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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)03
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)03
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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)16 高考单词R (原卷版+解析版),文件包含16高考单词R原卷版docx、16高考单词R解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共121页, 欢迎下载使用。

    rush [rʌʃ] n. 冲进;匆促;
    【真句】Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s fficial histrian, tld me that in its rush t mdernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much f its past, including many f its finest buildings.【2022全国甲卷】悉尼的官方历史学家雪莉·菲茨杰拉德告诉我,在上世纪70年代悉尼进军现代化的过程中,扫除了大部分过去,包括许多最好的建筑。
    【真句】Weaving(穿梭) amng the kids wh rushed by n their bards, I fund my way t the beam. Then a rail-thin teenager, in a baggy white T-shirt, skidded(滑) up t the beam.【2021全国甲卷】穿梭在那些用木板爬过来的孩子中间,我找到了找到横梁的路。然后,一个瘦瘦的少年,穿着宽松的白色t恤,滑到横梁上。
    【真句】at rush hur【2020浙江】在高峰时间
    race [reɪs] n. 比赛;种族;v. 比赛;快速移动
    【真句】And the mre we lk, the mre we will see that scial factrs(因素) like gender, race, and class d nt determine the appearance f genius. 【2021全国甲卷】我们看得越多,我们就越会看到,像性别、种族和阶级等社会因素并不能决定天才的外表。
    【真句】Race walkers are cnditined athletes.【2020全国1】竞走运动员是有条件的运动员。
    【真句】Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, research shws, while mst likely cntributing t fewer injuries. 【2020全国1】研究表明,竞走和跑步有许多健身的好处,而最有可能减少受伤。
    【真句】In the early days f the autmbile, almst every car maker raced his cars.【2015辽宁阅读】在汽车时代早期,几乎每一位汽车制造商都会使自己的车辆参加比赛。
    【真句】But when I turned int the main rad I suddenly saw a lt f cars racing twards me.【2015全国二完形】当我驶入主干道的时候,我突然看到大量汽车朝我驶来。
    短语: race t d竞相做某事
    race的形容词形式:racial [ˈreɪʃl] 种族的
    radiatin [reɪdɪˈeɪʃn] n. 放射,放射物
    radi [reɪdɪəʊ] n. 收音机
    【真句】I’ve spent little time in frnt f a camera, since I have a face made fr radi.【2022新高考2卷】我很少在镜头前花时间,因为我有一张为收音机而生的脸。
    【真句】Radi tags (标签) n the animals will measure temperature changes.【2021新高考2卷】这些动物身上的无线电标签将测量温度的变化。
    radiactive [reɪdɪəʊˈæktɪv] adj. 放射性的
    radium [ˈreɪdɪəm] n. 镭
    rag [ræɡ] n.抹布
    【真句】I nticed an ld man n a bicycle with a bucket n its handle and a basket rags and bttles n its back-carriage.【2012江西完形】我注意到一个老人坐在自行车上,车把上挂着木桶,座位上放着篮子的抹布和瓶子
    短语:in rags 衣衫褴褛
    rag的形容词形式:ragged [ˈrægɪd] adj. 破旧的,衣衫褴褛的
    【真句】David was a small by in ragged clthes.【2014山东完形】大卫是一个穿着破旧的小男孩。
    rail [reɪl] n. 铁路
    railway [ˈreɪlweɪ] n. 铁路
    【真句】Can a small grup f drnes (无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability f railways and, at the same time, help railway peratrs save billins f eurs each year?【2022年6月全国乙卷】一小群无人机可以确保铁路的安全性和可靠性,同时帮助铁路运营商每年节省数十亿欧元?
    rain [reɪn] n. 雨 vi. 下雨 rain的形容词形式:rainy [ˈreɪnɪ] adj. 下雨的;多雨的
    rainbw [ˈreɪnbəʊ] n. 虹,彩虹
    【真句】These sculptures were painted a rainbw f striking clurs.【2020北京】这些雕塑被涂上了鲜艳的彩虹色彩。
    raincat [ˈreɪnkəʊt] n. 雨衣
    rainfall [ˈreɪnfɔːl] n. 一场雨; 降雨量
    【真句】A decrease in average rainfall and an increase in the severity f drughts (干旱) have led t an estimated 75 percent f Tunisia’s agricultural lands being threatened by desertificatin.【2023.2四省联考】由于平均降雨量的减少和干旱的严重程度的增加,已导致突尼斯约75%的农业用地受到沙漠化的威胁。
    raise [reɪz] vt. 抬起,举起,使升高;增加,提高;筹集;改善;提起,提出;抚养;饲养,种植
    【真句】S James began wrking with prisners t raise mnarchs thrugh the whle prcess f their transfrmatin. 【2023.2四省联考】所以詹姆斯开始和囚犯们合作,在他们转变的整个过程中培养君主。
    【真句】I raised my left arm t prtect my face.【2014北京阅读】我抬起左手去保护我的脸。
    【真句】A gd teacher can help raise his r her students’ scres.【2015福建阅读】一个好老师可以提高学生的分数。
    【真句】It helps raise their living standards.【2014山东阅读】这有助于改善他们的生活条件。
    【真句】The authr answers the questin raised in the first paragraph with facts and descriptins.【2015湖北阅读】作者用事实和描述来回答在第一段中提出的问题。
    【真句】He wanted t use the trip t raise mney fr charity.【2012上海阅读】他想用这次旅行为慈善机构筹钱。
    【真句】In sme places wmen are expected t earn mney while men wrk at hme and raise their children. 【2013四川】在一些地方,人们期望男人挣钱、女人在家抚养小孩。
    Over time, peple began t catch the animals and raise them.【2013北京阅读】随着时间的推移,人们开始捕捉这些动物并且饲养它们。
    raise ne’s eyebrws 扬起眉毛(表示吃惊、怀疑或反对)
    【真句】They raise their eyebrws, surprised by my chice t have a salad.【2015四川阅读】他们扬起眉毛,对我选择沙拉感到很惊讶。
    raise ne’s vice 提高嗓门,大声说话
    【真句】He raised his vice at his father.【2014辽宁完形】他冲其父亲大声嚷嚷。
    randm [ˈrændəm] adj. 随意的,随机的
    【真句】Participants were randmly divided int tw grups. 【2022新高考2卷】参与者被随机分为两组。
    【真句】The acts f randm kindness spread.【2014广东阅读】随意的善举可以传播。
    短语:at randm 随意地,随机地
    range [reɪndʒ] n. 范围,界限;v. 包括;处于某个范围之内
    【真句】This site gives yu instant access t a wide range f infrmatin n studying and living in the UK.【2013广东阅读】这个网站可以让你迅速获取广泛的关于在英国学习和生活的信息。
    短语:range frm…t…包括;处于某个范围之内
    【真句】Tpics range frm beauty t the risks f drinking.【2015浙江阅读】话题很广,从美丽到喝酒的风险都有。
    【真句】Payment ranges frm $25 t $400.【2015北京阅读】费用在25美元到400美元之间。
    rank [ræŋk] n. 等级 v. 排名
    【真句】Class, pwer and status are imprtant in deciding peple’s rank in sciety.【2013陕西阅读】阶级,权力和地位在决定人们的社会等级方面扮演着重要作用。
    【真句】N wnder it ranks as the wrld’s mst bdy-cnscius cuntry.【2013湖北阅读】难怪它是世界上最注重身体的国家。
    rapid [ˈræpɪd] adj. 快速的,迅速的
    【真句】Jining the firm as a clerk, he gt rapid prmtin, and ended up as a manager.【2015天津】
    rare [reə] adj. 罕见的,稀有的;
    【真句】Peple like smething rare.【2015全国二阅读】人们喜欢稀有的东西。
    rare的副词形式:rarely [ˈreəli] adv. 几乎不
    【真句】I rarely had mre than fur hurs f sleep.【2015天津阅读】我几乎没有超过4小时的睡眠。
    同义词:seldm adv. 几乎不;hardly adv. 几乎不
    rat [ræt] n. 老鼠
    rate [reɪt] n. 比率,率;速度;费用,价格; v. 评价
    【真句】And they tended t lse cgnitive(认知) functin at a much slwer rate than thse with the least mentally challenging jbs.【2020.7浙江】他们往往会失去认知能力与那些智力挑战性最小的工作相比,他们的工作效率要慢得多。
    【真句】The trees appear t have faster grwth rates.【2015上海选词填空】这些树似乎有更快的增长速度。
    【真句】With frever stamps, there will be n need t wrry abut rate changes.【2015上海阅读】随着永久性邮票的出现,人们不再需要担心费用的变化问题。
    【真句】When students and parents are asked t rate subjects accrding t their imprtance, the arts are unavidably at the bttm f the list.【2014北京阅读】当学生和家长被问及根据科目重要性评价科目的时候,艺术毫无疑问垫底。
    rather [ˈrɑːðə] adv. 非常,颇;
    【真句】It als prvides a rather strng fundatin fr empathy acrss cultures.【2020.5天津】它还为跨文化的同理心提供了相当坚实的基础。
    短语:rather than而不是
    【真句】 LveFne, a cmpany that advcates repairing cellphnes rather than abandning them, pened a mini wrkshp in a Lndn phne bx in 2016.【2020江苏】LveFne是一家提倡修理手机而不是放弃手机的公司,2016年,该公司在伦敦的一个电话亭开设了一个迷你车间。
    r rather 更确切地说
    【真句】But unfrtunately, the parents are wrnged because they’re nrmal in shape, r rather slim.【2013湖北阅读】不幸的是,父母被冤枉了,因为他们的孩子的体形很正常,更确切地说是很苗条。
    nt…but rather… 不是……而是……(此时相当于nt … but …)
    【真句】 When it cmes t heart health, there is speculatin (推测) that it's nt the style f music, but rather the temp that makes it s gd fr yur heart health.【2021年6月北京卷】当谈到心脏健康时,有人猜测不是音乐的风格,而是节奏对你的心脏健康有好处。
    wuld d rather than d = wuld rather d than d宁愿做……而不做
    【真句】He wuld rather watch TV than g t bed.【2015上海】他宁愿看电视也不愿意上床睡觉。
    wuld rather d宁愿,宁可
    【真句】It’s smething that yu wuld rather nt have anyne else knw abut.【2015江西阅读】这是一件你宁可不让其他人知道的东西
    wuld rather sb did sth 宁愿某人做某事
    【真句】We wuld rather ur daughter stayed at hme with us.【2014陕西】我们宁愿我们的女儿和我们呆在家里
    raw [rɔː] adj. 生的,未煮熟的
    【真句】I see ur lizard, raw and nearly new.【】我看到了我们的蜥蜴,生的,几乎是新的。
    短语:raw material 原材料
    【真句】The factry used 65 percent f the raw materials, the rest f wehich we saved fr ther purpses. 【2015安徽】工厂只用了65%的原材料,剩余的留作它用。
    ray [reɪ] n. 光线
    razr [ˈreɪzə] n. 剃须刀
    reach [riːtʃ] v. 到达;达到;伸出(手、臂来触碰或提起某物);联系
    【真句】We've all knwn peple wh run ut f steam befre they reach life's halfway mark.【2019.6天津】我们都知道有人在人生的中途就精疲力竭了。
    【真句】Last year the number f students wh graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, an average f 40,000 per year.【2015江西】去年毕业时便获得驾照的学生数量达到20万,平均每年4万。
