    metal [ˈmet(ə)l] n. 金属 a. 金属制成的
    【真句】They can als be made f plastic, animal bne r metal. 【2016全国3卷】它们也可以由塑料、动物骨骼或金属制成。
    medal [ˈmedl] n. 奖牌
    【真句】 I finished! And I gt a medal. 【2018年北京】我完成了! 我得到了一枚奖章。
    machine [məˈʃiːn] n. 机器
    【真句】Machine learning can slve the nutritin prblem.【2022年6月北京卷】机器学习可以解决营养问题。
    mad [mæd] adj. 生气的,发疯的
    【真句】I knew dad wuld be mad and I had t let her knw what she did was wrng.【2015全国二阅读】我知道爸爸会发疯的并且我不得不让她明白她所做的的错的。
    multiply [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ] vt.激增;繁殖;乘
    【真句】the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy.【2020全国】这些猫咪大小的动物像疯狂地成倍繁殖。
    madam [ˈmædəm] n. 夫人,女士
    magazine [mæɡəˈziːn] n. 杂志
    magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 魔力,魅力;魔术adj. 有魔力的,神奇的
    【真句】she acquires the magic f sme great achievements.【2014上海阅读】她学到了一些伟大成就的魅力。
    【真句】T learn the magic tricks, yu can g t Club Med Circus Schl.【2014江西阅读】为了学习魔术技巧,你可以去Med Circus Schl俱乐部。
    【真句】We use magic wrds in ur daily life withut realizing it.【2015江西写作】我们在日常生活中都会使用一些神奇的字却并没有意识到。
    maid [meɪd] n. 女仆
    mail [meɪl] n. 邮政v. 邮寄
    mailbx ['meɪlbɒks] n. 邮箱
    main [meɪn] adj.最主要的
    【真句】There are tw main reasns fr this.【2014安徽阅读】这有两个主要原因。
    【真句】My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: ...【2022年6月北京卷】我的完美主义倾向是其主要根源:
    mainland [ˈmeɪnlənd] n. 大陆
    【真句】And it was in Chile she discvered she culd get last-minute cheap deals n ships ging t Antarctica frm the islands ff Tierra del Fueg, the suthernmst tip f the Suth American mainland. 【2022全国甲卷】正是在智利,她发现自己可以在最后一刻买到从南美洲大陆最南端火地岛前往南极洲的低价船票。
    majr [ˈmeɪdʒə] adj. 重大的,严重的;重要的,主要的 n.专业,某专业的学生 v. 主修
    【真句】Yur fur majr essays will cmbine t frm the main part f the grade fr this curse: Essay 1 = 10%; Essay 2 = 15%; Essay 3 = 15%; Essay 4 = 20%.【2022年新高考1卷】你的四篇主要论文将构成本课程成绩的主要部分:论文1=10%;论文2=15%;论文3=15%;文章4=20%。
    【真句】With help frm Tesla,Westinghuse's firm develped a system using alternating current(交流电),which sn became the majr frm f pwer delivery.【2022年1月浙江卷】在 Tesla的帮助下,Westinghuse公司开发了一种使用交流电的系统,这很快成为电力输送的主要形式。
    【真句】Nw this frmer ryal palace is pen t the public as a majr turist attractin.【2015全国卷二】现在这个前皇家宫殿作为主要旅游景点向公众开放。
    【真句】What majr did the man chse in the end?【2015湖南】那个男人最后选择了什么专业?
    【真句】A university graduate majring in cmputer science is mst likely t be emplyed.【2015江西阅读】主修电脑科学的大学毕业生最有可能被雇佣。
    majrity [məˈdʒɔrɪtɪ] n. 主要,大多数
    【真句】 But using machine learning and artificial intelligence, sme scientists prpse that human diets cnsist f at least 26,000 bichemicals—and that the vast majrity are nt knwn.【2022北京卷】但是使用机器学习和人工智能,一些科学家提出,人类饮食中至少包含26000种生化物质,而且绝大多数都是未知的。
    【真句】The majrity f them take an nline language test befre starting their prgramme. 【2016天津】他们中的大多数人在开始课程之前都要参加在线语言测试。
    【真句】The majrity f peple in the twn strngly supprt the plan t build a playgrund fr children.【2015浙江】镇上大多数人支持为儿童建操场。
    【真句】Hwever, the majrity f peple are effective speakers because they train t be.【2020年7月山东卷】然而,大多数人都是有效的演讲者,因为他们受过训练。
    make [meɪk] vt. 制造;做;适合,胜任(系动词);使;引起,导致,使发生
    【真句】This effect capitalizes n the fact that when peple make errrs, thse errrs aren’t always the same. 【2023新高考1卷】这种效应利用了这样一个事实:当人们犯错误时,这些错误并不总是相同的。
    【真句】If peple are similar and tend t make the same errrs, then their errrs wn’t cancel each ther ut. In mre technical terms, the wisdm f crwds requires that peple’s estimates be independent. 【2023新高考1卷】如果人们是相似的,并且倾向于犯同样的错误,那么他们的错误就不会相互抵消。用更专业的术语来说,人群的智慧要求人们的估计必须是独立的。
    【真句】With ver 2,500 bikes stred in ur five rental shps at strategic lcatins, we make sure there is always a bike available fr yu.【2023新高考1卷】我们在战略位置的五家租赁店里存放了2500多辆自行车,我们确保总有一辆自行车可供您使用。
    【真句】The gal f this bk is t make the case fr digital minimalism, including a detailed explratin f what it asks and why it wrks, and then t teach yu hw t adpt this philsphy if yu decide it’s right fr yu.【2023新高考1卷】这本书的目标是证明数字极简主义,包括详细探索它的要求和为什么它的工作,然后教你如何采用这种哲学,如果你决定它适合你。
    【真句】Several times a year, students ck the vegetables they grw, and they ccasinally make salads fr their entire schls. 【2023新高考2卷】学生们一年有几次烹饪他们种植的蔬菜,偶尔也会为整个学校做沙拉。
    【真句】I’ve learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu’ll find encuraging if yu’re ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld. 【2023.1浙江卷】在这个过程中,我学到了一些事情,我希望如果你尽最大努力想如何在一个不总是支持的家庭中做出改变,你会感到鼓舞。
    【真句】As yu make yur lifestyle changes, yu may find yurself wanting t speak up fr yurself if thers cmment n what yu’re ding, which can turn itself int a whle husehld debate. 【2023.1浙江卷】当你改变生活方式的时候,你可能会发现,如果别人评论你正在做的事情,你就想为自己说话,这可能会变成一场整个家庭的辩论。
    【真句】Fcus n the speaking. Talk directly t yur audience, be yurself and make a cnnectin.【2020年7月山东卷】专注于口语。直接与你的听众交流,展现你自己,与听从建立联系。
    【真句】Abut 60 millin Americans tld Pew that the Internet plays an imprtant rle in helping them make majr life decisins.【2015江苏阅读】大约六千万美国人告诉Pew互联网在帮助他们做终生决定方面扮演非常重要的角色。
    【真句】Big serving bwls and plates can easily make us fat.【2015全国二阅读】大碗和大碟子很容易使我们发胖。
    【真句】We must als make it safe t express pinins and challenge majrity views.【2016北京阅读】我们必须安全的表达自己的观点和挑战大众观点。
    短语:make ut 辨认出,看出,听出;理解,弄明白;
    【真句】I culd barely make ut the stage in the darkness.【2015山东完形】在黑暗的舞台中我几乎看不见。
    【真句】His writing is s cnfusing that it’s difficult t make ut what it is he is trying t express.【2015安徽他的字迹是如此模糊不清以至于很难理解他在努力表达什么。
    make up 组成,构成;编造;化妆;凑足,补齐(数量、金额);布置
    【真句】We can’t seem t make up ur minds whether we want a mdern city r a traditinal ne.【2022年6月全国甲卷】我们似乎无法决定是要一个现代城市还是传统的城市。
    【真句】And what is wrng with a sciety that thinks that making up a gd excuse is like creating a wrk f art?【2015天津】编造 一个认为编造好的接口就像创造艺术品的社会是怎么了?
