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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where will the by g after schl?
    A. The teahuse.B. The pst ffice.
    C. His sister's huse.
    2. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Buy a new refrigeratr.
    B. Put the refrigeratr aside.
    C. Have the refrigeratr fixed.
    3. Hw des the man feel abut his exam?
    A. Happy.B. Uncertain.C. Disappinted.
    4. What kind f magazines is the man interested in?
    A. Plitics magazines.B. Fashin magazines.
    C. Outdr magazines.
    5. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a restaurant.B. In a shp.
    C. In a vegetable market.
    6. What did the man ask the wman t d?
    A. T pass a message t Susan.
    B. T meet an ld friend f hers.
    C. T bk a htel rm fr him.
    7. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Husband and wife.
    C. Neighbrs.
    8. What is Susan prbably ding?
    A. Staying at a htel.
    B. Talking with smene n the phne.
    C. Chatting with her husband.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Salesman and shpper.B. Waiter and custmer.
    C. Neighbrs.
    10. What des the wman need?
    A. Tw eggs.B. Sme cffee.C. A cake.
    11. Why did the wman get a ticket frm the plice?
    A. Her kids jumped ut f the car.
    B. Her kids shuted ludly in the car.
    C. Her kids didn't wear their seat belts.
    12. Wh is Jasn?
    A. The man's nephew.B. The wman's nephew.
    C. The man's sn.
    13. What des the wman think f what the man said abut Jasn?
    A. Unbelievable.B. Meaningful.C. Interesting.
    14. What did the man d befre he met the wman?
    A. He lked fr his phne.B. He fcused n his wrk.
    C. He had a drink.
    15. What des the wman think f the man's wrds?
    A. Rude.B. Serius.C. Unbelievable.
    ​​ 16. Where is the man living nw?
    A. In the USA.B. In Argentina.C. In Canada.
    17. Why did the man decide t mve abrad?
    A. T earn mre mney.B. T jin his cllege mates.
    C. T challenge himself.
    18. What are the speakers discussing?
    A. Schl children.B. The Internet.C. Lifestyles.
    19. What is the biggest advantage f Skype?
    A. Itˈs fast.B. Itˈs cnvenient.
    C. Itˈs cheap.
    20. What d we knw abut sme f the wmanˈs friends?
    A. They are Internet addicts.
    B. They ften fall behind with their wrk.
    C. They interact with each ther endlessly.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Trying t find the perfect present is abut as easy as trying t read smene’s mind. Few peple will actually tell yu what they want fr a special ccasin and mst f the time yur lved nes will insist that they dn’t need r want anything! S, what t d? Here are sme tips that culd help.
    Start Early
    Starting yur shpping early can have many advantages. Fr instance, it gives yu enugh time t cme up with ideas fr what yu shuld buy yur friends r family members. Mrever, the clser it gets t hlidays, the higher the prices g up. S, save yur mney by being an early bird.
    Make a List
    Here, yu can write dwn everything yur friends r family members lve. This can include fd, hbbies, experiences, and mre. Then try t determine hw t use this infrmatin t find a gift that perfectly suits them. If yu are lucky, yu shuld be able t find gd ideas in ne f these lists.
    Think utside the Bx
    Often, the reasn why yu get stuck fr gift ideas is that yu nly fcus n the same kind f presents. If yu are still cming up empty, it is time t get creative. Yu can find smething yur friends r family members can use every day. When in dubt, yu can simply put smaller presents tgether t make up a larger, mre meaningful gift.
    Gift an Experience
    In case yu are still feeling a little stuck, g ahead and find smething that the tw f yu can d tgether. It may be a class, r anything else where yu can enjy each ther’s cmpany. In shrt, yu will be able t give them the gift f friendship.
    21. Start yur shpping early can help yu _______.
    A. buy gifts in lwer pricesB. change ideas very ften
    C. read yur friend's mind easilyD. make a list f preferred gifts
    22. T enjy each ther's cmpany, yu can _______.
    A. talk t yur family members
    B. find smething that yu can d tgether
    C. write dwn everything yur friends lve
    D. put smaller gifts tgether t make up a larger ne
    23. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T suggest ways n hw t make friends.
    B. T give advice n reading minds.
    C. T share a travel stry.
    D. T ffer tips n buying presents.
    Traveling n an airplane can be a very tiring task even in the best f cnditins, Sphie Murphy nticed an awful tensin n a recent flight frm Sydney t Melburne. She first thught it was caused by typical bad-tempered passengers. But as the flight neared its end, it became bvius that smething was very wrng.
