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    这是一份湖南省衡阳市祁东县2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统考英语试题(Word版附答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15,Wh is Vicky?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15.B. £9.18.C.£9.15.
    答案是 C。
    l. Why des the wman g t the library?
    A. T return bks.
    B. T prepare fr an exam.
    C.T write an article.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A party.B. A hspital.C. A persn.
    3. When must Mr.Jhnsn arrive at the airprt tmrrw?
    A. At 8;20 am.B.At 10:20 am.C.At 12:20 pm.
    4. Where des the wman want t g?
    A. T a museum.B. T a bank.C.T Washingtn Street.
    5.Hw will the speakers g t the supermarket?
    A. By taxiB. By subway.C. By bus
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    What kind f flwers is the man unwilling t buy?
    A. Red rses.B. White rses.C.Sunflwers.
    7.Wh is Vicky?
    A. The man's wifeB. The man's bss.C. The man's friend.
    听第7段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    8.What des the wman think f humr?
    A. It imprves teamwrk.
    B. It adds jy t life.
    C.It reduces pressure.
    9.Hw des the man get enjyment?
    A. By reading funny stries.
    B. By listening t jkes.
    C.By watching mvies.
    10. When will the speakers meet n Saturday evening?
    A. At 7:00.B.At 7:15.C.At 7:30.
    1l. What is Anthny's attitude twards having anther child?
    A. Favrable.B. UncncernedC.Disapprving.
    12.What will Nra prbably d?
    A.Have a vte with her family
    B. Ignre Zen's pinin.
    C.Cmmunicate with Zen.
    13.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B.Fellw wrkers.
    C.Mther and sn.
    听第9段材料,回答第 14 至17 题。
    14. Why des the wman have a cld?
    A.She went winter swimming.
    B. She ate sme ice cream.
    C. She tk a cld shwer.
    15. What is the wman's natinality?
    A. Russia.B.Australia.C.Britain
    16. Why des the wman refuse winter swimming?
    A. She is afraid f the icy cldness.
    B. She has high bld pressure.
    C. She can't swim.
    17.What des the man remind the wman t d?
    A. Test her bld pressure.
    B.G winter swimming with him.
    C. Take sme medicine.
    18. What was the advantage f the clthes made f plastic?
    A. They didn't wear ut easily.
    B. They were easy t wash.
    C.They were cmfrtable.
    19.Why were the plastic tys a gd idea fr sme mthers?
    A. They were clrful.
    B. Kids preferred them.
    C.They were cheap.
    20. What is talked abut at the end f the speech?
    A. The excitement caused by plastic.
    B.The harmful side f plastic.
    C.Different uses f plastic.
    第二部分阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    Explre the wnders f San Francisc's landmarks as yu visit Cit Twer, Crissy Field, Frt Pint and Lands End, each ffering unique views f the Glden Gate Bridge.
    Cit Twer
    Cit Twer ffers breathtaking 360-degree views f San Francisc and the bay, including the icnic Glden Gate Bridge. The best views are enjyed frm the bservatin deck, which is easily accessible by elevatr. T access the elevatr, there is a fee f $ 7.
    Crissy Field
    Crissy Field, suth f the Glden Gate Bridge in the Presidi, is a beautiful spt with walking and cycling trails, Rebuilt in 2001, it ffers wnderful views f the bridge, picnic areas and a small sandy beach lved by families. Visitrs can enjy lunch at the Warming Hut,Beach Hut Cafe r Huse f Air.
    Frt Pint
    T get a clse view f the Glden Gate Bridge, visit Frt Pint. Near Crissy Field, this brick frt frm the Civil War era can be accessed thrugh Marine Drive park, Even thugh Frt Pint didn't see any military actin, the bridge's chief engineer, Jseph Strauss, redesigned it t ensure the frt's preservatin as a “fine example f the masn's art”.
