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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)03
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)03
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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)17 高考单词S (原卷版+解析版),文件包含17高考单词S原卷版docx、17高考单词S解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共189页, 欢迎下载使用。

    slim [slɪm] adj. 苗条的;(数量或数字)微小的
    【真句】 If he can eat much and keep slim, why can't I?【2020新全国卷】如果他能吃得多,保持苗条,我为什么不能?
    【真句】 Sitting n a sfa in her rm, Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, lked pleased with this explanatin.【2016全国3】韦尔蒂坐在自己房间的沙发上,身材苗条,穿着一件简单的灰色连衣裙,看上去对这个解释很满意。
    actr [ˈæktə(r)] n. 男演员 → actress [ˈæktrɪs] n. 女演员
    waiter [ˈweɪtə] n. 男服务员 → waitress [ˈwetrɪs] n. 女服务员
    hst [həʊst] n. 男主人 → hstess ['həʊstəs] n. 女主人
    【真句】Tday she cntinues t stay slim and rarely ges t the gym.【2014陕西】今天她依然很苗条并且很少去健身馆。
    sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] adj. 神圣的
    【真句】Highlights(精彩之处) include China's mst sacred peaks at Munt Tai and Hangzhu's rlling hills, waterways and peaceful temples.【2020全国3】亮点(精彩之处)包括中国最神圣的泰山山峰和杭州起伏的山峦、水路和宁静的寺庙。
    【真句】The impressive stne curts became a staple feature f a city's sacred cmplex and there were ften several playing curts in a single city.【2020.1上海】令人印象深刻的石头球场成为了一个城市神圣建筑群的主要特色,在一个城市里经常有几个运动场。
    secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的
    【拓展】secretary [ˈsekrətərɪ] n. 秘书
    sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] adj. 神圣的
    【真句】Highlights (精彩之处) include China's mst sacred peaks at Munt Tai and Hangzhu's rlling hills, waterways and peaceful temples.【2020全国】精彩之处包括中国泰山最神圣的山峰和杭州起伏的山丘、运河和宁静的寺庙。
    sacrifice [ˈsækrɪfaɪs] v. 牺牲 n. 牺牲
    【真句】The sacrifices mthers make are huge but wrthwhile.【2015四川阅读】妈妈做出的牺牲时巨大的但是值得的。
    【真句】 Jennifer sacrificed (牺牲) t achieve her gal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing imprtant events t study.【2020新高考山东卷】詹妮弗放弃了许多多和孩子的夜晚,错过了重要的活动去学习。
    【真句】The cntests even supplied candidates fr human sacrifice, fr the sprt culd, quite literally, be a game f life r death.【2020.1上海卷】这些比赛甚至为人类祭祀提供了候选人,因为这项运动,真的可能是一场生死攸关的游戏。
    sad [sæd] adj. 悲伤的 sad的名词形式:sadness [ˈsædnɪs] n. 悲哀,忧伤
    safe [seɪf] adj. 安全的 n. 保险柜 safe形容词的名词形式为safety [ˈseɪftɪ] n. 安全
    sptlight ['spɒtlaɪt] n.聚光灯,众人注目的焦点
    【真句】 Directed sund is a new technlgy that allws cmpanies t use sund in much the same way sptlights(聚光灯) are used in the theater.【2020.7天津】定向声音是一种新技术,它允许公司使用声音,就像在剧院中使用聚光灯一样。
    【真句】 A sptlight lights up nly ne sectin f a stage...【2020天津】聚光灯只照亮舞台的一个部分
    sail [seɪl] v.(乘船)航行,启航 n. 帆
    【真句】As sn as she graduated frm high schl she left hme t live n Catalina Island ff the Califrnian cast,away frm her parents,where she enjyed a life f sailing and ff-rad biking.【2022.1浙江卷】高中一毕业,她就离开了家,远离父母,住在加利福尼亚海岸的卡塔利娜岛,在那里她享受着帆船和越野自行车的生活。
    【真句】Sailing int the wind is nt pssible. If yu try, the sail will flap and the bat will stp.【2012全国二阅读】在风里航行是可能的。如果你尝试的话,帆将会拍打,船将停下来
    【真句】 They travelled ver snw-cvered muntains and sailed hundreds f miles up icy rivers.【2018全国3】他们穿越了白雪覆盖的山脉,沿着冰冷的河流航行了数百英里。
    短语:set sail 启航
    【真句】The last time Dad and I set sail tgether is really unfrgettable.【2015重庆完形】爸爸和我最后一起启航的时光是难忘的。
    sail的名词形式:sailing [ˈseɪlɪŋ] n. 航海 sailr [ˈseɪlə] n. 水手,海员
    salad [ˈsæləd] n. 色拉
    【真句】Several times a year, students ck the vegetables they grw, and they ccasinally make salads fr their entire schls.【2023新高考2卷】学生们一年有几次烹饪他们种植的蔬菜,偶尔也会为整个学校做沙拉。
    【真句】The arugula (芝麻菜)was t make a nice green salad, runding ut a rast chicken dinner. 【2022新高考1卷】芝麻菜是用来做一份美味的绿色沙拉,最后一顿烤鸡晚餐。
    salary [ˈsælərɪ] n. 薪水
    【真句】In this curse we will analyze many interesting aspects f the sprts industry: sprts leagues, ticket pricing, salary negtiatins, discriminatin, and NCAA plicies t name a few.【2021.1八省联考】在本课程中,我们将分析体育产业的许多有趣的方面:体育联盟、门票定价、工资谈判、歧视和NCAA的政策等等。
    【真句】The reasn why engineering graduates mre likely t accept a jb is that the salary is usually gd.【2016全国一】工程专业的毕业生更有可能接受一个工作的原因是因为这个工作的薪水通常还不错。
    sale [seɪl] n. 销售;销量;大甩卖
    【真句】 This free event features everything frm bunce huses t rides, games, snwflake crafts and face painting t g with varius stands set up by lcal sellers, with fd and ther fferings fr sale at the event.【2023.2四省联考】这个免费活动的特色是从弹跳屋到游乐设施、游戏、雪花工艺品和脸部彩绘,以及由当地卖家设立的各种摊位,以及在活动中出售的食物和其他产品。
    【真句】He finds ld military (军队的) medals fr sale in antique stre and n the Internet.【2019浙江】他找到了军队的 奖牌在古董店和互联网上出售。
    【真句】Ttal sales were up 18 percent n 2006 t almst £470 millin.【2014天津阅读】总销量在2006年增加了18%达到了£470 m。
    【真句】Befre the sales start, I make a list f what my kids will need fr the cming seasn.【2015山东】在大甩卖开始之前,我列出了孩子们在下个季节所要东西的清单。
    短语:fr sale 待售
    【真句】It is reprted that there are mre than ten billin different prducts fr sale in Lndn alne.【2015湖北阅读】据报道单单在伦敦就有超过100亿的待售产品。
    n sale 出售
    【真句】 The cat he planned t buy his mther fr her birthday was still n sale.【2017.3天津卷】他打算给他母亲买生日礼物的外套仍在出售。
    【真句】 Signed cpies f his clrful bk will be n sale after his talk.【2015安徽阅读】彩色书的签字版本在他的谈话之后将会出售。
    sale的动词形式:sell 卖
    salesgirl [ˈseɪlzɡɜːl] n. 女售货员
    salesman [ˈseɪlzmən] n. 男售货员
    saleswman [seɪlz‚wʊmən] n. 女售货员
    salt [sɔːlt, sɔlt] n. 盐 salt的形容词形式:salty [ˈsɔːltɪ] adj. 咸的,含盐的
    【真句】Nrmally, twns use rck salt t de-ice streets.【2020.1浙江】通常,城镇使用岩盐来清除街道上的冰。
    【真句】Milwaukee, Wiscnsin, is rad testing a new way t keep winter rads ice-free-by spreading n them cheese bring, the salty liquid used t make sft cheeses, like mzzarella.【2020.1浙江】威斯康辛州密尔沃基市正在测试一种保持冬季道路无冰的新方法——在上面涂抹奶酪,奶酪是用来制作软奶酪的咸液体,比如马苏里拉奶酪。
    salute [səˈluːt] v. n. 敬礼
    same [seɪm] n.同样的事 adj. 同样的,同一
    sand [sænd] n. 沙,沙子
    【真句】While ding research fr her new bk, she came acrss a 16th-century French manuscript(手稿)cnsisting f nearly 1, 000 sets f instructins, cvering subjects frm tl making t finding the best sand.【2020北京卷】在为她的新书做研究时,她偶然发现了一份16世纪的法国手稿,其中包含近1000套说明书,涵盖了从工具制作到寻找最好的沙子的主题。
    【真句】Thugh Smith did get her hands n the best sand, ding things the ld-fashined way isn't just abut playing arund with French mud.【2020北京卷】虽然史密斯确实得到了最好的沙子,但用老式的方式做事并不仅仅是玩弄法国泥。
    sandwich [ˈsænwɪdʒ] n.三明治
    【真句】Students are prvided with breakfast, dinner and either a cked r packed lunch (which cnsists f a sandwich, a drink and a dessert).【2016天津】学生们有早餐、晚餐和熟食或打包午餐(午餐包括三明治、饮料和甜点)。
    satellite [ˈsætəlaɪt] n. 卫星
    schlar [ˈskɔlə] n. 学者
    【真句】Tday, schlars have generated large amunts f instructive research abut restaurants.【2018年江苏】 今天,学者们已经产生了大量关于餐馆的指导性研究。
    【拓展】schlarship [ˈskɔləʃɪp] n. 奖学金
    【真句】When I entered Berkeley, I hped t earn a schlarship.【2018北京】当我进入伯克利时,我希望能获得奖学金。
    satisfy [ˈsætɪsfaɪ] v. 使……满意;满足
    【真句】Americans’ desire fr bttled water seems impssible t satisfy.【2013湖北阅读】美国人对瓶装水的欲望似乎很难被满足。
    【真句】N cmpany shuld have t change t satisfy a candidate.【2012陕西阅读】没有哪家公司愿意改变标准让候选人满意
    satisfy的三个形容词:satisfying; satisfactry; satisfied satisfy的名词形式:satisfactin
    satisfied [ˈsætɪsfaɪd] adj. 满意的,满足的
    短语:be satisfied with 对……满意
    【真句】Peple are less satisfied with their lives.【2015上海阅读】人们不会对他们的生活感到不满意。
    be satisfied that确信的
    【真句】Apparently satisfied that we caused n further threat, the bear mved ff.【2014北京阅读】
    sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情
    【真句】Althugh he culd give her sympathy, any practical help was almst beynd him.【2020天津】虽然他能给她同情,但任何实际的帮助都几乎超出了他的能力。
    【拓展】sympathetic [ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk] 有同情心的
    satisfying [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ] adj. 令人满意的
    【真句】Thugh verlearning may result in a passing grade, it is nt a satisfactry way t learn a cllege curse.【2012全国一阅读】尽管过度学习可以让你通过考试,但是他不是一个学习大学课程的令人满意的方式。
    satisfactry [ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri] adj. 令人满意的
    【真句】Its special effects are nt satisfying.【2016上海阅读】它的特殊效果并不令人满意。
    satisfactin [sætɪsˈfækʃn] n. 满意,满足
    【真句】Thery Y is the view that everyne has the ptential t find satisfactin in wrk.【2016 上海完形】Y理论认为每个人都有可能在工作中获得满足。
    sauce [sɔːs] n. 酱汁
    saucer [ˈsɔːsə] n. 茶碟,茶托
    sausage [ˈsɔsɪdʒ] n. 香肠
    savage [ˈsævɪdʒ] n. 野蛮人
    save [seɪv] v. 拯救;存储;节约;保留;
    【真句】That dg saved my friend’s sn.【2014山东阅读】那条狗拯救了我朋友儿子的生命。
    【真句】Save mney fr a rainy day.【2016浙江阅读】存钱以备不时之需。
    【真句】It wuld save him much time.【2016 天津阅读】这将给他们节约很多时间。
    【真句】The factry used 65 percent f the raw materials, the rest f which were saved fr ther purpses. 【2015安徽】那个工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的被保留用作其他目的。
    say [seɪ] v. 说,讲 n. 发言权
    【真句】The wrkers had n say in hw the factry was run.【高考真句】工人在工厂如何运营方面没有发言权。
    saying [ˈseɪɪŋ] n. 谚语,格言
    【真句】As an ld saying ges, living withut a clear and achievable aim is like sailing withut a cmpass. 【2016重庆作文】正如一个谚语所说:生活没有清晰而又可实现的目标就像航行不用指南针。
    scan [skæn] v. 扫描
    【真句】The first step is similar t hw we scan the bar cdes f ur grceries.【2013上海完形】
    scar [skɑː] n.伤疤
    【真句】She’ll be left with scars n her head, and f curse her hair wn’t grw there.【2013四川完形】
    scare [skeə] vt. 使害怕
    【真句】She intended t scare her parents.【2015江西阅读】她打算吓唬她的父母。
    同义词:terrify使害怕; frighten使害怕; alarm使害怕; panic使害怕 ; fear 害怕(不是“使害怕”的意思)
    scared [skeəd] adj. 害怕的
    【真句】If there were anything t be scared f, yu wuldn’t have chsen this place!”【2013江西阅读】
    含有“害怕的”之意的形容词:terrified; frightened; alarmed; panicked; feared; afraid;
    scary [ˈskeəri] adj. 令人害怕的terrifying; frightening; alarming; panicking; fearful
    【真句】It’s a scary stry.【2013江西】这是一个令人害怕的故事。
    scarf [skɑːf] n. 围巾, 头巾
    scene [sɪːn] n.风景;现场,场景,场面
    【真句】It is a beautiful scene in nature.【2013辽宁七选五改编】他是自然中的一个美丽的风景。
    【真句】Unfrtunately, by the time I gt back, they have finished the scene and the actr culdn’t be seen anywhere.【2015陕西改错】不幸的是,当我返回的时候他们已经结束了电影场景的拍摄,我找不到那位演员了。
    短语:be/cme n the scene 出现,到来
    【真句】Huge hrses like the Clydesdale came n the scene arund 1700.【2013北京阅读】像Clydesdale这样的大马在大约1700年出现。
    scene的形容词形式:scenic ['si:nɪk] adj. 风景的
    scenery [ˈsiːnərɪ] n. 风景 注意scenery不可数 scene可数
    【真句】This river scenery is very different.【2014全国一阅读】这条河的风景是不同的
    skeptical ['skeptɪkl] adj. 怀疑的
    短语:be skeptical f/abut对……怀疑
    【真句】The authr was skeptical abut psychlgy.【2013广东阅读】作者对心理学持怀疑态度。
    同义词:dubtful adj. 怀疑的
    schedule [ˈʃedjuːl] n. 计划表,日程表;时刻表 v. 预定,安排
    【真句】Shall I infrm him f the change f the schedule right nw?【2015福建】我应该告诉他日程表有所改变吗?