    【真句】I have a beautiful teenage daughter wh spends an hur making up her face in frnt f the mirrr every day.【2013上海阅读】我有一个漂亮的未成年女儿他每天在镜子前面化一个小时的妆
    【真句】It may be the last time Americans have t use annying 2-r-3-cent stamps t make up pstage differences.【2015上海阅读】补足邮费差,这也许是最后一次用烦人的2到3美分的邮票来补齐邮费差价。
    【真句】It may be quite easy, like making up wden bxes, but it is very bring.【2013广东阅读】布置木盒子可能非常简单但是也非常无聊。
    make up fr 弥补
    【真句】Sme scial scientists suggest that Westerners shuld take advantages f the ancient Chinese wisdm t make up fr the drawbacks f Western philsphy.【2012辽宁阅读】一些社会学家建议西方人应该利用中国人的智慧来弥补西方哲学的缺点。
    make up ne’s mind 下定决心
    【真句】N sner had she watched the TV prgram n the extinct species than she made up her mind t jin the wildlife prtectin rganizatin.【2013上海】她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。
    make time t d 挤时间做某事
    【真句】We als recmmend yu make time t enjy simple pleasures.【2014上海阅读】我们也建议你挤出一些时间享受简单的快乐。
    make the best/mst f 充分利用 take full advantage f等于make full use f 利用
    【真句】Painters, sculptrs—they've all tried t make the best f this rdinary face, but I'm afraid there's nt much hpe.【2020.7天津】画家、雕塑家们都试图充分利用这张普通的脸,但恐怕希望不太大。
    【真句】The schl isn't the ne I really wanted t g t, but I suppse I'll just have t make the best f it. 【2015浙江】学校不是我真正想去的地方,但是我认为我将不得不充分利用它。
    make a difference (t)有影响,有作用
    【真句】We try t create wrk experience pprtunities that will really make a difference t ur yuth.【2013福建阅读】我们将努力创造一个对我们年青人有影响的工作机会。
    make it 成功;准时到达,赶上;
    【真句】This part f the trip was slw, hard wrk and depressing, but he made it in the end.【2012上海阅读】部分路程缓慢、艰难而又令人压抑,但是最后他还是成功了。
    【真句】I’m srry I didn't make it t yur party last night.【2015浙江】对不起,我没能参加你的会议。
    make d (with/withut)凑合
    【真句】It may nt be a great suggestin. But befre a gd ne is put frward, we’ll make d with it.【2013全国二】这个建议也许不好,但是在好的建议被提出之前,我们只能凑合。
    make fr 朝……走去(head fr);促成,使可能
    【真句】This made fr the grw in the prcelain industry.【2013全国二阅读】这可能促成prcelain产业的发展。
    make mney 挣钱
    【真句】Businessmen wh hpe t make mney in China are reading bks abut Cnfucius t understand their Chinese custmers.【2012辽宁阅读】希望在中国挣钱的商人正在读关于孔子的书以了解他们的中国顾客。
    make believe 假装,假想
    【真句】They wanted t make believe that they were successful.【2013山东阅读】他们假想他们成功了。
    male [meɪl] adj. 男(性)的,雄的
    【真句】The peple in the advertising departments f majr crpratins realize that sprts attract male viewers.【2012广东阅读】主要公司的广告部门意识到体育吸引男性观众。
    反义词female [ˈfi:meɪl] adj. 女性的,雌的
    man [mæn] n. 男人;人类(不可数名词);
    【真句】He seemed nt t ntice the man next t him.【2021年6月全国甲卷】他似乎没有注意到他旁边的那个人。
    【真句】A man immediately rushed t the girl t give her first aid and I jined in withut hesitatin.【2014湖北阅读】一个男人立刻冲到那个女孩那去急救,我也毫不犹豫的加入进去。
    【真句】In yur pinin, what is the ideal relatinship between man and animals?【2015天津阅读】在你看来,人类和动物的理想关系是什么?
    同义词:mankind n. 人类;humankind n. 人类
    manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] v. 经营,管理;应付,对付;应付生活,勉强维持;
    【真句】They have just intrduced new lessns in hw t manage debts.【2013上海阅读】他们刚刚介绍了如何管理债务的新课程。
    【真句】Tm sunds very much interested in the jb, but I’m nt sure whether he can manage it.【2006安徽卷】汤姆似乎对那个工作很感兴趣,但是我不清楚他是否可以应付得了。
    【真句】In a land far away, nce upn a time there was great pverty, and nly the rich culd manage withut great prblems.【2015陕西完形】曾今在一个很遥远的地方,那里非常贫困,只有富人可以容易的应付生活。
    短语:manage t d成功做成
    【真句】Hw did the Jacbses manage t slve their prblem?【2015山东阅读】Jacbs一家人是怎样成功解决这一问题的?
