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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the wman think f Beijing Opera?
    A. It is slw.B. It is strange.C. It is charming.
    2. Where culd the speakers mst prbably be?
    A. In a htel.B. In a supermarket.C. In a restaurant.
    3. Wh might have made a mistake abut the cup?
    A. Cathy.B. Mm.C. Dad.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a department stre.B. In a htel.
    C. In a restaurant.
    5. ​​​​​Hw did the wman g traveling?
    A. By bus.B. By car.C. By train.
    6. What des the wman think f farming?
    A. Tiring.B. Easy.C. Interesting.
    7. Where did the man wrk befre?
    A. On a farm.B. In a factry.C. At a bank.
    8. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Take a flight t Bstn.
    B. Meet a guest at the airprt.
    C. Drive the wman t the htel.
    9. What will be held tnight?
    A. A welcme party.B. A gdbye party.
    C. A business meeting.
    10. Where des Mr Black prbably cme frm?
    A. Bstn.B. Lndn.C. New Yrk.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Mther and sn.
    C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    12. Hw did James becme interested in trees?
    A. He enjyed climbing trees as a child.
    B. He gt a jb taking care f trees.
    C. He grew up arund trees.
    13. What surprised James when he first learnt t climb trees?
    A. The age range f peple.
    B. The great fun staying with thers.
    C. The amunt f equipment needed.
    14. What des James like best abut his wrk?
    A. It ffers peple an interesting experience.
    B. It helps peple learn the skill fr their wrk.
    C. It prvides peple with an pprtunity t stay utside.
    15. Wh was respnsible fr cleaning the car in the man's family?
    A. The man himself.B. His sister.C. His father.
    16. What did the man feel abut his jb at hme?
    A. Bring.B. Stressful.C. Enjyable.
    17. What did the wman d in her family?
    A. Clean her wn rm.B. Take ut the rubbish. C. D all the cking.
    18. What did the wman say abut the handbag?
    A. It cst her fifty dllars.
    B. She paid full price fr it last mnth.
    C. She left it smewhere n the fifth flr.
    19. What was ne f the items in the wman's handbag?
    A. Her passprt.B. Her car keys.
    C. Three hundred dllars cash.
    20. What did the wman want t buy after she left the cafe?
    A. Smething t read.B. Smething t eat.
    C. Smething t listen t.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Creating a Graphic Nvel
    In the past decade we've seen the rise f graphic nvels that cme in all srts f frms.Nw jin authr and illustratr Lizzy Stewart fr ur upcming masterclass,where she'll take yu thrugh hw t create bth the illustratin and text fr a graphic nvel.Yu'll have the chance t find the right frm fr the stry yu are trying t tell,and Lizzy will share her insight int the editrial and publishing prcess f getting a graphic nvel printed.15 minutes will be reserved fr a Q&A sessin at the end f the masterclass,when Lizzy will answer what yu're curius t knw.
    ●The wrkshp fee f £30 is payable in full nline.
    ●Jining instructins and full guidance will be prvided by us a week befre the start date.
    Accessible t All
    ●It's f real imprtance fr us that ur event remains accessible t all.
    ●We have made three schlarship places available fr this event as part f ur accessibility scheme (计划).Please visit ur schlarship page t find ut hw t apply fr schlarships t the curse.
    ●This masterclass will be presented nline thrugh vide cnferencing sftware.It will als be recrded s if yu are unable t attend the live event,yu'll be able t catch up and access the recrding within tw weeks.
    ●This event will include written text and visuals.Please cntact us in advance s that we can make arrangements t be sure all dcuments appear in a frmat that wrks fr yu.
    21. What can attendees d in the masterclass? ______
    A. Have their wrk published.
    B. Cmmunicate with Lizzy.
    C. Get Lizzy's 15-minute instructin.
    D. Create graphic nvels in all frms.
    22. What will the event prvide fr attendees? ______
    A. Recrded materials fr a limited perid.
    B. Free access t vide cnferencing sftware.
    C. Written text and visuals fr certain attendees.
    D. Schlarships t further their graphic nvel study.
    23. What is this text? ______
    A. A review.B. A guide.
    C. An essay.D. An advertisement.
    Last year,138,000 San Francisc residents used Airbnb,a ppular app designed t cnnect hme renters and travelers.It's a striking number fr a city with a ppulatin f abut 850,000,and it was enugh fr Airbnb t win a majr victry in lcal electins,as San Francisc vters struck dwn a debatable rule that wuld have placed time restrictins and ther regulatins n shrt-term rental services.
