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    1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分)、考试用时100分钟;
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    第I卷(客观题 共45分)
    第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    With the ppularity f public welfare(公益), vlunteer travel—an ld-yet-mdern frm f travel has attracted mre and mre attentin.
    Vlunteer travel refers t taking a trip where all r part f the 1 f the trip is t take part in an arranged service chance t help thers, accrding t Wise Tur, an nline prvider f turist infrmatin.
    During the trip, vlunteer travelers ften prvide 2 like teaching, cking, animal caring, and cultural activities. 3 a reward fr their help, the vlunteers may get free r discunted(减免的) accmmdatin, meals and laundry, activities, r classes.
    It seems as if these lng jurneys culd nly be made 4 in recent years by mdern transprt. In fact, vlunteer travel can date back t the 1960s, when Alec Dicksn and his wife Mra frm the UK set up Vluntary Service Overseas(VSO), an internatinal vlunteer rganizatin.
    5 , the vlunteer activities take place in a freign cuntry. 6 , mre vlunteer trips have taken place within the same cuntries r areas the vlunteers cme frm in recent years. Sanlian Lifeweek magazine cmmented that vlunteer prjects in rural(农村的) areas are nw attracting mre city visitrs as a 7 frm the fast and stressful pace f city living. Yang Yan, a funder f a vlunteer platfrm, tld the magazine that it has indeed been a grwing trend fr city residents t vlunteer in rural areas.
    Peple try vlunteer travel fr sme 8 . By ding vluntary wrk while traveling, travelers may make a real, psitive(积极的) influence n the wrld. The services vlunteers prvide can be thrugh charities with 9 csts fr the cmmunities they serve. In additin, vlunteer travel is that it helps t get a taste f cuntry life. Fr thse wh are sick f city pressure but can’t 10 whether t mve t the cuntryside, vlunteer travel can be a slutin.
    9.A.lwerB.higherC.mre expensiveD.cheaper
    第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Yung Heres fr the Planet
    Nwadays, peple arund the wrld are wrking t help ur planet. Check ut hw the fur yung adults made a difference.
    11.Amng the fur adults, wh didn’t wrk in a grup t help ur planet?
    12.Which f the fllwing is nt mentined in the table abve?
    A.New energy.B.Plastic pllutin.C.Animal and plant.D.Waste recycling.
    13.Which f the fllwing is nt true accrding t the infrmatin in the table?
    A.Jack hpe t ask mre peple t jin them.
    B.Kathy wrte a bk t help peple grw plants.
    C.Linda cllects heat frm fields t make electricity.
    D.Patrick started the prject t fight plastic pllutin.
    My 10-year-ld nephew came fr a visit ne ht, July weekend. I enticed (诱使) him t stay inside by jining him in an nline game. After being mercilessly defeated (击败) by a mre experienced player, I suggested that we relax fr a while.
    “Lk, Aunt Alice,” he said excitedly as he ran ver t me. “I fund a kite. Culd we g utside and fly it?” Glancing ut f the windw, I nticed there was nt a breeze (微风) stirring. “I’m srry, Tripper,” I said. “The wind is nt blwing tday. The kite wn’t fly.”
    “I think it’s windy enugh, I can get it t fly,” he answered as he hurried ut the dr. I lked ut the windw t watch him. Up and dwn the yard he ran, pulling a small length f string attached t the kite. The plastic kite remained abut his shulder level. He ran back and frth, lking back hpefully at the kite trailing behind. After abut ten minutes f unsuccessful effrts, he came back in.
    I asked, “Hw did it g?”
    “Fine,” he said, nt wanting t admit (承认) defeat. “I gt it t fly sme.” As he walked past me t return the kite t the shelf, I heard him say under his breath, “I guess I’ll have t wait fr the wind.”
    And it dawned n me hw easy it is fr us t depend nly n ur wn effrts t cmplete what we want t d. We wait fr the “wind” nly after we have used up ur wn strength. Smetimes, what we need is just a little utside help.
    14.Why didn’t the writer advise her nephew t g utside t fly a kite?
    A.Because she hped his nephew culd stay indrs t relax.
    B.Because she was very angry at her lss in an nline game.
    C.Because it was nt cl enugh fr kids t fly kites utdrs.