    A teenage by with Dwn syndrme (唐氏综合症) wh was traveling with his family had becme upset and wuld nt return t his seat, regardless f the cabin crew’s warnings ver the ludspeaker that it was almst time t land. The pilt was frced t circle abve the airprt, delaying the landing—and angering peple n the already tense flight.
    As the by’s elderly parents failed t persuade him t get ff the flr and back int his seat, Murphy, wh had been a teacher fr mre than 20 years, std up and quickly headed t the back f the plane.
    She fund the by in the passage between rws f seats, lying n his belly. She began chatting calmly with him, asking his name, his favrite bk, and his favrite characters. He tld her he felt sick and she tried t cmfrt him.
    Minutes later, he allwed her t hld his hand—and then tgether they gt prperly back int airplane seats. Murphy asked fr sick bags, and held them as the by threw up several times. As she helped him clean up, she repeatedly tld him everything wuld be kay and that they’d get thrugh it tgether.
    After the plane was finally able t land, n ne was impatient t step ff the flight as ne might expect. Instead, calmed passengers—bviusly fllwing Murphy’s amazing example—allwed the by and his family t depart first, smiling at them as they passed. His parents tearfully thanked Murphy fr what she had dne, and a dctr sitting nearby als let her knw he had even taken ntes n her expert way f handling the situatin.
    24. Why was the landing delayed?
    A. Because a family ignred the warnings.
    B. Because a by refused t sit in his seat.
    C. Because smke was cming ut f the engine.
    D. Because the pilt had t change the destinatin.
    25. Murphy successfully handled the "awful tensin" by _______.
    A. fighting against unfair treatment
    B. calling n ther passengers t jin her
    C. cmmunicating with the by
    D. asking an experienced dctr t help
    26. What changed the angry passengers' attitude at last?
    A. The teacher's effrts.B. The plane's safe landing.
    C. The crew's behavir.D. The by's imprvement.
    27. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Murphy?
    A. Generus and careful.B. Patient and energetic.
    C. Wise and hnest.D. Kind and cl-headed.
    Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers is a celebratin f an everyday bject—the bk, represented here in almst three hundred artwrks frm museums arund the wrld. The image f the reader appears thrughut histry, in art made lng befre bks as we nw knw them came int being. In artists' representatins f bks and reading, we see mments f shared humanity that g beynd culture and time.
    In this "bk f bks," artwrks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these cnnectins between different eras and cultures. We see scenes f children learning t read at hme r at schl, with the bk as a fcus fr relatins between the generatins. Adults are prtrayed (描绘) alne in many settings and pses—absrbed in a vlume, deep in thught r lst in a mment f leisure. These scenes may have been painted hundreds f years ag, but they recrd mments we can all relate t.
    Bks themselves may be used symblically in paintings t demnstrate the intellect (才智), wealth r faith f the subject. Befre the wide use f the printing press, bks were treasured bjects and culd be wrks f art in their wn right. Mre recently, as bks have becme inexpensive r even thrwaway, artists have used them as the raw material fr artwrks—transfrming cvers, pages r even cmplete vlumes int paintings and sculptures.
    Cntinued develpments in cmmunicatin technlgies were nce believed t make the printed page utdated. Frm a 21st-century pint f view, the printed bk is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader. T serve its functin, a bk must be activated by a user: the cver pened, the pages parted, the cntents reviewed, perhaps ntes written dwn r wrds underlined. And in cntrast t ur increasingly netwrked lives where the infrmatin we cnsume is mnitred and tracked, a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private, "ff-line" activity.
    28. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. An intrductin t a bk.B. An essay n the art f writing.
    C. A guidebk t a museum.D. A review f mdern paintings.
    29. What are the selected artwrks abut?
    A. Wealth and intellect.B. Hme and schl.
    C. Bks and reading.D. Wrk and leisure.
    30. What d the underlined wrds "relate t" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Understand.B. Paint.C. Seize.D. Transfrm.
    31. What des the authr want t say by mentining the e-reader?
    A. The printed bk is nt ttally ut f date.
    B. Technlgy has changed the way we read.
    C. Our lives in the 21st century are netwrked.
    D. Peple nw rarely have the patience t read.
    As cities balln with grwth, access t nature fr peple living in urban areas is becming harder t find. If yu're lucky, there might be a pcket park near where yu live, but it's unusual t find places in a city that are relatively wild.