    manner [ˈmænə] n. 方式,方法; manners礼貌;风俗
    【真句】The main way f handling waste in a green manner in Edinburgh is recycling.【2015湖北阅读】在爱丁堡用环保的方式处理垃圾的方式就是回收。
    【真句】Manners are ways f acting that the sciety believes are plite.【2014陕西阅读】礼貌是社会认为礼貌的行为。
    【真句】Failure t understand the custms and manners f ther cuntries will bring difficulty selling their prducts.【2014陕西阅读】不能够理解其它国家的风俗和习惯将会给销售商品带来困难
    短语:in … manner 用……方式
    【真句】The main way f handling waste in a green manner in Edinburgh is recycling.【2015湖北阅读】在爱丁堡用环保的方式处理垃圾的方式就是回收。
    many [ˈmenɪ] prn.许多(人或物)adj. 许多的
    map [mæp] n. 地图
    maple [ˈmeɪpl] n. 枫树
    marathn [ˈmærəθən] n. 马拉松
    marble [ˈmɑːbl] n. 大理石;玻璃弹子
    march [mɑːtʃ] v. 行进,行军;(含有某目的和决心)走;March n. 3月
    【真句】The men lined up in tw lines, walked dwn the steps, and with the band playing, marched dwn the street, as returning heres, t be welcmed hme.【2014湖北阅读】士兵们排成两队伴随着乐队的演奏声走下台阶,他们是凯旋的英雄,受到人们的热烈欢迎。
    【真句】The prfessr marched int the lecture hall, placed upn his desk a large jar filled with dried beans 【2012 全国一完形】教授走进讲座大厅将装满干豆子的罐子放在他的桌上。
    mark [mɑːk] n. 记号;分数;标志 v. 做记号;标志;
    【真句】The marks n the breadbard have disappeared.【2015天津阅读】面包板上记号已经消失了。
    【真句】S I suppse I can get a gd mark which will enable me t enter my ideal cllege.【2014四川阅读】我认为我会得到一个好的分数,这可以使我进入我的理想大学。
    【真句】The ability t talk is smething that marks humans ff frm animals.【2015江西阅读】
    【真句】It marks the beginning f the American newspaper.【2014全国二阅读】它标志美国报纸的开端。
    短语:leave/make ne’s mark n 对某人/某物产生长远影响
    【真句】My mst famus relative f all, the ne wh really left his mark n America, was Reb Sussel, my great-grandfather.【2006江苏】我家最著名的亲戚便是我祖父的爸爸Reb Sussel,他对美国产生了长远的影响。
    a mark f respect/hnr/affectin etc尊敬/荣誉/亲切等的表示/标志
    【真句】Pliteness is a mark f civilizatin.【2015安徽任务型读写】礼貌是文明的标志。
    mark的形容词形式:marked adj. 显著的,明显的
    【真句】A study f mre than five millin bks has fund a marked decline in the use f emtinal wrds ver time.【2013上海阅读】对5000万本书的研究表明情感词汇的使用明显减少了。
    market [ˈmɑːkɪt] n. 市场
    marry [ˈmærɪ] vt. 嫁,娶vi结婚
    【真句】At 18 she married and started a family.【2014山东完形】在18岁的时候她结婚了并且组建了自己的家庭。
    短语:marry sb嫁给某人,娶某人
    【真句】Judy is ging t marry the sailr she met in Rme last year.【2013重庆】Judy即将嫁给她去年在罗马遇见的水手。
    be/get married t sb与某人结婚
    In 1929, she gt married t Dieg Rivera, anther famus Mexican artist. [阅读]2012安徽 在1929年她嫁给了Dieg Rivera,Dieg Rivera是另一位著名墨西哥艺术家。
    marry的形容词形式:married [ˈmærɪd] adj.已婚的
    marry的名词形式:marriage [ˈmærɪdʒ] n. 婚姻
    mask [mɑ:sk] n.口罩,面罩
    【真句】I just heard the bank where Dra wrks was rbbed by a gunman wearing a mask.【2015重庆】我刚听说Dra工作的银行被一个戴面具的持枪男人抢劫了。
    mass [mæs] adj.大量的;n. 大量(的人或物);一群人;团,块,堆
    【真句】Its mass prductin has been realized.【2012湖南阅读】该产品的大量生产已经实现了。
    【真句】Seventeen prvides advice and encuragement fr masses f yung girls.【2015浙江阅读】Seventeen为大量年轻女孩提供建议。
    【真句】Weeks later, standing befre this unfriendly mass, I was ttally lst.【2012北京阅读】几周后站在这群不友好的人面前我完全迷失了。
    【真句】They tried t attack Andy in a mass.【2015江西阅读】他们试图一起攻击安迪。
    master [ˈmɑːstə] vt. 精通,掌握 n. 大师;主人;主持人
    【真句】Here are sme ways t master scial skills.【2014安徽阅读】这儿有一些掌握社交技巧的方式。
    【真句】She is the master f the huse.【2014全国二阅读】她是房屋的主人。
    【真句】Abve all, the real pet is a master f wrds.【2015全国二阅读】真正的诗人是语言大师。
    【真句】The master f ceremnies annunced that my class was next.【2015山东完形】主持人宣布我们班是下一个。
    mat [mæt] n. 垫子
    match [mætʃ] n.比赛;火柴;对手v.与……相匹配;与(某人)相匹敌
    【真句】The basketball cach, as well as his team, was interviewed shrtly after the match fr their utstanding perfrmance.【2012陕西】在一场杰出表现的比赛之后,篮球教练和他的队伍接受了采访。
    【真句】This hrn is n Iarger than a matchbx and has many functins.【2012湖北完形】这个喇叭没有火柴盒大并且有许多功能。
    【真句】They have t find easy chairs t match the tables.【2015全国一阅读】他们不得不找与这些桌子相匹配的舒适的桌子。
    【真句】When it cmes t speaking in public, n ne can match him.【2014 辽宁】在公共演讲方面,没人可以与他匹敌
    短语:A is n match fr B A不是B的对手
    【真句】But the tw bys were n match fr the fierce wind and the bat was ut f cntrl.【2013四川阅读】 但是那两个小孩不是大风的对手,船失控了。
    match sth t/with sth 把……和……匹配起来
    【真句】Match the wrds with pictures.【2012湖南阅读】找到与单词相匹配的图画。
    material [məˈtɪərɪəl] n. 材料;adj.物质的
    【真句】Learning materials are prvided t students thrughut their curse.【2016天津阅读】在整个课程期间都会给学生提供课程材料。
    【真句】Peple’s effrts have been materially rewarded.【2016四川阅读】人们的努力获得了物质上的奖励。
    mathematics [mæθəˈmætɪks] n. 数学 同义词: math n. 数学maths n. 数学
    matter [ˈmætə] v. 重要,要紧;n.事情;物质;
    What really matters is what yu d rather than wh yu are.【2014上海阅读】真正重要的是你做了什么而不是你是谁。
    Reduce dangerus matter in cigarettes.【2015福建】减少香烟中的有害物质。
    Only after they had discussed the matter fr several hurs did they reach a decisin.【2015湖南】该时间被讨论了几个小时之后他们才作出了决定。
    同义词:cunt v. 重要,要紧
    短语:a matter f ……的事情
    What t wear is nt a matter f persnal chice fr cmpanies.【2012陕西阅读】穿什么对于公司而言不是个人选择的事情。
    as a matter f fact事实上(此时等同于in fact)
    As a matter f fact, it was mst helpful.【2015四川】事实上,它是最有用的。
    mature [məˈtjʊə] adj. 成熟的
    Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hng Kng, Linda appears mre mature than thse f her age.【2014福建】在香港做了一年的交流生之后,Linda显得比同龄人要更成熟。
    mature的名词形式:maturity [məˈtʃʊərəti] n. 成熟
    mature的反义词:immature [ˌɪməˈtjʊə(r)] adj. 不成熟的
    maximum [ˈmæksɪməm] n. 最大值,最大量 adj. 最大限度的,最大量的
    What is the maximum number f bks current students can brrw?【2012湖北】现在学生能借的最大数量的书是多少?
