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    这是一份230,河南省创新发展联盟2023-2024学年高三下学期2月月考英语试题,共23页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What will the man d n Saturday?
    A. G swimming. B. Play ftball. C. Play tennis.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On a bus. B. In a restaurant. C. In a lecture hall.
    3. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. Buy a gift fr the man. B. Attend a birthday party. C. Chse shes fr herself.
    4. What des the man want?
    A. Sme change. B. Sme ntes. C. Sme checks.
    5. What des the man imply abut Jan?
    A. She lks gd in blue.您看到的资料都源自我们平台,20多万份最新小初高试卷,家威鑫 MXSJ663 免费下载 B. She enjys receiving gifts.
    C. She might prefer anther clr.
    6. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Have a chat with Victr.
    B. Have lunch with Victr.
    C. Have a meeting with Victr.
    7. What will Victr d frm 3:00 t 5:00?
    A. Meet a friend. B. Write a reprt. C. Have a meeting.
    8. When des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At 8:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:47.
    9. Hw will the man help the wman?
    A. He will drp the wman halfway.
    B. He will drive the wman t the park.
    C. He will accmpany wman t the subway.
    10. What is the man ding?
    A. Lking fr vlunteers.
    B. Intrducing an rganizatin.
    C. Ding a survey.
    11. What des the center need?
    A. Candy sellers. B. Playgrund assistants. C. Breakfast cks.
    12. What benefit will the wman get if she wrks in the center?
    A. She will get mre candies.
    B. She will take a mrning shift.
    C. She will receive a free breakfast.
    13. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The wman has prmised t vlunteer.
    B. The wman has refused the invitatin.
    C. The wman needs time t think abut the wrk.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Schlmates. C. Saleswman and custmer.
    15. Why is the man unwilling t buy a ntebk cmputer?
    A. He has already gt ne.
    B. He thinks it’s t expensive.
    C. He thinks it’s unnecessary.
    16. What des the man decide t buy at last?
    A. A printer. B. Sme sftware. C. A desktp cmputer.
    17. What will the man d next?
    A. G back t the last stre.
    B. Ring his parents.
    C. Select sftware.
    18. What is the speaker?
    A. An award winner.
    B. A student representative.
    C. A schl headmaster.
    19. What makes the speaker advcate ding sprts?
    A. Sund bdies pssess sund minds.
    B. Physical exercise expands ur scial circle.
    C. Students are in need f achievements in sprts.
    20. Where is the speech prbably given?
    A. In a schl lecture. B. At a sprts meet. C. At a training class.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Big City Taxi Turs
    Guided Sightseeing Turs f Lndn
    Why nt take a fantastic private guided tur f Lndn with Big City Taxi Turs? Big City Taxi Turs ffers a fantastic sectin f infrmative & fun sightseeing turs f Lndn.
    Let Big City Taxi Turs guide yu thrugh the streets f Lndn with ur inside knwledge f Lndn. We are fully qualified and highly experienced black cab drivers and ur inside knwledge f Lndn is beynd cmpare. With yur wn persnal driver guide, yu’ll see Lndn at yur wn pace in an icnic Black Cab.
    Classic Lndn Turs
    Offering the very best f Lndn frm Ryal Palaces t secret lcatins!
    Themed Turs
    We ffer yu the very best themed Lndn Turs!
    We will pick yu up at yur htel and n mre than 6 passengers are OK fr each taxi. T see mre sightseeing turs we ffer, just cntact us at 07743-161-656.
    1. What is an advantage f Big City Taxi Turs?
    A. It has many types f taxis.B. It ffers easy package turs.
    C. It rganizes free city drives.D. It features instructive travel.
    2. Which can be fitted int a tw-hur tur schedule?
    A. Lndn Landmarks.B. Lndn Adventurer.C. Harry Ptter Tur.D. Sherlck Hlmes Tur.
    3. Hw much wuld a family f 9 peple pay fr Classic Lndn?
    A. £ 200.B. £ 300.C. £ 400.D. £ 500.
    【答案】1. D 2. A 3. C
    【导语】本文为应用文。文章主要介绍Big City Taxi Turs的特色、行程和相关情况。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Let Big City Taxi Turs guide yu thrugh the streets f Lndn with ur inside knwledge f Lndn. We are fully qualified and highly experienced black cab drivers and ur inside knwledge f Lndn is beynd cmpare. (让大城市出租车之旅带着我们对伦敦的深入了解,带领您游览伦敦的街道。我们是完全合格和经验丰富的黑色出租车司机,我们对伦敦的内部知识是无与伦比的。)”可知,该公司的司机都是伦敦通,乘客可以在旅途中了解很多知识,这是Big City Taxi Turs的优势。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据两个表格中的景点游览时长可知,Lndn Adventurer需要六个小时,Harry Ptter Tur需要四个小时;Sherlck Hlmes Tur需要三个小时。故两个小时只够游览Lndn Landmarks。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据表格中Classic Lndn的收费是“£ 200 (Per Taxi) (每辆出租车200英镑)”以及最后一段“We will pick yu up at yur htel and n mre than 6 passengers are OK fr each taxi. (我们将在酒店接您,每辆出租车不超过6人。)”可知,一辆车最多可以坐6个人,9个人的家庭团需要两辆车,Classic Lndn的费用是£200×2=£400。故选C。
    Are blacksmiths (铁匠) ging extinct in America? Nt accrding t Craig Kaviar, a famus practitiner f the craft (手艺) wh is based in Luisville, Ky. If anything, he said, “there’s been a renewal.”