    Lands End
    Lands End, near Lincln Park, prvides a perfect view f the Glden Gate Bridge Visitrs can walk alng a paved sidewalk near the 17th hle f the Lincln Park Municipal Glf Curse. Alng the way, yu'll find benches and great pht spts t enjy the bridge's beauty.
    2l. Which ne is redesigned by an engineer?
    A. Cit Twer.B. Crissy Field.
    C. Frt Pint.D. Lands End.
    22 What d the fur places have in cmmn?
    A. They save the frt as an art.
    B. They are suitable t see the whle city.
    C.They ffer wide sidewalks and cycling paths
    D. They are suitable t view the Glden Gate Bridge.
    23. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Sprts.B. Entertainment.
    C.Tur.D. Educatin.
    The Amazn Rainfrest, ften called the “lungs f the Earth”, has always mesmerized me with its bidiversity (生物多样性) and lcal tribes (部落).When I had the chance t jin a research expeditin, I tk it, excited abut the adventure ahead. I didn't knw it wuld be a great experience.
    The jurney int the rainfrest was tugh, such as the dense leaves, endless rain and the sund f insects and animals. Hwever, the beauty f the rainfrest was amazing.One f the mst exciting parts f the trip was meeting a lcal tribe. Their way f life, s cnnected t nature, was different frm ur urban lives. Learning abut their custms and understanding their relatinship with the rainfrest was a special experience. It made me realize hw separated frm nature we have becme in the technlgical advancement.The trip was nt withut challenges. Walking in the frest, dealing with the bad weather and dealing with the fear f the unknwn tested ur willpwer. Hwever, every challenge we vercame brught a sense f achievement and strengthened ur team bnd.It taught me the间生imprtance f teamwrk and adaptability.
    As we left the rainfrest, I recalled the impact the trip had n me. It was nt just an adventure but a jurney f self-discvery.
    My trip t the Amazn rainfrest was a meaningful experience. It was a jurney that pushed my bundaries (边界), taught me valuable lessns and left me with unfrgettable memries. It was nt just a trip, but an explratin f the unknwn and a reminder f ur respnsibility twards ur planet, The adventure may have ended, but the jurney cntinues, as I carry the lessns and memries with me, influencing my life and chices.
    24. Which f the fllwing best explains “mesmerized ”underlined in paragraph 1?
    A. PuzzledB.MvedC.Attracted. D. Defeated.
    25. Which wrd can describe the relatin between the lcal tribe and the rainfrest?
    A. Exciting.B. Clse.C.RelaxingD. Separated
    26. What can we learn abut the trip frm paragraph 4?
    A. It's dangerus and meaningless.
    B. It's funny but unbearable.
    C. It's imprtant and interesting.
    D. It's challenging but wrthwhile.
    27. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The meaning f the trip.B. The experience f the trip.
    C. The memry f the trip.D. The purpse f the trip.
    The wrld lves a cup f tea, It nly takes a few grams t make a cup f tea and millins f tns f tea are cnsumed every year. Tea can be gd fr yu because it cntains smethings that help lwer chlesterl and reduce the risk f cardivascular disease. Tea als cntains caffeine (咖啡因), which imprves nt nly mental alertness but can als increase anxiety and cause ther prblems.
    What wuld be agreeable is a tea plant that prvides all the taste and gdness but with little r nne f caffeine. Chen Liang and Jin Jiqiang in the Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy f Agricultural Sciences think they have fund just such a plant, grwing wild in are mte area in suthern China's Fujian Prvince. Knwn lcally as hngyacha, the discvered plant grws nly between 700 meters and 1,000 meters abve sea level arund a handful f Chinese villages. As they reprt in the Jurnal f Agricultural and Fd Chemistry, nt nly is the tea plant naturally caffeine-free but it als cntains a number f unique medicinal cmpunds that,the lcals believe, ffer cnsiderable health benefits.
