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    这是一份2024年中考英语第三次模拟考试(苏州卷)-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共19页。试卷主要包含了2 earthquake等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分)、考试用时100分钟;
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡和对应的位置上,并认真校对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;
    3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动、请用橡皮擦干净后、再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;
    4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上、答在试卷和草稿低上一律无效。
    第I卷(客观题 共45分)
    第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Once there were several scientists in a frest. They were trying t 1 the rarest animal in the wrld. N ne had seen it, s everyne was 2 and wanted t be the first ne t phtgraph and study it.
    The animal nly came ut at night, 3 the scientists did sme ther studies in the day. 4 them, there was a famus scientist named Walter. Every day, he wuld spend an hur sitting at the desk and putting all his equipment (设备) in the 5 place. He did this carefully. But ther scientists laughed at him because they thught Walter was just wasting 6 .
    One night, the animal appeared 7 The scientists heard its call. But the call didn't last lng. The animal was frightened by the 8 made by the scientists while they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) fr their cameras and ntebks.
    On the next mrning, the scientists 9 their findings. Sme had tried t recrd its call, thers had nted dwn hw it mved, and the luckiest ne had even phtgraphed parts f its tail and legs. They all cngratulated each ther n what they had fund. Hwever, when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised. 10 had taken several cmplete (完整的) phts, the recrd f the animal's cry and ntes abut the animal.
    They ran t cngratulate Walter. They nw understd the imprtance f keeping things in rder. Because f that, Walter culd find everything quickly in the dark.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    China cvers a large land and there are 56 ethnic grups in it. S China has many types f Chinese fd with different but muth-watering flavr (风味). In general, Chinese fd can be mainly divided int eight cuisines (菜系). Let’s have a lk at sme f them.
    11.Sichuan cuisine helps lcal peple ________.
    A.becme strngB.keep away frm the wet
    C.stay clD.keep warm
    12.Bth f the materials f Fujian cuisine and Shandng cuisine mainly cme frm ________.
    A.the seaB.the fieldC.the muntainD.the frest
    13.Frm the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A.mst f the Chinese prefer Sichuan cuisine
    B.Chinese cuisines are becming mre ppular arund the wrld
    C.visitrs can enjy different kinds f sup in Zhejiang
    D.different cuisines are frmed because f different living cnditins
    The questin whether there is life n Mars (火星) has made the public think a lt fr mre than a century. The clsest lk shwed Mars t be a dusty, cld wrld, cvered by air t thin t breathe. A British spaceship and Eurpe’s Mars spaceship plan t land n Mars r enter rbit (轨道) arund it. One f the NASA’s (美国宇航局) spaceships is expected t land n January 3, the ther is ging t land n the ppsite side f Mars n January 24.
    Since 1960, ver twenty spaceships sent t Mars have failed. Mst have been lst n flying up r landing because thse are the mst difficult times f any flights.
    Scientists wanted t find ut whether there was water in Mars. In Octber, a team f scientists reprted that Mars had been a dry wasteland. But weeks later, a secnd team reprted differently that they had fund sme marks shwed clearly that they were made by the rivers. Such marks tld us that Mars was a warmer place billins f years ag—just as life first appeared here n Earth. Scientists at nce raise a questin: if what they said is true, what happened n Mars? Then what abut the earth?
    14.Which is right abut Mars?
    A.It’s cld withut dust.B.There is n water r air.
    C.It’s warm with sme thin air.D.It’s a dusty, cld wrld almst withut air.
    15.Tw NASA’s spaceships ________.
    A.will land n the different sides f MarsB.will land n the same day
    C.will enter rbit arund MarsD.will land with a man
    16.A team f scientists reprted that there might be ________ in Mars.
    A.nthing but airB.nthing
    C.water billins f years agD.thick air and lakes
    17.What are scientists wrried abut when they raise the questin?
    A.Life disappeared n Mars.B.Spaceships can’t land n Mars.
    C.The air n the earth gets less and less.D.The earth might be changed like Mars.
    They went in and they saw Mrs Cratchit. She was laying the table. Belinda Cratchit, her secnd eldest sn, was helping her.