    【真句】the schedule f the cmpetitin【2013天津】比赛的时刻表
    【真句】The new editin is scheduled t appear in May.【2015山东阅读】新版本预定在5月面世。
    【真句】Tasks are scheduled s tightly that break times are ften used t finish the day’s wrk.【2012辽宁阅读】任务被安排的如此紧以至于休息时间被用来完成一天的工作。
    schl [skuːl] n. 学校
    schlar [ˈskɔlə] n. 学者
    schlarship [ˈskɔləʃɪp] n. 奖学金
    schlbag ['sku:lbæg] n. 书包
    scientific [saɪənˈtɪfɪk] adj. 科学的,
    scientific两个名词形式:scientist [ˈsaɪəntɪst] n. 科学家,science [ˈsaɪəns] n. 科学
    scissrs [ˈsɪzəz] n. 剪刀,剪子
    scld [skəʊld] vt. 责骂,斥责
    短语:scld sb fr (ding) sth 因某事斥责某人
    Mark had been sclded befre fr tuching his father’s equipment.【2012江西阅读】Mark因为之前碰了他爸爸的设备而受到责备
    scre [skɔː] n. 比分;分数 v得(分)
    Traditinal wisdm als has it that heavy televisin-watching lwers IQ scres and affects schl perfrmance.【2015广东阅读】传统观点是过多看电视会降低智商分数并且影响在校表现。
    The final scre f the basketball match was 93-94.【2015天津】篮球比赛的最终比分是93—4。
    This time Michael scred 126, an increase f 36 pints.【2015重庆完形】这一次Michael得了126分,增长了36分
    短语:scres f 许多
    They are always astnished t hear me talk abut my Brazilian friend Pal and the scres f weekdays in class.【2013浙江完形】 他们听到我谈论我的巴西朋友和我们在课堂上的许多日子感到很惊讶。
    scratch [skrætʃ]v. 挠,搔,抓
    She has never scratched a child since.【2013湖北阅读】从那之后他就没有再抓过其他小孩子了。
    scream [skriːm] v. n. 尖叫;大声喊
    She screamed with excitement as I tld her f my secret plans.【2015浙江阅读】
    易混词:stream n. 溪流;steam n. 蒸汽
    screen [skriːn] n. 幕,屏幕
    sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə] n. 雕塑,雕刻
    sea [siː] n. 海
    seagull [ˈsiːɡʌl] n. 海鸥
    seal [siːl] n. 海豹
    seaman [ˈsiːmən] n. 水手; 海员
    seashell [ˈsiːʃel] n. 海贝
    seaside [ˈsiːsaɪd] n. 海滨
    seaweed [ˈsiːwiːd] n. 海草,海藻
    search [sɜːtʃ] n. v.搜
    Belw are search recrds frm a university library’s database.【2016浙江阅读】以下是一所大学图书馆数据库的搜索记录。
    短语:search A fr B 搜A找B
    I searched bks fr gd expressins and sayings, pieces f infrmatin and ideas.【2015四川阅读】我搜书去寻找好的短语,谚语,信息以及想法。
    in search f 寻找
    In the past hundred years,humans have begun destrying rainfrests in search f three majr resurces.【2014安徽阅读】在过去的几百年里,人们为了搜寻三大主要资源一直在破坏雨林。
    search fr 寻找
    Dgs have a very gd sense f smell and are ften used t search fr survivrs in an earthquake. 【2013浙江】狗有非常好的嗅觉,经常被用来寻找地震中的幸存者
    seasn [ˈsiːzn] seasn n. 季;季节
    seat [siːt] n. 座位 v. 容纳;使……就坐
    Mary felt pleased, because there were many empty seats in the rm.【2012广东完形】
    The stadium seats 6000 peple.【高考真句】体育馆可以容纳6000人。
    Since I was seated near the middle f abut 35 students, it was easy t figure ut which questins I might have t answer.【2014湖南阅读】因为我坐在大约35个学生之间,弄明白我要回答哪个问题是很简单的。
    secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的
    Frm him, I realize the secret t success is nt when and where yu were brn, but what yu are ding and hw yu d it in yur life.【2013湖南写作】从他那我意识到成功的秘诀不是你何时何地出生的而是你在生活中做了什么和做事方式。
    secretary [ˈsekrətərɪ] n. 秘书
    sectin[ˈsekʃn] n. 部分
    On an empty sectin f rad, everyne started quarreling.【2013天津阅读】在马路上的一个空旷部分,每个人都开始争吵。
    secure [sɪˈkjʊə] adj. 安全的;稳定的 v. 获得;保护;拴
    I feel lved and secure since anther persn cares abut me and wishes me well.【2012广东阅读】
    Nursing is seen as mre secure in ecnmic crisis.【2014山东阅读】在经济危机下,护理职业被视作更加稳定的职业。
    After graduatin frm university, I had been unable t secure a permanent jb in my small twn.【2014上海阅读】从大学毕业之后我不能在小城镇里面获得一份永久性的工作。
    Wrrying abut cmmunity safety, I prefer t secure my huse with new technlgy.【2013广东阅读】
    Secure it t lamppsts r trees.【2015江苏阅读】把它拴在树上或电线杆上。
    security [sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ] n. 安全
    In fact, it is hard fr yu t see the painting clearly because yu have t stay away frm it fr security reasns.【2012重庆阅读】事实上你很难清楚地看见绘画作品,因为出于安全原因你必须远离它。
    see [siː] v. 看,看见;理解,明白
    I culdn't see this at first.【2015湖南完形】起初我并不理解
    短语:see/view A as B把A看作B
    The French see eating as an imprtant part f their life style.【2014陕西阅读】法国人将吃作为生活方式的重要一部分。
    seed [siːd]n. 种子 易混词: weed杂草
    seek [siːk] vt. 寻求,寻找
    The UCLA study fund that wmen are far mre likely than men t seek scial cntact when they are feeling stressed.【2012上海阅读】UCLA的研究发现当人们感到压力的时候,女性比男性更有可能寻找社交上的联系。
    seem [siːm] v. 似乎, 好像
    用法:seem t d 似乎做某事
    This cncept is nt easy t understand because the wrds seem t have ppsite meanings.【2015江苏阅读】这个概念不容易理解因为这些单词似乎有相反的意思。
    It might seem dd, but it is a cultural traditin.【2014浙江阅读】这也许似乎有点古怪,但是这就是文化传统。
    同义词:appear vt. 似乎,好像
    seize [siːz] vt. 抓住
    Pulling pen her dr, the man seized her by the neck and hair.【2013湖北完形】那个男人把车门拉开,抓住她的脖子和头发。
    seldm [ˈseldəm] adv. 很少
    select [sɪˈlekt] vt. 挑选,选择
    T select vlunteers, yu may need t understand the mtivatins f the peple yu wish t attract.【2015江苏阅读】为了选择志愿者,你需要明白你希望吸引的人的动机。
    select的名词形式:selectin 选择
    self [self] n. 自己
    selfish [ˈselfɪʃ] adj. 自私的
    Chimps are truly selfish.【2016江苏阅读】大猩猩实际上很自私
    selfless [ˈselfləs] adj. 无私的
    I was s impressed by hw selfless she was.【2016上海词汇语法】对于她是如此的无私我感到印象非常深刻。
    sell [sel] v. 卖,售
    semicircle [ˈsemɪsɜːkl] n. 半圆
    seminar [ˈsemɪnɑ:] n. 研讨会,研讨班
    send [send] v. 送;发送;寄
    In the meantime, they send hme huge amunts f mney.【2015陕西阅读】与此同时他们往家里面寄了大量的钱。
    Students in New Yrk shuld send their applicatins befre July 18, 全国.【2015安徽作文】
    Farmers want the gvernment t send bilgists t study the prblem.【2015江苏阅读】
    senir [ˈsiːnɪə] adj. 高级的;年长的 n. (大学或高中)最高年级学生;老人
    In the UAE, status is imprtant, s the mst senir r ldest shuld be greeted first with their titles. 【2014浙江阅读】在UAE,地位是重要的,所以应该先用他们的头衔问候最年老的人。
    It is my hnr t be here t share with my pinins n what t learn in senir high schl.【2014江西】能够在这儿和大家分享高中应该学什么是我的荣幸。
    33% f senirs brush their teeth nly nce a day.【2013安徽阅读】30%的老人一天只刷一次牙齿。
    Mrever, I cmpleted the senir curse f Cmputer Basics.【2016北京阅读】此外,我完成了电脑基础的高级课程。
    sense [sens] v. 感觉到 n. 感官;感觉;
    He sensed a great ptential in her despite her weaknesses.【2016江苏阅读】尽管她有缺点,但是他感觉她很有潜力
    Humans and animals depend n ne sense in chsing fd.【2015全国一阅读】动物和人类依靠一个感官选择食物
    短语:a sense f ……的感;
    Many peple mistakenly believe that we are brn with a sense f humr.【2015陕西阅读】许多人错误地以为我们生来就有幽默感。
    in……sense 在……意义上
    Big huses can in a sense bring richness f life.【2014福建阅读】大房子在一定意义上可以给我们的生活带来富足
    make sense f 弄明白,理解
    It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense f the wrld.【2015广东阅读】正是语言影响了我看事情、表达情感以及理解这个世界的方式。
    make sense明智的,有道理,
    It makes sense t wrk n the prblem befre it gets ut f cntrl.【2015陕西阅读】在问题失控之前把他解决是明智的。
    sense的两个形容词形式:sensible, sensitive
    sensible [ˈsensəbl] adj. 合理的
    The last paragraph is abut hw t teach a teenager t use the phne in a sensible way.【2014全国一阅读】最后一段是关于教青少年如何合理使用电话。
    sensitive [ˈsensɪtɪv] adj. 敏感的;善解人意的
    It may discuss a sensitive tpic.【2015浙江阅读】它也许谈论一个敏感的话题。
    Yu’ll need t be cmmitted, patient and sensitive t thers.【2014广东阅读】对于他人你需要尽心尽力,耐心以及善解人意。
    sentence [ˈsentns] n. 句子 v. 宣判
    The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum f HK $25,000 and be sentenced t up t 3 years in prisn.【2015福建阅读】被宣布有罪的司机将被最高罚款HK $25,000,并且被宣判最高3年监禁。
    The practice f students endlessly cpying letters and sentences frm a blackbard is a thing f the past.【2012天津阅读】学生不停地从黑板抄字母和句子的做法已经是过去的事情了
    separate [ˈsepərət] adj. 分开的;不同的 v. 分开
    Yu must write yur ntes n separate paper.【2013全国二阅读】你必须在不同的纸上记笔记。
    Everyne went their separate ways.【2014全国一阅读】每个人都分开走了。
    Reading and writing cannt be cmpletely separated frm each ther.【2015湖北阅读】和写作不能彻底分开。
    用法:separate A frm B 把A和B分开;使A不同于B
    Changes in the wrkplace separated children frm adults, with adults wrking and children attending schl.【2012上海阅读】工作地点的变化把儿童和成年人分开:成年人工作,儿童上学。
    The latest research suggests that the key factr separating geniuses frm the merely accmplished is nt I.Q.【2014上海阅读】最新研究表明将天才和仅仅取得成就的人区分开来的并不是情商。
    separatin [sepəˈreɪʃn] n. 分开
    The separatin between us has prved t be a blessing fr me.【2014天津完形】我们之间的分离证明是一件幸事。
    serius [ˈsɪərɪəs] adj. 严肃的;严重的;重要的;认真的
    Cultural differences can cause serius prblems.【2015安徽阅读】文化差异可以导致严重的问题。
    The writer was nt serius when she made the suggestin.【2013陕西阅读】当她提出这个建议的时候她并不严肃。
    In the 1960s buying a cat fr a wman was a serius matter.【2015湖北阅读】在20世纪60年代买衣服对于女性来说是一件重要的事情。
    I dn’t becme a serius climber until the fifth grade.【2014浙江】直到5年级我才成为一个认真的登山运动员。
    短语:take sth seriusly 严肃对待;认真对待
    Their suggestins will be taken seriusly.【2015浙江阅读】他们的建议将会被认真对待
    反义词:treat/take sth lightly 轻视
    Children’s fears are usually taken lightly.【2015湖北阅读】儿童的恐惧经常被轻视。
    serve [sɜ:v] v. 服务;服役;提供;起作用
    All the dishes in this menu, unless therwise stated, will serve tw t three peple.【2014全国二】菜单里的所有食物,除非有特别说明,否则只能服务两到三人。
    Dr. Minr was an American surgen wh had served in the Civil War and was nw living in England. 【2012山东阅读】Minr是一位在内战中服过役的美国医生,现在他居住在英国。
    There are restaurants serving fd frm arund the wrld.【2014重庆阅读】有提供全世界美食的餐馆。
    His technique has served me well all my life.【2015福建阅读】他的方法在我一生中都受用。
    短语:serve t d 起作用
    But his father's warning nly served t make Mark mre curius.【2012江西阅读】但是马克父亲的警告只起使马克更好奇的作用。
    serve/act as 充当
    Which f the fllwing can best serve as the title f this passage?【2015江苏阅读】
    serve的两个名词形式:servant ,service
    servant [ˈsɜːvənt] n. 仆人
    The ne--time farmer is nw the servant f sme multi-natinal rganizatin.【2013江西阅读】曾今的农民现在变成了多国组织的仆人。
    service [ˈsɜːvɪs] n. 服务
    Face-t-face service creates cmfrtable feelings amng custmers.【2015浙江阅读】面对面服务在顾客中创造一种舒服的感觉。
    sessin [ˈseʃn] n. 一段时间;会议
    One day the by jined a sessin in the rm next t mine. His appearance created an atmsphere f tensin. He spent the entire sessin running arund, hitting and kicking, and destrying prperty. 【2014湖北阅读】一天,这个男孩加入了隔壁的会议。她他的出现制造了一种紧张的氛围。整个时间他都在四处跑,打打闹闹并且破坏物品。
    set [set] v. 设立;让,使 n. 一套,一副,一组 adj. 可能的
    They set a gal.【2013山东阅读】他们设立了一个目标。
    S yur reprter has set me thinking.【2015北京阅读】你的记者让我开始思考。
    短语:be set t d可能做某事
    Hwever, the scale and speed f this grwth seem set t destry the very things turists want t enjy.【2013江西】然而这种增长速度和增长规模似乎可能毁灭游客所享受的。
    a set f一套,一副,一组
    Sanbnmatsu and his clleagues gave the students a set f tests.【2013北京阅读】Sanbnmatsu和他的同事给了这些学生一套测试
    set n ding sth 使名词做某事
    S yur reprter has set me thinking.【2015北京阅读】你的记者让我开始思考。
    be set in 以……为背景
    The nvel is set in France.【高考真句】这部小说的背景是在法国。
    settle [ˈsetl] v. 居住;解决;使安静,使平静;舒服地坐
    When I settled in Chicag, my new city seemed s big and unfriendly.【2012安徽完形】当我居住在芝加哥的时候我的新城市似乎非常大且不友善。
    They have settled their envirnmental prblems.【2014全国一阅读】 他们已经解决了他们的环境问题
    He settled int a chair and started t read.【2015浙江完形】他舒服地坐在椅子上面然后开始阅读
    It was a rainy mrning and the children, mainly bys with varius learning difficulties, refused t settle fr the start f the lessn.【2015湖南完形】这是一个下雨的早晨,主要是那些有学习困难的孩子,他们在课程开始的时候拒绝安静下来。
    settlement [ˈsetəlmənt] n. 居住地
    The settlement is hme t nearly 1,000 peple, many f whm left their village hmes fr a better life in the city.【2015浙江】这个居住地是1000人的家,他们中的许多人为了更好的城市生活离开了农村。
    settler [ˈsetlə]n. 移居,殖民者
    Early settlers nce suffered frm a dry climate in Mntana.【2014浙江阅读】早期移民曾今在Mntana遭受了干旱的气候。
    several [ˈsevrəl] prn. adj. 几个
    severe [sɪˈvɪə] adj. 严重的
    Althugh we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually vercme the temprary difficulty as lng as we dn't lse heart.【2013上海】尽管我们遭受了如此严重的自然灾害,但是只要我们不灰心我们将克服暂时的困难。
    同义词:serius adj. 严重的;acute adj. 严重的
    sew [səʊ] v. 缝
    sex [seks] n. 性,性别
    shabby [ˈʃæbɪ] adj. 破旧的
    The pverty level was shcking and the small shabby huses gave me the greatest feeling f hpelessness.【2013湖南阅读】贫穷的等级是令人震惊的,破旧的房子给我们带来了绝望的感觉。
    shade [ʃeɪd] n. 阴凉处;色度
    Hiking students can have a regular rest in the shade f trees.【2015福建阅读】徒步学生可以在树荫下定期休息。
    Many decratrs will include different shades f red in the restaurant.【2012安徽阅读】许多装潢工将会在餐馆里面装饰不同色度的红色。
    shadw [ˈʃædəʊ] n. 影子, 阴影
    His experience in POW camp threw a shadw ver his life.【2015浙江阅读】在POW营地的经历给他的生活笼罩了阴影。
    I lked quickly arund the shadws f the frest.【2014重庆阅读】我快速地环视了森林的影子。
    shake [ʃeɪk] v. 摇动;颤抖
    The new by shk his head.【2012广东完形】男孩摇摇头
    I remember shaking with excitement.【2012北京完形】我记得当时激动的发抖。
    同义词:tremble v. 颤抖
    shallw [ˈʃæləʊ] adj. 浅的,肤浅的
    pen cean and shallw castline waters.【2015上海阅读】开阔的海洋和浅的海岸线。
    shame [ʃeɪm] n. 羞耻,羞愧;遗憾
    Keep in mind that it is a shame t waste fd.【2014陕西阅读】请牢记:浪费食物是一件羞愧的事情。
    shame的三个形容词形式:ashamed, shameful
    ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd] adj. 羞耻的,内疚的
    I was blind, but I was ashamed f it if it was knwn.【2012广东阅读】我是盲人,耻于让别人知道这一事实。
    shameful [ˈʃeɪmfl] adj. 令人羞耻的
    The mre embarrassing r shameful the secret is, the juicier the gssip it makes.【2016浙江阅读】这个闲话越令人尴尬和羞愧,流言就越绘声绘色。
    shape [ʃeɪp] n. 形状v. 决定,塑造
    It’s nt what we d nce in a while that shapes ur lives, but we d cnsistently.【2015湖南】
    S the building has an unusual shape.【2014湖北阅读】这个大楼有一个非同寻常的形状。
    Kindness and vilence can shape ne’s character.【2014广东阅读】友善和暴力可以塑造一个人的性格。
    短语:in gd/bad/pr shape 情况良好/不佳/很糟;健康状况良好/不佳/很糟
    Tim is in gd shape physically althugh he desn't get much exercise.【2015湖南】尽管蒂姆不经常锻炼,但是他但是他的身体健康状况很好。
    The park had gtten int such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way.【2015浙江阅读】
    ut f shape 情况/健康状况良好/不佳/很糟
    shape up改进
    Parents are eager t see their kids shape up.【2013湖北阅读】父母渴望孩子们在行为上有所改进。
    share [ʃeə] v. 分享;共用,合用;分担 n. 份,份额(share的本意就是 分!分!分!)