    D.Because it was nt a perfect weather situatin fr flying a kite.
    15.Which f the fllwing examples can be used t supprt the writer’s pinin?
    A.Peter came first in the running race after hard training.
    B.Nick raised the mst mney with the help f his neighbrs.
    C.Lucy wn an award fr helping an elderly persn every day.
    D.Mike finally climbed t the tp f the muntain alng with his friends.
    16.What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.Cming back.B.Flying kites.
    C.Playing an nline game.D.Running arund the yard.
    17.Which f the fllwings is mst likely t be the title f the passage?
    A.Waiting fr the wind.B.Flying a kite freely.
    C.An unsuccessful effrt.D.Admitting defeat bravely.
    T have a gd cnversatin is a pleasure fr mst peple. But nt every cnversatin is gd. Smetimes there are uncmfrtable silences while peple try t think f smething t say. Sme cnversatins are ne-sided. One persn asks all the questins, and the ther just gives ne-wrd answers. A gd cnversatin needs tw r mre peple t keep it ging.
    T get the ball rlling in a cnversatin, ask smething abut the ther persn. “What d yu d?” is a gd place t start. Or simply say, “Tell me abut yurself.” Mst peple lve a chance t talk abut themselves.
    As the ther persn begins t respnd t(回应) yur questin, lk fr cmmn grund. If yu ask smene abut their weekend, the persn culd talk abut what they did. Then yu can share what yu did and even yur plans fr the cming weekend.
    When the ther persn is talking, it is imprtant t be interested in them. Listen carefully and d nt cut in t add yur experience. When they finish, ask sme mre questins. Dn’t allw yur eyes t wander arund(游离)as they talk. That gives the message that yu’re nt really interested in them. Besides, if yu’re answering a questin, dn’t g n and n. Give an answer and stp. A gd cnversatin is a little like a tennis game, in which the ball ges back and frth. Als, avid yes/n questins. They can stp a cnversatin. Instead, ask pen-ended questins using what r why.
    A cnversatin shuld end well, t. Yu can say, “I need t run nw.” Yu may als give a reasn. Say smething like, “I really need t get ging. My class starts in 20 minutes.”
    Nw, g ut and enjy a gd cnversatin!
    18.Which f the fllwing is helpful fr having a gd cnversatin?
    A.Give ne-wrd answers t keep the cnversatin ging.
    B.Ask smething abut the ther persn t start a cnversatin.
    C.Talk mre abut yurself t get the ther persn interested.
    D.Cut in t add yur wn experience when the ther persn is talking.
    19.What des the underlined phrase “cmmn grund” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Prper replies.B.Gd examples.C.Different pinins.D.Shared interest.
    20.Accrding t the writer, hw are a gd cnversatin and a tennis game alike?
    A.They are bth based n interest.B.They are bth tw-sided activities.
    C.They are bth ways f cmmunicatin.D.They are bth imprved thrugh practice.
    21.In which part f the newspaper can yu read the passage?
    Leh Ming Pei, ne f the wrld’s best-knwn architects(建筑师), left ver 50 designs during his lng career. These amazing wrks stand as his gifts t the wrld.
    The glass pyramid f the Luvre Museum in Paris, France might be Pei’s mst famus wrk. Back in the 1980s, the Luvre Museum was having truble with traffic. T slve the prblem, Pei planned t dig an undergrund hall and place a glass pyramid n tp. Many peple didn’t like the idea. They said it was t mdern fr the classical museum. Hwever, the idea turned ut t be a success. It is nt nly the museum’s main entrance, but als a huge skylight (天窗).
    In 2006, Pei was invited t build a museum in his hmetwn Suzhu. He tried t include lcal and histrical ideas in his design. He built small halls with traditinal white walls and dark rfs, just like the classical Chinese gardens. Mrever, the lines and windws in the rf bring smething mdern t the museum.
    His style may cme frm his . The famus Lin Grve Garden(狮子林) in Suzhu used t be wned by Pei’s family. Pei spent sme summers there as a child. Maybe that was when Pei develped his interest in architecture. Pei spent mst f his adult years in the US, first studying at universities and then wrking in different places. Even thugh he was trained in the US, the beauty f Chinese Classics was well displayed in many f his designs. “I’ve never left China because hme is a place yur heart always belngs t,” Pei nce said.