    The tw smaller Cratchits, a by and a girl, came running in. “We smelt ur gse at the baker’s,” they shuted and they danced arund the table.
    “Where’s yur father?” said Mrs Cratchit. “And yur brther, Tiny Tim! And Martha wasn’t as late as this last Christmas Day!”
    “Here I am, mther!” said a girl in the drway. “Yu are very late,” said Mrs Cratchit, kissing her a cuple f times.
    “We had a lt f wrk t finish last night,” replied the girl, “and I had t clear up this mrning, Mther!”
    “Well, never mind! Yu are here nw,” said Mrs Cratchit.
    “Father’s cming,” cried the tw yung Cratchits.
    In came Bb Cratchit in his threadbare clthes which he had wrn fr many years. Tiny Tim sat n his shulder. Pr Tiny Tim! He culdn’t walk nrmally (正常地) withut a walking stick.
    The tw yung Cratchits tk Tiny Tim t the wash-huse, t see the Christmas pudding.
    “And hw did little Tim behave in church (教堂)?” asked Mrs Cratchit.
    “He was s gd.” said Bb, “But smetimes he says the strangest things. He said t me, n the way hme, he hpes that everybdy in church saw him because he is disabled. He wants them t remember this n Christmas Day. Gd made lame beggars (瘸腿的乞丐) walk. And he made blind men see.”
    (Adapted frm A Christmas Carl)
    18.Hw many children f the family are mentined in the passage?
    19.The underlined wrd “threadbare” means ______.
    20.What can we infer (推断) frm the passage?
    A.Mrs Cratchit was a very hard-wrking and kind wman.
    B.Mrs Cratchit was angry with Martha because she came late.
    C.Mr. Cratchit wuld receive sme clthes as Christmas presents.
    D.Lame beggars wuld be able t walk nrmally after Christmas.
    21.What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A.A Rich DinnerB.Kind Gd
    C.A Christmas Get-tgetherD.A Pr Cuple
    Visiting uter space is still a far dream fr anyne wh isn’t an astrnaut, but a day trip t the stars is already pen fr peple t rder!
    A new cmpany, Space Perspective, is planning tests with passengers. It has big plans t run up t 500 flights frm different places acrss the USA by 2024. If successful, reaching the uter side f space culd be as easy as flying abrad in a few years’ time. The plan will be fr spacemen and up t eight passengers t travel in Neptune, a capsule(太空舱)tied t a balln, the size f a ftball field.
    They will mve slwly upwards right t the side f space, 30 km away frm the Earth. There, space turists will be able t lk back at the Earth and ut t dark space and the sight f millins f stars. Althugh the price is yet t be fixed, the expensive flight, which will take six hurs, is likely t cst ver £100, 000. Because the capsule remains within the Earth’s atmsphere(大气层), n special clthing r training are needed. It means that lder peple r thse with health prblems will be included.
    One prblem may be the methd f landing back n the Earth. The balln mves back dwn frm space until it falls dwn in the sea. Passengers, spacemen, capsule and balln are then gtten back by ship.
    Nw Neptune faces cmpetitin frm the Stratllite, a balln being develped by a cmpany called Wrld View Enterprises, while the super-rich Richard Bransn, Jeff Bezs and Eln Musk are all puring mney int develping business n space flying machines. The advantage f the balln is that it will be cheaper than a space plane r rcket.
    Space travel may sn be a reality(现实), but hw visitrs get there is still a very pen questin.
    22.We can see frm the passage that Space Perspective ________.
    A.has cmpleted ver 500 testsB.makes it easier fr us t fly abrad
    C.has quite a lng histryD.wants t use Neptune t carry peple
    23.Accrding t Space Perspective’s plan, space turists ________.
    A.can watch the Earth frm spaceB.will land back n the grund
    C.shuld wear special clthingD.must keep in gd health
    24.The writer implies(暗示)in the passage that ________.
    A.there will be nly fur ways fr visitrs t reach space
    B.the Stratllite is ppular with space passengers
    C.the race t get turists int space is becming ht
    D.Richard, Jeff and Eln are all shrt f mney
    25.The passage can usually be read in the part f ________ in a newspaper.
