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    第一节(共4小题; 每小题1分,共4分)
    听下面4段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a pst ffice. B. At a flwer stre. C. At a rse garden.
    2. What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Play ftball. B. Ask Jim fr help. C. G t a shp nearby.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Feelings abut learning freign languages.
    B. Methds f learning freign languages.
    C. Reasns fr learning freign languages.
    4. What are they trying t decide?
    A. Where t take a vacatin.
    B. Whether t g n a hliday.
    C. Hw t travel t the Alps in Eurpe.
    第二节(共6小题; 每小题1分,共6分)
    5. What truble des the wman have?
    A. Cmmunicating with her mm.
    B. Understanding her mther.
    C. Expressing her feelings.
    6. Which suggestin will the wman mst prbably take?
    A. Writing a letter. B. Drawing a picture. C. Leaving a message.
    听第6段材料,回答第7至8 小题。
    7. Why des the girl talk t the by?
    A. T invite him t jin her team.
    B. T ask him fr cntest details.
    C. T encurage him t jin in the cntest.
    8. Hw des the by feel abut the cntest?
    A. Interested. B. Stressed. C. Cncerned.
    听第7段材料,回答第9至 10小题。
    9. What makes the man feel wrried abut the use f technlgy?
    A. Machines are always right.
    B. AI will have harmful purpses.
    C. Peple are t dependent n it.
    10. Hw shuld peple develp and use technlgy?
    A. By raising the awareness f AI.
    B. By imprving educatinal skills.
    C. By understanding its benefits and risks.
    第三节(共4小题; 每小题1.5分,共6分)
    听下面一段独白,完成第11至 14 四道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听独白前,你将有 20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段独白你将听两遍。
    第一节(共 10小题; 每小题1.5 分, 共 15分)
    阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    On the mrning f my first marathn, I wke up befre my alarm and ate a classic runner's breakfast I had slept eight hurs My unreliable left knee wasn't bthering me I was 15
    Then my girlfriend, Luisa, kncked n the dr, asking whether I had checked my email. Race fficials sent an email at 5 a. m. annuncing The Twin Cities Marathn in Minneaplis and St. Paul had been 16 due t recrd high temperatures
    While I understd why the race rganizers didn't want t put runners at 17 , I als knew that I had trained in the baking and humid Washingtn D. C. all summer. If I culd start earlier than planned and finish arund nn, I'd miss the wrst 18 f the day
    I went t the starting line and saw many runners despite the cancellatin. I jined a grup f lcal runners wh knew the rute While running, I was verfilled with 19 t still see neighbrs wh gathered utside their huses 20 ut bttles f water as they watched runners g by The runners and supprters made the race feel like a real marathn, during which the shared gal f reaching the finishing line and the affirmatins frm the crwds made me believe I culd run the 21 race
    The last ne mile f the rute was dwnhill. By that pint in the race, my legs felt like jelly. But frm the tp f the hill, I culd see dzens f supprters cheering runners hme, which 22 me t mve n. When my smart watch finally ticked t“26.2”miles,I called ut “I'm dne” t Luisa, wh had been giving a much needed 23 alng the way I let ut a dry sb and gave Luisa a hug After mnths f training, the unexpected emtin felt like a ttal release.
    My first marathn was canceled, but I ran 26 2miles 24
    15. A. ready B. stuck C. unfrtunate D. surprised
    16. A. put ff B. called ff C. wiped ut D. carried ut
    17. A. rest B. will C. risk D. ease
    18. A. jam B. heat C. md D. drught
    19. A. jy B. tensin C. fear D. peace
    20. A. picking B. clearing C. pinting D. handing
    21. A. regular B. advanced C. entire D. cmpetitive
    22. A. frced B. expected C. required D. encuraged
    23. A. speech B. bst C. slutin D. message
    24. A. late B. sn C. anyway D. smewhat
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 共15分)
    By the time Helen Keller was seven years ld, she still culdn't speak, read r write and needed t have everything dne fr her. With these severe restrictins t her cmmunicatin, Helen's behavir was ften 25 (bear) Her parents gt a superb teacher 26 (recmmend) t them, a wman named Anne Sullivan. Anne, whse technique was simple and straightfrward, put an bject int Helen's hand and spelt ut the wrd n her ther hand The precius knwledge Anne 27 (teach) Helen gave her hpe and jy As Helen grasped the key 28 language, she discvered mre cmplex wrds and eventually understd them.
