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    【优质课堂】中职英语外研版(2021)拓展模块U2It’s Always Nice to Be Polite课件
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    英语拓展模块Listening& Speaking优质ppt课件

    这是一份英语拓展模块Listening& Speaking优质ppt课件,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Contents,Warming up,Mistakes,Fun Time,I can等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Yu’ll be able t:
    1. describe the rules f wrkplace etiquette;2. talk abut wrkplace behaviur;3. design sme reminders.
    Lk at the picture and discuss:1. What is the picture abut?2. D yu ften use these wrds?
    1. Listen and match the wrd and expressins with the pictures.
    sit uprightshake handsgive a business cardhughld the liftwear a suit and tie
    1. Li Li was sitting upright in her chair.2. Li Wei shk hands with his client.3. Sun Kai gave a business card t his client with bth hands.4. Lucy was s excited t see her clleague that she rushed t hug her.5. When Tm saw a wman cming, he held the lift fr her.6. Li Jun wre a suit and tie fr the jb interview.
    2. Chse the mst imprtant qualities fr a new emplyee.
    Listening & Speaking
    1. Listen and learn the wrds and expressins.
    internship cngratulatins make an impressin make-up smthly recgnise be absent frm perfrm anyhw
    Carl: Hi, Helen. What are yu busy with? Helen: Hi, Carl. I’ve gt an internship fr this summer, s I’m busy preparing fr it. Carl: Cngratulatins! Helen: Thanks. Actually, I’m quite anxius abut hw I’ll d. Carl: I was nervus like yu when I started my internship. But if yu d 1) __________during the internship, things will wrk ut. Helen: What shuld I 2) __________ ? Carl: I think yu need t pay attentin t different 3) __________. Helen: Yu mean dress cde and punctuality? Carl: Yes. 4) __________ t make a gd impressin. Avid wearing heavy make-up and strng perfume. Helen: Thanks. I’ll keep yur advice in mind.
    2. Listen and cmplete the dialgue with the expressins in the bxes.
    卡尔:嗨,海伦。你在忙什么?海伦:嗨,卡尔。我今年夏天获得了一份实习,因此我正忙着准备呢。卡尔:祝贺你!海伦:谢谢。可事实上,我很担心我该怎么做。卡尔: 当初开始实习时,我和你一样紧张。但如果你在实习期间努力,一定没问题的。海伦:那我应该注意些什么?卡尔:我认为你需要注意不同的礼仪规则。海伦:你说的是着装要求和守时吗?卡尔: 是的。得体的着装会给人留下好印象。避免化浓妆或用浓烈的香水。海伦:谢谢。我会记住你的建议。
    3. Listen again and chse the advice mentined in the dialgue.
    4. Listen and cmplete the dialgue with the sentences in the bx.
    Helen: Hi, Carl! I’m back t schl fr the new semester.Carl: Glad t see yu, Helen. 1) _______Helen: Yes. Thanks s much fr yur advice. It was really helpful.Carl: Gd! I believe yu learnt a lt during the internship.Helen: Right. But there were sme interns wh did nt perfrm well and failed. 2) _______Carl: Oh, that’s terrible. Helen: I knw. But I als made an embarrassing mistake.Carl: What happened? Helen: I frgt t turn ff my mbile phne and it rang during a meeting. 3) _______Carl: Yu must have learnt a lessn anyhw.Helen: Certainly! 4) _______Carl: Gd. Fllwing the rules f etiquette can help us perfrm well in the wrkplace. Helen: Yeah. I culdn’t agree mre.