    In additin t Kreans, Sme Asian husbands and wives d nt share the same family names.【2015陕西阅读】除了韩国人之外,一些亚洲的夫妇也不共用同一个姓氏。
    While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers withut asking fr anything in return.【2014浙江】当他住在那个村子里的时候,James无私地和村民们分享他拥有的一切,不要去得到任何回报。
    I did nt share my burden with anyne.【2006北京阅读】我没有和任何人分担我的负担。
    Retaining custmers als makes it cnvenient fr cmpetitrs t enter a market r increase their share f a market.【2015上海完形】保留顾客会使公司更容易进入市场或增加市场份额。
    shark [ʃɑːk] n. 鲨鱼
    sharp [ʃɑːp] adj. 锋利的;急剧的,巨大的;强烈的;急转弯的
    It lks like a very thin, sharp piece f brken glass.【2014湖北阅读】它看上去像一小片破碎的锋利的玻璃。
    Varieties f animals will becme sharply reduced.【2013天津阅读】动物的种类极具减少。
    She tried hard t mve, but culd nt, until a sharp sund awke her.【2015江西完形】她努力去移动,但是她不能动直到一个巨大的响声弄醒了他。
    Rushing dwn the muntain, Allen tried nt t panic, fcusing his mind n each sharp turn.【2013湖北阅读】匆忙的赶下山,艾伦尝试着不去紧张,每一个急转弯他都非常小心。
    The cnsequence is sharp pain.【2013江苏阅读】结果就是强烈的疼痛。
    sharp的动词形式:sharpen v. (使)变锐利
    sharpener [ˈʃɑːpənə] n. 削尖用的器具
    shave [ʃeɪv] v. 刮(脸,胡子)
    shaver [ˈʃeɪvər] n. 电动剃须刀
    sheep [ʃiːp] n. 羊
    sheet [ʃiːt] n. 纸张;床单
    shelf [ʃelf] n. 架子
    shelter [ˈʃeltə] n. 住处;躲避,遮蔽 v. 躲避……
    After the flding, peple were suffering in that area, wh urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter t survive.【2012江苏】在洪水之后,那个地方的人们正在受苦,他们迫切需要干净的水,药物和住处去生存。
    Each lampbrella wuld ffer enugh shelter fr several peple.【2013山东阅读】每一个伞灯都可以为几个人提供遮蔽处。
    用法:shelter frm躲避……
    I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered frm the freezing and blwing weather.【2014四川阅读】
    shelter sb frm sth保护某人免受……
    Sme parents are just t prtective. They want t shelter their kids frm every kind f danger.【2014湖北】一些父母总是过度保护;他们想保护他们的孩子免受任何伤害。
    shine [ʃaɪn] v. 发光,发亮;照亮
    The ld engineer’s eyes still shne bright.【2015湖北】老工程师的眼睛闪闪发光
    Rays f sunlight shne thrugh tree branches.【2014重庆阅读】阳光照进了树枝。
    shine的形容词形式:shiny adj. 闪闪发光的
    ship [ʃɪp] v. (用船,飞机,卡车等)运送 n. 船
    Farm animals will be in danger and have t be shipped away.【2015江苏阅读】家畜将处于危险之中并且不得不被运走。
    shirt [ʃɜːt] n. 衬衫
    shck [ʃɔk] v. 使震惊 n. 震惊,令人震惊的事
    Nr is it a shck t the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.【2014山东阅读】
    The news shcked the public, leading t great cncern abut students’ safety at schl.【2015重庆】这个新闻使公众震惊,导致人们担心孩子们在学校的安全。
    shck的两个形容词形式:shcked, shcking
    shcked [ʃɔkt] adj. 震惊的
    The parents were shcked by the news that their sn needed an peratin n his knee.【2013重庆】听到他们的孩子需要手术的消息,这对父母很震惊。
    shcking [ˈʃɒkɪŋ] adj. 令人震惊的
    S scientists have cme up with a shcking idea.【2016北京阅读】所以,科学家们想出一个令人震惊的消息。
    she [ʃuː] n. 鞋
    sht [ʃuːt] v. n. 射,射杀,射门
    My uncles immediately jumped up and sht their arrws n the bird.【2014陕西改错】我的叔叔立刻跳起来将箭射向那只鸟。
    sht [ʃɒt] n. 尝试;射,射杀,射门;sht的过去式和过去分词
    I hated dinner parties. But I decided t give them anther sht because I'm in Lndn.【2015辽宁阅读】我讨厌晚餐聚会,但是我打算尝试一下,因为我在伦敦。
    shp [ʃɔp] n. 商店 vi. 购买
    用法:shp fr 购买
    Wmen ver 75 are nw shpping fr clthes mre frequently than they did when they were yung in the 1960s.【2015湖北阅读】75岁以上的女性比他们在20世纪60年代买衣服更加频繁。
    shp做动词的名词形式:shpping n. 购物
    shrt [ʃɔːt] adj. 短的;短缺的
    短语:be shrt f 短缺
    Sme diet prducts are shrt f chemicals.【2013北京阅读】一些减肥产品缺少化学物质。
    be shrt f breath = ut f breath 气喘吁吁
    Tired and shrt f breath, Andy and Ruby were the first t reach the tp f Munt Tai.【2014浙江阅读】Andy和Ruby是第一个到达泰山的人,他们既累又气喘吁吁。
    shrtly [ˈʃɔːtlɪ] adv. 不久
    The basketball cach, as well as his team, was interviewed shrtly after the match fr their utstanding perfrmance.【2012陕西】因为表现优秀,在比赛之后不久篮球教练和他的队伍就被采访了。
    shrts [ʃɔːts] n. 短裤;运动短裤
    shrtcming [ˈʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ] n. 缺点, 短处
    What is a shrtcming f Armstrng’s wrk accrding t the authr?【2015湖北阅读】根据作者Armstrng作品的缺点是什么?
    同义词 weakness缺点,;disadvantage缺点,劣势;flaw缺点;错误;drawback缺点
    反义词 strength 优势,力量;advantage 优势,优点;plus优点;edge n. 优势
    shrt wave n. 短波
    shulder [ˈʃəʊldə] n. 肩膀 v. 承担,肩负
    But if smene cmes up behind yu and tuches yu lightly n the shulder, yu may jump in fear. 【2015陕西阅读】如果某个人出现在你的后面并且轻轻地碰了你的肩膀你可能会吓一跳。
    It shws a cmmn phenmenn nwadays that children are the fcus f families, shuldering the hpe f their parents.【2013福建阅读】这显示出了一个普遍的现象:孩子是家庭的中心,肩负着父母的希望。
    shut [ʃaʊt] v. 大声说,喊叫 n. 喊叫
    “Jhn! help!” , he shuted in a trembling vice.【2015重庆完形】她用颤抖的声音大声说,“约翰,救命!”
    短语:shut t 朝……喊叫(无感情色彩)
    “I’d like t buy sme fresh fish,”I shuted t the fish man.【2015福建完形】 “我想买条鱼” 我朝卖鱼的人喊道。
    shut at(生气地)朝……喊叫
    I started t shut at the phne,“Let me wait, will yu? Wh d yu think yu are?”【2014重庆阅读】我开始在电话上生气地说道“让我等你?你以为你是谁啊?”
    shw [ʃəʊ] v. 出示;展示;显示,表明;n. 表演,节目
    A recent study shwed almst tw thirds f parents believed schls shuld d mre t teach pupils abut financial matters.【2014山东阅读】最近的研究显示:几乎三分之二的父母认为学校应该更多地教学生们一些金融上的东西。
    That helped the shw becme very ppular amng the students.【2015全国二阅读】那使这个节目在学生中非常受欢迎。
    用法: shw sb sth= shw th t sb向某人展示某物
    Jhn has really gt the jb because he shwed me the fficial letter ffering him it.【2012江西】
    Mrs. White shwed her students sme ld maps brrwed frm the library.【2015全国一】
    短语:shw sb arund带某人参观
    My friend shwed me rund the twn, which was very kind f him.【2014全国二】我的朋友带我参观那个小镇,他真实太好了。
    shw up 出现 同义词:turn up;cme up
    Smetimes just a few peple shw up n time.【2014安徽阅读】有时候只有一些人能够准时出现
    shw ff 炫耀;夸耀(引以为豪的东西)
    After weeks f preparatin, I wuld shw ff all my hard wrk in a dance f perfrmance. 2015山东完形 在几周的准备之后,我想在舞蹈表演中夸耀我的努力
    Henry Frd take part in the 1901 car race t shw ff his driving skills.【2015辽宁阅读】福特参加了1901年的汽车比赛以炫耀他的驾驶技能。
    shwer [ˈʃaʊə] n. 阵雨; 淋浴,沐浴器
    The shwer was ut f rder.【2014上海沐浴器坏了
    Meter shwers ccur less ften than befre.【2013天津阅读】流星雨出现的情况比以前少了。
    短语:take a shwer 冲凉
    Then he gt back hme and tk a cld shwer immediately.【2014重庆完形】然后他回家立刻冲了一个凉水澡。
    shwer sb with sth 大量给予
    When she returned, the ther children shwered her with tns f questins.【2015全国一阅读】
    shrink [ʃrɪŋk] v. 缩小;减少,变小
    D ld peple shrink as they age?【2013浙江阅读】老人衰老会缩小吗?
    In the future, they hpe t increase the battery’s pwer and shrink its size.【2015山东阅读】在未来人们希望增加电池的能量并且缩小它的尺寸。
    shut [ʃʌt] v. 关,关闭
    My mther shut the car dr and walked twards me.【2015浙江阅读】妈妈关上车门朝我走来。
    短语:shut dwn关闭,(机器)停止运转
    He shut dwn the engines t slw the ship.【2015湖南阅读】他关上引擎以使船的速度慢下来。
    shut ff (使机器等)关闭
    Why did Jasn want t shut ff the cmputer?【2012江西阅读】为什么Jasn想把电脑关上?
    shut up 闭嘴;shut sb up把某人关起来
    When men are shut up tgether fr a lng perid, they begin t feel uneasy.【2015上海完形】当人们长时间被关在一起的时候他们会感觉到不安。
    shut ut 把……排斥在外,把……挡在外面
    The tmat was shut ut f the dr f early Eurpeans.【2012重庆阅读】西红柿被欧洲早期居民拒之门外。
    shut away 把……关起来
    As sn as the weather turned cld, peple all ver France shut themselves away and practiced the frgtten art f ding nthing at all fr mnths n end.【2015湖北阅读】天气一变冷,整个法国人就把他们自己关起来,连续几个月什么事情也不做。
    shuttle [ˈʃʌtəl] n. (定期往返于两地之间的)班车,火车;航天飞机
    The shuttle transprts students between campus and the shpping centre, leaving frm the Mattsn Centre. 【2014天津阅读】班车从Mattsn出发,在学校和商店之间运送学生。
    Astrnauts n shrter shuttle missins(使命)ften wrk very lng days.【2012辽宁阅读】短期航天任务的宇航员工作很长时间。
    shy [ʃaɪ] adj. 害羞的
    She was t shy t g t schl.【2013天津阅读】她太害羞了,不敢去上学。
    shy的名词形式:shyness 害羞
    sick [sɪk] adj. 生病的;恶心的,呕吐的
    They decided t try and help ther sick children t.【2013安徽阅读】他们尝试去帮助其他生病的孩子。
    Sme astrnauts feel sick n the statin during the first few days.【2015湖北阅读】一些宇航员在空间站的前几天感到恶心。
    be sick f 厌倦(此时等于be itred f)
    The authr was sick f staying upstairs.【2014四川阅读】作者厌倦呆在楼上。
    sick的名词形式:sickness [ˈsɪknɪs] 疾病
    side [ˈsaɪd]n. 边,旁边,面,侧面
    siderad n.人行道
    sideway [ˈsaɪdweɪz] n. 岔路
    sigh [saɪ] vi.叹气
    Mum sighed heavily.【2014江西完形】妈妈重重地叹了口气。
    sight [saɪ] n. 视力;看见;景点;景物,景象
    Dctrs are taught the latest techniques f bringing sight back t peple there.【2014辽宁阅读】医生被教予了使那里的病人重见光明的最新技术。
    The crwd cheered wildly at the sight f Liu Xiang, wh was reprted t have brken the wrld recrd in the 110-meter hurdle race.【2015辽宁】看见刘翔打破110米栏世界纪录人群欢呼了起来。
    The Public Square is an eye-catching sight f the city.【2014 湖北句子填空】大众广场是这个城市引人注目的景点。
    Hwever, the sight f all the disabled children cmmunicating with ne anther upset his mther.【2013浙江阅读】然而,所有残疾儿童与彼此交流的这一景象使他的妈妈感到不高兴。
    sightseeing [ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ] n. 游览,观光
    sign [saɪn] n. 标志;迹象;标牌,指示牌 v. 签字
    Accrding t the authr, what is a sign f a man’s maturity?【2015天津阅读】男人成熟的标志是什么
    It is imprtant t have yur eyes examined regularly t check fr any sign f eye disease that may nt have any symptm.【2012湖北】定期检查眼睛是非常重要的,因为一些疾病的症状是没有迹象的。
    When hunting seasn pened, we put a sign at the end f ur driveway asking hunters nt t sht ur pet gruse.【2014四川完形】当狩猎季节开始的时候我们在车道的路边挂上了指示牌。
    "Just sign here, sir," the deliveryman said.【2012浙江完形】快递员说“在这儿签个字”。
    短语:sign up 报名
    Therefre, students shuld be advised t sign up as sn as pssible.【2015福建阅读】因此,学生被建议尽快报名参加。
    signature [ˈsɪɡnətʃə] n. 签名
    He thinks his signature is unnecessary.【2015上海】他认为他的签名是不必要的。
    signal [ˈsɪɡnl] n. 信号
    The traffic n the main streets has a lnger green signal than that n the small nes.【2013四川】
    significance [sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns] n. 意义,重要性
    And all the members shuld realize the value and significance f what they are ging t d.【2015浙江阅读】所有的成员应该意识到他们即将做的事情的价值和意义。
    silence [ˈsaɪləns] n. 安静;沉默
    The meaning f silence varies amng cultural grups.【2016全国一阅读】沉默在不同文化群体中的意思是不一样的。
    There was a silence ver the crwd fr a few secnds and then smene started clapping.【2012天津阅读】人群安静了一会儿,之后一些人开始鼓掌。
    silence的形容词形式:silent [ˈsaɪlənt] 安静的
    silk[sɪlk] n. 丝,丝织品
    silly [ˈsɪlɪ] adj. 愚蠢的
    But I culd nt help thinking abut that silly pem.【2016上海阅读】但是我情不自禁地想起了那首蠢诗。
    同义词:stupid adj. 愚蠢的
    silver [ˈsɪlvə] n. 银
    similar[ˈsɪmɪlə] adj. 相似的
    用法:be similar t 与……相似;
    American cities are similar t ther cities arund the wrld.【2015安徽阅读】
    similar的名词形式:similarity 相似
    simple [ˈsɪmpl] adj. 简单的
    Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, lked pleased with this explanatin.【2016全国三阅读】 Welty,一个身材苗条并且穿着简单的灰裙的女性,看上去对这个解释非常满意。
    simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ] v. 简化
    Media reprts ften simplify the results f medical research.【2014北京阅读】媒体报道经常简化医疗研究结果。
    simply [ˈsɪmplɪ] adv. 仅仅,就是
    Still thers may simply enjy being utdrs and clse t plants.【2016全国二七选五阅读】仍然有一些其他人就是享受户外和亲近自然。
    since [sɪns] cnj. 自从;因为
    Althugh the plice thught he was the mst likely ne, since they had n exact prf abut it, they culd nt arrest him.【2014湖南阅读】因为警察没有确切的证据,虽然他们认为他有罪,他们也不能逮捕他。
    I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beynd recgnitin.【2015安徽】自从Sara还是一个小孩子的时候我就没有见过她了,她变得我都认不出来了。
    sincere [sɪnˈsɪə] adj. 真诚的
    The assistant seemed a sincere man.【2015浙江阅读】这个助手需要一位真诚的人
    sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱,唱歌
    sing的两个名词形式:singer 歌手;sng n. 歌曲
    single [ˈsɪŋɡl] adj. 单一的;唯一的;单身的
    Sciety cannt functin a single day withut the ‘dull and bring’ jbs.【2013广东阅读】没有这些枯燥的工作,社会一天都不能运转。
    They knw the pay check is nt the single mst mtivating factr in the wrk life f mst peple. 【2015天津阅读】他们知道在大多数人的工作生活中,工资单不是唯一的最有动力的因素。
    Single men wrked the hardest arund the huse, mre than that f all ther age grups f married men.【2014全国二阅读】单身男性比其他任何年龄段的已婚男性工作的都要努力。
    sink [sɪŋk] v. n. 下沉,沉没;下降;倒下
    The bat began t sink.【2013四川阅读】船开始下沉。
    Feeding accrding t schedule runs the risk f harming the rapidly grwing brain by taking n accunt f sinking bld sugar levels.【2012广东阅读】由于没有考虑到下降的血糖水平,按时间表喂养会伤害婴儿那快速增长的大脑。
    Jessica’s mther sank int a faint.【2015江西阅读】Jessica的妈妈虚弱的倒下了
    sir [sɜː] n. 先生;阁下
    sister [ˈsɪstə] n. 姐,妹
    sister-in-law [ˈsɪstə -ɪn-lɔː] n. 嫂,弟媳
    sit [sɪt] v. 坐
    situatin [sɪtjʊˈeɪʃn] n. 形式;情况,状况
    The present situatin is very cmplex, s I think it will take me sme time t figure ut its reality.【2013湖北】当前形势是非常复杂的,所以我认为弄清楚现实需要一些时间。
    We all knw that, if nt carefully dealt with, the situatin will get wrse.【2015全国一】我们都知道如果该情况不被小心处理,情况将会更糟糕。
    be situated in = be lcated in 坐落于
    They are situated in the area knwn as the Experimental Field n the grund flr.【2013天津阅读】
    他们坐落于第一层的叫做Experimental Field的地区。
    site [saɪt] n. 地点;位置;场所
    size [saɪz] n.尺寸,大小;规模
    The reasn fr the size difference was easy t see.【2014湖南阅读】尺寸差异的原因是很容易看出来的。
    skate [ˈskeɪt] v. 溜冰,滑冰
    skatebard [ˈskeɪtbɔːd]n. 冰鞋,滑板
    skill [skiː] n. 技能,技巧
    In the early stages f skill r character develpment, imitatin is helpful.【2015天津阅读】
    skill的两个形容词形式: skilled, skillful
    skillful [ˈskɪlfl] adj. 熟练的,有技巧的
    用法:be skillful at (ding) sth 擅长……
    But researchers natinwide are increasingly wrried that teens are less skillful at persn-t-persn relatinships.【2015陕西阅读】但是全国的研究者越来越担心青少年不擅长人际关系
    skilled [skɪld] adj. 熟练的,有技巧的
    用法:be skilled at/in (ding) sth 擅长做某事
    Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but nt gd at swimming.【2015重庆完形】爸爸擅长帆船运动但是不擅长游泳。
    skin [skɪn] n. 皮,皮肤
    skip [skɪp] v. 不做(本来应该做的事情);跳过,略过;跳绳
    I knw lts f wmen wh skip breakfast, and they have a tn f different excuses fr ding it.【2014全国二阅读】我知道许多女性都不吃早饭,并且他们对此有很多借口。
    The headmaster infrmed me f my ptin t skip the sixth grade.【2012北京阅读】校长告诉我可以选择跳过六年级。
    Three activities, skipping, jgging, utdr aerbics, all f which are free f charge, will be arranged. 【2015福建阅读】将会安排跳绳,慢跑,户外有氧运动这三项免费活动。
    skirt [skɜːt] n. 女裙
    sky [skaɪ]n. 天;天空
    skyscraper [ˈskaɪskreɪpə]n. 摩天楼
    slave[sleɪv] n. 奴隶
    slavery [ˈsleɪvərɪ] n. 奴隶制度
    sleep [sliːp] v. 睡觉 n. 睡觉sleep的两个形容词形式:asleep, sleepy
    sleepy [sliːpi]adj. 昏昏欲睡的
    Are yu smetimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternn?【2013四川阅读】你有时候在下午的早些时候会感到累并昏昏欲睡吗?
