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    It’s time t share the winners f this year’s Invent It Challenge! Here are ur fur winners f the first rund!
    Gl Zne (Ages 5-7 Individual Winner)
    Kabir frm Califrnia came up with this cl inventin after a nt-s-fun experience. He was hit by fur adults n a ski trip! T make skiing and snwbarding safe fr nighttime (especially fr smaller kids), he created Gl Zne,a fun glwing(发光的)rainbw umbrella that is attached t skiers’ helmets.
    PrTech Helmet (Ages 11-13 Individual Winner)
    Pja frm New Jersey has created a light, safe helmet designed fr playing frisbee (飞盘)!She came up with the idea after getting hit right under the eye at a frisbee cmpetitin and realizing she culd get blinded if it were any higher. The PrTech Helmet has a lining(衬里) made f a new technlgy called Spin.
    Ace Attachment (Ages 8-10 Team Winner)
    Levi and Albert frm New Yrk dealt with helping peple with disabilities enjy sprts. The Ace Attachment makes it easier fr wheelchair users t play glf. Unlike similar inventins, the Ace Attachment is easily adjustable.
    Skate Shes “DOOD” (Ages 14+ Individual Winner)
    It’s the wrst when yu ruin yur favrite pair f shes! Frtunately, Rmmel frm Mexic has cme up with new skate shes. These shes have exchangeable parts that allw pieces f the shes t be replaced with new nes when brken instead f getting rid f the whle pair.
    Cast yur vte!
    Which f these fantastic inventins will yu chse t win the Cricket Chice Award? While they are all utstanding, nly ne can win the ppular vte! Cast yur vte here by May 16!
    1.What d Kabir’s and Pja’s inventins have in cmmn?
    A. They are new-type helmets.
    B. They are targeted at the same sprt.
    C. They are designed fr teenagers f the same age grup.
    D. They are inspired by the inventrs’ experience f getting hit.
    2.What is special abut Rmmel’s inventin?
    A. It is disability-friendly.
    B. It features replaceable parts.
    C. It invlves a new technlgy called Spin.
    D. It enables wheelchair users t enjy sprts.
    3.What is this text?
    A. A shrt stry abut yung inventrs.B. An intrductin t a cmpetitin.
    C. An award vting invitatin.D. A winner annuncement.
    Lindsay culdn’t g t her gym after Beijing shut dwn indr sprts facilities in May because f a crnavirus utbreak. S she started cycling and sn fell in lve with the sprt. “I realized a racing bicycle was quite different frm a regular bike,” she said. “It’s very fast and exciting, and I culdn’t stp anymre.”
    Bicycles have lng been a means f transprt in China and nce utnumbered cars n city streets. Nw cycling is als increasingly seen as a sprt by the urban middle class that has benefited frm China’s grwth int the wrld’s secnd largest ecnmy. Biking events rganized by Beijing cycling club Qiyi ttaled abut 10,000 participants ver the past year, with abut 50% f them regulars. Natinwide, at least 20 millin peple are participating in the sprt, accrding t the Chinese Cycling Assciatin.
    The pandemic has played a rle, with authrities mving quickly t clse nn-essential businesses, including gyms, during utbreaks under a strict zer-COVID apprach. Cycling, which can be dne individually as well as in grups, has largely been free frm restrictins that limit gathering. Fr cyclist Yang Lan, the reasn why she lves cycling is that the sprt prvides an escape frm the daily life in the crnavirus era. “With the pandemic, it seems t be the nly way fr us t run away frm the terrible city life and pace,” she said.
    Peple will have mre chices fr sprts and entertainment when the pandemic is ver. But Feng Bazhng, the vice president f the Chinese Cycling Assciatin says that he expects cycling t remain ppular. Because it’s driven by China’s grwing ecnmy, grwth f the sprts industry and increasing cncern abut health due t COVID-19. “The pursuit f health will nt disappear,” he said, “and the ppularity f cycling is als a sign f the public’s awareness f envirnmental prtectin and pursuit f a lw-carbn lifestyle.”
    4.Hw many peple in the Qiyi club take part in cycling activities regularly?