    The cmpany fiercely ppsed the measure,Prpsitin F,with a nearly ﹩10 millin advertising campaign.It als cntacted its San Franciscan users with messages urging them t vte against Prpsitin F.
    Mst peple think f Airbnb as a kind f cuch-surfing app.The service wrks fr ne-night stays n rad trips and lnger stays in cities,and it ften has mre cmpetitive pricing than htels.It's a textbk example f the "sharing ecnmy",but nt everyne is a fan.
    The app has had unintended cnsequences in San Francisc.As the San Francisc Chrnicle reprted last year,a significant amunt f renting n Airbnb is nt in line with the cmpany's image:middle-class families putting up a spare rm t help make ends meet.Sme users have taken advantage f the service,using it t turn their multiple prperties int vacatin rentals r even full-time rentals.Backers f Prpsitin F argued that this trend takes spaces ff the cnventinal,better-regulated husing market and cntributes t rising csts.
    "The fact is,widespread abuse f shrt-term rentals is taking much needed husing ff the market and harming ur neighbrhds," said ShareBetter SF,a grup that supprted Prpsitin F.Htel unins have prtested the cmpany's practices in San Francisc and ther cities,saying that it creates an illegal htel system.
    San Francisc is in the middle f a lng-term,deeply rted husing crisis that has seen the cst f living explde.Actually,explde is a generus term.The average mnthly rent fr an apartment is arund ﹩4,000.Lcated n a narrw utcrpping f land verlking the bay,San Francisc simply desn't have enugh space t accmmdate the massive inflw f yung,high-salaried tech emplyees flcking t Silicn Valley.
    As the Ls Angeles Times reprted,sme San Francisc residents supprted the measure simply because it seemed like a way t check a big crpratin.Oppnents f Prpsitin F cuntered that the husing crisis runs much deeper,and that passing the rule wuld have discuraged a ppular service while ding little t slve the city's existing prblems.
    24. The intentin f Prpsitin F is t ______ .
    A. place time limits in lcal electin.
    B. set limits n shrt-term rental.
    C. strike dwn a cntrversial rule.
    D. urge users t vte against Airbnb.
    25. What is the negative cnsequence f Airbnb n San Francisc? ______
    A. It shrinks the living space f middle-class families.
    B. Users are taken advantage f by the service financially.
    C. It makes the huse market mre cmpetitive.
    D. It indirectly leads t high huse rental price.
    26. The husing crisis in San Francisc results frm ______ .
    A. explsin f the living cstB. its gegraphic characteristics
    C. genersity f lcal enterprisesD. inflw f migrant ppulatin
    27. The authr's attitude tward Prpsitin F is ______ .
    A. bjectiveB. supprtiveC. negativeD. indifferent
    It was a rainy,damp December day.I was headed t the stre t pick up anther week's wrth f fd.I had put ff shpping fr Christmas presents until later in the mnth but wasn't lking frward t the crwd f Christmas shppers while I grabbed my grceries.I kept the CD player n while I drve t avid the radi news.It nly spke f the wrld's huge prblems and hw divided we all still were.And it usually just left me feeling helpless.
    Still,I gave my sn a dllar t put in the bell-ringer's pt at the dr t the stre.We went in and sn filled ur cart with fd.Then we walked twards the self-checkut machines.I hated using them.I much preferred t chat with the friendly cashiers,but the line at them was five deep and I just didn't have the time.As I pulled my cart up,I heard an ld man at the machine next t mine grumbling (嘟囔) under his breath,trying his hardest nt t curse (诅咒).He nly had a few items but every time he put his wrinkled,well-wrn,twenty-dllar bill int the machine,the mney was returned.I quickly grabbed a newer twenty ut f my purse and gave it t him.He thanked me with a warm smile and paid fr his gds.I tld him t keep his mney but he insisted that I take his ld,trn twenty.I ndded,put it in my cat pcket,and wished him a Merry Christmas.