    The researchers are nw explring methds t prtect hngyacha in its natural habitat while further studies are carried ut, It can take time and smetimes it des nt wrk--fr new plant varieties t be bred fr cmmercial use. A pair f naturally caffeine-free cffe plants were discvered in 2003, but little prgress has been reprted, Tea lvers will be watching hngyacha with interest. And thers will wnder what else is ut there.
    What's the disadvantage f drinking tea accrding t paragraph l?
    A. It can make peple hard t sleep.
    B. It can make peple feel anxius.
    C. It can get peple addicted.
    D. It can take peple much time.
    29. What can we learn abut hngyacha in paragraph 2?
    A. It is nthing but just medicine.
    B. It can nly survive in greenhuses.
    C. It is a gd pick fr caffeine lvers.
    D. It has a gd taste and little caffeine.
    30. What might the fllw-up study fcus n abut hngyacha?
    A. Its future lcatinB Its natural habitats.
    C Its future market.D. Its prductin prcess.
    3l. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A health magazine.B.An advertising brchure.
    C. A travel guidebk.D.A newspaper.
    “Hell Mther, Dad, and Blanche,” a quiet vice, has clearly been played many times” The disc is small,“Hw's everything at hme? I'm recrding this frm Dallas. inches acrss, dated Octber 1954. The ld label shws that the speaker's name is“Gene”. Gene suggests in his minute-lng message that he is traveling and tells his family nt t wrry abut him.
    This frgtten sund is ne f the wrld's early “vice mails”. During the first half f the20th century, these “vice mails” and ther messages were recrded largely, pressed nt metal discs and vinyl recrds (黑胶唱片) and mailed in places all ver the wrld, When Thmas Edisn invented the phngraph (留声机)in 1877,he expected a device that culd reprduce music and even stre languages.
    The gramphne, a later frm f the phngraph develped by Emile Berliner in 1887,prvided a first pssibility fr recrded sund being used fr lng distance cmmunicatin.The practice f sending “vice mails really gt ging acrss the wrld in the 1930s and 1940s.Back then, families culd listen t the messages n repeat-gathering tgether arund the recrd player whenever ne arrived. They culd play it prudly again anytime there were guests, but with each play, the needle wuld scrape away at the grves (凹槽) until the message culd hardly be heard any lnger.Tday at Princetn University, prfessr Thmas Levin is trying t stre these sunds f the past, Linguists (语言学家) are particularly interested in “vice mails” because it prvides sme f the earliest-ever recrded samples f hw regular peple spke-their cnversatinal vcabulary their prnunciatin and accents, their sentence structure and their intnatin (语调)
    32. Why did Gene recrd his vice in the disc?
    A T let his family knw he was OK.
    B. T prepare fr his experiment.
    C. T test an ld vinyl recrd.
    D. T keep a memry.
    33. Which f the fllwing is the disadvantage f gramphne?
    A. Peple culdn't listen t the music in it.
    B. It culdn't keep vice in the recrds very clear.
    C.The recrded sund wuld be damaged by the needle.
    D. The needle f the gramphne must be changed ften.
    34. Fr what d linguists study “vice mails”?
    A. T research the earliest-ever recrded vice.
    B. T prve recrded samples are true.
    C.T learn frm famus histrical linguists.
    D. T reprduce the sund f the past.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A. The Early Days f Recrded Sund
    B. The Imprtance f“Vice Mails”
    C. The Develpment f Our Language
    D. The histry f “Vice Mails”
    With all the pressures f life, relaxing can be difficult, N matter what yur lifestyle is,yu can find ways t relax. 36.____________ .
    Try prgressive muscle relaxatin. The key t effective meditatin is t find a quiet spt away frm nise, Start by wearing lse clthes and taking a few slw breaths. When yu feel relaxed, fcus n yur right ft, Think abut hw it feels. Then, slwly tense the muscles in yur ft and hld fr 10 secnds, Then yu relax yur ft and feel the tensin releasing as yur ft feels lse. 37.____________
    Breathe deeply
    Deep breathing is ne f the mst effective relaxatin techniques. Sit straight in a chair in a quiet rm, and think abut hw yur feet feel n the flr, the psture f yur back, and the clthes against yur skin. Then turn yur attentin t yur breathing.
