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    Fur Best Plants t Give as Gifts
    Chsing a gift fr smene is always a challenge. Giving plants is ne way t try if the recipient is already a plant-lver. Here are sme sure t impress as thughtful gifts.
    Jade Plant
    The jade plant is a large succulent (肉质植物) that makes a perfect gift fr smene wh's mastered parenting succulents. With a wdy stem (茎) , it lks like a tree nce grwing tall enugh. Besides ccasinal watering and a bright windw, the jade plant has few ther requirements. A gd challenge fr ambitius wners is t regularly cut ff its heavy leaves t reduce weight.
    Christmas Cactus
    This is a succulent with eye-catching flwers that appear in winter. Yu might assume it a picky plant, but nthing culd be further than the truth. It prefers bright, indirect light and grws well in average ptting sil. This plant prefers a steady watering schedule, especially in winter. T encurage mre grwth, plant it in a hanging cntainer that allws its branches t hang dwn.
    Sme peple just aren't interested in keeping huseplants arund lng-term, and paperwhite flwers are an excellent gift fr anyne yu knw wh fits this muld.
    Paperwhites grw frm bulbs (鳞茎) and will prduce flwers ut f seasn. The rts need t be kept relatively damp, but nce they are blming (开花) , there's nt much that can g wrng. They can be replanted utside after they have run their curse.
    Crn Plant
    The crn plant is frgiving f variable light cnditins and watering rutines. It grws slwly, but can reach a height f fur t six feet, and can make an impressive flr plant. Its leaves turn paler in direct sunlight t reflect the extra light, and darker green in shady cnditins t maximize sunlight absrptin.
    1.Which plant requires practised gardening experience?
    A.Jade plant.B.Christmas cactus.C.Paperwhite.D.Crn plant.
    2.Hw can we help a Christmas cactus grw well?
    A.By replanting it utside befre blming.
    B.By watering it regularly during blming.
    C.By cutting ff mst f its heavy leaves.
    D.By making its branches grw upwards.
    3.What affects the clur f leaves f a crn plant?
    A.The frequency f watering.B.Its flwering time.
    C.Its rate f grwing.D.The amunt f sunlight.
    Creightn is n stranger t the media. He was the face f a TV series, which remains ppular fr its behind-the-scenes lk at the ups and dwns f z life. He was ften stpped n the street, and is regularly called "the man frm the z".
    Creightn's father and his brther als wrked at Dublin Z. "I dn't ever remember nt being in the z, "he said.
    Creightn's passin fr animal welfare is clear, and nt smething that has reduced ver the years-fr him, r his father. Just a few hurs earlier he was at the vet's with his father where their 15-year-ld German shepherd had t be put t sleep. "Fr any zkeeper, lsing an animal is like lsing a part f yurself, "said Creightn. He has been present fr the euthanasia f an ld lin, which reduced many zkeepers there t tears. He was present fr the death f a chimpanzee in her 50s wh bth Creightn and his father had cared fr ver the years. He als described the death f a rhin, which escaped frm a transprt cntainer in 1996, as smething gut-wrenching.
    In January 2021, he left Dublin Z and started his wn cnsultancy agency, Glbal Elephant Care. He is wrking n develping elephant care and enclsures in France, the UK, the US, Israel, Australia and the United Arab Emirates, where elephants will have air cnditining t save them frm the 50-degree heat. He is als wrking n prjects t manage the gradual release f elephants back int the wild, but nevertheless talks straightly abut their situatin. There are abut 40,000 Asian elephants left in the wrld. In an hur, there will prbably be five r six African elephants killed fr their ivry.
    Despite the cruel reality fr elephants arund the wrld, with increasing human encrachment (侵占) n their natural habitat, Creightn faces it with a smile.
    4.Why is Creightn familiar t media?
    A.He was invlved in a TV prgram.
    B.He filmed a dcumentary n the peple.
    C.He psted his wrk life in the z nline.
    D.He was the zkeeper f the ppular z.
    5.What des the underlined wrd "gut-wrenching" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A.T prud.B.Extremely upset.
    C.Quite helpless.D.Greatly cheerful.
    6.What is Creightn's purpse f establishing Glbal Elephant Care?
    A.T raise mney t help elephants.
    B.T guarantee the elephants' welfare.
    C.T manage the elephants in the wild.
    D.T imprve elephants' living cnditins.
    7.What can be used t describe Creightn?
    A.Efficient and just.B.Sciable and lyal.
    C.Caring and ptimistic.D.Sensitive and mean.
