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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the wman dislike?
    A. The chicken.B. The salad.C. The tmates.
    2. When did the man get hme?
    A. At arund 1:00.B. At arund 3:00.C. At arund 10:00.
    3. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Calm.B. Angry.C. Pleased.
    4. Why des the man give up traveling abrad?
    A. He has t study.B. His parents disagreed.C. He failed an imprtant exam.
    5. What are the speakers ging t d tnight?
    A. Eat ut.B. Wrk n the paper.C. Stay at hme.
    6. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Father and daughter.
    7. What pet will the speakers get?
    A. A dg.B. A cat.C. A parrt.
    8. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In an apartment.B. In an ffice.C. On the phne.
    9. What is the man’s requirement fr the apartment?
    A. It’s clse t the dwntwn.B. It has tw bedrms.C. It’s near a park.
    10. What infrmatin des the man finally ask the wman fr?
    A. The address.B. The phne number.C. The price.
    11. What theme d the speakers pick fr the party?
    A. Jungle theme.B. Ocean theme.C. Beach theme.
    12. Wh likes t cllect beach hats?
    A. Bb.B. Tammy.C. Sara.
    13. Why wuld the speakers like t g t the beach this weekend?
    A. T pick up sme shells.B. T take sme phts.C. T enjy the sunshine.
    14. Where have the kids gne?
    A. T a café.B. T a mall.C. T a friend’s huse.
    15. What is wrng with the man’s new trusers?
    A. They are t small.B. They are t lng.C. They are brken.
    16. What will the wman d fr the man?
    A. Intrduce a tailr t him.
    B. Give him the mney back.
    C. G t the department stre with him.
    17. When des the big water fight begin in Thailand?
    A. On April 13th.B. On April 14th.C. On April 15th.
    18. Why d peple pur water n their elders’ hands?
    A. T wash away bad things.B. T shw respect.C. T have mre fun.
    19. What des the speaker suggest turists d?
    A. G t Thailand in April.
    B. Take valuable things with them.
    C. Wear a swimsuit under their clthes.
    20. What is the talk mainly abut?
    A. A festival.B. A turist site.C. A cmpetitin.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fur Cl Languages
    Arund 1.4 billin peple speak Chinese. Chinese is a tnal (声调的) language, meaning that changing the tne f just ne syllable (音节) can affect a wrd’s meaning. Chinese writing has ancient rts, which is thught t have develped starting arund 2000 B.C.
    Over 370 millin peple speak Arabic. Written Arabic uses a cursive-style fnt (连笔) that lks mre like artwrks than writing. Arabic is written frm right t left rather than left t right, making it different frm many ther languages.
    Arund 379 millin peple speak English as a native language. It’s an fficial language in a huge number f ther cuntries.
    English is the mst widely spken secnd language, with ver a billin peple speaking it as a nn-native language. That means arund twice as many peple speak English as a secnd language than peple wh speak it as a first language.
    Nearly 68 millin peple speak Italian. If yu play music r sing, chances are that yu already knw a lt f Italian because many familiar musical terms are actually Italian.
    Nt nly will learning Italian help yu pick up vcabulary, but it will als help yu understand the meanings f musical terms in greater depth.
    21.What is a feature f Arabic?
    A.It desn’t have cursive-style fnts.B.It helps artists with their artwrks.
    C.It is written frm right t left.D.It is clsely related t music.
    22.Which language is the mst widely used as a secnd language in the wrld?
    23.What’s the number f peple wh speak Italian?
    A.Nearly 68 millin.B.Arund 370 millin.
    C.Over 379 millin.D.Arund 1.4 billin.
    Peple wh give, live lnger, studies have shwn. Nw, a new study by University f Michigan shws that why peple vlunteer—nt whether they vlunteer—is what really cunts.
    Fr the study, Knrath and clleagues analyzed data cllected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same randm samples f 3,376 peple. Overall, they fund that just 2.3 percent f thse wh nce wrked as vlunteers had died, cmpared t 4.3 percent f nn-vlunteers. They further fund that hw much peple vlunteered mattered as well—nly 1.8 percent f regular vlunteers died, cmpared with 2.5 percent f ccasinal vlunteers.
