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    北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案
    北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案01
    北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案02
    北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案03
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    北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案

    这是一份北京市海淀区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案,共11页。

    英 语 试 题
    第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分,共5分)
    1.Hw might the man get t the cnvenience stre?
    A.On ft. B.By bike. C.By bus.
    2.Hw lng has the wman learned t paint?
    A.Fr ne year. B.Fr tw mnths. C.Fr several years.
    3.What makes David admirable?
    A.His talent fr music. B.His success in teaching. C.His willingness t help thers.
    4.Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.In a gym. B.In an ffice. C.On the playgrund.
    5.What’s the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A.Mther and sn. B.Teacher and student. C.Brther and sister.
    听第6段材料,回答第6至7 小题。
    6.What type f wrk des the wman d?
    A.She deals with data n air pllutin.
    B.She cllects infrmatin n transprtatin.
    C.She mnitrs the prgress f mving factries ut.
    7.Hw des Lily infrm peple f high pllutin levels?
    A.By writing air quality reprts.
    B.By sending ut push-messages.
    C.By subscribeing t a WeChat accunt.
    8.Where are the speakers ging fr the weekend?
    A.T a campsite. B.T a river. C.T a frest.
    9.What are the tw speakers ding?
    A.Reading a rad map B.Deciding n a rute. C.Preparing fr a picnic.
    10.What did the wman get published lately?
    A.A pem. B.A review. C.A stry.
    11.Hw wuld the wman’s prject benefit the man?
    A.He can have his pems published.
    B.He can set up his wn writer’s grup.
    C.He can get advice frm ther members.
    12.Why des the wman make the phne call?
    A.T intrduce a club. B.T share writing skills. C.T make an invitatin.
    第四节 (共3小题;每小题1分,共3分)
    18.Where can bamb be fund grwing?
    19.What are bamb, pine trees and plum blssms knwn as in China?
    20.What kind f persn des bamb symblize?
    第一节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    It was a Saturday afternn when I was just ten. My grandmther entered the dining rm with the mail and placed it by my mther, wh ___1___ the thin envelpe rather cautiusly, paused and then tssed it int the wastepaper basket.
    “Yu can at least pen it,” my grandmther said.
    “I dn’t want t see ne mre ___2___ letter. Perid!” my mther answered.
    “Pr Mmmy,” I said. “Dn’t feel bad. Yu’re a gd writer.” But the wrds f a ten-year-ld, while appreciated, were lst in the thick air f adult ___3___ that filled the rm.
    Ignring my mther’s respnse, my grandmther turned the basket ver and pulled ut the envelpe. She ___4___ pen the letter and read it silently. My heart was racing with expectatin as she suddenly straightened up and charged at her daughter, pushing the letter under my mther’s nse. “There! There!”
    “Please, Mther,” my mther said sadly as she pushed the letter away.
    “Read it!” my grandmther pushed it back. “It’s an ___5___ !”
    My mther stpped. She lked first at me, then at my grandmther. Slwly, she read the wrds: “We are ___6___ t infrm yu...”
    I watched her face turn frm ___7___ t jy. She jumped up and hugged my grandmther, whse face was nw shining as if saying ___8___ I knew yu wuld succeed.
    Nw, years later, whenever I am hesitant t pen my wn letters in fear f rejectin (拒绝), I can feel my mther and grandmther reach fr the basket, ___9___ me t pen them. And I als have my sn t cheer me up. “Dn’t wrry, Mmmy. Yu’re a gd writer.” I knw it n lnger matters whether the mail hlds an acceptance r a rejectin, fr I have learned abut the pwer f ___10___ supprt.
    1. A. eyedB. handedC. penedD. received
    2. A. invitatinB. rejectinC. explanatinD. recmmendatin
    3. A. angerB. cncernC. cnfusinD. tensin
    4. A. cutB. treC. frcedD. brke
    5 A. awardB. aplgyC. acceptanceD. advertisement
    6. A. relievedB. regretfulC. happyD. sad
    7. A. disbeliefB. dissatisfactinC. disagreementD. disappintment
    8. A. calmlyB. gratefullyC. patientlyD. prudly
    9. A. encuragingB. allwingC. remindingD. instructing
    10. A. unchangeableB. uncnditinalC. unfrgettableD. unintentinal
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    Mdern art has been a subject f debate fr years, with sme arguing that it’s t hard t understand. Hwever, it’s imprtant ___11___ (recgnize) that mdern art serves a key purpse in sciety. Artists cntinually experiment with new techniques and ideas, ___12___ (push) the limits f what art can be. Whatever types f art pieces they create, mdern artists challenge ur views and frce us t think ___13___ (different). Understanding mdern art requires us t g deeper int its meaning and cntext, which in turn expands ur wrld view.