    A new study by researchers at the University f British Clumbia (UBC) and the University f Victria has shwn that cmmn levels f traffic pllutin can damage human brain functin in nly a matter f hurs.
    "Fr many decades, scientists thught the brain may be prtected frm the harmful effects f air pllutin, "said senir study authr Dr. Chris Carlsten. "This study, which is the first f its kind in the wrld, prvides fresh evidence supprting a cnnectin between air pllutin and cgnitin."
    Fr the study, the researchers briefly expsed 25 healthy adults t diesel exhaust and filtered air at different times in a labratry setting. Brain activity was measured befre and after each expsure using functinal magnetic resnance imaging (fMRI) .
    The researchers analyzed changes in the brain's default mde netwrk (DMN) , a set f inter-cnnected brain regins that play an imprtant rle in memry and internal thught. The fMRI revealed that participants had decreased functinal cnnectivity in widespread regins f the DMN after expsure t diesel exhaust, cmpared t filtered air.
    "We knw that altered functinal cnnectivity in the DMN has been assciated with reduced cgnitive perfrmance and symptms f depressin, s it's cncerning t see traffic pllutin interrupting these same netwrks, "said Dr. Jdie Gawryluk, a psychlgy prfessr at the University f Victria and the study's first authr. "While mre research is needed t fully understand the functinal impacts f these changes, it's pssible that they may impair (损害) peple's thinking r ability t wrk."
    Ntably, the changes in the brain were temprary and participants' cnnectivity returned t nrmal after the expsure. Dr. Carlsten assumed that the effects culd be lng-lasting where expsure is cntinuus. He said that peple shuld be mindful f the air they're breathing and take apprpriate steps t minimize their expsure t ptentially harmful air pllutants like car exhaust.
    8.Hw des traffic pllutin affect peple accrding t the study?
    A.Harming their brain functin.B.Decreasing their incme.
    C.Endangering their safety.D.Exhausting their bdy.
    9.What may the DMN be respnsible fr?
    10.What can peple d t reduce the impact accrding t Dr. Carlsten?
    A.Stay inside a huse as ften as pssible.
    B.Measure the brain activity in labratries.
    C.Be mindful f the air quality in a new city.
    D.Avid being expsed t the plluted air cnstantly.
    11.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A Rle Of Brain Will Be Ruined
    B. Traffic Pllutin May Impair Brain Functin
    C.A Famus UK University Did A Vital Study
    D.A Surce Of Pllutin Has Drawn Peple's Attentin
    In recent years, studies have suggested hw the bisphenl A (BPA) in sme fd-packaging plastics has been linked t varius health prblems including heart disease and develpmental difficulties in children. Scientists are thus develping a mre harmless alternative, and it's made frm tmat waste which wuld therwise be gt rid f.
    Hwever, BPA is still widely used in the plastic catings which are applied t the inside f metal fd packaging such as cans. These smth waterprf catings help prtect the metal frm crrsin (腐蚀) , plus they keep the fd frm sticking t the inside f the cntainer.
    Building n previus studies, an internatinal team has researched a type f agricultural waste knwn as tmat pmace. This material typically cnsists f tmat skins, seeds and stems, which are left ver after the fruits have been prcessed fr use in fds such as sauces r juices. Ordinarily, the pmace is simply dumped in a landfill, burned, r at best cmpsted. It may als be used in animal feed, althugh it desn't have much nutritinal value.
    The scientists started by drying tmat pmace—first in the sun fr three days, then in a 60℃ ven fr 16 hurs—after which they grunded it int a pwder. That pwder was subsequently mixed with a sdium hydrxide slutin (溶液) , which was then heated at 100℃ fr fur hurs. After repeatedly filtering that slutin t remve the sdium hydrxide, the researchers were left a lipid. That lipid was then mixed int an ethyl alchl slutin which was sprayed nt samples f sme metal. Once the spray had dried and the samples had been heated in a 200℃ ven fr 10 t 60 minutes, the result was a plymerized lacquer cating which prved t be very effective at prtecting the metal.
    The scientists nw plan n testing the cating n actual cans. "We wuld take e tmat sauce, and ther fds that are usually sld in cans, and we wuld sterilize them, put them in tins and check if they withstand real cnditins," said a scientist.
    12.Which f the fllwing is the mst likely t use the plastic cating?
    A.A pt full f water.B.A cup filled with cffee.
    C.A tin cntaining apple juice.D.An irn bx stuffed with packaged fd.
    13.What d we knw abut tmat pmace?
    A.Peple usually treat it in many ways.
    B.Peple use it t make sauce r juice.