    But what really made a difference were peple’s mtives fr vlunteering. The researchers asked peple t rate hw imprtant they fund varius reasns fr vlunteering, and they fund that the mre imprtant peple rated reasns such as feeling pity fr peple in need, the mre likely they were t be alive. Thse wh rated mtives related t persnal benefit as mre imprtant were mre likely t have died, and just as likely t die as thse wh didn’t vlunteer at all. These reasns included vlunteering because they enjyed the scial cntact, t escape their wn prblems, r t explre their wn strengths.
    Knrath says the current findings suggest it may be a pr idea t encurage peple t vlunteer because it’s gd fr them. “Vlunteering is increasingly being encuraged in schls and rganizatins. Sme grups say that it’s kay t want benefits fr yurself, and encurage peple t think f vlunteering as an exchange fr persnal interests. Sme grups emphasize the health benefits received thrugh vlunteering.” Knrath added, “Of curse, it’s reasnable fr vlunteers t expect benefits fr themselves. But the ptential health benefits f vlunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becmes a persn’s main mtive.”
    24.What des the new study mainly find?
    A.Hw we vlunteer makes sense t thers.B.Hw ften we vlunteer makes a difference.
    C.Whether we vlunteer decides ur well-being.D.Why we vlunteer has an impact n ur health.
    25.Hw did the researchers d the study?
    A.By analyzing statistics.B.By rating vlunteers’ perfrmances.
    C.By ding lab experiments.D.By gruping participants randmly.
    26.Which f the fllwing mtives will prbably cntribute t a lnger life?
    A.T develp abilities.B.T make mre friends.
    C.T help the pr peple.D.T slve persnal prblems.
    27.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Practical suggestins n further studies.B.A further explanatin f the current findings.
    C.Ptential applicatins f the research methd.D.A reasnable dubt abut the research results.
    When Kurt Benirschke started cllecting skin samples frm endangered animals in 1972, he didn’t have a firm plan n what t d with them. As a researcher at the University f Califrnia San Dieg, he believed that ne day these samples wuld be used t save these animals. A few years later, he mved his cllectin t the San Dieg Z, and called it the Frzen Z.
    Fr a lng time, it was the nly prject f its kind; hwever, in recent years, similar cnservatin effrts have spread glbally, and tls that Benirschke didn’t yet have are nw available. Tday, the Frzen Z is the wrld’s largest animal crybank(生物冷冻库), hlding samples frm ver 10,500 individual animals frm 1,220 species, in the hpe that ne day science can bring them back as a species.
    The Frzen Z’s advanced technlgy is the key t its success in saving species frm extinctin. By using crypreservatin techniques, the z can stre cells and tissues frm endangered animals. The stred genetic material can be used fr research, breeding(繁殖) prgrams, and ptentially even clning r genetic engineering t restre endangered species.
    By prtecting the genetic heritage f endangered animals, the Frzen Z prvides hpe fr the survival f species that wuld therwise be at risk f dying ut, and the preservatin f Earth’s precius bidiversity. It has inspired the establishment f similar crybanks wrldwide, expanding effrts t cnserve endangered species. These crybanks cntribute t the glbal netwrk f genetic resurces, imprving cperatin and knwledge exchange. By demnstrating the ptential f technlgy in the preservatin f bidiversity, the frzen z serves as a pwerful tl in raising awareness and driving change.
    The Frzen Z is like a time capsule, preserving the genetic heritage f endangered species fr future generatins. It reminds us abut the imprtance f cnservatin and ffers a windw int a wrld that culd therwise be lst frever.
    28.What d we knw abut the Frzen Z?
    A.It is the wrld’s ldest and largest animal crybank.
    B.It started with a detailed plan led by Kurt Benirschke.
    C.It is a prject t explre the evlutin f animal species.
    D.It was established t prtect animals in the San Dieg Z.
    29.Hw des the Frzen Z save species frm extinctin?
    A.By expanding their natural habitats.