    Rising gas csts ___14___ (inspire) a sudden increase in interest in carpls ver the past few years. Frming a shared ride is a great strategy fr sharing current gas csts. Sharing rides als means that the less the participants drive, the mre psitive effects it has ___15___ envirnment. When walking, biking, r public transprtatin isn’t an ptin, ride-sharing becmes a ___16___ (pwer) way t cut dwn n the miles driven. Mrever, ride-sharing ___17___ (intrduce) gd cmpany int what therwise might be lnely car trips. In carpls, neighbrs can meet, sharing stries and ideas.
    After taking part in the “G Jiangsu” prgram, Lepld, a Chinese-German student, thught he had a gd grasp f bth Chinese culture and mdernizatin. While he was visiting the Ya Jianping Embridery Art Gallery, he ___18___ (attract) by the unbelievable beauty f Suzhu Embridery. ___19___ really amazed him was the patience and skills behind every stitch (针). Walking dwn the Pingjiang Rad, ___20___ ancient buildings meet mdern lighting, he felt the rare charm f Suzhu. It ccurred t him that mdernizatin desn’t have t mean giving up traditin — they can exist side by side.
    第一节 (共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)
    As a she cbbler, Jim McFarland has spent his career with his eyes trained dwnward n his wrk. He never expected anyne t care much abut his craft. But McFarland, 59, nw has mre than 1 millin fllwers n scial media platfrm. He psts vides f his wrk as a cbbler — frm replacing thin sles t fixing zippers, reviving (恢复) rubber heels t adding custmized tuches t timewrn pieces. McFarland breathes new life int seemingly unwearable shes frm his shp in Lakeland, Flrida.
    Viewers are fascinated by McFarland’s careful cbbling. While he ften uses a sanding machine, he des mst f the wrk by hand and with basic tls. In ne vide, which has been viewed nearly 60 millin times, McFarland revives and persnalizes a pair f limited-editin bts, painting the sles a deep blue shade. The vide shws every step f the painstaking prcess.
    Accrding t McFarland, becming a cbbler isn’t simple. “It takes three t five years t learn the trade,” said McFarland, wh cmes frm a lng line f cbblers. “This is my family heritage, my histry. We’ve been at it fr a lng time.” As a teen, McFarland wasn’t keen n becming a cbbler. When he was 20, thugh, his father gt sick, and McFarland drpped ut f cllege t help him run the family business. He ultimately tk ver. “I have n regrets. I really lve being here.” McFarland said.
    McFarland is an advcate fr buying high-quality shes and mending them as needed, rather than purchasing inexpensive and trendy shes that tend t nt weather well. He said he frequently fixes shes that are mre than 40 years ld. When he’s finished with them, “they’ll be gd fr prbably anther 30 t 50 years if yu take care f them,” he said.
    McFarland’s mentality ges in line with the mending mvement, which prmtes repairing rather than replacing brken things. Unlike fast fashin, which has disastrus cnsequences fr the envirnment, the mending mvement seeks t reduce cnsumptin and waste. “Gd material can always be revived,” McFarland said. “It can last a lifetime.”
    21. McFarland’s vides are s ppular because he ______.
    A. designs and creates new styles f shes
    B. tells interesting stries abut mending shes
    C. prmtes ld prfessins with mdern machines
    D. shws the detailed prcess f repairing shes by hand
    22. McFarland’s career as a shemaker began when ______.
    A. he graduated frm cllegeB. his family needed his help
    C. his vide gained ppularityD. he fund his childhd interest
    23. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe McFarland?
    A. Skillful and devted.B. Open-minded and creative.
    C. Friendly and cnsiderate.D. Hard-wrking and ambitius.
    24. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. High quality makes fast fashin.B. Scial media challenges traditin.
    C. Creativity hlds the key t success.D. Mending cntributes t ec-fashin.
    As yu craft yur reslutins fr 2025 cnsider adding ne t experience mre flw. Psychlgist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi has called flw as “the secret t happiness.” Flw is a state f psitive experience that each f us can incrprate int ur everyday lives, ne characterized by great jy that makes a life wrth living.