    The eight-day-lng hliday f 2023 began with the Mid-Autumn Festival n Friday and included the Oct 1 Natinal Day It was 29 peple called the lngest Glden Week Big cities like Beijing and Shanghai were favred destinatins. Smaller cities, such as Chengdu and Xi’an, were als ppular. In Guangzhu and Shenzhen, extra vernight high speed trains 30 (schedule) t cpe with the travel increase during the lng hliday S far, bth dmestic and verseas travels 31 (recver)significantly with dmestic travel accunting fr nearly three quarters f the ttal.
    In tday's wrld, everyne wants t becme successful. Mst f us have the initial mtivatin t start smething, but 32 (accmplish) that task smetimes turns ut t be bring and hence we lse hpe f achieving it in the middle f the jurney. Cnsistency, hwever, is generally believed t be the main driver leading t the ultimate success, 33 means staying fcused and dedicating neself t the gal It is the ability 34 (remain) cmmitted t a task r habit withut wandering frm it S, we can say that cnsistency is the critical element f success.
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共14小题; 每小题2分, 共28分)
    Cnflict exists in all relatinships. By cnflict, we specifically mean verbal disagreements and arguments. Peple disagree smetimes, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing—yu have the right t have a different pinin frm yur partner(s). What's imprtant is that yu cmmunicate effectively and in a health y way that allws yu t understand each ther better and make yur relatinship strnger.
    The Lve Is Respect Yuth Cuncil is an rganizatin created in 2020 as a way t directly engage with yuth aged 12-17 t address the issues f relatinships, including maintaining safety when scializing nline, dealing with peer pressure at schl and imprving relatinships with parents. Here are sme tips t help reslve cnflicts in a healthy way.
    ●Find the real issue
    Arguments tend t happen when yur wants r needs aren't being met. Try t get t the real issue behind yur argument. It's pssible that yu r yur partner are feeling insecure r yu aren't being treated respectfully, and are expressing thse feelings thrugh arguments ver unrelated things. Learn t talk abut the real issue, s yu can avid cnstant fighting that may keep yu away frm the heart f the prblem.
    ● Cmprmise when pssible
    Cmprmise is a majr part f cnflict reslutin and any successful relatinship, but it can be hard t actually achieve. Take turns making decisins abut things like what t eat fr dinner, r find a middle grund that allws yu bth t feel satisfied with the utcme.
    ●Cnsider it all
    If the issue yu're arguing ver changes hw yu feel abut each ther r frces yu t cmprmise yur beliefs r mrals, it's imprtant that yu stress yur psitin. If nt, cnsider yur partner's views n the issue, why they're upset, and if cmprmise is apprpriate. Try t cntextualize yur arguments t give each ther rm t express yur feelings.
    Hpe these tips are helpful If yu need mre infrmatin, click here
    35 T find the real issue, yu shuld
    A. have pen cnversatins B. avid arguments
    C. seek fr cmmn grund D. sacrifice yur interests
    36 When dealing with cnflict, yu may
    A. break dwn the issue int small parts
    B. argue ver the issue with yur partner
    C. change hw yu feel abut each ther
    D. put yurself in thers' shes t examine the issue
    37 Yu can get help frm the rganizatin
    A. when unsure f the safety f a specific website
    B. when curius abut hw t imprve math grade
    C. when arguing with classmates ver a grup prject
    D. when struggling hard t stp scial media addictin
    Adm Appiah, is nt yur typical High Schl Junir. He has taken his vlunteerism t a whle new level by starting a nnprfit charity rganizatin called Ball4Gd.
    Amazingly, this innvative rganizatin was a result f Adm's 7th grade schl assignment. At age12, his histry teacher, Mrs. Kelsea Turner, at Spartanburg Day Schl, had challenged her students t dedicate 20% f their class time t a service prject. She suggested that they research a cmmunity need and then wrk independently n finding a slutin. Adm was inspired.
