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    这是一份广东省深圳市罗湖区2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题,文件包含文字广东省深圳市罗湖区2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题docx、答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024. 1
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    第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    The famus magazine, Runner’s Wrld, has chsen sme f the best, mst difficult and enjyable UK races.
    Tp f the Wlds 10K Challenge
    This 10-km cuntryside track in Yrkshire is all fun until yu take the left turn at Nunburnhlme. At this pint, yu enter a serius uphill part, but thankfully the uphill part nly lasts fr arund 1. 5 km. Yu’ll have abut a kilmetre t enjy the views befre the way takes yu dwnhill again, and back t where yu started in Warter--a cute little village.
    Scurry2Bridges Run
    This 161-km relay race is divided int 16 parts, s yu each run 4 separate parts. Over the curse f this day-lng adventure, yu’ll each run abut marathn distance while the wrkers will drive arund fr pick-ups and drp-ffs at relay exchange pints between the start in Dundee and the finish in Edinburgh.
    Scafell Sky Race
    Here’s a trail run (越野跑) that is nt suitable fr beginners. With a ttal f 3, 500 m f ascent (上坡路), this is unquestinably ne f the hardest events arund. Gd thing is that the views are beautiful, and that there’s ht fd and a bttle f apple juice waiting fr yu in the end.
    Offa’s Dyke 15
    The traditinal 15-mile distance begins at the Clck Twer in Hay-n-Wye and includes a few hard climbs befre finishing in Kingtn. This year the hard event has added a challenging 10 km arund Kingtn.
    21. What d we knw abut Scurry2Bridges Run?
    A. It is a 161-mile relay race. B. It has an uphill part abut 16 km.
    C. It requires runners t run and drive. D. It is a relay race made up f 16 parts.
    22. Which race best suits racers wh want t enjy fd at the end f a race?
    A. Tp f the Wlds 10K Challenge. B. Scurry2Bridges Run.
    C. Scafell Sky Race. D. Offa's Dyke 15.
    23. What d the fur races have in cmmn?
    A. They are held in the cuntryside. B. They are tugh but exciting races.
    C. They ask runners t take part alne. D. They can prvide the runners with fd.
    Dr. Elsa Olivetti has always been interested in hw materials science can change the way we stre energy. When she started her wrk at MIT, she was excited abut discvering the secrets f sustainable battery prductin.
    During her research, her main fcus was n a special kind f battery, called slid-state batteries, and a material named LLZO. She discvered a big challenge: finding and getting a special material called tantalum, which is nt easy t find but necessary fr the prductin f LLZO. This inspired her t lk at the whle prcess f making batteries beynd the labratry, frm getting the materials t prducing the final prduct.
    Dr. Olivetti and her team lked int hw these materials are mined, prcessed, and turned int batteries. They fund that if we want t use mre electric cars in the future, we need t get much better at prducing and delivering materials like tantalum. Then, Dr. Olivetti aims t figure ut a creative slutin t the challenge. She wrked with industry leaders t develp sustainable mining practices and called n plicy changes t supprt a better supply chain, which prves effective.
    Dr. Olivetti stresses that her wrk is nt meant t replace traditinal methds. Instead, it's meant t help make the battery prductin better by lking bradly at the things that culd make energy strage efficient. Lking ahead, Dr. Olivetti remains cmmitted t imprving sustainable energy strage. She wants t make the prductin prcess less wasteful and mre cst-effective, creating a future where energy strage is nt nly gd but als kind t ur planet.
    Reflecting n her wrk, Dr. Olivetti ften says that what she des is mre than just science. "Each step we take twards mre efficient and envirnmentally-friendly battery technlgy is a step twards a better wrld, " stressing the imprtance f curisity and perseverance in the pursuit f scientific explratin.
    24. What was Dr. Olivetti's interest in her wrk at MIT?
    A. Making electric cars cheaper. B. Making batteries mre sustainable.
    C. Figuring ut ways t mine materials. D. Dealing with challenges f prductin.
    25. Why is tantalum imprtant in Dr. Olivetti's research?
    A. It reduces prductin csts. B. It helps sustainable mining.
    C. It is a cmmn battery material. D. It is imprtant fr LLZO prductin.
    26. Hw did Dr. Olivetti deal with the challenges in battery prductin?
    A. She fcused n lab experiments.
    B. She wrked with industry leaders.
    C. She develped a new type f electric car.
    D. She replaced ld methds with mdern nes.
    27. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The Science f Battery. B. The Future f Electric Cars.