    A.Mre than 10,000.B.Arund 10,000.
    C.Arund 5,000.D.Arund 20,000,000.
    5.Why des Yang Lan lve cycling?
    A.She enjys cycling alne.
    B.She likes participating in cycling activities.
    C.She can get a break frm the city life.
    D.She saves mney by riding t wrk.
    6.What can we infer frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Peple are paying mre attentin t health issues.
    B.China’s ecnmy is getting wrse due t the pandemic.
    C.The sprts industry is in crisis during the lckdwn.
    D.Other sprts will replace cycling when the pandemic is ver.
    7.What is the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A.Pandemic Harms CyclingB.Pandemic Fuels Cycling
    C.Cycling Bsts Sprts IndustryD.Cycling Means a Lw-carbn Lifestyle
    At the beginning f Grade Tw, I jined the crss-cuntry running team in ur schl.
    When I came t the first practice, I was filled with ptimism. But as the distance we ran in each practice gradually increased frm three t fur, t six miles, I realized with surprise that n matter hw hard I tried, I wasn’t able t run as fast as thers. In fact, I was ne f the slwest n the team.
    What was the pint f putting myself thrugh s much pain? After the first few weeks, I wanted t quit.
    Then we had ur first crss-cuntry meet.
    When we started the race, I felt the great pressure f expectatins sink nt my shulders. And after a while I stpped running and struggled t walk up the hill. But then I heard my caches shuting my name frm the tp f the hill. I felt cnfused and embarrassed; why were they cheering fr me? I was running terribly! As I tried my best t finish the race, I realized that my caches didn’t care hw fast I ran. Neither did my teammates. During the rest f the seasn, they were always n the sidelines f every race, cheering fr me just as ludly as they’d cheered fr the frnt runner.
    Frm then n, I began t put my effrt int supprting my teammates instead f fcusing n my wn perfrmance. In that way, I celebrated my teammates’ victries as if they were my wn; I felt their pain and exhaustin as if they were my wn.
    Crss-cuntry running made me realize I dn’t need t be the best t be successful in life. It taught me t value my relatinships with peple mre than my relatinship with my eg. It taught me t cheer fr thers even if I dn’t knw their names.
    8.Why did the authr want t give up after the first few weeks?
    A. He had much pain in his knees.
    B. He didn’t perfrm well in lng-distance running.
    C. He culdn’t get alng well with thers
    D. He shwed n interest in running.
    9.Which f the fllwing can best describe the caches?
    A. Strict and hard-hearted.B. Brave and adventurus.
    C. Cnsiderate and supprtive.D. Optimistic and humrus.
    10.What did the authr happen t change after his first crss-cuntry race?
    A. He lst himself in victries
    B. He put mre effrt int his study
    C. He received mre supprt frm his caches
    D. He started caring abut his teammates
    11.. What did the authr realize frm his experience?
    A. The imprtance f team spiritB. The value f cmpetitin
    C. The secret f winning a raceD. The benefits f ding sprts
    Indr fd grwing peratins are seeing bth successes and failures in the United States. Sme cmpanies in the fd industry are investing (投资) even as cmpetitrs fail.
    Califrnia-based Plenty Unlimited this summer began wrking n $300 millin indr plants, while Krger annunced that it wuld be increasing its availability f vertically (垂直地) farmed prduce. Meanwhile, tw indr farming cmpanies that gt strng backing—New Jersey’s AerFarms and Kentucky’s AppHarvest—filed fr financial failure and rerganizatin. And a five-year-ld cmpany in Detrit, Planted Detrit, shut its drs this summer.
    The industry changes d nt wrry Jacb Prtill, a grwer with Eden Green Technlgy, an indr farming cmpany. “The fact that ther peple are failing and ther peple are succeeding is ging t happen in any industry yu g t,” he said.
    Indr farming refers t grwing crps indrs, which experts smetimes call “cntrlled envirnment agriculture”. There are different methds. One methd called vertical farming invlves putting prduce frm flr t ceiling, ften under artificial lights and with the plants grwing in nutrient-enriched water. Other grwers are trying very large greenhuses, indr beds f sil in big buildings and using special rbts fr parts f the farming prcess.
