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    1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
    2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    1.Many peple are attracted ________ Dng Yuhui ________ nt nly his ability but als his spirit.
    A.fr; byB.by; frC.by; asD.as; fr
    2.—Lk! The cluds are in different ________ in the sky. Hw amazing!
    —Sme are like sheep, sme are like hrses, and thers are like dragns.
    3.Haitai Yangtze River Tunnel ________ Haimen t Taicang will be in use in the future.
    A.cnnectsB.is cnnectingC.cnnectingD.cnnected
    4.Mst yung peple shp n TikTk because they ________ spend time ging frm shp t shp.
    5.The famus directr is sure that n ne will slve the mystery until the event ____ at the end f the hrrr film.
    A.is explainedB.will be explainedC.explainsD.has explained
    6.Jane is s cnfident that she believes she can ________ the hard task n her wn successfully.
    A.turn utB.carry utC.pick utD.give ut
    7.—The sea animals are in danger because mre plastic pllutin is harming the cean.
    —It will be wrse ________new laws are made.
    8.— What d yu think f the Teenagers magazine?
    — Gd. I like Page 17 best because cmmunicatin skills are ________ intrduced n it.
    9.Ann always faced prblems bravely and her wrk, the Diary f a Yung Girl, was still ________ amng yung peple all ver the wrld.
    10.—When will the ftball match begin?
    —Oh, it ________ fr ten minutes, ending in 4:30.
    A.has finishedB.has been nC.has been verD.has begun
    11.Friendship is _______ wine. The lnger we keep it, the tastier it will be.
    A.as lng asB.as gd asC.as well asD.as sn as
    12.The elderly find it ________ t get int public places like hspitals than befre because they dn’t knw hw t perate smart machines.
    13.—Nantng high-speed railway statin is cmpleted. Culd yu tell me ________?
    —Certainly, and the earlier, the better.
    A.hw lng will it take t get t Shanghai
    B.where I culd buy a high-speed ticket t Shanghai
    C.if I can bk a high-speed ticket t Shanghai nline
    D.that I can buy a ticket t Shanghai withut my ID card
    14.The ntice belw tells us ________.
    A.Christmas is cming snB.Christmas is a three-day hliday
    C.the library will be pen n Dec 26D.the library will be clsed n Christmas day
    15.—There are a great number f histrical and cultural treasures in the Palace Museum.
    —________. I think we’d better hire an explainer s that we can learn mre.
    A.It dependsB.I’m with yu n that
    C.In sme waysD.Dn’t mentin it
    Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter hw much she lved him. She said she lved him as much as she lved 16 . Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is a simple thing, 17 it is very imprtant. S the king thught his daughter cared a lt abut him.
    Salt has many 18 . Our bdies need salt. If we dn’t have enugh, ur bdies can’t wrk prperly. We put salt n icy rads t make them 19 . We als use salt t prduce ther prducts, like paper and glass. But fr many years, salt’s mst imprtant jb was t 20 fd. Like ther living things, mst bacteria (细菌) need water t live. Salt takes in plenty f water, s mst bacteria can’t live 21 a salty envirnment. As a result, salt prtects fd and many ther things fr much f human histry, this ability has made salt 22 . Every ancient culture frm Egypt t China depended n salt. Even tday, the hard-wrking, useful peple are 23 as “the salt f the earth”.
    Fr centuries, salt was als hard t 24 . Its usefulness, tgether with rarity (稀有) made it very expensive. Salt culd even be used like 25 . In fact, the wrd salary (薪水) cmes frm the wrd salt.
    Tday, salt is used mre widely and it still plays an significant rle in ur life.
    三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
    China cvers a large land and there are 56 ethnic grups in it. S China has many types f Chinese fd with different but muth-watering flavr (风味). In general, Chinese fd can be mainly divided int eight cuisines (菜系). Let’s have a lk at sme f them.
    26.Sichuan cuisine helps lcal peple ________.
    A.becme strngB.keep away frm the wet
    C.stay clD.keep warm
    27.Bth f the materials f Fujian cuisine and Shandng cuisine mainly cme frm ________.
    A.the seaB.the fieldC.the muntainD.the frest
    28.Frm the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A.mst f the Chinese prefer Sichuan cuisine
    B.Chinese cuisines are becming mre ppular arund the wrld
    C.visitrs can enjy different kinds f sup in Zhejiang
    D.different cuisines are frmed because f different living cnditins
    It was still light ut, and Dad wasn’t hme yet. He wrked all day cleaning pls. My brther and I spent as much f the day as we culd n the basketball. Hlding a ball and sending it int the air and waiting fr it t drp int the basket felt like magic—all the prblems f the wrld seemed t g away. Dad nce tld me he felt pretty much the same way abut cleaning pls. It was like being a magician, he said, turning the water frm cludy t clear.
    Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. “Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.” Dad said.
    “Want t sht (投篮) a few balls, Dad?” I asked, knwing hw much he lved basketball.
    “Sure,” he said, pening his eyes and smiling. “Why nt?”
    My brther passed the ball t him, and Dad caught it as if catching a ball was as natural t him as breathing.
    Dad used t play basketball in high schl, but that was a lng time ag. I lve watching Dad sht.
    Each f his shts is perfect s that the ball drps cleanly thrugh the rim (篮筐). It is ne f my favrite sunds.
    After Dad warmed up and said he was ready t start. Dad held the ball in bth hands between his knees, bent (弯曲) his legs, and lked up at the basket. It lked like he was a chicken getting ready t lay an egg. By sme miracle (奇迹) the basketball drpped straight int the basket.
    “What a sht!” Dad shuted. “Lks like I’ve still gt the tuch!” He did a little victry dance, and he smiled in a way that I’d never seen him smile in a lng time.
    As it gt darker, each f us tk shts n the curt (球场). “What abut anther game?” my brther asked, even thugh it was almst t dark t see the ball.
    “Maybe tmrrw,” Dad answered. “I think yur mm is waiting.”
    I knew hw rare it wuld be fr Dad t find time t play with my brther and me lately. I wished we culd d this mre ften. The time he spent shting baskets with us cheered him up. When he was happy it felt like everything fitted int place, including the basketball, which drpped thrugh the net withut even tuching the rim.
    29.Accrding t the passage, which wrds can best describe the father?
    A.Cnfident and brave.B.Cnfident but serius.
    C.Hard-wrking but bring.D.Hard-wrking and hpeful.
    30.What can we infer frm this passage?
    A.Dad lst his jb like ther peple.B.I ften played basketball at schl.
    C.I learned hw t play basketball frm Dad.D.Dad wasn’t in high spirit when he gt hme.
    31.Which is the best title fr this stry?
    A.A Basketball Match B.Father and Sns C.Shting with DadD.Miracle n the Curt
    Imagine an island where there are a greater number f cats than there are peple. Des it sund like smething frm a cartn r a manga (日本漫画) stry? Welcme t Tashirjima, a small island in the Pacific Ocean ff the cast f Japan. It’s a great place t be a cat. Nt nly des the cat ppulatin number in the thusands, much larger than the island’s human ppulatin f abut 100, but these cats are taken care f by bth lcal peple and turists.
    The Japanese lve cats. There are cat shrines (神庙) all ver Japan. and many f the cuntry’s flk tales feature cats as well. ___▲____?
    At ne time, the island’s main industry was fishing. The fishing nets were made f silk, and the fishermen raised silkwrms t prduce the silk fr these nets. They kept cats arund t kill mice, which were the predatrs f the silkwrms. In rder t get fd. the cats wuld als visit the htels where the fishermen frm ther islands wuld be staying. The fishermen became fnd f the cats and started watching them all the time, thinking that the cats’ actins culd tell them the weather r the mvements f the fish in the cean.
    A stry is tld that ne day, a fisherman was cllecting rcks t hld dwn his fishing net when ne f the rcks drpped frm his hands and accidentally killed a cat. The fisherman felt s bad abut it that he buried (埋葬) the cat in the center f the island and built a shrine t cats there. The shrine is called Nek-jinja, and by leaving fferings fr the cat gd”, fishermen hpe fr a gd catch and fr their safety.
    Wrd sn spread abut Cat Island, and turists came tgether t see and play with the thusands f cats that wuld walk dwn the island’s streets r sit n the drsteps f peple’s hmes. Japanese manga artist Shtar Ishinmri built several manga-related buildings n the island, mst f which lked like cats. These develped int a turist attractin, with guests staying in the cat-shaped huses. Since then, many mvies, televisin series and dcumentaries have been made abut Tashirjima, which has helped bring in even mre visitrs.
    S the next time yu see a cat lver lking fr the “purrfect” vacatin spt, recmmend t them a trip t Tashirjima, Japan’s Cat Island.
    32.What infrmatin can we get frm this passage?
    A.The exact number f cats n Cat Island.B.The reasn why Nek-jinjia gt its name.
    C.The methd f building cat-shaped huses.D.The material f fishing nets in earlier times.
    33.Which f the fllwing sentences is the mst suitable fr ___▲____?
    A.But where can we see the mst cats in Japan?
    B.But hw did Tashirjima get t be Cat Island?