    Over the last century, many building trends(潮流)have cme and gne. But the wrks f Pei have nt. “A lasting architecture has t have rts.” Pei nce tld The New Yrk Times. That may explain why he and his wrks have std the test f time.
    22.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut “the glass pyramid f the Luvre Museum”?
    A.It is t mdern fr the classical museum.
    B.It is mre than the entrance t the museum.
    C.It was welcmed by French peple at the beginning.
    D.It was designed t slve the traffic prblem in France.
    23.What makes Suzhu Museum special?
    A.It is in Pei’s hmetwn.B.It has mdern white walls.
    C.It’s bth classical and mdern.D.It is built in a beautiful Chinese garden.
    24.What might be the mst suitable t be put in ________?
    A.life experiencesB.designs in the US
    C.interest in architectureD.educatinal backgrunds
    25.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T cmpare different cultures.B.T shw a special building trend.
    C.T intrduce a great architect.D.T recmmend tw famus museums.
    第三部分 信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
    Peple need t develp different skills in rder t live better in this fast-develping wrld. Sme, like ICT(信息通讯技术)skills and knwledge f the digital wrld, are well taught in schls. But sme ther basic skills are nt paid much attentin t. These skills are als imprtant because emplyers(雇主)may ask yu questins abut them in interviews. 26 .
    In the age f technlgy that we are living in nw, it is n lnger enugh t keep n making the same prducts. 27 They may ask yu t think f an bject yu use every day. Can yu use it in new ways r can yu think f three imprvements?
    Prblem slving
    Emplyers need wrkers with abilities t see prblems befre they happen. Mre imprtantly, they shuld cme up with creative slutins(解决办法). Imagine yu are rganizing a scial event. 28 Can yu think f the best ways t slve them?
    Cmmunicatin skills
    Wrkers will have t be gd cmmunicatrs. They will have t be able t discuss key prblems with ther wrkers. 29 After all, peple need t cmmunicate with each ther in quite different ways in the new wrld.
    Critical analysis (批判性分析)
    30 Imagine yu are asked t use the Internet t find ut sme infrmatin abut a famus persn. Can yu check the infrmatin by searching different websites?
    Decisin making
    Wrkers need t have a grwing amunt f respnsibility(责任). It is imprtant t make decisins n what t d and nt t d in different situatins.
    A.Everything must be well prepared in the event.
    B.Think f sme prblems that yu culd prbably face.
    C.It's imprtant t knw hw t get n with famus peple.
    D.Als, they need t write in a clear way withut t many wrds.
    E.Wrkers shuld be able t tell if sme infrmatin is true r false.
    F.S it’s a gd idea t think abut hw gd yu are in these skills.
    G.Emplyers need peple wh can cme up with new ways and new ideas.
    第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
    第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
    31.Dctrs always (解释) the risks f the treatment t patients clearly.
    32.When ging n a trip, we shuld (避免) littering everywhere.
    33.Make yurself at hme. There’s plenty f fd in the (冰箱) if yu get hungry.
    34.As AI is widely used in ur daily life, sme traditinal jbs will g ut . (完全地).
    35.Planting trees is an (容易) and mre rewarding way t g green.
    36.Kindness desn’t c a thing, yet it’s the richest gift yu can give.
    37.We will find ut w it turns ut t be a gd idea r nt.
    38.I like the famus saying by Fan Zhngyan: T be the first in the cuntry t wrry abut the events f the state and the last in the cuntry t enjy .
    第二节 请阅读下面短文,将方框中单词或短语的正确形式填入答题卡标有题号的横线上。每空格限填一个单词或短语,每个单词或短语只能填一次。
    Dr. Zhang is ne f the 39 wrking fr CNSA, the rganizatin that researches uter space in China. The purpse f his wrk is t help astrnauts when 40 Mars. At the mment, he and his team are wrking at China Mars simulatin base (中国火星模拟基地), because the weather and land there 41 thse n the surface f Mars. There, they are testing things 42 space suits, tls, greenhuses and s n. Thrugh the wrk, Dr. Zhang and his team hpe t prepare 43 fr their first jurney t Mars.
    第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Internatinal Wmen’s Day is n 8 March every year. On this day peple celebrate the 44 (achieve) f wmen all ver the wrld, but als cntinue t fight fr wmen’s equal rights.
