Reading and ThinkingPart 1Part 2Part 1Task 1文本整体理解:理清文章架构1.What's the main idea of the passage?A.Jo went to a bush school to visit friends.B.Jo's experience as a volunteer in the bush.C.Introduction of a bush school.D.Introduction of Tombe's home in the village.2.Read the passage and match the main idea of each part.Part 1(Para.1) ____ A.Jo and another teacher visited Tombe's home in the village.Part 2(Paras.2-3)____ B.Getting mail from home made Jo feel nice.Part 3(Paras.4-8)____ C.The school where Jo worked and Jo's work at school.答案:BBCATask 2文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解Read the text on Pages 38~39 carefully and then choose the best answer.1.The purpose of the author in writing the blog is ________.A.to tell us her teaching life in the bush school as a volunteerB.to tell us her learning life in the bush school as a volunteerC.to tell us that she couldn't get any money by teaching the poor studentsD.to tell us how happy she was in the small village2.In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they ________.A.were frightened by the bubbling mixtureB.couldn't stand the terrible smell of the mixtureC.didn't like doing chemistry experimentsD.knew chemistry was not relevant to them答案:A答案:A3.Tombe's mother started crying “ieee ieee” because ________.A.this was Jo's first visit to a remote villageB.she was expressing her friendliness and warmthC.they walked for two and a half hours to get thereD.she was afraid of strangers4.How did Jo feel after the visit to Tombe's family?A.Happy. B.Sad.C.Worried. D.Upset.答案:B答案:ATask 3文本理解:续写佳句1.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences describing the school and its conditions.(细读短文并找出描写学校及其条件的句子)答案:(1)My secondary school is a bush school.The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay floors and roofs of grass.(2)It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track covered in weeds.(3)There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!(4)All the students have are pencils,rubbers,and paper.2.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences describing the author's emotions.(细读短文并找出描写作者心情的句子)答案:(1)...I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail!(2)To be honest,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.(3)That evening I fell happily into bed.It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family. [读文清障]①parcel ['pɑːsl] n.[C]包裹②jam [dʒæm] n.[U,C]果酱[拓展]traffic jams交通堵塞③be dying to do sth.渴望做某事④mail [meɪl] n.[U]邮件;信件[合成词]mailbox n.[C]电子邮箱airmail n.[U]航空邮递⑤secondary['sekəndri]adj.中学的;次要的secondary school中等学校;中学secondary education中等教育be secondary to...与……相比是次要的⑥clay [kleɪ] n.[U]黏土⑦a dusty track泥泞的小路dusty ['dʌsti] adj.布满灰尘的dust [dʌst] n.[U]沙土;灰尘track n.[C]小道;小径⑧weed [wiːd] n.[C]杂草;野草⑨a chorus of齐声;异口同声chorus ['kɔːrəs] n.[C]合唱曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说a chorus of praise一片赞扬声⑩cotton uniform棉质校服cotton ['kɒtn] n.[U]棉布;棉花uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm] n.[C,U]校服;制服⑪up to多达;高达⑫not to mention更不用说;且不说⑬tablet ['tæblət] n.[C]平板电脑⑭rubber ['rʌbə(r)] n.[C]橡皮⑮adapt to适应⑯have no concept of...没有……的概念concept ['kɒnsept] n.[C]观念;概念⑰washroom['wɒʃruːm]n.[C]洗手间;厕所[同义]toilet; restroom⑱basin ['beɪsən] n.[C]盆⑲rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] adj.死板的;固执的[同义]stubborn ['stʌbən] adj.固执的[反义] flexible ['fleksəbl] adj.灵活的⑳the other day几天前;不久前的一天(谓语动词用一般过去时)㉑bubble ['bʌbl] vi.起泡;沸腾㉒test tube试管tube [tjuːb] n.[C]管子;管状物㉓spill[spɪl] vt. & vi.溢出;泼出;(使)洒出;散落㉔circus ['sɜːkəs] n.[C]马戏团㉕come across偶然遇见;碰上[同义]come upon偶然遇见;偶然发现㉖relevant adj.有意义的;有价值的;有关的;切题的be relevant to...与……有关(相当于be related to...)[近义]related adj.有关的connected adj.有关联的involved adj.有关联的㉗chemist ['kemɪst] n.[C]化学家chemistry n.[U]化学㉘to be honest(=honestly speaking)说实话㉙make one's visit to...拜访……㉚a remote village一个偏远的村庄remote mountain areas偏远山区㉛fantastic views极美的景色㉜shade[ʃeɪd]vt.给……遮挡(光线)n.[U]阴凉处;阴影部分[辨析]shade指阴凉处,强调避热作用;shadow强调光照下形成的影子㉝jaw [dʒɔː] n.[sing.]下巴㉞wrinkled forehead布满皱纹的前额wrinkle ['rɪŋkl] vt. & vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起n.[C]皱纹forehead ['fɔːhed] n.[C]额;前额[单词拆解]前缀fore(表示“在……的前部,预先”)+head(头)→forehead[构词法]由前缀fore构成的词还有forecast(vt.预报)、foresee(vt.预见)、foreword(n.前言)、forearm(n.前臂)等。㉟lead sb. to someplace带某人到某地㊱stick out of...从……中伸出;探出;突出㊲housing ['haʊzɪŋ] n.[U]住房;住宅㊳adjust vi.& vt.适应;(使)习惯㊴platform['plætfɔːm]n.[C]平台㊵fireplace ['faɪəpleɪs] n.[C]壁炉㊶possession n.[C usually pl.]所有物;财产;财物㊷broom [bruːm] n.[C]扫把;扫帚㊸saucer ['sɔːsə(r)] n.[C]茶碟;杯托㊹kettle ['ketl] n.[C](烧水用的)壶;水壶㊺pan [pæn] n.[C]平底锅;烤盘㊻a couple of jars几个罐子jar [dʒɑː(r)] n.[C]罐子;坛子㊼build a fire(=make a fire)生火㊽ripe [raɪp] adj.成熟的;时机成熟的㊾greens n.绿叶蔬菜㊿upside down颠倒地(51)grill [ɡrɪl] n.[C]烤架;烤肉餐馆(52)doorway ['dɔːweɪ] n.[C]门口;出入口(53)dry out (使)干透;(使)完全变干(54)leftover ['leftəʊvə(r)] adj.吃剩的;残留的(55)drag oneself down/to/out of...费力地走下/走到/走出……drag [dræɡ](dragged,dragged)vt.拖;拽;vt. & vi.缓慢而费力地移动(56)privilege ['prɪvəlɪdʒ] n.[sing.]荣幸have the privilege of doing sth./to do sth.