    The industrial revlutin (革命) made a lt f traditinal blacksmith wrk ut f date. But blacksmiths like Mr. Kaviar, 69, have fund success creating s-called functinal art. Mr. Kaviar, fr instance, is reginally knwn fr making handrails with metal leaves and birds. He recently cmpleted a three-part archway fr the lcal Crab Orchard Animal Sanctuary with almst Tim Burtnesque details. Mr. Kaviar said he had taken “the criteria the wner had” and had then made the wrk his wn, adding hrses, trees, a giraffe and mre.
    Mr. Kaviar reached a natinal audience n the HGTV shw “Mdern Masters” befre ging glbal. But it’s in Luisville that his wrk is mst famus. And, in his telling, the craft is nly grwing in the area. “When I came t Luisville, there was n ne ding it,” he said. “Nw there are several ther peple arund ding it as well. It’s a fine craft.”
    Mr. Kaviar als wrks with Guns t Gardens, a grup that repurpses guns which are vluntarily given up int garden tls. His rle is straightfrward: “I take ne part f the gun and make a hle in the center. And then n ne end, I flatten it.”
    Mr. Kaviar said he wuld cntinue t wrk s lng as his bdy culd handle it. He is typically in the shp frm 9 a.m. t 6 p.m. r 7 p.m. “I fear that if I give it up, I’ll sit arund watching TV t much,” he said. “It helps keep me in shape.”
    “I als lve using the tls and the feel f the metal,” he added. “When yu’re striking ht metal, the metal has a different feel, and different heat. Yu can really judge what yu can d thrugh it.”
    4. What cntributes t the decline f traditinal blacksmith wrk?
    A. Its cmplexity.B. The industrial revlutin.
    C. Its high criteria.D. The recvery in ther crafts.
    5. What can we learn abut Mr. Kaviar frm paragraph 3?
    A. He helps renew blacksmithing.B. Many yung peple learned frm him.
    C. He went glbal because f the HGTV shw.D. His craft is ppular all ver the wrld.
    6. What des Mr. Kaviar d fr Guns t Gardens?
    A. He repairs its guns.B. He flattens gun parts.
    C. He des sme decratin wrk.D. He helps advertise its prducts.
    7. Why des Mr. Kaviar keep wrking despite his age?
    A. He desn’t like TV prgrams.B. It keeps his life peaceful.
    C. It helps him acquire a gd reputatin.D. The metal brings him much inspiratin.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了虽然工业革命使传统的铁匠工作过时,但像Craig Kaviar这样的铁匠通过创造功能性艺术取得了成功。他以制作带金属树叶和小鸟的扶手等作品而闻名,和Guns t Gardens组织合作将废弃的枪支改造成园艺工具,目前69岁的他依然坚持工作。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The industrial revlutin (革命) made a lt f traditinal blacksmith wrk ut f date. (工业革命使许多传统的铁匠工作过时了)”可知,工业革命导致了传统铁匠工作的衰落。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“And, in his telling, the craft is nly grwing in the area. “When I came t Luisville, there was n ne ding it,” he said. “Nw there are several ther peple arund ding it as well. It’s a fine craft.” (而且,在他的讲述中,这种工艺只在该地区发展。“当我来到路易斯维尔时,没有人在做这件事,现在周围也有其他几个人在做。这是一门很好的手艺。”他说)”可知,Kaviar先生来到该地区时,从事铁匠工作的人很少,现在这门手艺有了一些发展,也有其他人在做。由此推知,他促进了铁匠工艺的复兴。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中Kaviar先生所说的话“I take ne part f the gun and make a hle in the center. And then n ne end, I flatten it. (我拿起枪的一部分,在中间打一个洞。然后在一端,我把它弄平)”可知,Kaviar先生为该组织做的工作是将枪的一部分弄平。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段““I als lve using the tls and the feel f the metal,” he added. “When yu’re striking ht metal, the metal has a different feel, and different heat. Yu can really judge what yu can d thrugh it.” (“我也喜欢使用工具和金属的感觉。当你击打热金属时,金属会有不同的感觉和热量。你真的可以判断你能通过它做什么。”他补充道)”可知,Kaviar先生认为亲手工作可以感知金属的感觉和热量,对金属的用途做出恰当的判断。由此推知,他坚持工作的原因是金属给他带来了很多灵感。故选D项。
    It is a strange cincidence(巧合) that as humanity attempts t greatly reduce its carbn emissins(排放), it is als rushing t develp a technlgy that culd, in thery, cnsume an unlimited amunt f energy.