    When peple feel flw, they are in a state f intense cncentratin. Their thughts are fcused n an experience rather than n themselves. They lse a sense f time and feel as if their actins and awareness becme ne. Flw ccurs when bth the task’s challenge and skill level are high. Peple will nt feel flw when they are ding the dishes. Csíkszentmihályi’s research in the 1970s fcused n peple ding tasks they enjyed. He studied swimmers, music cmpsers, dancers, muntain climbers and ther athletes. He fund ut that s lng as that task’s challenge is high, and s are yur skills, yu shuld be able t achieve flw.
    Why is flw “the secret t happiness”? Fr ne thing, the experience can help peple pursue their lng-term gals. Research shws that taking a break t feel flw can enhance ne’s self-cntrl, gal pursuit and well-being. A recent study als shws that flw helps peple stay resilient (有适应力的) in the face f difficulty. Part f this is because flw can help refcus thughts away frm smething stressful t smething enjyable. In fact, studies have shwn that experiencing flw can help guard against depressin and burnut.
    What is ging n in the brain during flw? Studies shw that the experience is assciated with increasing activatin in brain structures related t feeling reward. This may be ne reasn why flw feels s enjyable and why peple are s fcused n tasks that make them feel flw. Research als shws that flw is assciated with dampened activity in brain structures related t self-fcus and negative thughts. This may help explain why feeling flw can help distract (转移) peple frm wrry. Hwever, the abve-mentined studies were crrelatinal, nt causal. Further study f this cnnectin is vital.
    25. Accrding t the passage, flw is mst likely t ccur when smene is ______.
    A. playing chess against a tugh ppnentB. attending a cncert f his favrite singer
    C. ding daily chres fr his family membersD. sharing his traveling experience with friends
    26. Flw is called “the secret t happiness” partly because it can help ______.
    A. turn demanding tasks int easier nes
    B. distract peple frm negative thughts
    C. remind peple t take necessary breaks
    D. break lng-term gals int shrter nes
    27. What des the underlined wrd “dampened” in Paragraph 4 mst prbably mean?
    A. Planned.B. Imbalanced.C. Reduced.D. Activated.
    28. Which wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. When des the state f “flw” ccur?B. What happens in ur brain during “flw”?
    C. Why des experiencing “flw” feel s gd?D. Hw can “flw” be achieved in everyday life?
    I get that parents wrry abut screen time. But speaking as a researcher studying the effects f screen-based experiences, screens can be a great tl fr reading. Digital bks give children unique pprtunities t learn and imprve skills thrugh literacy apps. T that end, I am ne f many researchers in this field wh believe that digital reading shuld nt be cnsidered screen time in the traditinal sense.
    With the large number f educatinal technlgical prducts that lack research and gd design, the millin-dllar questin is: What makes a digital stry gd fr children’s learning? Over the past 20 years, researchers have identified specific design features and reading situatins that make sme digital bks mre educatinal than thers. First, it’s crucial that digital bks ffer high-quality persnalized reading experiences. With bks that have AI-based text generatrs and a mre pen-ended design, children becme multimedia creatrs, c-writers and c-illustratrs f their wn stry universe. Secnd, digital bks can significantly enhance the parent-child reading experience. The questins embedded (嵌入的) in digital bks shuld mdel and expand what the parent might ask, and thrugh this mdeling, enhance the quality f parents’ talk arund the bk.
    But as much as I supprt digital reading, the cmmercial turn in the develpment f ed tech wrries me, particularly in relatin t prfit-driven design and misuse f children’s data. Like sme scial media, subscriptin libraries turn kids’ attentin int a cmmdity (商品) thrugh autmatic bk recmmendatins. These bks are ften tied t advertising clicks and exhibit lw literary quality in their stries. Furthermre, there’s ften n cntent versight, allwing anyne t becme a publisher, which can lead t the creatin f biased r data-gathering materials targeting children. Generative AI has expanded cntent creatin pssibilities but als raised cncerns abut quality. In this regard, digital bks, like all ed tech, need strict quality checks and imprved cllabratin between researchers and develpers.
    Anyway, the digital reading frmat has pened an exciting new research frntier. This includes using real-time data that teachers and ther prfessinals can use t individualize hw children learn t read. AI can be a gd partner in supprting adults’ chice f texts, prmpts and reading activities fr children, prvided it is trained with diverse data and valid reading mdels. As researchers’ calls fr evidence-based children’s ed tech are being heard by gvernments and funders, I hpe the past tw decades f e-bk research can deliver the advantages f digital bks t all children. Like it r nt, I hpe yu’ll see that, at least fr reading, screens can be an amazing tl t teach yur child t read.