    第三部分 信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
    Our eyes have never been under as much strain (压力) as they are tday. What can we d t keep ur eyes healthy?
    26 . We usually pen and clse ur eyes abut 10 t 15 times a minute. When we wrk at a screen r read, we frget t blink enugh. Nt nly des this lead t discmfrt in ur eyes, but als it makes us tired and can even cause headaches.
    We spend hurs staring at a cmputer, a smartphne r ther screens, which vertire the eyes and can cause them t becme dry and sre. 27 . Lk at smething abut 20 feet away fr 20 secnds.
    Just like the rest f ur bdy, ur eyes need fresh air t. 28 . During the winter, many ffices are heated, which dries ut the air. If yu stay in such ffices fr a lng time, yu shuld remember t get fresh air ut the rm. Just give yur eyes a rest.
    Drink tw t three liters f water every day t make sure that the eyes receive enugh misture (水分) they need. Getting enugh sleep als makes ur eyes feel better. 29 .
    Get yur eyes checked regularly (定期). 30 . There are suitable glasses fr everyne, n matter what ur needs are.
    A.And chse glasses that suit yur special needs
    B.Be sure t blink (眨眼) yur eyes ften
    C.It is imprtant fr students t prtect their eyes
    D.A walk utside can help relax vertired eyes
    E.Seven t eight hurs f sleep per night is enugh
    F.T have a bright future, yu have t wrk harder
    G.Rest yur eyes by taking a break every 20 minutes
    第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
    第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
    31.My daughter wants t keep her ld things because they bring back sweet (回忆).
    32.It’s a (遗憾) that yu can’t attend my birthday party.
    33. (虽然) Ms. Mu was seriusly ill, she still came t wrk last Mnday.
    34.The teacher thinks Charles is a (天生的) dancer. He dances s well.
    35.The bus is quite full s I have t wait t the next bus cmes.
    36.The zipper is such a great inventin. It’s used quite ften in ur d lives.
    37.T prtect ur envirnment, we shuld call n t take wden chpsticks r p spns less when we buy takeaway fd.
    38.I’m s sleepy. Tell the children t stp making a n in the huse.
    第二节 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式完成短文,使短文意思完整准确。每词限用一次。
    A bwl f ht beef ndles and a cup f drinking water at a relief camp (救济营) ffered Mr. Sun the warmth and cmfrt he needed after a magnitude 6.2 earthquake. The earthquake 39 him and his family members ut f sleep arund midnight n December 18, 2023 in Nrthwest China’s Gansu Prvince, and left them 40 a hme vernight. The camp has 102 41 , each hlding eight t nine peple. Mr. Sun and 1,000 ther peple, wh lst their huses in the quake, spent the night in them.
    They received meal bxes prvided by lcal gvernments and beef ndles 42 by vlunteers. Ma Qinglng, chairman f Xingda Grup, a private cmpany, said, “We prepared 500 kilgrams f beef t help everyne 43 the difficult time.”
    第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Nanjing is a city that has played an imprtant rle in Chinese histry fr thusands f years. Nanjing 44 (name) the capital city first in 229 AD during the Three Kingdms perid. It has been a capital city many times. It’s a place that is relatively unknwn 45 freigners yet very ppular with lcal turists.
    When Dave and I gt the chance 46 (travel) t it, we jumped at it. We hadn’t knwn anything abut Nanjing befre ging, but hearing that it was a ppular destinatin frm Shanghai, we were excited t explre it. It turns ut that Nanjing is ne f ur favurite 47 (place) t visit in China.
    We first went t Nanjing Niushushan Cultural Park. A trlley (电车) tk us t the tp f the muntain 48 we culd view the immaculate (圣洁的) Buddhist Palace that was built int the side f the muntain. 49 (pen) in 2015, it is an example that prves the traditinal and the mdern can c-exist.
    But sn we 50 (realize) that a real treat was inside the palace when we tk the escalatr (自动扶梯) 6 stries undergrund t see the Thusand-Buddha Hall. With a height f 28 metres, the glden hall is 51 (impress).