    C.It has been used in the plastic catings.
    D.It's used as animal's fd with rich nutritin.
    14.What is mainly talked abut in paragraph 4?
    A.Hw the new cating is created.B.Why heating is imprtant.
    C.Why high temperature is needed.D.What ther materials are included.
    15.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T present a scientific study.B.T intrduce a new material.
    C.T shw a cmplex prcess.D.T teach an actual test.
    16.Hw t Overcme the Pst-vacatin Blues
    Many peple wh travel n vacatin may find themselves experiencing pst-vacatin blues, als knwn as pst-vacatin depressin. ①_____ Hwever unpleasant it may be, thugh, it can be vercme with sme tips.
    Adjust yur sleep schedule ahead f time. Many travelers experience jet lag (时差反应) after traveling, especially if the trip crssed ne r mre time znes. Jet lag can affect yur ability t sleep n a nrmal schedule, making yu distracted after yur vacatin. ②_____ It can help make the transitin back t yur nrmal life a little easier.
    ③_____ Having a wrkut rutine that yu stick t while yu're traveling can help keep yu in shape and reduce stress and tiredness. If yu cntinue that habit after yu return frm yur trip, yur bdy will have a sense f physical stability and release endrphins, which can help fight depressin as well.
    Intrduce elements f yur trip int yur daily life. If yu really enjy the cuisine n yur trip, make a pint f learning t ck dishes frm that culture at hme. If yu lve hearing and speaking a freign language, cmmit t taking language r culture classes at a lcal cmmunity cllege. ④_____
    Carry reminders f hme while yu travel. ⑤_____ This may help ease the transitin back int yur nrmal rutine when yu return frm yur trip. Even small, easy-t-pack items like a phtgraph f yur family r sme ther frequently-encuntered bjects can help.
    A. Exercise while yu're n vacatin.
    B. Knw what t expect when yu return.
    C. Suvenirs can remind yu f the fun time yu had.
    D. This cnditin is marked by distress and discmfrt after vacatin.
    E. Adapt yurself t yur hme time zne days earlier befre returning.
    F. Altgether, keep the excitement f discvery alive wherever yu live.
    G. Studies suggest it can help reduce the sense f being in a new envirnment.
    Chiara suffered a strke when she was tw years ld. The disease led t her develping hemiplegia (偏瘫) —a cnditin that causes 1 n the right side f her bdy. As she grew up, she was always trying t 2 her disabled arm behind her back, afraid f receiving negative 3 frm thers.
    But a(n) 4 —ne she hadn't intended t uplad at first because it wuld 5 her arm t the public-started her jurney twards becming a vide lgger. "This is the nly pht f me and my grandparents, wh gave me the mst 6 but had passed away. I really 7 the picture and decided nt t hide it anymre. S I psted it nline, "said Chiara. The 8 decisin inspired her t share her experiences with the wrld.
    "My 9 was always that I lked different, which was quite a hard thing t deal with, "she said. "Unexpectedly, 10 getting any unfriendly respnse-I gt numerus 11 remarks n the cntrary."
    Pretty sn, she was mre than happy t share mre abut her life and even her 12 abut hw t live with nly ne hand as 13 as she culd.
    Nw she has made vides fr sme charities t 14 life fr thse wh are like her. She says, "Peple have said, 'Yu've 15 me that my child can be dependent. '"
    Lking back, Chiara said she's really prud f hw far she's cme.
    17.A.marks B.wunds C.weakness D.pain
    18.A.ignre B.hide C.cure D.stretch
    19.A.number B.cnnectin C.emtins D.cmments
    20.A.file B.remark C.pht D.essay
    21.A.expse B.intrduce C.cmpare D.limit
    22.A.dubt B.affectin C.warnings D.presents
    23.A.treasured B.feared C.missed D.updated
    24.A.uncertain B.curageus C.regretful D.quick
    25.A.reward B.ambitin C.faith D.struggle
    26.A.ahead f B.due t C.instead f D.ther than
    27.A.appreciative B.casual C.critical D.ffensive
    28.A.reslutins B.tips C.jkes D.missins
    29.A.cautiusly B.frequently C.independently D.peacefully
    30.A.think ver B.figure ut C.rely n D.light up
    31.A.cnvinced B.cheated C.defeated D.threatened
    32.Placed amng the busy streets f Washingtn, D.C. is a large public garden that many Americans have never heard f. The U.S. Natinal Arbretum (植物园) includes ①______ cllectin f flwering plants called azaleas, a field f native plants named ferns, and flwering trees in the dgwd tree area. The garden ②______ (establish) by Cngress in 1927.It plays a leading part in researching and develping plants like trees, shrubs, flwers, and grasses.