    Adm had great passin fr playing sprts as a sccer and basketball player. S, he naturally thught f cmbining sprts and cmmunity supprt int an athletics-riented service prject. His idea was t invite athletes, leaders and celebrities t play ball games t raise mney fr lcal charities.
    Ball4Gd held its first Celebrity Basketball Game in 2017. He used dnatins received n his 13th birthday as seed mney fr the event. It was a huge success and raised ver$70,000 fr 13 lcal charities.
    Then, Adm's idea has transfrmed int a mvement that is helping cmmunities thrugh varius ways such as celebrity sprt events, charity drives and fundraising. It dnates raised funds t varius causes affecting children, such as autism, hmelessness, abuse and cancer.
    If all these accmplishments abut Ball4Gd were nt enugh, the teen has als authred three mtivatinal children's bks t inspire students t change the wrld and bunce back frm failures. Dnatins frm bk sales have supprted several charitable causes. In additin, he wn a Natinal Award(Glria Barrn fr Yung Heres, 2019) that cmes with a $10,000 prize fr his public service effrts. Having multiple prjects has nt slwed Adm dwn, as he is currently hsting his wn shw called Kids Changing the Wrld n TV.
    “I try t have kids invlved in every step f the way, s they can figure ut hw things wrk in the business and philanthrpist wrld,” Adm said. He wants peple t knw that success starts with believing in yurself. His gal is t expand Ball4Gd's reach. He believes that by encuraging thers t get invlved, he's multiplying the impact f Ball4Gd.
    38. What inspired Adm Appiah t start Ball4Gd?
    A. Passin fr sprts and supprt frm a cmmunity.
    B. A schl assignment given by his histry teacher.
    C. His experiences f being a sccer and basketball player.
    D. Athletes, leaders and celebrities he invited t play games.
    39 Accrding t the passage, we can learn that Ball4Gd
    A. aims t prmte cmmunity sprts
    B. held its first activity with Adm's wn savings
    C. helps cmmunities simply thrugh celebrity sprt events
    D. uses raised mney t help children in varius difficulties
    40. Which f the fllwing can best describe Adm Appiah?
    A. Kind and humrus. B. Generus and patient.
    C. Innvative and inspiring. D. Hardwrking and reliable.
    Climate change influences hw rganisms live and functin in their envirnment. Investigating hw rganisms adapt is essential fr accurately predicting their survival, and tracking genmic(基因组的) changes helps researchers determine the lasting effects f the changing envirnment. Cpepds, a dminant castal species, are particularly useful fr studying genetic changes in respnse t shifting marine envirnments. By studying cpepds, researchers can get an idea f hw the cean fd chain might react t changes in the Earth's climate.
    Tracking a cpepd's evlving genme in the wild, hwever, can be time-cnsuming and labrius. T circumvent this challenge, Pespeni and her team used an evlve-and-resequence apprach in the lab. They expsed a cpepd ppulatin t three stressrs—water warming, acidificatin via high CO₂ levels, and cmbinatins f the tw cean warming and acidificatin (OWA) cnditins in the labratry, and tracked their adaptatins t these cnditins ver 25generatins. Previusly, they tracked reprductive fitness traits such as egg-hatching success under these cnditins. They fund that the fitness f the ppulatin expsed t OWA cnditins initially decreased, but then adapted t the stressrs ver several generatins.
    In the current study, the researchers sequenced the genmes f animals in each experimental grup at generatin 0 and 25 t quantify hw allele (等位基因) frequencies changed in respnse t experimental selective pressures. The researchers fund adaptive alleles related t develpment were unique t the multiple stressr experiment, prviding a pssible explanatin fr the bserved selectin f hatching success.
    “We shwed that the warming alne was a much strng er selective pressure than CO₂. But when yu cmbine them, yu get a unique synergy. S, it's nt just ne plus ne equals tw; it's ne plus ne equals smething ttally different,” said Pespeni. Whereas previus studies bserved the effects f single stressrs n evlving rganisms, Pespeni's study demnstrated that multiple stressrs result in a unique respnse t selectin in a nn-additive manner. This is imprtant because human-induced envirnmental changes are multifaceted(多方面的), and additinal stressrs are still needed t further mimic natural envirnmental changes, and this study reveals the cmplexity f the genmic adaptive respnse.