    Past research has fund health and wellness benefits f nature fr humans, but a new study shws that wildness in urban areas is extremely imprtant fr human well-being.
    The research team fcused n a large urban park. They surveyed several hundred park-gers, asking them t submit a written summary nline f a meaningful interactin they had with nature in the park. The researchers then examined these submissins, cding (编码) experiences int different categries. Fr example, ne participant's experience f "We sat and listened t the waves at the beach fr a while" was assigned the categries "sitting at beach" and "listening t waves."
    Acrss the 320 submissins, a pattern f categries the researchers call a "nature language" began t emerge. After the cding f all submissins, half a dzen categries were nted mst ften as imprtant t visitrs. These include encuntering wildlife, walking alng the edge f water, and fllwing an established trail.
    Naming each nature experience creates a usable language, which helps peple recgnize and take part in the activities that are mst satisfying and meaningful t them. Fr example, the experience f walking alng the edge f water might be satisfying fr a yung prfessinal n a weekend hike in the park. Back dwntwn during a wrkday, they can enjy a mre dmestic frm f this interactin by walking alng a funtain n their lunch break.
    "We're trying t generate a language that helps bring the human-nature interactins back int ur daily lives. And fr that t happen, we als need t prtect nature s that we can interact with it," said Peter Kahn, a senir authr f the study.
    32. What phenmenn des the authr describe at the beginning f the text?
    A. Pcket parks are nw ppular.
    B. Wild nature is hard t find in cities.
    C. Many cities are verppulated.
    D. Peple enjy living clse t nature.
    33. Why did the researchers cde participant submissins int categries?
    A. T cmpare different types f park-gers.
    B. T explain why the park attracts turists.
    C. T analyze the main features f the park.
    D. T find patterns in the visitrs' summaries.
    34. What can we learn frm the example given in paragraph 5?
    A. Walking is the best way t gain access t nature.
    B. Yung peple are t busy t interact with nature.
    C. The same nature experience takes different frms.
    D. The nature language enhances wrk perfrmance.
    35. What shuld be dne befre we can interact with nature accrding t Kahn?
    A. Language study.B. Envirnmental cnservatin.
    C. Public educatin.D. Intercultural cmmunicatin.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    What makes ne persn feel lved isn't always the same fr anther. In fact, everyne understands and receives lve in a specific language—fur t be exact—which speaks mre deeply t yu than all the thers. Since we all give and receive lve differently, discvering each ther's language prmtes a healthy relatinship. (36)
    Language ne: Wrds f Acknwledgement
    (37) even shrt and simple wrds are effective. Sme examples: "Thanks fr taking ut the garbage", "I appreciate that yu made me dinner," r "That was nice f yu t fld my laundry." Sincere wrds f kindness mean a lt t this persn.
    Language tw: (38)
    Actins speak luder than wrds. It's what yu d that eases yur partner's burden f respnsibility. These service acts culd be pening a dr, ding their laundry, r picking up a prescriptin. These acts shw that yu care abut yur partner and yur life tgether.
    Language three: Quality Time
    It is abut spending time with each ther and giving each ther yur undivided attentin. (39) . Here, yu put dwn that phne plus step away frm TV, and any ther distractins. Yu listen, cmmunicate, and share meaningful cnversatins tgether.
    Language fur: Physical Tuch
    It is a direct way t cmmunicate affectin; it's healing, reassuring, and calming. Peple wh speak this lve language enjy any kind f physical tuch whether it is hand-hlding, kissing pats n the back r hugs. (40)
    A. Acts f Service.
    B. Husewrk Matters.
    C. The appreciatin desn't have t be cmplicated.
    D. They cmmunicate and emphasize lve withut wrds.
    E. Read n t learn and understand mre abut the fur 1anguages f lve
    F. Due t technlgy, peple ften are texting, r scrlling thrugh scial media instead f spending quality time tgether.
    G. On the cntrary, negative cmments can hurt this persn and be aware that he r she may take lnger t frgive than thers.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I fund the bed shaking, gently at first. Because I was half asleep and nt a native, I just thught it was nthing serius.
    Sitting up, I turned n the bedside lamp. It was 3:34 a.m. 41 , my 14th-flr Santiag Htel rm came alive, like a very angry animal shaking a smaller ne in its teeth. Then the lights 42 . The nise was mre 43 in the dark. A strng feeling f 44 began t cntrl me. As I pulled myself t standing, I culdn't help 45 that I might nt see my husband and sns again.