    We highly recmmend 52 (take) a full day t explre the Niushushan Cultural Park t visit all the sites n the muntains. And d remember visiting the Usnisa Palace is 53 must.
    第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
    In the US, a new vide app called TikTk has becme very ppular this year. It’s a free scial media app that is used t make shrt vides with a mbile phne.
    My friends and I have been using Instagram and Snapchat fr a while, but my parents have had mixed feelings abut allwing me t use scial media. Hwever, they finally gave in when I prved that I was able t manage my time wisely and get my hmewrk dne. I als prmised that I wuld nt spend a lt f time n it. I really didn’t want t miss ut n this fun. I have made three TikTk vides s far and ne f them gt ver 2,000 views within a few days.
    Every mid-Octber, my schl has hmecming, which is an traditin f welcming back ld schlmates and celebrating schl spirit. The Student Unin als rganizes a week f events t celebrate hmecming.
    Making TikTk vides became ne f the events this year. Many f us made TikTk vides. Our Student Unin chse the tp five funniest vides. The winning vides were played n a big screen during a schl meeting and ur schl’s president crwned the first place winner. I made a TikTk vide with a cuple f friends. Althugh it didn’t win, I really enjyed the prcess since my vide shwed my creativity.
    54.What is TikTk?

    55.Why did the writer enjy making TikTk vides s much?

    56.Wuld yu like t share yur life by making TikTk vides? Why r why nt?

    第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
    1. 要点:①你遇到的最大的困难是什么? ②你是怎样克服困难的?③你的感受及建议。
    2. 要求:
    Sichuan cuisine is ht, spicy and sur. It has smething t d with the wet weather f that area and peple need ht fd t stay away frm the wet. There are many ppular dishes that stand fr Sichuan cuisine like Kung Pa Chicken.
    Zhejiang cuisine is frm the lcal dishes f Hangzhu, Ningb and Shaxing. Fd in Zhejiang has a pleasant smell and it tastes fresh. And mst f the dishes are perfectly made. If yu visit Zhejiang, yu must taste Dngp Prk.
    Fujian cuisine ften uses materials frm the sea t ck. It tastes light and the clr is beautiful. Yu can enjy different kinds f sup in Fujian, because many dishes f Fujian cuisine are served in sup, like F Tia Qiang.
    Shandng cuisine is very famus in nrthern China. It includes much seafd which tastes light and fresh. It is als the symbl f cking culture alng the Yellw River. Its mst famus dish is Sweet and Sur Carp.
    tent shake withut ck get thrugh
    1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C
    feed喂养;study学习,研究;catch抓住;kill杀死。根据“s everyne wanted t be the first ne t phtgraph and study it.”可知,他们想要研究它,故选B。
    relaxed放松的;tired疲劳的;excited兴奋的;surprised惊讶的。根据“N ne had seen it”和“wanted t be the first ne t phtgraph and study it”可知,没有人见过它,每个人都想要第一个拍摄和研究它,因此感到很兴奋,故选C。
    Amng表示在……之中;Beside在旁边;Against反对;Except除了。根据“Once there were several scientists in a frest.”可知,此处表示这几个科学家之中,因此用介词amng,故选A。