    Supprters say grwing indrs uses less water and land and permits fd t be grwn clser t cnsumers, saving n transprt. Indr grwing is als a way t prtect crps frm increasingly extreme weather caused by climate change.
    But critics questin the sustainability (可持续性) f peratins that can require a lt f energy fr artificial lights. And they say paying fr that light can make prfitability impssible. Curt Cvingtn f AgAmerica Lending, a private investment cmpany centered n agriculture, is nt cnvinced that indr farming peratins can wrk—except in special cases. Given the high cst f indr peratins, Cvingtn said, “It’s just hard t be very prfitable.”
    12.What is Jacb Prtill’s attitude t the indr fd grwing industry?
    A. Psitive.B. Wrried.C. Unclear.D. Dubtful.
    13.What can we learn abut indr farming?
    A. It takes a lt f manpwer t take care f plants.
    B. It means grwing plants in water instead f sil.
    C. It prtects crps frm increasingly extreme weather.
    D. It is different frm cntrlled envirnment agriculture.
    14.Why did Curt Cvingtn questin indr farming peratins?
    A. They prduce little fd.B. They carry great cst.
    C. They need sunlight.D. They lack investrs.
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A. What Types f Fd Can Be Grwn Indrs?
    B. Hw Can Yu Grw Fd Indrs Withut Sil?
    C. Indr Farming Cmpanies Take Agriculture Indrs
    D. Indr Fd Grwing Operatins Face an Uncertain Future
    16.We lve ur dgs and always try t take gd care f them, but there are sme simple things that can be harmful t ur pets. ①______
    Playing fetch with sticks
    Mst dgs lve playing fetch with sticks. It may be fun t thrw ne fr yur dg when yu dn’t have a ball r rubber ty handy, but they can be extremely dangerus. Sticks can easily break. ②______ A stick can als g thrugh a dg’s thrat and get stuck there, which can be life threatening.
    Feeding cked bnes
    Dgs lve eating bnes and human leftvers, but cked bnes shuld never be fed t dgs. They can break int small, sharp pieces. They have the ptential t cause chking r cuts t the muth, thrat r gut.
    If yu chse t feed yur dg bnes, nly feed raw bnes and always under cntrl. ③______
    Nt all dgs can swim
    Dg wners ften take it fr granted that all dgs can swim, but in fact sme dgs may nt be able t swim at all. Pugs, French bulldgs, dachshunds and similar are ften pr swimmers. ④______ In rder fr these dgs t keep their nses and muths abve water they must stick their heads ut frm under water, which pints their back end dwnwards, making them almst vertical in the water and likely t sink.
    ⑤______ T d this, get in the water with them and supprt them under the bdy until they get the hang f using all fur legs t push themselves frward. Dn’t frce yur dg if they are nt cmfrtable, and always start by paddling in a shallw area. Many dgs will learn t swim by fllwing ther dgs int the water.
    A. S keep yur dg frm playing fetch with sticks.
    B. That’s because they have heavy bdies, shrt legs r shrt nses.
    C. Swimming in a pl is just a piece f cake fr these dgs.
    D. Mst dgs need t be taught hw t swim.
    E. They can even kill the pets while many pet wners aren’t aware f them.
    F. Chat t yur vet abut the right type f bnes fr yur dg.
    G. And the pieces can cut the muth r thrat.
    Fr lng, a little by was wndering why his desk pal culd rank 1st in the class, whereas he himself failed t; he nly ranked 21st. S he asked his mm, “Mm, am I mre 1 than thers? I feel I am as careful as him, but hw cme I always 2 ?” Hearing the wrds,Mm was wrried that her sn’s self-esteem was nw being hurt by the ranking system. She went 3 , nt knwing hw t explain.
    In anther test, the sn ranked 17th, 4 his pal remained 1st. Back hme, he 5 the same questin. Mm really wanted t infrm her sn that intelligence 6 . Hwever, was this the answer that her sn was 7 curius abut? Thank gdness she did nt pen her muth.