    Listen t sthing(舒缓的)music
    ____________ . Try clsing yur eyes and lying dwn while listening t smething that relaxes yu. Put in yur favrite CD, make a playlist f fun sngs, r listen t the music that makes yu happy. Sing alng t the sngs fr added relaxatin, If yu prefer music, try pian r vilin instrumental music.
    Spend a few minutes every day writing abut yur day. Yu can keep a jurnal abut everything and anything. Write pages if yu feel like it, Make the activity abut clearing yur stress and allwing yurself t relax. Yu can write things like, “Yu are awesme r “I lve myself”
    Take a bath
    B. Keep a diary.
    Here are sme useful tips.
    Exercise can help bst yur md
    D the same thing t yur left ft later
    Sunds can have a pwerful relaxatin effect.
    Deep breathing can be dne anywhere at any time.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节 (共 15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
    After bringing up three children, Barthrpe decided t d smething fr herself. She planned t 41._______herself by learning t ride a mtrcycle at the age f 60. After passing her driving test, she sn 42.______ n her first sl (单独的) ride. She still remembered the 43.______f being n the rad alne fr the first time.
    Althugh Barthrpe preferred riding sl, she cntacted the Wmen's Internatinal Mtrcycle Assciatin (WIMA) in the hpe f 44.______ it. It was the cnnectin with the WIMA that led her t a(n) 45.______---the Wmen Riders Wrld Relay. The plan was t pass a batn (接力棒), rider t rider, all arund the wrld. That was a test f the riders' curage 46.______ . But just after Barthrpe tk n the rle, she 47.______ fell dwn and gt injured. She spent several mnths in hspital. Hwever, Barthrpe didn't see it as a 48.______experience. She knew that she must pay much attentin t 49.______ first. Getting n a mtrcycle again was 50.______, but Barthrpe tk extra training and 51.______ a lt. And she pushed herself t take part in the race in Australia. Barthrpe then realized that it was nrmal t 52.______and rise t it, which ffered an pprtunity t grw.
    What attracts Barthrpe mst t a mtrcycle is the 53.______. “ I can g anywhere I want and any time I like,” she said.“The kids said t me, "Mum, yu seem t have turned int a 54.______ teenager.’ I just tld them,“N, I've just fund the field where I can see my 55.______.”
    A. challengeB.expressC. prtectD. educate
    A. calmed dwnB. caught upC.set utD. shwed ff
    A. dutyB.excitementC. hesitatinD.struggle
    A. interviewingB.encuragingC. impressingD. jining
    A. lessnB,recrdC. adventureD.experiment
    A. teamwrkB. friendshipC. understandingD. memry
    A. slwlyB. strangelyC. purpselyD. accidentally
    A. discuragingB. cmmnC. practicalD. pleasant
    A. hnrB.experienceC. safetyD. interest
    A. dubtfulB. stressfulC. peacefulD. harmful
    A.lstB. expectedC. nticedD. imprved
    A. failB. recverC. waitD. reply
    A. perfrmanceB. cmpetitinC. freedm D. independence
    A, carefulB. braveC. seriusD. friendly
    A. chiceB. effrtC. habitD. value
    第二节 (共10小题每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单闻或括号内单词的正确形式。Qingda is a beautiful city, which is famus fr the sen, and yu can spend a happy time by 56._______ (lse) yurself in this wnderful city. Lying acrss the Shandng Peninsula while lking ut t the Yellw Sea, Qingda tday 57._______(cnsider) as a majr seaprt, naval base,and industrial center.