    海伦:嗨,卡尔!我已回到学校准备迎接新学期。卡尔:很高兴见到你,海伦。你的实习一切顺利吗?海伦:是的。非常感谢你的建议,真的很有帮助。卡尔:太好了!我相信你在实习期间学到了很多东西。海伦: 没错。但也有些实习生表现不佳,做得不好。有一些实习生上班迟到或缺勤。卡尔:哦,那太糟糕了。海伦:是的。但我也犯了一个尴尬的错误。卡尔:怎么了?海伦: 有一次开会时我忘记关手机了,而且手机在会议期间响了。那一刻太尴尬了。卡尔:不管怎样,你肯定已经吸取教训了。海伦:当然!我真的认识到礼仪的重要性。卡尔:很好。遵守礼仪规则可以帮助我们在职场中表现更好。海伦:是的。我完全同意。
    5. Listen again and decide whether the fllwing statements are true (T) r false (F).
    1. The dialgue is abut an internship experience. ( ) 2. Sme imprper wrkplace behaviur is mentined. ( ) 3. The rules f etiquette are nt always imprtant. ( )
    6. Wrk in pairs. List mre examples f imprper wrkplace behavirand give suggestins accrdingly.
    Reading & Writing
    1. Read the wrds and expressins. Guess what the text is abut.
    in terms f take a call manners wrkplace etiquettebehaviur clleague dress up fit int emergency
    2. Read and cmplete the text with the sentences in the bx.
    Elbws ff the table! Excuse yurself befre leaving the table! Mst f us have likely mastered these table manners. But what abut wrkplace etiquette? A survey says mst wrkers get a B when it cmes t gd behaviur in the wrkplace. The grade culd imprve if yu pay attentin t sme basic rules. First, 1) ______The peple yu wrk with culd be lder than yu and may have different values. Yu need t shw yur respect fr yur clleagues.
    Secnd, 2) ______ T dress up r dress dwn, that is the questin. The answer is t dress t fit int the wrkplace. If yu dn’t knw hw t dress fr yur first day f wrk, ask yur manager, s yu wn’t be the nly ne wearing, fr example, jeans. Third, 3) ______ If it is an emergency, be sure t tell the attendees befrehand. Excuse yurself, make the call brief and then return t the meeting. If yu need t have yur mbile phne n the table, place it face dwn s yu will nt be distracted during the meeting. If yu pay mre attentin t wrkplace etiquette, yu will perfrm and behave well in the wrkplace.
    手肘不要放在桌上!离席前要表达歉意!我们中多数人很可能已经掌握了这些餐桌礼仪。但职场礼仪呢? 一项调查显示,大多数职员在职场行为得体方面只能得 B(良好)。如果你能注意一些职场礼仪的基本规则,得分可能会提高。 首先,你的待人之道能反映出你的为人。你的同事可能比你年长,所持价值观也可能与你不同,而你需要表示出对他们的尊重。 其次,在职场着装方面,要随大流。正装还是便装,这是个问题。其答案是着装应符合职场场景。如果你第一天上班不知道如何穿着,那么问问你的经理,这样你就不会是唯一一个穿牛仔裤(举个例子)的员工了。 第三,在会议中接听电话是非常不礼貌的。如果是紧急情况,一定要事先告诉与会者。致歉离会后缩短通话时间并返回会场。如果你需要把手机放在桌子上,那么将手机正面朝下放置。 如果你多注意职场礼仪,你将会在职场中表现出色且得体。
    3. Read again and cmplete the frm.
    Shw yur respect fr yur clleagues.
    Dress t fit int the wrkplace.
    Excuse yurself, make the call brief and thenreturn t the meeting.
    4. Cmplete the sentences with the crrect frm f the wrds and expressins in the bx.
    5. Wrk in pairs. Add mre rules f wrkplace etiquette.
    6. Read sme reminders f wrkplace behaviur and answer the questins.
    当你走进办公室时,试着观察告示板上的内容和咖啡桌上的提示语。在做自己不确定的事情前要多询问。阅读以下提示语——你能理解它们吗? 请到安静的角落打电话,否则您可能会打扰到您的同事。今 今天您笑了吗? 别忘了把我放回架子上。 离开时将我关闭,否则我会筋疲力尽。 在点击“发送”之前做一个深呼吸。
    7. Design sme mre reminders f wrkplace behaviur.
    ● 1. I’ve gt an internship fr this summer, s I’m busy preparing fr it.● 2. But if yu d make an effrt during the internship, things will wrk ut.● 3. Take a breath befre yu hit “Send”.