    B.By raising their survival rate with genetic technlgy.
    C.By preserving their genetic material fr further research.
    D.By innvating breeding techniques t increase their ppulatin.
    30.Why des the authr mentin “time capsule” in the last paragraph?
    A.T stress the imprtance f the Frzen Z.
    B.T explain the urgency f saving endangered species.
    C.T prve the ptential value f preserving bidiversity.
    D.T shw the necessity f cperative cnservatin effrts.
    31.What wrds culd best describe the Frzen Z prject?
    A.Cstly and cntrversial.B.Prfitable and instructive.
    C.Cnservative and effective.D.Pineering and significant.
    When Richard Oswald was grwing up in nrthwestern Missuri in the 1950s, his dad had a firm rule: Dn’t plant crn until mid-May. But that rule has becme a relic f the past. In Rck Prt, a small farming cmmunity near the Nebraska brder, the grwing seasn nw begins mre than a mnth earlier.
    That’s nt surprising. Acrss much f the US, winter is nt as cld as it used t be. The fur warmest Januaries n recrd have all ccurred since 2016. In Missuri, winters are abut 4 degrees htter n average than in 1970-and farmers are starting t feel the effects.
    As the planet cntinues t warm, cld winter weather will becme less cmmn, said Amy Butler, a re-search scientist studying climate variability. “Hwever, less cld des nt mean never cld.” Butler said. In the past decade, Liz Graznak’s rganic vegetable farm near Clumbia, Missuri, has endured increasingly extreme swings in weather. “We dn’t get a cuple f inches f snw; we get 18 inches f snw all at nce and then in five days, it’ s 70 degrees again.” Graznak said. “We dn’t get a cuple f inches f rain; we get a 12-inch dwnpur in the span f 24 hurs. That’s devastating(毁灭性的)t a vegetable farm.”
    T help prtect her crps, Graznak has built fur large greenhuses n her prperty in just ver a decade. Inside, she’s able t grw delicate, high-value crps, including flwers, lettuce and spinach.
    But these greenhuses cme at a steep cst. Nearly seven years ag, Graznak spent mre than $18,000 t build a greenhuse and since then, the price has mre than dubled. “When I think abut these csts, in my brain, I say, ‘OK, hw many heads f lettuce is that?’” She said. “I knw I can sell a head f lettuce fr $4, s hw many heads f lettuce d I have t sell t be able t pay fr that greenhuse? And that’s a lt f lettuce.”
    32.What des the authr want t shw by telling Richard Oswald’s stry?
    A.New farmers shuld learn t farm n their wn.
    B.New farmers aren’t as experienced as ld nes.
    C.Fllwing traditinal farming rules is essential.
    D.Climate change is changing farming rules.
    33.What did Liz Graznak experience in the past decade?
    A.Many extreme weather events.
    B.A winter withut any cld days.
    C.Less snw and rain n the whle.
    D.Mre stable temperature than befre.
    34.What can be inferred frm Liz Graznak’s wrds in the last paragraph?
    A.The prfits f her farm have increased.
    B.She has lst hpe in the future f farming.
    C.The cst f farming has greatly increased.
    D.Budgeting is imprtant in mdern farming.
    35.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Farmers in the US are trubled by flds
    B.Farmers are wrried abut the future f farming
    C.Farmers are feeling climate change’s effect in the US
    D.Farmers are turning t greenhuses due t climate change
    If yu’ve ever been in a cheerful md, then met up with a bad-tempered friend, yu’ll knw hw infectius emtins can be. Befre yu knw it, yu realize that yu’re feeling dwn t. 36 . When yu’ve been sad, perhaps yur friend’s liveliness has helped t lighten yur md.
    Yu might wnder wh wins ut—if yu’re feeling happy and yur friend is feeling sad, d yu yield t their sadness r d they catch yur happiness? Part f the answer is likely depending n their and yur levels f expressiveness and receptiveness. 37 . If yu smile a lt when yu’re happy, yu’re mre likely t infect yur friend. Likewise, if yur friend is impressinable and mre prne (有做...倾向的) t cpying facial expressins, then they’ll be mre likely t catch yur smiles and start feeling happier.