    After checking ut,I remembered smething Mther Teresa had nce said abut hw we all can change the wrld, "Help ne persn at a time," she said, "and always start with the persn nearest yu." I reached int my pcket,smiled,and went utside.Then I drpped that trn twenty int the bell-ringer's pt and walked t my car with my sn happily.
    28. Why did the authr feel helpless? ______
    A. Radi prvided unreliable news.
    B. There was always a Christmas rush.
    C. Peple were discnnected frm each ther.
    D. Christmas was ruined by the terrible weather.
    29. Hw did the authr help the ld man? ______
    A. By paying fr his shpping items.
    B. By exchanging a newer nte with him.
    C. By teaching him hw t use the machine.
    D. By calling ut the friendly cashier in time.
    30. Why did the authr give twenty dllars t the bell-ringer? ______
    A. She wanted t pursue Mther Teresa's ideas.
    B. She desired t spread Mther Teresa's wrds.
    C. She expected t set a gd example t her sn.
    D. She hped t have a meaningful day with her sn.
    31. What's the best title fr the text? ______
    A. A Better Wrld.B. The Persn Nearest Yu.
    C. The Christmas Spirit.D. A Twenty-Dllar Bill.
    As sn as the wrds left my muth,I knew I'd made a mistake. "Yu think Jane Austen is ?" the man ppsite me asked in disbelief.Then,he and his clleague tk turns t challenge my claim,finishing each ther's sentences as they stressed that Austen's nvels were,in fact, savage.
    "I just mean…" I said in a bright vice,trying t keep the tne light, "that she's nt as biting as Virginia Wlf."
    The tw prfessrs battled this idea arund,t,like a cuple f cats tying with a frightened bird giving specific examples f hw Austen's wrk was,n the cntrary,mre biting than Wlf's.With n mre defensive actin t take,I simply smiled and said, "Let's just agree t disagree,shall we?" And at that mment,my dreams f ging t Oxfrd University disappeared in a puff f smke.
    Part f my prblem,was a lack f cnfidence.Even thugh I was a straight A student and had prepared fr the interview t the best f my ability,I wasn't a skilled debater.When faced with tw experts wh tld me that I was wrng,instead f defending myself,I rlled ver and accepted defeat.T pass the interview,yu need mre than cnfidence,f curse.Yu als need a burning passin fr yur subject,nt just a strng interest.In ther wrds,dn't put cmments n yur persnal statement that yu're nt prepared t back up in persn.Unfrtunately,I made the errr.
    S,mnths later,I already knew the cntents f my thin envelpe when it appeared n my drmat.Naturally,I felt a pang f disappintment.But,lking back,that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.Instead f ging t Oxfrd,I fund a university that was a better fit fr my interests.I lved my eclectic (兼容并蓄的) curse,where I culd write an essay cmparing Jane Eyre t 50 Shades f Grey.
    Failing my Oxfrd interview als prvided a valuable life lessn.I'm nw mre cnfident in my pinins,mre passinate when it cmes t debate,and I try t back up my pints with hard evidence.What's mre,I have never since ended a discussin by giving a simpering smile (傻笑) and saying, "Let's just agree t disagree,shall we?"
    32. What des the underline wrd "savage" mean in paragraph 1? ______
    A. full f irnyB. full f rmance
    C. invlving strng criticismD. reflecting the reality
    33. Accrding t the authr,the real reasn why she failed in her interview was that ______ .
    A. she didn't maintain her claim.
    B. she argued with the interviewers fiercely.
    C. she admitted that she was wrng t quickly.
    D. she didn't make adequate preparatins fr her claim.
    34. Which f the fllwing statements is true abut the authr? ______
    A. She was nt s eager as ther students t g t Oxfrd.
    B. She finally fulfilled her dream f studying in Oxfrd.
    C. She entered a university mre suitable t develp her interest.
    D. She was disappinted abut the university she finally entered.
    35. After failing the Oxfrd interview,the authr learned that ______
    A. ne shuld back up her pints with hard evidence cnfidently.
    B. the ability t debate was the nly thing matters in an interview.
    C. finding what her real passins were was the mst urgent thing t d.
    D. respecting different pinins was very imprtant t an interviewee.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Garden lights are extremely imprtant. 36___ We have prepared the ultimate guide that aims t prvide yu with all the infrmatin that yu culd pssibly need.S,what are yu waiting fr?Let's get started.