    Internatinal Wmen’s Day can be traced back t 1908, when wmen went ut nt the streets t say they wanted 45 (shrt) wrking hurs and better pay. In 1910, there was a meeting abut wmen’s rights, where a wman 46 (call) Clara Zetkin had the idea fr an internatinal day fr wmen. The 47 (ne) Internatinal Wmen’s Day happened the next year, in 1911.
    Why d we need a special day fr wmen? Arund the wrld, mst cuntries have a male leader and mst businesses have male leaders. Men 48 (pay) mre than wmen fr ding the same jb. In many cuntries, men als d less wrk at hme and get 49 better educatin. We need change, 50 the changes need t start with girls. We need t change things because being equal is a basic human right.
    Hw is Internatinal Wmen’s Day celebrated? Peple celebrate 51 remembering and talking abut imprtant wmen frm histry and tday. Peple als have special events 52 (speak) abut all the changes we still need t make. Mre 53 (imprtant), bys and men celebrate this day t. If everyne wrks tgether, we can change things faster.
    第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
    There’s a new AI rbt: ChatGPT. The tl is an AI chatbt system. OpenAI brught it t the public in Nvember 2022 t shw ff and test what a very large, pwerful AI system can achieve. ChatGPT remembers the main infrmatin f yur dialgue, using previus(先前的) questins and answers t prvide its replies. It gets the answers frm a large amunt f infrmatin n the Internet.
    Yu can ask ChatGPT anything, like explaining physics, asking fr birthday party ideas and getting prgramming help. Perhaps it’s nt smart enugh t replace all humans yet, but it can be creative, and its answers can sund very authritative(权威的).
    ChatGPT is free t use at the mment because it is still in its research perid. But when t many peple visit its site, it verlads and can’t deal with what yu ask fr. It just means yu shuld try visiting the site at a later time when there are fewer peple. If yu d nt want t wait, there is a chice fr yu. And this service des cme at a cst f $20 mnthly.
    Hwever, ChatGPT can’t replace Ggle at present. ChatGPT is a rbt that prvides replies t yur questins, but Ggle is a search engine in which yu can search fr as much infrmatin as pssible. ChatGPT has limited knwledge because f its prgramming, but Ggle has unlimited knwledge which is renewed every day.
    54.What can peple ask ChatGPT?

    55.Hw lng is ChatGPT knwn by peple?

    56.Which wuld yu like t use, ChatGPT r Ggle? Why?

    第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
    57.生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师。生活需要我们用心面对,无论是美好还是意外,我们都要记得微笑和感恩。请以“Life is full f”为题写一篇短文,分享一次对你有特殊意义的经历。
    内容包括:1. 请先将标题填写完整;
    2. 分享一次对你有特殊意义的经历;
    3. 谈谈你的感悟。
    注 意:1. 词数100,短文开头已给出部分,请填写完整,不计入总词数;
    2. 内容需涵盖所有要点,可适当发挥;
    3. 文中不得出现与考生相关的真实校名和姓名等信息。
    Life is full f ________
    Life will be wnderful with all kinds f ________. It is the ________ that make me strnger.
    Saving Pandas
    When Jack was 11, he started a grup t teach kids abut pandas. He als sld ty pandas t raise mney t prtect pandas in danger. “I hpe t encurage mre peple t care abut pandas,” Jack says.
    Grwing Right
    Kathy, 14, set up an rganizatin t educate peple grwing right plants in right places.
    She als wrte a bk t help peple learn what plants are native(本土的) t their area.
    Creating Energy
    At the age f 12, Linda invented a machine called SuperE. It cllects heat frm
    fields t make electricity(电), Linda says her inventin creates electricity in a way that is less harmful t the envirnment.