    38 . Fr instance, there’s evidence that fear has a smell, and that smelling the sweat f an anxius persn can initiate activity in parts f the brain invlved in empathy (共情) and prcessing emtins. In fact, there desn’t need t be any physical cntact at all. Researchers have shwn that emtins can spread thrugh scial media. 39 .
    If and when yu encunter an ppsite emtin t yur wn, the experience will likely vary depending n hw invested yu are in that ther persn r peple. 40 . And if yu’re feeling sad and a bunch f strangers surrunding yu were laughing their heads ff, yu’re likely t find it really annying.
    A.Happily, it can wrk the ther way arund t.
    B.This is especially true when we’re interacting with smene we care abut.
    C.Everyne varies in hw emtinally expressive and impressinable they are.
    D.That isn’t t say that facial expressins are the nly way fr emtins t spread.
    E.These prcesses have t d with effective cmmunicatin and mutual understanding.
    F.If yu care abut them, yu’ll be mre mtivated t shift emtinally t match their state.
    G.Peple expsed t mre negative psts are mre likely t pst smething negative themselves.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    With Christmas appraching, I ften reflect upn ne particular evening in the early 1960s. Back then, we decided t g carlling (唱圣诞颂歌) t spread the Christmas spirit which might 41 smene else’s life. S we needed t take 42 new members, fr whm the nly 43 was warmth f spirit.
    Sn we discvered that carlling brught varius 44 . Smetimes we were greeted with pen drs and pen hearts, while ther times, flks remained in the safety and csiness f their hmes, watching 45 thrugh their windws.
    One stp n ur jurney particularly 46 ur memry. That night, after a cuple f sngs, ne dr swung pen. A gentleman, gray haired, tenderly 47 we g upstairs t sing fr his bedridden wife. He added 48 , “She lves music and used t be an pera singer.”
    We stepped briskly upward int the cuple’s 49 apartment. Bks, recrds, and antique furniture whispered stries t us. I reminded myself nt t stare 50 shwing disrespect t them.
    Sitting beside his wife, the gentleman gave us a 51 . Then ur vices rse and lingered arund their small hme. Had ur vices been given extra 52 and beauty fr this ccasin? Perhaps they had.
    A smile flickered n the wman’s 53 , yet beautiful face. She snuggled her head against her husband’s shulder and bth f them heartily enjyed ur perfrmance. Witnessing such a heartwarming scene, we felt it was a hly night, fr we were in the 54 f lve that was gentle and mild.
    At that mment, we fund, and maybe even 55 , the Christmas spirit.
    46.A.stuck inB.wke upC.sht upD.brught ut
    50.A.fr the sake fB.fr fear fC.in spite fD.in the hpe f
    As an epic (史诗) 56 brings back t life sme f the mst famus pets frm the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the highly 57 (expect) animated mvie Chang’an held its premiere (首映) in 58 was nce its namesake city, nw knwn as Xi’an, the prvincial capital f Shaanxi prvince n July 2.
    Prduced by Light Chaser Animatin, a Beijing-based animated studi knwn fr its fcus n tales inspired by traditinal culture and mythlgy, the mvie 59 (earn) a ttal bx ffice f 1.824 billin yuan and 60 audience f 44.155 millin s far, ranking secnd in the current mainland animatin film histry.
    61 a runtime f 168 minutes, the lngest f any Chinese animated mvie t date, Chang’an tells the decades-lng friendship f Li Bai, arguably the cuntry’s mst belved pet, and Ga Shi, his clse friend and a nted pet as well, and als gives a full 62 (describe) f the dynasty’s transitin frm peak prsperity t decline due t the unrest caused by An Lushan, wh was nce ne f Emperr Xuanzng’s mst favred 63 (general).