有幸做某事[原文呈现]VOLUNTEERING IN THE BUSH8 MarchI just got a parcel① from home! It took about two weeks to arrive, and it was a bit damaged, but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam② from home; I've been dying to③ have some of my favourite sweets, and it's always nice to get mail④【1】!【1】此处是并列句。第一个分句中谓语动词是现在完成进行时(have been doing sth.);后一个分句中it为形式主语,动词不定式短语作真正的主语。So I've been here in the jungle for about a month now. My secondary school⑤ is a bush school. The classrooms are made of bamboo, with clay⑥ floors and roofs of grass. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track⑦ covered in weeds⑧. When I reach the school grounds, I'm greeted by a chorus of ⑨ “good morning” from the boys. Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms⑩, and many of them also have to walk a long way, sometimes for up to⑪ two hours, just to get to school.There's no electricity, running water or even textbooks, not to mention⑫ laptops, tablets⑬, or other modern devices! All the students have are pencils, rubbers⑭, and paper. I'm still trying to adapt to⑮ these conditions. I've had to become much more imaginative in my teaching. Science is my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of⑯ doing experiments. There is no equipment, and since there isn't even a washroom⑰, if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basin⑱【2】! It's important not to be too rigid⑲ about rules here, too. The other day⑳ I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling㉑out of the test tube㉒spilling㉓everywhere! The class became a circus㉔as the boys, who had never come across㉕anything like this before, started jumping out of the windows【3】. Sometimes I wonder how relevant㉖chemistry is to these students【4】—few will ever become chemists㉗—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. To be honest㉘, I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.【2】此处and连接两个并列分句,第二个分句中的主句是“I have to carry it from my house in a basin”; “since there...a washroom”为since引导的原因状语从句, since在此意为“因为”;“if I need water”为if引导的条件状语从句。【3】“as the boys...the windows”为as引导的原因状语从句,as意为“因为”;该从句中的“who had never...this before”为who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the boys, who在从句中作主语。【4】此处是how引导的宾语从句,作wonder的宾语。17 AprilLast weekend I made my first visit to㉙a remote village㉚, home to one of our students, Tombe. Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first, up a mountain from where we had fantastic views㉛【5】, and then down a shaded㉜path to the valley below. When we arrived at the village, Tombe's mother, Kiak, saw us coming and started crying “ieee ieee”【6】. We shook hands with all the villagers. Everyone seemed to be related to Tombe.【5】此处是from where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a mountain。【6】此处是主从复合句。“When we arrived at the village”是When引导的时间状语从句;“Tombe's mother... ‘ieee ieee’”为主句,主句中包含了“see sb. doing sth.”结构,意为“看见某人正在做某事”。Tombe's father, Mukap, a man with a strong jaw㉝and a wrinkled forehead㉞, led us to㉟his house, a low, round bamboo hut with no windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and with grass sticking out of㊱the roof【7】—this shows it is a man's house. Such housing㊲is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust㊳. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a platform㊴for Jenny and me to sleep on. There was a fireplace㊵in the centre of the hut. The only possessions㊶I could see were one broom㊷, a few saucers㊸, a kettle㊹, cups, pans㊺, and a couple of jars㊻【8】.【7】“with grass...roof”是with复合结构,在句中作定语,修饰hut。【8】“I could see”是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词possessions。Mukap built a fire㊼outside and laid stones on it to heat. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau (sweet potato), ripe㊽corn, and greens㊾. He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. It smelled delicious. We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire.【9】 I loved listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language, even though I could not participate much in the conversation【10】. Luckily, Tombe interpreted for us.【9】现在分词短语sitting round the fire在句中作方式状语。【10】此处是主从复合句。even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”。前面主句中含有“感官动词(词组)+宾语+宾补”结构。Later, I noticed a can standing upside down㊿ on the grill(51) over the fire. After a while, Tombe threw it out of the doorway(52). Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out(53)the leftover(54) food. His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night, so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes.My muscles were aching and my knees shaking【11】 as we dragged ourselves down(55) the mountain towards home. That evening I fell happily into bed. It was such a privilege(56) to have spent a day with Tombe's family【12】.【11】My muscles were aching和my knees shaking是and连接的两个句式相同的并列分句,第二个分句承前省略了系动词were。【12】此处包含了“It is/was a privilege to do sth.”句型,该句型意为“有幸做某事”。to have spent是动词不定式的完成式,表示该动作先于谓语动词表示的动作发生或完成。[参考译文]丛林中的志愿工作3月8日我刚刚收到家里寄的包裹了!花了大约两个星期的时间包裹才送到,还略有损坏,不过能收到从家寄来的一些糖果和果酱简直太棒了!我一直渴望得到一些我最喜欢的糖果;而且,收到邮件从来都是让人开心的事啊!就这样,现在我在丛林里待了大约一个月了。我所在的这所中学是一所丛林学校,教室是用竹子盖的,黏土夯的地面,屋顶是用草做的。我沿着一条泥泞、长满杂草的小路仅仅步行几分钟就到学校了。当我走进校园时,男孩子们齐声向我问候“早上好”。与我们国家的学生不一样,这些男孩不穿棉质校服,他们中的许多人还得走很长的路,有时要走长达两个小时,才能到达学校。