    Ding things against facts is a dangerus game, but yu can picture a wrld in which, having chsen t start dealing with climate change prperly in the 1990s, we wuld be just wrapping up the gentle path t net-zer emissins in time fr a rapid AI increase fuelled by green pwer. Instead, we find urselves at risk f running a 21st-century technlgy n a 20th-century energy supply.
    If yu live in the US, every time yu use an AI mdel, arund 20 per cent f the electricity required will be prduced by burning cal. The explsive grwth f AI makes this an even mre pressing cncern. Accrding t ne analysis, if Ggle chse t shift t an entirely AI-pwered search business, its electricity cnsumptin culd match that f sme cuntries.
    Such estimates may be magnified, but evidence f rising pwer cnsumptin frm AI is all arund. Micrsft is placing bets n nuclear plants t pwer its data centres, while the English gvernment has prmised t bst its natinal cmputing capacity by 50 per cent by 2025, which wuld help it keep pace with rapid AI develpments in the wrld.
    Thankfully, we may sn reach a turning pint. As is reprted, this year the glbal pwer department came clse t reaching peak greenhuse gas emissins, as the switch frm fssil(化石) fuels t clean and renewable surces is well underway. The questin nw is whether we can quicken the pace f decarbnisatin (脱碳) t match the cming grwth in energy cnsumptin as AI becmes increasingly rted in ur sciety. Silicn Valley’s intelligent machines may grab the headlines and the imaginatin, but the peple really inventing the future are wrking in the energy department.
    8. What can we learn frm paragraph 2?
    A. Carbn emissins have been reduced a lt.
    B. The reality is far frm what we expected.
    C. The rapid AI increase brings many benefits.
    D. Climate change pses a threat t green electricity supply.
    9. Why is electricity cnsumptin a majr cncern?
    A. Mre AI mdels mean burning mre cal.
    B. Many cuntries turn t nuclear plants fr pwer.
    C. There is a lack f ban n tech-giants’ electricity cnsumptin.
    D. Ggle’s electricity cnsumptin equals that f sme cuntries.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “magnified” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Overstated.B. Undervalued.C. Cmmn.D. Reasnable.
    11. What wuld be ur primary task befre we reach a turning pint?
    A. Shifting t a fully AI-pwered search business.
    B. Achieving net-zer emissins as sn as pssible.
    C. Balancing energy-hungry AI with decarbnisatin.
    D Creating an unlimited energy-cnsuming technlgy.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Ding things against facts is a dangerus game, but yu can picture a wrld in which, having chsen t start dealing with climate change prperly in the 1990s, we wuld be just wrapping up the gentle path t net-zer emissins in time fr a rapid AI increase fuelled by green pwer. Instead, we find urselves at risk f running a 21st-century technlgy n a 20th-century energy supply.(违背事实行事是一场危险的游戏,但你可以想象这样一个世界:在20世纪90年代选择开始正确应对气候变化后,我们就在及时结束实现净零排放的温和道路,以实现绿色能源推动的人工智能快速增长。相反,我们发现自己面临着在20世纪的能源供应上运行21世纪技术的风险。)”可知,人类自20世纪90年代就致力于应对气候变化,本应及时达到净零排放,实现绿色能源推动的人工智能的快速增长,而事实却是,我们发现自己处于使用20世纪的能源来驱动21世纪的科技的危险境地,由此可推测出,现实并不是我们期待的那样。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If yu live in the US, every time yu use an AI mdel, arund 20 per cent f the electricity required will be prduced by burning cal. The explsive grwth f AI makes this an even mre pressing cncern.(如果你住在美国,每次使用人工智能模型,所需电力的20%左右将通过燃烧煤炭产生。人工智能的爆炸式增长使这成为一个更加紧迫的问题。)”可知,AI产品越多,用电就越多,煤炭燃烧就越多,这是一个很紧迫的问题。故选A。
    词义猜测题。上一段中的“Accrding t ne analysis, if Ggle chse t shift t an entirely AI-pwered search business, its electricity cnsumptin culd match that f sme cuntries.(根据一项分析,如果谷歌选择转向完全由人工智能驱动的搜索业务,其耗电量可能与一些国家相当。)”提到如果谷歌转变为全部由AI驱动的搜索引擎业务,它的电消耗估计比得上一些国家的电消耗量了。再结合画线词所在句中的“but evidence f rising pwer cnsumptin frm AI is all arund(但人工智能电消耗上升的证据无处不在)”可知,此处表示这样的估计有点夸张,但是问题确实存在。magnify意为“放大”,与verstate意思最接近。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The questin nw is whether we can quicken the pace f decarbnisatin (脱碳) t match the cming grwth in energy cnsumptin as AI becmes increasingly rted in ur sciety.(现在的问题是,随着人工智能越来越植根于我们的社会,我们能否加快脱碳步伐,以适应即将到来的能源消耗增长。)”可知,在我们达到拐点之前,我们首要的任务是加快脱碳的步伐,以适应能源消耗的快速上升,即在急需能源的人工智能和脱碳之间寻求平衡。故选C。
    A few days ag, I tk an nline curse abut neurplasticity (神经可塑性) and the ways we can teach ur brains t build new cnnectins that break ld habits and thinking patterns. I learned we can build qualities like kindness as if they were muscles, in rder t becme new and better peple.