    clean干净的;right正确的;safe安全的;public公共的。根据“Once there were several scientists in a frest.”和“One night, the animal appeared ...”可知,这只动物出现了,他们在森林里研究它,因此推断应是在公共的地方出现,故选D。
    space空间;mney金钱;fd食物;time时间。根据“Every day, he wuld spend an hur sitting at the desk and putting all his equipment (设备) in ”可知,沃尔特每天花费一小时坐在办公桌前,把他所有的设备放在公共场所,因此其他科学家认为这是在浪费时间,故选D。
    angrily生气地;immediately立刻;suddenly突然地;quickly迅速地。根据“while they were scrabbling (忙乱地找) fr their cameras and ntebks”可知,科学家们忙乱地寻找相机和笔记本,因此表示这支动物出现得非常突然,故选C。
    plans计划;nises噪音;recrds记录;mistakes错误。根据“The animal was frightened”可知,这只动物被吓坏了,应是被科学家们制造的噪音吓坏了,故选B。
    cmpared比较;cunted数数;srted分类;kept保留。根据“Sme had tried t recrd its call, thers had nted dwn hw it mved, and the luckiest ne had even phtgraphed parts f its tail and legs.”可知,一些人试图录下它的叫声,另一些人记录下它是如何移动的,最幸运的人甚至拍下了它尾巴和腿的一部分,他们在比较各自的发现。故选A。
    They他们;It它;He他;Yu你。根据“Hwever, when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised”可知,此处表示沃尔特拍了几张完整的照片,用代词he代指Walter,故选C。
    11.B 12.A 13.D
    11.细节理解题。根据“It has smething t d with the wet weather f that area and peple need ht fd t stay away frm the wet”可知,川菜可以帮助人们远离潮湿。故选B。
    12.细节理解题。根据“Fujian cuisine ften uses materials frm the sea t ck.”和“It includes much seafd which tastes light and fresh.”可知,福建菜和山东菜的材料多来自于海洋。故选A。
    13.推理判断题。根据“China cvers a large land and there are 56 ethnic grups in it. S China has many types f Chinese fd with different but muth-watering flavr”可知,中国幅员辽阔,因为不同的生活条件形成了不同的菜系。故选D。
    14.D 15.A 16.C 17.D
    14.细节理解题。根据“The clsest lk shwed Mars t be a dusty, cld wrld, cvered by air t thin t breathe.”可知,火星上有尘土,寒冷和太薄的空气,故选D。
    15.细节理解题。根据“One f the NASA’s spaceships is expected t land n January 3, the ther is ging t land n the ppsite side f Mars n January 24.”可知,两艘宇宙飞船在不同的时间不同的地点着陆火星,故选A。
    16.细节理解题。根据“a secnd team reprted differently that they had fund sme marks shwed clearly that they were made by the rivers.”可知,几十亿年以前,火星上有水资源,故选C。
    17.推理判断题。根据“Scientists at nce raise a questin: if what they said is true, what happened n Mars? Then what abut the earth?”可知,科学家们担心地球也会有同样的命运,故选D。
    18.C 19.B 20.A 21.C
    18.细节理解题。根据“Belinda Cratchit, her secnd eldest sn, was helping her.”及“The tw smaller Cratchits, a by and a girl, came running in.”以及“And yur brther, Tiny Tim! And Martha wasn’t as late as this last Christmas Day!”可知,该文共提到五个小孩。故选C。
    19.词义猜测题。根据“which he had wrn fr many years.”可知,这里的threadbare是“旧的”意思。故选B。
    20.推理判断题。根据“They went in and they saw Mrs Cratchit. She was laying the table. Belinda Cratchit, her secnd eldest sn, was helping her.”可推知,克拉奇特夫人是一个非常勤奋善良的女人。故选A。
    21.最佳标题题。根据“They went in and they saw Mrs Cratchit. She was laying the table. Belinda Cratchit, her secnd eldest sn, was helping her.”及下文的介绍可知,本文介绍的是圣诞聚会的情况,因此本文的最佳标题为“圣诞聚会”。故选C。
    22.D 23.A 24.C 25.B
    22.细节理解题。根据“A new cmpany, Space Perspective, is planning tests with passengers.”和“The plan will be fr spacemen and up t eight passengers t travel in Neptune, a capsule tied t a balln the size f a ftball field.”可知Space Perspective想用太空舱“海王星”运载人。故选D。