    C.S why d Japanese peple lve cats s much?
    D.S wh built the first cat shrine n Tashirjima?
    34.What des the underlined wrd “predatrs” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    35.What’s the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T intrduce Cat Island in Japan.B.T tell us the histry f Cat Island.
    C.T shw us the life f cats in Japan.D.T encurage peple t prtect cats.
    Marly’s class was studying China. Her teacher, Miss Singh, tld the students that kites were invented in China mre than 2,000 years ag. “T this day,” she said, “Mst Chinese peple have a passin fr kites. On sunny and windy days, peple f all ages g t the parks t fly them.”
    Miss Singh explained that Chinese kites are always clrful and are ften beautifully decrated t lk like dragns, butterflies r ther creatures. Then she annunced an unusual hmewrk assignment. She asked each student t make a kite and bring it t class. “The Chinese make kites that represent smething imprtant t them,” she said. “Each f yu shuld make a kite that signifies smething imprtant t yu.”
    Marly did nt like the assignment. “I dn’t knw hw t make a kite,” she grumbled as she walked hme. Then she decided t ask her dad fr help. Marly explained t Papa that the kite had t mean smething t her.
    “What d yu think f when yu see a kite?” Papa asked.
    As Marly thught fr a mment. Her mind was filled with images f things that flew, such as planes and birds. “Eagles,” she said.
    Papa ndded and agreed that an eagle design wuld make an excellent kite. “They are prud and fierce,” he said.
    Marly and Papa gt tw rds f balsa wd and bund them int the shape f a crss. Papa cut a square ut f an ld white bed sheet, and Marly painted a great glden eagle n the sheet. Then they stretched the sheet ver the rds and made a diamnd-shaped (菱形的) kite. Finally, Marly tied a lng tail t the bttm f the kite, and it was finished.
    Next, Marly and Papa tk the kite t the park and tested it. The kite flew perfectly. Marly jerked the string and made the kite swp s that the eagle dived t the earth and flew back up again.
    “Ww, ” Marly cried, “This kite really flies!”
    “Yes, it des,” Papa said prudly, “I think yur teacher will like yur kite.”
    36.Where is Marly at the beginning f this stry?
    A.In China.B.At the park.C.At hme.D.In schl.
    37.Hw did Marly slve her prblem?
    A.She painted an eagle n her kite.
    B.She cut a square ut f an ld bed sheet.
    C.She asked her dad t help her build a kite.
    D.She asked her teacher fr a different assignment.
    38.The underlined wrd “signifies” means ________.
    A.flies highB.adds clr tC.cancels utD.stands fr
    39.What happened after Marly and Papa finished making the kite?
    A.They tested it in the park.
    B.They painted an eagle n it.
    C.They tied a lng tail t the bttm f it.
    D.They learned abut the Chinese passin fr kites.
    40.Which detail shws hw Marly felt abut her kite?
    A.The kite flew perfectly.B.She said, “Ww, this kite really flies!”
    C.She said, “I dn’t knw hw t make a kite.”D.She jerked the string and made the kite swp.
    41.The man wh was seen breathing turned ut t have nthing with the case. (沉重地)
    42.D yu have any t make a speech in the schl meeting?(勇气)
    43.Jules Verne wrte the famus nvel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” in his . (四十)
    44.A year is (分) int nly three seasns in Thailand. D yu knw what they are?
    45. silk is really ppular in sme freign cuntries nw.(传统的)
    46.Isn’t it strange that the cat is used t beside the dg peacefully? (lie)
    47.Students have little r n in the matter.(chse)
    48.China is a peace-lving cuntry. We hpe t get n with ther cuntries ________ (peace).
    49.Mr. Smith tld the yung children that the Earth arund the Sun. (travel)
    50.It seems rainy, kids. Yu’d better take an umbrella with . (yu)
    The histry f the Lantern Festival is nt certain, but peple have been lighting lanterns fr spiritual (精神的) purpses since befre paper was invented. Lantern 51 be made f clth. But they prbably were nt bright r clrful then. With the 52 f paper, Chinese started t make clrful paper lanterns. The traditins and days f celebrating the Lantern Festival are different in different places f China. In Nanjing, the Cnfucius Temple and the Lantern Festival have been 53 in Chinese histry. At this time f year, lts f peple frm different areas cme t 54 . Nw the lantern shw has spread ut t Ming Dynasty City Wall. Bright lights decrate the 600-year-ld wall. There is als a light and firewrk shw. There are 55 paper lanterns at the lantern market. The gvernment f Nanjing has made the festival bigger and bigger and is tying t make it an internatinal market.