    I had been inspired by Little Treatments, Big Effects, a new bk by Jessica Schleider, the funding directr f the Lab fr Scalable Mental Health at Nrthwestern University, Illinis. She reviews a huge vlume f research shwing that “single-sessin interventins” (SSIs) can prduce imprtant turning pints in peple’s mental health, reducing symptms (症状) f depressin, anxiety, substance abuse and disrdered eating.
    Many f Schleider’s SSIs are primarily aimed at yung peple wh might struggle with sme f the stresses f grwing up. I tried ut ne called Prject Persnality, which aims t teach peple abut ur ptential fr change. Over a series f case studies and exercises, I learned abut ur capacity t break negative thught cycles and vercme the fears that are preventing us frm living a full life. As a science writer, I fund much f the material was familiar. But I can imagine it wuld be an empwering message fr smene wh believes that their sadness r anxiety is an inescapable element f their make-up.
    It wuld be ridiculus t claim SSIs are sme kind f cure-all fr all wh try them. While sme may find SSIs t be as effective as mre intensive treatment, many thers will need greater assistance. SSIs may still be a useful starting pint while thse peple wait t access: ther treatments, hwever, and they can als be used as a preventative tl fr thse wh are sensitive t mental health issues, but haven’t develped full-blwn symptms yet.
    The huge advantage f SSIs is their easy accessibility. Accrding t a recent study, 1 in 2 peple will develp a mental health cnditin ver their lifetime. We shuld welcme any new apprach that might relieve such symptms.
    12. What can we expect f the new apprach SSIs?
    A. They will build up ur muscles.
    B. They will cure all wh access them.
    C. They culd bring turning pints fr nline curses.
    D. They might push peple twards better mental health.
    13. What is the authr’s attitude twards SSIs?
    A. Unclear.B. Disapprving.C. Favrable.D. Uncaring.
    14. Hw des the authr supprt the theme f the text?
    A. By ding a survey.B. By prviding research results.
    C. By analyzing causes.D. By explaining statistical data.
    15. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. The develpment f SSIs treatments fr mental health.
    B. The effectiveness f SSIs in imprving mental health.
    C. The challenges faced by yung peple in managing stress and anxiety.
    D. The rle f neurplasticity in vercming negative thinking patterns.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She reviews a huge vlume f research shwing that ‘single-sessin interventins’ (SSIs) can prduce imprtant turning pints in peple’s mental health, reducing symptms (症状) f depressin, anxiety, substance abuse and disrdered eating.(她回顾了大量研究,这些研究表明,‘单次干预’(SSI)可以在人们的心理健康中产生重要的转折点,减少抑郁、焦虑、药物滥用和饮食紊乱的症状。)”可知,SSI可促进心理健康。故选D。
    观点态度题。根据第四段中的“SSIs may still be a useful starting pint(SSI可能仍然是一个有用的起点)”“they can als be used as a preventative tl(它们也可以被用作预防工具)”及第五段中的“The huge advantage f SSIs is their easy accessibility.(SSI的巨大优势在于易于使用。)”等信息可知,作者对SSI是持肯定态度的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“A few days ag, I tk an nline curse abut neurplasticity (神经可塑性) and the ways we can teach ur brains t build new cnnectins that break ld habits and thinking patterns.(几天前,我参加了一个在线课程,该课程关于神经可塑性以及我们如何教会大脑建立新的联系,打破旧习惯和思维模式。)”、第二段中的“She reviews a huge vlume f research shwing that ‘single-sessin interventins’ (SSIs) can prduce imprtant turning pints in peple’s mental health, reducing symptms (症状) f depressin, anxiety, substance abuse and disrdered eating.(她回顾了大量研究,这些研究表明,‘单次干预’(SSI)可以在人们的心理健康中产生重要的转折点,减少抑郁、焦虑、药物滥用和饮食紊乱的症状。)”等可知,作者通过提供研究结论来支持文章主题。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“A few days ag, I tk an nline curse abut neurplasticity (神经可塑性) and the ways we can teach ur brains t build new cnnectins that break ld habits and thinking patterns. I learned we can build qualities like kindness as if they were muscles, in rder t becme new and better peple.(几天前,我参加了一个在线课程,该课程关于神经可塑性以及我们如何教会大脑建立新的联系,打破旧习惯和思维模式。我了解到,为了成为新的、更好的人,我们可以像肌肉一样培养善良等品质。)”以及下文中具体讲述通过“单次干预”(SSI)改善心理健康的内容可知,本文主要讲述了我们可以通过大脑训练改善旧的思维习惯和思维模式,利用“单次干预”(SSI)来改善精神状况的有效疗法。故选B。
    In the dream, I’m trying t catch the falling eggs. Every few secnds, I spt an egg cming dwn at me fast frm abve, and I run arund trying t catch them all. ____16____ Sme f them—many f them—hit the grund, thrwing yellw ylk all ver my shes and medical cat.