    【真句】Then she reached inside her bluse, tk ut her remaining 50 mney, and handed it t the cnductr.【2013重庆完形】然后她把手伸进裤子里面拿出仅剩的50元递给了售票员。
    【真句】Having failed t reach them n the phne, we sent an email instead.【2013重庆】由于电话联系不上他们,我们给他们发了邮件。
    reach ut t 愿意倾听
    【真句】I als learned that ne---withut any wrds---can reach ut t anther persn.【2013广东】
    reach a decisin/agreement/cnclusin 做出决定/达成协议/得出结论
    beynd ne’s reach= ut f ne’s reach= beynd the reach f sb 够不着;超出某人的能力范围
    【真句】The pitcher threw the ball right ver the head f the first baseman, beynd the reach f all teammates.【2015江苏阅读】掷球手把球仍在第一个守垒员头上,所有的队员都够不着
    【真句】Always remember t put such dangerus things as knives ut f children’s reach.【2015四川】一定要记得把诸如刀子之类的危险东西放在孩子够不着的地方。
    within ne’s reach = within the reach f 够得着;在某人的能力范围内;靠得近
    【真句】The Mn Lake is within easy reach f the city.【2013上海】月亮河离这个城市不远。
    react [riˈækt] v. (作出)反应
    【真句】As a new diplmat, he ften thinks f hw he can react mre apprpriately n such ccasins.【2014上海】作为一个新的外交官,他经常思考在这样的场合下做出适当的反应。
    用法:react t … 对……做出反应
    【真句】The discussin is mainly abut hw t react t bad behavir.【2015重庆阅读】这个讨论主要是关于如何对不好的行为做出反应。
    react 的名词形式:reactin n. 反应
    read [riːd] v. 读,阅读;读到;读起来;写着(say)
    【真句】Eudra is nine years ld and has my permissin t read any bk she wants frm the shelves, children r adults.【2020.1浙江】尤多拉九岁,我允许她从书架上读任何她想要的书,无论是儿童还是成人。
    【真句】Yu culd nt take back a bk t the library n the same day yu'd taken it ut; it made n difference t her that yu'd read every wrd in it and needed anther t start. 【2020.1浙江】你不能在借书的当天就把书还给图书馆;对她来说,你读完了书中的每一个字,还需要另一个词才能开始读,这并没有什么区别。
    【真句】I think in general the reprt reads well.【高考真句】我认为这个报告总体上读起来不错。
    【真句】A sign n the uter dr reads “N Entry”.【高考真句】门外写着“禁止进入”
    read ne’s mind/thughts 猜测某人的心思
    【真句】Sme equipment is able t read human minds.【2015陕西阅读】某个设备能够猜测人们的心思
    read 的名词形式: reading n. 阅读
    read的两个名词形式:reading n. 阅读,朗读;reader 读者
    ready [ˈredɪ] adj. 准备好的;愿意(做某事)的,乐意的;(仅用于名词前)现成的,迅速的
    【真句】I needn’t wrry abut my weekend—I always have my plans ready.【2015上海】我不必担心我的周末,我总是准备好我的计划。
    【真句】We may nt have any disease but still have a weak bdy, which is ready t be targeted by viruses.【2022年6月北京卷】我们可能没有任何疾病,但仍然有一个虚弱的身体,它随时可能成为病毒的目标。
    【真句】T many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth.【2014江苏作文】太多现成的答案让我们发现真相时不再那么兴奋。
    短语:be ready t d/fr (某人)准备好(做某事)的;
    【真句】There are still many prblems t be slved befre we are ready fr a lng stay n the Mn.【2014北京阅读】在我们做好长期呆在月球上之前有许多问题有待被解决。
    real 与true的区别
    [辨析] 这两个形容词都可以表示“真的”这一意思,real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"无"相对而言。例如:
    【真句】When children write fr real audiences and real purpses, they can learn t chse their wrds accrdingly. 【2022年6月浙江卷】当孩子们为真正的观众和真正的目的写作时,他们可以学会相应地选择自己的单词。
    【真句】But ur experiments at Hlbrn have prved that it can be true.【2016上海阅读】但是我们在Hlbrn的实验证明这是真的。
    【真句】While making the kits, I realized that I had lst sight f the true meaning behind it.【2022年6月浙江卷】在制作工具包时,我意识到我已经看不到它背后的真正含义了。
    true 还可以表示“正确的”,real没有这种用法。例如:
    【真句】Which f the fllwing statements abut the girl is TRUE accrding t the passage?【2015浙江阅读】 下面哪一个关于小女孩的陈述是对的?
    really [ˈri:əli] adv. 真地
    【真句】It was really very kind f yu t give me a lift hme.【2015北京】真地很感谢你让我搭便车回家。
    【真句】After ding sme research, I believed that we culd really d smething fr thse kids. 【2021年6月北京卷】在做了一些研究之后,我相信我们真的可以为这些孩子做点什么。
    reality [rɪˈælɪtɪ] n. 现实,事实
    【真句】 With cmpanies like Harbur Air taking the lead, battery-pwered planes, especially n shrt-haul jurneys, are set t becme a reality in the next few years.【2020.5天津】在海港航空Harbur Air等公司的带头作用下,电池供电的飞机,尤其是短途旅行,将在未来几年内成为现实。
    reality形容词形式:realistic [ˌri:əˈlɪstɪk] adj. 现实的
    【真句】The mre understandable the stry, the less realistic it is.【2015四川阅读】故事约容易被理解就越不现实。
    realize [ˈrɪəlaɪz] v. 意识到;实现
    【真句】Cming ut f this experience, I realize it is k t be different frm thers and t study things like classics, art histry and ther majrs ffered in the Cllege f Humanities(人文学科)!【2019.3天津】从这次经历中,我意识到与别人不同,学习古典文学、艺术史和人文学院提供的其他专业是可以的。
    【真句】It tk her a mment t realize that I was giving her the flwers I had just purchased.【2014浙江阅读】过了会她才意识到我给了她我刚买的花。
    realize ne’s dream= make ne’s dream a reality
    【真句】I decided t realize my dream.【2015北京阅读】我决定实现我的梦想。
    realize的名词形式:realizatin n. 意识;实现
    reasn [ˈriːzn] n. 原因,理由;理智;道理;v. 推理,推断
    【真句】We have every reasn t believe that the 2013 Beijing Olympic Games will be a success.【2015江苏】我们有充分的理由相信2013北京奥运会将会取得成功。
    【真句】One reasn fr her preference fr city life is that she can have easy access t places like shps and restaurants.【2015上海】他偏爱城市生活的原因之一就是他可以很容易出入像商店和餐馆等地方
    【真句】Yu must learn t cnsult yur feelings and yur reasn befre yu reach any decisin.【2013湖南 】在你做出任何决定之前你必须听从你的感觉和理智。
    【真句】There’s n reasn t be disappinted. As a matter f fact, this culd be rather amusing.【2014浙江 】没有道理失望,事实上,这是非常有趣的、
    【真句】“Dn’t be silly, Ben. If she were a witch, she wuld have turned us int frgs already,” reasned Meg. 【2014江西阅读】“别傻了,Ben! 如果她是女巫的话她已经把我们变成青蛙了!” Ben推断到。
    reasnable [ˈriːzənəbl] adj. 合理的;理智的;
    【真句】Rents were cmparatively reasnable.【2015山东阅读】相比较而言租金还是合理的。
    【真句】Educated peple are reasnable and they lk at facts.【2015安徽任务型读写】受过教育的人士理智的并且他们注重事实。
    rebuild [riːˈbɪld] vt. 重建
    receipt [rɪˈsiːt] n. 收据
    receive [rɪˈsiːv] v. 收到,得到
    【真句】Christpher received a new basketball.【2016北京阅读】Christpher收到了一个新篮球。
    receive 客观收到; accept 主观接受
    【真句】He did nt cmprmise easily, but was willing t accept any cnstructive advice fr a wrthy cause. 【2016江苏】他不轻易妥协,但是也愿意接受任何有建设性的建议。
    receiver [rɪˈsiːvə] n. 电话听筒
    recent [ˈriːsənt] adj. 最近的
    【真句】In a recent experiment, cckats were presented with a bx with a nut inside it. 【】在最近的一次实验中,凤头鹦鹉被放在一个盒子里,盒子里有一个坚果。
    【真句】A recent study shwed almst tw thirds f parents believed schls shuld d mre t teach pupils abut financial matters.【2014山东阅读】一个最近的研究表明几乎三分之二的父母认为学校应该多做点儿事情去教学生一些关于金融的东西。
    receptin [rɪˈsepʃn] n. 欢迎,接待;接待处
    【真句】The festival will end with an pen receptin.【2013山东阅读】节日最后将会有一个开放的接待。
    receptin 的另一名词形式:receptinist [rɪˈsepʃənɪst] n. 接待员
    【真句】If yu cme by right nw, “the receptinist said, “The dentist will fit yu in.”【2013重庆阅读】
    recipe [ˈresɪpɪ] n. 食谱;方法,秘诀
    When I first learned t ck, I used recipes and turned ut sme tasty dishes.【2015天津阅读】当我第一次学做饭的时候,我用食谱做出了一些美味的菜肴。
    用法:recipe fr sth 某事的方法(秘诀)
    Can yu tell us yur recipe fr happiness and a lng life?【2016江苏】你能告诉我你幸福和长寿的秘诀吗?
    recite [rɪˈsaɪt] v. 背诵;列举
    Ask the ther persn t recite and repeat.【2014安徽阅读】让另外一个人去背诵并重复
    Recite the answers t pssible questins.【2015湖北】列出潜在问题的答案
    recgnize [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] v. 认出,辨认出;认可;承认;
    Barbara is easy t recgnize as she’s the nly ne f the wmen wh evening dress.【2015全国二】Barbara很容易被认出,因为她是唯一一位穿晚装的人
    Alexander tried t get his wrk recgnized in the medical circles.【2015辽宁】Alexander努力使他的作品在医学界得到认可
    Arthur Miller is universally recgnized as ne f the greatest dramatists f the 20th century.【2015山东阅读】人们普遍承认Arthur Miller是20世纪最伟大的戏剧家之一。
    recgnize的名词形式:recgnitin n. 承认;认可
    recgnize的形容词形式:recgnizable adj. 可是别的,易辨认的
    recmmend [rekəˈmend] v. 推荐;建议
    Eye dctrs recmmend that a child’s first eye exam (shuld) be at the age f six mnths ld.【2013浙江】眼科医生建议孩子的第一次眼睛检查应该放在孩子六个月大的时候。
    I wuld recmmend an exchange prgram t anyne wh wants t experience freign cultures and 【2013浙江完形】我会推荐一个交换生项目给任何想体验外国文化的人。
    recmmend的名词形式:recmmendatin n. 推荐
    recrd [ˈrekəd] n. 记录;唱片 v. 记录;录制
    Phtjurnalists make an actual recrd f what they see.【2013陕西阅读】摄影师记者真实记录了他们所看到的
    The crwd cheered wildly at the sight f Liu Xiang, wh was reprted t have brken the wrld recrd in the 110-meter hurdle race.【2015辽宁】据报道刘翔已经打破了110米栏记录,人们一看到他就欢呼了起来。
    D yu mind if I recrd yur lecture?【2013江苏】您介意我给你的讲座录音吗?