    五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
    Mia Embridery (刺绣) Shines at Milan Fashin Week
    At Milan Fashin Week last September in Italy, peple were amazed at the beautiful pictures n the mdels’ clthes. What were these? Italian embridery? N. They were Chinese traditinal Mia embridery. Lts f viewers didn’t knw it very well and cnfused (混淆) them.
    Abut fur mnths ag, sme embridery designers’ wrks were chsen t be displayed at Milan Fashin Week. Their beautiful embridery shwed the traditinal artistry (工艺技术) f the Mia peple. The Mia are ne f China’s 56 ethnic grups (民族). Mia peple have a habit f decrating clthes with beautiful pictures. They have gt ideas fr these pictures frm nature and their ethnic histry. As a result, peple think that Mia embridery is a “living fssil (活化石)” f Mia culture.
    “I have never been t a freign cuntry, but my embridery has,” Wang Rngbi said in excitement. Wang cmes frm Xiagulng Village in Guizhu prvince. She is ne f embridery designers frm the prvince.
    Wang takes pride in where she cmes frm. In her pieces, she embriders seals (印章) n different parts f clthes. In this way, she pays her great respect t the Siyin Mia, ne branch (分支) f the Mia ethnic grup. “Siyin” in Chinese means fur seals.
    Shi Chuanying is anther Mia embriderer frm Guizhu. The 45-year-ld was luckier than Wang. She had a frnt-rw seat at the fashin week. In July, Shi received an invitatin t attend Milan Fashin Week. On September 21, Shi left fr Milan. She went there with tw traditinal cstumes (服装) and ten embridered pieces made fr the catwalk.
    The Mia peple are happy t see the traditinal cstumes f their ethnic grup n the internatinal stage. This has increased their cnfidence in the develpment f Mia embridery. “Traditinal cstumes can be very fashinable,” said an embridery designer. “Hpefully, ur ethnic culture has plenty f attractin frm all ver the wrld.”
    Later St Clare decided t g int twn. He tk his hat and tld Tm.
    “Shall I g with yu, Master?” Tm asked.“N,” said St Clare. “I’ll be back in an hur.”
    S Tm sat dwn and t 66 f his freedm, his happiness and his hme. He still culd nt believe it. He was ging hme!
    While St Clare was walking int twn, he saw sme drunks f 67 , and he tried t stp them. One f the men had a knife. When St Clare t 68 t take it frm him, the drunk stabbed him.
    Tm was asleep when there was a knck n the dr and several men carried St Clare i 69 . He was uncnscius because f the pain and lss f bld. Tm went t call the d 70 ; Miss Ophelia quickly prepared a bed and tried t wake St Clare.
    The dctr arrived and the lk n his face said that there was n h 71 . He cleaned and bandaged the wund, and said that St Clare needed t r 72 .
    St Clare pened his eyes. He saw Tm beside him, and he tk his hand.
    “Tm!” he said. “Pr yu!”
    “What, Master?” said Tm.
    “I’m d 73 ,” said St Clare, hlding Tm’s hand. “Please, pray!”
    And Tm prayed with all his heart fr the sul that was leaving. When he finished, St Clare lked at him and tk his hand a 74 . Then he clsed his eyes and d 75 .
    ——Taken frm Uncle Tm’s Cabin
    青春期是我们成长的必经之路,往往伴随着各种各样的困扰。Teenagers校刊针对当前青少年面临的问题进行了调查,结果如图所示。请你以“Teenage Prblems”为题,写一篇短文,分别介绍你已经解决和依然存在的问题,谈谈具体表现和解决方法。
    1. 短文须自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意;
    2. 词数在100个左右;
    3. 短文中不得使用真实的个人及学校信息;
    4. 短文必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。
    All branches f the McDnald Cunty Library will be clsed n
    Tuesday, December 24thand will remain clsed thrugh
    Thursday, December 26th
    Regular hurs will resume n Friday, December 27th.
    Sichuan cuisine is ht, spicy and sur. It has smething t d with the wet weather f that area and peple need ht fd t stay away frm the wet. There are many ppular dishes that stand fr Sichuan cuisine like Kung Pa Chicken.
    Zhejiang cuisine is frm the lcal dishes f Hangzhu, Ningb and Shaxing. Fd in Zhejiang has a pleasant smell and it tastes fresh. And mst f the dishes are perfectly made. If yu visit Zhejiang, yu must taste Dngp Prk.
    Fujian cuisine ften uses materials frm the sea t ck. It tastes light and the clr is beautiful. Yu can enjy different kinds f sup in Fujian, because many dishes f Fujian cuisine are served in sup, like F Tia Qiang.