    C. The Imprtance f Tantalum. D. The Wrk n Better Batteries.
    It's knwn that reading is gd fr a child's vcabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math r science cncepts and helping them learn histry. Apart frm thse, reading has anther benefit. Have yu read a stry and felt tears well up because f a character's suffering? If s, that is because yu have empathy (共鸣) fr the character-and empathy can be learned thrugh varius fictins. "It's a magic eye that sees int ther peple's hearts, "explains authr Cressida Cwell.
    Research shws that human brains react differently t stries and facts. "Many mre areas f yur brain light up when yu're enjying a stry, " explains Miranda McKearney frm EmpathyLab, an rganizatin that builds empathy thrugh reading. "Yur brain thinks yu are in the stry. . . This means yu experience the characters' thughts as if they are real. "
    Empathy helps yu t read peple's emtins and wrk ut the best way t respnd. This skill, called emtinal intelligence, can make it easier t cmmunicate and cnnect with peple. Research has shwn that building empathy can lead t greater kindness and tlerance. One study fund that children wh read the Harry Ptter nvels -which tell stries abut humans fighting against the evil-were less likely t behave unfairly twards pwerless grups including refugees(难民).
    This thery has been put int practice by St Michael's Primary Schl. After reading The By at the Back f the Class--a stry abut a by wh is a refugee escaping frm the war-students in that schl were inspired t d a 10-mile walk fr the nn-prfit rganizatin Refugee Actin. Their empathy als spurred them t raise f1, 000 fr peple wh were frced t leave their hmes because f war.
    Reading encurages children t empathize with thers, which culd ptentially lead t several beneficial learning utcmes, new research suggests. Fr sciety t develp, creative, cmmunicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
    28. Why d readers cry abut a character's experience?
    A. They have magic eyes. B. They want t shw empathy.
    C. They understand his feelings. D. They have the same experience.
    29. What des the authr shw by referring t the Harry Ptter nvels?
    A. The prcess f building empathy. B. The benefits f develping empathy.
    C. The definitin f emtinal intelligence. D. The results f the schl's activity.
    30. What des the underlined wrd "spurred" mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Reminded. B. Permitted. C. Persuaded. D. Encuraged.
    31. What might the authr advise children t d?
    A. Read t learn empathy. B. Becme empathetic t thers.
    C. Put themselves in thers' shes. D. Read as many bks as pssible.
    While cnducting a survey by airplane f nrthern Guatemala, researchers detected an ancient Maya site. "We can nw see the entire landscape f the Maya regin" in this sectin f Guatemala, said Carls Mrales-Aguilar, ne f the researchers frm the Department f Gegraphy and the Envirnment at the University f Texas.
    The findings were the result f the survey using lidar(雷达), r light detectin and ranging, which has been revlutinary fr studying histric sites. In lidar, lasers are sent ut and the reflected light is used t create imagery f a landscape. The technlgy is particularly beneficial in areas with limited visibility such as the rainfrest in maya site, as lasers can enter the heavy tree canpy, the thick cver frmed by the leafy upper branches in a frest.
    The lidar data shwed "fr the first time an area that was integrated plitically and ecnmically, and never seen befre in ther places in the Western Hemisphere(西半球), " Carls wrte in the study. Using data frm the scans, the team identified mre than 1, 000 settlements dtting the regin. They were intercnnected by 100 miles f causeways that the Maya likely traveled n ft. They als detected the remains f several large platfrms and pyramids, alng with canals and reservirs used fr water cllectin.
    S what made this regin s attractive that the Maya wuld want t settle there in the first place?
    "Fr the Maya, the Miradr-Calakmul Karst Basin was the 'Gldilcks Zne', "Rss Ensley wrte, partner f Carls, a gelgist frm the Institute fr Gelgical Study f the Maya Lwlands in Hustn, Texas. "The Maya settled in this regin because it had the right mix f uplands fr settlement and lwlands fr agriculture. " Uplands lie abve the level where flding ccurs. They prvided a surce fr limestne, their primary building material, and dry land t live n. The lwlands are mstly seasnal swamps(沼泽), which prvided space fr wetland agriculture as well as rganic-rich sil fr use in terraced agriculture.