    Fr ne mnth we recrded ur persnal emissins f CO2.【2014福建阅读】我们记录了一个月来个人的二氧化碳排放。
    recrder [rɪˈkɔːdə] n. 录音机
    recver [rɪˈkʌvə] v. 恢复;重新获得,寻回
    A Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recvered frm the prt f Stckhlm.【2006重庆阅读】
    用法:recver frm … 从……中恢复
    Mst peple recver frm fd pisning after a few days f resting and drinking extra water.【2015广东阅读】大多数人休息几天或喝点水之后就可以从食物中毒当中恢复。
    recver 的名词形式: recvery n. 恢复,康复
    recreatin [rekrɪˈeɪʃn] n. 消遣,娱乐
    TV takes the place f similar srts f recreatin, such as listening t the radi and playing sprts. 【2015广东阅读】电视代替了诸如听音乐和做运动之类的娱乐。
    同义词: pastime n. 消遣,娱乐;entertainment n. 娱乐;leisure n. 消遣,休闲
    recreatin 的名词形式:
    recreatinal adj. 消遣的,娱乐的
    recycle [riːˈsaɪkl] v. 回收利用,再利用;重新使用(观念、文章等)
    They recycle their garbage because they care abut the envirnment.【2014重庆阅读】
    As a musician, I am nt interested in hearing recycled versins f the same genre ver and ver. 【2015上海阅读】作为音乐家,我讨厌听到同一体裁的版本被不断使用。
    rectangle [ˈrektæŋɡl] n. 长方形 adj. 长方形的
    red [red] n. 红色 adj. 红色的
    redirect [riːdaɪˈrekt] v. 改变方向,改变用途
    Often we have a prepared list in mind and wnder, as we listen, hw we can achieve certain desired results t get the cnversatin ver as quickly as pssible r redirected in ways mre satisfactry t us.【2013江西阅读】当我们倾听的时候我们脑子中有一个准备好的清单,想知道怎样获得想要的结果去使谈话尽可能快的结束或者使谈话朝令我们满意的方向进行。
    reduce [rɪˈdjuːs] v. 减少,缩小
    Gas emissins have been effectively reduced in develped cuntries.【2016上海阅读】发达国家大燃气排放已经有效减少了。
    reduce的名词形式:reductin n. 减少,缩小
    同义词:decrease下降,减少; decline下降,减少;drp下降,减少;fall下降,减少;shrink v. 缩小,减少
    refer [rɪˈfɜː]
    用法:refer t 提到,谈到;参考,查阅;涉及,关于
    What he referred t in his article was unknwn t the general reader.【2015上海】一般读者并不知道他在文章中所提到的东西
    I am referring t newspaper and magazine ads (attached t this letter) published the week f Nvember 15.【2014江西阅读】我正在查阅11.15这一周的报纸和杂志上的广告。
    The underlined wrd “them” in Paragraph 6 refers t Welty’s stries.【2016全国三阅读】第六段中的下划线“them”与Welty的故事有关。
    短语:refer t A as B 把A当作B
    This typical sleep pattern is usually referred t as the “night wl” schedule f sleep.【2014四川阅读】
    refer… t … 把……交给/介绍给……
    His head teacher had referred him t me.【2013广东阅读】他的班主任把他交给了我
    refer的名词形式: reference [ˈrefrəns] 参考;查阅
    I haven’t gt the reference bk yet, but I’ll have a test n the subject next mnth.【2015江苏】我还没有参考书,但是我下个月就要参加这一科目的考试。
    referee [refəˈriː] n. 裁判,调解员
    reflect [rɪˈflekt] v. 反映;反射
    Withut the frest cver,these areas wuld reflect mre heat int the atmsphere,warming the rest f the wrld.【2014安徽阅读】如果没有森林覆盖,这些地区将会反射更多的光进入大气,从而使世界其他地区更热。
    In every cuntry, cities reflect the values f the culture.【2015安徽阅读】在每一个国家,城市都可以反映文化的价值观。
    reflect n 思考
    All the yung peple in ur grup began t reflect n what it had meant.【2014浙江完形】我们这一组的年青人开始思考它的意义。
    reflect的名词形式:reflectin n. 反思;反映
    refrm [rɪˈfɔːm] v. n. 改革,改进;
    Sme schls will have t make adjustments in agreement with the natinal sccer refrm.【2015浙江】一些学校不得不做出调整以适应全国的足球改革。
    refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] v.使恢复精力,提神
    Sme students ften listen t music during classes t refresh themselves.【2015四川】
    Christie lked refreshed and happy.【2015全国一阅读】Christie看上去精力充沛、非常开心。
    refresh的形容词形式:refreshing [rɪˈfreʃɪŋ] adj. 消除疲劳的,提神的
    refresh的名词形式:refreshment [rɪˈfreʃmənt] n. 茶点
    refrigeratr [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə] n. 冰箱
    refuse [rɪˈfjuːz] v. 拒绝
    用法:refuse t d 拒绝做某事
    I refuse t accept the blame fr smething that was smene else’s fault.【2015全国二】我拒绝接受别人的过错所带来的责任。
    同义词:decline t d拒绝做; reject ding 拒绝做; turn dwn
    refuse的名词形式:refusal [rɪˈfjuːzl] n. 拒绝
    regard [rɪˈɡɑːd] v. n. 尊敬;关心;问候(此时一定要用复数)
    Aunt Myrtle encuraged me t develp every aspect f my ptential, withut regard fr what was cnsidered practical r pssible fr black females.【2015上海阅读】Myrtle婶婶鼓励我发展各方面的潜能,并不关心被认为对于黑人女性是不可能或不切实际的东西。
    It is a very high regard usually reserved fr Presidents f the United States. ([阅读]全国重庆 这是一个通常只为美国总统保留的一个非常高的荣誉。
    Best regards 最好的问候【2012山东写作】
    用法:regard… as…把……看作……
    What sme peple regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many thers.【2015北京】
    with/in regard t 关于
    With regard t the party n July 1st, I shall be pleased t attend.【2013江苏】关于7.1的晚会我会很高兴参加的
    view… as…;see… as…;take … as…;think f … as…;refer t… as…;cnsider … as…;assume… as…
    regarding [rɪˈgɑ:dɪŋ] prep. 关于(此时等于cncerning)
    Accrding t a recent research, the mst cmmn argument between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily rutine tasks.【2014广东完形】根据一个最近的研究,父母和青少年之间最常见的争吵时关于不整洁以及日常事务。
    regardless [rɪˈɡɑːdlɪs]
    短语:regardless f 不管,不顾
    This special schl accepts all disabled students, regardless f educatinal level and backgrund. 【2014 江苏】这所特殊学校接受所有的残疾学生,不分教育水平或背景
    register [ˈredʒɪstə] v. 登记,注册n. 登记册,注册簿
    Three quarters f lrries that failed safety tests were registered verseas.【2014福建阅读】
    register作动词时的名词形式:registratin [ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn] 登记,注册
    regret [rɪˈɡret] v. 后悔;遗憾n. 后悔;遗憾
    用法:regret ding sth后悔做某事
    He regretted helping the ld man.【2013山东阅读】他后悔帮助那个老人。
    regret t d 最接下来要做的事情表示遗憾
    I regret t say the jb has been filled.【高考真句】我要很遗憾的告诉你那个工作已经有人做了.
    regret的形容词形式:regretful [rɪˈgretfl] adj. 后悔的,遗憾的
    Why did Mary feel regretful?【2015湖南阅读】为什么玛丽感到后悔?
    regular [ˈreɡjʊlə] adj. 定期的;有规律的;规则的;经常的;普通的
    After years f regular treatment, she finally became healthy.【2016天津完形】在多年的定期治疗之后,她最终康复了。
    Dctrs say that exercise is imprtant fr health, but it must be regular exercise.【2015辽宁】
    He succeeded in entering a regular schl.【2013浙江阅读】他成功进入一所普通学校。
    The sides f the building aren’t regular.【2014湖北阅读】大楼的侧面是不规则的。
    If yu walk regularly, it will be gd fr yur heart and bnes.【2014重庆阅读】如果你经常走路,这将对你的心脏和骨头非常好。
    regular custmer 主顾
    In the US, Dmin’s Pizza estimates that a regular custmer is wrth mre than $5,000 ver ten years.【2015上海完形】在美国,Dmin’s Pizza估计一个主顾在接下来的10年价值5000美元。
    regular的反义词:irregular 不定期的;不规律的;不规则的
    regulate [ˈregjuleɪt] v. 控制,管理
    They regulate a child’s evening TV viewing time.【2015山东阅读】他们管理孩子晚间看电视的时间。
    regulatin [reɡjʊˈleɪʃn] n.规定,法令,条例;控制,管理;
    Car drivers have t bey traffic regulatins.【2012广东完形】汽车驾驶员必须遵守交通规定
    reject [rɪˈdʒekt] v. 拒绝
    If what yur friend cmes up with surprises yu, dn’t reject it immediately.【2013浙江】
    reject 的名词形式:rejectin n. 拒绝
    relate [rɪˈleɪt] v. 联系;与……有联系;理解
    用法:relate … t … 把……和……联系起来
    The next stage is t relate the ideas t the jb yu have t d.【2014上海完型】下一步就是把想法和你做的工作联系起来。
    relate t … 与……有联系
    The secnd aspect relates t the applicatin f these plicies by departments.【2013全国一阅读】第二个方面与部门对这些政策的运用有关系。
    relate t理解
    I lve technlgy and try t keep up with it s I can relate t my students.【2015北京阅读】我喜爱科技并且紧跟科技潮流,这样我可以理解我的学生。
    含有“联系”之意的词:link; assciate; cnnect; tie
    relate的名词形式:relatin; relate的形容词形式:related
    related [rɪˈleɪtɪd] adj. 相关的;有联系的;
    The students are als required t read the passage belw and sme related stries.【2015重庆阅读】学生们被要求阅读下文和相关故事。
    用法:be related t 与……有联系
    Spelling ability is clsely related t writing ability.【2012天津阅读】拼写能力与写作能力有密切联系。
    relatin [rɪˈleɪʃn] n. 关系;联系(作联系时等同于relatinship)
    Thse wh had dne the mst byhd activities were mre likely t have warm relatins with a wide variety f peple. 2016天津阅读 那些在孩童时期做最多家务的孩子更有可能与各种类型的人们有良好的关系。
    relatinship [rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp] n. 联系
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?【2016江苏】说话人之间最有可能是什么联系?