    Accrding t Mrgan Kelly, a prfessr wh was nt invlved in the study, the insights presented by the researchers in this study call int questin the previus single stressr studies and will influence future experimental design. “There's this big questin f the rle that evlutinary change will play in respnse t climate change, and the way the researchers integrate genmic infrmatin is the best f its kind in the wrld f marine experimental evlutin,” said Kelly.
    Accrding t Pespeni, there is reasn t maintain hpe in the face f climate change because her wrk revealed that the cpepds eventually fully regained their ability t reprduce fllwing the cmbined envirnmental changes.
    41. What can we learn abut Pespeni's previus and current studies?
    A. The previus study tried new ways t quantify the respnse f cpepds.
    B. The current study may explain the success f hatching in the previus ne.
    C. The previus study reveals the cmplexity f the genmic adaptive respnse.
    D. The current study sequenced cpepds' genes f 25 generatins in each grup.
    42 T imprve their future research, researchers shuld
    A. study hw ther species adapt t glbal warming
    B. include additinal stressrs in their experiments
    C. track a cpepd's evlving genme in the wild
    D. cmpare Pespeni's study with previus nes
    43. What makes the current study particularly significant?
    A. It integrates genmic infrmatin in the research.
    B. It shws mst species can easily adapt t climate changes.
    C. It cnfirms the effectiveness f previus single stressr studies.
    D. It demnstrates multiple stressrs prduce an additive respnse.
    44. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Scientists Edit Genmes t Help Cpepds Survive
    B. Research Remves Peple's Wrries abut Climate Change
    C. Cmbining Climate Stressrs Leads t Unique Genmic Changes
    D. The Evlve-and-resequence Apprach Helps Fight Climate Change
    There has been much discussin f the cncept f quiet quitting—meaning, essentially, ding the bare minimum at wrk. And perhaps that's nt surprising: When yu're exhausted and verwhelmed, it feels like smething needs t be given up—and fr many, that seems t be the pursuit f excellence at wrk. But is taking yur ft ff the gas the answer?
    As a writer fcused n time management, I've cme t realize that the ppsite f burnut isn't ding nthing, r even scaling back. As cunterintuitive as it seems, adding energizing activities t yur schedule just might make life feel mre duble.
    That's what I fund when I ran a time-satisfactin study with mre than 140 busy peple. At the beginning f my prject, they spke f feeling wrn ut. “Life feels very chatic with s many different balls in the air,” ne persn tld me.“ My wrk t-d list is never-ending,” anther said.
    Over the curse f nine weeks, sme time-management strategies were intrduced. Instead f subtractive changes, participants incrprated regular physical activity and made rm fr small adventures. And when it came t leisure activities, I asked them t put “effrtful befre effrtless”. Fr example, even smething as simple as reading a nvel is better than binge-watching a TV shw. I als intrduced them t the principle f taking “ne night fr yu”—cmmitting t ding smething yu enjy, apart frm wrk and family. As with quiet quitting, this might smetimes mean leaving wrk a little earlier than usual, but the pint is nt t d less; the idea is that jining a chir, a sftball team r anything else with expected attendance pushes yu t figure ut the lgistics, arrange the child care if necessary and g—even if life seems t busy t think abut such a thing.
    Over the curse f nine weeks, participants’ satisfactin with hw they spent their time verall rse 16 percent frm the beginning f the prject t the end. When asked abut hw they spent their leisure time “yesterday” after nine weeks, participants reprted that their satisfactin rse 20 percent. They even reprted making mre prgress n their prfessinal gals—pretty much the ppsite f quiet quitting—as their increased energy and engagement spilled ver int all areas f life.
    We each have the same 168 hurs every week. But time is als all abut the stries we tell urselves. When life is full f have-t-ds, with nly brief perids f dwntime in between, we can feel beaten dwn by respnsibilities. The key is t incrprate energizing activities int ur lives s that ur inner narrative can be changed, making life feel less like a chre.
    45. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Peple wh quit quietly feel the need t pursue excellence.