    There were times she wanted t say, “Yu are t lazy. Yu are nt as hard-wrking as thers...”but she stpped when thinking f her sn was 8 frm the pains f unsatisfied grades and rankings. She thught it cruel t add additinal 9 n his sn and was trying t find ut a perfect answer.
    Time passing swiftly, the sn finished primary schl. 10 studying harder and harder, he was still unable t 11 with his pal. T shw her pride f him, Mm decided t take him t the sea. During the trip, she 12 t give ut an answer. Sitting n the beach, she pinted t the frnt and said, “D yu see the seabirds ver there? When the waves cme near, little birds can rise quickly while ‘clumsy (笨拙的)’ sea-gulls wuld take mre time t cmplete the prcess. 13 , have yu nticed birds that finally fly acrss the endless 14 are nne ther than ‘clumsy’ sea-gulls?”
    Nw, the sn n lnger wrries abut his rankings, and n ne wuld enquire his rankings in primary schl, because, with the 1st ranking, he is 15 t a famus University.
    18.A.take careB.fall behindC.make itD.make prgress
    27.A.put upB.cme upC.end upD.catch up
    32.Mre than three decades after writing his first pem ①________ a teenager in the muntains f nrthern China, Chen Nianxi is living a literary dream. He has published tw critically ②________ (receive) bks amng peple. Fr mre than 15 years, he labred in gld, irn and zinc mines acrss China, detnating explsives (引爆炸药) by day and ③________ (create) pems n the backs f newspapers at night.
    His pems speak f the ④________ (lnely) f the mines, the deaths f fellw wrkers and the distance between mdern life and his wrk undergrund. “There will ⑤________ (definite) be peple wh treat yu as a spectacle,” he said. This summer, tw years after publishing his first petry cllectin, he published a bk f essays, T Live Is t Shut at the Sky, ⑥________ title cmes frm a pem written after a night f singing with his fellw wrkers at ⑦________ mine in Xinjiang.
    Chen ⑧________ (struggle) fr inspiratin fr the past few years. “We still need abundant, diverse wrks t supprt cntemprary literature and culture, “Chen said, adding that he insisted n his wrks ⑨________ (judge) n its artistic merits ⑩________ hped his wrks” will braden mdern peple’s perspectives r remind them t lk dwnward a bit”.
    参考词汇:“经典诵读”大赛 Classics Recitatin Cntest
    Dear Daniel,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    One day my dad came back hme in his truck and there was a cage in the back. Naturally I was curius, s I went twards the truck when I nticed that there was a small little gat that wasn’t even an adult yet.
    I asked my dad and he said that he bught the gat frm his friend and he was ging t kill it twenty minutes after he brught it hme s that we wuld have a big meal.
    My sister was there t and she was strngly fr my view. We fund ut we gt really mad at my dad and tld him nt t kill it. After abut 10 minutes f cmplaining we finally cnvinced my dad nt t kill it because we tld him that there was n reasn fr him t kill the gat himself when he culd just buy gat meat at a stre.
    My parents knw sme friends that we visit smetimes and their family really likes animals s we decided t give it t them. Fr abut a mnth, they had the gat as a pet and they als had the same prblems as we had because the dad wanted t kill it and eat it but the rest f the family didn’t want it t die.They als were able t persuade him nt t d s. They ended up sending the gat t a family member’s farm where it wuld grw up happily.
    Anther thing that has happened t influence my belief is that I have a neighbr that really likes hunting. One day he hunted a deer and brught the bdy hme, but he decided t leave it utside his huse fr everyne t see. He just left it there as if it were sme kind f award that he just wn. Sadly little kids started t make fun f the bdy and pretended t ride n it. They laughed at it and felt n prblem with there being a dead deer just laying.