    反义词:minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] n. 最小值 adj. 最小的
    T meet this minimum gal, the Agreement requires cuntries t tighten emissins targets every five years.【2016上海阅读】为了达到这一最小目标,该协议要求所有国家每隔五年收紧排放目标。
    meal [miːl] n. 一餐
    mean [miːn] v. mean意思是,意味着;故意,打算 adj. 刻薄的,残酷的
    She plays a mean trick n the bys.【2014浙江】他残酷的戏弄了那些男孩。
    短语:mean (ding) sth 意思是,意味着
    Sme peple give their children names that mean gd things.【2015江苏阅读】一些人给他们孩子有好的意思的名字。
    mean t d故意,打算
    I meant t write a lng letter and tell yu all the things I was ding at schl.【2015全国二】我打算写一封长信告诉你我在学校做的事情。
    be meant t d/fr sth 意在,旨在
    The passage is meant t discuss the mrals f allcating things.【2013江苏阅读】这篇文章旨在讨论分配事情的寓意。
    meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] n. 意思,意义
    But it was quite by accident that I discvered the deep meaning f his wrds.【2013天津阅读】但是我是非常偶然发现她的话的意思。
    meaning的形容词形式:meaningful[ˈmi:nɪŋfl] 有意义的
    means [miːnz] 方式,方法
    The car is a cnvenient means f transprt, but we have made it ur way f life.【2014天津阅读】
    短语:by means f 通过……的方式
    Operate the laptp by means f an alternative passwrd.【2014上海阅读】通过替代密码的方式操作电脑。
    meanwhile [ˈmiːnwaɪl] adv. 同时
    We were als tld t remain in ur seats meanwhile with ur seat belts fastened.【2015四川完形】我们被告知呆在我们的座位上与此同时系上安全带。
    measure [ˈmeʒə] v. 测量;n. 措施;
    Emily’s mum came acrss Big Brthers Big Sisters and thught it wuld be f benefit t Emily by prviding different feedback abut herself ther than just relying n schlmates t measure her self-wrth.【2012江西阅读】Emily的妈妈偶然发现Big Brthers Big Sisters并且认为这是对Emily有帮助的,因为它提供了关于自己的不同反馈不仅仅依靠同学去测量自我价值。
    短语:take measures/steps/actin采取措施
    The gvernment has taken measures t bring dwn the high prices f daily gds t keep the market stable.【2015湖北】政府采取措施降低日常用品的高价以保持市场稳定。
    meat [miːt] n. 肉
    medal [ˈmedl] n. 奖牌
    medium [ˈmiːdɪəm] adj. 中等的 n. 媒介;方法,手段
    Hilversum is a medium-sized city.【2015湖北阅读】
    A medium is the way yu cmmunicate yur message.【2013浙江阅读】媒介是你交流信息的方式。
    TV is als a pwerful medium fr adult educatin.【2015福建阅读】电视是成人教育的重要手段。
    media [ˈmiːdɪə] n. 大众传播媒介
    The change t a media ecnmy started in 1920.【2015湖北阅读】媒体经济的改变开始与1920年。
    medicine [ˈmedsn] n. 药
    Dr. Welch needed medicine as sn as pssible t stp ther kids frm getting sick.【2016北京完形】 Welch医生极其需要药物以阻止其他儿童患病。
    medicine的形容词形式:medical [ˈmedɪkl] 医学的,医疗的
    meet [miːt] vt遇见;会面,碰头;迎接;
    Whenever I met her, which was fairly ften, she greeted me with a sweet smile.【2014山东】每当我遇到她的时候——这是非常频繁的,她总是用微笑问候我。
    If it’s cnvenient fr yu, let’s meet at 8:30 utside the schl gate.【2016全国卷三作文】如果你方便的话我们8:30在校门口碰头。
    She tk a train t meet me.【2012湖北阅读】她乘火车迎接我。
    短语:meet a need/demand/requiremen…满足需要/要求
    If vlunteer psitins d nt meet these needs, peple may nt wish t participate.【2015江苏阅读】 如果志愿者的职位不能满足这些需要,人们可能不愿意参加。
    meet a gal/target 达到目的/目标
    T meet this minimum gal, the Agreement requires cuntries t tighten emissins targets every five years.【2016上海阅读】为了达到这一最小目标,该协议要求所有国家每隔五年收紧排放目标。
    meet with会见;又作be met with遭到;获得
    The next day we met with the peple wh ran the park.【2014湖北完形】第二天我们去会见经营这个公园的人。
    Old peple are mre likely t meet with accidents in crsswalks.【2014四川阅读】老人更容易在人行道上遭遇车祸。
    On the ther hand, my search fr a respectable jb had nt met with much success.【2014上海填词】 另一方面,对一份受尊敬的工作的寻找并没有获得成功。
    meeting [ˈmiːtɪŋ] n. 会议;遇见;会面,碰头;迎接;
    Either yu r ne f yur students is t attend the meeting that is due tmrrw.【2014湖南】你或者你们班的同学之一参加明天的会议。
    Hw did Percival feel during his meeting with Laura?【2012福建阅读】在与Laura会面期间Percival感到怎样?
    meln [ˈmelən] n.甜瓜
    member [ˈmembə] n. 成员,会员
    It can d things such as reminding an elderly family member t take medicine r taking family phts.【2015天津阅读】它可以做一些诸如提醒老的家庭成员吃药或者照相这样的事情。
    memry [ˈmemərɪ] n. 记忆力;记忆,回忆;
    Children have a better memry than grwn-ups.【2012全国一阅读】儿童的记忆力比成人好。
    When we visited my ld family hme, memry came flding back.【2014辽宁】当我们参观老房子的时候回忆如潮水般涌来。
    短语:in memry f sb 为了纪念某人(此时等于in hnur f)
    A cncert was held in memry f Gershwin.【2013山东阅读】一场纪念Gershwin的音乐会。
    memry的动词形式:memrize [ˈmeməraɪz] v.记住,熟记
    Every day read a prverb alud several times until yu have it memrized.【2013湖南】每天读一个谚语直到你把它记住。
    memrial [mɪˈmɔːrɪəl] n. 纪念馆
    mend [mend] v. 修理,修补
    同义词:repair v. 修理; fix v. 修理
    mental [ˈmentl] adj. 精神的;思想的;思考的
    Green has the ability t reduce pain and relax peple bth mentally and physically.【2012安徽阅读】绿色能够减少痛苦并且使人在精神上和身体上都可以放松。
    Withut mental fcus, we may nt pay enugh attentin t new infrmatin cming in.【2015浙江阅读】没有思想上的集中,我们就不能够注重大脑所接受的信息。
    Accrding t scientists, ur mental abilities begin t decline frm the age f 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.【2012浙江】根据科学家,我们的思考能力在22岁达到最高值并从27岁开始下降。
    mentin [ˈmenʃn] v. 提到,谈到 n. 提到,谈到
    Why des the authr mentin the questins in Paragraph1?【2015江西阅读】为什么作者在第一段提到这些问题。
    Ceely was relying n her GPS. But it made n mentin f the crssing.【2015浙江阅读】Ceely当时依靠他的导航装置,但是它并没有提及有十字路口
    短语:nt t mentin sth 更不用说某事了
    Fr ther cuntries, the railway netwrk will definitely create mre pprtunities fr business, turism and s n, nt t mentin the better cmmunicatin amng thse cuntries.【2015江苏阅读】对于其它国家而言,铁路网无疑会为这些国家的商业、旅游业等创造更多的机会,更不用说促进这些国家之间的交流。
    menu [ˈmenju:] n. 菜单
    merchant [ˈmɜːtʃənt] n. 商人
    Merchants were emplyed t prmte prducts.【2015全国一阅读】商人被雇佣以促销产品。
    同义词:trader n. 商人
    mercy [ˈmɜːsɪ] 仁慈,宽容
    She shwed n mercy t her enemies.【高考真句】她对她的敌人不仁慈