没有电,没有自来水,甚至没有教科书,更不用说笔记本电脑、平板电脑或者其他现代化设备了。学生们只有铅笔、橡皮和纸。我还在努力适应这些条件,在教学中不得不充分发挥想象力。科学是最有挑战性的科目,因为我的学生们压根儿没有做实验的概念。没有设备,甚至没有洗手间,如果我需要水的话,还得从家里用盆装着水过来。不墨守成规在这里也很重要。几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,我还没明白怎么回事,这时混合物冒着泡从试管里涌出来,溅得到处都是。课堂变成了马戏团,因为之前从未见过此种情形的男孩们开始跳窗而逃。有时我想,化学对这些学生有多少价值——他们中很少有人会成为化学家——而且大多数孩子八年级后就会回到村庄了。老实说,我怀疑自己是否会让这些男孩们的生活有所改变。4月17日上周末,我头一次去一个偏远的村庄,我们的一个学生汤贝的家就在那里。我和另一名老师步行两个半小时才到达那里。首先,爬上一座山,我们从山上欣赏了美丽的景色,然后沿着一条林荫小路,走到下面的山谷。当我们到达村庄的时候,汤贝的母亲齐亚克看到我们走来,开始大喊“嗳矣嗳矣”。我们和村民挨个握了手。(村里)每个人好像都是汤贝的亲戚。汤贝的父亲莫卡普有着结实的下巴,额头布满皱纹。他把我们带到他家,那是一座低矮的圆形竹屋,没有窗户,只有一扇门,刚好够一个人进去。草从屋顶伸出来,表明这是男人(住)的房子。这种房子屋内很暗,所以我们的眼睛过了-会儿才适应。地上铺满嫩草,还有让我和珍妮睡觉的平台。小屋中央放着壁炉,放眼望去,我看到屋中的物品只有一把扫帚、几个碟子、一个水壶、几只杯子、几个平底锅,还有几个罐子。莫卡普在外面生了堆火,在上面放了些石头加热,然后把加热的石头放进装着红薯、成熟的玉米和青菜的油桶里。接着,他用香蕉叶盖上蔬菜,等着它们蒸熟,这闻起来很美味。我们在小屋里围着火吃饭。我喜欢听这一家人用他们的语言彼此轻声交谈,尽管我无法参与大多数的谈话。幸运的是,汤贝为我们翻译。后来,我注意到炉火上方的烤架上倒放着一个罐子。过了一会儿,汤贝把它扔到了门外。他告诉我把罐子烤热是为了烘干剩饭。他的家人认为,剩饭会在晚上引来恶鬼,所以要把所有的剩饭放在罐子里烘干,然后把罐子扔到屋外去。第二天早上,在多次道别和握手之后,我们离开了村子。当我们费力地走下山回家时,我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖。那天晚上我带着愉快的心情入睡了。能和汤贝一家人共度一天真是太荣幸了。自查语基 落实基本知能Ⅰ.核心词汇根据语境写出正确的单词1.a ________ from home 家里寄来的包裹2.be stuck in traffic________ 陷入交通堵塞3.be glad to receive your________ 很高兴收到你的邮件4.primary and________ education 中、小学教育5.________ the hospital garden 给医院的花园除草6.a________shirt 一件棉布衬衫7.be dressed in school ________ 穿着校服parceljamsmailsecondaryweedcottonuniform8.take two ________ before meals 饭前每次两片9.wear a pair of________ gloves 戴一双橡胶手套10.go to the________ 去洗手间11.be too narrow and too________ 又狭窄又死板12.sit in the________ 坐在阴凉处13.come out of the ________ 从小木屋里出来14.a launch ________ 发射平台15.gather around the ________ 聚集在壁炉周围tabletsrubberwashroomrigidshadehutplatformfireplaceⅡ.拓展词汇1.________ [dʌst] n. 沙土;灰尘 vi.& vt. 擦灰→dusty adj.布满灰尘的2.________ ['kemɪst] n. 化学家;药房;药剂师→chemical adj.化学的;关于化学的→chemistry n.化学3.________ [raɪp] adj. 成熟的;时机成熟的→ripen v. (使)成熟4.________ ['prɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 优惠待遇;特权→privileged adj. 有特权的;受特别优待的dustchemistripeprivilege构词规律根据给出的构词规则写出下列单词1.y加在名词之后变为形容词,表示“具有……特征的”、“多……的”dust n.沙土;灰尘→dusty adj.布满灰尘的 rain n.雨→________ adj.下雨的 snow n.雪→________ adj.下雪的2.“n.+n.” 构成的合成词door+way→________ n.门口;出入口 class+room→________ n.教室house+work→________ n.家务活rainysnowydoorwayclassroomhouseworkⅢ.重点短语1.________________ 渴望做……2.________________ 齐声;异口同声3.________________ 更不用说;且不说4.________________ 适应5.________________ 几天前6.________________ 遇上7.________________ 和……有关8.________________ 有差别;有影响9.________________ 和……握手10.________________ 和……有关be dying toa chorus of not to mentionadapt tothe other daycome acrossbe relevant tomake any differenceshake hands withbe related toⅣ.重点句型1.[句型]It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。[教材]________________________________ down a dusty track covered in weeds. 沿着杂草丛生、尘土飞扬的小路,我几分钟就能走到学校。2.[句型]be doing...when...[教材]The other day I______________________________________,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! 几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,在我反应过来前,混合物冒着泡从试管中涌出,洒得到处都是!It takes me only a few minutes to walk to schoolwas showing the boys a chemistry experiment when3.[句型]from where引导定语从句[教材]Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first, up a mountain______________________________, and then down a shaded path to the valley below.我和另一位老师步行了两个半小时才到达那里——首先,爬上一座山,在山上我们看到了美妙的景色,然后沿着一条树荫遮蔽的小路走到下面的山谷。4.[句型]I doubt whether...我怀疑是否…… [教材]To be honest,_____________________________________ these boys' lives at all.说实在的,我怀疑是否我(教的课)会让这些孩子的生活有所改变。from where we had fantastic viewsI doubt whether I'm making any difference toⅤ.理清复杂句式 1.[译文]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. [译文]___________________________________________________________这里没有任何设备,甚至没有洗手间,如果我需要水的话我不得不用盆子从我的房子端水过来!整个班级成了一个马戏团,之前从没见过这种状况的男孩子们开始从窗户跳出去。3. [译文]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________他的家人认为,剩饭会在晚上引来恶鬼,所以要把所有的剩饭放在罐子里烘干,然后把罐子扔到屋外去。Part 2探究新知 发展语言知识1(教材原句)I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets, and it's always nice to get mail!我一直非常渴望吃一些我最喜欢的糖果,而且收到邮包总是令人开心不已!◎be dying to do...渴望做…… (1)be dying/eager for 很想要;渴望(2)be eager to do sth. 渴望做……long to do sth. 渴望做某事[佳句] As a student who is dying to learn knowledge, it is necessary to build an effective method in your study.首先,作为一名渴望学习知识的学生,你在学习中有必要建立一种有效的学习方法。[练通]——单句语法填空①However, she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty ________ the outside world.②Throughout her career as a professional dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed ________(explore) further. [写美]——应用文佳句③“访谈”是为渴望获得更多英语知识的学生而设计的,现在它受到了大多数听众的高度评价。“Talk and talk” is designed for students__________________________________________________, and now it is highly thought of by most listeners.forto explorewho are eager/dying to acquire more knowledge about English2(教材原句)There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks, not to mention laptops, tablets, or other modern devices! 这里没有电,没有自来水,甚至也没有教科书,更不用说笔记本电脑、平板电脑或其他现代化设备了!◎not to mention 更不用说;且不说mention sth.to sb./mention to sb.that... 向某人提及……mention doing... 