    Paragraph 1:
    I felt sick by what was happening and left because f what I had just witnessed._
    Paragraph 2:
    It amazes me hw we have changed frm hunting t survive t hunting fr sprt._
    解析:细节理解题。根据Gl Zne部分中的“Kabir frm Califrnia came up with this cl inventin after a nt-s-fun experience. He was hit by fur adults n a ski trip! (来自加利福尼亚州的Kabir在经历了一次不那么有趣的经历后,想出了这个很酷的发明。他在一次滑雪旅行中被四个成年人撞倒了!)”和PrTech Helmet部分中的“She came up with the idea after getting hit right under the eye at a frisbee cmpetitin and realizing she culd get blinded if it were any higher. (她在一次飞盘比赛中被击中眼睛下方,意识到如果再高的话,她可能会失明,于是想出了这个主意。)”可知,Kabir和Pja的发明是源于他们被撞或被击中的经历。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Skate Shes“DOOD”部分中的“These shes have exchangeable parts that allw pieces f the shes t be replaced with new nes when brken instead f getting rid f the whle pair.(这些鞋子有可更换的部件,当鞋子坏了时,可以用新的来代替,而不是把整双都扔掉。)”可知,Rmmel发明的溜冰鞋坏了之后不用扔掉整双鞋,只要替换零件就可以,所以它具有可更换的部件。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Cast yur vte!部分中的内容“Which f these fantastic inventins will yu chse t win the Cricket Chice Award? While they are all utstanding, nly ne can win the ppular vte! Cast yur vte here by May 16!(你会选择这些神奇的发明中的哪一项来获得Cricket Chice Award?虽然他们都很出色,但只有一个人能赢得普选!5月16日前在这里投票!)”可知,本文是一个竞赛奖项的投票活动。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“Biking events rganized by Beijing cycling club Qiyi ttaled abut 10,000 participants ver the past year, with abut 50% f them regulars.”(在过去的一年里,由北京自行车俱乐部奇艺组织的自行车活动共有约10000名参与者,其中约50%是常客)可知,奇艺俱乐部约5000(10000*50%)人定期参加自行车活动。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“Fr cyclist Yang Lan, the reasn why she lves cycling is that the sprt prvides an escape frm the daily life in the crnavirus era.”(对于自行车运动员杨兰来说,她之所以喜欢骑自行车,是因为这项运动提供了一种逃离冠状病毒时代日常生活的方式)可知,杨兰喜欢骑自行车是因为她可以从城市生活中得到休息。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第三句“Because it’s driven by China’s grwing ecnmy, grwth f the sprts industry and increasing cncern abut health due t COVID-19.”(因为这是由中国经济的增长、体育产业的增长以及新冠肺炎引起的对健康的日益关注所推动的)推知,人们越来越关注健康问题。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句“Lindsay culdn’t g t her gym after Beijing shut dwn indr sprts facilities in May because f a crnavirus utbreak.”(5月,由于冠状病毒爆发,北京关闭了室内体育设施,林赛无法去健身房)和第三段第一句“The pandemic has played a rle, with authrities mving quickly t clse nn-essential businesses, including gyms, during utbreaks under a strict zer-COVID apprach.”(疫情起到了一定作用,当局在严格的0-COVID方法下,迅速采取行动,在疫情暴发期间关闭包括健身房在内的非必要企业)以及第三段最后一句中的“With the pandemic, it seems t be the nly way fr us t run away frm the terrible city life and pace”(随着疫情,这似乎是我们逃离可怕的城市生活和节奏的唯一途径)可知,文章主要是讲在新冠疫情的背景下,越来越多的人爱上了自行车骑行运动。B项“疫情增加骑行”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“But as the distance we ran in each practice gradually increased frm three t fur, t six miles, I realized with surprise that n matter hw hard I tried, I wasn't able t run as fast as thers. In fact, I was ne f the slwest n the team.(但随着我们每次练习的距离逐渐从三英里增加到四英里,再到六英里,我惊讶地意识到,无论我多么努力,我都不能跑得和别人一样快。事实上,我是队里最慢的一个)”以及第三段“What was the pint f putting myself thrugh s much pain? After the first few weeks, I wanted t quit.(让自己经历这么多痛苦有什么意义?开始几周后,我就想放弃了)”可知,作者在开始几周后就想放弃,是因为自己在长跑中表现不好。