    mercy的形容词形式:merciful[ˈmɜːsɪfʊl] 宽大的,仁慈的
    merely [ˈmɪəlɪ] adv. 仅仅,只不过;仅仅是,只是
    I merely determined t make a list f all the bks I had ever read.【2015四川】我仅仅决定列出曾经读过的书的清单。
    There are ever mre peple n the Earth, and they reasnably and rightfully want t have better lives, rather than merely struggle fr survival.【2012北京阅读】现在地球上的人更多了,他们他们想要更好的生活而非仅仅是为了生存而奋斗是合理的也是正当的。
    merry [ˈmerɪ] adj. 高兴的,愉快的 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐
    mess [mes] n. 脏乱,凌乱; v.弄糟,毁掉
    She didn’t mind the huge mess at all.【2014湖北阅读】她一点都不在意脏乱。
    短语:make a mess (f sth) (把……)弄得一塌糊涂
    They always make a mess in their ffices.【2013湖北阅读】他们总是将办公室弄得一塌糊涂。
    mess up弄糟,毁掉
    I tld her I wuld mess it up, because I had never wrked at the bar befre.【2015湖南完形】我告诉他我会毁掉它的,因为我从来没有过在吧台工作过。
    in a mess 一团糟
    He prefers t keep his huse in a mess.【2012上海】他喜欢把他的房间弄得一团糟。
    mess的形容词形式:messy adj. 脏乱的;
    The messy arrivals hall.【2012湖北阅读】脏乱的到达大厅
    message [ˈmesɪdʒ] n. 消息,音信
    metal [ˈmetl] n. 金属 adj. 金属制成的
    methd [ˈmeθəd] n. 方法,办法
    metre ['mi:tə] n. 米
    micrcmputer [ˈmaɪkrəʊkəmpjuːtə] n. 微机
    micrscpe [ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp] n. 显微镜
    micrwave [ˈmaɪkrəʊweɪv] n. 微波
    mid-autumn [mɪd-ˈɔːtəm] n. 中秋
    midday [ˈmɪddeɪ] n. 中午, 正午
    middle [ˈmɪdl] n. 中间
    midnight [ˈmɪdnaɪt] n. 午夜
    mild [maɪld] adj. 暖和的;轻微的;
    Mst rain frests lie clse t the equatr, where the climate is ften mild and there are lng hurs f sunshine.【2015辽宁阅读】大多数热带雨林离赤道很近,那里的气候温和并且有长时间的日照。
    Yu may experience mild discmfrt as yu begin t exercise regularly.【2014重庆阅读】当你开始定期锻炼的时候你可能经历轻微的不适。
    mile [maɪl] n. 英里
    milk [mɪlk] n. 牛奶 vt. 挤奶
    millin [ˈmɪlɪən] num. 百万 n. 百万个(人或物)
    millinaire [mɪljəˈneə] n. 百万富翁
    mind [maɪnd] n. 头脑;思想;vt. 介意
    It prevents the mind frm wrking.【2015辽宁】它会阻止大脑工作。
    These issues may seem imprtant, but ur psychlgical state f mind is far mre imprtant.【2014湖南阅读】这些问题也许似乎很重要,但是我们思想的心理状态更重要。
    D yu mind if I recrd yur lecture?【2013江苏】你是否介意我纪录你的演讲?
    短语:make up ne’s mind t d 下定决心做某事;
    At ne pint I made up my mind t talk t Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, realizing that he culd d nthing t help.【2015上海】在某个时候我不想和萨姆叔叔说话,之后我改变了主意,意识到他也不能帮助我。
    keep/bear sth in mind牢记……
    I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way.【2013安徽作文】我一直牢记交通规则。
    have sth in mind 心里已有……
    If I clse my eyes, I can still have a clear picture in mind f my first hme.【2013四川阅读】如果我闭上眼睛,我心里仍然有第一个家的清晰画面。
    in ne's mind在某人脑海中
    There is little dubt in yur mind that he is inncent, is there?【2012 江苏】在你脑海中你还怀疑他是不是清白的,不是吗?
    n ne’s mind 是把某事记挂在心上
    All this has been n my mind.【2014广东阅读】所有这些我都牢记在心。
    Wuld yu mind answering sme questins n shpping habits?【2013福建】你介意我回答一些关于购物习惯的问题吗?
    mind yur business管好你自己的事
    Yu shuld mind yur wn business!【2013江西完形】你应该管好你自己的事。
    mine [maɪn] prn. 我的 n.矿藏 vt.开采
    The phsphate(磷酸盐) mines were destryed.【2012山东阅读】磷酸盐矿物被毁灭了。
    mineral [ˈmɪnərəl] n. 矿物质,矿物
    minibus [ˈmɪnɪbʌs] n. 小型公共汽车
    miniskirt [ˈmɪnɪskɜːt] n. 超短裙
    minister [ˈmɪnɪstə(r)] n. 部长;牧师
    ministry [ˈmɪnɪstrɪ] n.(政府的)部
    minus [ˈmaɪnəs] prep. 减
    minute [ˈmɪnɪt] n. 分钟
    mirrr [ˈmɪrə] n. 镜子
    miss [mɪs] v. 错过;想念
    I still miss the days when she was with us.【2015全国二阅读】我仍然想念她和我在一起的日子。
    She is nw crazy abut classical music and will nt miss any chance t attend a cncert with her husband.【2015广东信息匹配】她对经典音乐非常痴迷,不会错过任何和她丈夫参加音乐会的机会。
    miss ut 失去/没有做某事的机会
    But smetimes peple miss ut n the experience because they fear it’s ‘nt fr them’. It’s time t change this perceptin.【2014天津阅读】但是有时候我们错过了这样的经历,因为我们担心它不适合我们。我们是时候改变这样的观念了。
    miss the pint 错过要点
    The lawyer listened with full attentin, trying nt t miss any pint.【2015四川】律师全神贯注地听,努力不错过任何要点。
    missing [ˈmɪsɪŋ] adj. 丢失的,失踪的 missing(此时相当于lst)
    Last night’s TV news said that by then the death f the missing peple had nt been prved yet. 【2015湖北完成句子】昨晚的电视新闻说:到那个时候失踪人口的死亡还没有没证实。
    missile [ˈmɪsaɪl] n 导弹
    mist [mɪst] n. 雾
    mistake [mɪsˈteɪk] n.错误 vt.弄错
    She made a mistake in calculatin.【2012湖北】她在计算中出错了。
    短语:mistake A fr B 把A错当为B
    In 1492, Clumbus landed n ne f the Bahama Islands, but he mistk it fr an island ff India. 【2015湖南】在1492年哥伦布登上了Bahama岛,但是他把它错当为印度的岛屿。
    同义词:errr n. 错误
    mistake的形容词形式:mistaken [mɪsˈteɪkən] adj. 错误的
    They understand the imprtance f aviding business decisins based n miscnceptins- mistaken ideas.【2014陕西阅读】他们知道避免基于错误观点做决定的重要性。
    misunderstand [mɪsʌndəˈstænd] v.误解,误会
    Yu can make yur child feel angry, hurt r misunderstd by what yu say withut realizing it yurself.【2014全国一阅读】你所说的话可能让你的孩子感到生气、受伤或者被误解而你却没有察觉。
    misunderstand的反义词:understand v. 理解
    mix [mɪks] v. 混合,搅和;交往;(使)结合;混淆,使糊涂;n. 混合,结合
    Psychlgists tell us that t be happy we need a mix f enjyable leisure time and satisfying wrk. 【2013天津阅读】心理学家说我们要想开心的话得有美好的休闲时光和令人满意的工作。
    The instructins say that yu shuld mix flur with water carefully first.【2006浙江】说明书上说你应该先小心地用水搅拌面粉。
    He wuldn’t mix with ther disabled children.【2013浙江阅读】他不愿意和其他残疾孩子交往。
    WONDERTIME mixes playful activities with scientific knwledge.【2015浙江阅读】WONDERTIME将有趣的活动和科学知识结合起来。
    I think frm the very start my literary ambitins were mixed up with the feeling f being islated and undervalued.【2006四川阅读】我认为从开始我的文学志向和孤独感以及被忽视的感觉混淆了。
    The magazine ffers an exciting mix f great phtgraphy and interesting articles.【2015浙江阅读】该杂志上面既有杰出的摄影作品也有有趣的文章。