提及做……as is mentioned above 如上所述Don't mention it. 不客气(回答道歉或道谢)[佳句] You shouldn't think of a free day,not to mention flying off for a month's vacation.你别想有一天的空闲时间,更别说乘飞机去度一个月的假了。[练通]——单句语法填空①As____________ (mention) above,wearing school uniforms is beneficial to students in many ways.②He mentioned ________ (hear) from his son lately while having dinner with me.[写美]——应用文佳句③你提到你愿意教英语作为回报,这正是我渴望的。________________________________________,which is exactly what I am dying for.is mentionedhearingYou mentioned that you would like to teach English in return3(教材原句)The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! 几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,在我反应过来前,混合物冒着泡从试管中涌出,洒得到处都是!◎句型公式:“be doing...when...”意为“正在做……这时……” 句中when用作并列连词,意为“这时突然”, when用作并列连词的句型归纳:had just done...when... 刚做完……这时……be about to do...when... 正要做……这时……be on the point of doing...when... 正要做……这时……[佳句] We were wondering how to carry out our plan when the answer appeared.我们正在考虑如何实施我们的计划,这时答案出现了。[练通]——单句语法填空①Helen had just put down her cellphone ________ she regretted refusing Peter's invitation to the party.②I was really disappointed and about ________ (leave) when he walked out of a building.③Tom had just fallen asleep ________ someone knocked at the door.[写美]——一句多译他正要离开教室时,听到大家齐声说:“谢谢你的辛勤工作。”④He ____________________________ he heard a chorus of “Thanks for your hard work.”⑤He ____________________________________he heard a chorus of “Thanks for your hard work.”whento leavewhenwas about to leave the classroom whenwas on the point of leaving the classroom when4(教材原句)Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students—few will ever become chemists—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.有时我想知道化学与这些学生有多大的关系,很少有人会成为化学家,而且大多数人都会在8年级后回到自己的村庄。◎relevant adj.有关的;切题的 (1)be relevant to 与……有关(2)relevance n. 关联;切题have (no) relevance to 和……(无)有关[佳句] I learn that you're coming to visit one of your Chinese friends. I'm now writing to tell you some relevant details. 我知道你要来拜访你的一个中国朋友。我现在写信是要告诉你一些相关的细节。[练通]——单句语法填空①The teacher said students should learn skills which are closely relevant ________ life in secondary school.②What you said has no ________ (relevant) to the topic,that is to say,you are off the point.[写美]——应用文佳句③我很荣幸能告诉你一些与当地生活有关的信息。It is a great privilege for me to tell you some information ___________________________________________________________.指津:“与……有关”的其他表达形式还有:be related to;be connected with;be associated with等。torelevancerelevant to/connected with/associated with the local life5(教材原句)Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below.我和另一位老师走了两个半小时才走到那儿,我们首先爬上了一座山,在山里欣赏到了极美的景色,然后沿着一条阴凉的小路走到了下面的山谷。◎句型公式: from where引导定语从句 (1)from where引导定语从句,相当于and from here/there。(2)在“介词+关系词”定语从句中,关系词常为which和whom,关系副词where和when之前一般不加介词,比较特殊的有from where和since when。❶Alice stood at the window, from where she could watch her classmates playing football.艾莉丝站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以看到同学们踢足球。❷The book was written in 1946, since when the education system has witnessed great changes.这本书写于1946年,从那时起教育体系发生了巨大的变化。[练通]——单句语法填空①She climbed up to the top of the hill,from ________ she could have a good view of the whole town.②We are all deeply moved by the ceremony,from ________ we realize that the sense of responsibility always accompanies the process of our growth.wherewhich◎shade vt.给……遮挡 (光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分 (1)in the shade 在阴凉处in the shade of 在……的阴凉处(2)shade...from/against... 给……遮挡……shade...with... 用……遮挡……[佳句] I've heard that,in the Sahara,there is no shade during the day,and the stars seem especially brilliant on clear nights.我听说在撒哈拉,白天没有阴凉之处,在晴朗的夜晚星星看起来格外灿烂。[练通]——单句语法填空③I saw that merchant sitting ________ the shade of a tree,reading a book.④She raised her hand to shade her eyes __________the sun.infrom6(教材原句)My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. 当我们费力地走下山回家时,我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖。◎drag vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动 读后续写之手的肢体动作:(1)drag...out of... 把……从……中拖出来(2)cup one's hands over... 把手窝成杯状(3)slide one's hands into... 将手伸进(4)put one's hands to one's cheeks 用双手捂住脸spread one's hands 摊开双手[佳句] Painful and a bit embarrassed as he was, he still dragged his feet to keep moving forward.虽然感到痛苦和有点尴尬,但他仍然拖着脚继续前进。[写美]——读后续写佳句这位父亲站起来,盯着大儿子的眼睛,把手窝成杯状托住儿子的脸。The father stood up,gazed in the eyes of his oldest son and ________________________.cupped his hands over his son's face7(教材原句)It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family.与汤贝一家共度了一日,真是一种荣幸。◎privilege n.优惠待遇;特权 (1)It's a privilege to do sth./of doing sth. 有幸做某事have the privilege to do sth./of doing sth. 有做某事的特权(2)privileged adj. 享有特权的;荣幸的;幸运的be privileged to do sth. 做某事是荣幸的[佳句] I feel much privileged to invite you to our program for a live talk show. 我很荣幸能邀请你来参加我们的现场访谈节目。[写美]——一句多译 在这儿做有关如何保护环境的演讲,我倍感荣幸。①_____________________________ on how to protect the environment here.②_________________________________ on how to protect the environment here.I am greatly privileged to deliver a speechIt is a great privilege for me to deliver a speech