    Shandng cuisine is very famus in nrthern China. It includes much seafd which tastes light and fresh. It is als the symbl f cking culture alng the Yellw River. Its mst famus dish is Sweet and Sur Carp.
    famus inventin plenty f used t have fun
    Mia Embridery Shines at Milan Fashin Week
    * At Milan Fashin Week, lts f viewers 56 Chinese traditinal Mia embridery fr Italian embridery because they didn’t knw it very well.
    Sme 57 abut Mia embridery
    *The beautiful Mia embridery shwed the traditinal artistry f the Mia peple.
    *The Mia peple are 58 t decrating clthes with beautiful pictures. Their ideas fr the beautiful pictures cme frm nature and Mia histry.
    *Mia embridery is 59 as a “living fssil” f Mia culture.
    Tw Mia embridery designers
    Wang Rngbi
    *Wang cmes frm Xiagulng Village in Guizhu prvince. She has never been 60 , but her embridery has.
    *Wang is 61 f her hmetwn. She 62 the Siyin Mia very much and embriders seals n different parts f clthes.
    Shi Chuanying
    *The 45-year-ld was luckier because she was 63 t attend Milan Fashin Week.
    *Shi went t Milan with tw traditinal cstumes and ten embridered pieces made fr the catwalk.
    *The Mia peple becme mre 64 f the develpment f Mia embridery. It is 65 that Mia embridery has plenty f attractin frm all ver the wrld.
    考查介词辨析。fr为了;by由;as作为。第一个空,be attracted by...“被……吸引”,固定短语。第二个空,表示因为某事被吸引,用介词fr。故选B。
    考查名词辨析。sizes尺寸;clurs颜色;rders顺序;shapes形状。根据“Sme are like sheep, sme are like hrses, and thers are like dragns.”可知,天空中的云形状各异。故选D。
    考查非谓语动词。根据“Haitai Yangtze River t Taicang”可知,此处是现在分词作后置定语修饰“Haitai Yangtze River Tunnel”,表主动关系用现在分词cnnecting。故选C。
    考查情态动词辨析。needn’t不必;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止;shuldn’t不应该。根据“Mst yung peple shp n TikTk because they ... spend time ging frm shp t shp.”可知,此处指“不需要花时间从一个商店到另一个商店”,故选A。
    考查时态和被动语态。主语the event和谓语explain之间是被动关系,句子是until引导的时间状语从句,遵循主将从现,从句用一般现在时的被动语态am/is/are dne。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。turn ut结果是;carry ut实行,完成;pick ut挑选出;give ut分发。根据“the hard task”可知,此处要表达“完成”这一含义,carry ut the hard task意为“完成这项艰巨的任务”。故选B。
    考查连词辨析。unless如果不,除非;after在……之后;until直到;since自从。根据“It will be laws are made.”可知,此处表示“如果不制定法律”,故选A。
    考查副词辨析。prbably可能;usually经常;naturally自然地;specially特别地。根据“I like Page 17 best because cmmunicatin skills are ... intrduced n it.”可知,第17页特别介绍了沟通技巧。故选D。
    考查形容词辨析。ppular受欢迎的;creative有创造力的;peaceful和平的;imaginative有想象力的。根据“amng yung peple all ver the wrld”可知,此处指“在年轻人中受欢迎”,选项A符合语境,故选A。
    考查延续性动词和非延续性动词以及副词辨析。finished结束,非延续动词;n开始,副词;ver结束,副词;begun开始,非延续性动词。根据“fr ten minutes”可知此处应与延续性动词连用,排除AD;根据“ending in 4:30.”可知是已经结束了,排除B。故选C。
    考查短语辨析。as lng as只要;as gd as几乎,差不多;as well as和;as sn as一……就……。根据“The lnger we keep it, the tastier it will be.”可知,友谊和酒差不多,时间越久越深厚。故选B。
    考查形容词比较级。easy简单的;easier更简单的;hard艰难的;harder更艰难的。根据“they dn’t knw hw t perate smart machines”可知是指老年人发现比以前更难进入像医院这样的公共场所,结合than,可知需用形容词hard比较级。故选D。