    Gvernment scientists are in charge f the 180-hectare area. Their main gal is ③______ (strengthen) the U.S. ecnmy by making sure an imprtant kind f agriculture, ④______ (call) the nursery industry, cntinues t perfrm well. The mst recent numbers frm the U.S. Department f Agriculture (USDA) shw that the rnamental and landscape plant industry creates billins f funds in sales each year.
    The arbretum is hme t ne f the ⑤______ (large) cllectins f preserved seeds in the wrld. The Natinal Arbretum Herbarium (植物标本) ⑥______ (huse) arund 700,000 example seeds. They include seeds frm plants that the USDA cnsiders as ⑦______ (ecnmical) imprtant. Scientists cllect many genetically different seeds within a kind f plant frm bth native and nn-native plants. The reasn ⑧______ cllecting that data is that scientists prtect plants frm harmful situatins like climate change, changed envirnments, r ther new and pssible risks.
    While the scientists d their wrk, the public ⑨______ (explre) plants is free t visit the arbretum. Thugh many peple may nt knw it, the arbretum has had a hand in develping a number f plants ⑩______ are part f American landscaping.
    33.学校英语俱乐部就“Shuld Al Be Applied t Our Study?”的话题展开辩论赛。请你作为反方一辩,表达你的观点,内容包括:
    Hnrable judges and distinguished friends,
    Thank yu!
    Beth was in hspital with viral pneumnia (肺炎) . She felt dwn and she missed her parents terribly, wh were far away in Eurpe n business. She lay in her bed crying when ne nurse came in and recgnized her sadness and lneliness. The nurse lked at the pale little girl wrriedly, knwing that ne f the greatest setbacks t recvery is ften depressin. Like the rest f the medical staff, she was verwrked and culdn't sit and keep Beth cmpany all the time. Then she had a brilliant idea! Maybe she culd kill tw birds with ne stne! Just at the end f the crridr (走廊) she had a patient wh was just as lnely as Beth...
    The nurse walked int Gergiana Halstn's rm and smiled, "Didn't yu tell me yu have a granddaughter, Mrs Halstn? "Gergiana, wh was lying n the bed and lking listlessly (没精打采地) ut f the windw, sighed. "Yes. I have a7-year-ld granddaughter, but she is in Canada. And she hardly calls me, because I dn't knw what she like and she think it bring t chat with me."
    "Well, "the nurse said. "I have a 7-year-ld dwn the crridr wh is very lnely and needs a friend. I wnder if yu culd cheer her up a bit and be that friend? "
    "But my leg hurts, "Gergiana said. "I can't walk. Yu knw that. "
    "I knw that yur dctr want yu ut f bed and t walk arund, the nurse retrted. "If yu dn't mve, yu'll end up bedridden! "
    Gergiana had been diagnsed with a frm f bne disease and gt a big peratin. She was still in bed, but she shuld be up t exercise her leg. Hwever, the truth is that she was afraid her leg wuld suffer terrible pain. After the nurse left, Gergiana lay n her bed fr a lng time, feeling sad fr herself. Gergiana lked at the walker next t her bed and sighed. The matter f the lnely little girl haunted her.
    Then Gergiana picked her walker and headed fr the girl's rm.