    asleep [əˈsli:p] adj. 睡着的
    Frank insisted that he was nt asleep althugh I had great difficulty in waking him up.【2015四川】虽然我很难弄醒他,但是Frank坚持认为他没有睡着。
    sleeve [sliːv] n. 袖子
    slice [slaɪs] n. 片,切面(薄)片
    slide [slaɪd] v. 滑行,滑动 n. 滑梯
    Slwly, the passenger-windw began t slide dwn.【2015江西完形】乘客的窗户慢慢滑了下来。
    She settled int the grup easily and wuld be first n the slide.【2013湖北阅读】她很快适应这个团体并且是第一个上滑梯的人。
    slight [slaɪt] adj. 轻微的,微小的
    That's why slight differences in cnversatinal style can have a great effect n ne's life.【2015北京阅读】那就是说话风格的微小差异都可以对一个人的生活产生很大影响的原因。
    slightly [ˈslaɪtli] adv. 略微,稍微
    The English spken in the United States is nly slightly different frm that spken in England.【2013全国一】美式英语和英式英语只有一点不一样。
    slim [slɪm] adj. 苗条的;(数量或数字)微小的
    Tday she cntinues t stay slim and rarely ges t the gym.【2014陕西阅读】今天她依然很苗条并且很少去健身馆。
    There’s nly a slim chance that anyne survived the crash.【高考真句】任何人在碰撞中存活的可能是很小的。
    slip [slɪp] v. 滑倒;溜走;陷入;(时间)流逝
    Last Mnday, we were having ur Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped.【2015北京写作】上个星期一,我们正在上中文课的时候突然老师滑倒了。
    Smehw the bys had slipped away.【2015浙江阅读】不知怎的,那些孩子溜走了。
    We cntinued like this fr a few minutes befre I slipped int the cnversatin.【2014湖北阅读】
    We can allw time t slip by and let it be ur enemy.【2013江苏阅读】我们可以让时光流逝,让他成为我们的敌人。
    slw [sləʊ] adj. 慢的;费时的 v. (使)慢下来,(使)减速
    T get rid f alchl frm the bdy is a very slw prcess.【2015福建阅读】使酒精脱离身体是一个非常慢的过程。
    Others find reading a slw and tiring jb.【2015全国二阅读】其他人认为阅读是一件费时的并且令人疲倦的工作。
    We all have t d at least smething t slw dwn the prcess f glbal warming.【2013浙江阅读】
    small [smɔːl] adj. 小的,少的
    smart [smɑːt] adj. 聪明的;智能的
    The by f ur stry was a pretty smart guy.【2015江苏完形】故事中的小男孩是非常聪明的。
    The game between humans and their smart devices is amusing and cmplex.【2015浙江阅读】
    smell [smel] n. 气味,嗅觉 v. 闻;闻起来
    Dgs have a very gd sense f smell and are ften used t search fr survivrs in an earthquake. 【2013浙江】狗有非常好的嗅觉,经常被用来寻找地震中的幸存者。
    A smell may be attractive but it may nt just be used fr freshening air.【2014北京阅读】这个气味可能很吸引人,但是它不仅仅是用来使空气新鲜的。
    Yu may like the fd because it smells gd r because it tastes gd.【2015全国一阅读】
    Smell the flwers befre yu g t sleep and yu may end up with just sweet dreams.【2015江西】睡觉之前闻一闻花儿,这样你会做一个好梦。
    smell的形容词形式:smelly [ˈsmelɪ] adj. 难闻的
    smile [smaɪl] v. n. 微笑
    用法:smile at 朝……微笑
    Jack wasn’t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him as if he had dne smething very clever.【2015湖南】杰克什么也没说,但是他的老师朝他笑了笑就好像他做了非常聪明的事情。
    注意:laugh at 嘲笑……
    Surprisingly, they didn’t laugh at us.【2015天津完形】令人惊讶地是,他们并没有嘲笑我们。
    smg [smɒg] n. 烟雾
    smke [sməʊk] n. 烟 v.吸烟
    The next thing he saw was smke rising frm behind the huse.【2015全国一】紧接着他看到了烟从房间后面升起来了。
    Jhn prmised his dctr he wuld nt smke.【2013北京】约翰向他的医生保证再也不吸烟了。
    smke的两个名词形式:smking [ˈsməʊkɪŋ] 吸烟;smker [ˈsməʊkə] n. 吸烟者
    smth [smu:ð] adj. 光滑的; 顺利的 v. 使平滑,抚平
    The whle prcess wrked very smthly.【2015上海阅读】整个过程进展的都很顺利
    The mst ppular view is that Egyptian wrkers slid the blcks alng smth paths.【2015四川阅读】 最普遍的观点认为埃及工人沿着光滑的道路滑动石块。
    Neither side is prepared t talk t the ther unless we can smth things ver between them.【2015全国二】没有哪一方准备与对方谈话,除非我们可以抚平他们之间的隔阂。
    snack [snæk] n. 小吃
    snack bar [snæk bɑː] n. 快餐店
    snake [sneɪk] n.蛇
    sneaker [sneɪk] n. 运动鞋
    sneeze [sni:z] v. 打喷嚏
    He kept sneezing and his nse was running.【2014重庆完形】他不停地打喷嚏并且鼻子在不停地流鼻涕
    sniff [snɪf] n. 嗅,闻;抽鼻子(如因哭泣或感冒)
    Yu’ve sniffed ut this place that nbdy in Falngland r Thailand seems t have ever heard f. 【2014湖北阅读】你已经嗅出在Falngland或者Thailand没有人曾今听说过这个地方
    James sniffed miserably and ndded.【高考真句】詹姆斯可伶的抽泣着点了点头。
    拓展:含有“哭”之意的词:sb v. 抽泣;cry v. 哭泣;weep v. 哭泣
    snw [snəʊ] n. 雪 vi. 下雪
    One f them was brn ne snwy night in Chicag.【2015湖南阅读】他们当中的一个人出生于芝加哥一个下雪的晚上。
    snw的形容词形式:snwy [ˈsnəʊɪ] adj.下雪的
    snwball [ˈsnəʊbɔːl] n. 雪球
    snwman[ˈsnəʊmæn] n. 雪人
    sap [səʊp] n. 肥皂
    sb [sɒb] v. 抽泣
    “We can’t wait t hug Cuddles again” she sbbed.【2015重庆完形】“我们迫不及待地要再次拥抱Cuddles。”她哭着说道。
    sccer [ˈsɔkə] n.足球
    scial [ˈsəʊʃl] adj. 社会的;社交的,爱交际的
    It can lead t scial prgress.【2014辽宁阅读】它可以导致社会进步。
    Reading can be a scial activity.【2016全国二阅读】阅读可以是一个社交活动
    scial的名词形式:sciety [səˈsaɪətɪ] n. 社会
    sck [sɔk]n. 短袜
    scket [ˈsɔkɪt] n. 插座
    sfa [ˈsəʊfə] n. 沙发
    sft [sɔːft] adj. 软的,柔和的
    sftware [ˈsɒftweə] n. 软件
    sft drink n. (不含酒精)清凉饮料
    sftball [ˈsɔftbɔːl] n. 垒球
    sil [sɔɪl]n. 土壤,土地
    slar [ˈsəʊlə] adj. 太阳的
    Sme energy cmpanies pay the cst f fixing slar equipment.【2015四川阅读】一些能源公司支付安装太阳能设备的费用
    sldier [ˈsəʊldʒə] n. 士兵
    slid [ˈsɔlɪd] adj. 坚固的;相当好的;可靠的;纯质的;固体的n. 固体
    If yu must leave pets utside fr a lng time, make sure they have a warm, slid shelter against the wind.【2012全国二阅读】如果你必须让宠物在外面待很长时间的话,确保它们有一个温暖的,坚固的防风的遮蔽物。
    Several times I gt stuck behind a slw-mving tuck n a narrw rad with a slid white line n my left, and I became increasingly impatient.【2012全国一阅读】好几次我都在左边是纯白路线的狭窄的马路上跟在一个缓慢移动的卡车后面,我变得越来越不耐心。
    It has received slid supprt frm the wireless industry.【2013山东阅读】他收到了无线产业的可靠支持。
    Only with slid measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities shw that their exams and diplmas are valid.【2013广东阅读】专家说:只有采用反对作弊的相当好的措施,互联网大学才能展示出他们的考试和文凭是有效的。
    slve [sɒlv] v. 解决
    We need t get t the rt f the prblem befre we can slve it.【2015天津】在我们解决问题之前我们必须找到问题的根源。
    slve的名词形式:slutin [səˈlu:ʃn] 解决措施
    用法:slutin t/fr ……的解决措施
    Practical slutins t these prblems d exist.【2013上海阅读】这些问题的实际解决措施真的存在
    smehw [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv. 不知怎么地;以某种方式
    I lked dwn at this tiny girl and prmised myself that smehw I wuld help her.【2014北京阅读】
    That leaky faucet smehw awakened me t the fact that I nw had t face up t the challenge f getting things fixed.【2014重庆完形】但是不知怎得漏水的水龙头让我面对着把东西修好的挑战。
    sme [sʌm] adj. 一些,若干prn. 若干,一些
    smebdy [ˈsʌmbʌdɪ] prn. 某人一些人
    smene [ˈsʌmwʌn] prn. 某一个人
    smething [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] prn. 某事;某物
    smetimes[ˈsʌmtaɪmz] adv. 有时
    smewhere [ˈsʌmtaɪmz] adv. 在某处
    sn [sʌn] n. 儿子
    sn [sʌn] ad. 不久,很快,一会儿
    srrw [ˈsɔrəʊ] n. 悲伤,悲痛
    David enjyed being with the authr because he needed t share srrw with the authr.【2013广东阅读】大卫和作者在一起很开心,因为他需要向作者诉说悲伤
    srrw的形容词形式:srrwful [ˈsɒrəʊfl] 悲伤的
    srry [ˈsɔrɪ] adj. 抱歉的;惭愧的
    I’m terribly srry t interrupt, but may I use yur phne? It’s rather urgent.【2012辽宁】非常抱歉我不得不打断你,请问我可以用一下你的电话吗?我有急事。
    I’m srry fr the delay.【2015浙江阅读】对于延期我感到非常惭愧。
    srt [sɔːt] n. 种,类v. 将……分类,整理
    She is the srt f wman t spread sunshine t peple thrugh her smile.【2015安徽】她是那种通过微笑将阳光传给别人的女人。
    短语:srt f = kind f有点
    Kathy is quick but srt f passive.【2013湖北阅读】Kathy思维敏捷但是有一点消极。
    srt ut 分类,整理
    Her parents had carefully srted them ut, althugh they had fund mainly freign addresses n mst f the dcuments.【2014广西阅读】孩子的父母亲仔细把这些文件进行分类,尽管里面有很多他们不熟悉的外国地址
    拓展:含有“种,类”之意的词: type n. 种类; kind n. 种类 categry n. 种类
    s-s [səʊ-səʊ] adj. 一般
    sul [səʊl] n. 灵魂
    Legend has it that the rigin f the Dragn Bat Festival is t recall the sul f Qu Yuan.【2014江苏 】根据传说,龙舟节的起源是为了召唤屈原的灵魂。
    sund [saʊnd] n. 声音;v. 听起来
    When I talked with my grandma n the phne, she sunded weak.【2014北京】当我和祖母在电话上聊天的时候,她听上去很虚弱。
    sup [suːp] n. 汤
    sur [ˈsaʊə]adj. 酸的,馊的
    suth [ˈsaʊθ] adj. 南(方)的adv. 在南方n. 南,南方
    sutheast [‚saʊθ'ɪːst] n. 东南
    suthern [ˈsʌðn] adj. 南部的,南方的
    suthwest [sauθ'west] n. 西南
    suvenir [suːvəˈnɪə] n.纪念品
    Shps ffer a wide range f suvenirs designed fr the Ryal Cllectin.【2015天津阅读】
    商店提供广泛的为Ryal Cllectin设计的纪念品。
    sw [səʊ] v.播种
    space [speɪs] n. 空间(可数);太空(不可数)
    They stare ff int space and wander by themselves.【2016北京七选五阅读】他们盯着太空开始神游。
    It is imprtant t give yur child the space he needs t grw. 【2014全国一阅读】给孩子需要的成长空间是很重要的。
    spaceship[ˈspeɪsʃɪp] n. 宇宙飞船
    spade [speɪd] n. 铲子
    spare [speə] adj. 多余的,空闲的 v. 腾出,抽出
    Neighbrs devted their spare time t helping thers rebuild.【2016北京阅读】邻居们将他们的空闲时间致力于帮助他人重建。
    Fr years, my mum has been helping ut by giving them whatever fd she culd spare.【2016上海语法与词汇】多年来,我的妈妈一直通过给出所有她能给的食物来帮助他们度过难关。
    短语:spare A frm B使A免受B;
    The cmpany is t be spared frm clsure.【高考真句】这个学校即将得以幸免而不被关闭。
    spare n effrt t d sth 尽力做某事
    Parents arrange everything fr their children and spare n effrt t pave the way fr their success. 【2013福建作文】父母为他们的孩子安排好了一切并且尽力为他们的成功开辟道路。
    sparrw [ˈspærəʊ] n. 麻雀
    speak [ˈspiːk] v. 说;谈话;演讲
    短语:speak up 大声说
    Smetimes they're nt willing t speak up.【2013 全国二阅读】有的时候他们不愿意大声说。
    speak f 谈到,提及
    They speak f the nature that many peple value mst dearly.【2012北京阅读】他们谈到了许多人都最重视的自然。
    speak的两个名词形式:speaker n. 演讲者,发言者;speech n. 演说,演讲
    短语:make/deliver/give a speech做演讲
    I nce made a speech in Thailand.【2015安徽阅读】我曾经在泰国做了一场演讲。
    speak的形容词形式:spken adj. 口语的;口头上的
    Of all the animals I’ve ever had, thse tw dgs are the mst sensitive t spken wrd.【2012浙江】在我拥有的所有狗狗当中,这两只狗对于人们说的话最敏感。
    In the spken English f sme areas in the US, the "r" sunds at the end f the wrds are drpped. 【2015北京】在美国一些地区的口语中,单词后面的"r"音经常被丢掉。
    spear [spɪə] n. 矛,枪
    special [ˈspeʃl] adj. 特别的,专门的
    specialist [ˈspeʃəlɪst] n. (医学)专家同义词:expert n. 专家
    specific [spɪˈsɪfɪk] adj. 特定的;具体的;详细的;明确的
    Nature is a respected science magazine with specific readership.【2015重庆阅读】《自然》是一个有特定阅读群体的并且受尊重的杂志。
    Fans used t be crazy abut specific film.【2013湖南阅读】影迷过去常常对具体的一部电影着迷。
    Withut specific infrmatin,it’s hard t estimate the csts and benefits f making different chices.【2014湖南阅读】没有详细的信息,很难估计做不同决定的成本和好处。
    He shuld pursue a specific aim in life.【2014天津阅读】在生活里,他应该追求一个明确的目标。
    speed [spiːd] n. 速度 v.加速
    Speed cntrls peple’s lives.【2012江西阅读】速度控制人们的生命。
    Many lifestyle patterns d such great harm t health that they actually speed up the weakening f the human bdy.【2015浙江】许多生活方式对身体如此有害以至于它们实际上可以加速身体的衰弱。
    spell [ˈspel] v. 拼写 spell的名词形式:spelling [ˈspelɪŋ] n. 拼写
    spend [spend] v. 花,花费
    用法:spend time/mney (in) ding sth 花时间/金钱做某事
    We've been spending a lt f time singing in karake bars.【2015四川短文改错】我们花了许多时间在卡拉OK里面唱歌。
    spend time/mney n sth 在某物上面花时间/金钱
    They spend mney n equipment and ther items.【2013江西阅读】他们在装备和其它商品上花了很多钱。
    spill [spɪl] v. 洒出,溅出
    spin [spɪn] v. n. 旋转
    When yu suddenly stp spinning the system ges ut cntrl.【2013浙江阅读】当你突然停止旋转的时候这个系统就失控了。
    spirit [ˈspɪrɪt] n. 精神 spirit的形容词形式: spiritual adj. 精神的; 心灵的
    spit [spɪt] v. 吐痰;吐,唾
    He spit water ut, saying it was awful.【2015广东语法填空】他把水吐了出来,说这太糟糕了。
    splendid [ˈsplendɪd] adj. 极好的;壮丽的,辉煌的
    The view frm the back f the classrm is als splendid.【2015浙江改错】课堂后面的风景也是极好的。
    I walked up t the tp f the hill with my friends, where we enjyed a splendid view f the lake.【2015陕西】我和朋友走上山顶,在那儿我们可以享受壮丽的湖景。
    In her splendid life, she has wn an amazing eleven gld medals, fur silvers and ne brnze.【2013福建阅读】在她辉煌的医生中,她令人惊讶的赢得了11枚金牌,4枚银牌和1枚铜牌。
    split [splɪt] v. 分割,分成 n. 裂缝
    In Grut's day, tyres were slid, which made the business f splitting a wheel int fur separate parts relatively simple.【2014湖南阅读】在Grut那个时候,轮胎是固体的,这使将轮胎分成四个分开的部分这件事情变得相对简单。
    短语:split secnds 瞬间
    I wrried, remembering thse split secnds decades ag.【2014福建完形】我很担心,想起了几十年前的瞬间
    spkenman [ˈspəʊkən mæn] n. 发言人
    spnsr [ˈspɔnsə] n. 赞助商 v. 赞助
    Cmmercial advertisers are the majr spnsrs f sprt events.【2012广东阅读】商业广告商是体育活动的主要赞助商
    Dctrs will spnsr Isabelle's family.【2014福建阅读】医生将赞助Isabelle一家。
    spnsr作动词时的名词形式:spnsrship n. 赞助
    spn [spuːn] n. 匙
    spnful [ˈspuːnfʊl] n. 一匙
    sprt [spɔːt] n. 体育运动
    spt [spɔt] n. 点;地点; v. 发现
    Later that year, Bill develped a white spt n his tngue.【2015湖北阅读】在那年之后的时间里,比尔的舌头上出现了白点。
    Jennifer fund a spt clse t where the frnt f the train wuld stp.【2014广东完形】Jennifer发现了一个火车前部会停靠的地点。
    We sptted a bear.【2014北京阅读】我们看见了一只熊。
    用法:spt sb ding 发现某人做某事
    On the way, we sptted a man hlding a piece f paper that said, “lst my jb.”【2015全国一完形】在路上我们发现一个人举着一张纸,上面写着“失业了”。
    spray [spreɪ] v. 喷洒 n. 喷剂
    Many farmers spray chemicals n crps t kill weeds and insects.【2015广东阅读】许多农名在庄稼上面喷洒化学物质去杀死杂草和昆虫。
    spread [spred] v. 传播;蔓延,扩散;摊开;分摊,分配 n. 传播,蔓延
    She is the srt f wman t spread sunshine t peple thrugh her smile.【2015安徽】她是那种通过微笑将阳光传播给别人的人
    Fr many cities in the wrld, there is n rm t spread ur further, fr which New Yrk is an example. 【2013四川】对于世界上的许多城市而言,他们已经没有空间进行扩展了,纽约就是一个例子之一。
    I spread the quilt.【2013重庆阅读】我把被子摊开。