    考查宾语从句引导词。hw lng will it take t get t Shanghai需要多长时间才能到达上海;where I culd buy a high-speed ticket t Shanghai我在哪里可以买到去上海的高铁票;if I can bk a high-speed ticket t Shanghai nline我能否在网上订购一张到上海的高铁票;that I can buy a ticket t Shanghai withut my ID card我可以不用身份证买到上海的机票。根据“Culd yu tell me”可知,此处是宾语从句,宾语从句使用陈述句语序,因此可先排除A选项;主句表示疑问,不用that引导的宾语从句,因此可排除D选项;根据答语“Certainly, and the earlier, the better.”可知,问的是“我能否在网上订购一张到上海的高铁票”。故选C。
    考查常识。根据标题“HOLIDAY CLOSING NOTICE”及“All branches f the McDnald Cunty Library will be clsed n”可知图书馆要闭馆;根据“Tuesday, December 24thand will remain clsed thrugh/Thursday, December 26th Regular hurs will resume n Friday, December 27th.”可知上面的日期是在圣诞节期间。故选D。
    考查情景交际。It depends看情况而定;I’m with yu n that我同意你的看法;In sme ways在某些方面;Dn’t mentin it没关系。根据“I think we’d better hire an explainer s that we can learn mre”可知,此处是同意上文的观点,故选B。
    16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A
    salt盐;air空气;gld金子;sugar糖。根据下文“Salt is simple thing, …it is very imprtant. S the king thught his daughter cared a lt abut him.”可知,女儿是拿盐设喻。故选A。
    frms形式;secrets秘密;uses使用,用途;skills技巧。根据下文“We als use salt t prduce ther prducts”可知,盐有很多用途。故选C。
    wide宽的;safe安全的;smth光滑的;thick厚的。根据“put salt n icy rads”可知,把盐放在结冰的路上,是为了使路面不那么光滑而保持安全。故选B。
    prtect保护;prvide提供;prduce生产;prepare准备。根据下文“As a result, salt prtects fd and many ther things”可知,盐的一项重要用途是保护食物。故选A。
    hpeful有希望的;cmfrtable舒适的;valuable有价值的;successful成功的。根据下文“Every ancient culture frm Egypt t China depended n salt.”可知,盐非常有价值,埃及和历史上的中国等都需要盐。故选C。
    saved节省;拯救;dreamed梦想;invited邀请;described描述。根据“the salt f the earth”可知,be described as被描述成……。故选D。
    sell卖;get得到;take带去;keep保持。根据下文“Its usefulness, tgether with rarity made it very expensive.”可知,盐很稀有,不易得到。故选B。
    mney钱;medicine医学;earth地球;fd食物。根据“In fact, the wrd salary (薪水) cmes frm the wrd salt.”可知,这里是盐可以像钱一样使用。故选A。
    26.B 27.A 28.D
    26.细节理解题。根据“It has smething t d with the wet weather f that area and peple need ht fd t stay away frm the wet”可知,川菜可以帮助人们远离潮湿。故选B。
    27.细节理解题。根据“Fujian cuisine ften uses materials frm the sea t ck.”和“It includes much seafd which tastes light and fresh.”可知,福建菜和山东菜的材料多来自于海洋。故选A。
    28.推理判断题。根据“China cvers a large land and there are 56 ethnic grups in it. S China has many types f Chinese fd with different but muth-watering flavr”可知,中国幅员辽阔,因为不同的生活条件形成了不同的菜系。故选D。
    29.D 30.D 31.C
    29.推理判断题。根据“It was still light ut, and Dad wasn’t hme yet. He wrked all day cleaning pls.”可知,父亲是努力工作的;根据“Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. ‘Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.’ Dad said”及“‘Sure,’ he said, pening his eyes and smiling. ‘Why nt?’”可推知,父亲在面对许多人因为失业而无法负担清洁游泳池的费用的事情后仍然乐观地接受作者的邀请一起去打篮球,这表明他是一个充满希望的人。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据“Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. ‘Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.’ Dad said”可推知,父亲回到家时心情不太好。故选D。
    31.最佳标题题。根据“I knew hw rare it wuld be fr Dad t find time t play with my brther and me lately. I wished we culd d this mre ften. The time he spent shting baskets with us cheered him up. When he was happy it felt like everything fitted int place, including the basketball, which drpped thrugh the net withut even tuching the rim.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了爸爸工作辛苦,作者通过与爸爸一起打篮球让他开心的故事。因此最佳标题为“和爸爸一起投篮”。故选C。