Reading and ThinkingPart 1Part 2Part 1Task 1文本整体理解:理清文章架构1.What's the main idea of the passage?A.Jo went to a bush school to visit friends.B.Jo's experience as a volunteer in the bush.C.Introduction of a bush school.D.Introduction of Tombe's home in the village.2.Read the passage and match the main idea of each part.Part 1(Para.1) ____ A.Jo and another teacher visited Tombe's home in the village.Part 2(Paras.2-3)____ B.Getting mail from home made Jo feel nice.Part 3(Paras.4-8)____ C.The school where Jo worked and Jo's work at school.答案:BBCATask 2文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解Read the text on Pages 38~39 carefully and then choose the best answer.1.The purpose of the author in writing the blog is ________.A.to tell us her teaching life in the bush school as a volunteerB.to tell us her learning life in the bush school as a volunteerC.to tell us that she couldn't get any money by teaching the poor studentsD.to tell us how happy she was in the small village2.In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they ________.A.were frightened by the bubbling mixtureB.couldn't stand the terrible smell of the mixtureC.didn't like doing chemistry experimentsD.knew chemistry was not relevant to them答案:A答案:A3.Tombe's mother started crying “ieee ieee” because ________.A.this was Jo's first visit to a remote villageB.she was expressing her friendliness and warmthC.they walked for two and a half hours to get thereD.she was afraid of strangers4.How did Jo feel after the visit to Tombe's family?A.Happy. B.Sad.C.Worried. D.Upset.答案:B答案:ATask 3文本理解:续写佳句1.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences describing the school and its conditions.(细读短文并找出描写学校及其条件的句子)答案:(1)My secondary school is a bush school.The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay floors and roofs of grass.(2)It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track covered in weeds.(3)There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!(4)All the students have are pencils,rubbers,and paper.2.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences describing the author's emotions.(细读短文并找出描写作者心情的句子)答案:(1)...I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail!(2)To be honest,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.(3)That evening I fell happily into bed.It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family. [读文清障]①parcel ['pɑːsl] n.[C]包裹②jam [dʒæm] n.[U,C]果酱[拓展]traffic jams交通堵塞③be dying to do sth.渴望做某事④mail [meɪl] n.[U]邮件;信件[合成词]mailbox n.[C]电子邮箱airmail n.[U]航空邮递⑤secondary['sekəndri]adj.中学的;次要的secondary school中等学校;中学secondary education中等教育be secondary to...与……相比是次要的⑥clay [kleɪ] n.[U]黏土⑦a dusty track泥泞的小路dusty ['dʌsti] adj.布满灰尘的dust [dʌst] n.[U]沙土;灰尘track n.[C]小道;小径⑧weed [wiːd] n.[C]杂草;野草⑨a chorus of齐声;异口同声chorus ['kɔːrəs] n.[C]合唱曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说a chorus of praise一片赞扬声⑩cotton uniform棉质校服cotton ['kɒtn] n.[U]棉布;棉花uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm] n.[C,U]校服;制服⑪up to多达;高达⑫not to mention更不用说;且不说⑬tablet ['tæblət] n.[C]平板电脑⑭rubber ['rʌbə(r)] n.[C]橡皮⑮adapt to适应⑯have no concept of...没有……的概念concept ['kɒnsept] n.[C]观念;概念⑰washroom['wɒʃruːm]n.[C]洗手间;厕所[同义]toilet; restroom⑱basin ['beɪsən] n.[C]盆⑲rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] adj.死板的;固执的[同义]stubborn ['stʌbən] adj.固执的[反义] flexible ['fleksəbl] adj.灵活的⑳the other day几天前;不久前的一天(谓语动词用一般过去时)㉑bubble ['bʌbl] vi.起泡;沸腾㉒test tube试管tube [tjuːb] n.[C]管子;管状物㉓spill[spɪl] vt. & vi.溢出;泼出;(使)洒出;散落㉔circus ['sɜːkəs] n.[C]马戏团㉕come across偶然遇见;碰上[同义]come upon偶然遇见;偶然发现㉖relevant adj.有意义的;有价值的;有关的;切题的be relevant to...与……有关(相当于be related to...)[近义]related adj.有关的connected adj.有关联的involved adj.有关联的㉗chemist ['kemɪst] n.[C]化学家chemistry n.[U]化学㉘to be honest(=honestly speaking)说实话㉙make one's visit to...拜访……㉚a remote village一个偏远的村庄remote mountain areas偏远山区㉛fantastic views极美的景色㉜shade[ʃeɪd]vt.给……遮挡(光线)n.[U]阴凉处;阴影部分[辨析]shade指阴凉处,强调避热作用;shadow强调光照下形成的影子㉝jaw [dʒɔː] n.[sing.]下巴㉞wrinkled forehead布满皱纹的前额wrinkle ['rɪŋkl] vt. & vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起n.[C]皱纹forehead ['fɔːhed] n.[C]额;前额[单词拆解]前缀fore(表示“在……的前部,预先”)+head(头)→forehead[构词法]由前缀fore构成的词还有forecast(vt.预报)、foresee(vt.预见)、foreword(n.前言)、forearm(n.前臂)等。㉟lead sb. to someplace带某人到某地㊱stick out of...从……中伸出;探出;突出㊲housing ['haʊzɪŋ] n.[U]住房;住宅㊳adjust vi.& vt.适应;(使)习惯㊴platform['plætfɔːm]n.[C]平台㊵fireplace ['faɪəpleɪs] n.[C]壁炉㊶possession n.[C usually pl.]所有物;财产;财物㊷broom [bruːm] n.[C]扫把;扫帚㊸saucer ['sɔːsə(r)] n.[C]茶碟;杯托㊹kettle ['ketl] n.[C](烧水用的)壶;水壶㊺pan [pæn] n.[C]平底锅;烤盘㊻a couple of jars几个罐子jar [dʒɑː(r)] n.[C]罐子;坛子㊼build a fire(=make a fire)生火㊽ripe [raɪp] adj.成熟的;时机成熟的㊾greens n.绿叶蔬菜㊿upside down颠倒地(51)grill [ɡrɪl] n.[C]烤架;烤肉餐馆(52)doorway ['dɔːweɪ] n.[C]门口;出入口(53)dry out (使)干透;(使)完全变干(54)leftover ['leftəʊvə(r)] adj.吃剩的;残留的(55)drag oneself down/to/out of...费力地走下/走到/走出……drag [dræɡ](dragged,dragged)vt.拖;拽;vt. & vi.缓慢而费力地移动(56)privilege ['prɪvəlɪdʒ] n.[sing.]荣幸have the privilege of doing sth./to do sth.