    mixed [mɪkst] adj. 混合的,不同的;
    Peple hld mixed pinins abut science.【2014重庆阅读】人们对科学有不同的感情。
    短语:mixed feeling复杂的感情
    mixed schl男女同校的学校
    mix做动词时的名词形式:mixture [ˈmɪkstʃə] n. 混合物
    mbile [ˈməʊbaɪl] adj. 移动的,活动的
    Once, a passenger next t me talked ut lud n his mbile phne. I left my seat quietly, giving him sme privacy t finish his cnversatin.【2015重庆阅读】曾今,坐在我旁边的乘客在大声打电话;我静静的离开了我的座位以给他隐私去完成它的谈话。
    mdel [ˈmɔdl] n. 模型;模特;型号;榜样(通常形式为rle mdel)
    At Cambridge University in the 1950s, Watsn and Crick tried t make mdels by cutting up shapes f DNA’s parts and then putting them tgether.【2014浙江阅读】在20世纪50年代的剑桥大学,Watsn和Crick尝试通过切分DNA部分形状,然后将它们拼凑起来的方式来制作出DNA的模型。
    Fur Chinese mdels were amng the 14 peple awarded prizes n Friday at the Wrld Supermdel Cmpetitin.【2014上海】在星期五的世界超级模特比赛中,十四名获奖的模特有四位来自中国。
    Prsche has a mdel which was cnsidered perhaps the best sprts car n the market.【2012重庆阅读】保时捷有一款可能被认为是世界上最好的跑车。
    Schls can prvide the right rle mdels fr them.【2013辽宁阅读】学校可以为他们提供正确的榜样。
    mdem [ˈməʊdem] n. 调制解调器
    mdern [ˈmɔdən] adj. 现代的
    mdest [ˈmɔdɪst] adj. 谦虚的;中等的,适度的
    The mre learned a man is, the mre mdest be usually becme.【2015陕西】一个人越博学他通常就越谦虚。
    Grandma’s happiness came frm mdest expectatins f life.【2013天津阅读】奶奶的幸福源自于她对生活的适度的期盼。
    mment [ˈməʊmənt] n. 时刻
    短语:at the mment 此刻,现在
    I’m srry t knw that yu’re having such a bad time at the mment.【2014安徽写作】此刻听到你如此的不幸我感到非常抱歉。
    fr the mment 暂时
    Fr the mment we are just friends. 此刻我们只是朋友而已。
    fr a mment 一会儿
    I std fr a mment.【2015湖南】我站了一会儿
    in a mment 立刻马上
    I'll write yu a cheque in a mment. 《柯林斯》我马上给你写个支票。
    mney [ˈmʌnɪ] n. 钱
    mnitr [ˈmɔnɪtə] v. 监视,监测 n.显示屏;班长
    And what cmes ut f yur tap is carefully mnitred t fllw the strict rules.【2013湖北阅读】
    I’m Li Jin, mnitr f Class One, Grade Eleven.【2014天津作文】我是李金,11年级1班的班长。
    mnkey [ˈmʌŋkɪ] n. 猴子
    mnth [mʌnθ] n. 月,月份
    mnument [ˈmɔnjʊmənt] n. 纪念碑,纪念物
    It is pssible that the King f Stnehenge was linked t the stnes: he might have had a hand in planning the mnument, r in helping transprt and pull up the stnes.【2015湖北完成句子】Stnehenge国王很有可能与这些石头有联系:他也许参与了纪念碑的规划或者帮助运输这些石头。
    短语:be a mnument t sb/sth 是某人/某物的见证,是见证某人/某物的丰碑
    It is a mnument t perfectin, and a heritage attractin itself.【2014重庆阅读】它是完美的见证,本身也是具有吸引力的遗产。
    同义词:memrial n. 纪念物,纪念碑
    mn [muːn] n. 月亮
    mn cake n. 月饼
    mp [mɔp] n. 拖把v. 拖地
    He always stayed after schl t straighten chairs and mp the flr.【2014山东完形】放学后他总是留下来摆桌子和抹地板。
    mtherland [ˈmʌðəlænd] n. 祖国
    mtivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v. 激励;成为……的动机
    I dn’t enjy my new jb as a department manager since I find hard t cmmunicate with and mtivate my team members.【2013广东阅读】我不喜欢部门经理一职因为很难与我的团队交流,也很难激励他们。
    用法:mtivate sb t d sth激励某人做某事
    Fr sme kids ne f thse subjects is the nly thing that mtivates them t cme back t schl day after day.【2015山东阅读】对于一些孩子而言,这些科目中的某一科目成为他们重返校园的动机。
    mtivatin [məʊtɪ'veɪʃn] n. 动力,积极性;动机,原因
    Withut passin, peple wn't have the mtivatin r the jy necessary fr creative thinking.【2012上海】没有激情,人们就没有对于创造性思维而言所必需的动力和快乐。
    Only after talking t tw students did I discver that having strng mtivatin is ne f the biggest factrs in reaching gals.【2015湖南】在我和两个学生聊完天之后我发现强烈的动机是达成目标的最大因素之一。
    mtr [ˈməʊtə] n. 发动机
    mtrbike [ˈməʊtəbaɪk] n. 摩托车
    mtrcycle ['məʊtəsaikl] n. 摩托车
    mtt [ˈmɔtəʊ] n. 箴言,格言
    Yur wrds became my mtt.【2015天津阅读】你的话成为我的格言。
    muntain [ˈmaʊntɪn] n. 山 其形容词形式为muntainus [ˈmaʊntɪnəs] a. 多山的
    murn [mɔːn] vt. 悼念,哀悼;对……感到痛心
    The stry started ff with the girl murning her mther’s death and ging t her tmb three times a day.【2014福建阅读】在故事的开始,小女孩哀悼其母亲的死并且一天去其母亲的坟前三次
    Peple murned the lss f the man.【2013山东阅读】人们对他的死感到痛心
    muse [maʊs] n. 鼠;鼠标 muse的复数形式:mice
    mustache [məs'tɑ:ʃ] n. 小胡子
    muth [maʊθ] n. 嘴,口
    muthful [ˈmaʊθfʊl] n. 满口,一口
    mve [muːv] v. 移动;搬家;打动 n. 动作;行动,举措
    Yu have t mve ut f the way, r the truck cannt get past yu.【2012全国一】你必须移开,否则卡车过不来。
    They mved their family t San Francisc.【2015安徽阅读】他们搬家到旧金山。
    The real pet is a master f wrds,wh can mve men t tears.【2015全国二阅读】真正的诗人是一个语言大师,他可以让人们泪流满面。
    It really was an easy mve.【2015山东完形】这是一个很简单的动作。
    I supprt any mve t get yung peple int theatre.【2014天津阅读】我支持让年青人进入剧院的举措
    短语:mve n继续前进
    I've learned t get ver bad life's experiences and learned hw t mve n because f her.【2015全国二阅读】我学会了克服不好的人生经历并且因为她我学会了如何继续前进。
    mve动词的名词形式:mvement [ˈmuːvmənt] n. 运动;移动
    After Lmbrg, the envirnmental mvement will begin t die dwn.【2015重庆阅读】
    The mvement was s fierce that several passengers felt sick and had t use airsickness bags.【2015四川完形】飞机的晃动是如此激烈以至于乘客感到恶心并且不得不用呕吐袋。
    mve的的两个形容词是mved [mu:vd] adj. 感动的;mving [ˈmu:vɪŋ] adj. 令人感动的
    He is deeply mved by their glrius deeds.【2016江苏阅读】他被他们那光荣的事迹打动了。
    mvie [ˈmuːvɪ] n. 电影
    mud [mʌd] n. 泥, 泥浆 mud的形容词形式:muddy [ˈmʌdɪ] a. 泥泞的
    multiply [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ] vt.激增;繁殖;乘
    Micrrganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.【2015广东阅读】
    murder [ˈmɜːdə] vt. 谋杀 n. 谋杀,谋杀罪
    Death will cme mainly frm accidents, murder and war.【2015辽宁阅读】死亡主要来源于事故、谋杀和战争
    museum [mjuːˈzɪəm] n. 博物馆,博物院
    mushrm [ˈmʌʃrʊm] n. 蘑菇
    music [ˈmjuːzɪk] n. 音乐,乐曲 music的形容词形式:musical [ˈmjuːzɪkəl] adj. 音乐的,爱好音乐的
    musician [mjuːˈzɪʃn] n. 音乐家,乐师
    1. majrity n. 大部分;大多数
    ( 1) Amng the members f the team thse wh are fr the plan are _________________(占多数).