    Researchers hpe lidar technlgy will help them explre sectins f Guatemala that have remained a mystery fr centuries.
    32. Why did the researchers use lidar in the survey?
    A. It detects a wide range f lasers. B. It pictures quick and clear imagery.
    C. It passes lights thrugh frests easily. D. It imprves the visibility f rainfrests.
    33. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Why Maya drew great attentin.
    B. Hw Maya peple made a living.
    C. The research prcess after surveying the Maya.
    D. The findings thrugh bserving the Maya regin.
    34. What can we infer abut the Maya peple accrding t Rss Ensley?
    A. They transfrmed the land t survive.
    B. They were gd at upland agriculture.
    C. They preferred t build huses using limestne.
    D. They made a sund chice abut where t settle.
    35. Which is the best title fr the text?
    A. The Perfect Habitat fr the Maya Peple
    B. The Secrets f the Ancient Maya Civilizatin
    C. Revlutinary Use f Lidar Reveals Maya Settlements
    D. Lidar Technlgy Unlcks New Discveries f Rainfrests
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    Beach is a relaxing place t catch waves, get sme sun, enjy picnic, spt wildlife and g explring. Here are tips frm experts n hw t be a better beachger, s future generatins f sea lvers can get their beach therapy(疗法) when they need it.
    Use safer sunblck
    Many sunblcks advertise that they are "reef-friendly", which has n firm definitins, and their usage isn't regulated by gvernmental bdies. 36 . Only purchase mineral-based sunscreens s that it wn't d harm t reefs.
    Get invlved
    37 If yu frget t bring ne, find an abandned bag at the beach. It may seem a little gesture, but it will help remve rubbish. By wrking tgether peple can really make a difference.
    Thughtful tys fr kids
    It's fun fr yur little nes t play with plastic tys in the sand 38 . They end up plluting the envirnment and can be accidentally eaten by animals, causing them serius harm n even killing them. Pack metal r wden tys instead.
    Read the signs
    Signs at the beach aren't ptinal reading. They tell yu where yu can't g and what yu can't d, s yu dn't mess with the lcal ecsystem. 39 . They are strm barriers and hme t many animals.
    Destry what yu build
    It desn't matter hw much time and effrt yur children spent building sand castles r digging tunnels: if yu are n a beach marked as a sea turtle habitat, fill in the trench and knck dwn the structure. Sea turtles have heavy bdies and they can die if they fall int a hle and get trapped. 40 .
    A. S it's best t read the fine print carefully
    B. Beach-gers are generally advised t stay ff sand hills
    C. Thus, try yur best t be a cnsiderate ec-friendly turist
    D. Hwever, plastic tys break easily, leaving behind bits and pieces
    E. Sand structures als can prevent them frm reaching birthing areas
    F. Bring a reusable bag t clean up while yu're walking the shreline
    G. Have yur children pick up trash with yu when walking n the beach
    第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Everyne culd use a little sunshine in their life right nw, s a Wiscnsin farmer 41 t plant mre than tw millin sunflwers in his fields. Sctt Thmpsn's family has been 42 in Kensha Cunty fr mre than 70 years, and this is the first year that 43 have decrated the landscape. Usually, the pick-yur-wn farm 44 strawberries in summer and pumpkins in the fall.
    Lcated just 10 miles frm Kensha, Wiscnsin, Thmpsn Strawberry Farm is 45 peple t a simpler family uting where they can picnic and take hme a dzen sunflwers. Thmpsn and his wife thught it wuld be 46 t spread a little happiness t their 47 .
    Thmpsn 48 mre than 22 acres f flwers. The flwers are planted in mre than 15 fields t prvide 49 fr scial distance and spread ut. Wrd f the sunshine asis(绿洲) has spread 50 thrugh wrd f muth as peple cme t enjy a small 51 frm reality. "Everyne is s 52 , "Thmpsn said. "We've gt all these 53 n the NET. If I'm ut in the field, everybdy is like 'Thanks fr ding this, '(and)'This is what I need. "
    In additin t sunflwers, Thmpsn als planted a field f wildflwers, and Mexican sunflwers that are knwn fr 54 butterflies. Thmpsn said the sunflwers will be a 55 thing at the farm, even withut a pandemic.