有幸做某事[原文呈现]VOLUNTEERING IN THE BUSH8 MarchI just got a parcel① from home! It took about two weeks to arrive, and it was a bit damaged, but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam② from home; I've been dying to③ have some of my favourite sweets, and it's always nice to get mail④【1】!【1】此处是并列句。第一个分句中谓语动词是现在完成进行时(have been doing sth.);后一个分句中it为形式主语,动词不定式短语作真正的主语。So I've been here in the jungle for about a month now. My secondary school⑤ is a bush school. The classrooms are made of bamboo, with clay⑥ floors and roofs of grass. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track⑦ covered in weeds⑧. When I reach the school grounds, I'm greeted by a chorus of ⑨ “good morning” from the boys. Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms⑩, and many of them also have to walk a long way, sometimes for up to⑪ two hours, just to get to school.There's no electricity, running water or even textbooks, not to mention⑫ laptops, tablets⑬, or other modern devices! All the students have are pencils, rubbers⑭, and paper. I'm still trying to adapt to⑮ these conditions. I've had to become much more imaginative in my teaching. Science is my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of⑯ doing experiments. There is no equipment, and since there isn't even a washroom⑰, if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basin⑱【2】! It's important not to be too rigid⑲ about rules here, too. The other day⑳ I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling㉑out of the test tube㉒spilling㉓everywhere! The class became a circus㉔as the boys, who had never come across㉕anything like this before, started jumping out of the windows【3】. Sometimes I wonder how relevant㉖chemistry is to these students【4】—few will ever become chemists㉗—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. To be honest㉘, I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.【2】此处and连接两个并列分句,第二个分句中的主句是“I have to carry it from my house in a basin”; “since there...a washroom”为since引导的原因状语从句, since在此意为“因为”;“if I need water”为if引导的条件状语从句。【3】“as the boys...the windows”为as引导的原因状语从句,as意为“因为”;该从句中的“who had never...this before”为who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the boys, who在从句中作主语。【4】此处是how引导的宾语从句,作wonder的宾语。17 AprilLast weekend I made my first visit to㉙a remote village㉚, home to one of our students, Tombe. Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first, up a mountain from where we had fantastic views㉛【5】, and then down a shaded㉜path to the valley below. When we arrived at the village, Tombe's mother, Kiak, saw us coming and started crying “ieee ieee”【6】. We shook hands with all the villagers. Everyone seemed to be related to Tombe.【5】此处是from where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a mountain。【6】此处是主从复合句。“When we arrived at the village”是When引导的时间状语从句;“Tombe's mother... ‘ieee ieee’”为主句,主句中包含了“see sb. doing sth.”结构,意为“看见某人正在做某事”。Tombe's father, Mukap, a man with a strong jaw㉝and a wrinkled forehead㉞, led us to㉟his house, a low, round bamboo hut with no windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and with grass sticking out of㊱the roof【7】—this shows it is a man's house. Such housing㊲is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust㊳. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a platform㊴for Jenny and me to sleep on. There was a fireplace㊵in the centre of the hut. The only possessions㊶I could see were one broom㊷, a few saucers㊸, a kettle㊹, cups, pans㊺, and a couple of jars㊻【8】.【7】“with grass...roof”是with复合结构,在句中作定语,修饰hut。【8】“I could see”是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词possessions。Mukap built a fire㊼outside and laid stones on it to heat. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau (sweet potato), ripe㊽corn, and greens㊾. He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. It smelled delicious. We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire.【9】 I loved listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language, even though I could not participate much in the conversation【10】. Luckily, Tombe interpreted for us.【9】现在分词短语sitting round the fire在句中作方式状语。【10】此处是主从复合句。even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”。前面主句中含有“感官动词(词组)+宾语+宾补”结构。Later, I noticed a can standing upside down㊿ on the grill(51) over the fire. After a while, Tombe threw it out of the doorway(52). Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out(53)the leftover(54) food. His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night, so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes.My muscles were aching and my knees shaking【11】 as we dragged ourselves down(55) the mountain towards home. That evening I fell happily into bed. It was such a privilege(56) to have spent a day with Tombe's family【12】.【11】My muscles were aching和my knees shaking是and连接的两个句式相同的并列分句,第二个分句承前省略了系动词were。【12】此处包含了“It is/was a privilege to do sth.”句型,该句型意为“有幸做某事”。to have spent是动词不定式的完成式,表示该动作先于谓语动词表示的动作发生或完成。[参考译文]丛林中的志愿工作3月8日我刚刚收到家里寄的包裹了!花了大约两个星期的时间包裹才送到,还略有损坏,不过能收到从家寄来的一些糖果和果酱简直太棒了!我一直渴望得到一些我最喜欢的糖果;而且,收到邮件从来都是让人开心的事啊!就这样,现在我在丛林里待了大约一个月了。我所在的这所中学是一所丛林学校,教室是用竹子盖的,黏土夯的地面,屋顶是用草做的。我沿着一条泥泞、长满杂草的小路仅仅步行几分钟就到学校了。当我走进校园时,男孩子们齐声向我问候“早上好”。