    Xie Junwei, wh c-directs the mvie with Zu Jing, says that he made multiple trips t Xi’an in search f inspiratin during the prductin, 64 (add) that the small statues and ancient paintings exhibited at the Shaanxi Histry Museum prvided them with 65 (value) ideas fr the film.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66.假定你是李华,请根据以下提示给你的英国朋友Adrian写一封邮件,介绍一下你校运动俱乐部(Sprts Club)的活动情况,内容包括:
    1. 活动的时间和地点;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 你的感受。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Adrian,
    Li Hua
    I hadn’t decided whether t fly hme fr Thanksgiving yet. I didn’t have the mney fr the ticket, plus I wasn’t sure I culd get enugh time ff frm my jb.
    All that wndering changed when my mm called. She gt right t the pint: “Yur grandmther isn’t well. Yur dad and I decided I shuld fly ut there fr Thanksgiving.” Mm was an nly child, s that made sense t me. But I was nt ready fr what I heard next. “We decided yu shuld cme alng, s I cver yur ticket.”
    As always, Mm’s plan went ff all right. I met her at the airprt. Mm was anxius t see her parents, especially her mther, wh was really fragile(虚弱). When we finally gt t their huse, we said hell and then Grandpa helped Grandma lie dwn again and tk us t the living rm, telling us we wuld eat Thanksgiving dinner at nn. He went int the kitchen.
    Mm paced(踱步) the flr. I asked her what the matter was. “He can’t ck,” she shk her head. “Hw’s he suppsed t fix a Thanksgiving meal fr us?”
    I tried t reasn with her. “Can’t yu smell dinner? Grandma is upstairs resting. Grandpa is the nly ne wh culd be cking.” But we culdn’t see thrugh the kitchen dr.
    Mm had an idea. “Let’s sneak ut(溜出去) the frnt dr and see what’s ging n. Then we will knw wh is really cking.” Grandpa had truble hearing, s he didn’t hear us leave. It was a crazy plan. I fllwed her arund the huse t the kitchen windws. There we watched Grandpa fill water glasses and make cffee. “When did he learn t make cffee?” Mm asked. Quietly, we ran back arund the side f the huse and int the living rm.
    Finally, the kitchen dr pened at nn.
    “Ww, I can’t believe it! This smells s gd,” I said.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 CBBAA6-10 BCCAA11-15 BCABB
    16-20 CABCA
    第二部分 阅读
    21-23 CBA24-27 DACB28-31 ACAD
    32-35 DACC36-40 ACDGF
    第三部分 语言运用
    41-45 DBACB46-50 BBDCB51-55 BBDAD
    56.that/which 57.expected 58.what 59.has earned 60.an 61.With/During 62.descriptin 63.generals 64.adding 65.valuable/invaluable
    第四部分 写作
    Hw are yu? I’m writing t share with yu smething abut ur schl’s Sprts Club.
    The Sprts Club is lcated in ur schl's gym, where a variety f activities are held every afternn after schl. At weekends, it is available all day fr all students interested in sprts events. Badmintn, basketball and table tennis are especially ppular. What excites me mst is that there are sme kinds f cmpetitins every few weeks, attracting many students t watch and enriching ur schl life. In a wrd, it is an ideal place t relax urselves.
    Best wishes!
    Finally, the kitchen dr pened at nn. We peeked thrugh the kitchen windw and saw Grandpa carrying a large tray full f fd. He placed it n the table and then mtined fr us t cme in. Mm and I lked at each ther, muths pen in surprise.
    “Ww, I can’t believe it! This smells s gd,” I said. We gathered arund the table, and Mm served the fd. As we tk ur first bite, we culdn’t help but smile. The turkey was tender and juicy, the mashed ptates were creamy, and the gravy was rich and flavrful. The cranberry sauce and stuffing were hmemade and delicius. “Grandpa, this is the best Thanksgiving dinner I’ve ever had,” I said, lking acrss the table at him. He smiled with pride. “I’m glad yu like it. I learned t ck when yur grandma gt t sick t d it herself.” “I had n idea yu culd ck like this,” Mm said, shaking her head in amazement. “Well, there’s a lt abut me that yu dn’t knw,” Grandpa teased. We all laughed and cntinued t enjy the delicius meal. It was a Thanksgiving that we wuld remember fr a lng time t cme.

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