    They are experienced labrers wh knw hw t spread the weight f the rcks they carry.【2013江西完形】他们是那种知道如何分摊岩石重量的有经验的劳动者。
    spring [sprɪŋ] n. 春天;泉水
    A yung man, while traveling thrugh a desert, came acrss a spring f clear water.【2015广东语法填空】在一个年轻人穿越沙漠期间,他偶遇了清洁的泉水。
    短语: v. spring up突然出现
    As a result, reading clubs and neighbrhd grups sprang up arund the city.【2015天津阅读】结果,阅读俱乐部和阅读社区在城市周围突然出现。
    spy [spaɪ] n.间谍 v. 监视
    He was trained t be a spy by a special CIA prgram.【2014全国大纲卷阅读】一个特殊的CIA项目将他训练成一个间谍。
    用法:spy n 监视
    Then, he must spy n her father, a scientist wh has develped a dangerus technlgy.【2014全国大纲卷阅读】之后,他必须监视他的爸爸,他爸爸是一个发明了危险技术的科学家。
    square [skweə] n. 广场 adj. 平方的;
    But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen t sunds f insects and frgs.【2015辽宁阅读】但是在晚上他们坐在乡村的广场上,听着昆虫和青蛙的声音。
    2,500 square meters f dirt【2015江苏完形】2700平方尺的泥土
    squeeze [skwi:z] v. 挤压
    Americans see eating as smething t be squeezed between the ther daily activities.【2014陕西阅读】美国人将吃饭视作挤压在其他日常活动之间的事情。
    squirrel [ˈskwɪrl] n. 松鼠
    stable [ˈsteɪbl] adj. 稳定的,牢固的
    The best thing fr any child f a divrced parent is a stable life.【2015四川阅读】对于任何父母离异的孩子来说,稳定的生活是最好的事情。
    Happiness lies in the mst stable and satisfying relatinships.【2013安徽阅读】幸福在于非常稳定和满意的关系。
    stadium [ˈsteɪdɪəm] n.体育场
    The new stadium being built fr the next Asian Games will be 3 times as big as the present ne.【2015陕西】正在为下一届亚运会建造的体育场将是现在的3倍大。
    staff [stɑːf] n. 职员,全体职员(该单词没有复数形式)
    The staff are usually well paid.【2013天津阅读】这些员工通常待遇很高。
    同义词:clerk 职员
    stage [steɪdʒ] n. 舞台;阶段,时期
    N sner had M Yan stepped n the stage than the audience brke int thunderus applause. 【2014陕西】莫言一登上舞台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
    Every stage f clthing prductin has a significant effect n the envirnment.【2014湖南任务型读写】衣服制造的每一个阶段都对环境有巨大的影响。
    stain [steɪn] n. 污点
    stainless [ˈsteɪnlɪs] adj. 无污点的
    stainless steel [ˈsteɪnlɪs stiːl] 不锈钢
    stair [steə] n. 楼梯
    Cinderella left her she n the stairs n purpse.【2014福建阅读】灰姑娘故意将鞋子留在楼梯上
    拓展:upstairs adj. 在楼上 adv. 往楼上;dwnstairs adj. 在楼下 adv. 往楼下
    Frm the upstairs windw, I watched my parents rush ut t the car.【2012重庆阅读】
    stamp [stæmp] n. 邮票
    stand [stænd] v. 站立;禁得起;忍受;经得起 n. 架子;摊子;立场
    The rabbits might nt be able t stand the new temperatures as their habitat heats up.【2012浙江阅读】当兔子的栖息地温度升高的时候他,他们也许忍受不了高温。
    I remember hw happy I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables.【2013全国一完形】我记得当我看到托盘架子在桌子旁边的时候我是多么的开心
    At the frnt f the supermarket a charity grup had set up a stand selling cked sausages and flwers t raise funds.【2014福建阅读】在超市前面一个慈善组织摆摊卖烤香肠和花去筹集资金。
    What best prves Twain’s anti-slavery stand accrding t the authr?【2013江苏阅读】根据作者,什么最好证明马克吐温的反奴隶的立场?
    Real friendship shuld be able t stand all srts f tests.【2014全国大纲改错】真正的友谊应该能够经得起各种考验。
    短语: stand fr 代表;支持
    Anther way t hide a message is t use symbls t stand fr specific letters f the alphabet.【2016全国一七选五阅读】隐藏信息的另一种方式是使用符号去代表字母表上的特定字母。
    stand in ne’s way = stand in the way 阻止
    Nthing is t stand in my way.【2014重庆阅读】没有人可以阻止我。
    stand ut 突出
    I managed t stand ut amng the candidates and survive the test alne.【2014广东阅读】
    stand up 站立
    It is generally accepted that a by must learn t stand up and fight like a man.【2015全国一】
    standard [ˈstændəd] n. 标准 adj. 标准的
    Actually, a standard, nce set, resists change.【2015重庆阅读】事实上标准一旦定了就不要再变。
    It’s standard practice fr a cmpany like this ne t emply a security fficer.【2014山东】对于这样的公司而言,雇佣安保人员是一个普遍做法。
    star [stɑː] n. 明星;星星
    stare [steə] v. 盯着
    用法:stare at盯着
    I stared at everything as if I was lking at it fr the first time.【2015全国一阅读】我盯着所有的东西就好像第一次看见一样。
    关于“看”的总结:lk at看 ;glance at 瞥一眼; glimpse f瞥一眼; watch观看; ntice注意到; nte注意,留意;
    start [stɑːt] v. 开始;创办,建立;(使)启动n. 开始,开端
    Yu’d better start wrking harder, r yu wn’t pass the curse.【2015北京阅读】你最好开始更加努力工作,否则你不会通过这么课程。
    I am very excited t learn that we are ging t start a magazine tgether.【2015安徽写作】听说我们将共同创办一份杂志我感到很高兴。
    The driver didn’t intend t start the bus sn because it was nt yet full.【2013重庆完形】司机并不打算很快启动车子,因为车还没有满。
    Mst peple learn best using a variety f methds, but traditinal classes are an ideal start fr many peple.【2013安徽完形】许多人都用不同的方法学习,但是传统课堂对于许多人而言是一个理想的开端。
    starve [stɑːv] v. 饿死
    Starvatin is taking mre peple’s lives in the wrld.【2013湖北阅读】饥饿正在带走更多人的生命。
    starve的名词形式:starvatin [stɑːˈveɪʃn] 饥饿; 饿死
    state [steɪt] n. 州;状态;国家 v. 陈述,说
    These issues may seem imprtant, but ur psychlgical state f mind is far mre imprtant.【2014湖南】这些问题似乎很重要,但是我们的心里状态更重要。
    They get little supprt frm the state gvernment.【2015辽宁阅读】他们从州政府得到了一点帮助。
    Why d students need t ask themselves the questins stated in Paragraph 5?【2012浙江阅读】为什么学生需要问他们自己在第五段当中陈述的问题。
    state作动词时的名词形式:statement [ˈsteɪtmənt] n. 陈述
    Which statement abut Armstrng is true?【2015陕西阅读】哪一个关于Armstrng的陈述时真的?
    statin [ˈsteɪʃn] n. 站,所,台,局
    It is still under discussin whether the ld bus statin shuld be replaced with a mdern htel r nt. 【2015重庆】老车站是否应该被现代旅馆代替仍然在讨论当中。
    statesman [ˈsteɪtsmən] n. 政治家
    statistic [stəˈtɪstɪks] n. 数字,数据
    Statistics suggested that a decreasing number f children shwed interest in reading.【2015山东阅读】数据表明越来越少的孩子对阅读展现出兴趣。
    含有“数据”之意的词有:figure, data
    statue [ˈstætjuː] n. 雕像
    Appraching the city center, we saw a stne statue f abut 10 meters in height.【2015上海】靠近市中心的时候我们看见了一个10米高的石头雕像。
    status [ˈsteɪtəs] n. 地位,身份
    Dllars buy status, and status makes peple feel better.【2015湖北阅读】钱可以买来地位,地位使人们感觉更好。
    stay [steɪ] v. 待,停留;保持;暂住 n. 停留,暂住
    Why are pet wners asked t stay with their pets when they are ut in cld weather?【2012全国二阅读】为什么宠物的主人被要求和他们的宠物呆在一起当他们在寒冷的天气中。
    Mre imprtantly, yu can stay cl under pressure.【2013安徽阅读】最重要的是你可以在感到压力的情况下保持冷静。
    The turists will stay in Beijing fr three nights befre leaving fr the UK.【2014福建阅读】在去英国之前这些游客将在北京住3个晚上。
    stay away frm 远离
    It is hard fr yu t see the painting clearly because yu have t stay away frm it fr security reasns.【2012重庆阅读】你很难看清楚这个画,因为一些安全原因你不得不远离它。
    stay up 熬夜
    If yu dn't feel sleepy, yu stay up.【2015全国二阅读】如果你不感觉到昏昏欲睡,你就熬夜。
    steady [ˈstedɪ] adj. 稳定的,牢固的;持续的
    As a result, I have made steady prgress in my studies.【2015安徽写作】结果,我的学习取得了持续的进步。
    Their incme remained steady in the last decade.【2015山东阅读】在过去的10年,他们的收入保持稳定。
    steak [steɪk] n. 牛排
    steal [stiːl] v. 偷;悄悄地移动
    The children came back t steal her peals.【2013陕西完形】孩子们回来偷他的梨子。
    He lked arund cautiusly as he stle int the rm where grain was stred.【2013湖北完形】当他走入存粮的房间时,他小心地环顾四周。
    易混词:steel n. 钢铁
    steam [stiːm] n. 蒸气 易混词:stream n. 溪流 scream n. v. 尖叫
    steel [stiːl] n. 钢,钢铁
    steep [stiːp] adj. 陡峭的
    step [step] v. 迈步(走)n. 步,脚步;台阶;措施
    N sner had she stepped n the stage than the audience brke int thunderus applause.【2014陕西】她一走上舞台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
    The pitcher again tk a few steps frward t thrw the ball sftly twards Shay.【2015江苏阅读】
    Mind yur step. 小心台阶
    Here are three steps t ease the current fd crisis and avid the ptential fr a glbal crisis.【2013上海阅读】这儿有三步措施去缓解食物危机并且避免全球危机的潜能。
    短语:ut f step 不一致
    The Internet has made the daily newspaper lk slw and ut f step with the wrld.【2014全国二阅读】互联网使每天的新闻看上去变得迟缓并且与世界不一致
    take steps/measures/actin采取措施
    In a wrd, Asian gvernments must take steps t imprve the present situatin as sn as pssible. 【2013安徽阅读】总而言之,美国政府必须尽可能采取措施改善当前的状况。
    step mther n. 继母
    steward [ˈstjuːəd] n. (火车、飞机、轮船等) 男服务员;男乘务员
    stewardess [stjuːəˈdes] n.女乘务员,女服务员
    stick [stɪk] v. 粘,贴;刺,戳;卡住 n. 棍子
    When I was a by it was such fun t stick yur fingers thrugh ne f the hles f the bxes and let the baby birds peck n yur fingers.【2012浙江阅读】当我还是小孩子的时候,我非常喜欢把手戳进盒子的洞里并让小鸟啄我的手。
    The little baby whale was bviusly stuck and culd nt mve.【2015湖北阅读】小鲸鱼明显被卡住了并且无法移动。
    I refused t use a white stick and hated asking fr help.【2012广东阅读】我拒绝使用白色棍子并且讨厌寻求帮助。
    用法:stick A t B把A粘在B上
    David stuck the paper t the glass dr.【2015浙江完形】大卫把纸粘在玻璃门上。
    短语: stick t 坚持
    Such peple always stick t their views, even if it means that they may get int trubles.【2012广东完形】这样的人总是坚持他们自己的观点,即这使意味着他们可能有麻烦。
    be stuck in 陷入 (此时等于be caught in)
    What wuld yu miss mst and least if yu were stuck n a desert island?【2013浙江阅读】如果你被困在沙漠中你最想念和最不想念的东西是什么?
    stick的形容词形式:sticky [ˈstɪki] adj. 黏的
    still [stɪl] adv. 仍然 adj. 静止的,平静的
    The task will be still the same.【2013浙江阅读】问题仍然是一样的
    The huse is still as I walk dwnstairs.【2015四川阅读】当我下楼的时候房子很安静。
    stcking [ˈstɔkɪŋ] n. 长统袜
    stmach [ˈstʌmək] n. 胃,胃部
    stmachache [ˈstʌməkeɪk] n. 胃疼
    stne [stəʊn] n. 石头
    stp [stɔp] v. 停止,停下来;阻止 n. 中途停留;车站
    In thse days, ur primary cncern was t prvide peple wh were stpped by the snw strm with fd and health care.【2013湖北】在那些日子里,我们首要关心的是给那些被暴风雨阻止的人们提供食物和保健。
    Tday, we will begin where we stpped yesterday s that n pint will be left ut.【2015重庆】
    I recently returned t my hme city and my first stp was at a museum n the River Mersey.【2014重庆阅读】我最近回到了家里的城市,并且我首先停留在River Mersey的博物馆。
    As I apprached the schl he was standing in the middle f the rad handing ut his stp sign.【2014天津完形】当我靠近学校的时候,我站在路中间,伸出停止标志。
    短语:stp in/by
    I will stp by this evening.【高考真句】今晚我来拜访。
    stp/keep/prevent sb frm ding sth阻止某人做某事
    When peple are really tired,nthing will stp them frm falling asleep.【2015全国二完形】当人们真的很累的时候没有什么东西可以阻止他们入睡。
    stp ding sth 停止正在做的事
    Researchers cncluded that the French tend t stp eating when they feel full.【2014陕西阅读】研究者得出如下结论:当法国人吃饱的时候他们会停止吃饭。
    stp t d 停下来去做另一件事
    He stpped t assist Bikila.【2013广东】他停下来去帮助Bikila
    bring sth t a stp 使……停止
    A student named Paula Ceely brught her car t a stp n a remte rad in Wales.【2015浙江阅读】
    一个叫做Paula Ceely使车停在威尔士一个偏远的道路上。
    cme t a stp 停止
    He came t a stp and lked curiusly up t the heavens.【2015江西阅读】他停了下来并且好奇地看了看天空。
    stre [stɔː] n. 商店;储备 v. 储存
    I decided t pen a stre here in Canada.【2015福建完形】我打算在加拿大这里开个商店。
    Dams can be built t stre water fr agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasns.【2015安徽阅读】
    strage [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ] n.储存
    Strage f Study Material【2013天津阅读】储存学习材料
    strm [stɔːm] n. 暴风雨 v. 气冲冲地走
    If yu must g, at least wait until the strm is ver.【2015辽宁】如果你必须离开的话至少等到暴风雨结束。
    The wner strmed ver.【2014山东完形】主人气冲冲地走了过去
    stry [ˈstɔːrɪ] n. 故事
    stut [staʊt] adj. 肥壮的
    stve [stəʊv] n. 火炉,煤炉,电炉
    straight [streɪt] adj. 直的,连续的adv. 径直,连续地
    He swims t the bys in a straight line.”【2013四川阅读】他径直游向那些男孩。
    He seemed unhappy with me unless I gt straight A.【2013全国一阅读】除非我连续取得A的成绩,否则他似乎不开心。
    Shall I tell Brett t cme ver straight after schl tmrrw?【2014辽宁完形】我应该和Brett说,让他明天放学直接过来嘛?
    straightfrward [streɪtˈfɔːwəd] adj. 易懂的;诚实的;坦诚的
    Nw many peple are beginning t shp fr rganic fd prducts because the benefits f eating fd free f chemicals are straightfrward and immediate.【2014湖南任务型读写】
    Jack is tugh, but always straightfrward and fair.【高考真句】杰克很严厉,但是一直是坦诚公正的。
    strait [streɪt] n. 海峡
    strange [streɪndʒ] adj. 奇怪的;陌生的
    Suddenly, she heard a strange nise.【2012陕西完形】突然她听到了一个陌生的声音。
    It was a strange cuntry.【2014辽宁阅读】这是一个陌生的国家。
    Peple are mre likely t help a stranger wh is frm the same cuntry rather than a freigner.【2012上海完形】人们更有可能帮助一个本国人而不是外国人。
    strange的名词形式:stranger [ˈstreɪndʒə] n. 陌生人
    straw [strɔː] n. 稻草
    短语:the last straw 最终使人无法承受的事
    My kids have been annying me and the last straw was when my car brke dwn.【2012福建阅读】
    strawberry [ˈstrɔːbərɪ] n. 草莓
    stream [striːm] n. 小河,溪流
    street [striːt] n. 街,街道
    strength [streŋθ] n. 力量;优点,优势
    The days are gne when physical strength was all yu needed t make a living.【2015天津】
    It can prvide students with instant feedback, including reprts abut their strengths and weaknesses.【2015安徽阅读】它可以立刻给学生提供反馈,包括他们的优点和缺点的报告。
    strength的动词形式:strengthen [ˈstreŋθən] vt. 加强,增强
    Fr example, peple vlunteer t express persnal values related t unselfishness, t expand their range f experiences, and t strengthen scial relatinships.【2015江苏阅读】例如,人们做志愿者是为了表达他们与无私相关的个人价值观、去扩展他们的经历以及增强社交关系。
    stress [stres] n. 压力;强调 v. 强调
    I wuld give a ne-day lecture n stress management t 200 medical wrkers.【2012全国二完形】我会给200个医学工作者做一个关于压力管理的讲座
    It is that extreme attentin t detail and stress n practice that set us apart.【2012北京完形】正是极其注重细节和强调练习使我们与众不同。
    What is stressed by health experts in their suggestin?【2015山东阅读】健康专家在他们的建议中强调什么?