    23.细节理解题。根据“There, space turists will be able t lk back at the Earth and ut t dark space and the sight f millins f stars.”可知根据Space Perspective的计划,太空游客可以从太空中观看地球。故选A。
    24.推理判断题。根据“Nw Neptune faces cmpetitin frm the Stratllite”可知,“海王星”太空舱面临竞争,再由“Space travel may sn be a reality, but hw visitrs get there is still a very pen questin.”可知人们如何到达太空是个很开放的问题,由此推出与此相关的竞争变得很激烈。故选C。
    26.B 27.G 28.D 29.E 30.A
    26.根据“We usually pen and clse ur eyes abut 10 t 15 times a minute.”可知,此处介绍的内容与睁闭眼睛的频率有关,B选项“一定要经常眨眼”符合。故选B。
    27.根据“Lk at smething abut 20 feet away fr 20 secnds.”可知,此处介绍的是要经常休息一下眼睛,G选项“每20分钟要休息一下眼睛”符合。故选G。
    28.根据“Just like the rest f ur bdy, ur eyes need fresh air t.”可知,眼睛也需要“呼吸”外面的新鲜空气,D选项“出去散步可以帮助放松过度疲劳的眼睛”符合。故选D。
    29.根据“Getting enugh sleep als makes ur eyes feel better. ”可知,此处提到要有足够的睡眠,E选项“一晚上七到八小时的睡眠足够了”符合。故选E。
    30. 根据“There are suitable glasses fr everyne, n matter what ur needs are.”可知,选择合适的眼镜,A选项“选择适合你特殊需要的眼镜”符合。故选A。
    【详解】句意:公共汽车已经满了,所以我不得不等到下一辆公共汽车来。根据“The bus is quite full s I have t wait t... the next bus cmes.”可知要一直等到下一辆公共汽车来,till“直到……为止”。故填(t)ill。
    【详解】句意:拉链是一项伟大的发明。它在我们的日常生活中经常使用。根据“The zipper is such a great inventin.”和“It’s used quite ften”并结合首字母提示可知,此处表示“日常生活”,即daily life (lives)。故填(d)aily。
    【详解】句意:为了保护我们的环境,我们应该呼吁在购买外卖食品时少用木筷子或塑料勺子。根据“T prtect ur envirnment”可知为了环保应少用塑料勺子,plastic“塑料制的”,形容词作定语。故填(p)lastic。
    【详解】句意:我好困。告诉孩子们不要在房子里制造噪音。根据“I’m s sleepy.”可知瞌睡了想要睡觉,希望孩子们停止制造噪音,make a nise“制造噪音”。故填(n)ise。
    39.shk 40.withut 41.tents 42.cked 43.get thrugh
    40.句意:2023年12月18日午夜左右,中国西北部甘肃省的地震把他和他的家人从睡梦中惊醒,让他们一夜之间无家可归。根据“a hme vernight”可知,此处应填一介词表示“没有”,withut符合句意。故填withut。
    41.句意:该营地有102个帐篷, 每个帐篷容纳8至9人。根据“102”可知,此处应用可名词tent“帐篷”的复数形式。故填tents。
    42.句意:他们收到了当地政府提供的餐盒和志愿者煮的牛肉面。根据“by vlunteers”可知,此处应用ck“煮”的过去分词作后置定语。故填cked。
    43.句意:我们准备了500公斤牛肉来帮助每个人度过困难时期。get thrugh“度过”和help sb d sth“帮助某人”均为固定搭配。故填get thrugh。
    44.was named 45.t 46.t travel 47.places 48.where 49.Opened 50.realized 51.impressive 52.taking 53.a
    44.句意:南京在三国时期的公元229年首次被命名为都城。根据“It has been a capital city many times.”和提示词汇可知,它曾多次成为首都,可推测此处是南京被命名为都城,事情是过去发生的,时态为一般过去时,语态为被动,谓语用“was/were+过去分词”的结构,主语为Nanjing,单数,be动词用was,named为动词name的过去分词。故填was named。
    45.句意:这是一个外国人相对不了解的地方,但却很受当地游客的欢迎。根据“ relatively ”可知,固定搭配be unknwn t sb表示“不为某人所知”。故填t。
    46.句意:当Dave和我有机会去那里旅行时,我们抓住了机会。根据“ gt the it,...”和提示词汇可知,get the chance t d sth表示“有机会做某事”,空处需填“不定式t+动词原形”,travel“旅行”,动词。故填t travel。
    47.句意:事实证明,南京是我们在中国最喜欢去的地方之一。根据“ne f ur favurite...”和提示词汇可知,“ne f+名词复数”表示“……中的一个”,空处需填名词复数,places“地方”为名词place的复数形式。故填places。
    48.句意:一辆电车把我们带到山顶,在那里我们可以看到圣洁的建在山的一侧的佛教宫殿。根据“the tp f the muntain”可知,句子为定语从句,先行词the tp f the muntain为地点,空处需填关系副词,在从句中作地点状语,关系副词where指地点。故填where。
    49.句意:它于2015年开放,是一个证明传统与现代可以共存的例子。根据“ 2015, it is an example that prves the traditinal and the mdern can c-exist.”和提示词汇可知,此处是它于2015年开放,此处动词与主语构成逻辑上的被动关系,动词用过去分词,作状语,pened“开始营业”为动词pen的过去分词,句首首字母需大写。故填Opened。