    Read the sentences and pay attentin t the underlined parts.
    结果状语从句 条件状语从句 时间状语从句
    s, s that,s/such... that 等
    if, unless, as lng as, in case等
    when, as, while, after, befre, since, as sn as等
    Cmplete the sentences with the wrds in the bx.
    1. ____________ sme extra mney is fund, the factry will clse.2. She lwered her vice ____________ ther clleagues wuldn’t be disturbed.3. ____________ yu dn’t explain clearly, yu’ll just cnfuse the readers.4. Yu frightened Travis ____________ yu played that music.5. ____________ I culd say anything mre, he had left.
    1. Match the expressins with their meanings.
    Mre Activities
    1. wait in a queue2. speak in a friendly tne3. dress up4. shw ne’s respect 5. knck befre entering6. make a call in a quiet crner7. put sth back after use8. accept sth with bth hands
    A. 进入前敲门B. 双手接物C. 排队等候D. 用后把某物放回原处E. 穿得正式F. 在安静角落处打电话G. 以友好的语气说话H. 表达某人的敬意
    Ever wnder why peple dn’t respnd t yur emails? If yu d, yu may need t examine the way yu are cmmunicating via email. Here are sme essential rules f email etiquette: 1)___________N ne likes t read n and n t get t the pint. State yur message cncisely and simply. If yu have a questin, get t it quickly. 2)___________Alert yur recipient t what yur email is abut, r it risks being ignred r relegated t the read-later list.
    3)___________Dn’t cpy thers in n yur email unless they need t see the message. Dn’t frget t use the bcc field, particularly fr emails sent t large grups. Peple dn’t want their email addresses shared s widely. 4)___________Never add a link withut indicating what it is. As yu knw, there are suspicius links that threaten t take us t where thieves lie in wait t steal ur identities.
    3. Read the fllwing email. Find and crrect the mistakes in terms f email etiquette.
    Frm: JaneWhite@123123.cmSubject: TmCarter@123123.cm Cc: All emplyeesSubject: HiAttachment: A travel guide t Paris
    Dear Tm, It’s very kind f yu t write t me. Thank yu s much fr yur cngratulatins and gd wishes. This prmtin brings me a feeling f jy and respnsibility. I shall d my best t perfrm my duties, and try t be wrthy f yur wishes. Best regards, Jane White
    Ways t crrect them
    Jane shuldn’t cpy all the emplyees in n her email because it’s a private email.
    Cpy n ne in
    Jane has written an unclear subject.
    The subject shuld be“A thank-yu letter”.
    Jane has attached a dcument which shehas nt explained in the mail.
    She shuld state clearly what the attachment is fr, r just delete it.
    1. What is the mst memrable gift yu have received r given?2. What des the prverb “When in Rme, d as the Rmans d” mean?
    Giving gifts t business partners is a way t express yur appreciatin, as well as imprving prfessinal relatinships. Hwever, a lack f crss-cultural understanding can lead t misunderstandings and ffence, because different cuntries have diefferent traditins.
    Fr example, in China, giving a clck as a gift is nt a gd idea, because in Chinese the sund f the wrd fr “clck” is similar t the sund f the wrd fr “death”. In Malaysia, presenting and accepting gifts with yur left hand is cnsidered as a sign f disrespect. Use yur right hand r bth hands instead. In Russia, be sure t give flwers in dd numbers, but d nt give yellw flwers because sme assciate them with funerals. In Italy, a handkerchief shuld never be presented as a gift, as it is used fr wiping away tears. In Suth Africa, yu’d better d sme research n a cmpany-by-cmpany basis when giving gifts, because there is a mixture f business cultures in this cuntry. Remember, when in Rme, d as the Rmans d.