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中“But then I heard my caches shuting my name frm the tp f the hill. I felt cnfused and embarrassed; why were they cheering fr me? I was running terribly! As I tried my best t finish the race, I realized that my caches didn't care hw fast I ran. Neither did my teammates. During the rest f the seasn, they were always n the sidelines f every race, cheering fr me just as ludly as they'd cheered fr the frnt runner.(但我听到我的教练在山顶喊我的名字。我感到困惑和尴尬,他们为什么为我欢呼?我跑得很糟糕!当我竭尽全力完成比赛时,我意识到我的教练并不在乎我跑得有多快。我的队友也没有。在赛季剩下的时间里,他们总是在每场比赛的边线上为我欢呼,就像他们为领先者欢呼一样大声)”可推知,这些教练体贴和乐于给予他人支持。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Frm then n, I began t put my effrt int supprting my teammates instead f fcusing n my wn perfrmance.(从那时起,我开始努力支持我的队友,而不是关注我自己的表现)”可知,在他的第一次越野比赛后,作者开始关心他的队友。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Crss-cuntry running made me realize I dn’t need t be the best t be successful in life. It taught me t value my relatinships with peple mre than my relatinship with my eg. It taught me t cheer fr thers even if I dn't knw their names.(越野跑步让我意识到,要想在人生中取得成功,我并不需要成为最好的人。它教会我珍惜与人的关系,而不是与自我的关系。它教会了我为别人喝彩,即使我不知道他们的名字。)”可知,作者从他的经历中意识到了团队精神的重要性。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“The industry changes d nt wrry Jacb Prtill, a grwer with Eden Green Technlgy, an indr farming cmpany. “The fact that ther peple are failing and ther peple are succeeding is ging t happen in any industry yu g t,” he said. ( Jacb Prtill是伊甸园绿色科技公司的一名种植者, 该公司是一家室内农业公司。他说:“别人失败, 别人成功的情况在任何行业都会发生。”)”可推断, Jacb Prtill对室内食物种植业持“肯定”的态度。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“Indr grwing is als a way t prtect crps frm increasingly extreme weather caused by climate change. (室内种植也是一种保护作物免受气候变化引起的日益极端天气影响的方法)”可知, 室内农业保护作物免受日益极端的天气影响。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Given the high cst f indr peratins, Cvingtn said, “It’s just hard t be very prfitable.” (考虑到室内运营的高成本, Cvingtn说, “很难盈利。”)”可知, Cvingtn质疑室内农业的运营是因为其成本太高。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Indr fd grwing peratins are seeing bth successes and failures in the United States. Sme cmpanies in the fd industry are investing (投资) even as cmpetitrs fail. (在美国, 室内食品种植有成功也有失败。食品行业的一些公司在竞争对手失败的情况下仍在投资)”结合文章主要说明了室内食品种植的现状以及人们对室内种植的看法, 和室内种植不确定的前景。故D选项“室内食品种植面临不确定的未来”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    ①上文“but there are sme simple things that can be harmful t ur pets(但是有一些简单的事情会对宠物有害)”引出话题,总述有一些简单的事情会对宠物造成伤害。下文这三段则分别讲述了三件容易伤害宠物的事情,因此文章是总分结构,空格处位于第一段,是一个总体的描述,没有提到具体的事情。选项E“它们甚至可以杀死这些宠物而许多宠物主人并没有意识到这些事的危险性”符合题意,此处they承接上一句指代sme simple things。故选E。
    ②根据上文“Sticks can easily break (棍子很容易折断) ”和下文“A stick can als g thrugh a dg’s thrat and get stuck there(棍子也可能穿过狗的喉咙并且卡在那)”中的als推知,空处句子也应是关于折断的棍子会对狗狗造成的伤害,G项“这些碎片会割破嘴或喉咙”符合题意,故选G。
    ③空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“If yu chse t feed yur dg bnes, nly feed raw bnes and always under cntrl (如果你选择喂你的狗骨头,只能喂生骨头并且要总是能确保不会失控)”推知,下文应该提到关键词bnes,选项F“和你的兽医谈谈适合你的狗吃的骨头类型”符合推测,且与上文承接自然,如果要给狗狗喂骨头,应该和兽医谈谈适合它的骨头类型。故选F。
    ④根据上文“Pugs, French bulldgs, dachshunds and similar are ften pr swimmers(哈巴狗、法国斗牛犬、腊肠犬和类似的品种通常是不擅长游泳的)”推知,空处指出它们不适合游泳的原因。选项B“那是因为它们的身体很重,有短腿或短鼻子”符合题意。故选B。