    短语:lay stress n 强调
    Hwever, shppers are still laying stress n envirnmental cncerns.【2015福建阅读】然而,购物者仍然强调对环境的关注。
    stress的两个形容词形式:stressful; stressed
    stressful [ˈstresfl] adj. 充满压力的
    Why did the peple d better with pets arund when facing stressful tasks?【2015全国一阅读】当面对充满压力的任务的时候,为什么宠物在周围的时候人们表现的更好?
    stressed [strest] adj. 紧张的,有压力的
    In Lndn I was stressed and ften mentally exhausted.【2013上海阅读】在伦敦我的压力非常大并且精神上筋疲力尽。
    strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的
    She had strict sleeping habits.【2013四川完形】她有严格的睡眠习惯
    用法:be strict with 对……严格
    strike [straɪk] v. 击打;触动; n. 罢工
    Strike while the irn is ht.【2013重庆阅读】趁热打铁
    What struck me mst in the mvie was the father’s deep lve fr his sn.【2013重庆阅读】电影当中最触动我的是父亲对他儿子的深爱。
    It is by n means clear what the president can d t end the strike.【2012全国一】还不清楚总统可以做什么去结束罢工。
    strike/hit/ccur t/cme t sb使某人想起
    It always struck me that when yu’re lking at a big challenge frm the utside it lks huge, but when yu’re in the midst f it, it just seems nrmal.【2015天津阅读】我突然想到:当你从外面看这个挑战的时候,它看上去很大,但是当你处于挑战中的时候它看上去很正常。
    striking ['straɪkɪŋ] adj. 明显的;吸引人的
    The bird’s mst striking feature is nly fund in the yung.【2015全国一阅读】该鸟的最吸引人的特征只出现在幼鸟身上。
    The reasn is striking rise in the cst f fd.【2015全国一阅读】原因是食物成本的显著增加。
    string [strɪŋ] n. 细绳,线,带
    strng [strɔŋ] adj. 强壮的;强大的,强有力的;强烈的;坚定的;坚固的(三强两坚)
    She quickly discvered her arms weren’t strng enugh.【2014四川阅读】她很快发现她的手臂不够强壮。
    Althugh all f them are strng candidates, nly ne will be chsen fr the pst.【2015陕西】尽管他们都是强大的候选人,但是该职位职能选择一个人。
    She has a strng wish t be successful.【2013四川阅读】她有渴望成功的强烈愿望。
    I was nt strng enugh t resist the ffer.【2012湖北完形】我不足以坚定去抵抗该报价。
    Strnger bridges mean villages are less likely t be left withut fd and medicine after flds.【2016江苏阅读】更坚固的强意味着在水灾之后农村更不可能没有食物和药物。
    struggle [ˈstrʌɡəl] v. 挣扎;斗争;奋斗 n. 挣扎;斗争;奋斗
    We were thrwn int the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly.【2015重庆完形】我们都被扔进了水里面,爸爸漫无目的的挣扎。
    T get an educatin, he was struggling against many difficulties.【2014江苏完形】为了接受教育,他与许多困难做斗争。
    There are ever mre peple n the Earth, and they reasnably and rightfully want t have better lives, rather than merely struggle fr survival.【2012北京阅读】现在地球上的人越来越多了,他们想过上更好的生活而不是为了生存而奋斗是正确的也是合情合理的,
    stubbrn [ˈstʌbən] adj. 固执的
    The authr is quite stubbrn.【2015 北京阅】读作者非常固执。
    stubbrn的名词形式:stubbrnness 固执
    student [ˈstjuːdənt] n. 学生
    studi [ˈstjuːdɪəʊ] n. 电影公司;录音室,演播室
    We all std at the far end f the studi as wrkmen prepared the scene.【2012全国一阅读】
    Fr a number f years, Lw als wrked in the CNIB sund studi reading bks nt tape.【2014天津阅读】多年来,Lw也在CNIB录音室从事阅读书籍录音的工作。
    study [ˈstʌdɪ] v. 学习;研究 n. 学习;研究;书房
    T cnduct the study they chse 15 male dgs and 15 female nes aged between ne and six years. 【2015福建阅读】为了做这个研究,他们选择了年龄在一到六岁的15头公狗和15头母狗。
    stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] adj. 愚蠢的
    I’m anything but stupid.【2016北京完形】我绝不愚蠢
    同义词:silly adj. 愚蠢的
    style [staɪl] n. 风格
    subject [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] n. 主题,话题;科目;实验对象
    Furthermre, studies shw that finances are the mst frequent subject f cmmunicatin between parents and their cllege children.【2015北京阅读】此外,研究显示:金融是父母与孩子之间谈论最频繁的话题。
    We will never knw if we are interested r talented in a subject withut trying it.【2015 湖南】
    Subjects cmpleted the tasks alne.【2015全国一阅读】实验对象独立完成任务。
    be subject t a rule/law/fine/tax 须遵守规则/法律/须缴纳罚款/须缴纳税收
    Students wh vilate quiet hurs are subject t a fine f $25.【2015 天津阅读】违背安静时间规则的学生需要缴纳25美元罚款。
    subjective [səbˈdʒektɪv] adj. 主观的
    We are always subjective in cmmunicatin with thers.【2014江苏任务型读写】在与他人的交流中我们非常主观。
    反义词 bjective adj. 客观的
    submit [səbˈmɪt] v. 递交
    We nrmally respnd t article submissins within six weeks. Yu are free t submit the article elsewhere at the same time.【2015北京阅读】对于递交的文章我们通常六周内回复;与此同时你也可以把文章递交到别的地方。
    短语:submit t 服从
    When a cat turns its head away it signals aggressin, while a dg ding the same signals submissin.【2015广东阅读】当一只猫扭过头去的时候,它发出侵虐的信号;然而当一只狗做同样的动作的时候它发出的是服从的信号。
    submit的形容词形式: submissin [səbˈmɪʃn] n. 递交;服从
    subscribe [səbˈskraɪb] v. (不及物动词 要加t) 订阅;赞同
    Which jurnals des the library subscribe t?【高考真句】图书馆订有哪些报刊?
    I have never subscribed t the view that schldays are the happiest days f life.【高考真句】我从不赞成学校时光是一生中最快乐的日子。
    substitute [ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt] n. 代替者,替代品
    We learned t survive in ur truck and lived n the little mney my wife earned by substitute teaching. 【2014浙江完形】我们学会了在卡车里面生活并且依靠妻子做代课老师所挣的钱生活。
    suburb ['sʌbɜ:b] n. 郊区
    They prefer the city t the suburbs because their jbs are there.【2015安徽阅读】与郊区相比他们更喜欢城市,因为他们的工作在城市里。
    succeed [səkˈsiːd] v. 成功
    用法:succeed in sth/ding sth(此时等同于manage t d 成功做某事)
    Yu’ll succeed in getting this jb.【2014四川阅读】你将成功得到这个工作
    succeed 的形容词形式:successful
    success [səkˈses] n. 成功
    Jhn's success has nthing t d with gd luck.【2015湖南】约翰的成功与好运气无关。
    用法:a success 一个成功的人或一件成功的事
    successful [səkˈsesfʊl] adj. 成功的
    用法:be successful in (ding)sth 在(做)某事中取得成功
    The mther is successful in her career.【2015天津阅读】这位母亲在职业上很成功。
    suck [sʌk] vt. 吸
    短语:be sucked int 卷入……
    They get suck ed int things that are nt as imprtant.【2013北京阅读】他们陷入那些不重要的事情中。
    sudden [ˈsʌdn] adj. 突然的
    A sudden change in 39 is anther factr.【2014重庆完形】温度的突然改变是另一个因素
    短语:all f a sudden 突然
    All f a sudden she saw an amazing sight.【2013辽宁完形】突然,他看到了一个令人惊讶的景色。
    suffer [ˈsʌfə] v遭受;变差,变糟
    Thse wh suffer frm headache will find they get relief frm this medicine.【2015山东阅读】
    After the flding, peple were suffering in that area, wh urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter t survive.【2012江苏】在洪水之后,那个地区的人们变得糟糕,他们迫切需要干净的水源,药物和住所以生存。
    suffer的名词形式:suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] n. 痛苦,苦难
    sugar [ˈʃʊɡə] n. 糖
    suggest [səˈdʒest] v. 建议;显示,表明
    Tenysn suggested that we shuld buy the lady a flwer.【2014福建阅读】Tenysn建议我们给那位女士买一束花。
    A study reprted last fall suggests that having a pet dg nt nly raises yur spirits but may als have an effect n yur eating habits.【2015全国一阅读】去年秋天的报告显示养宠物狗不仅振奋人的精神还会影响人的饮食习惯。
    用法:suggest ding sth建议做某事
    Then my 17-year-ld girl suggested giving him a gift card.【2015全国一完形】然后,我那17岁的女儿建议给他一张购物卡。
    注意:advise后面加t d
    suggest的名词形式:suggestin n. 建议
    suit [sjuːt] v. 适合 n. 一套(衣服)
    I can’t think f anyne else better suited t play the part.【2015天津完形】我想不出还有谁更适合扮演这个角色。
    Students having swimming suits can take up swimming.【2015福建阅读】有泳衣套装的学生可以游泳。
    suit v的形容词形式:suitable
    suitable [ˈsjuːtəbl] adj. 合适的
    用法:be suitable fr 适合……
    This psitin is equally suitable fr a schl leaver r fr smebdy wh has ffice experience.【2015全国一阅读】该职位同样适合那些毕业和有办公室经历的人。
    suitcase [ˈsjuːtkeɪs] n. 手提箱 同义词 case
    summary [ˈsʌmərɪ] n. 摘要,概要
    The fllwing card includes a brief summary and a shrt assessment f a research paper.【2015上海阅读】下面的卡片包括对一篇研究文章的简短概括和评价。
    summary的动词形式:summarize [ˈsʌməraɪz] v. 概括,总结
    Which f the fllwing can best summarize the main idea f the passage?【2014上海阅读】下面当中的哪一个可以概括文章的主旨?
    summer [ˈsʌmə] n. 夏天
    sun [sʌn] n. 太阳 sun的形容词形式:sunny adj. 晴朗的
    sunburnt [ˈsʌnbɜːnt] adj. 晒黑的
    sunglasses [ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪs] n. 太阳眼镜,墨镜
    sunlight [ˈsʌnlaɪt] n. 日光,阳光
    sunrise [ˈsʌnraɪs] n. 黎明
    sunset [ˈsʌnset] n. 日落
    sunshine [ˈsʌnʃaɪn] n. 阳光
    super [ˈsuːpə] adj. 超级的
    superb [suːˈpɜːb] adj. 极好的
    superir [suːˈpɪərɪə] adj. 更好的;优越的,傲慢的;(职位)高级的
    When a cuple ges ut fr an anniversary dinner, the thught f feeling superir t thers prbably never cmes t them.【2012重庆阅读】当一对夫妇出去吃周年纪念餐的时候,他们可能从来没有想到要比别人更好。
    I felt superir abut this matter.【2014天津阅读】对于这件事我一直有一种优越感。
    He believed that the superir class shuld rule the inferir classes.【2015江西阅读】
    superir的反义词:inferir adj. 低级的;次要的
    superman [ˈsuːpəman] n. 超人
    supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] n. 超级市场
    supper [ˈsʌpə] n. 晚餐
    supply [səˈplaɪ] n. 供给,供应 v. 提供
    The water supply has been cut ff temprarily because the wrkers are repairing ne f the main pipes.【2013天津阅读】水的供应暂时被切断了因为工人们正在修理其中一个主管道。
    用法:supply sb with sth = supply sth t sb提供某人某物
    The Help Desk supplies service t yu all the year rund!【2013湖南阅读】Help Desk一整年都会向你提供服务。
    supprt [səˈpɔːt] v. n. 支持;资助;抚养;支撑
    Her husband supprted her decisin.【2014山东完形】他的丈夫支持他的决定。
    Wh supprted the wman financially fr her studies at nurse schl?【2015天津】
    His parents n lnger supprted him.【2013辽宁阅读】他的父母不在抚养他了。
    A pst in the centre supprted the rf.【2015福建阅读】中间的柱子支撑着屋顶。
    suppse [səˈpəʊz] v. 猜测,认为;假定;
    I suppse early retirement is a pssibility.【2014全国一阅读】我认为提前推测是可能的。
    Suppse yu becme a leader in an rganizatin.【2015江苏阅读】假如你是一个组织的领导。
    短语:be suppsed t d 被认为;应该
    Christmas is a special hliday when the whle family are suppsed t get tgether.【2015辽宁】
    Green farming is suppsed t be the first chice.【2015陕西阅读】绿色农业被认为是第一选择。
    supreme [suːˈpriːm] adj. 最高的
    I dreamt f sitting n a Supreme Curt bench smewhere.【2015天津阅读】我梦想坐在最高法院的某个地方
    sure [ʃʊə] adj. 确定的,有把握的
    He was sure his parents lved him.【2015安徽阅读】他确定父母是爱他的。
    短语:make sure确保
    Then make sure the peple yu surrund yurself with are supprtive.【2015 福建阅读】确保你周围的人是那些可以支持你的人。
    be sure f 确定……
    Yu can nly be sure f what yu have at present; yu cannt be sure f smething yu might get in the future.【2015安徽】你只能确定你现在拥有的;你不能确定你将来可以得到什么。
    be sure t d sth 一定要做某事,务必要做某事
    If yu swim in a river r lake, be sure t investigate what is belw the water surface.【2015浙江】 如果你在河里或者水里洗澡一定要调查水下面是什么东西。
    surface [ˈsɜːfɪs] n. 表面
    Often there are rcks and branches hidden in the water.【2015浙江】谁下面经常掩藏着岩石和树枝。
    surfing [ˈsɜ:f] V. 冲浪,网上冲浪
    surgen [ˈsɜːdʒn] n. 外科医生
    surgery [ˈsɜ:dʒəri] n. 外科手术
    surplus [ˈsɜːpləs] n. 过剩,剩余
    Cities survived by taxing farmers and were limited in size by the amunt f surplus fd that the rural ppulatin prduced.【2013北京阅读】城市是通过向农民征税存活的并且城市的大小取决于农村人口生产的剩余食物的数量。
    surprise [səˈpraɪz] v. 使惊讶 n. 惊讶;惊喜
    surprise的两个形容词形式:surprising令人惊讶的,令人惊喜的; surprised adj. (感到)惊讶的,(感到)惊喜的
    surrund [səˈraʊnd] v. 环绕,围绕;包围
    The earth is surrunded by a layer f air called the atmsphere.【2014江西阅读】地球被一层叫做叫做大气的空气层所环绕。
    I fund the fish stand surrunded in a sea f custmers.【2015福建完形】我发现鱼摊被一群顾客包围。
    surrunding [səˈraʊndɪŋ] adj. 周围的
    Nearly every successful civilizatin has explred, because by ding s, any dangers in surrunding areas can be identified and prepared fr.【2015江西阅读】几乎每一个成功的文明都进行了探索,因为通过这样做,周围地区的任何危险都可以被识别并且人们可以对这些危险做准备。
    surrundings [səˈraʊndɪŋs] n. 环境;周围的事物(注意s不可省略)
    Sme insects take n the clr f their surrundings t prtect themselves.【2015陕西】一些昆虫呈现出周围事物的颜色去保护他们自己。
    survive [səˈvaɪv] v. 幸存,生存;艰难度过;保存下来
    Having survived that night, we were cnfident that everything else wuld be all right.【2014湖北完形】 那晚幸存下来之后,我们坚信一切都会好的。
    I managed t stand ut amng the candidates and survive the test alne.【2014广东阅读】我成功地从候选人中脱颖而出并且一个人度过了考试。
    The letter was s ppular that it survived lng after wmen were admitted as full students t St Andrews in 1892.【2012湖北阅读】这封信如此受欢迎以至于女性在1892年被圣安德鲁斯大学作为全日制学生录取之后仍然保存了下来。
    survive 的两个名词形式: survival n. 幸存,生存;survivr n. 幸存者
    suspect [səˈspekt] v. 怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯
    Even if yu suspect it, think very carefully befre yu tell peple." 【2015湖北阅读】
    swallw [ˈswɔləʊ] v吞,咽
    In the end, I usually managed t swallw my pride and ask smene at the stp fr help.【2012广东阅读】在最后,我通常会吞下我的骄傲并且向车站的人寻求帮助。
    swap [swɔp] v. 交换
    用法:swap A fr B用A交换B
    He swapped his watch fr a bx f cigarettes.【高考真句】他用手表交换了一盒香烟。
    swear [sweə] v. 发誓
    Maja swre she wuld hnr the little girl by swimming with a dlphin.【2015湖北完形】Maja发誓他将会以和海豚游泳的方式悼念那个小女孩。
    sweat [swet] n. 汗水 v. 流汗
    He had t pause frm time t time t wipe the sweat frm his frehead, because the air-cnditining system brke dwn.【2012陕西】他不得不时不时地停下来擦拭从额头流下来的汗水,因为空调系统出故障了。
    I std in church ne recent Sunday, vide camera in hand, and watched my 68-year-ld father sweating in his shirt befre rising t play the pian.【2014福建完形】我站在教堂里,手里拿着照相机,看着我的爸爸在起身弹钢琴之前就汗流浃背了。
    sweater [ˈswetə] n. 毛衣,羊毛衫
    sweep [swiːp] v. 扫;扫过,略过
    She swept the dust int the wastebasket.【2014重庆阅读】他把灰尘扫进废纸篓里面。
    When he was planning t g hme, a fierce snwstrm swept int the area.【2015北京阅读】当他准备回家的时候,一场猛烈的大学袭击了那个地区。
    sweet [swiːt] adj. 甜的,甜蜜的;友好的;令人愉快的
    The new pineapple was less sweet and gd fr health.【2013全国一阅读]】新菠萝不是那么太甜并且有助于健康。
    I will never ffer a jb t the persn wh is sweet t the bss but turns rude t smene cleaning the tables.【2015全国二阅读】我永远不会提供工作给那些对老板友好却对擦桌子的人却粗鲁的人
    Whenever I met her, she greeted me with a sweet smile.【2014山东】无论何时遇到她,她总是用一个愉快的微笑问候我。
    swell [swel] v. n. 肿;增加,增多
    The secnd attack was s serius that his airway swelled, preventing him frm breathing.【2014四川阅读】第二次发作是如此严重以至于呼吸道肿了,不能呼吸。
    swift [swɪft] adj. 迅速的
    The memries rushed back, swift as the tide.【2013福建完形】记忆如潮水般快速涌来。
    同义词:rapid, instant, immediate
    swim [swɪm] n. 游泳,游
    swing [swɪŋ] vt. 挥舞,摆动 n. 秋千
    Jeb swung his fist at the animal’s eyes and hit hard.【2015北京阅读】Jeb在那个动物的眼睛前挥舞着拳头并且用力击打它。
    switch [swɪtʃ] n. 开关;转变 v.转变;交换,
    But his hand never reached the switch.【2012江西阅读】但是他的手够不到开关。
    Owners can remtely switch t an alternative passwrd.【2014上海阅读】拥有者可以远程转换到另一个密码。
    Twain’s tale centered in part arund tw babies switched at birth.【2013江苏阅读】马克吐温的故事部分围绕着两个在出生时被交换的小孩。