    ( 2) This treatment is nt available in ______ f hspitals.
    A. mst B. majrity C. the mst D. the majrity
    ( 3) The huses in this village are _____ built f stne and brick.
    A. mst B. majrity C. mstly D. almst
    2. mark v. 做记号;做标记;留下痕迹;弄污 n. 污点;污渍;符号,记号
    ( 1) Prices _____________(mark) n the gds.
    ( 2) D yu like this _____ f cffee?
    A. signal B. sign C. mark D. brand
    ( 3) I nticed a _____ difference in Sam’s behavir.
    A. mark B. marking C. marked D. marks
    3. mass n. 团,块,堆;大量,许多
    ( 1) Sprts fans came t the stadium _____________ (大批地) befre the game.
    ( 2) The yung dancers lked s beautiful in their new clthes that we tk _____ pictures f them.
    A. many f B. masses f C. the number f D. a large amunt f
    ( 3) I am s busy that I have ______ unanswered letters.
    A. many a B. a gd deal f C. masses f D. a great deal f
    4. means n. 方式;方法;途径
    ( 1) She is __________________ (决不) an inexperienced teacher.
    ( 2) Every pssible means ______________ (try), but nne wrked.
    ( 3) —D yu think we shuld put an ad in the paper fr the lst child?
    —Yes, _________.
    A. that’s all right B. by all means C. it just depend D. never mind
    ( 4) The plice lked int the case carefully and fund the thief had entered the huse _____ a ladder.
    A. by the means B. by all means C. by ways f D. by means f
    5. measure v. 测量;度量;量度为;估量,判定 n. 措施;方法;尺度;标准
    ( 1) Yu shuld take effective _____________(measure) t imprve yur wrking cnditins.
    ( 2) Please make a suit ___________ my measure.请按照我的尺寸做一套西服。
    ( 3) The classrm ______ 30 feet lng and 20 feet wide.
    A. measures B. is measured C. has D. has length
    ( 4) The mayr says he will take tugh _____ t cntrl fd prices.
    A. means B. methds C. measures D. measurements
    6. manage v. 完成;解决;应付;管理;负责
    ( 1) D yu believe yu can manage ______________(finish) the wrk in an hur?
    ( 2) Thank yu fr all yur hard wrk last week. I dn’t think we _____ it withut yu.
    A. can manage B. culd have managed C. culd manage D. can have managed
    ( 3) Yu might wnder hw it _____ t live withut eating fr s many mnths.
    A. keeps B. succeeds C. manages D. tries
    7. match v. 般配;相配;与……相匹敌n.敌手;旗鼓相当的人;比赛;火柴
    ( 1) I was n match _______ him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。
    ( 2) I dn’t think thse curtains ______ very well with the wallpaper.
    A. suit B. g C. fit D. match
    ( 3) We try t match the entertainments ______ the preferences f the hlidaymakers.
    A. t B. with C. at D. fr
    8. minrity n. 少数;少数派;少数民族
    ( 1) Wmen are _____________(占少数) in the tp ranks f gvernment.
    ( 2) Mst nurses are wmen, but in the higher ranks f the medical prfessin wmen are in a ________.
    A. scarcity B. minrity C. minimum D. shrtage
    ( 3) He minred ______ histry and plitics at cllege.
    A. at B. fr C. in D. with
    9. mercy n. 仁慈;宽容
    ( 1) They were at lst at sea, ______________(任由……摆布) wind and weather.
    (2) She is a kind-hearted wman and ften has _____ mercy _____ peple wh are in truble.
    A. a; n B. / ; n C. a; t D. /; t
    ( 3) Antni was _____ that he even shwed _____ t Shylck.
    A. merciful; mercy B. mercy; mercifully C. kindly; pitiful D. mercy; t mercy
    10. meanwhile ad. 同时;与此同时;期间
    ( 1) I had t wait an extra hur s I wrte letters ________ the meanwhile / meantime.
    ( 2) The meeting is beginning at 8 ’clck. ______, let’s make sme preparatins fr it.
    A. When B. Meanwhile C. While D. During
    ( 3) We need sme new curtains, but these will d ______ the meanwhile.
    A. in B. at C. fr D. during
    11. mentin v. 提到;写到;说到
    ( 1) He mentined ___________(rescue) the trapped peple in an accident at the meeting.
    ( 2) His name has been ______ as a future MP.
    A. described B. cmmunicated C. mentined D. called
    ( 3) He wrte twenty nvels, ______ six thick vlumes f verse.
    A. included B. nt t mentin C. at the same time D. in
    12. mix v. 混合;掺和;融合
    ( 1) The city is a _____________ (mix) f ld and new buildings.
    ( 2) They dn’t mix much ________ the neighbrs.他们不怎么与邻居交往。
    ( 3) Peple ften mix him up ______ his brther.
    A. with B. in C. t D. at
    ( 4) A _____ sciety includes peple f different classes, tastes, etc.
    A. mix B. mixing C. mixture D. mixed
    13. matter v. 要紧;事关紧要 n. 课题;事情;物质
    ( 1) And then, t make ________ (matter) wrse, his parents turned up.
    ( 2) It is the ability t d the jb ______ matters nt where yu cme frm r what yu are.
    A. ne B. that C. what D. it
    ( 3) —I’m srry I brke yur mirrr.
    —Oh, really? ______.
    A. It’s OK with me B. It desn’t matter C. Dn’t be srry D. I dn’t care
    14. mean v. 表示……的意思;打算;意欲 a. 吝啬的;卑鄙的
    ( 1) What did she mean ________ leaving s early?她为什么这么早就走了?
    ( 2) She has always been mean _________ mney.她在花钱上总是非常吝啬。
    ( 3) Its streets were never ______ fr heavy traffic.
    A. tested B. meant C. kept D. used
    ( 4) I meant t _____ yu with yur hmewrk but father didn’t permit me t.
    A. helped B. have helped C. helping D. having helped
    15.make it确定;成功;及时到达目的地
    (1) I never thught yu wuld make it ________ess.
    (2ter three days,they finally made it ________.
    (3—When shall we start?
    —Let’s it 8∶30.Is that all right?
    A.set B.make C.meet D.take
    (4In spite f the heavy traffic,we ur ffice.
    A.gt it t B.sped up t
    C.made it t D.turned up t
    (5Althugh he liked acting,he never really as an actr.
    A.succeeded it B.managed it
    C.made it D.caught it
    (6—Yu have just 15 minutes t get t the airprt.