    41.A. usedB. learnedC. decidedD. prmised
    42.A. farmingB. plantingC. gardeningD. decrating
    43.A. grassesB. treesC. leavesD. flwers
    44.A. demands fB. cnsists fC. searches frD. calls fr
    45.A. drawingB. takingC. sendingD. leading
    46.A. flexibleB. cnvenientC. idealD. timely
    47.A. friendsB. relativesC. custmersD. neighbrs
    48.A. turned verB. lked atC. picked upD. ended up with
    49.A. timeB. rmC. serviceD. infrmatin
    50.A. mstlyB. hardlyC. pssiblyD. slwly
    51.A. riskB. breakC. advantageD. challenge
    52.A. patientB. curiusC. cnfidentD. happy
    53.A. explanatinsB. inspiratinsC. cmmentsD. attitudes
    54.A. attractingB. feedingC. catchingD. warning
    55.A. specialB. fficialC. similarD. regular
    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Xuan paper is knwn as the "Paper f Ages" fr its many unique qualities. The term Xuan paper first appeared in a bk written by Tang Dynasty schlar Zhang Yanyuan, in 56 he described Xuan paper as 57 ideal carrier fr calligraphy and painting.
    The traditinal craft f making Xuan paper is 58 (extreme)demanding. Sandalwd bark(檀香树皮), a plant native t suthern China, ges thrugh 108 prcedures tgether with rice straw ver the curse f three years 59 it can transfrm int a batch f fine Xuan paper. The entire prcedure is s cmplex that even the mst skilled craftsman can nly master 60 (limit)steps.
    The flw f ink, bth guided and resisted by water, 61 (determine)the utput f Chinese art, and Xuan paper utshines thers with 62 (it)excellent ability t give full play t ink. Different rates f bark t straw during the paper-making prcess can create different paper best suited 63 artistic expressin in freehand ink paintings r calligraphy.
    Xuan paper 64 (accmpany)the passinate brushstrkes f the Chinese artists fr thusands f years. Unlike ther frms f paper, it is very resistant t damage brught by time, which has made it pssible 65 (preserve)many valuable wrks frm ancient China.
    Paper-making is a wisdm f the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the peak f paper-making.
    第三部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假定你是李华。外教Hans要求你班同学做一个主题为“The stry f an inspiring persn”的小组项目。作为组长, 请你给Hans写一封邮件, 内容包括:
    1. 项目设想;
    2. 恳请指导。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Hans,
    I am Li Hua, a student frm class 5.
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When Mrs. Russell finished ne f her lessns, she was ut f breath. A sudden burning stmachache started but she hped her students wuldn't ntice.
    "Yu lk pale, Mrs. Russell, are yu alright?" a kid, Tny, asked. Mrs. Russell tried t explain everything was alright, but the wrds just wuldn't cme ut. She became uncnscius and fell dwn in frnt f her class, and there were red and blue lights, many adults, and the sunds f children crying. An xygen mask was then put n her.
    "We'll see what we can d fr Mrs. Russell. Nw all f yu have t g back t class and listen t whatever Ms. Hansn tells yu, "Mr. Rberts, the headmaster, tried t ask Mrs. Russell' students t leave the ffice, but they wuldn't mve. Tny and Hannah were at the frnt f the pack. They were tld Mrs. Russell needed surgery, and hspitals cst mney.
    "We want t have Mrs. Russell cme back! She's the best teacher ever. Please help us, Ms. Hansn, " Hannah said, and all the kids ndded. "Kids, let's g back t the classrm and brainstrm tgether abut helping Mrs. Russell, "Ms. Hansn guided them back t the classrm and she instructed them t write a greeting card t Mrs. Russell.
    "A card is nt enugh t save Mrs. Russell. She needs mney t affrd the surgery. We need a grwn-up t help. "Tny tld his classmates at break. All the kids were thinking hard, and suddenly, Asher spke up. "My big sister is a senir in high schl. Well, I think she can make a link n a website r smething. Then we can raise the mney needed and help Mrs Russell!"
    All the classmates agreed and went hme t tell their elder brthers r sisters abut this idea. Asher's big sister, Dianne, started an nline grup, and she made an internet link immediately with her parents' apprval.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The link and the grup were shared thrughut the cmmunity quickly.
    Mrs. Russell was back at schl tw mnths later.

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