    relevant [ˈreləvənt] adj. 相关的
    The n-line classrm prvides an innvative relevant and interactive Learning envirnment.【2016江苏阅读】这个网络课堂提供一个创新的、相关的以及互动的学习环境。
    relative [ˈrelətɪv] n. 亲戚;adj. 相对的
    He had n children f his wn, and mst f his relative s had passed away.【2013江苏阅读】他没有自己的孩子,并且大多数亲戚都去世了。
    In many peple’s pinin, that cmpany, thugh relatively small, is pleasant t deal with.【2015四川】在许多人看来,那家公司虽然相对较小但是相处起来非常愉快。
    relax [rɪˈlæks] v. (使)放松,轻松
    Previus studies have als indicated that milk can be excellent fr helping sleep because f the calcium cntent, which helps peple t relax.【2016四川阅读】之前的研究表明牛奶由于含有钙,它对于帮助睡眠是极好的,钙物质可以使人们放松。
    relax的名词形式: relaxatin n. 轻松
    relax的两个形容词形式: relaxing adj. 令人轻松的;relaxed adj.轻松的
    It is a time fr relaxatin.【2015全国二阅读】这是一个放松时间。
    Feeling safe and relaxed will help yu t slip int daydreams.【2015北京阅读】感到安全和放松将会有助于进入梦乡。
    If yu need sme help slwing dwn, turn n relaxing music.【2015全国二阅读】如果你需要慢下来, 你可以打开令人放松的音乐。
    relay [ˈriːleɪ] n.轮换,接力赛 v. 传递,传达
    Yu have n idea hw she finished the relay race with her ft wunded s much.【2013福建】
    This suggests that firms that are able t relay clearly their message t the public will be in a ple psitin t attract shppers.【2015福建阅读】这表明那些能够向公众清晰传递信息的公司将会处于吸引顾客的有利地位。
    rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v. 依靠,依赖
    用法:rely n 依靠
    It’s unwise t simply rely n technlgy.【2013湖北阅读】仅仅依靠科技是不明智的
    同义词 depend n; cunt n
    rely的形容词形式:reliable可靠的 ;rely的名词形式:reliance依靠
    reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl] adj. 可靠的
    I have been cnvinced that the print media are usually mre accurate and mre reliable than televisin.【2015浙江】我深信平面媒体比电视更准确可靠
    同义词:dependable adj. 可靠的
    reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依靠,依赖
    By allwing these grups t build reliance n each ther, larger rganizatins can be built up.【2015上海阅读】通过允许这些组织相互依赖,更大的组织可以被建立。
    同义词:n. 依靠,依赖 dependence
    relieve [rɪˈli:v] v. 缓解,减轻
    The authr calls n us t act nw s as t relieve the glbal fd shrtage.【2013上海阅读】
    relieve的形容词形式:relieved adj. 宽慰的,不再忧虑的
    relieve的名词形式:relief n. 减轻,缓解;宽慰,宽心
    relieved [rɪˈli:vd] adj. 宽慰的,不再忧虑的
    Relieved , Mary made them a snack and sent them back t bed.【2015江西完形】玛丽感到很宽慰,给他们做了小吃然后送他们去睡觉。
    relief [rɪˈliːf] n. 减轻,缓解;宽慰,宽心
    It culd be anything-gardening, cking, music, sprts but whatever it is, make sure it's a relief frm daily stress rather than anther thing t wrry abut.【2016全国二语法填空】这可以是诸如园艺、做饭或体育,但是不管是什么,一定要确保他缓解压力而不是另一个需要担心的事情。
    “Yu’ll really need that fishing break t help yu recver,” laughed his mther with relief.【2015江西】 “你真地需要钓鱼期间的休息去帮助你恢复”,妈妈宽慰地笑了。
    religin [rɪˈlɪdʒən] n. 宗教
    The debate between science and religin cntinues t be heated.【2013陕西阅读】
    religin的形容词形式:religius [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] adj. 宗教的
    Fr many natins, blue is a symbl f prtectin and religius beliefs.【2012安徽阅读】对于许多国家而言,蓝色是保护和宗教信仰的标志。
    易混词:regin 地区
    remain [rɪˈmeɪn] v 继续,依然;停留,留下;仍然是
    They can be trained t remain calm in nisy and crwded places.【2015天津回答问题】
    After queuing fr hurs, many turists can remain in frnt f the painting nly fr 15 secnds at mst. 【2012重庆阅读】排了几个小时队之后,许多游客最多只能在画面前停留15分钟
    But hw t prtect ur eyesight still remains a questin amng us students.【2015天津写作】
    remain t d尚待
    It remains t be seen whether the newly frmed cmmittee’s plicy can be put int practice.【2013陕西】新形成的委员会政策是否可以被实施尚待观察。
    remains [rɪˈmeɪnz] n. 剩余物;遗迹,遗体
    Climbing t the McKenney Cne, peple will see a path lined with remains f earlier eruptins.【2013 重庆阅读】爬McKenney Cne的时候,人们将会发现路边排满了早期火山喷发的剩余物(火山灰)
    Law n human remains needs thrugh discussin, authrities say.【2015上海阅读】
    remark [rɪˈmɑ:k] n. 言论,意见;v. 谈到,说起
    I can’t deny that her remarks hurt me.【2015江苏】我不能否认她的言论伤害了我。
    As we flew hme ver Britain, bth f us remarked hw green everything lked.【2012湖北阅读】
    remember [rɪˈmembə] v. 记得,想起;记住;纪念,悼念
    Althugh I was then t yung t understand the meaning f the film, I remember my family was mved t tears.【2016上海】虽然当时我年幼,不理解这部电影的含义,但我记得我的家人都感动得落泪了。
    I can't remember thse grammar rules! 【2014福建】我记不住这些语法规则
    Many peple in China will remember Cnfucius n his special day.【2012辽宁阅读】
    用法:remember t d 记得要做某事
    Always remember t put such dangerus things as knives ut f children’s reach.【2015四川】一定要记得把诸如刀子之类的危险东西放在孩子够不着的地方。
    remember ding 记得做过某事
    I remember feeling small and frightened.【2015全国一完形】我记得当时很渺小、很害怕。
    remind [rɪˈmaɪnd] v 提醒;使想起
    用法:remind sb t d sth 提醒某人去做某事
    It reminds ne t take medicine n time.【2015湖北】它提醒人们按时吃药。
    remind sb f/abut sth 提醒某人某事
    She was reminded f the day they flew kites.【2015浙江阅读】这使她想起了他们一起放风筝的日子。
    remind的名词形式:reminder n. 起提醒作用的东西
    The necklace was arund my neck, a warm reminder f human kindness.【2015上海语法与词汇】项链挂在我的脖子上,时刻提醒着我人类的友善。
    remte [rɪˈməʊt] adj. 遥远的
    As he wrks in a remte area, he visits his parents nly ccasinally.【2013湖北】因为他住在遥远的地区,他只是偶尔看看父母。
    remte cntrl 遥控器
    remve [rɪˈmuːv] v. 移走,搬走,移除
    His father’s letter remved his fear f failing his parents.【2015安徽阅读】父亲的来信去除了他让其父母失望的恐惧。
    rent [rent] v. 租用;出租 n. 租金
    Where can yu put an advertisement t rent ut a rm during a big event? 【2015四川阅读】在大型赛事期间你在哪里做广告可以出租房屋?
    Wrking at night needed lights, s I rented a machine t prduce electricity fr the site.【2015江苏完形】在晚上工作需要电,所以为工地租了一个发电的机器。
    辨析:rent 与 hire都有租用的意思,基本可以替换,但是表达“租车”时只能用hire;另外hire还有“雇佣(人)”的意思
    Yu’ll find taxis waiting at the bus statin which yu can hire t reach yur hst family.【2015上海】在公交车站你可以找到出租车,你可以租出租车到达你的主人家。
    Sphia and her supprters ffered t hire teachers a medical schl.【2012湖北阅读】Sphia和她的支持者主动提出为医学院雇佣老师。
    repair [rɪˈpeə] n. vt 修理
    repeat [rɪˈpeə] vt. 重复
    I was determined nt t repeat their mistakes.【2015陕西阅读】我决定不再重新犯他们的错误。
    repeat的形容词形式:repetitive [rɪˈpetətɪv] adj. 重复(乏味)的
    Anything will becme bring if yu d it repetitively.【2014重庆阅读】如果你重复做某件事,任何事都会变得无聊。
    repeat的名词形式:repetitin [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn] n. 重复
    Everything, frm clthes t drinks, was prmted with clever methds such as repetitin f the firm’s name r prduct, wrds rganized in eye-catching patterns, the use f pretty pictures and expressins easy t remember.【2015全国一阅读】从衣服到饮料,每一件东西都被用聪明的方式促销:重复公司的名字或其产品、组织吸引眼球的语言、使用华丽的文字以及容易记忆的短语。
    replace [rɪˈpleɪs] v. 取代,代替,替换;
    The huse I grew up in has been taken dwn and replaced by an ffice building.【2014江西】
    用法:replace A with B 用B替换A
    It is still under discussin whether the ld bus statin shuld be replaced with a mdern htel r nt. 【2015重庆】这所新的办公大楼是否应该被现代宾馆取代仍在讨论当中。
    replace的名词形式:replacement n. 代替
    同义词:take the place f 代替;substitute v. 代替,n. 替代品,替代者
    reply [rɪˈplaɪ] v. n. 回答,回复
    Yur timely reply will be highly appreciated.【2013广东 信息匹配】非常感谢你的及时回复。
    用法:reply t 回答……
    Yu may reply t a lng e-mail briefly.【2015山东阅读】你可以简短地回复一封长的电子邮件。
    What surprised the children mst when they received letters in reply frm Santa Claus every year? 【2012浙江阅读】当孩子们每年都收到圣诞老人的来信时他们最惊讶的是什么?