    The first thing that yu need t d is t use LED lights that are knwn fr their lw heat emissin.It wuld als help reduce the attractin t flies r insects. 37_____ Hence,yu need t g fr a lwer heat emissins ptin.The lights are gd fr the envirnment and help yu save energy csts.
    Next,yu have t install light shields (保护罩) fr creating a physical barrier between the utdr elements and lights.By getting light shields,yu get t increase the prtectin f yur expensive utdr lights. 38____ Dn't frget t take the accurate measurement f the lights when shpping fr light shields.
    When it cmes t using garden lights,lcatin is everything. 39____ Yu need t place the garden lights in a lcatin where the utdr lighting cmpnents wuld be prtected frm the elements.They shuld prvide sufficient lighting and last a lng time at the same time.
    Finally,yu als have t maintain the garden lights system fr ensuring that it cntinues t be prperly cntrlled.Regardless f which type f garden lights yu get,yu have t ensure that they are well maintained and serviced frm time t time. 40_____ Yu have n excuse nt t get them serviced.
    A.It is nt smething that shuld be taken lightly.
    B.Unexpected elements will cause damage t the lights.
    C.It can be frustrating t see them taking ver the lighting.
    D.Place them in the crrect psitin t wrk and last a lng time.
    E.They can make yur garden area safer and mre beautiful in n time.
    F.Yu shuld seek help frm a lighting prfessinal fr the best utcme.
    G.They als help ensure the lights d nt shine t bright in just ne spt.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    When I think f the wrd perfect,I think f smething nly a few can achieve,anything that I can cmpare myself t.Fr a few weeks,I have been 41____ ne girl wh is in a few f my middle schl classes.It seems like she has a42_____ life — lts f friends,all A's,and everything anyne culd ever want,43______ in my pint f view.
    One day,I was talking t my teacher abut ne f the upcming tests when I saw the girl 44_____ me in a strange way.I 45______ started t feel surprised and think," Why is she lking at me?Did I d smething wrng?Is my hair messed up?"When the class was ver and everyne was46_____ t their next class,she caught up t me and said,"I just thught yu shuld knw,I think yu are really47___ ."I then watched her as she walked away and thught,"She thinks I am pretty?"
    The whle day,I 48_____ up thinking abut ne thing.That was," Why des she think that?"After thinking abut that49_____ in my head thrugh each secnd f the day,I came t learn ne big50______ in ur life.In the whle sciety,almst everyne has a(n)51_____ f their wn insecurities(不安全感),even thugh they may nt be discvered n the utside.In this case,I was thinking that she was everything I wanted t be and she52_____ the same f me.Bth f us are nt perfect.It is ur 53___ t either accept that and lve urselves r keep trturing(折磨)urselves with54____ .I think that being able t fully lve yurself is the55____ meaning f the wrd perfect.
    41. A. cpyingB. missingC. nticingD. aviding
    42. A. perfectB. balancedC. clrfulD. meaningful
    43. A. at mstB. at leastC. after allD. abve all
    44. A. laughing atB. glaring atC. staring atD. pinting at
    45. A. finallyB. steadilyC. slwlyD. immediately
    46. A. rushingB. gettingC. turningD. attending
    47. A. hnestB. braveC. livelyD. pretty
    48. A. gaveB. endedC. stayedD. made
    49. A. discussinB. effectC. testD. tpic
    50. A. lessnB. prmiseC. skillD. rule
    51. A. dreamB. experienceC. expectatinD. qualificatin
    52. A. deniedB. blamedC. thughtD. avided
    53. A. rightB. chiceC. hnrD. habit
    54. A. cmparisnsB. intrductinsC. experimentsD. imprvements
    55. A. severeB. halfC. trueD. extra
    Tday was my first day back in San Francisc.It 56___ (definite) feels gd t be back in the city again.The city rebuilt 57____ (it) after an earthquake in 1906.My htel is in the Missin District,ne f the ldest parts f the city,58____ is the center fr art,music and fd.Many peple 59__ (live) here are frm Mexic and Central America.Here,an art mvement 60___ (call) the "Missin Schl" started.