    Cleaning Up
    Patrick, 13, jined the Ocean Heres Camp last year. He started a prject and picked up plastic waste arund nearby lakes with his friends. The gal f the prject was t fight plastic.
    they science be similar t explre like
    1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C
    1.句意:根据在线旅游信息提供商Wise Tur的说法,志愿旅行是指旅行的全部或部分目的是参加一个安排好的服务机会来帮助别人。
    review评论;purpse目的,意图;explanatin解释;recmmendatin正式建议,提议。根据“t take part in an arranged service chance t help thers”及语境可知,这是志愿旅行的目的,故选B。
    rules规则;rewards奖励;services服务;talents人才。根据上文“ trip is t take part in an arranged service chance t help thers”和“like teaching, cking, animal caring, and cultural activities”可知,空后的教学、烹饪等是提供的服务,故选C。
    By通过;Frm从……起;As作为;With和……一起。根据“ reward fr their help”可知,此处指作为他们提供帮助的奖励,as符合语境,故选C。
    ppular受欢迎的;pssible可能的;difficult困难的;helpful有帮助的。根据“these lng jurneys culd nly be made ... in recent years by mdern transprt”可知,此处指现代交通工具使长途旅行变为可能,故选B。
    Hpefully有希望地;Luckily幸运地;Traditinally传统上;Exactly精确地,确切地。 根据“when Alec Dicksn and his wife Mra frm the UK set up Vluntary Service Overseas(VSO), an internatinal vlunteer rganizatin.”可知,这是一个海外志愿服务组织,所以传统上这些活动是在国外进行,故选C。
    Anyway无论如何;Hwever然而;Otherwise否则;Mrever 此外,而且。上文讲述了“活动是在国外进行”,与空后的“近年来,越来越多的志愿者旅行发生在志愿者来自的国家或地区”形成转折关系,且空后由逗号隔开,所以用副词hwever,故选B。
    break停顿、暂停,小憩;jb工作; task任务;jurney旅行,旅程。 根据“attracting mre city visitrs as a ... frm the fast and stressful pace f city living”可知,应是吸引很多城市游客从快节奏、紧张的城市生活中停歇一下,故选A。
    prblems问题;results结果;difficulties困难;reasns原因。根据“By ding vluntary wrk while traveling, travelers may make a real, psitive(积极的) influence n the wrld”可知,此处是介绍人们志愿旅行的原因,故选D。
    lwer较下的,较低的;higher更高的;mre expensive更贵的;cheaper更便宜的。 根据“thrugh charities with... csts fr the cmmunities they serve”及常识可知,通过慈善机构,志愿者提供的服务成本会低一点,故选A。
    agree同意;expect期待;decide决定;allw允许。根据“ but can’t... whether t mve t the cuntryside”可知,应是无法决定是否搬到农村,故选C。
    11.C 12.D 13.B
    11.细节理解题。根据表格左下角的“At the age f 12, Linda invented a machine called SuperE. It cllects heat frmfields t make electricity(电),”可知12岁时,琳达发明了一台名为SuperE的机器。它从田间收集热量发电。因此Linda没有团队。故选C。
    12.细节理解题。通读全文可知,年轻人做的事情包括“Saving Pandas”,“Grwing Right”,“Creating Energy”,“Cleaning Up”,分别是动植物,能源和清洁方面,没有提及废弃物回收利用。故选D。
    13.细节理解题。根据表格右上角的“She als wrte a bk t help peple learn what plants are native(本土的) t their area.”可知她还写了一本书,帮助人们了解哪些植物是他们所在地区的原生植物。因此不是写书教人们种植物。故选B。
    14.D 15.B 16.B 17.A
    【导语】本文讲述了作者10 岁的侄子在一个风平浪静的日子里执意要去放风筝,但不管他如何跑来跑去,风筝依旧飞不高。无奈,他只能决定等有了风再去放风筝。由此引发感想,我们往往会按照自己的意愿行事,而不管条件是否允许。
    14.细节理解题。根据第二段“The wind is nt blwing tday. The kite wn’t fly.”可知,作者觉得当天天气不是很合适,因此风筝飞不起来。故选D。
    15.观点态度题。根据最后一段“Smetimes, what we need is just a little utside help.”可知,作者的观点是有时候需要一点外界的帮助。选项B“尼克在邻居的帮助下筹集了最多的钱”符合该观点。故选B。
    16.细节理解题。根据“He ran back and frth, lking back hpefully at the kite trailing behind.”可知,it指代的是作者侄子放风筝这件事。故选B。
    17.最佳标题题。根据最后一段可知,这个故事告诉我们,不要一味目地只凭借自己的力量去完成我们想做的事情,应该一开始就寻求我们所能利用的条件。文章中用wind“风”来象征我们需要的条件,所以Waiting fr the wind.“等风来”为最佳标题。故选A。
    18.B 19.D 20.B 21.A
    18.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“T get the ball rlling in a cnversatin, ask smething abut the ther persn”可知,为了让对话开始,可以问一些关于对方的事情。故选B。