    同义词:respnd v. 回答,回复;respnse n. 回答,回复
    reprt [rɪˈpɔːt] n. v. 报道,报告
    reprter [rɪˈpɔːtə] n. 记者 同义词jurnalist n. 记者
    represent [reprɪˈzent] vt. 代表;相当于,意味着
    T the Egyptians, green was a clr that represented the hpe and jy f spring.【2012安徽阅读】
    Althugh the elderly represent abut 13% f the US ppulatin, thse aged 65 and ver accunt fr the cnsumptin f ne third f all drugs.【2015上海阅读】尽管老年人只相当于13%的美国人口,但是那些65岁及以上的老人占据三分之一的药品消费市场。
    represent的两个名词形式:representatin; representative
    representative [reprɪˈzentətɪv] n. 代表(人)
    What did Naplen expect the Russian representative t d? [阅读]2013广东 拿破仑希望俄国代表做什么?
    representatin [ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] n. 代表(物)
    “Strm at Sea”, a shrt pem written arund 700, is generally regarded as ne f mankind’s earliest artistic representatins f the Atlantic.【2013重庆阅】写于大约700年的“Strm at Sea”通常被视为人类最早的大西洋艺术作品代表。
    republic [rɪˈpʌblɪk] n. 共和国
    reputatin [repjʊˈteɪʃn] n. 名誉,名声
    She devted herself t her research entirely and it earned her a gd reputatin in her field.【2015湖北】她完全致力于她的研究当中,这给她在其领域里带来了好的名声。
    request [rɪˈkwest] n. 要求,请求 (~fr);v. 要求,请求
    The respnse t her request fr help was very huge.【2013山东阅读】对于她请求帮助的反应非常大
    用法:request sb t d sth
    The teacher requested her students t finish their usual questins.【2014湖南阅读】老师要求学生完成他们通常的问题。
    require [rɪˈkwaɪə] vt. 需要;要求
    The law in almst all states used t require stres t clse n Sunday.【2014湖北阅读】几乎所有州的法律都要求商店在周日关门
    They require a lt f investment.【2013全国一阅读】他们需要大量的投资
    require 的名词形式:requirement [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] n.需要;要求
    rescue [ˈreskjuː] vt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
    The rescue happened n the day befre he left fr France.【2015陕西阅读】营救发生在他去法国之前。
    用法:rescue sb/sth frm sb/sth 把……从……救出来
    My wrk is t rescue man frm the elephants, and t keep the elephants safe frm man.【2015上海阅读】我的工作是将人们从大象那里解救出来并且使人们和大象保持安全的距离。
    research [rɪˈsɜːtʃ] n. v. 研究
    The research lacks slid evidence, and therefre, its cnclusins are dubtful.【2012浙江】
    research的另一名词形式:researcher n. 研究者
    resemble [rɪˈzembl] v. 像
    There is a metal lamp that resembles a pair f shes.【2012安徽阅读】有一双像鞋子的灯。
    Yu are nt like a kid beying instructins any mre.【2012江西阅读】你不再像是一个听话的孩子了。
    reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] v. 预定;保留,留出;n. 保护区
    We were tld that ur rms hadn’t been reserved fr that week.【2014广东语法填空】我们被告知那周我们的房子没有被预定。
    We will nly be able t reserve the pl fr ne hur.【2015福建阅读】游泳池只能保留一个小时
    This castal area was named a natinal wildlife reserve last year.【2015湖南】该海岸去年被命名为国家自然保护区。
    reserve作动词时的名词形式:reservatin [rezəˈveɪʃn]n. 预定
    We had made ur reservatin six mnths earlier.【2014广东单词填空】六个月之前我们就预定了。
    reserve的形容词形式:reserved [rɪˈzɜːvd]adj. 含蓄的,内敛的
    resign [rɪˈzaɪn] vi. 辞职,放弃
    I believe that as sn as I was ffered a gd psitin, I wuld resign at nce.【2014上海阅读】
    resist [rɪˈzɪst] v. 抵挡,忍住;抵抗
    Once we realize this, we will be much better able t resist diet prducts.【2013北京阅读】
    It has the ability t defend itself and resist new drugs.【2015广东阅读】
    resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] n.抵挡,抵抗
    Male hrmnes help build up the bdy's resistance t stress.【2012上海阅读】男性荷尔蒙有助于增强身体对压力的抵抗
    resistant [rɪˈzɪstənt] adj.有抵抗力的,抵制的
    Amng prducts are special windws that are resistant t dirt and water.【2015上海完形】在这些产品中有一款抗脏防水的特殊窗户。
    respect [rɪˈspekt] vt. n. 尊敬,尊重
    Peple shuld respect each ther.【2013北京阅读】人们应该互相尊重
    Friendship is built upn respect fr each ther.【2014浙江阅读】友谊建立在互相尊重基础之上。
    respnd [rɪˈspekt] v. 反应;回答,回复
    用法:respnd t…反应;回答,回复
    Knwing basic first-aid techniques will help yu respnd quickly t emergencies.【2013福建阅读】
    They respnd t users mre slwly.【2015天津阅读】他们对用户的反应更慢。
    respnd的名词形式:respnse [rɪˈspɒns]反应;回答,回复
    respnsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] adj. 负责的,有责任心的
    We were all deeply mved and prud f having such a respnsible teacher. [写作]2015北京 有这样一位负责任心的老师我们感到感动和骄傲。
    用法:be respnsible fr对……负责;是……的原因
    Wh shuld be respnsible fr the accident? 【2013福建】谁应该承担该事故的责任?
    Human activity is nt respnsible fr all water shrtages.【2013安徽】人类活动不是所有水短缺的原因
    respnsible的反义词:irrespnsible adj. 不负责任的
    respnsibility [rɪspɔnsɪˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 责任
    Crprate scial respnsibility is nw seen as a mainstream.【2014上海阅读】公司的社会责任被视为主流。
    用法:(take) respnsibility fr (ding) sth 对……负责
    Taking respnsibility fr smething that went wrng is a mark f great maturity.【2015天津阅读】
    rest [rest] n. 休息v. 休息
    Sme peple feel guilty when taking time t rest.【2013湖北阅读】一些人当他们休息的时候会感到内疚。
    rest ne’s feet/legs/eyes 歇歇腿/脚
    I chse t rest my legs in Liverpl’s famus Philharmnic pub.【2014重庆阅读】我选择在利物浦著名的Philharmnic酒吧歇歇脚。
    the rest(f) (……的) 剩余部分
    The plice fficers in ur city wrk hard s that the rest f us can live a safe life.【2015上海】
    take/have a rest休息 (此时等同于take/have a break)
    Hiking students can have a regular rest in the shade f trees.【2015福建阅读】徒步旅行的学生可以定期在树底下休息。
    restaurant [ˈrestərɔnt] n.饭馆, 饭店
    restrictin [rɪˈstrɪkʃən] n.限制
    The biggest restrictin n ur resurces is the number f hurs we can devte t smething.【2014江苏阅读】我们资源的最大的限制就是我们可以投入时间的数量。
    restrict 的动词形式:restrict [rɪˈstrɪkt]v. 限制
    result [rɪˈzʌlt] n. 结果
    I just can’t stp wrrying abut the result f the jb interview.【2013天津】
    短语:as a result 结果
    As a result, humans develped a range f character types that still exists tday.【2016北京七选五】结果,人类发展了一系列性格,这些性格今天依然存在。
    as a result f 由于
    As a result f the serius fld, tw-thirds f the buildings need repairing in the area.【2015陕西】由于严重的洪水,该地区2/3的建筑需要被修补。
    result frm由于
    Cuntless mre animal deaths result frm the use f artificial lighting.【2013天津阅读】无数动物的死亡都是由于人造灯的使用。
    result in 导致
    In Texas, farmers’ veruse f irrigatin water has resulted in a 25% reductin f the water stres. 【2015安徽阅读】在德克萨斯,农民过渡使用灌溉水导致储蓄水减少了25%。
    retell [riːˈtel] v. 复述
    The teacher stressed again that the students shuld nt leave ut any imprtant details while retelling the stry.【2013湖北】老师再次强调学生们在复述故事的时候不要遗漏任何重要信息。
    retire [rɪˈtaɪə] v. 退休
    Nt until he retired frm teaching three years ag did he cnsider having a hliday abrad.【2012辽宁】直到三年前从教师岗位退休他才考虑去国外度假。
    retire 的名词形式:retirement [rɪˈtaɪərmənt] n.退休
    return [rɪˈtɜːn] v. 回来,回去;退还,放回;回报 n. 回来,回去;退还,放回;收益;
    I tk the suitcase t the car, and then returned t help the wman.【2013北京阅读】我将箱子送到车里,然后回去帮助那位女士。
    I am afraid I can’t return the bk t yu befre Friday.【2013重庆】恐怕在星期五之前我不能把书还给你
    They dn’t need t return the favr because I’m ttally uninterested in their things.【2015福建单词拼写】他们不需要回报我的恩惠,因为我对他们的事情完全不感兴趣。
    We lk t maximize the return we get n ur investment f time.【2014江苏阅读】
    The return f a wallet can indicate ne’s hnesty.【2014重庆阅读】退还钱包可以表明一个人很诚实。
    短语:return t继续做,重新做
    Wind pwer is an ancient surce f energy t which we may return in the near future.【2015上海】风能是一种古老的能源,在不远的将来我们将会重新使用。
    in return 作为回报,作为报酬
    In return, hwever, this passage will help yu t think like an ecnmist.【2014江苏阅读】作为回报这本书将会帮助你像经济学家一样思考。
    reuse [riːˈjuːz] vt. 重新使用
    Envirnment-friendly shpping bags can be reused.【2013安徽写作】环保购物袋可以被重新使用。
    review [rɪˈvjuː] v. 检查,审查;评论;复习;回顾 n.检查,审查;评论
    The plice fficers decided t cnduct a thrugh and cmprehensive review f the case.【2015江苏】警察决定对该案件实施一个彻底的和全面的检查。
    They are happy t review the publishers’ pinins.【2014辽宁阅读】他们乐于评论出版商的观点。
    They review befre exams.【2014广东】他们在考试之前复习。
    Peple review the past with great regret.【2014江西阅读】人们充满悔意地回顾过去。
    In ne review f the research, scientists fund that peple expsed t high levels f pllutants were up t 5% mre likely t suffer a heart attack.【2012陕西阅读】科学家在一份研究的审查中发现暴露于污染物的人们心脏病发作的的可能性高达5%。
    His first nvel has received gd reviews since it came ut last mnth.【2015陕西】
    revisin [rɪˈvɪʒn] n. 复习,修改(版)
    Hwever, dn't make the mistake f skipping the revisin stage.【2015上海完形】但是,不要犯略过修改阶段这一错误。
    revisin的动词形式:revise [rɪˈvaɪz] v. 复习,修改
    The Ministry f Justice has s far failed t revise the law.【2015上海阅读】司法部到目前为止都没有修改这项法律。
    revlutin [revəˈluːʃn] n. 革命
    The Industrial Revlutin has brken this balance between the city and the cuntry.【2013北京阅读】
    易混词:evlutin n. 进化
    reward [rɪˈwɔːd] n. v. 奖赏,酬谢 n. 奖赏
    The students have been wrking hard n their lessns and their effrts will be rewarded with success in the end.【2016北京】那些学生在学习上一直努力工作,他们的努力最后一定获得成功
    Peter gave the girl $300 as a reward.【2015广东阅读】彼得给了那个小女孩300美元作为酬谢。
    reward的形容词形式:rewarding adj. 值得做的,有意义的