    In a hurry I pened the dr f my rm and expected t find peple. But 46 , there was n ne abut. My mind was crying crazily, 47 I didn't even call fr help. Luckily, a middle-aged man came up. He just said, "We shuld g 48 ." I said "Okay" and fllwed him t the stairs. On a lwer flr I jined in a river f peple and walked ur way utside t the tennis curts, where a crwd f several hundred were 49 . Sme were crying, all were weak. Then I nticed that a wman was abut t fall dwn and immediately I went t 50 her. When I lked arund and saw frightened children in parents' arms, my selfish thught was thank Gd that my 51 weren't here.
    Sn htel staff were setting up chairs and passing arund bttled water. They ffered us tableclths t wrap (包裹) arund urselves against the night 52 and shes fr peple whse feet were bare. They seemed very 53 while in fact they t must be afraid.
    I felt lucky t be alive, but as a 54 , my relief was mixed with guilt fr we sn learned that the earthquake had left many dead and thers hmeless and tsunamis (海啸) were 55 the way.
    41. A. CarefullyB. SuddenlyC. SecretlyD. Recently
    42. A. turned nB. ran awayC. gave inD. went ut
    43. A. frighteningB. shckingC. disappintingD. tiring
    44. A. excitementB. fearC. jyD. anger
    45. A. dreamingB. believingC. recallingD. thinking
    46. A. surprisinglyB. usuallyC. actuallyD. exactly
    47. A. andB. butC. rD. s
    48. A. dwnstairsB. insideC. upstairsD. arund
    49. A. lyingB. standingC. sittingD. sleeping
    50. A. persuadeB. cmfrtC. supprtD. ignre
    51. A. relativesB. brthersC. friendsD. kids
    52. A. cldnessB. warmthC. darknessD. lneliness
    53. A. prudB. pliteC. upsetD. calm
    54. A. reprterB. survivrC. visitrD. rescuer
    55. A. byB. inC. nD. frm
    When freigners cme t China, they may be 56 (surprise) at Chinese's special fndness and preference fr seals (印章). T Chinese, seals are an art f deep cultural rts, 57 cmbines the essence f bth calligraphy (书法) and sculpture and inspires generatins t study, t appreciate and t cllect.
    It is believed that seals came ut as early as 8,000 years ag 58 ur ancestrs culd make pttery wares (陶瓷) and had private prperty. They tried t make marks n their wn pssessins 59 (prevent) them frm being stlen.
    When the first dynasty 60 (fund). the king began t use seals t empwer (投权) and t shw lrdly credits. Only the king's special seal was then called "Xi" 61 (represent) the highest authrity. The first emperr f China, Qin Shi Huang, had his "Xi" made ut f 62 is called "Heshi Bi".
    Then the lcal gvernments als needed seals fr 63 same functin. Meanwhile, private seals were carved in 64 (variety) f lucky characters and vivid animal patterns. 65 (gradual), the sphragistics (印章学) came int being.
    第四节 写作(满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    Dear Mike,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(满分25分)
    When I was a yung by, my mther wuld place spnfuls f vegetables nt my plate whether I wanted them r nt and the rule in ur family was that we always had t clean ur plates. Hwever, I rarely saw my mther eat the vegetables herself. She always served us first. She seemed never hungry.
    She wrked fr a rich lady in twn, and I always assumed that the reasn why she didn't have ur tasteless meals was that she had eaten meats and sweets in the rich lady's kitchen. Our meals were bring, and there was never enugh since there were ten f us—my parents plus eight children.
    One afternn my lder sisters were sick, s they culdn't take care f me. Therefre, my mther had n chice but t bring me with her. It was a lng winter day and as my father hadn't had much wrk, we had even less fd than usual. S I was very excited t g t the rich wman's huse.
    My mther placed me in a crner while she rlled ut pie crust (饼皮). Then she cked sme meat, and by the afternn, the pleasant smell filled the kitchen and was making its way int my empty stmach. Then, a bell rang in the kitchen and my mther tld me, "Dn't mve" and then left.