    —All right,I guess I can .
    A.d it B.make it C.finish it D.get it
    (1) I made _______ t walk 2 kilmeters a day.
    (2 It is difficult t make myself ________________ English.
    (3)They were made __________fr the bss 16 hurs a day.
    (4)He didn’t make clear when and where the meeting wuld be held.
    A.this B.that C.it D.these
    (5)He had t speak in a lud vice in rder t make himself .(2011·牡丹江调研)
    A.hear B.hearing
    C.heard D.t be heard
    17.make an effrt/effrts (t d sth.)努力(做某事)
    (1)With her mther all t herself,McKenzie didn’t have t make an effrt _______ (gain) attentin.
    (2)We shuld __________(不遗余力) t beautify ur envirnment.
    (3)The yu make,the yu will make.
    A.mre effrts;mre prgress
    B.greater prgress;greater effrts
    C.mre effrts;mre prgresses
    D.many mre effrts;much prgress
    (4)They climbed up the building with t see what was happening in the street.
    A.many effrt B.an effrt
    C.a effrt D.n effrt
    18.make sense讲得通;有意义;合乎情理
    (1)____________________ (是不明智的) fr parents t give children whatever they want.
    (2)It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things,expressed ideas,and _________________(理解) the wrld.
    (3)There are s many new wrds in the passage that I culd hardly make any f them at all.
    A.meaning B.use
    C.idea D.sense
    (4)N matter hw hard I tried t read,the sentence didn’t t me.
    A.make ut B.understand
    C.make sense D.wrk ut
    19.make a deal达成协议;做成交易
    (1)The meeting will ______________(处理) these prblems.
    (2)—Yu lk s wrried.What’s the matter?
    —I dn’t knw these bring prblems.
    A.what t deal with B.hw t d with
    C.what can I d with D.hw t deal with
    (3)Tp players must have excellent ball cntrl,but it is nt just they d with their feet cunts.
    A.hw;that B.that;what
    C.what;that D.whether;what
    20.make a difference有影响;起重要作用
    (1)What yu said just nw ___________________(对……无影响) him.
    (2)—Why d yu d vlunteer wrk in the Nrthwest?
    —I’m trying t make a(n) in the life f the children here thrugh my effrt.
    A.sense B.difference
    C.pint D.effrt
    (3)Yu have t be accurate in this jb,because a small mistake can make a big .
    A.difference B.difficulty
    C.truble D.change
    21.make up编造;杜撰;弥补;组成;和解;整理;化妆,打扮
    (1) A: Eleven players make up the ftball team.
    B: The ftball team ______________ eleven players.
    (2)—Srry I’m late again,but I had a flat tyre.
    —Well,Jim,why nt a fresh stry?
    A.lk up B.take up
    C.pick up D.make up
    (3)I’m terribly srry t turn yu dwn this time,but I prmise I will t yu next time.
    A.turn it up B.make it up
    C.pick it up D.set it up
    22. must表推测
    (1) Jack described his father,wh must _____________(be) a brave by many years ag,as a strng­willed man. 杰克把他的父亲描述成一个意志坚强的人,多年以前他肯定是一个勇敢的男孩。
    (2) It must have rained last night,__________? 昨晚一定下雨了,是吗?
    (3)—Mary’s scre n the test is the highest in her class.
    —Really?She have studied very hard.
    A.may B.ught t
    C.must D.shuld
    (4)—Everyne in my class passed the exam.
    —Oh,really?It difficult.
    A.can’t have been B.needn’t have been
    C.must be D.mightn’t be
    23.make ut看出;辨认出;理解
    (1)He swallws his wrds s much that I can never what he is saying.
    A.make ut B.catch up
    C.deal with D.listen t
    (2)The idea puzzled me s much that I stpped fr a few secnds t try t .
    A.make it ut B.make it ff
    C.make it up D.make it ver
    24.make ne’s way前往;(在事业上)有所起步
    (1) Withut experience in it,we have t ________ ur way (摸索着前进).
    (2)Lk!Many children are making their way ________ the beach.
    (3)We fught ur way _________ the frest. 我们穿过森林前进。
    (4)I kept silent in the backseat f the car as we made ur t Grandma’s.
    A.decisin B.way
    C.plan D.path
    (5)If yu want t yur way in the wrld,yu must learn English well while still yung.
    A.make B.fight
    C.frce D.feel
    25.make up ne’s mind(s)下定决心
    (1)Have they made up their __________ (mind) what t d yet?
    (2)At ne pint I made up my mind _________ (talk) t Uncle Sam.Then I ____________(改变主意),realizing that he culd d nthing t help.
    (3)Thugh they met with much difficulty,the team t g n with the experiment.
    A.changed their minds B.made up their minds
    C.tk their minds D.gave their minds
    (4)—I’m afraid that she wn’t cme t help me as she prmised.
    —Dn’t wrry.Nthing will her mind if she has up her mind.
    A.change;made B.turn;dne
    C.grw;given D.make;changed
    26.make use f利用
    (1) We shuld cnsider what use can _______________such a material.我们应该考虑这样的材料如何运用。
    (2)There is n use _________(advise) him.
    (3)Gd use f the weekend shuld be t relax yurself after the five days’ hard wrk.
    A.made B.put
    C.paid D.fund
    (4)Yu shuld any pprtunity yu have t practise English.(2011·天门统考)
    A.make use f B.play a part in
    C.get alng with D.make fun f
    27.meet with遇到;经历;会晤;受到
    (1) Finally,we decided t g t the ffice t ①________(会见) ur general manager.On ur way we ②________(遇到) the secretary.She tld us that he wuld g t the airprt t ③________(迎接) several reprters.She als tld us that the manager wuld ④_______(满足) ur demands.Hearing her wrds,we made a decisin t cancel ur ⑤_______(会晤) with the manager.
    (2)In mdern times,peple have t learn t all kinds f pressure althugh they are leading a cmfrtable life.
    A.keep with B.stay with
    C.meet with D.live with
    (3)We ften after wrk and g fr a drink.
    A.meet ur standards
    B.meet up
    C.meet ur needs
    D.make ends meet
    28.make cntributins t...对……做出贡献
    (1)They als may cntribute t _________(prevent) severe disease and death.
    (2)Fei Junlng and Nie Haisheng the space develpment f China.
    A.made cntributin t
    B.made cntributins t
    D.tk cntributins t
    (3)It’s said that driving after drinking thusands f traffic accidents every year.
    A.results frm B.cntributes t
    C.devtes t D.lies in
    29.make way fr给……让路;让位于……
    (1)D yu think envirnment shuld make way _______ ecnmic develpment?
    (2) Will yu be able t make yur way _______ the statin?
    (3)When lder men retire,they yunger men t take their places.(2011·黄山调研)
    A.make their way
    B.make way fr
    C.give their way t
    D.lead their way fr
    (4)We dwn the hill twards the twn befre dark.
    A.made away with B.made ur way
    C.made fr D.made ut
    30.make the acquaintance f和……相识;结识(=make sb.’s acquaintance)
    (1)I need t acquaint myself ________ these new rules.
    (2)Emplyees shuld ______________ (acquaint) with emergency prcedures.
    (3)I have sme Japanese,but I dn’t speak it fluently.
    A.acquaint t B.acquaint with
    C.acquaintance with D.acquaintance fr
    (4) the facts,I knw hw t deal with it.
    A.Knwn abut B.Acquainted with
    C.Judging by D.Referred t

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