    Tgether with the prfessinal guide, yu will visit the mst 58._______ (attract) places in the city. Frm skyscrapers t parks and 59._______(bench), yu will have a great time. Qingda has the secnd 60._______(large) brewery (啤酒厂)in China.Yu will have a chance (explre) the city f fascinating facts and legends,62 ._______(especial) great buildings full f much histry, Sme f them are Guest Huse, Pichaiyuan, Signal Hill, Qingda Railway Statin and Badaguan Scenie Area. Yu will be surprised at stries behind the streets, buildings, and crners, Yur guide will tell yu 63._______ is special and unique abut living in this city. It is perfect fr thse 64._______ are visiting the city fr the first time and want t get the mst 65._______ it!
    你校英文报正在组织征文活动,请你以“Prtect traditinal Chinese culture”为题写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    I spent almst three years in fd service ding everything frm washing dishes t wrking as a service directr at a cuntry club, Firstly, I waited tables, and it was actually ne f my favrite jbs, mstly because f the peple, One thing I learned is ding yur jb right .and fcusing n ensuring that yur custmers have the best dining experience.
    During cllege, I wrked at a place called O'Malleys. It's nt pen anymre s I dn't have t wrry abut getting anybdy in truble, and besides, this isn't that kind f stry.Every Sunday, these tw ladies and a little girl wuld cme in, and nbdy wanted t wait n them because they were super cheap and never tipped, s I vlunteered, and they became my regulars, I quickly learned that it was a mm, her yung daughter, and her mther. They always rdered the same thing. They'd each get water, The tw wmen wuld split an entree(主菜),and the yung girl wuld get smething ff the child's menu.And they'd leave n tip. I didn't really care because Sunday lunch was always busy with the crwd, and their check was s small that even a 20% tip wuld have been just a few dllars. Besides, they were super nice, and I understd that this was their special time ut.Ging ut just wasn't smething they culd d. I did my best t treat them just like everybdy else,which they appreciated.
    This went n fr ver a year, Every Sunday, they wuld cme in their pretty dresses, sit in my sectin, rder the same thing they always did, and nt leave me a tip... until ne day,they did.
    That day, they came in and rdered iced tea and a sda fr the girl, I knew smething was up. The tw ladies each gt their wn entree nthing share, The little girl gt a full rder f chicken strips. I'm nt sure why I remember exactly what she rdered.注意:
    Of curse, I asked what the celebratin was._______________________
    The mther said they were mving t Dallas the next week.______________
    1-5 BCAAB 6-10 BCACA 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 BCBCB
    21-23 CDC 24-27 CBDA 28-31 BDCA 32-35 ACAD 36-40 CEGFB
    41-45 ACBDC 46-50 ADACB 51-55 DACBD
    56.lsing 57.is cnsidered 58. attractive 59. beaches 60.largest
    61. t explre62.especially 63.what 64.wh 65.f
    写作: 第一节:
    Prtect traditinal Chinese culture
    Prtecting traditinal Chinese culture is very imprtant in tday's rapidly changing wrld, It nt nly maintains ur sense f identity and belnging but als allws us t learn frm ur past.
    T better prtect ur traditinal Chinese culture, we can start by raising awareness and prmting its imprtance amng the yunger generatin, This can be dne thrugh educatinal activities. Furthermre, we shuld actively preserve and shwcase ur cultural traditins.This can be achieved by rganizing cultural festivals, exhibitins, and perfrmances, where peple can experience and learn abut traditinal Chinese custms first hand.
    In cnclusin, by prtecting traditinal Chinese culture, we can ensure that future generatins cntinue t appreciate and embrace ur rich culture
    Of curse , I asked what the celebratin was. I mean, it was bvius this was a special ccasin. The mther f the small girl smiled at me and said, “I just graduated frm nursing schl, We wanted t cme see yu ne last time and say thank yu fr making ur Sundays s special, It meant s much t us t cme in here and be treated like everybdy else, even thugh we culd never rder very much r leave yu a tip.

    湖南省益阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省益阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含湖南省益阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx、湖南省益阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题Word版含解析docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

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