    I tried t d as tld, but then I thught it wuldn't matter if I ate just ne blackberry. S I put a single blackberry int my muth. What an explsin f flavr! The wnderful taste hitting my empty stmach was mre than I culd handle! Sn I was thrwing blackberries int my muth with tw hands! It wasn't until I was staring at the empty bwl that I nticed the empty, unbaked pie crust sitting n the table waiting fr the berries. I lked arund fr mre berries, but there was nne. Suddenly, I heard ftsteps appraching, s I quickly hid int the cupbard (碗柜).
    Paragraph 1:
    Just at the mment, my mther entered the kitchen, fllwing a well-dressed lady.
    Paragraph 2:
    After the lady left, I crept (爬) ut f the cupbard with tears streaming dwn my face.
    1-5.BCCAA 6~10.ACBCA 11~15.CAACC 16~20.BCBCA
    1. 根据文章Start Early部分内容中的Mrever, the clser it gets t hlidays, the higher the prices g up. S, save yur mney by being an early bird.(而且,离假期越近,物价就越高。所以,做一个早做准备的人可以节省你的钱。)可知,早做准备可以省钱,以一个较低的价格买到相同的东西。故选A。
    2. 根据文章Gift an Experience部分内容中的In case yu are still feeling a little stuck, g ahead and find smething that the tw f yu can d tgether. It may be a class, r anything else where yu can enjy each ther's cmpany.(如果你仍然感觉有点被困住了,继续找一些你们俩可以一起做的事情。它可能是一门课,或者其他任何你们可以享受彼此陪伴的事情。)可知,为了享受彼此的陪伴,你可以找一些可以一起做的事情。故选B。
    3. 根据文章体裁为应用文,文章结构为总分结构,首段内容Trying t find the perfect present is abut as easy as trying t read smene's mind.(想要找到完美的礼物就像读心术一样简单。)以及Here are sme tips that culd help.(这里有一些可以帮助你的建议。)揭示了文章的目的,即:文章主要讲述了找到完美礼物的几个建议。D项(提供买礼物的建议)符合文章大意。故选D。
    【解析】【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了教师Sphie Murphy在飞机上帮助一位患有唐氏综合征的小男孩克服心理和身体的不适,使得飞机正常降落并获得全体乘客赞许的故事。
    1. 根据文中第二段中的A teenage by with Dwn syndrme(唐氏综合征)wh was traveling with his family had becme upset and wuld nt return t his seat, regardless f the cabin crew's warnings ver the ludspeaker when it was almst time t land.(一名患有唐氏综合征的少年和他的家人一起旅行,当飞机即将着陆时,他不顾空乘人员通过扩音器发出的警告,变得心烦意乱,不肯回到座位上。)可知,是小男孩不可能坐在座位上的行为导致了飞机延迟降落。故选B。
    2. 根据文中第五段中的She began chatting calmly with him, asking his name, his favrite bk, and his favrite characters. He tld her he felt sick and she tried t cmfrt him.(她开始平静地和他聊天,问他的名字,他最喜欢的书,他最喜欢的角色。他告诉她他觉得不舒服,她试图安慰他。)可知,是Murphy与男孩的沟通起了作用,使紧张,糟糕的局面得到了改观。故选C。
    3. 根据文中最后一段中的Instead, calmed passengers--bviusly fllwing Murphy's amazing example--allwed the by and his family t depart first, smiling at them as they passed.(相反,镇静下来的乘客——显然是在效仿Murphy的惊人榜样——让男孩和他的家人先离开,并在他们经过时对他们微笑。)可知,乘客们是被Murphy的行为所感染,纷纷以她为榜样,才对男孩的态度发生改变并礼让他和他的家人先行下飞机。所以推断是Murphy的努力改变了愤怒的乘客的态度。故选A。
    4. 从Murphy主动与男孩交谈可以推断她是一个友善的人,并从第五段中She began chatting calmly with him(她开始平静地和他聊天)可以推断出她是一个遇事冷静的人。故选D。