    The last twenty years has been ne f the mst rewarding parts f ur lives.【2016四川阅读】过去的20年是我们生活中最有意义的一部分之一。
    rewind [riːˈwaɪnd] v. 回转(磁带等)
    rewrite [riːˈraɪt] vt. 重写
    rhyme [raɪm] n. v. 押韵
    rice [raɪs] n. 稻米;米饭
    rich [rɪtʃ] adj. 有钱的;丰富的
    短语:be rich in 富含……
    It was rich in nutritin and tasted nice.【2013全国一阅读】它富含营养并且尝起来非常好。
    rid [rɪd] v. 使摆脱掉
    These men g ut after dangerus animals like tigers, even if they say they nly d it t rid the cuntryside f a threat.【2015北京阅读】这些人们外出追赶像老虎这样的危险动物,即便他们说这么做只是为了使乡村摆脱威胁。
    短语:get rid f 摆脱
    Secnd, g utdrs and play games with yur friends as physical exercise is an effective way t get rid f anger.【2014安徽阅读】其次,和朋友出去做游戏作为绳梯锻炼是摆脱愤怒的有效方式。
    riddle [ˈrɪdl] n. 谜(语)
    ridiculus [rɪˈdɪkjʊləs] adj. 荒谬的
    It seems ridiculus t the writer that expensive watches with unnecessary functins still sell.【2014湖北阅读】作者认为带有不必要功能的昂贵手表还能卖得出去觉得很荒谬。
    同义词 absurd
    ride [raɪd] v.骑(马、自行车等);乘坐;n. 骑;乘坐;(乘车的)旅行
    Trevr had t get up early t ride his bike fur kilmeters away frm hme t wrk.【2015全国一阅读】Trevr不得不起早,然后骑四公里的自行车去工作。
    Mark ffered t ride the bus with Susan each mrning and evening until she culd manage it by herself.【2015湖北完形】Mark主动提出和Susan每天早上一起乘公交车去上班知道Susan可以独自乘公交。
    It was nly a 15-minute ride hme.【2015江西完形】骑自行车只要15分钟就到家了。
    Little physical space has made the elevatr ride different frm ther life experiences?【2014湖北阅读】狭小的物理空间使乘坐电梯与其它生活经历不一样。
    Any kind f bat ride seemed t give him pleasure.【2013浙江完形】任何一种乘船旅行都会让他很开心。
    短语:give sb a ride/lift 让某人搭便车
    He gave the girl a ride back hme.【2013陕西阅读】他让小女孩搭便车回家。
    right [raɪt] adj.正确的;右边的;合适的,恰当的 n. 权利;右边;adv. 恰恰,就在;正确地
    Given he right kind f training, these teenage sccer players may ne day grw int internatinal stars.【2014江西】只要给予恰当的训练这些青年足球运动员将来有一天会成长为国际巨星。
    I was almst kncked dwn recently by a cyclist riding n the pavement when there was a cycle lane right next t him.【2015湖南阅读】我几乎被一个在人行道上骑自行车的人撞到了,当时他旁边恰好有一个自行车道。
    Her mtivatin fr writing was a desire fr wmen t get the right t higher educatin.【2014湖北】她创作的目的是渴望女性得到接受高等教育的权利。
    right nw 立刻,马上 同义词 right away
    I’ll turn it dwn right nw.【2014重庆】我会立刻把它关掉。
    ring [rɪŋ] v. (钟、铃等)响;打电话 n. 电话,铃声 n. 环形物(如环、圈、戒指等)
    ring-rad n. 环形公路
    rigid [ˈrɪdʒɪd] adj. 僵化的,僵硬的,死板的
    The IQ scres f babies wh are fed n demand are fur t five percent higher than babies fed by a rigid timetable.【2012广东阅读】按需喂养的婴儿的智商比按照死板的时间表喂养的婴儿的智商高死到五个百分点。
    ripe [raɪp] adj. 成熟的,熟的
    A device like this culd als be used t identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready t pick and eat.【2014浙江阅读】一个像这样的装置可以识别那些成熟的可以宅吃的水果。
    ripe的动词形式:ripen [ˈraɪpən] v. 成熟
    rise [raɪz] v. 上升,增加
    The manager believes prices will nt rise by mre than anther fur percent.【2013四川】经理认为价格增长将不会超过4个百分点。
    risk [rɪsk] n. 风险,危险v. 冒……的危险
    Simn decided t risk his life and try t lwer Je dwn the muntain n a rpe.【2014全国二完形】 Simn决定冒着生命的奉献并试图用绳子将Je送下山。
    短语:take risks 冒风险
    Scientists say that yur willingness t take risks increases during yur teenage years.【2016北京七选五阅读】科学家说你冒风险的医院在情感少年时期会增加。
    at risk 处于危险
    Lack f sleep culd put the birds' health at risk.【2015四川阅读】缺乏睡眠会使鸟儿处于风险中。
    risk的形容词形式:risky [rɪskɪ]adj. 有风险的
    It is risk y but beneficial.【2014重庆阅读】他们说这是有风险的但是有益的。
    river [ˈrɪvə] n. 江;河
    rad [rəʊd] n. 路
    rast [rəʊst] v. 烤(肉)
    rb [rɔb] v. 抢劫;剥夺
    用法:rb sb f sth 抢某人的……;剥夺某人的……
    The wman was rbbed f her handbag.【2012福建阅读】那位女士的手提袋被抢了
    It can rb yu f yur self-cnfidence if yu dn’t d it.【2013辽宁阅读】如果你不做的话她会剥夺你的自信心。
    rbt [ˈrəʊbɔt] n. 机器人
    rck [rɔk] n.岩石,摇滚vt. 摇,摇晃
    rcket n. 火箭
    rle [rəʊl] n. 角色;作用
    Architects play a mre imprtant rle than builders.【2016北京阅读】建筑师扮演比建房人更重要的角色
    用法:have/play a rle in (ding) sth 在(做)某事中扮演角色。
    Fd als plays an imprtant rle in many New Year celebratins.【2015安徽阅读】食物在新年庆祝中扮演重要角色。
    rll [rəʊl] v. 滚动, 打滚 n. 面包圈; 卷状物
    rller [ˈrəʊlə]n. 滚筒
    rller skatingn 滑旱冰
    rf [ruːf] n. 屋顶
    rm [rʊm] n. 房间;空间
    The living rm was large enugh fr their pian.【2015北京阅读】卧室足够放一个钢琴。
    Fr many cities in the wrld, there is n rm t spread ur further, f which New Yrk is an example. 【2013四川】对于世界上的许多城市而言,它们没有进一步拓展空间,纽约就是一个例子。
    短语:make rm fr= make a space fr为……腾出空间
    Cmmunicatin is making a space fr discussin.【2015山东完形】交流为讨论腾出空间。
    rster [ˈruːstə] n. (美)公鸡
    rt [ruːt] n. 根;根源 ;起源
    We need t get t the rt f the prblem befre we can slve it.【2015天津】在我们解决问题之前我们必须找到问题的根源。
    This suggests that British attitudes twards accent have deep rts and are based n class prejudice.【2015广东阅读】这表明英国对于口音的态度有很长的起源并且是基于种族偏见的。
    用法:be rted in 起源于……;植根于
    Austen's ppularity is rted in her intelligence.【2013福建阅读】Austen的受欢迎起源于他的智慧。
    Much f this is rted in very early childhd experiences.【2014天津阅读】许多东西植根于童年的经历。
    rpe [rəʊp] n. 绳,索
    rse [rəʊz] n. 玫瑰花
    rt [rɔt] v. 烂; 腐败
    rugh [rʌf] adj. 粗糙的;艰难的;粗略的,大致的
    He sped dwn the rugh rad.【2015江西阅读】他快速通过那个粗糙的道路。
    She fund writing helped her get thrugh the rugh days.【2015全国二阅读】她发现写作有助于他度过艰难时光。
    I dn't understand what the engineer means, but I’ve gt rugh idea f the prject plan.【2014浙江】我不知道那个工程师的意思,但是我大致知道那个项目计划的大致想法。
    rund [raʊnd] adv.转过来 prep.环绕一周,围着 adj. 圆的
    rutine [ruːˈtiːn] n. 常规,惯例;例行公事
    N part f my ld rutine remained.【2015浙江阅读】我的一些老的习惯仍然保留下来了。
    On mst days, mums started their rutine wrk at 7am and finished at arund 11pm.【2015四川阅读】
    rw [rəʊ] n. 排, 行 v. 划船
    ryal [ˈrɔɪəl] adj. 皇家的,王室的,
    rubber [ˈrʌbə] n. 橡胶
    rubbish [ˈrʌbɪʃ] n. 垃圾; 废物
    rude [ruːd] adj. 无理的, 粗鲁的
    I think I was a bit rude t yu.【2015天津】我觉得我对你有一点小粗鲁。
    rude的名词形式: rudeness 无礼,粗鲁
    rugby [ˈrʌɡbɪ] n. 橄榄球
    ruin [ˈruːɪn] v. 毁坏,毁灭 n. 废墟,遗迹
    When they returned t Rckaway the next day, they fund their neighbrhd in ruins.【2016北京阅读】当他们第二天回到Rckaway的时候,他们发现他们的社区已经是废墟了
    A heavy rain ruined the dinner.【2016新课标三】一场大雨毁灭了晚餐。
    rule [ruːl] n. 规则;规定;统治;v. 统治;控制;规定
    Children may learn the rules f language by repeating their wn experiments.【2016浙江阅读】孩子也许通过重复他们自己的实验的方法来学习语言规则。
    The schl rules state that n child shall be allwed ut f the schl during the day, unless accmpanied by an adult.【2015山东】那个学校的规则规定除非有成年人陪伴否则不允许出校。
    The lwer classes might be ruled by the upper classes.【2015江西阅读】下层阶级可能被上层阶级统治。
    rule作动词时的名词形式:ruler [ˈruːlə] n. 统治者
    The prblems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried t cnquer Ireland.【2015安徽阅读】问题出现于16世纪,当时的英国统治者试图征服爱尔兰。
    run [rʌn] v. n. 跑;运营,经营;组织,管理
    Always keep in mind that yur main task is t get this cmpany running smthly.【2015湖南阅读】永远牢记你的主要任务是使这个公司持续运营。
    Mdy faces retirement in three years, when he hpes t run the fundatin full-time.【2015天津完形】 Mdy三个月后面临退休,到那个时候他希望自己可以全职管理这个基金会。
    短语:in the lng/shrt run/term 从长远来看
    Hwever, in the lng run what is really effective wuld be the sharing f knwledge.【2013江西阅读】然而,从长远来看真正有效的是分享知识。
    run ff 跑掉
    I fught the urge t run ff the stage.【2015山东完形】我克制了远离舞台的冲动。
    run ver 碾压
    Many times, Peter and thers witnessed squirrels being run ver.【2012山东阅读】很多次,Peter和其他人看到了松鼠被碾压了。
    run arund 嬉戏
    He als admitted that he had enjyed making her run arund and saw it as a game.【2014湖北阅读】
    run int 偶遇,遇到(困难或麻烦);撞上;
    A car ran int a lrry.【2015福建】汽车撞上了卡车
    As high schl students, we run int ne difficulty after anther in the prcess f learning.【2015安徽写作】作为高中生,我们在学习中会遇到一个又一个问题。
    run away逃跑;逃避
    When I was 8 years ld, I nce decided t run away frm hme.【2013湖南完形】当我8岁的时候,我曾今决定远离家。
    Yu can’t run away frm yur respnsibilities.【2012江苏】你不能逃避责任。
    run after追赶
    When he was running after his brther, the by lst his balance and had a bad fall.【2015湖北】 当他追赶他的哥哥的时候,他失去了平衡并且摔倒了。
    run ut (f) 用光,用尽
    The UK is running ut f areas fr burying this unnecessary waste.【2015山东阅读】英国即将用光埋藏这些不必要的垃圾的地方。
    注意 use up也有用光的意思,但是use up是及物动词短语,run ut是不及物动词短语所以
    钱用光了 我们用光了钱
    Mney runs ut. We run ut f mney
    Mney is used up. We use up mney
    run的两个名词形式:runner [ˈrʌnə] n. 赛跑者;操作者 ;running [ˈrʌnɪŋ] n. 跑步
    rush [rʌʃ] v. 冲,奔跑;仓促行事 n. 匆忙时期;匆忙
    When she was abut t speak, a student rushed in and pushed her aside!【2015广东阅读】当他准备说话的时候,一个学生冲了进来然后把她推到一边。
    The relaxing music makes yu less likely t rush thrugh a meal.【2015全国二阅读】轻松音乐使你吃饭的时候不会匆忙。
    Parking in the rush hur is very difficult.【2015广东】
    There’s really n rush.【2014四川阅读】没有必要着急。
    短语:rush t d 赶忙做某事
    Ben did nt rush t help Mrs. Tailr.【2014江西阅读】Ben 不着急着帮Tailr女士。
    Kruger was rushed t the hspital.【2012辽宁完形】Kruger被急急忙忙地送往医院。
    rush hur早高峰,晚高峰
    Is it pssible that annying rush hur traffic culd becme a surce f renewable energy?【2015浙江阅读】令人恼怒的早晚高峰会成为可再生资源的来源吗?