    Where are the eggs cming frm? There must be a guy up there n tp f the building, but I can’t see him. ____17____ And then I wake up, anther chance f gd sleep ruined.
    We frget nearly all ur dreams, but tw decades later, it invaded my nights many times again when I was in training t becme a cancer surgen. Smetimes, surgery was the last hpe f patients. ____18____
    At that time, I was cnfident t becme a great cancer surgen. But mre and mre, I fund myself trn. I felt happy every time we finished a successful prcedure-we had caught the egg, r s we thught. ____19____ All these patients wuld still die within a few years. The egg wuld unavidably hit the grund. What were we really accmplishing?
    When I finally recgnized the fruitlessness f this, I grew s frustrated that I quit medicine. But then sme events ccurred and ended up ttally changing my mind. I made my way back with a fresh apprach, and new hpe.
    ___20___ It finally struck me that the nly way t slve the prblem was nt t get better at catching the eggs but t try t stp the guy wh was thrwing them. We had t figure ut hw t get t the tp f the building, find the guy, and take him ut.
    A. Everyne may have repetitive dreams.
    B. But I fail, n matter hw hard I try.
    C. I’m t busy and helpless t think abut him.
    D. Medicine is bviusly valuable and cnvenient.
    E. Thugh difficult and dangerus, it did extend patients’ life.
    F. Hwever, I was beginning t wnder hw “success” was defined.
    G. The reasn why I g back t my dream is abut the falling eggs.
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. E 19. F 20. G
    根据上文“Every few secnds, I spt an egg cming dwn at me fast frm abve, and I run arund trying t catch them all.(每隔几秒钟,我就会发现一个鸡蛋从上面飞快地朝我飞来,我就跑来跑去,试图把它们都接住)”以及后文“Sme f them—many f them—hit the grund, thrwing yellw ylk all ver my shes and medical cat.(其中一些——很多——砸在地上,把黄蛋黄洒在我的鞋子和工作服上)”可知,上文提到努力接鸡蛋,后文提到砸在了地上,说明作者失败了,故B选项“但是不管我怎么努力,我都失败了”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“Where are the eggs cming frm? There must be a guy up there n tp f the building, but I can’t see him.(鸡蛋是从哪里来的?楼顶上一定有个人,但我看不见他)”以及后文“And then I wake up, anther chance f gd sleep ruined.(然后我醒来,又一个好睡眠的机会被毁了)”可知,上文提到了作者开始想鸡蛋是从哪里来的,楼顶上肯定有一个在扔鸡蛋,但是作者看不见那个楼顶上的人,C选项“我太忙了,没时间去想他”符合语境,因为忙于接鸡蛋而没时间去想这个问题。故选C。
    根据上文“We frget nearly all ur dreams, but tw decades later, it invaded my nights many times again when I was in training t becme a cancer surgen. Smetimes, surgery was the last hpe f patients.(我们几乎忘记了我们所有的梦,但二十年后,当我在接受癌症外科医生的培训时,它又多次闯入我的夜晚。有时,手术是病人最后的希望)”可知,第三段讲手术是病人的救命稻草,由此可知尽管手术难度大且对病人有危险,但还是能暂时延长病人生命。故E选项“虽然困难和危险,但它确实延长了病人的生命”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“But mre and mre, I fund myself trn. I felt happy every time we finished a successful prcedure-we had caught the egg, r s we thught.(但我发现自己越来越纠结。每次我们成功地完成手术,我都感到很高兴——我们接住了鸡蛋,至少我们是这么认为的)”以及后文“All these patients wuld still die within a few years. The egg wuld unavidably hit the grund. What were we really accmplishing?(这些病人还是会在几年内死去。鸡蛋不可避免地会落到地上。我们真正完成的是什么?)”可知,上文提到完成手术感到高兴,后文则在反思其意义,可知本句与上文构成转折,指出作者苦恼的问题。故F选项“然而,我开始想知道‘成功’是如何定义的”符合语境,故选F。
    根据倒数第二段“When I finally recgnized the fruitlessness f this, I grew s frustrated that I quit medicine. But then sme events ccurred and ended up ttally changing my mind. I made my way back with a fresh apprach, and new hpe.(当我终于认识到这是徒劳的,我变得如此沮丧,我放弃了医学。但后来发生了一些事情,彻底改变了我的想法。我带着新的方法和新的希望回来了)”以及后文“It finally struck me that the nly way t slve the prblem was nt t get better at catching the eggs but t try t stp the guy wh was thrwing them. We had t figure ut hw t get t the tp f the building, find the guy, and take him ut.(我终于意识到,解决这个问题的唯一办法不是提高接鸡蛋的能力,而是设法阻止扔鸡蛋的人。我们得想办法爬到楼顶,找到那家伙,把他干掉)”可知,倒数第二段主要说明了作者放弃医生职业,而又因为一些事情顿悟,以全新的视角再次从医,并在最后一段解释了原因。故G选项“我回到梦里的原因是关于落下的蛋”符合语境,承上启下。故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Yesterday my cllege ging sn, husband and I were at a restaurant fr lunch. At anther table was a(n) ____21____ cuple having lunch t. Halfway int ur eating, the man lked at me and ____22____ abut my sn’s schl and grade. He briefly talked abut hw he wants t ____23____ knwledge f what are sme persnal challenges and gd things the families are having. Thse are his ____24____ t peple anywhere he ges.