    19.词义猜测题。根据下文“If yu ask smene abut their weekend, the persn culd talk abut what they did. Then yu can share what yu did and even yur plans fr the cming weekend.”可知,当别人回答你的问题时,你能够马上就相同的话题做出回应,由此推测当别人回应你的问题时,你应该寻找共同语言,故cmmn grund在此处表示“共同的兴趣”。故选D。
    20.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“A gd cnversatin is a little like a tennis game, in which the ball ges back and frth.”可知,作者认为一场好的谈话有点像网球比赛,在这场比赛中,球来来回回的,阅读全文可知,作者认为对话也是需要双方有来有回,由此推测作者认为一场好的谈话和网球比赛的相似之处在于他们都是双向的活动。故选B。
    22.B 23.C 24.A 25.C
    22.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, the idea turned ut t be a success. It is nt nly the museum’s main entrance, but als a huge skylight”可知,它不仅是博物馆的主入口,也是一个巨大的天窗。故选B。
    23.细节理解题。根据“He built small halls with traditinal white walls and dark rfs, just like the classical Chinese gardens. Mrever, the lines and windws in the rf bring smething mdern t the museum.”可知,苏州博物馆兼具古典与现代风格。故选C。
    24.词句猜测题。根据“The famus Lin Grve Garden(狮子林) in Suzhu used t be wned by Pei’s family. Pei spent sme summers there as a child. Maybe that was when Pei develped his interest in architecture.”可知,贝聿铭的风格可能来自他的生活经历。故选A。
    26.F 27.G 28.B 29.D 30.E
    26.根据“These skills are als imprtant because emplyers may ask yu questins abut them in interviews.”和后文内容可知,此处引出下文的一些技能,选项F“所以好好想想自己的这些技能有多好是个好主意”符合语境,故选F。
    27.根据“ yu use it in new ways r can yu think f three imprvements?”可知,本段内容与想象力和创新相关,选项G“雇主需要能够想出新方法和新想法的人”符合语境,故选G。
    28.根据“Prblem yu are rganizing a scial event. yu think f the best ways t slve them?”可知,本段内容与解决问题相关,先想一些问题,再想解决的办法,选项B“想一些你可能会面临的问题”符合语境,故选B。
    29.根据“Wrkers will have t be gd cmmunicatrs. They will have t be able t discuss key prblems with ther wrkers.”可知,员工必须善于沟通,他们必须能够与其他工人讨论关键问题,此处提到员工的沟通能力,选项D“他们还需要不用太多字就能写得清楚”符合语境,故选D。
    30.根据“Critical analysis”可知,本段内容与批判性分析相关,选项E“工人们应该能够分辨出一些信息的真假”符合语境,故选E。
    【详解】句意:随着AI在日常生活中的广泛应用,一些传统的工作将彻底消失。表达“完全地”用副词cmpletely,修饰动词短语“g ut消失,不复存在”。故填cmpletely。
    【详解】句意:植树造林是一种更容易、更有回报的绿化方式。根据“Planting trees is an...(容易) and mre rewarding way t g green.”可知,此空应填入形容词,又因空处后是and mre rewarding,所以此空应是形容词easy“容易”的比较级easier,作定语,与mre rewarding一起修饰名词way。故填easier。
    【详解】句意:我们会发现这是否是个好主意。分析句子可知,这是一个宾语从句,whether引导的从句常可以与连词r或r nt直接连用,而if一般不能。故填(w)hether。
    【详解】句意:我喜欢范仲淹的一句名言:先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。enjy neself“玩得愉快,尽情享受”,固定短语,反身代词作宾语。故填()neself。
    39.scientists 40.explring 41.are similar t 42.like 43.themselves
    39.句意:根据“Dr. Zhang is ne f the ... wrking fr CNSA, the rganizatin that researches uter space in China.”及备选词可推出张博士是一名科学家,用science的变形scientist表示“科学家”,ne f接其复数形式。故填scientists。
    40.句意:他的工作目的是帮助宇航员探索火星。根据“t help astrnauts when ... Mars”及备选词可推出是探索火星,explre“探索”,逻辑主语astrnauts与动词explre之间是主动关系,此处用现在分词explring。故填explring。
    41.句意:目前,他和他的团队正在中国火星模拟基地工作,因为那里的天气和陆地与火星表面的相似。根据“because the weather and land there ... thse n the surface f Mars”及备选词可推出是天气和陆地与火星表面相似,be similar t“与……相似”,and连接并列主语,be动词用are。故填are similar t。
    42.句意:在那里,他们正在测试太空服、工具、温室等等。根据“things ... space suits, tls, greenhuses and s n”可知空后是对测试的东西进行举例,用like表示“例如”。故填like。