    32.D 33.B 34.A 35.A
    32.细节理解题。根据第三段“At ne time, the island’s main industry was fishing. The fishing nets were made f silk, and the fishermen raised silkwrms t prduce the silk fr these nets.”可知,该岛的主要产业是渔业。渔网是用丝绸做的,渔民们养蚕来为这些渔网生产丝绸。此处介绍了早期渔网的材料是丝绸,D选项表述正确。故选D。
    34.词句猜测题。根据第三段“The fishing nets were made f silk, and the fishermen raised silkwrms t prduce the silk fr these nets. They kept cats arund t kill mice, which were the predatrs f the silkwrms.”可知,此处应是表达老鼠是蚕的“天敌”,因而“predatrs”应和A选项enemies“敌人”意义相近。故选A。
    35.主旨大意题。根据全文的内容可知,本文主要介绍了日本的猫岛,包括猫岛的历史以及它的现状, A选项符合语境。 故选A。
    36.D 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.B
    36.细节理解题。根据“Marly’s class was studying China. Her teacher, Miss Singh, tld the students that kites were invented in China mre than 2,000 years ag.”可知,Marly的班级正在学习关于中国的知识,因此故事一开始,Marly在学校。故选D。
    37.细节理解题。根据“Then she decided t ask her dad fr help. Marly explained t Papa that the kite had t mean smething t her.”可知,Marley向爸爸求助制作风筝。故选C。
    38.词句猜测题。根据“Each f yu shuld make a kite that signifies smething imprtant t yu.”可知,老师希望同学们能制作一个能代表重要意义的风筝,因此 signifies表示“代表”,即stands fr符合题意。故选D。
    39.细节理解题。根据“Next, Marly and Papa tk the kite t the park and tested it.”可知,他们做完风筝后,准备去公园试飞。故选A。
    40.推理判断题。根据“ ‘Ww,’ Marly cried, ‘This kite really flies!’ ”可知,看到飞起的风筝,Marly感到惊喜,这句话体现出Marly对风筝的感受。故选B。
    【详解】句意:Jules Verne在他四十几岁的时候写了著名的小说《海底两万里》。根据汉语提示可知此处应用“frty”,“in ne’s +整十位的复数”表示“在某人几十岁的时候”,因此此处应用“frties”。故填frties。
    【详解】句意:在泰国,一年只有三个季节。你知道它们是什么吗?“分”译为divide,动词;主语“A year”与divide是被动关系;此空前已有be动词is。故填divided。
    【详解】句意:这只猫习惯安静地躺在这只狗旁边,不奇怪吗?be used t ding sth“习惯于做某事”,因此填动名词lying。故填lying。
    【详解】句意:史密斯先生告诉小孩子们地球绕着太阳转。根据“ the Sun.”可知,地球围绕着太阳转是一个真理,时态为一般现在时,主语the Earth为三单,因此用travel的三单形式travels“旅游”。故填travels。
    51.used t 52.inventin 53.famus 54.have fun 55.plenty f
    51.句意:灯笼过去曾是用布料制成的。根据上文“ paper was invented.”及分析句子结构可知此处需填动词短语,“used t be过去曾是”为固定搭配,符合语境。故填used t。
    52.句意:随着纸张的发明,中国人开始制作彩色的纸灯笼。此处需填一个名词,根据上文“Chinese started t make clrful paper lanterns.”及备选词汇可知“inventin发明”符合语境。故填inventin。
    54.句意:许多来自各地的人们来游玩得很开心。分析句子结构可知此处应填动词,“have fun玩得开心”,符合语境。故填have fun。
    55.句意:灯笼市场上有许多纸灯笼。此句结构完整,可考虑使用量词修饰paper,根据上文“Nw the lantern shw has spread ut firewrk shw”及备选词汇可知“plenty f大量的”符合语境。故填plenty f。
    56.mistk 57.facts/infrmatin 58.used 59.cnsidered/seen 60.abrad 61.prud 62.respects 63.invited 64.cnfident 65.hpeful
    56.根据“Lts f viewers didn’t knw it very well and cnfused (混淆) them.”可知,在米兰时装周上,很多观众把中国传统的苗绣误认为是意大利刺绣,因为他们不太了解它。mistake“错认”,该句是一般过去时,填动词过去式。故填mistk。
    57.根据“Their beautiful embridery shwed the traditinal artistry (工艺技术) f the Mia peple.”可知,这里介绍的是关于苗绣的一些事实/信息,facts“事实”为复数名词泛指类别;infrmatin“信息”不可数名词。故填facts/infrmatin。
    58.根据“Mia peple have a habit f decrating clthes with beautiful pictures.”可知,苗族人习惯用漂亮的图画装饰衣服。use“使用”,该句是一般过去时,动词填过去式。故填used。
    59.根据“As a result, peple think that Mia embridery is a “living fssil (活化石)” f Mia culture.”可知,苗绣被认为/看作是苗族文化的“活化石”。短语be cnsidered as“被认为”;以及短语be seen as“被看作”符合语境。故填cnsidered/seen。