    29. What is the authr’s attitude twards cunting digital reading as screen time?
    A. Supprtive.B. Neutral.C. Cautius.D. Disapprving.
    30. Accrding t the passage, digital bks cntribute t ______.
    A. mre pen-ended questinsB. quality parent-child interactin
    C. persnalized design featuresD. changes in kids’ reading habits
    31. What are the majr threats t digital reading?
    A. Prfit-driven design and data misuse.B. The strict checks n the cntent.
    C. The great number f advertisements.D. Lw literary quality but high prices.
    32. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T highlight the risks f screen time.B. T intrduce sme advances in ed tech.
    C. T ffer anther view n digital reading.D. T present the benefits f reading nline.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
    Features f Mdern-Day Heres: Beynd Superpwers and Capes
    In mdern sciety, herism has evlved (演变) frm the traditinal idea f a brave r nble character t individuals wh shw exceptinal curage, selflessness, and dedicatin t a cause. Frm healthcare wrkers and first respnders t scial activists, heres cme in all shapes and frms. ___33___ Fr this questin, we need t examine the varius characteristics that make a persn a her and the impact they have n sciety.
    ___34___ In ancient myths, herism was ften assciated with figures r warrirs with superhuman abilities. They were ften shwn as larger-than-life figures wh represented the values and beliefs f their wn cultures. As scieties became mre cmplex, the definitin f herism als changed.
    In the mdern wrld, the term herism has a much brader meaning. While physical strength and fighting skills are still valued, mral curage, selflessness, and resilience have becme just as imprtant. In tday’s sciety, a mdern her can be smene wh stands up fr his r her beliefs, even if it ges against scietal nrms, r smene wh puts the needs f thers befre his r her wn.
    One f the mst critical changes in mdern herism is including peple frm all walks f life. Tday, peple frm varius backgrunds and experiences are recgnized fr their cntributins, frm first respnders wh put their lives n the line in emergencies t activists wh fight fr scial justice. ___35___
    The rise f scial media has als affected hw herism is viewed and celebrated. ___36___ The danger f scial media, hwever, is that it reduces herism t a ppularity cntest in which the deeds that are “liked” r “shared” the mst are cnsidered particularly heric. In reality, herism is much mre cmplex than that.
    Althugh herism has evlved, it remains an essential aspect f ur sciety. Real heres remind us that we all have the pwer t psitively impact the wrld, n matter hw big r small ur deeds may seem.
    Herism has cme a lng way since its rigins in ancient civilizatins. ___37___ Hwever, the true essence (实质) f herism isn’t ppularity r fame but a lasting cmmitment t serving thers and making the wrld a better place.
    A. Mdern herism ften takes shape in acts f kindness.
    B. Herism has a lng histry and varies in different cultures.
    C. But what are the defining characteristics f a mdern her?
    D. The evlutin f herism reflects the evlutin f sciety itself.
    E. Mdern heres exist in every prfessin and every crner f sciety.
    F. It has given rdinary peple a platfrm t share and get recgnized fr their heric deeds.
    G. It has expanded t include mre peple and traits, and scial media has expanded its reach.
    第一节(共4小题,第58-60 小题各2分,第61小题5分,共11分)
    Mst research supprts the idea that music’s main benefit fr students is the uplift f md and thus f abilities t cncentrate n tasks and study fr lnger perids f time.
    What kind f music are we talking abut then? Sme Drake? Bach? SpngeBb? What’s the magic sng? Again, cmplicated (复杂). Yu want smething that’s ging t drp yu right int that sweet spt f what is called medium arusal; a playlist that’s t bring might make yu sleepy, while a sng that’s t exciting might make it harder fr yu t fcus. Sngs with 60-70 beats per minute have been suggested t be gd fr keeping infrmatin. Beethven’s Fr Elise is an example. Listening t Mzart has als been shwn in studies t imprve the prductivity f its listeners.
    There’s quite a bit f cntrversy n the effectiveness f having music n while yu study even music that puts yu in the right md. A study cnducted by the University f Wales fund that students cnsistently perfrmed wrse n tests when expsed bth t music that they liked and music they didn’t like, meaning that listening t music, regardless f hw it made the students feel, was fund t be just as distracting as a persn talking t yu while yu’re wrking.