    向商业伙伴赠送礼物是表达谢意的一种方式,同时也能增进业务联系。然而,缺乏跨文化理解可能会导致误解和冒犯,因为不同国家有不同的传统。 例如,在中国,将时钟作为礼物赠送他人不是个好主意,因为在汉语中,“钟”和“终”两个词谐音。在马来西亚,用左手赠送和接受礼物被认为是不尊重他人的表现。接受礼物时要用右手或双手。在俄罗斯,送花时一定要送奇数朵,也不要送黄色的花,因为有些人会把黄色的花与葬礼联系在一起。在意大利,手帕绝对不能作为礼物赠送他人,因为它是用来擦眼泪的。在南非,由于商业文化各式各样,在给公司赠送礼物前最好对其商业文化进行研究。记住,“入乡随俗”是良训。
    Sentence Stress
    1. 'What are yu 'busy with?2. I was 'nervus like yu when I 'started my 'internship.3. I 'really 'recgnise the im'prtance f 'etiquette.
    My Prgress Check
    Wrds and expressins I have learnt in this unit:
    □ reminder □ make-up □ recgnise □ clleague □ dress cde □ take a call
    □ punctual □ prperly□ perfrm□ emergency□ make an impressin□ dress up
    □ internship□ gesture□ anyhw□ wrkplace etiquette□ be absent frm□ fit int
    Sentences I have learnt in this unit:
    • Sme f them were late fr r absent frm wrk.• I frgt t turn ff my mbile phne and it rang during a meeting.• Yu need t shw yur respect fr yur clleagues.
    □ describe the rules f wrkplace etiquette;□ talk abut wrkplace behaviur;□ design sme reminders.
    wrkplace etiquette 职场礼仪behaviur n. 行为;举止reminder n. 起提醒作用的东西emplyee n. 受雇者;雇员punctual adj. 准时的internship n. 实习期cngratulatins n. (pl.) 祝贺wrk ut (问题)逐渐解决dress cde 着装要求make an impressin 留下印象
    Wrds and Expressins
    make-up n. 化妆品keep… in mind 把……记在心里prperly adv. 正确地;适当地gesture n. 手势smthly adv. 顺利地recgnise v. 认识到be absent frm 缺席perfrm v. 表现;履行;做anyhw adv. 不管怎样;至少statement n. 陈述false adj. 不正确的in terms f 依据
    crwd n. 人群take a call 接电话master v. 掌握manners n. (pl.) 礼仪clleague n. 同事dress up/dwn 穿得正式 / 随便fit int 符合;适合emergency n. 紧急情况attitude n. 态度infrmal adj. 非正式的summary n. 总结;摘要
    shelf n. 架子in case 如果;以防万一cnfuse v. 使困惑frighten v. 使害怕queue n.(为等候而排的)队tne n. 语气alert v. 提醒ignre v. 忽视be wrthy f 值得……的

    高教版(2021)拓展模块Unit 4 Corporate Culture获奖ppt课件: 这是一份高教版(2021)拓展模块<a href="/yy/tb_c4030703_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Corporate Culture获奖ppt课件</a>,共44页。PPT课件主要包含了Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中职英语高教版(2021)拓展模块Unit 4 Corporate Culture一等奖ppt课件: 这是一份中职英语高教版(2021)拓展模块<a href="/yy/tb_c4030703_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Corporate Culture一等奖ppt课件</a>,共41页。PPT课件主要包含了Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中职英语高教版(2021)拓展模块Unit 4 Corporate Culture优质课ppt课件: 这是一份中职英语高教版(2021)拓展模块<a href="/yy/tb_c4030703_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 Corporate Culture优质课ppt课件</a>,文件包含趣味课堂中职英语高教版2021拓展模块同步课件Unit4Part5-6CultureUnderstandingandLanguagePractice-课件pptx、趣味课堂中职英语高教版2021拓展模块同步教案Unit4Part5-6CultureUnderstandingandLanguagePractice-教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共44页, 欢迎下载使用。






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