    1. range n. 批;组;范围 v. 排列;涉及
    (1) It came ____________the range f my visin.该物体进入了我的视野。
    (2) —What is the cst f the MP4 here?
    —Well, the prices ______ frm $100 t $500.
    A. increase B. range C. reach D. different
    (3) The exchange prgram between the UK and China may affect varius schls ______ frm kindergarten t high schl.
    A. spreading B. lcating C. ranging D. including
    2. recgnize v. 认出;承认
    (1) The place has changed beynd ____________(recgnize).
    (2) —Oh, it’s yu. I _______ yu.
    —I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.
    A. didn’t recgnize B. hadn’t recgnized
    C. haven’t recgnized D. dn’t recgnize
    (3) The famus film star wre dark glasses st that n ne wuld ______ him.
    A. reach B. recgnize C. realize D. knw
    3. recmmend v.建议;劝告;推荐;介绍
    (1) I recmmend _________ (g) by subway.
    (2) I recmmend the bk _______ all my students.我向我所有的学生推荐这本书。
    (3) The dctr recmmended that yu ______ swim after eating a large meal.
    A. wuldn’t B. culdn’t C. needn’t D. shuldn’t
    (4) I recmmend ______ an English-Chinese dictinary, which is f great help t yur studies.
    A. buying B. bught C. t buy D. be bught
    4. recver v. 痊愈;康复;找回;重新获得
    (1) She sn recvered ___________(she) and went n with his lecture.
    (2) He was fired last mnth and he’s still recvering _______ the shck.他上个月被解雇了,但他还没有从这次打击中恢复过来。
    (3) Share prices n the Stck Exchange plunged sharplyin the mrning but _____ slightly in the afternn.
    A. recvered B. restred C. regained D. retained
    (4) The plice _____ the stlen jewelry and returned it t the wner.
    A. searched B. hunted C. invented D. recvered
    5. reflect v. 映照,反射;仔细思考
    (1) She culd see her face ___________ (reflect) in the water.
    (2) She sat ____________(reflect) n hw much had changed since she had bught the farm.
    (3) After lng _____________ (reflect) we decided t buy that huse.
    (4) The likely reactins f the market need t be ______ befre we act.
    A. cnsidered n B. based n C. relied n D. reflected n
    (5) Sean’s strng lve fr his cuntry is _____ in his recently published pems.
    A. relieved B. reflected C. respnded D. recvered
    6. regret v. 遗憾;后悔 n. 遗憾;后悔
    (1) He tld me __________ regret that he culd nt cme t the party.他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。
    (2) Hw I regretted ______ hard at schl, ______ led t the failure in my career!
    A. nt t study; which B. nt having studied; that
    C. nt having studied; which D. nt t study; that
    (3) —Yu were brave enugh t raise bjectins at the meeting.
    —Well, nw I regret ______ that.
    A. t d B. t be ding C. t have been dne D. having dne
    7. relevant a. 重要的;有关的;相关的
    (1) What yu said is __________ (无关的) t the matter in hand.
    (2) The secretary shuld have all the _____ dcuments ready befre the meeting begins.
    A. cncerning B. respecting C. relevant D. regarding
    (3) He failed t supply the facts relevant _____ the case in questin.
    A. fr B. with C. t D. f
    8. remark n. 评论;意见 v. 评论;谈论
    (1) Peple ften remark _________ hw alike Jhn and Malclm lk.人们经常谈论约翰和马尔科姆长得多么像。
    (2) —Hw d yu knw abut the meeting?
    —The chairpersn made the ______ that it was a success.
    A. remark B. meaning C. difference D. signal
    (3) “This is quite delicius,” she remarked ______ her hst.
    A. at B. fr C. t D. in
    9. remind v. 提醒,使想起
    (1) She reminds me _________ giving the classrm a gd cleaning.
    (2) In ur childhd, we were ften _____ by Grandma t pay attentin t ur table manners.
    A. demanded B. reminded C. allwed D. hped
    (3) —Call me at 9:00. I can’t affrd t miss such a cnference.
    —Dn’t wrry, sir. Yu’ll surely be ______.
    A. reminded B. warned C. infrmed D. remembered
    10. remve v. 移走;去掉;去除;脱去
    (1) Three children ______________________ (remve) frm schl.
    (2) I am ging t d all I can t _____ the unpleasant impressin yu have f me.
    A. slve B. frm C. remve D. mve
    (3) What d yu advise fr ______ ink frm my clthes?
    A. remving B. mving C. getting D. bringing
    11. replace v. 更换;替换;代替
    (1) It’s nt a gd idea t miss meals and replace them _________ snacks.不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。
    (2) He has replaced Mr. Brwn __________ President.他取代布朗先生当了董事长。
    (3) Jhn is nt here tday. Wh can _____ him in the game?
    A. replace B. take the place C. instead f D. in place f
    (4) They tried t _____ hard plastics fr metals in manufacturing machine parts.
    A. replace B. substitute C. take the place f D. give way t
    12. represent v. 代表;表示;象征;描绘
    (1) He is a peple’s ______________(represent).
    (2) He represented himself ____________an expert.他自称专家。
    (3) The thirteen stars n the American flag ______ the thirteen clnies that annunced independence.
    A. shw B. sign C. represent D. explain
    (4) I culdn’t present myself, but I sent my ______ t the meeting.
    A. delegate B. specimen C. representative D. representatin
    13. request v. 要求;请求 n. 要求;请求
    (1) He was there _______________________(应……的请求) his manager.
    (2) We shuld cnsider the students’ request _____ the schl library prvide mre bks n ppular science.
    A. that B. when C. which D. where
    (3) I’m srry that I cannt accept yur _______ t attend yur birthday party, Linda, because I’m ______ t answer all the custmers’ letters tnight by my bss.
    A. requirement; required B. demand; requested
    C. request; suggested D. request; required
    14. resist v. 抵制;抗拒;反抗
    (1) I culdn’t resist ___________(tell) him the secret.
    (2) His girlfriend culdn’t resist _____ him abut his family backgrund.
    A. t ask B. asking C. ask D. abut asking
    (3) I didn’t mean _____ anything, but thse apples lked s gd I culdn’t resist _____ ne.
    A. t eat; trying B. t eat; t try C. eating; t cry D. eating; trying
    15. respect v. & n. 敬重;敬佩;尊重
    (1) Give my ____________(respect) t yur parents.
    (2) The neighbrs d nt cnsider his quite _____ as mst evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.
    A. respectful B. respected C. respectable D. respective
    (3) He was _____ selfless man that everybdy ______ him.
    A. s a; respectable B. a such; respect C. such a; respects D. such a; respected
    16. reward v. 报答;奖赏 n. 奖赏;回报;酬金
    (1) He received a medal _________________(为奖赏) his bravery.
    (2) It is widely accepted that yung babies learn t d things because certain acts lead t ______.
    A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results
    (3) Many friends sent me e-mails t _____ me n the birth f my sn.
    A. celebrate B. reward C. express D. cngratulate
    17. reach v. 到达;伸手触 n. 伸手(脚)可及的距离
    (1) The village is __________ easy reach f the railway.这村庄离铁路很近。
    (2) The flwer was ___________ my reach.这朵花我摘不到。
    (3) Dn’t leave matches r cigarettes n the table within the ______ f little children.
    A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance
    (4) —What d yu think f the TV play “The Meter Garden”?
    —I take n interest in it. One f the reasns is that such a life is ut f ur ______.
    A. mind B. reach C. sight D. pint
    18. reject v. 拒绝,否决;抛弃
    (1) The ________(reject) f the peace plan raises the threat f a mre general war.
    (2) I’ve s many _____ that I’ve stpped ffering t help her.
    A. pinins B. rejectins C. treatments D. falls
    (3) The sldiers were put in prisn because they _____ t bey rders.