    ⑤本空为这一段的开头位置,下文“T d this, get in the water with them and supprt them under the bdy until they get the hang f using all fur legs t push themselves frward(要做到这一点,你可以和它们一起下水,在下面支撑着它们的身体,直到它们能用这四条腿来推动自己前进)”说明如何教会狗游泳,因此空处所填内容应与教狗游泳有关。选项D“大多数狗都需要学会如何游泳”符合题意,开启下文,下文this指代教狗狗游泳。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:妈妈,我是不是比别人更笨?A. careless粗心的;B. imprtant重要的;C. stupid笨的;D. handsme帅的。根据上文“he nly ranked 21st”可知,那个男孩问自己是不是比别人笨。故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我觉得我和他一样认真,可是为什么我总是落后呢?A. take care当心;B. fall behind落后;C. make it成功;D. make prgress取得进步。根据上文“he nly ranked 21st”可知,他在学习上落后于别人。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她一言不发,不知道该怎么解释。A. crazy疯狂的;B. wrdless沉默的,无言的;C. bad坏的;D. angry生气的。根据下文“nt knwing hw t explain”可知,那位妈妈沉默无语。故选B。
    解析:考查连词词义辨析。句意:在另一项测试中,他的儿子排名第17,而他的朋友则保持第一。A. while然而;B. because因为;C. unless除非;D. until直到。根据上文“the sn ranked 17th”和下文“his pal remained 1st”可知,句子表示“他的儿子排名第17,而他的朋友则保持第一”。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:回到家,他提出了同样的问题。A. missed错过;B. tld告诉;C. raised提出;D. frgt忘记。根据下文“the same questin”可知,他提出了同样的问题。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈很想告诉儿子,智力是不同的。A. differs不同;B. changes改变;C. decreases减少;D. imprves提高。根据上文“Mm really wanted t infrm her sn that intelligence”可知,妈妈很想告诉儿子,智力是不同的。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,这就是她儿子一直好奇的答案吗?A. ultimately最终;B. immediately立刻;C. initially最初;D. cnstantly总是,一直。根据上文“Mm, am I mre ____1____ than thers”和“he ____5____ the same questin”可知,她儿子总是提这样的问题,因此句子表示“这就是她儿子一直好奇的答案吗”。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时她想说:“你太懒了。你不像别人那么努力……”,但当她想到儿子正在为不满意的成绩和排名而痛苦时,她就停止了。A. learning学习;B. suffering遭受;C. varying变化;D. drpping掉落。根据下文“frm the pains f unsatisfied grades and rankings”可知,她儿子正在为不满意的成绩和排名而痛苦,空格处用“遭受”。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她认为给儿子增加额外的负担是残忍的,并试图找到一个完美的答案。A. wrk工作;B. duty职责;C. burden负担;D. time时间。根据上文“her sn was ____8____ frm the pains f unsatisfied grades and rankings”可知,她儿子已经为不满意的成绩和排名而痛苦,因此句子表示“她认为给儿子增加额外的负担是残忍的”。故选C。
    解析:考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管他学习越来越努力,但还是赶不上他的朋友。A. With有着;B. Except除了;C. Beside在……旁边;D. Despite尽管。根据下文“studying harder and harder, he was still unable”可知,句子表示“尽管他学习越来越努力,但还是赶不上他的朋友”。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管他学习越来越努力,但还是赶不上他的朋友。A. put up张贴;B. cme up走近;C. end up结束;D. catch up追赶。根据上文“he was still unable t”和下文“with his pal”可知,尽管他学习越来越努力,但还是赶不上他的朋友,catch up with意为“赶上”。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在旅途中,她设法给出了一个答案。A. managed设法做成;B. refused拒绝;C. failed失败;D. remembered记得。根据下文“Sitting n the beach, she pinted t the frnt and said”可知,在旅途中,她设法给出了一个答案。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,你有没有注意到,最后飞过无边无际的海洋的鸟,不是别人,正是‘笨拙的’海鸥?A. Besides除……之外(还);B. Therefre因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Hwever然而。根据上文“little birds can rise quickly while ‘clumsy’ (笨拙的) sea-gulls wuld take mre time t cmplete the prcess”和下文“have yu nticed birds that finally fly acrss the endless ____14____ are nne ther than ‘clumsy’ sea-gulls?”可知,前后是转折关系,因此空格处是Hwever。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,你有没有注意到,最后飞过无边无际的海洋的鸟,不是别人,正是‘笨拙的’海鸥?A. beach海滩;B. land土地;C. cean海洋;D. sky天空。根据上文“sea-gulls”可知,海鸥是飞过海洋。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,儿子不再担心他的排名,没有人会问他在小学的排名,因为,作为第一名,他可以进入一个著名的大学。A. praised表扬;B. admitted接纳,接收(入学);C. dismissed开除;D. emplyed雇佣。根据上文“with the 1st ranking”和下文“t a famus University”可知,她儿子是第一名,所以是被著名的大学录取,be admitted t意为“被录取”。故选B。