与我们国家的学生不一样,这些男孩不穿棉质校服,他们中的许多人还得走很长的路,有时要走长达两个小时,才能到达学校。没有电,没有自来水,甚至没有教科书,更不用说笔记本电脑、平板电脑或者其他现代化设备了。学生们只有铅笔、橡皮和纸。我还在努力适应这些条件,在教学中不得不充分发挥想象力。科学是最有挑战性的科目,因为我的学生们压根儿没有做实验的概念。没有设备,甚至没有洗手间,如果我需要水的话,还得从家里用盆装着水过来。不墨守成规在这里也很重要。几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,我还没明白怎么回事,这时混合物冒着泡从试管里涌出来,溅得到处都是。课堂变成了马戏团,因为之前从未见过此种情形的男孩们开始跳窗而逃。有时我想,化学对这些学生有多少价值——他们中很少有人会成为化学家——而且大多数孩子八年级后就会回到村庄了。老实说,我怀疑自己是否会让这些男孩们的生活有所改变。4月17日上周末,我头一次去一个偏远的村庄,我们的一个学生汤贝的家就在那里。我和另一名老师步行两个半小时才到达那里。首先,爬上一座山,我们从山上欣赏了美丽的景色,然后沿着一条林荫小路,走到下面的山谷。当我们到达村庄的时候,汤贝的母亲齐亚克看到我们走来,开始大喊“嗳矣嗳矣”。我们和村民挨个握了手。(村里)每个人好像都是汤贝的亲戚。汤贝的父亲莫卡普有着结实的下巴,额头布满皱纹。他把我们带到他家,那是一座低矮的圆形竹屋,没有窗户,只有一扇门,刚好够一个人进去。草从屋顶伸出来,表明这是男人(住)的房子。这种房子屋内很暗,所以我们的眼睛过了-会儿才适应。地上铺满嫩草,还有让我和珍妮睡觉的平台。小屋中央放着壁炉,放眼望去,我看到屋中的物品只有一把扫帚、几个碟子、一个水壶、几只杯子、几个平底锅,还有几个罐子。莫卡普在外面生了堆火,在上面放了些石头加热,然后把加热的石头放进装着红薯、成熟的玉米和青菜的油桶里。接着,他用香蕉叶盖上蔬菜,等着它们蒸熟,这闻起来很美味。我们在小屋里围着火吃饭。我喜欢听这一家人用他们的语言彼此轻声交谈,尽管我无法参与大多数的谈话。幸运的是,汤贝为我们翻译。后来,我注意到炉火上方的烤架上倒放着一个罐子。过了一会儿,汤贝把它扔到了门外。他告诉我把罐子烤热是为了烘干剩饭。他的家人认为,剩饭会在晚上引来恶鬼,所以要把所有的剩饭放在罐子里烘干,然后把罐子扔到屋外去。第二天早上,在多次道别和握手之后,我们离开了村子。当我们费力地走下山回家时,我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖。那天晚上我带着愉快的心情入睡了。能和汤贝一家人共度一天真是太荣幸了。自查语基 落实基本知能Ⅰ.核心词汇根据语境写出正确的单词1.a ________ from home 家里寄来的包裹2.be stuck in traffic________ 陷入交通堵塞3.be glad to receive your________ 很高兴收到你的邮件4.primary and________ education 中、小学教育5.________ the hospital garden 给医院的花园除草6.a________shirt 一件棉布衬衫7.be dressed in school ________ 穿着校服parceljamsmailsecondaryweedcottonuniform8.take two ________ before meals 饭前每次两片9.wear a pair of________ gloves 戴一双橡胶手套10.go to the________ 去洗手间11.be too narrow and too________ 又狭窄又死板12.sit in the________ 坐在阴凉处13.come out of the ________ 从小木屋里出来14.a launch ________ 发射平台15.gather around the ________ 聚集在壁炉周围tabletsrubberwashroomrigidshadehutplatformfireplaceⅡ.拓展词汇1.________ [dʌst] n. 沙土;灰尘 vi.& vt. 擦灰→dusty adj.布满灰尘的2.________ ['kemɪst] n. 化学家;药房;药剂师→chemical adj.化学的;关于化学的→chemistry n.化学3.________ [raɪp] adj. 成熟的;时机成熟的→ripen v. (使)成熟4.________ ['prɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 优惠待遇;特权→privileged adj. 有特权的;受特别优待的dustchemistripeprivilege构词规律根据给出的构词规则写出下列单词1.y加在名词之后变为形容词,表示“具有……特征的”、“多……的”dust n.沙土;灰尘→dusty adj.布满灰尘的 rain n.雨→________ adj.下雨的 snow n.雪→________ adj.下雪的2.“n.+n.” 构成的合成词door+way→________ n.门口;出入口 class+room→________ n.教室house+work→________ n.家务活rainysnowydoorwayclassroomhouseworkⅢ.重点短语1.________________ 渴望做……2.________________ 齐声;异口同声3.________________ 更不用说;且不说4.________________ 适应5.________________ 几天前6.________________ 遇上7.________________ 和……有关8.________________ 有差别;有影响9.________________ 和……握手10.________________ 和……有关be dying toa chorus of not to mentionadapt tothe other daycome acrossbe relevant tomake any differenceshake hands withbe related toⅣ.重点句型1.[句型]It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。[教材]________________________________ down a dusty track covered in weeds. 沿着杂草丛生、尘土飞扬的小路,我几分钟就能走到学校。2.[句型]be doing...when...[教材]The other day I______________________________________,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! 几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,在我反应过来前,混合物冒着泡从试管中涌出,洒得到处都是!It takes me only a few minutes to walk to schoolwas showing the boys a chemistry experiment when3.[句型]from where引导定语从句[教材]Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first, up a mountain______________________________, and then down a shaded path to the valley below.我和另一位老师步行了两个半小时才到达那里——首先,爬上一座山,在山上我们看到了美妙的景色,然后沿着一条树荫遮蔽的小路走到下面的山谷。4.[句型]I doubt whether...我怀疑是否…… [教材]To be honest,_____________________________________ these boys' lives at all.说实在的,我怀疑是否我(教的课)会让这些孩子的生活有所改变。from where we had fantastic viewsI doubt whether I'm making any difference toⅤ.理清复杂句式 1.[译文]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. [译文]___________________________________________________________这里没有任何设备,甚至没有洗手间,如果我需要水的话我不得不用盆子从我的房子端水过来!整个班级成了一个马戏团,之前从没见过这种状况的男孩子们开始从窗户跳出去。3. [译文]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________他的家人认为,剩饭会在晚上引来恶鬼,所以要把所有的剩饭放在罐子里烘干,然后把罐子扔到屋外去。Part 2探究新知 发展语言知识1(教材原句)I've been dying to have some of my favourite sweets, and it's always nice to get mail!我一直非常渴望吃一些我最喜欢的糖果,而且收到邮包总是令人开心不已!◎be dying to do...渴望做…… (1)be dying/eager for 很想要;渴望(2)be eager to do sth. 渴望做……long to do sth. 渴望做某事[佳句] As a student who is dying to learn knowledge, it is necessary to build an effective method in your study.首先,作为一名渴望学习知识的学生,你在学习中有必要建立一种有效的学习方法。[练通]——单句语法填空①However, she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty ________ the outside world.②Throughout her career as a professional dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed ________(explore) further. [写美]——应用文佳句③“访谈”是为渴望获得更多英语知识的学生而设计的,现在它受到了大多数听众的高度评价。“Talk and talk” is designed for students__________________________________________________, and now it is highly thought of by most listeners.forto explorewho are eager/dying to acquire more knowledge about English2(教材原句)There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks, not to mention laptops, tablets, or other modern devices! 这里没有电,没有自来水,甚至也没有教科书,更不用说笔记本电脑、平板电脑或其他现代化设备了!◎not to mention 更不用说;且不说mention sth.to sb./mention to sb.that... 