    After lunch, we ____25____ them t sit arund ur table. The man was very glad, saying jyfully that peple usually ____26____ him, unlike us. He had lived in the area fr 50 years and tld us abut clleges. He gave sme great ____27____ t my sn n cllege applicatins such as getting a gd letter f ____28____, filling neself with knwledge even if it’s a simple assignment and ____29____ it with gd understanding. Als, he spke abut ____30____ peple like Gandhiji and Vinba Bhave and their cntributins t the sciety.
    In the end we ____31____ numbers. As we ____32____ him, he said he shuld d it, even if nly ne persn ____33____. He had a sense f ____34____, asking us t send him a $1,000 check. And he jkingly said that his wrds were wrth it.
    What an interesting encunter if we just ____35____ and spend time with peple! They have s much rich infrmatin and knwledge t share!
    21. A. freignB. richC. ldD. generus
    22. A. askedB. btheredC. cmplainedD. wrried
    23. A. gatherB. simplifyC. applyD. prmte
    24. A. limitsB. prmisesC. demandsD. questins
    25. A. frcedB. rderedC. welcmedD. fllwed
    26. A. respectedB. challengedC. disturbedD. avided
    27. A. awardsB. chancesC. tipsD. ntices
    28. A. recmmendatinB. invitatinC. cngratulatinD. aplgy
    29. A. reprtingB. finishingC. admittingD. making
    30. A. amusingB. bringC. inspiringD. cnfusing
    31. A. deletedB. exchangedC. shwedD. repeated
    32. A. assistedB. recgnizedC. apprachedD. thanked
    33. A. agreesB. benefitsC. appearsD. cheers
    34. A. humrB. directinC. purpseD. duty
    35. A. hang utB. mve nC. leave ffD. pen up
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:另一张桌子上也有一对老夫妇在吃午饭。A. freign外国的;B. rich富有的;C. ld老的;D. generus慷慨的。根据后文“He had lived in the area fr 50 years and tld us abut clleges.(他在这个地区住了50年,给我们讲了大学的情况)”可知,是一对老夫妇。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:吃到一半,那个男人看着我,问我儿子的学校和年级。A. asked问;B. bthered打扰;C. cmplained投诉;D. wrried担心。根据后文“abut my sn’s schl and grade”可知,男人在询问作者儿子的情况。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他简要地谈到了他想如何收集个人挑战的知识,以及家庭正在经历的好事。A. gather收集;B. simplify简化;C. apply应用;D. prmte促进。根据后文“knwledge f what are sme persnal challenges and gd things the families are having”可知,老者谈到了他想如何收集个人挑战的知识,以及这些家庭正在经历的好事。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论他走到哪里,他都会问别人这些问题。A. limits限制;B. prmises承诺;C. demands要求;D. questins问题。此处指上文“what are sme persnal challenges and gd things the families are having”老者喜欢问别人上述问题。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:午饭后,我们欢迎他们围坐在我们的桌子旁。A. frced迫使;B. rdered命令;C. welcmed欢迎;D. fllwed跟随。根据后文“The man was very glad, saying jyfully”可知,作者欢迎他们围坐在自己的桌子旁。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那人很高兴,高兴地说,人们通常避开他,不像我们。A. respected尊重;B. challenged挑战;C. disturbed打扰;D. avided避免。根据上文可知,对于作者一家让老人夫妇和他们一起坐的举动,老人很开心,由此可推知,一般人们对老人“爱打听”的习惯应该是回避的。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在我儿子申请大学的时候给了他一些很好的建议,比如写一封好的推荐信,即使是一个简单的作业也要完成,让自己充满学问,并且要充分理解它。A. awards奖励;B. chances机会;C. tips诀窍;D. ntices通知。根据后文“t my sn n cllege applicatins such as getting a gd letter”可知,老人给了儿子一些很好的建议。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在我儿子申请大学的时候给了他一些很好的建议,比如写一封好的推荐信,即使是一个简单的作业也要完成,让自己充满学问,并且要充分理解它。A. recmmendatin推荐;B. invitatin邀请;C. cngratulatin祝贺;D. aplgy道歉。根据上文“getting a gd letter f”以及常识,申请大学需要好的推荐信。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在我儿子申请大学的时候给了他一些很好的建议,比如写一封好的推荐信,即使是一个简单的作业也要完成,让自己充满学问,并且要充分理解它。A. reprting报告;B. finishing完成;C. admitting承认;D. making制作。根据后文“it with gd understanding”指就算是一个简单的任务,也要认真完成,学有所获。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:此外,他还谈到了像甘地和维诺巴·巴韦这样鼓舞人心的人以及他们对社会的贡献。