    32.答案:as;received ;creating ;lneliness;definitely;whse;a;has struggled/has been struggling;being judged ;and
    Dear Daniel,
    I’m very happy t hear that yu have signed up fr the Classics Recitatin Cntest. Yu have a gd mastery f Chinese pems and excel at recitatin, which will definitely give yu an advantage.
    When it cmes t the practical suggestins, I recmmend yu t chse Li Bai’s pems since they’re full f imaginatin, thus striking a chrd with the audience. Besides, it wuld be better if yu read with emtin and used prper bdy language. Maintaining eye cntact with the judges and audience can als add t yur perfrmance.
    I sincerely hpe yu will enjy the whle prcess and btain a desirable result. If yu need mre help, dn’t hesitate t tell me.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    报名:sign up fr→ register
    精通:have a gd mastery f →have a gd knwledge f
    真挚地:sincerely→ genuinely
    原句:When it cmes t the practical suggestins, I recmmend yu t chse Li Bai’s pems since they’re full f imaginatin, thus striking a chrd with the audience.
    拓展句:When it cmes t the practical suggestins, I recmmend that yu shuld chse Li Bai’s pems since they’re full f imaginatin, thus striking a chrd with the audience.
    【高分句型1】Yu have a gd mastery f Chinese pems and excel at recitatin, which will definitely give yu an advantage.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】When it cmes t the practical suggestins, I recmmend yu t chse Li Bai’s pems since they’re full f imaginatin, thus striking a chrd with the audience.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句,since引导的原因状语从句和现在分词作结果状语)
    【高分句型3】I sincerely hpe yu will enjy the whle prcess and btain a desirable result.(运用了省略了引导词的宾语从句)
    Paragraph 1:
    I felt sick by what was happening and left because f what I had just witnessed. The majrity f the peple there saw n prblem with what was happening. They didn’t think they were ding wrng and that they were t blame fr that. A mnth later, I fund ut that my neighbrs’ daughter wanted t hunt when she gt lder because she thught it was “fun”, which bthered me greatly.
    Paragraph 2:
    It amazes me hw we have changed frm hunting t survive t hunting fr sprt. I just dn’t think there is any reasn t kill a living thing fr fun. This just leads peple t hunt animals. And even the small little gat is endangered because peple start t think that there’s nthing wrng with killing a life as lng as it’s nt a human. If there’s ne thing I beg yu t d, it’s t be pen­minded twards animals nt just t humans and dn’t kill fr sprt.
    ④恳求:beg/plead/ appeal
    [高分句型1]They didn't think they were ding wrng and that they were t blame fr that.(that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]And even the small little gat is endangered because peple start t think that there's nthing wrng with killing a life as lng as it's nt a human.(because引导的原因状语从句以及as lng as引导的条件状语从句)

    河南省焦作市博爱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题: 这是一份河南省焦作市博爱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题,共22页。试卷主要包含了空处位于段末,应承接上文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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