    短语: switch ff 关闭
    Accrding t the air traffic rules, yu must switch ff yur mbile phne befre barding.【2013上海】根据交通规则你必须在登机前关掉手机
    switch n 打开
    The lights will be switched n.【2015湖北】电灯将会被打开。
    swrd [sɔːd] n. 剑,刀
    symbl [ˈsɪmbl] n. 标志,象征(此时等同于sign);代表
    Sharing bread is a cmmn symbl f tgetherness.【2015安徽阅读】分享面包是团结的普遍的标志。
    Red is a symbl f gd luck in many cultures.【2012安徽阅读】在许多文化里面红色是好运的代表。
    sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情
    The authr tends t express sympathy fr AIDS victims.【2015湖北阅读】作者倾向于同情艾滋病受害者。
    sympathy 的形容词形式:sympathetic [ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk] 有同情心的
    His lving and selfless nature has inspired me t becme mre sympathetic and cnsiderate.【2013天津完形】他那充满爱意与无私的本性激发我去变得更加同情与体贴。
    sympathy 的动词形式:sympathize v. 同情
    symphny [ˈsɪmfənɪ] n. 交响乐
    symptm [ˈsɪmptəm] n. 症状
    The symptms f fd pisning usually begin within hurs f eating the pisned fd.【2015广东阅读】食物中毒的症状通常开始于你吃完有毒食物的几个小时之内。
    system [ˈsɪstəm] n. 系统,体系
    The imprvement t the present system is in the charge f FCC.【2013山东阅读】当前体系的改善是由FCC负责的。
    The system has been designed t give students quick and easy access t the digital resurces f the library.【2014浙江】该系统被设计来给学生快速和便捷的获取图书馆的数据资源。
    system的形容词形式:systematic [sɪstəˈmætɪk] adj. 有系统的,有条理的
    Explratin shuld be a systematic activity.【2013天津阅读】勘探应该是一个有条理的活动。
    高考核心词汇与练习--- S
    1. scene n. 地点;现场;事件;场面;情景;景象;景色
    (1) A lt f negtiating has been ging n _________the scenes.广泛的谈判一直在秘密进行。
    (2) Reprts were sn __________ the scene after the accident.那事故发生后不久记者们赶到了现场。
    (3) Seeing the happy ______ f children playing in the park, I’m full f jy and cnfidence in the future f ur cuntry.
    A. sight B. scene C. view D. sign
    (4) When I was a little by, I lived in a small fishing village. The visit t the village reminded me f the ______ f my childhd.
    A. views B. scenes C. scenery D. sights
    2. seize v. 抓住;夺取;逮捕; 抓住;把握
    (1) She seized me _______ the arm.
    (2) Yu have nthing t _____ by refusing t listen t ur advice.
    A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn
    (3) Befre he culd run away, she seized him ______ the cllar.
    A. at B. with C. fr D. by
    3. sensitive a. 敏感的;小心谨慎的
    (1) She is sensitive _________ her appearance.她对外表很在乎。
    (2) I can’t make __________ (sensitive) f the painting.
    (3) Frank put the medicine in a tp drawer t make sure it wuld nt be _____ t the kids.
    A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive
    (4) The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _____ t the sudden changes f weather.
    A. sensitive B. sensible C. flexible D. psitive
    4. settle v. 结束;决定;确定;定居;平静下来
    (1) They finally settled ______________ (buy) the car. (They finally settled ______ buying the car.)
    (2) With a lt f prblems ______, the bss culdn’t sleep well at night.
    A. settled B. settling C. t settle D. settle
    (3) It always takes the class a while t _______ at the start f the class.
    A. settle n B. settle in C. settle dwn D. settle up
    5. sharp a. 急剧的;鲜明的;敏锐的;严厉的 ad.(几点)整
    (1) It was very sharp _________ yu t see that.你能看到这一点,很有洞察力。
    (2) Many car accidents happened at this ______ turn f the rad.
    A. sharp B. urgent C. immediate D. quick
    6. sick a. 生病的;想呕吐;恶心;厌倦的
    (1) We ____________________ (厌恶) waiting arund like this.
    (2) “The snake might wake up. I’m sick _____ this.” he said.
    A. with B. frm C. f D. fr
    (3) Time ff wrk because f _______ is paid at the full rate.
    A. sick B. sickness C. ill D. sickly
    7. signal n. 暗号;信号;征兆 v.发信号;表明
    (1) She signaled ______ the waiter ______ the bill.她示意服务员结帐。
    (2) In ur class, when the bell rang and the teacher clsed his bk, it was a _______ fr everyne t stand up.
    A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure
    (3) I knw that when he lks at his watch, it’s a _____ fr us t start the attack.
    A. sign B. expressin C. meaning D. signal
    8. significance n. 重要性;意义;含义
    (1) The plice released him, but __________ (significance), they didn’t give him back his passprt.
    (2) It is a matter _________ great significance.这是一个非常重要的问题。
    (3) This new discvery f il is f great _____ t this area’s ecnmy.
    A. significance B. accuracy C. satisfactin D. assumptin
    (4) Can yu understand the _______ f what he said?
    A. significant B. significance C. celebratin D. welcme
    9. slve v. 解决;解释;解答
    (1) The bvius __________ (slve) t this prblem is simple: just dn't drink.
    (2) A ______ t this prblem is expected t be fund bere lng.
    A. result B. respnse C. settlement D. slutin
    (3) While I admit that there are prblems, I dn’t think they cannt be ______.
    A. managed B. slved C. dealt D. cped
    10. specific a. 专门的;特定的;明确的;具体的
    (1) This disease is specific _________ hrses.只有马才得这种病。
    (2) The newly-published bk is written _____ fr children, which is als ppular with mst parents.
    A. specifically B. willingly C. equally D. ccasinally
    (3) Be mre ______ abut when yu want us t cme.
    A. special B. specific C. especial D. specified
    11. spnsr v. 发起;举办 n. 赞助者;举办者;支持者
    (1) Please call nw if yu are interested in __________ (spnsr) a child.
    (2) Thugh small, the firm is _____ many students at the university.
    A. encuraging B. spnsring C. exchanging D. inspiring
    (3) A cuntry isn’t repected if it _____ an internatinal agreement.
    A. helps B. spnsrs C. vilates D. speculates
    12. stress n. 压力;紧张v. 强调
    (1) Jane’s been ________________ (面临压力) since her mther’s illness.
    (2) C-peratin r teamwrk, the imprtance f which is ften ______, plays an imprtant part in ftball matches.
    A. stressed B. thught f C. paid much attentin D. talked
    (3) Things can easily g wrng when peple are under ________.
    A. stress B. weight C. lad D. strength
    13. strike n. 罢工 v. 突然侵袭;突然想到(产生);(钟)敲响报时
    (1) One can’t but be struck _____________the enthusiasm f the representatives present.人们不能不被到场的代表们的热情所感动
    (2) I was abut t _____ a match when I remembered Tm’s warning.
    A. scrape B. strike C. rub D. hit
    (3) When we came int the classrm, the clck ______ ten.
    A. beat B. blew C. struck D. defeat
    14. struggle v. 奋争;拼搏;奋斗 n. 斗争;奋斗;搏斗;战争
    (1) Unluckily, the farmers have suffered a heavy drught this year. They have t ______ (为……而努力) a living. They are struggling _________(与……抗争) the bad weather fr a better harvest. Anyway, they are struggling ___________ (increase) their incme. Hwever, the financial crisis adds t their difficulties. As a result, they have t face the struggle fr existence.
    (2) The children talked s ludly at dinner table that I had t struggle ______.
    A. t be heard B. t have heard C. hearing D. being heard
    (3) After he was kncked dwn by a car which escaped immediately, he _____ t his feet and called 120 and the plice statin.
    A. std B. struggled C. ran D. rse
    15. substitute v. 替换;用……替换 n. 代替物(品);代替者
    (1) Vitamin pills can’t substitute ______________ healthy eating.维生素并不能代替健康饮食
    (2) Bth Sctland and Nrthern Ireland had made last-minute ______________(substitute).
    (3) It’s very wise f yu t _____ well-trained wrkers _____ untrained nes in the assembly line.
    A. substitute; fr B. substitute; with C. replace; by D. replace; with
    trained wrkers fr untrained或replace untrained wrkers with well trained wrkers。
    (4) A new hand substituted ______ the experienced teacher wh was ill in hspital.
    A. fr B. t C. by D. in
    16. succeed v. 成功;胜利;接替;继任
    (1) T The Red Army men were ___________ (succeed) in climbing ver the muntain.
    (2) Failure is the mther f _________ (succeed).
    (3) The experiment that he ______ was ______.
    A. did; successfully B. made; successfully
    C. carried ut; a success D. set ut; a success
    (4) Of her plays, three were _______ and ne was _____ failure.
    A. success; / B. successes; / C. success; a D. successes; a
    17. suffer v. 感到痛苦;经受;蒙受
    (1) The city suffered huge lsses ________ the earthquake.这个城市在地震中遭受了巨大的损失。
    (2) —It is reprted that the gvernment has lightened the burden n the students.
    —Oh, tday we are still _____ frm heavy schl wrk, _____ at preparing us fr the entrance examinatin.
    A. suffering; aimed B. suffered; aimed
    C. suffered; aiming D. suffering; aiming
    (3) I suffered a lt _____ smking, s I gave ______ last year.
    A. t; it up B. t; up it C. frm; it up D. frm; up it
    18. suit v. 对……方便,适合;n. 一套衣服
    (1) He and his wife are well suited ________ each ther.他和妻子十分般配。
    (2) The clr and style _____ me but the size desn’t _____ me.
    A. fit; suit B. suit; fit C. fit; fit D. suit; suit
    (3) —What can I d fr yu?
    —I want t buy a red tie t _____ my new shirt.
    A. fit B. match C. suit D. be fit fr
    19. superir a. 优等的;优良的;高品质的;上级的
    (1) Yu ________________me ______ many things.你在许多事情上都比我优秀。
    (2) Dn’t always think yu yurself are ______ t the thers; in fact, yu are just an rdinary persn.
    A. inferir B. superir C. sensitive D. sensible
    (3) This kind f digital camera is _____ t all the ther types n the market.
    A. junir B. superir C. beneficial D. senir
    20. survive v. 幸存,活下来;保存下来;设法对付
    (1) Mr. Green was the nly ________(幸存者) wh _________________(在地震中幸存). He tld us he _____________(靠……生存) a bttle f mineral water. Everyne said his ____________(幸存) was a wnder.
    (2) After the traffic accident, n ne ______ except a few peple wh were badly injured.
    A. survive B. survived C. was survived D. was surviving
    (3) The plants can’t survive ______ the frest.
    A. frm B. in C. / D. at
    21. switch v. 转变;改变;替换
    (1) Accrding t the air traffic rules, yu shuld switch _________ yur mbile phne befre barding.根据空中交通规则,在登机前你应当关闭手机。
    (2) Yu drive first and then we’ll switch ________.你先驾驶,过一会儿咱们再换着开。
    (3) We made a _____ t ur schedule t g swimming when it started t rain.
    A. turn B. switch C. decisin D. exchange
    (4) At first, the speaker was referring t the prblem f pllutin in the cuntry but halfway in his speech, he suddenly ______ t anther subject.
    A. devted B. switched C. attached D. transmitted
    22. search v. 搜寻;搜查;调查 n. 搜寻;调查
    (1) The plice are __________________(寻找) the missing child.
    (2) Many plicemen and sldiers are ______ the frest _____ the prisner escaping frm prisn.
    A. searching fr; searching B. searching; searching
    C. searching; in search f D. in search f; searching fr
    (3) They have been unlucky _____ gld and have n mney at all.
    A. at their search fr B. in their search fr
    C. at the search fr D. in the search f
    23. seek v. 寻求;追求
    (1) We sught ___________ (change) her mind but she refused.
    (2) I have never sught _____ my views. I hpe yu will nt misunderstand me.
    A. hiding B. t hide C. hidden D. t be hidden
    (3) Many graduates in China d their best t g abrad t seek their ______.
    A. luck B. chance C. frtune D. fate
    24. separate v. 把……分开;分隔 a. 分开的;单独的;独立的
    (1) This patient shuld ________________(separate) frm the thers.
    (2) Since their __________ (separate) tw years ag, Ms. Brwnell and Mr. Sibley have wrked tgether.
    (3) As we jin the big crwd I gt _____ frm my friends.
    A. separated B. spared C. lst D. missed
    (4) Taiwan is part f China. But it is a ______ island. It’s _____ frm the mainland by Taiwan Strait.
    A. separate; separated B. separate; separate
    C. separated; separating D. separated; separate
    25. sign n. 迹象;标志;招牌;广告牌;暗号;记号 v. 签字;签名;做手势
    (1) The plice made a sign ______ me ________ (stp) the car.
    (2) If yu drive frm the airprt, g n the mtrway and fllw the ______.
    A. ways B. pints C. signals D. signs
    (3) When the ld man gt hme, he fund his windw pen, but he didn’t’ find any _____ f being stlen.
    A. sight B. sign C. scene D. ntice
    26. smehw ad. 以某种方法;不知怎么地
    (1) The film has already started and we still have nt gt a ticket. It’s t late nw ______.
    A. smehw B. anyhw C. smewhat D. anyway
    (2) Yesterday evening when ging t the cinema I frequented, I went in a wrng directin ______.
    A. smehw B. anyhw C. smewhat D. anyway
    27. spare a. 备用的;可用的;空余的 v. 留出;让出;抽出;使免受;饶恕
    (1) We will ______________(不遗余力) t find the culprit f this crime.
    (2) He ______ n expense t make the wedding a success.
    A. wasted B. spared C. exhausted D. exerted
    (3) I caught the train with nly a few secnds t _____.
    A. find B. catch C. spare D. cme
    28. stick v. 把……插入; n. 枝条;手杖
    (1) We said we’d give her the cash, and we must stick ______ ur agreement.我们说过会给她现金,我们就必须信守我们的约定。
    (2) Because Edgar was cnvinced f the accuracy f this fact, he _____ his pinin.
    A. struck at B. strve fr C. stuck t D. std fr
    (3) Once a decisin has been made, all f us shuld ______ it.
    A. direct t B. stick t C. lead t D. refer t
    30. still a. 静止的;不动的;无风的 ad. 还;仍然;更加
    (1) Just ____________(坐着不动) fr a minute and let me tie yur she.
    (2) One must keep _____ in time f danger.
    A. still B. quiet C. calm D. silent
    (3) I _____ dn’t believe in ghsts even after my experienceat the Rse Inn.
    A. already B. yet C. n lnger D. still
    31. strength n. 力气;体力;强项;优势
    (1) It will als ____________(strength) vital rgans by helping yur immune system.
    (2) Practising Chinese kung fu can nt nly _____ ne’s strength, but als develp ne’s character.