    That same study als fund that alng with a cmpletely quiet envirnment, students als perfrmed best when they were played repetitive sunds r sunds f nature.
    Anther similar study hwever, fund that while average perfrmance was lwer fr the music-listening grup, the variatin in individual scres suggests that the effects f the music vary a lt frm persn t persn, and hence why it’s difficult t definitely say whether music helps r hurts.
    There seems t be agreement n ne thing at least, which is that music with lyrics (歌词) definitely is a n-g. Prcessing lyrics means there’s n rm in the language prcessing part f yur brain t wrk n ther tasks, especially when this invlves reading r writing. The brain, actually, desn’t have the ability t multitask at all. What yu think is multitasking is actually just yur pr ld ndle rapidly switching between everything, but cncentrating n nthing. Sad!
    38. What kind f sngs can be gd fr keeping infrmatin?
    39. Why is listening t music with lyrics nt helpful fr study?
    40. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    ▶The study cnducted by the University f Wales fund that students perfrmed best when they were expsed t music.
    41. Apart frm the aspects mentined in the passage, hw can listening t music influence yu? (In abut 40 wrds)
    42. 假设你是红星中学高一(1)班学生李华。你收到英国笔友Jim的邮件,请你阅读并回复该邮件。
    Hw t live a sustainable life
    Our wrld is facing great challenges due t ur cnsumptin habits. We all need t make a/ an 13 twards sustainability.
    Fd chices
    ● Chse lcal plant- based 14
    Travel ptins
    ● Use public transprtatin r 15
    Energy usage
    ● Turn ff lights when nt in use
    ● Adjust heating and 16 systems
    Shpping habits
    ● Chse durable and 17 items
    ● Embrace the cncept f sharing and repairing gds
    Dear Li Hua,
    I have been using AI a lt recently — it’s unbelievable hw much it can help. Hwever, I’m als cncerned abut its ptential negative impacts. Fr example, I wrry that depending n it t much might reduce my ability t think independently.
    What are yur suggestins fr me n using AI prperly?
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Best regards,
    第一节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C
    6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    11. t recgnize 12. pushing
    13. differently 14. have inspired
    15. n 16. pwerful
    17. intrduces 18. was attracted
    19. What 20. where
    第一节 (共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)
    21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D
    25. A 26. B 27. C 28. C
    29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
    33. C 34. D 35. E 36. F 37. G
    第一节(共4小题,第58-60 小题各2分,第61小题5分,共11分)
    38. Sngs with 60-70 beats per minute.
    39. Because prcessing lyrics means there’s n rm in the language prcessing part f ur brain t wrk n ther tasks, especially when this invlves reading r writing.
    40. 此题接受两种答案:
    ▶The study cnducted by the University f Wales fund that students perfrmed best (students perfrmed wrse) when they were expsed t music.
    The study cnducted by the University f Wales fund that students perfrmed best when they were expsed t music (when they were played repetitive sunds r sunds f nature).
    41. Music helps me t build scial cnnectins. Music smetimes speaks better than wrds, and I find it easy t befriend smene wh shares a similar interest in music. In a way, music brings peple tgether and create a sense f cmmunity and shared experience.
    42. Dear Jim,
    I understand yur wrries and cncerns. AI can help us in ways we cannt even imagine, but it als has the ptential t vershadw ur independent thinking if we rely n it t much.
    T get the mst ut f AI while remaining independent thinkers, I think we need t adpt a few appraches. Firstly, use AI fr repetitive tasks that call fr a lt f energy but d nt require creativity. This will allw us t give mre time t intellectually challenging tasks. Als, we need t maintain a critical mindset, always questining the infrmatin presented by AI and nt accepting it at face value.
    Anyway, AI is already part f ur life, and we need t learn t wrk in harmny with it. What d yu think?
    Li Hua
    Dear Jim
    It’s great t hear frm yu, and I’m glad t knw AI is helping with yur learning.
    T enjy the benefits f AI while minimizing risks, first, use AI as a supplementary tl rather than a primary surce. This way, yu can enhance yur learning withut becming verly dependent n it, ensuring yu still engage in critical thinking. Secnd, balance AI usage with traditinal study methds by setting specific times fr AI use and thers fr manual learning. This apprach will help yu maintain and strengthen yur independent prblem-slving skills and cgnitive abilities.
    I hpe these suggestins are helpful. Lking frward t hearing hw they wrk ut fr yu!
    Li Hua

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