    In the afternn,I headed 61_____ a lcal museum that shwed the histrical changes in Califrnia.In 1848,gld 62___ (discver)here,which started 63__ gld rush.Many peple frm all ver the wrld came t seek their frtune.The museum did a gd jb f shwing hw America was built by 64____ (immigrant) frm different cuntries and cultures.This evening,I went t Chinatwn,where I 65_____ (select) a Cantnese restaurant t taste gd fd.
    Tmrrw evening,I am ging t a jazz bar in the Richmnd District.
    第四节 写作(满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华。国外某英文网站开通了 Tutrs Fr Yu 专栏(clumn),专门为用户解答英语学习方面的问题。请你给该专栏写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    第二节 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(满分25分)
    Whether we ntice it r nt,ur child is a little reflectin f urselves.They grw up lking mre and mre like us.They even have similar persnalities and hbbies.And in sme cases,the standard f chsing a gd friend.
    One day,my 10-year-ld Jane said, "Mm,I made a new friend at schl tday.Can she cme ver tmrrw?" Her wrds made me extremely happy because Jane was a shy girl and I wanted her t make sme friends t bring her ut f her shell.
    "Sure,hney,that sunds great." I said,thinking back t my wn childhd best friend,Susan.We lived acrss the street frm each ther in Washingtn Heights,New Yrk.We met at the age f 10,t.Like my daughter.I was shy and had truble making friends.But Susan drew me ut.She was ne f the friendliest peple in schl,with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile.Thanks t Susan.I was happy every day.
    In senir high schl,Susan went n a trip t Flrida.This was the first time we had t be away frm each ther fr a few days. "I'll be back sn and I will write t yu as sn as I arrive." she tld me.But I didn't get her phne call nr receive any mail frm her.Sn,my family mved t New Jersey,making my hpe f seeing Susan impssible.
    Whenever I thught f him,tears came int my eyes.
    The next day Jane brught her new friend hme. "Hi,Mrs.Smith." the little girl said.Her hair was s shiny and black and she gave me a big smile. "My name is J.My mm will pick me up 2 hurs later."
    Paragraph 1:
    I was puzzled because my daughter's new friend lked s familiar.___ _
    Paragraph 2:
    Tw hurs passed really quickly,and there was a knck n the dr.___ _
    1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6~7.A、B 8~9.B、A 10-12.B 、C、B
    13~16.、A、B 、A、C 17.~20. A 、A、B、A
    21~23.B、A、D 24~27.B、D、D、A 28~31.C、B、A、B 32~35.C、A、C、A
    36~40.E、C、G、D、B 41~55.C、A、B、C、D、A、D、B、D、A、B、C、B、A、C
    56. definitely 57.itself 58.which 59.living 60.called 61.t/fr 62.was discvered 63.a 64.immigrants 65.selected
    I'm glad t learn that a new clumn named Tutrs Fr Yu has been set up n yur website. This is really a brilliant mve fr us English learners.
    I als have a questin t ask.In Chinese,we usually say " wanshuji ",which means smene is ding whatever he r she likes n his r her mbile phne.I'm wndering what the idimatic ways t express this meaning are?
    Thanks a lt and I am lking frward t yur reply.
    Sincerely yurs , Li Hua
    I was puzzled because my daughter's new friend lked s familiar.But I was sure that I had never met J befre.She tld me that her family just mved frm Ls Angeles,which puzzled me even mre because I had never been t Ls Angeles and we had n relatives living in Ls Angeles,either. I cnvinced myself that it was nly my imaginatin.The tw girls gt n very well and they giggled frm time t time.I watched them play and felt s happy fr my daughter frm the bttm f my heart.
    Tw hurs passed really quickly,and there was a knck n the dr.It was J's mm cming t pick her up later that afternn.On seeing her face,I was shcked. "Judy!" she cried."It's me,Susan!" We embraced each ther.It turned ut that her father's cmpany sent his father t Ls Angeles befre they settled in Flrida.She tried calling me later but we had mved.The tw little girls were happy t see their mthers became gd friends at nce befre we tld them ur stry,with happy tears rlling dwn ur cheeks.

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷,共21页。

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷,共14页。

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷,共21页。






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