    50.句意:但很快我们意识到,当我们乘坐地下6层的自动扶梯去看千佛殿时,真正的美妙在宫殿里面。根据“ a real treat was inside the palace when we tk the stries undergrund t see the Thusand-Buddha Hall.”和提示词汇可知,句子为宾语从句,从句时态为一般过去时,遵循主过从必过原则,主句时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,realized“意识到”为动词realize的过去式。故填realized。
    51.句意:金色大厅高28米,令人印象深刻。根据“ glden hall is...”和提示词汇可知,is后需填形容词,作表语,impressive“给人印象深刻的”为动词impress的形容词。故填impressive。
    52.句意:我们强烈建议您花一整天的时间游览牛首山文化公园,参观山上的所有景点。根据“recmmend”和提示词汇可知,固定搭配recmmend ding sth表示“建议做某事”,空处需填动名词,taking“花费(时间)”为动词take的动名词。故填taking。
    53.句意:请记住,参观佛顶宫是必须的。根据“And d remember visiting the Usnisa Palace ”可知,此处是参观佛顶宫是必须做的事情,空处需填不定冠词,表泛指,must首字母发音为辅音音,其前需用不定冠词a修饰。故填a。
    54.It’s a free scial media app that is used t make shrt vides with a mbile phne. 55.Because he enjyed the prcess since his vide shwed his creativity. 56.Yes, I wuld. Because I like t share my happiness.
    54.根据第一段“It’s a free scial media app that is used t make shrt vides with a mbile phne.”可知,抖音是一款免费的社交媒体应用,用于用手机制作短视频。故填It’s a free scial media app that is used t make shrt vides with a mbile phne.
    55.根据最后一段“Althugh it didn’t win, I really enjyed the prcess since my vide shwed my creativity.”可知,作者很享受制作视频这个过程,因为视频显示了他的创造力,所以作者很喜欢制作视频。故填Because he enjyed the prcess since his vide shwed his creativity.
    56.根据个人情况回答。可以回答:Yes, I wuld. Because I like t share my happiness. (开放性试题,言之有理即可。)
    Life is nt a bed f rses. In ur daily life, we unavidably cme acrss varius difficulties nw and then.
    The biggest difficulty in Grade Nine was that I studied hard in math but I failed the exam again and again. I culdn’t understand why and I was s upset that I really wanted t give up. Luckily, I realized that it was nt right t run away frm the prblem. S I turned t my teachers fr help and they gave sme useful advice. They tld me nt t give up because nthing is impssible fr a willing heart. I was mved and tried t study hard and wisely. Finally, I succeeded.
    Frm this experience, I’ve learned that when cnfrnted with difficulties, we shuld keep calm, ask thers fr help and fight bravely instead f giving up.
    ① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
    ② 时态:时态以“一般过去时”为主;
    ③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。
    ①give up放弃
    ②run away frm逃离
    ③instead f而不是
    ①The biggest difficulty in Grade Nine was that I studied hard in math but I failed the exam again and again.(表语从句)
    ② I culdn’t understand why and I was s upset that I really wanted t give up.(结果状语状语)
    ③They tld me nt t give up because nthing is impssible fr a willing heart.(原因状语从句)
    ④Frm this experience, I’ve learned that when cnfrnted with difficulties, we shuld keep calm, ask thers fr help and fight bravely instead f giving up.(时间状语从句)

    专题18 连词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用): 这是一份专题18 连词-备战2024年中考英语常考语法点+题型练习(中考真题+名校最新真题)(江苏专用),共16页。

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