    60.根据“‘I have never been t a freign cuntry, but my embridery has,’ Wang Rngbi said in excitement.”可知,她从未出过国,但她的刺绣手艺出过国。g abrad“出国”。故填abrad。
    61.根据“Wang takes pride in where she cmes frm.”可知,王为她的家乡感到骄傲,be prud f“为……感到自豪”。故填prud。
    62.根据“In her pieces, she embriders seals (印章) n different parts f clthes. In this way, she pays her great respect t the Siyin Mia,”可知,她非常尊重四印苗族,在衣服的不同部位绣上印章。该句是一般现在时,主语是She,谓语动词填三单形式。故填respects。
    63.根据In July, Shi received an invitatin t attend Milan Fashin Week.”可知45岁的她更幸运,因为她被邀请参加米兰时装周。invite“邀请”,设空处前有was,设空处填动词的过去分词。故填invited。
    64.根据“The Mia peple are happy t see the traditinal cstumes f their ethnic grup n the internatinal stage.”可知,苗族人民对苗绣的发展更有信心。故填cnfident。
    65.根据“Hpefully, ur ethnic culture has plenty f attractin frm all ver the wrld.”可知,苗绣有望吸引世界各国的目光。故填hpeful。
    66.(t)hught 67.(f)ighting 68.(t)ried 69.(i)nside 70.(d)ctr 71.(h)pe 72.(r)est 73.(d)ying 74.(a)gain 75.(d)ied
    66.句意:于是汤姆坐下来,想着他的自由,他的幸福和他的家。根据下文“He still culd nt believe it. He was ging hme!”及首字母提示可知,此处指想起,think f“思考;想起”,固定词组;根据空前的“sat dwn”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,所以此处应用动词的过去式形式。故填(t)hught。
    67.句意:当圣克莱尔走进镇里时,他看到一些醉汉在打架,他试图阻止他们。根据空后的“he tried t stp them”及首字母提示可知,此处指打架,fight“打架”;分析句子结构可知,此处应用现在分词形式作宾补。故填(f)ighting。
    68.句意:当圣克莱尔试着夺走刀时,醉汉刺伤了他。根据上文“he tried t stp them. One f the men had a knife”及首字母提示可知,此处指克莱尔试着夺走刀,try t d sth.“试着做某事”,固定词组;句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用动词的过去式形式。故填(t)ried。
    69.句意:汤姆睡着了,这时有人敲门,几个人把圣克莱尔抬了进去。根据“there was a knck n the dr”及首字母提示可知,此处指几个人把圣克莱尔抬了进去,inside“向里面”符合。故填(i)nside。
    70.句意:汤姆去叫医生;奥菲莉娅小姐迅速铺好了一张床,试着叫醒圣克莱尔。根据下文“The dctr arrived”及首字母提示可知,此处指医生。故填(d)ctr。
    71.句意:医生来了,他脸上的表情表明没有希望了。根据“The dctr arrived and the lk n his face said that there was n…”的句意及首字母提示可知,此处表示没有希望,hpe“希望”符合。故填(h)pe。
    72.句意:他清理并包扎了伤口,并说圣克莱尔需要休息。根据“He cleaned and bandaged the wund, and said that St Clare needed t…”的句意及首字母提示可知,此处指圣克莱尔需要休息,rest“休息”符合;根据空前的“needed t”可知,此处应用动词原形。故填(r)est。
    73.句意:“我快死了,”圣克莱尔拉着汤姆的手说。根据下文“Please, pray!”及首字母提示可知,此处指圣克莱尔说自己快死了,die“死”符合;根据空前的“I’m”可知,此处应用现在分词形式。故填(d)ying。
    74.句意:当他祈祷完的时候,圣克莱尔看了他一眼,又拉住了他的手。根据上文“hlding Tm’s hand”及首字母提示可知,此处指又拉住了他的手,again“又”符合。故填(a)gain。
    75.句意:然后他闭上眼睛死了。根据“Then he clsed his eyes”及首字母提示可知,此处指圣克莱尔死了,die“死”符合;句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用动词的过去式形式。故填(d)ied。
    Teenage Prblems
    In ur grwth prcess, we will always encunter varius prblems. I wasn’t very gd at sprts in the past. Later, with the encuragement f my teacher, I nw enjy sprts, especially playing basketball. S I am very slim and healthy. I used t have a lt f hmewrk and finished very late every day. But nw I have very little hmewrk. I can cmplete them at schl. Hwever, there are still sme prblems that we cannt slve very well nw. Fr example, I have almst n friends. Smetimes my relatinship with my parents is nt very gd.
    ①be gd at擅长
    ②with the encuragement f sb.在某人的鼓励下
    ③enjy ding sth.享受做某事
    ④used t d sth.过去常常做某事
    ①But there are still sme prblems that we cannt slve very well nw. (定语从句)

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