    1. 通读全文,结合文章第一段中的Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers is a museums arund the wrld.(Reading Art: Art fr Bk Lvers这一活动是为书籍这一日常物品办的典礼,这里有来自世界各地博物馆的近三百件艺术品。)以及倒数第二段中的Befre the wide use f the printing press, bks were treasured bjects and culd be wrks f art in their wn right.(在印刷机广泛使用之前,书籍是珍贵的物品,它们本身就可以成为艺术品。)可推知,本文最有可能出自一篇关于著作艺术的文章。故选B。
    2. 通过文章第二段中的artwrks are selected and relatins between the generatins.(艺术品的选择和排列方式强调了不同时代和文化之间的联系。我们看到孩子们在家里或学校学习阅读的场景,这本书是几代人之间关系的焦点。)可知,选定的艺术品是关于书籍和阅读的。故选C。
    3. 根据划线词上文artwrks are selected and the generatins.(艺术品的选择和排列方式强调了不同时代和文化之间的联系。我们看到孩子们在家里或学校学习阅读的场景,这本书是几代人之间关系的焦点)以及These scenes may have been painted hundreds f years ag, but they recrd mments(这些场景可能是数百年前绘制的,但它们记录了一些时刻)可推知,此处指书籍是人类之间相互联系和理解的纽带,故与划线短语“relate t”意思最相近的为A项“理解、认识到”。故选A。
    4. 通过文章最后一段中的it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader(它仍然像任何电池供电的电子阅读器一样具有互动性)”以及a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private, "ff-line" activity.(印刷书籍仍然提供了完全私人的“离线”活动的机会)可推知,本文作者提到电子阅读器想表达的是印刷书籍并没有完全过时。故选A。
    1. 根据第一段内容(随着城市的飞速发展,生活在城市地区的人们越来越难以接近大自然。如果你幸运的话,你住的地方附近可能会有一个袖珍公园,但在城市里找到相对天然的地方是罕见的。)可知,文章开头作者讲述了一种现象,在城市里,人们很难找到野生的自然。故选B。
    2. 根据第三段中的They surveyed several hundred park-gers, different categries.(他们调查了数百名公园游客,要求他们在网上提交一份书面总结,描述他们在公园里与大自然有意义的互动。然后,研究人员检查了这些提交的信息,将体验分为不同的类别。)可知,研究人员按照公园游客提交的在公园里与大自然互动的活动把游客分类,再根据第四段中的Acrss the 320 t visitrs.(在这320份提交的作品中,一种被研究人员称为“自然语言”的分类模式开始出现。在对所有提交的内容进行编码后,有六个类别被认为对游客最重要。)可知,研究人员对参与者提交的内容进行了分类,以便在游客的总结中找到模式,并确定对游客最重要的自然体验。通过这样做,他们能够创造一种“自然语言”,帮助人们认识并参与对他们来说最满意和最有意义的活动。选项D准确地反映了这一目的。故选D。
    3. 根据第五段内容(命名每一种自然体验创造了一种可用的语言,这有助于人们认识并参与到对他们来说最满意和最有意义的活动中。例如,沿着水边散步的经历可能会让一个年轻的专业人士在周末去公园徒步旅行时感到满意。在工作日回到市中心,他们可以在午休时沿着喷泉散步,享受一种更居家的互动方式。)可知,本段讲述了自然体验创造一种可用的语言,有助于人们识别并参与对自己来说最满意最有意义的活动,接下来以一个年轻的专业人士参与自然的方式举例说明,去公园时沿着水边散步让他感到满意,回到市中心工作时他可以通过沿着喷泉散步获得满足。因此推知,从第五段的例子中我们可以知道一样的自然体验可以呈现不同的形式。故选C。
    4. 根据最后一段内容(“我们正试图创造一种语言,帮助将人类与自然的互动带回我们的日常生活中。要做到这一点,我们还需要保护自然,这样我们才能与它互动,”该研究的资深作者彼得·卡恩说。)可推断,彼得·卡恩认为在我们与大自然互动之前我们应该先要保护自然。故选B。
    1. 此空前提到everyne understands and receives lve in a specific language—fur t be exact及下面四个小标题,是关于人们表达爱的四种语言。由此可知,选项E是承上启下,句意为:继续往下读,你会学习和了解到更多关于表达爱的四种语言。故选E。
    2. 此题线索是词汇复现。此段小标题是“语言一:表达感谢”,选项C意为:表达感谢不必复杂。小标题中appreciatin与下文的appreciate和kindness是同根词和同义词复现。故选C。
    3. 此题线索是词汇复现和语篇结构。根据文章前后段的标题形式可知,该空应为此段小标题。根据此段第一句Actins speak luder than wrds ( 行动胜于语言 )和下文的These service…的词汇复现,可确定选项A意为:服务行为。故选A。
    4. 此段主题是spend time with each ther。选项F意为:由于高科技,人们经常发短信,或者锁定在社交媒体上,而不是一起度过宝贵的时光。此空后是建议人们放下手机,离开电视,要互相倾听和交流,都是围绕话题spend time。故选F。
    5. 此题线索是代词指代。此段主题是通过,身体接触表达爱。选项D意为:他们无需通过语言就交流和表达了爱。代词They指代上一句的peple。故选D。