    A while later, the nurse appeared in Beth's rm.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Jade Plant介绍中的第一句可知,这是一种大型多肉植物,对 精通养多肉植物的人来说,这是一份完美的礼物。
    解析:细节理解题。根据 Christmas Cactus介绍中的第一句和第四句可知,这种植物在 冬季会开花并且它们在冬季喜欢稳定的浇水时间。
    解析:推理判断题。根据 Crn Plant介绍中的最后一句可知,它们的叶子在阳光直射 下会变淡,以反射额外的光线,而在阴暗处则会变成深绿色,以最大限度地吸收阳光。因此, 该植物叶子的颜色受光照的影响。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,Creightn参与了一个电视节目,所以被 人们熟知。
    解析:词义推测题。根据第三段第三句可知,对任何一个动物园管理员来说,失去一只 动物就像失去了自己的一部分。所以当一头从运输集装箱中逃跑的犀牛死亡时,Creightn 是极度痛苦的。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第二句可知, Creightn 建立Glbal Elephant Care的 目的是改善大象的护理和围场的条件。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段可知,普通水平的交通污染可以在短短几小时内损害 人类大脑功能。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知,研究人员分析了大脑默认模式网络(DMN)的变 化,这是一组相互连接的大脑区域,在记忆和内部思维中起着重要作用。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,研究发现,交通污染可能会损害人类大脑功能,影 响认知和情绪。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,通常情况下,番茄渣只是简单地被倾倒 在垃圾填埋场、焚烧或至多用作堆肥。它也可以用来当作动物饲料,尽管它没有太多的营养 价值。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第四段可知,本段主要讲述 tmat pmace 加工成涂层的过 程。从本段第一句和最后一句中的关键词可快速得出结论。
    解析:①D项中的 distress and discmfrt呼应下文中的Hwever unpleasant it may be。
    ③根据该段中的关键词wrkut可知,该段主要介绍了锻炼对缓解节后综合征的 积极影响。因此,A项符合语境。
    ④F项总结了上文中提到的假设。同时,F项呼应该段主旨句中的elements f yur trip。
    ⑤G项中的a new envirnment与上文中的reminders f hme形成对比。
    解析:考查名词。这种疾病导致她(右半身)偏瘫—一种导致 Chiara身体右侧无力的病症。
    解析:考查名词。但是,一张照片开启了她成为一名短视频记录者的旅程。她起初并 不打算上传这张照片,因为这会让她瘫痪的右臂暴露在公众面前。
    解析:考查动词短语。现在,她已经为一些慈善机构制作了视频以点亮那些和她一样 的人的生活。
    32.答案:riginally;that/which;cutting ;less;equipped;T fit;t;stps;an ;was signed
    解析:①考查副词。此处应该用副词riginally修饰动词 Scheduled。
    ②考查定语从句。该句是由关系代词that/ which引导的限制性定语从 句,先行词是Vides,关系代词代替先行词在从句中作主语。
    ④考查短语。less than是固定搭配,意为“少于”.
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。动词 equip与其逻辑主语 The railway是动宾关系,故 此处应该用过去分词作状语。
    ⑦考查介词。respnd t 是固定搭配,意为“响应”.
    ⑧考查名词单复数。根据该句中的ther majr cities可知,此处应该用该名词 的复数形式。
    ⑨考查冠词。此处应该用不定冠词来修饰名词,表泛指。同时,它所修饰的词是以 元音音素开头的,故此处应该用不定冠词an。
    ⑩考查时态和语态。该句的主语 The train deal 和谓语动词sign之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处应该用被动语态。同时,根据该句的时间状语 in 2015可知,谓语动词应该用一般过去时。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I'm mre than delighted that a new clumn named Bridging Culture has been set up, which I believe is really a wise mve fr us English learners.
    There is a questin which has been puzzling me a lt. In Chinese, we usually say mei dian, which literally means "have n electricity". Actually, when we say smene's cellphne mei dian, it prbably means his r her cellphne is ut f pwer. Can we say "have n electricity" in English?And what are the exact ways t express this meaning r are there any ther expressins?
    Hpefully, I am able t acquire mre native English expressins thrugh the new clumn. Thanks a lt. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    Then Gergiana picked her walker and headed fr the girl's rm. With great cautin and effrts, Gergiana managed t arrive at Beth's dr. Gergiana greeted Beth and intrduced herself. Beth was astnished and verjyed at Gergiana's visiting. They began t talk. Gergiana explained t Beth that her granddaughter lived in Canada and they hardly chatted. She thught maybe Beth culd help her figure ut what they liked t talk abut. Hearing what Gergiana said, Beth lked excited and agreed t help.
    A while later, the nurse appeared in Beth's rm. She was delighted t see Gergiana sitting in the chair by Beth's bed and happily chatting. In the fllwing days, Gergiana frequently came t and went back frm Beth's rm. Seeing Gergiana was mving abut and Beth was chattering, the nurse smiled. She thught t herself,"Nthing heals like lve and laughter." With time passing, Beth and Gergiana's friendship was sure t be beneficial t bth. Sn, Beth was well enugh t g hme, but she knew she was ging t miss Gergiana. Thanks t Beth's help, Gergiana's granddaughter was phning her every day.

    河南省许平汝名校2023届高三下学期考前定位三模英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份河南省许平汝名校2023届高三下学期考前定位三模英语试卷(含答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届河南省许平汝名校高三下学期核心模拟卷(四)英语试题含解析: 这是一份2023届河南省许平汝名校高三下学期核心模拟卷(四)英语试题含解析,共24页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,短文改错,邀请信等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届河南省许平汝名校高三下学期核心模拟卷(四)英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023届河南省许平汝名校高三下学期核心模拟卷(四)英语试题(含解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,短文改错,邀请信等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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