    B. Scaling back can help energize thse exhausted frm wrk.
    C. Leisure events that require actin are mre recmmended.
    D. Ging hme earlier fr a rest can effectively refresh peple.
    46. What des the underlined wrd “subtractive” prbably mean?
    A. Reductive. B. Extensive. C. Enrmus. D. Gradual.
    47. What is Paragraph 4 abut?
    A. Intrductin f the backgrund. B. Interventin in the experiment.
    C. Principles f new strategies. D. Suggestins based n the findings.
    48. What is the purpse f writing the passage?
    A. T intrduce a finding in a psychlgical study.
    B. T cmpare different time-management strategies.
    C. T analyze the causes and effects f quiet quitting.
    D. T argue fr a new way t live a mre fulfilling life.
    We've all seen the little kids—lsing temp er in the ty stre, screaming in restaurants and generally making a scene in public. Fr their parents, giving in t a kid's mnstrus behavir helps t end the mess and gain sme peace and quiet, and this is where verindulgence begins.
    Accrding t Kathy Webb, a psychtherapist in Brunswick, verindulgence is the result f parents' beliefs. A lt f verindulging parents believe their children shuld be happy all the time, which is the reasn why the parents try t avid cnflict at all csts. They als hld that verindulgence equals lve, but experts insist that being verly permissive and indulgent is nt a healthy kind f lve.
    Overindulgence can create a myriad f wrng attitudes and behavirs in children. When verindulged, children develp unrealistic expectatins which d nt serve them as they grw. Healthy parenting, Webb said, means giving children uncnditinal lve, quality time, healthy discipline and respect fr what is apprpriate. “Healthy parents prmte gd values and use everyday life experiences t teach their children,” she said.
    Many parents dn't intentinally verindulge, but fail t fllw thrugh n cnsequences. “Cnsequences help children develp their wn self-guidance skills,” Webb said. “Withut cnsequences, children never learn t discipline themselves.”
    But parents wh have verindulged shuldn't just thrw up their hands and walk away frm the situatin, feeling like failures. There are steps that can be taken t turn family life arund. “All is nt lst,” Webb said. “Yu just have t take it step by step.” Identifying prblems and what can be dne t crrect them are the first steps. This is where parents might want t invest in sme cunseling r parent caching and refer t sme parenting bks.
    Such parents shuld als manage t regain prper parental pwer. In sme families, verindulging parents are acting like peers, nt parents. Cnsistency is als imprtant—children ften imitate the behavir they see frm their parents. “Say what yu mean and mean what yu say,” Webb said. It seems that all it takes is ne raised eyebrw and a very stern lk t stp the misbehaviur. But Webb believes what really grunded her children is their inclusin in the family's life, nt just the fun stuff like vacatins and utings. They shuld als be taught t clean huse, ck, and d laundry.
    49. What d verindulgent parents believe?
    50. What is healthy parenting accrding t Webb?
    51. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    >T relieve verindulgence, parents can take certain steps such as acting like kids’ peers and ensuring cnsistency.
    52. Sha re ne parenting methd that benefits yur grwth and explain why.(In abut 40 wrds)
    假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。近期,你校学生会组织了一场辩论赛,主题为“中学生是否可以借助网络资源完成作业”。你的英国笔友 Jim从学校网站看到了相关信息,对此很感兴趣,来信询问辩论赛的开展情况。请你用英文给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    注意: 1.词数 100 左右;
    Dear Jim,
    Hw's everything ging?

    What's yur idea abut the tpic? Lk frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    1.本试卷共8页,共四个部分,53道小题。满分 100分。考试时间90分钟。
    4.在答题纸上, 选择题用2B 铅笔作答, 其余题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。
    5.考试结束, 请将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。
    Different Types f Educatin
    Frmal educatin
    ·Teach _11_ skills as well as mre advanced lessns
    ·Be prvided by qualified teachers r _12_
    Infrmal educatin
    ·Learn skills r acquire knwledge frm hme,…
    ·Learn frm the _13_ in ne's cmmunity
    Nn-frmal educatin
    ·_14_ a timetable and be systemically accmplished
    ·Be flexible in terms f time and nrmally have n age limit

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