    1. 句意:突然,我14楼圣地亚哥酒店的房间活了起来,就像一只非常愤怒的动物在牙齿上摇晃着一只小动物。A. Carefully仔细地;B. Suddenly突然;C. Secretly秘密地;D. Recently最近。根据前文“Sitting up, I turned n the bedsideamp. (我坐起来,打开床头灯)”可知,此处是指事情突然发生。故选B。
    2. 句意:然后灯熄灭了。A. turned n打开;B. ran away逃跑;C. gave in放弃;D. went ut熄灭。根据后文“in the dark”可知,此处是指灯熄灭了。故选D。
    3. 句意:黑暗中的噪音更加可怕。A. frightening令人恐惧的;B. shcking令人震惊的;C. disappinting令人失望的;D. tiring令人困倦的。根据后文“might nt seemy husbandand sns again”可知,此处是指黑暗中的噪音令人恐惧。故选A。
    4. 句意:一种强烈的恐惧感开始控制我。A. excitement兴奋;B. fear恐惧;C. jy喜悦;D. anger愤怒。根据后文“might nt see my husband and sns again”可知,此处是指一种强烈的恐惧感。故选B。
    5. 句意:当我站起来时,我不禁想到我可能再也见不到我的丈夫和儿子了。A. dreaming做梦;B. believing相信;C. recalling回忆;D. thinking思考。根据后半句that I might nt see my husband andsns again可知,此处是指不禁想到这些让人恐惧的事情。故选D。
    6. 句意:但令人惊讶的是,没有人。A. surprisingly出人意料地;B. usually通常;C. actually实际上;D. exactly精确地。根据前文“expected t fnd peple”和“there was n ne abut”可知,此处是指周围一个人也没有让作者很惊讶。故选A。
    7. 句意:我的心在疯狂地哭泣,但我甚至没有呼救。A. and和;B. but但;C. r或者;D. s所以。根据上半句“My mind was crying crazily”和后文“didn't even call fr help”可知,前后构成转折关系,所以应用转折词but。故选B。
    8. 句意:他只是说:“我们该下楼了”。A. dwnstairs下楼;B. inside室内;C. upstairs楼上;D. arund周围。根据后文“On a lwer flr(在较低的楼层)”可知,此处是指应该下楼。故选A。
    9. 句意:在较低的楼层,我加入了一条人河,走到外面的网球场,那里站着几百人。A. lying躺;B. standing站;C. sitting坐;D. sleeping睡觉。根据上半句“walked ur way utside t the tennis curts”可知,此处是指到网球场避难,所以是几百人站在那里。故选B。
    10. 句意:然后我注意到一个女人快要摔倒了,我立即去扶她。A. persuade说服;B. cmfrt安慰;C. supprt支持;D. ignre忽略。根据上文“Then I nticed that a wman was abut t fall dwn”可知,此处是指过去扶她。故选C。
    11. 句意:当我环顾四周,看到父母怀里受惊的孩子时,我自私的想法是感谢上帝,我的孩子不在这里。A. relatives亲戚;B. brthers兄弟;C. friends朋友;D. kids孩子。根据上句“saw frightened children in parents' arms”可知,此处是指感谢上帝自己的孩子们不在这里。故选D。
    12. 句意:他们为我们提供了桌布,让我们裹住以抵御夜晚的寒冷,并为裸露脚的人提供鞋子。A. cldness寒冷;B. warmth温暖;C. darkness黑暗;D. lneliness孤独。根据上一句“They ffered us tableclths t wrap (包裹) arund urselves”可知,此处是指用桌布裹身抵御寒冷。故选A。
    13. 句意:他们看起来很平静,但实际上他们也一定很害怕。A. prud骄傲的;B. plite礼貌的;C. upset心烦意乱的;D. calm冷静的。根据“while”可知,前后构成对比关系,所以此处是指他们看起来很平静。故选D。
    14. 句意:我很幸运能活着,但作为一名幸存者,我的宽慰夹杂着内疚,因为我们很快得知地震造成许多人死亡,其他人无家可归,海啸即将来临。A. reprter记者;B. survivr幸存者;C. visitr访客;D. rescuer救援人员。根据上半句“I felt lucky t be alive”可知,此处是指作为幸存者。故选B。
    15. 句意:我很幸运能活着,但作为一名幸存者,我的宽慰夹杂着内疚,因为我们很快得知地震造成许多人死亡,其他人无家可归,海啸(海啸)即将来临。A. by通过;B. in里面;C. n上面;D. frm从。根据上一句“the earthquake had left many dead and thers hmeless”可知,此处是指海啸即将到来,n the way意为“即将到来”。故选C。
    56. surprised
    59.t prevent
    60.was funded
    【解析】1. 句意:当外国人来到中国时,他们可能会对中国人对印章的特殊喜爱和偏爱感到惊讶。以-ing结尾的分词形容词化,表人或事物的特征;以-ed结尾的分词形容词化,表心理感受。此空前主语是they指代freigners,所以要用surprised,意为“感到惊讶的”。故填surprised。