向某人提及……mention doing... 提及做……as is mentioned above 如上所述Don't mention it. 不客气(回答道歉或道谢)[佳句] You shouldn't think of a free day,not to mention flying off for a month's vacation.你别想有一天的空闲时间,更别说乘飞机去度一个月的假了。[练通]——单句语法填空①As____________ (mention) above,wearing school uniforms is beneficial to students in many ways.②He mentioned ________ (hear) from his son lately while having dinner with me.[写美]——应用文佳句③你提到你愿意教英语作为回报,这正是我渴望的。________________________________________,which is exactly what I am dying for.is mentionedhearingYou mentioned that you would like to teach English in return3(教材原句)The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! 几天前,我正在给男孩们演示一个化学实验,在我反应过来前,混合物冒着泡从试管中涌出,洒得到处都是!◎句型公式:“be doing...when...”意为“正在做……这时……” 句中when用作并列连词,意为“这时突然”, when用作并列连词的句型归纳:had just done...when... 刚做完……这时……be about to do...when... 正要做……这时……be on the point of doing...when... 正要做……这时……[佳句] We were wondering how to carry out our plan when the answer appeared.我们正在考虑如何实施我们的计划,这时答案出现了。[练通]——单句语法填空①Helen had just put down her cellphone ________ she regretted refusing Peter's invitation to the party.②I was really disappointed and about ________ (leave) when he walked out of a building.③Tom had just fallen asleep ________ someone knocked at the door.[写美]——一句多译他正要离开教室时,听到大家齐声说:“谢谢你的辛勤工作。”④He ____________________________ he heard a chorus of “Thanks for your hard work.”⑤He ____________________________________he heard a chorus of “Thanks for your hard work.”whento leavewhenwas about to leave the classroom whenwas on the point of leaving the classroom when4(教材原句)Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students—few will ever become chemists—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.有时我想知道化学与这些学生有多大的关系,很少有人会成为化学家,而且大多数人都会在8年级后回到自己的村庄。◎relevant adj.有关的;切题的 (1)be relevant to 与……有关(2)relevance n. 关联;切题have (no) relevance to 和……(无)有关[佳句] I learn that you're coming to visit one of your Chinese friends. I'm now writing to tell you some relevant details. 我知道你要来拜访你的一个中国朋友。我现在写信是要告诉你一些相关的细节。[练通]——单句语法填空①The teacher said students should learn skills which are closely relevant ________ life in secondary school.②What you said has no ________ (relevant) to the topic,that is to say,you are off the point.[写美]——应用文佳句③我很荣幸能告诉你一些与当地生活有关的信息。It is a great privilege for me to tell you some information ___________________________________________________________.指津:“与……有关”的其他表达形式还有:be related to;be connected with;be associated with等。torelevancerelevant to/connected with/associated with the local life5(教材原句)Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below.我和另一位老师走了两个半小时才走到那儿,我们首先爬上了一座山,在山里欣赏到了极美的景色,然后沿着一条阴凉的小路走到了下面的山谷。◎句型公式: from where引导定语从句 (1)from where引导定语从句,相当于and from here/there。(2)在“介词+关系词”定语从句中,关系词常为which和whom,关系副词where和when之前一般不加介词,比较特殊的有from where和since when。❶Alice stood at the window, from where she could watch her classmates playing football.艾莉丝站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以看到同学们踢足球。❷The book was written in 1946, since when the education system has witnessed great changes.这本书写于1946年,从那时起教育体系发生了巨大的变化。[练通]——单句语法填空①She climbed up to the top of the hill,from ________ she could have a good view of the whole town.②We are all deeply moved by the ceremony,from ________ we realize that the sense of responsibility always accompanies the process of our growth.wherewhich◎shade vt.给……遮挡 (光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分 (1)in the shade 在阴凉处in the shade of 在……的阴凉处(2)shade...from/against... 给……遮挡……shade...with... 用……遮挡……[佳句] I've heard that,in the Sahara,there is no shade during the day,and the stars seem especially brilliant on clear nights.我听说在撒哈拉,白天没有阴凉之处,在晴朗的夜晚星星看起来格外灿烂。[练通]——单句语法填空③I saw that merchant sitting ________ the shade of a tree,reading a book.④She raised her hand to shade her eyes __________the sun.infrom6(教材原句)My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. 当我们费力地走下山回家时,我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖。◎drag vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动 读后续写之手的肢体动作:(1)drag...out of... 把……从……中拖出来(2)cup one's hands over... 把手窝成杯状(3)slide one's hands into... 将手伸进(4)put one's hands to one's cheeks 用双手捂住脸spread one's hands 摊开双手[佳句] Painful and a bit embarrassed as he was, he still dragged his feet to keep moving forward.虽然感到痛苦和有点尴尬,但他仍然拖着脚继续前进。[写美]——读后续写佳句这位父亲站起来,盯着大儿子的眼睛,把手窝成杯状托住儿子的脸。The father stood up,gazed in the eyes of his oldest son and ________________________.cupped his hands over his son's face7(教材原句)It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family.与汤贝一家共度了一日,真是一种荣幸。◎privilege n.优惠待遇;特权 (1)It's a privilege to do sth./of doing sth. 有幸做某事have the privilege to do sth./of doing sth. 有做某事的特权(2)privileged adj. 享有特权的;荣幸的;幸运的be privileged to do sth. 做某事是荣幸的[佳句] I feel much privileged to invite you to our program for a live talk show. 我很荣幸能邀请你来参加我们的现场访谈节目。[写美]——一句多译 在这儿做有关如何保护环境的演讲,我倍感荣幸。①_____________________________ on how to protect the environment here.②_________________________________ on how to protect the environment here.I am greatly privileged to deliver a speechIt is a great privilege for me to deliver a speech