    43.句意:通过这项工作,张博士和他的团队希望为他们的第一次火星之旅做好准备。根据“fr their first jurney t Mars”可知是使他们自己做好准备,用they的反身代词themselves,意为“他们自己”。故填themselves。
    44.achievements 45.shrter 46.called 47.first 48.are paid
    49.a 50.and 51.by 52.t speak 53.imprtantly
    48.句意:做同样的工作,男人的工资比女人高。pay“支付”,动词。此处指男人被支付工资,应为被动语态,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称复数,故用be动词are,pay用其过去分词形式。故填are paid。
    49.句意:在许多国家,男性在家做的工作也更少,接受的教育也更好。get a better educatin“受到更好的教育”。故填a。
    50.句意:我们需要改变,而改变需要从女孩开始。根据“We need change, …the changes need t start with girls.”可知,前后文之间是顺承关系,应用and连接。故填and。
    51.句意:人们通过缅怀和谈论历史上和今天的重要女性来庆祝。此处指人们庆祝节日的方式,应用by ding sth.表“通过做某事”。故填by。
    52.句意:人们也有特别的活动来谈论我们仍然需要做出的所有改变。speak“说”,动词,此处是不定式表目的。故填t speak。
    53.句意:更重要的是,男孩和男人也庆祝这一天。imprtant“重要的”,形容词。此处是mre imprtantly“更重要的是”。故填imprtantly。
    54.They can ask ChatGPT anything. 55.Fr abut half a year. 56.I wuld like t use ChatGPT, because I like t use it t chat with me.
    54.根据第二段的“Yu can ask ChatGPT anything, like explaining physics, asking fr birthday party ideas and getting prgramming help.”可知你可以问ChatGPT任何事情,比如解释物理,询问生日派对的想法和获得编程帮助。故填They can ask ChatGPT anything.
    55.根据第一段的“OpenAI brught it t the public in Nvember 2022 t shw ff and test what a very large, pwerful AI system can achieve. ”可知OpenAI 于 2022 年 11 月向公众展示和测试一个非常庞大、强大的 AI 系统可以实现的东西。到目前为止大约半年的时间。故填Fr abut half a year.
    56.本题是开放性回答,言之有理即可。故填I wuld like t use ChatGPT, because I like t use it t chat with me.
    Life is full f challenges
    Life will be wnderful with all kinds f challenges. It is the challenges that make me strnger.
    I mved t the city when I entered the middle schl. But my prblem was that n ne cked fr me because my parents came hme late, s I made up my mind t learn hw t ck. I must challenge myself. Then ne day I watched my parents cking dinner carefully. They taught me hw t ck. A few days later, I learned t ck fr myself. Nw I am happy I can ck delicius fd. My parents are satisfied with me. I am als prud f myself.
    I learned frm it that we may meet sme difficulties in ur life, but if we have cnfidence and are gd at learning, everything will be better. I am s eager t meet the cming difficulties, I wn’t give up n matter hw hard they will be.
    ①make up ne’s mind t d sth.下定决心去做某事
    ②be satisfied with sb.对某人感到满意
    ③be eager t d sth.渴望做某事
    ①I mved t the city when I entered the middle schl.(when引导的时间状语从句)
    ②I learned frm it that we may meet sme difficulties in ur life, but if we have cnfidence and are gd at learning, everything will be better.(that引导的宾语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)

    专题23 语法填空-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题23 语法填空-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共24页。

    专题21 副词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题21 副词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共16页。

    专题09 介词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题09 介词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共19页。







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