    A. refused B. rejected C. denied D. bjected
    19. remain v. 依然;仍然;逗留;留下
    (1) It remains ____________(see) whether she’ll be fit enugh t play in the finals.
    (2) I’m afraid we’ll have t wrk extra hurs fr there are still sme prblems ______.
    A. remaining t settle B. remaining t be settled
    C. remained t talk abut D. t remain t discuss
    (3) The lady said she wuld buy a gift fr her daughter with the _______.
    A. 20 dllars remained B. remaining 20 dllars
    C. remained 20 dllars D. 20 dllars t remain
    20. require v. 需要;要求
    (1) I can’t meet yur ________________(require).
    (2) This wall requires ________________(require).
    (3) _______ in the regulatins that yu shuld nt tell ther peple the passwrd f yur e-mail accunt.
    A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires
    (4) Thse gymnastics mvements require ______.
    A. t imprve B. imprving C. being imprved D. imprved
    21. reserve v. 贮存;保留;预订 n.储备;贮藏
    (1) Keep a few punds ____________ (备用) t cver unexpected csts.
    (2) When he tried t make a _____, he fund that the htel that he wanted was cmpletely filled because f a cnventin.
    A. cmplaint B. claim C. reservatin D. decisin
    (3) These seats are ______ fr special guests.
    A. preserved B. reserved C. reversed D. ccupied
    22. risk n. 危险;风险 v. 冒险
    (1) Tm risked ___________ (lse) his jb t help yu ut f the truble.
    (2) Tm rescued the child at the _____ f his wn life.
    A. danger B. expense C. risk D. cst
    (3) We dn’t want t risk ______ invlved in a civil war.
    A. beme B. t becme C. becmes D. becming
    23. rescue v. 营救;拯救 n. 营救;救援
    (1) When Yushu Earthquake tk place, a lt f sldiers were quickly sent there _______ (rescue) the victims. Sme lcal peple ___________(rescue) frm the ruins. Meanwhile, mre and mre rescue wrkers als ________________(来救他们).
    (2) All the visitrs were _______ frm the burning hstel and the tw injured were ______ by dctrs frm a nearby hspital.
    A. saved; rescued B. rescuing; saved C. rescued; saved D. saving; saved
    (3) She had despaired f ever ______ alive.
    A. rescuing B. being rescued C. t rescue D. rescued
    24. resign v. 辞职
    (1) She resigned ________ the cmmittee. = She resigned ______ a member f the cmmittee.她辞去了委员会的职务。
    (2)Yu must resign ___________ (yu) t waiting a bit lnger.你们得耐心地多等一会作。

    (3) His father will hand in his __________(resign).
    (4) The manager refused t cmment n the news that he had planned t ______.
    A. dismiss B. resign C. remve D. disagree
    (5) Mr. Smith eventually _____ his psitin as Chief executive.
    A. retired B. retreated C. withdrew D. resigned
    25. respnd v. 回答;回应;作出反应
    (1) Yu can rely n him t respnd _________ a challenge你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。
    (2) In ________ (respnd) t the features abve, the fllwing measures have been taken in system design.
    (3) The disease failed t _____ t the new drugs the dctr applied.
    A. respnd B. crrespnd C. reply D. reflect
    (4) A large part f human activity, particularly in relatin t the envirnment, is ____ cnditins r events.
    A. in respnse t B. in favr f C. in cntrast t D. in excess f
    26. respnsible a. 应承担责任的;负责任的
    (1) Carelessness was respnsible _______ the accident.粗心是造成这次事故的原因。
    (2) We need t take ________________(respnsible) fr lking after ur wn health...
    (3) It des nt alter the fact that he was the man _____ fr the death f the little girl.
    A. accunting B. guilty C. respnsible D. bliged
    (4) Turism has als been greatly ______ the rapid develpment f sme develping natins.
    A. lain in B. cnsisted in C. respnsible fr D. accunted fr
    27. recrd n. 记录;最好成绩 v. 记录
    (1) She ________ (保持) the wrld indr 800 metres recrd.
    (2) Try t ________ (记录) a recrd f everything yu eat this week.
    (3) The perfrmance was recrded ______ at the Hllywd Bwl.
    A. live B. alive C. living D. lives
    (4) Tm has _____ the recrd f the 1000-meter race since 2008.
    A. kept B. held C. brke D. set
    28. relax v. 放松;放宽
    (1) First prize is three days f _______________ (relax) in a tp health spa.
    (2) It was a _____ evening with friends.
    A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxatin
    (3) Fishing is her favurite ______.
    A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxatin
    29. reduce v. 减少;缩小
    (1) She reduced her weight ______ 6 kils ______ 50 kils.她把体重减轻了6公斤 / 减轻到50公斤。
    (2) He _____ almst ___________ a skeletn.他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。
    (3) His life in the big city was hard and finally he was reduced _____ in the street.
    A. t wander B. t have wandered C. t wandering D. wandering
    (4) The gvernment calls n the public t g t wrk by bicycle instead f by car in rder t _____ air pllutin.
    A. warn B. endanger C. stp D. reduce
    30. rise v. 上升;起床;起立;升起;增长 n. 增加;提高;增强
    (1) The nvel’s success ________________(引起) a number f sequels.
    (2) With great effrt, he _________________________(站起来).
    (3) In summer, the temperature smetimes ______ as high as 390C.
    A. rises B. rising C. raising D. raises
    (4) The sun _____ in the east and ______ in the west.
    A. raises; falls B. ges up; drps C. sets; rises D. rises; sets
    31. rb v. 抢劫;掠夺
    (1) He has been rbbed ________ his dignity.他已失去了尊严。
    (2) The rbber rbbed _____.
    A. him f his gld ring B. his gld ring
    C. his gld ring frm him D. him his gd ring
    (3) The bank is reprted in the lcal newspaper ______ in brad daylight yesterday.
    A. rbbed B. t have been rbbed C. being rbbed D. having been rbbed
    32. ruin v. 毁坏;破坏 n.毁坏;破产;废墟
    (1) Years f fighting has left Iraq _______ (ruin).
    (2) The ________ (ruin) f ancient Rme were dug ut.
    (3) It rained fr tw weeks n end, cmpletely _____ ur hliday.
    A. ruined B. t ruin C. ruining D. was ruined
    (4) His brken leg means the _____ f all his hpes f becming a famus athlete.
    A. miss B. ruin C. lss D. death
    33.refer t查阅;谈到;参考;有关;运用(于)
    (1)When I said smene was flish,I wasn’t __________ (refer) t yu.
    (2) If yu want t knw its exact meaning,yu can lk it up in yur _________ (refer) bk.
    (3)There are s many new wrds in this article that I can’t get alng withut the dictinary.
    A.sticking t B.referring t
    C.lking up D.cnsulting t
    (4)I suggest that the persn put int prisn.
    A.refer t
    B.referred t be
    C.referring t shuld be
    D.referred t was
    34.the reasn that...……的原因是……
    (1)The reasn _______ I like surfing the Internet is ______ I can get much infrmatin.
    (2) The reasn _______ he explained at the meeting was _______ he didn’t catch the first bus.
    (3)Is this the reasn at the meeting fr the carelessness in the wrk?
    A.he explained B.what he explained
    C.hw he explained D.why he explained
    (4)The reasn she didn’t get the jb was her English was nt very gd.
    A.which;that B.why;that
    C.why;because D.that;because
    35.run ut vi.(供应品等)用完,耗尽;使(某人)跑得精疲力尽;(协议,文件等)失效,过期
    (1)My mney has been __________________(用完),s I have t return hme.
    (2)A: The petrl is running ut.
    B: We _________________________the petrl.
    (3)—I’m still wrking n my prject.
    —Oh,yu’ll miss the deadline.Time is .
    A.running ut B.ging ut
    C.giving ut D.lsing ut
    (4)I yu a valuable present fr yur birthday, but I all my mney.
    A.wuld like t give;ran ut f
    B.wuld like t have given;ran ut f
    C.wuld like t give;was run ut f
    D.wuld like t give;ran ut
    36.rely n依靠;依赖
    (1)Yu may rely n it that they will supprt yu.
    I rely n her _______________ (pay) back the mney.
    (2)Nw we ften hear sme wmen cmplain that men aren’t .
    A.t rely n B.t be relied n
    C.relied D.t be relied
    (3)Hwever,scientists are delighted by the discvery,because the engineers were all very educated peple and scientists feel they can what they described.
    A.rely n B.deal with
    C.write dwn D.pass n
    37.rise t ne’s feet站起身来
    (1) He tried ___________ t his feet (挣扎着站起来),but in vain.
    (2) The cst f living is ______ the rise. 生活费用在上涨。
    (3)Exhausted as he was,he t his feet as sn as he heard his name was called.
    A.rse B.std
    C.gt up D.std up
    (4)The number f students in this schl by 5% every year.
    A.arises B.aruses
    C.rises D.raises
    38.regardless f不管;不顾
    (1)They decrated the huse _______________(不管) cst.
    (2) what his parents think,he is leaving hme fr a new jb in Shenzhen.
    A.Instead f B.In terms f
    C.Lack f D.Regardless f
    (3) the weather,the athletic meeting will be held n time.
    A.In cntrast with B.In relatin t
    C.On behalf f D.Regardless f
    39.result in导致,致使
    (1)A:The accident resulted in the death f tw passengers.
    B: The death f tw passengers resulted ________ the accident.
    (2) the car accident,Jacksn culdn’t wrk any lnger.
    A.As a result B.As a result f
    C.As the result D.As result f
    (3)It’s learned frm the Public Security Ministry that in 2007,327,209 rad accidents ccurred, 81,649 deaths.
    A.resulted in B.resulting in
    C.resulted frm D.resulting frm
    40.run after追,追赶;追求
    (1)If yu any prblems at schl,yu shuld turn t yur teacher fr help.
    A.run int B.run after
    C.run ver D.run away
    (2)—We ur mney,s I’m afraid we’ll have t end ur trip next week.
    —What a pity!
    A.are running ut B.have run ut
    C.are running ut f D.have run ut f
    41.rather than宁愿……而不愿……;而不是……;与其……倒不如……(连接平行结构)
    (1)I think it’s Tm,rather than yu,wh _______ (be) t blame.
    (2) I prefer t g there n ft rather than ________ (take) a bus.
    (3) He was busy writing a letter rather than _________ (read) the newspaper.
    (4)If yu let pressure benefit upset yu,much mre can be accmplished than yu thught.
    A.mre than B.rather than
    C.ther than D.less than
    (5)—D yu feel like there r shall we take a bus?
    —I’d like t walk,but since there is n time left,I’d rather we a taxi. (2010·永嘉模拟)
    A.t walk;take B.walking;tk
    C.t walk;tk D.walking;take

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