A. amusing有趣的;B. bring无聊的;C. inspiring鼓舞人心的;D. cnfusing令人困惑的。后文“like Gandhiji and Vinba Bhave”是鼓舞人心的人,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后我们交换了电话号码。A. deleted删除;B. exchanged交换;C. shwed展示;D. repeated重复。根据下文numbers可知,作者一家与老者相谈甚欢,互换电话号码。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们感谢他时,他说他应该做这件事,即使只有一个人受益。A. assisted帮助;B. recgnized认出;C. apprached靠近;D. thanked感谢。根据上文“t my sn n cllege applicatins such as getting a gd letter f”可知,对方给了建议,所以作者一家感谢。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们感谢他时,他说他应该做这件事,即使只有一个人受益。A. agrees同意;B. benefits有益于;C. appears出现;D. cheers欢呼。结合上文可知,老者是个热心肠,乐意用自己的渊博学识给人建议,就算是只有一个人受益。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他很有幽默感,让我们寄给他一张1000美元的支票。A. humr幽默;B. directin方向;C. purpse目的;D. duty义务。根据后文“asking us t send him a $1,000 check”老者开玩笑让寄支票,可知有幽默感。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果我们敞开心扉,花时间和别人在一起,那将是多么有趣的邂逅啊!A. hang ut闲逛;B. mve n前进;C. leave ff停止;D. pen up打开。根据后文“They have s much rich infrmatin and knwledge t share!(他们有如此丰富的信息和知识来分享!)”此处指打开心扉,分享知识。故选D。
    Delicate, smth and sft t tuch, the light clth ____36____ is nw called silk has made its way thrughut China’s histry.
    One cannt be certain f its rigin, but the ancient Chinese peple credited their wn ____37____ (wise) t Leizu, wife f the Yellw Emperr and the inventr f raising silkwrms.
    Like almst all kinds f art n the vast land f China, the style and texture f silk ____38____ (be) als diverse. Hanglu silk frm Hangzhu, Zhejiang Prvince, is famus ____39____ its airy and thin and fine texture, while Yunjin silk frm Nanjing, Jiangsu Prvince, a cstly material ften ____40____ (use) fr ryal clthing, represents China’s silk weaving technique f the highest quality.
    In the Western Han Dynasty, with explrer Zhang Qian ____41____ (build) the rutes t cnnect the western regins, silk brught hnr t cuntries in Central Asia, later extending t ther parts f Eurasia and beynd. ____42____ (apprpriate), its name marked China’s majr internatinal trade rutes, the ancient Silk Rad and Maritime Silk Rad.
    In the hands f Chinese artists, the thinnest lines can weave pictures f great pssibilities ____43____ the sftest material can g thrugh thusands f years. As ne f the ____44____ (wnder) f ancient China, silk is nt nly textiles, but it is als _____45_____ symbl f beauty.
    【答案】36. which##that
    37. wisdm 38. are
    39. fr 40. used
    41. building
    42. Apprpriately
    43. and 44. wnders
    45. a
    考查名词。句意:人们无法确定它的起源,但古代中国人把自己的智慧归功于黄帝的妻子、养蚕的发明者嫘祖。根据空前的“their wn”可知,此处用名词wisdm作credited的宾语,不可数。故填wisdm。
    考查动词时态及主谓一致。句意:就像中国这片广袤土地上几乎所有的艺术一样,丝绸的风格和质地也多种多样。“the style and texture f silk”为复数概念,作主语时,谓语动词用复数,根据上下文可知,应用一般现在时。故填are。
    考查介词。句意:来自浙江杭州的杭珞丝以其轻薄细腻的质地而闻名,而来自江苏南京的云锦丝则是一种昂贵的材料,经常用于皇室服装,代表了中国最高质量的丝绸编织技术。be famus fr“因……而闻名”。 故填fr。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:西汉时期,随着探险家张骞开辟了连接西域的路线,丝绸为中亚国家带来了荣誉,后来扩展到欧亚大陆其他地区甚至更远的地方。分析句子结构可知,此处为with复合结构。with+宾语+宾补结构中,Zhang Qian与build之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填building。
    考查名词单复数。作为中国古代的奇迹之一,丝绸不仅是纺织品,也是美的象征。句意:根据空前的“ne f the”可知,此处应用名词复数形式。故填wnders。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 五月十九日是中国旅游日。你校正在举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿,号召同学们文明出游。内容包括:
    1. 如何文明出游;
    2. 发出倡议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Be a gd turist
    May 19th is named by the State Cuncil as Natinal Turism Day.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Be a gd turist
    May 19th is named by the State Cuncil as Natinal Turism Day. As a matter f fact, sme turists pay little attentin t their behavir when enjying themselves. S I appeal t all f us t be gd turists.