    A. bring up B. take up C. build up D. pull up
    (3) T make members f a team perfrm better, the trainer first f all has t knw their _____ and weaknesses.
    A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values
    32. suggest v. 建议;暗示;表明
    (1) His suggestin is that we ______________ (g) t watch the ftball match.
    (2) His accent suggested that he _________ (be) frm Sichuan.
    (3) Our English teacher ______ ur buying a gd English-Chinese dictinary.
    A. asked B. rdered C. suggested D. required
    (4) He came t my class every week, but his attitude _____ he was nt really interested in the subject.
    A. expressed B. described C. explained D. suggested
    33. supprt v. 赞成;拥护; 供养;抚养n. 赞成,拥护;支持
    (1) Mr. Wang spke ___________(支持) the prpsal.
    (2) The gvernment has lst a great deal f _______ because f the large increase in fd price.
    A. strength B. supprt C. agreement D. vte
    (3) The majrity f Eurpeans supprt ______ trps int the regin.
    A. send B. t send C. sending D. sent
    34. sentence v. 判决,宣判 n. 判决,宣判
    (1) He was sentenced _________ three years in prisn.他被判处三年徒刑。
    (2) Finally, the judge decided t _____ the driver _____ a life sentence.
    A. sentence; with B. declare; t C. sentence; t D. annunce; fr
    (3) He received the maximum ______ f ten years.
    A. warning B. present C. beating D. sentence
    35. shade n. 背阴处;遮光物 v. 遮蔽
    (1) Mst plants prefer t be lightly shaded _________ direct, ht sunlight.大多数植物都要尽量避免强光直射。
    (2) I spent the afternn reading under the ______ f an umbrella.
    A. shadw B. shade C. blank D. reflect
    36. suppse v. 猜想;假设;假定;认为
    (1) ________ (suppse) she desn’t cme, what shall we d?
    (2) He was suppsed ____________ (arrive) n the five ’clck train.他本该赶上五点钟的那班火车的(但他没有)。
    (3) He was suppsed _____ a cllege graduate but he knew nthing f histry.
    A. t be B. being C. t have been D. having been
    (4) —Yu _____ part in the party in time.
    —Srry, I was delayed by the accident.
    A. are suppsed t take B. have suppsed t take
    C. are suppsed t have taken D. has suppsed t take
    37. scre v. 得分 n. 得分;二十
    (1) ___________ (许多) vlunteers ffered t help.许多志愿者主动帮忙。
    (2) What’s the _____ f last night’s game?
    A. pint B. figure C. mark D. scre
    (3) —What des an egg cst?
    —Ten yuan ______ eggs.
    A. by tw scres B. fr tw scres f C. by tw scre D. fr tw scre
    38. serve v. 服侍……进餐;服役;供职于;服务;用作
    (1) My car and driver will be ________ yur service during yur stay.在你逗留期间,我的车和司机随你使用。
    (2) The bx can serve ________ a desk.那个箱子能当桌子用。
    (3) His brther _____ in the army fr tw years.
    A. jined B. tk part in C. served D. served fr
    (4) He was served ______ tea and cake.
    A. with B. by C. at D. fr
    39. share v. 共用;共有;分配;均分 n. 一份;份额;股票(份)
    (1) I share this flat ________ five ther peple.我和另外5个人合住这套公寓。
    (2) He has n right t a share _______ prfits.他没有权利去分得一份收益。
    (3) If yu have an umbrella, let me ______ it with yu.
    A. divide B. share C. separate D. cut
    (4) The scheme allws emplyees t buy shares ______ in the cmpany.
    A. with B. between C. in D. amng
    40. situated a. 位于……的;坐落于……的
    (1) The Business Library is situated __________ the grund flr.商业图书馆位于一楼。
    (2) Yu culd get int a situatin __________ yu have t decide immediately.
    (3) When he applied fr a _____ in the ffices f the lcal newspaper he was tld t see the manager.
    A. career B. wrk C. situatin D. pssessin
    (4) My bedrm was situated ______ the tp flr f the huse.
    A. at B. n C. in D. fr
    41. sund n. 声音;响声 v. 听起来好像;发出声音 a. 健康的;完好的;不错的
    (1) We arrived hme ________________(安然无恙).
    (2) His suggestin ______ all right.
    A. sund B. is sunded C. sunds D. is sunding
    (3) He was lying in bed, _______ asleep.
    A. sund B. wide C. very D. deeply
    42. spt n. 斑点;污渍;地点;场所 v. 看见;发现
    (1) The night sky is sptted (spt) with stars.
    (2) I was n the spt (当场) when the accident happened.
    (3) Sme parents are just t prtective. They want t _____ their kids frm every kind f danger, real r imagined.
    A. spt B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish
    (4) When the thief fund the plice had already _____ him, he ran away quickly.
    A. realized B. knwn C. sptted D. stared
    43. surrund v. 围绕;环绕
    (1) I’d like t bring up my child in healthy ____________(surrund).
    (2) The prisn is surrunded _________ a high wall. 一道高墙把整个监狱围了起来。
    (3) The baby was playing n the carpet ______ by all kinds f tys.
    A. surrunding B. surrunded C. surrunds D. having surrunded
    (4) The surrundings f his huse ______ clean nw.
    A. is B. are C. was D. were
    44. suspect v. 怀疑;觉得 n. 嫌疑犯
    (1) I am a bit _____________(suspect) f that package that’s been left in the crridr.
    (2) I suspect him ___________(be) the pickpcket.
    (3) Plice ______ that she had sme cnnectin with the rbbery, but they had n prf.
    A. suspected B. believed C. suppsed D. expected
    (4) As he was the nly persn wh has the key, Simn felt himself _____ suspicin.
    A. in B. upn C. beynd D. under
    45. shame n. 羞耻,惭愧;羞耻心 v. 使羞愧
    (1) It was ____________ (shame) f them t surrender.
    (2) I am _________ (shame) f myself fr being s stupid.
    (3) He was ______ f having asked such a silly questin.
    A. srry B. guilty C. ashamed D. miserable
    (4) There is nthing t ______.
    A. be ashamed B. being ashamed f C. be ashamed f D. being ashamed
    46. sight n. 视力;看见;视野;景象,情景;风景
    (1) He std at the airprt and lked until the plane was ___________ in the sky.他站在机场看着飞机一直消失在空中。
    (2) The enemy ran away ______________ (一看见) ur flag.
    (3) In that accident his sight ______, but many peple have given him a lt f help.
    A. had lst B. had missed C. was lst D. was missing
    (4) The ______ f bld always makes him feel sich.
    A. sight B. view C. lk D. frm
    47. similar a. 相像的;类似的
    (1) She bears a striking ________ (similar) t her mther.
    (2) Anyne wh has spent time with children is aware f the difference in the way bys and girls respnd t _____ situatins.
    A. similar B. alike C. same D. likely
    (3) Gegraphy is the study f the relatinship between peple and the land Gegraphers cmpare and cntrast ______ places n the earth.
    A. smiliar B. varius C. distant D. famus
    48. supply v. 提供;供给 n. 供应量;供给量;补给
    (1) The fresh vegetables are __________ (短缺)n the island.
    (2) A pipeline will be built t _____sme eastern prvinces with natural gas frm the west f China.
    A. send B. sell C. supply D. ffer
    (3) All the rms are _____ with electric light.
    A. supplied B. given C. ffered D. burnt
    49. sense n. 感官; 感觉,意识;理智;理解力 v. 感觉到;意识到
    (1) The __________ (sense) thing is t leave them alne.
    (2) There is n sense (in) __________ (wrry) abut the past.
    (3) She is s ______ that she cried fr days whne her pet rabbit died.
    A. sensitive B. sensible C. tuched D. impressive
    (4) What’s it ging t take t bring him t his ______?
    A. sense B. senses C. sensible D. senseless
    (1)S excited _________ that he culd nt speak.他兴奋得连话都说不出来了。
    (2) Such a gd by __________ that we all like him.汤姆是那么好的男孩我们都喜欢他。
    (3)The Great Wall is turist attractin that millins f peple pur in every year.
    A.s a well­knwn B.a s well­knwn
    C.such well­knwn a D.such a well­knwn
    (4)Peter was s excited he received an invitatin frm his friend t visit Chngqing.
    A.where B.that
    C.why D.when
    51. 句式提取:
    (1)She didn’t ntice her father __________ (stand) beside her.
    (2)When I came in,I saw her in the sfa in thught.
    A.sat;deep B.sitting;deeply
    C.seated;deep D.seating;deeply
    (3)As sme farmers said,the mermaid (美人鱼) was last seen ff the cast twards
    evening yesterday.
    A.t play B.playing
    C.t be playing D.played
    52.set ff出发,启程;使爆炸,引起爆炸;引起;导致;衬托
    (1) His jke _________ (引起) a lng time f laughing.
    (2) Are yu ging t set ff ______ Beijing next week?
    (3)—What happened t the cmpany?
    —The bad news abut it a wave f selling its shares.
    A.sent ff B.set ff
    C.brught n D.set up
    (4)—What’s wrng with him?
    —The picture he came acrss his memry f a sad stry in his childhd.
    A.put ff B.tk ff
    C.set ff D.gave ff
    54. S what? 那又如何?
    (1)____________ (要是……怎么办)she finds ut yu are telling a lie?
    (2)—The plane is due t take ff at 7∶50 frm the airprt. we fail t arrive there in time?
    —Try t take anther flight then.
    A.What if B.As if
    C.Even if D.Only if
    (3)—I have learned that it is nt easy t get n well with the new bss.
    — ?I think that I nly need t d my wn jb well.
    A.S what B.What fr
    C.What if D.Hw cme
    55.stand fr是……的意思;代表,支持;主张;容忍,忍受(用于否定句)
    (1) The letters WTO ________ (stand) fr Wrld Trade Organizatin.
    (2)WTO _________ (stand) fr Wrld Trade Organizatin.
    (3)He has been acting very strangely these days.I can’t his actins at all.
    A.ask fr B.accunt t
    C.call fr D.stand fr
    (4)—Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University fr the past fur years.
    —N wnder she abve her clleagues in Chinese.
    A.stands ut B.sticks ut
    C.cmes ut D.srts ut
    56.set up设立;建立
    (1)A fund ___________________ (set up) fr hmeless children in three days.
    (2) She ______________ (储蓄) a bit f mney every mnth.
    (3)American Indians abut five percent f the U.S. ppulatin.
    A.fill up B.bring up
    C.make up D.set up
    (4)—Hw des the factry train its wrkers?
    —It has a night schl t prvide them with mre technical training.
    A.set abut B.set up
    C.set ff D.set ut
    57.seem t be ding
    a.He seemed _________________ (talk) with Mr.Brwn in the ffice.
    b.It seemed that he _____________ (talk) with Mr.Brwn in the ffice.
    (2)—What were yu ding just nw?
    —I stpped t listen;my sn seemed himself shut in the living rm.
    A.enjying B.t enjy
    C.that he was enjying D.t be enjying
    (3)—It snwed heavily last night and there must be a lt f snw n Emei Muntain.
    —N,we fund a little snw,as mst f it seemed ff the muntain.
    A.t have blwn B.t have been blwn
    C.t be blwn D.t be blwing
    58.shw ff炫耀;卖弄;显示
    (1) We were beginning the meeting when an hnured guest was shwed _______ (领进来). She was frm Tky.Just befre she was here,she __________________(领某人参观) the Peple’s Great Hall.Meanwhile,she was invited t shw _______ (出现) at an imprtant science meeting there.It was said that she was gd at shwing ______ (炫耀) her knwledge.
    (2)When he didn’t knw hw t get ut f the building,a by him .
    A.shwed;ut B.shwed;in
    C.shwed;arund D.shwed;ff
    (3)—Prfessr Li is a learned man.
    —But it’s unwise fr him t his knwledge in frnt f the leaders.
    A.turn ff B.cme ff
    C.put ff D.shw ff
    59. seen frm...过去分词(短语)作状语
    (1)_________ (face) with the serius prblem,he is at a lss what t d.
    (2) __________ (take) arund the city,we were impressed by the city’s new lk.
    (3)_________ (give) anther chance,they will d it much better.
    (4)When first t the mainland market,the fruits frm Taiwan Island enjyed a great success immediately.
    A.intrducing B.intrduced
    C.intrduce D.being intrduced
    (5)Written in a hurry, . (2011·齐齐哈尔调研)
    A.they fund many mistakes in the reprt
    B.Sam made lts f mistakes in the reprt
    C.there are plenty f mistakes in the reprt
    D.the reprt is full f mistakes
    60.set ft in/n进入;访问;参观;到达
    (1) He had never __________ a library and he wasn’t abut t d s tday.
    (2)A lt f peple didn’t knw why Nrth Krea’s President Kim Jng il Russia when America and Suth Krea were hlding the military exercise in the Yellw Sea.
    A.set abut B.set ft in
    C.set ff D.set ut
    (3)The bys stpped and digging hles t plant the trees.
    A.set ff B.set ut C.set abut D.set up
    61. s+助动词+主语
    (1) If she ges there,_______________. 如果她去那儿,我也去。
    (2) He helped me, ___________________.他帮我忙了,他确实帮了。
    (3)—I reminded yu nt t frget the appintment.
    — .But I did frget.
    A.S did yu B.S yu did
    C.S I did D.S d I
    (4)—She has been t Tky.
    — .
    A.S have I B.S d I
    C.I d s D.S I d
    62.set fire t放火烧……
    (1)A:In July the enemy came and set fire t all the huses.
    B:In July the enemy came and ______ all the huses ______ ______ .
    (2)The building fire suddenly yesterday afternn.
    A.set n B.set t
    C.caughtD.brke ut
    (3)It tk firefighters several hurs t the five.
    A.put ut B.set ut
    C.put up D.set t
    63.set dwn放下;记下;登记;让……下车
    (1)The bys stpped and digging hles t plant the trees.
    A.set ff B.set ut C.set abut D.set up
    (2)The mment she came back frm wrk,she t clean the kitchen thrughly.
    A.set ut B.set abut
    C.set ff D.set up
    64.s as t以便;为了
    (1) I’m nt _________________________. 我还不致于蠢到去做那件事。
    (2)He adjusted the micrscpe ______________ get a clearer view.他调整了下显微镜目的是看的更清。
    (3)Tm kept quiet abut the accident lse his jb.
    A.s nt as t B.s as nt t
    C.s as t nt D.nt s as t
    (4) be punished by the teacher,Alice had t make up an excuse fr having been absent frm schl.
    A.S as t B.As far as
    C.As well as D.In rder nt t
    65.speed up加速;加快
    (1) The plice car is running __________ (以……的速度) 100 miles per hur t chase after the truck ahead f it.
    (2)The Internet is widely used,which the develpment f English.
    A.speeds up B.takes ver
    C.gets acrss D.turns t
    (3)If we want t arrive at the village n time,we’d better .
    A.sweep up B.speed up
    C.call up D.turn up
    66.subscribe t同意,赞成(多用于否定句);订购
    (1) I’ve never ______________(同意) the thery that peple are mre imprtant than animals.
    (2)The authrities n lnger t the view that disabled peple are unsuitable as teachers.
    A.cntribute B.apply
    C.subscribe D.bject
    (3)—What abut Mary’s idea?
    —Very gd!But nt many peple the idea that mney brings happiness.
    A.subscribe t B.take t
    C.cntribute t D.relate t
    67. suggest+that从句+虚拟语气
    (1)Smene suggested ____________ (send) Liu Xiang t the US fr treatment.
    (2)I suggest (that) we _________ (g) ut t eat.
    (3)His accent suggested that he ________ (be) frm Sichuan.
    (4)My suggestin is that yu much meat.
    A.wuldn’t take B.shall nt take
    C.nt have D.wn’t have
    (5)He suggested a meeting and it suggested that he in ur plan.
    A.t hld;was interested
    B.hlding;was interested
    C.hlding;shuld be interested
    D.shuld hld;be interested
    68.see sb. ff(到车站、机场、码头等处)为某人送行
    (1)Can yu see t ______ ______ the fax ges this afternn?
    (2)Jhn is leaving fr Lndn tmrrw and I will ____________ (为他送行) at the airprt.
    (3)—Jan is leaving tday.Her plane takes ff at 8∶00.
    —Oh,really I didn’t knw that,but I will g t .
    A.see her ff B.pick her up
    C.drive her away D.meet with her
    (4)I culd see a car in the distance,but culdn’t what clr it was.
    A.make ut B.see thrugh
    C.lk ut D.watch ut
    69.start/begin with...以……开始
    (1)______________ (首先),I’ll tell yu hw t start the machine.
    (2)In ur study f 343 businesses,the cmpanies that chse t g,g,g t try t gain an edge _______________ (以……结束) lwer sales and perating incmes than thse that paused at key mments t make sure they were n the right track.
    (3)It wn’t wrk; ,it wuld take t lng,and secndly it wuld cst t much.
    A.start with B.t start with
    C.at first D.begin with
    (4)Yu’ll with being in hspital if yu drink that much.
    A.die up B.end up
    C.turn up D.give up
    70. wh +动词(wh引导定语从句)
    (1) Thse ________________________cme with me. 想看电影的跟我来。
    (2)Gd helps thse_________________. 自助者天助。
    (3)There are altgether fifty­fur students in ur class, is a newcmer frm a faraway muntain village.
    A.the mst diligent f wh
    B.but the mst diligent f whm
    C.the mst diligent f them
    D.f whm the mst diligent
    (4)I have many friends, sme are businessmen.
    A.f them B.frm which
    C.f whm D.wh f
    71.speak up大声地说,自由而大胆地说出
    (1)If yu dn’t apprve f what yur assciates are ding,why dn’t yu ________ (说出来)?
    (2) It’s wrng ____________________(说某人坏话) the dead.
    (3)Yu shuldn’t keep silent when .
    A.speaking B.spken t
    C.spken D.speaking t
    (4)—Wh is the girl just nw?
    —She is my sister.
    A.spken B.spken f
    C.spken ut D.spken up

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