    2. 句意:对中国人来说,印章是一门有着深厚文化根基的艺术,它结合了书法和雕塑的精髓,启发了世世代代的人去学习、欣赏和收藏。该空前,先行词是an art,指物,逗号后表示是一个非限定性定语从句,该从句缺主语,意为“这门艺术”,所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    3. 句意:据说,早在8000年前,在我们的祖先能够制作陶器并拥有私人财产之后,印章就出现了。分析句子并结合句意可知,空处应使用连词after引导时间状语从句,意为“在…之后”。故填after。
    4. 句意:他们试图在自己的财产上做标记,以防止被盗。分析句子可知,此处考查动词不定式,作目的状语。由于动词prevent与所修饰词they之间是主动关系,使用不定式的主动语态即可。故填t prevent。
    5. 句意:当第一个王朝建立时,国王开始使用印章来赋权和显示贵族的信用。该句主语是the first dynasty,与谓语动词fund“建立”是被动关系;根据主句中谓语动词began,可知用一般过去时,故应使用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was funded。
    6. 句意:当时只有国王的印章才称为“玺”,代表最高权威。该句谓语是was called,所以represent要非谓语化,该词与逻辑主语the king's special seal是主谓关系,所以用动词的-ing形式作状语。故填representing。
    7. 句意:中国第一个皇帝秦始皇的“玺”是用一种名为“和氏璧”的东西制成的。分析句子并根据空前的f可知,空处应使用what引导宾语从句,作f的宾语,并在从句中作主语。故填what。
    8. 句意:地方政府也需要印章来发挥同样的作用。根据习惯用法,same前必须加定冠词the。故填the。
    9. 句意:同时,私人印章被雕刻成各种幸运的人物和生动的动物图案。根据句意可知,空处表示“各种各样的”,应使用固定搭配“varieties f+可数名词复数”。故填varieties。
    10. 句意:慢慢地,印章学形成了。根据句子分析及空后的逗号可知,该空修饰后面整个句子,要用副词。句子首字母大写。故填Gradually。
    Dear Mike,
    Hw's everything ging? The English Petry Club f ur schl is recruiting new members. I'd like t invite yu t jin the club.
    The club will hld a range f activities, including appreciating f English pems, reading pems and even writing pems by yurself. Sme famus pets will be invited t give lessns. ①If yu are interested in it, yu can send an email t 123456@sina.cm befre the deadline f Octber 25th.
    ②I sincerely hpe yu will jin us. Dn't hesitate t ask me if yu have any questins. I'm lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Just at the mment, my mther entered the kitchen, fllwing a well-dressed lady. My mther excitedly discussed tday's special fd with the lady. She was abut t shw her the dugh and the blackberries in the bwl, at this pint, they nticed that all the blackberries in the bwl were gne, which shcked my mther. The lady asked angrily whether she had eaten the blackberry, with my mther lwering her head in silence. The lady said yu are always ding a gd jb. But yu let me dwn tday. Then the lady left.
    After the lady left, I crept (爬) ut f the cupbard with tears streaming dwn my face. I said t my mther, "I'm srry, mm, I stle the blackberry. Yu made the blackberry s delicius that I culdn't stp eating them. After listening t what the lady said, I knw that yu have been wrking hard fr ur family. It was my fault, and I'm willing t aplgize and explain everything t the lady." Then we went tgether.

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷,共14页。

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试卷,共14页。

    安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省滁州市定远县育才学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷,共21页。






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