    One key phrase I wuld like t draw yur attentin t is “traceless travel”, which means yu tur a place withut psing any threat t the envirnment. Gd turists leave n traces-n litter, n graffiti and n irritated lcals, thus prmting a better turism culture.
    It’s every turist’s respnsibility t speak and act in ways that represent ur cuntry’s image and civilizatin.
    事实上:as a matter f fact→ in fact/actually
    呼吁:appeal t → call n
    促进:prmte → imprve
    职责:respnsibility→ duty
    原句:As a matter f fact, sme turists pay little attentin t their behavir when enjying themselves.
    拓展句:As a matter f fact, sme turists pay little attentin t their behavir when they are enjying themselves.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】One key phrase I wuld like t draw yur attentin t is “traceless travel”, which means yu tur a place withut psing any threat t the envirnment.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】It’s every turist’s respnsibility t speak and act in ways that represent ur cuntry’s image and civilizatin.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When I was tld that I have a cancer, I was a 43-year-ld, salad-eating, three-mile-a-day running, full-time wrking, all arund healthy wman. I didn’t feel sick. When my dctr called with the news, I tld him plitely that he was wrng. He assured me he was nt. Then the tests began, and I, like s many befre me, surrendered my bdy t the prcess.
    I decided early n that I wuld never be identified by this disease. Instead, I transfrmed myself int “The Happy Patient,” always smiling and jking with the ffice staff. Then my chem(化疗)started. It was a scary prcess.
    I figured my chem wuld last the nrmal three t six mnths. At the cnclusin f the first mnth, my husband Alan and I began t plan hw we’d celebrate after my last treatment. Take a trip? Thrw a party? The pssibilities were exciting! Alan suggested the fantastic idea f running the Chicag Marathn. What better way t prve I was back, strng and healthy as ever?
    We signed up in February. We figured I’d have just anther mnth r tw f this, with plenty f time left t train fr the race in Octber. But the chem appintments kept cming and my nurse tld me that the chem wuld cnclude in 30 mnths. That was t lng a perid.
    But I said t Alan, “I think we shuld run it anyway.” We asked my dctr fr permissin. I culd have kissed him when he said, “Hey, if yu feel like yu’re up t it, knck yurself ut.”
    We fund a park with several shady trails and immediately designated it ur spt fr lng runs. On the days when I wasn’t feeling great, we’d just take it slw and easy. But we always finished.
    I was taking back cntrl f my bdy. I wasn’t sitting in a chair as a patient. I was running. My bdy was all mine, all t myself, and the fresh air, singing birds, and my sweet husband yelling encuragement.
    It didn’t stp there. I wuld say t everyne that “Smile at cancer, as life ges n.”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Finally, the race day arrived.
    The fllwing Tuesday, I shwed up fr chem with a medal arund my neck.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Finally, the race day arrived. As I ran thrugh the crwd, I suddenly realized that I wasn’t running fr myself. My task had becme smething greater. I was running fr all thse wh culdn’t. I was running fr all thse in the chem chair. I was running fr everyne wh ever heard the wrds “Yu have cancer.” I wre a T-shirt that read, “I Have Cancer. I’m n Chem... SO?” Spectatrs n the rute cheered fr me. Over five-and-a-half hurs later, Alan and I crssed the finish line.
    The fllwing Tuesday, I shwed up fr chem with a medal arund my neck. I flashed it t everyne-the receptinists, the nurses, the dctr, and every single patient sitting in thse chairs. We did it! I saw admiratin and encuragement in their eyes. I ran my fingers ver my medal and said t my cancer, “Yu will never take me away!” These days, I get calls ccasinally frm friends r family wh have just been diagnsed themselves. The first thing I say t them is, “Yu will get thrugh this. If I can, anyne can.”
    ①明白、意识到:realize/cme t knw
    ③完成:get thrugh/finish
    【点睛】【高分句型1】As I ran thrugh the crwd, I suddenly realized that I wasn’t running fr myself.(运用了as引导的状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】I was running fr all thse wh culdn’t.(运用了wh引导的定语从句)
    听力1-5 BCAAC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BCABC 16-20 CACABLndn Landmarks
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